2000, Volume 16
- 149-163 Manufacturing Profitability, Monopoly Power and Efficiency in a Small Open Economy: Implications on Competition Policies
by Ravi Ratnayake - 165-177 Dynamic Incompatibility, Bundling and Innovation in Systems Markets
by Gwanghoon Lee - 179-191 Effects of Minimum Quality Standard Under Horizontal Product Differentiation
by Hosaeng Rhee - 193-206 Government Expenditure and Political Business Cycle
by Chong-Bum An & Seoghoon Kang - 207-223 Sources of Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Korea
by Young-Yong Kim - 225-242 Did the Personal Pension Increase Savings in Korea?
by Young Jun Chun - 243-266 Fiscal Polocy Effects on Consumption and Current Account by Using a Discontinuous Time Horizon Model in Korea
by Chae-Deug Yi - 267-282 An Epidemic Model of the Diffusion of NOW/ATS Accounts
by Wooheon Rhee & Jinill Kim - 283-303 Tenure and Wages in Kansan Labor Markets, 1899
by Young-Chul Kim - 305-319 Procedural Requirements and US EPA's Decision-Making
by Seung-Kuk Cho - 321-337 Empirical Study of Exchange Rate Pass-Through: The Effect of Rival Exchange Rates
by Byoung-Ky Chang - 339-367 An Analysis of the Reserve Market: Interpreting Vector Autoregressions Using a Theoretical Model
by Imho Kang - 369-389 Industrialization, the Extent of MArket, and the Mobility of Labor: A Geographic Perspective
by Tae Jeong Lee - 391-408 Uncertain Lifetimes and the Implicaitons of Social Security in an Endogeneous Communication Model
by Kiyoung Lee - 409-429 Strategic Timing of Technology Dissemination
by Kisang Lee & Hyun Park - 431-450 The Optimal Taxation Theory Revisited: The Case of Inverse Demands
by Hoanjae Park & Kun-Ha Hwang
1999, Volume 15
- 5-27 On the Measurement of Environmetal Improvements by Public Averting Behavior
by Honjae Park - 29-42 Crisis Theory and Social Structures of Accumulation
by Hoseon Hwang - 43-53 The Won-Yen Exchange Rate and Purchasing Power Party During the Recent Float
by Jung Sik Kim - 55-82 Real Wages over Short- and Long-Term Business Cycles: A Time-Series Evidence
by Kiseok Lee - 83-99 Different Levels of Noncooperative Tacit Collusion: An Empirical Test
by In Kwon Lee - 101-121 Business Cycles in a Habit Formation Monetary Model
by Yongseung Jung - 123-146 Optimal Trade Policy under Bertrand Competition and Incomplete Information
by Young-Han Kim - 147-161 The Liquidity Effects: Evidence from Regulated Financial Markets
by Jaewoon Koo - 163-184 Endogenous Bequest Motive and Capital Accumulation: The Implications of Tax Policy
by Young Deak Yoon - 185-198 An Empirical Study on the Integration of Capital Markets: In Asian Equity Markets Setting
by Moonsok Oh & Sang Keun Lee - 199-212 The Elimination of Price Discrimination and Strategic Incentive of R&D
by Sang-Ho Lee - 213-233 Why Do or Do Not Nations Settle Their Disputes Bilaterally?: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of GATT Article XXII
by Gi-Hong Kim - 235-252 Market Division and Industrial Structure: Strategies for the Competitive Edge of the German Steel Industry in the Ninetheenth Century
by Young Goo Park - 253-267 Entrepreneur and Technological Change
by Myung-Joong Kwon & Jong-gul Lee - 269-286 Effect of Exchange Rate Uncertainty in Presence of Future Markets
by Hongmo Sung - 287-306 Purchasing Power Parity and Real Exchange Rates in Sri Lanka, 1977:11-1996:12
by Han Gwang Choo - 307-322 Multinational Enterprises as Guarantors of Product Quality
by Yongjae Choi - 323-336 A Structural Analysis for Forecasting Korea's Export Quantity
by Sang-Ho Lee & Soo-Sup Song - 337-350 A Multiregional Location Model of Monopolistically-Competitive Firms
by Ho Yeon Kim - 351-367 The Semi-Endogenous Growth Model for a Developing Economy and the Sources of Growth in Korea
by Chang-soo Lee - 369-380 Financial Structure of Firms in Oligopoly Evidence from Korea
by Kiwoong Cheong & Sanghack Lee - 381-397 Modeling Government Popularity: More Evidence for the United Kingdom
by Dong-Ho Lee - 399-413 What Happened to the Search Theory in the Late 1960s: A Methodological Study of Theory Transformation
by Jinbang Kim - 415-435 Effects of Environmental Regulation on Macroeconomic Performance and Welfare in a Small Open Economy
by Young-Jae Kim & Taek-Dong Yeo
1998, Volume 14
- 5-22 A Comparative Study on X-Inefficiency Between Korea and Taiwan
by Myung Hun Kang & Woo-Taik Chung - 23-40 Money Growth Uncertainty and Real Output: Trivariate VAR GARCH-M Model
by Seungjun Lee - 41-57 Welfare Costs of Inflation in a Monetary Economy with Transactions Costs
by Kwanghee Nam - 59-78 Seniority Pay, Turnover and Job Training in Korea
by Byung-You Cheon - 79-98 EGARCH Option Pricing with Assymetries in the Mean Equation
by Tae Hoon Kang - 99-113 Integration of Emergency Equity Markets: Major Asian Players
by Evzen Kocenda & Jan Hanousek - 115-133 Capital Mobility, Tax Competition, and the Provision of an International Public Goods
by Gangsun Rhee - 135-148 Trade, Capital Mobility and Growth in the Two Sector Model
by Young Man Yoon - 149-171 Sustainable Grouping of Economies for a Pacific Rim Trading Bloc
by Inkyo Cheong - 173-187 Chaging Comparative Advantage and Intra-Industry Trade in Korean Manufacturing Industries
by Taegi Kim & Sangho Kim - 189-203 Chaging Comparative Advantage and Intra-Industry Trade in Korean Manufacturing Industries
by Yong-Yil Choi - 205-229 The British 'Personal Capitalism': Some Evidence on Ownership and Control
by Dong-Woon Kim - 231-243 Testing the Tiebout Hypothesis in the U.S
by Myeong-Soo Kim - 245-260 Disequilibrium Behavior and Satisficing in the Centipede Game
by Youngse Kim - 261-272 The Social Cost of Monopoly with Asymmetric Lobbying Abilities
by Jung Hoon Keem - 273-289 Economic Growth and Fluctuations with the Endogenous Length of Business Cycles
by Dong-Pyo Hong - 291-308 Optimal Taxation of FDI in a Small Open Economy
by Sangwhan Lho - 309-322 The Measurement of International Capital Mobility by Using Error Correction Model in Korea
by Hong Kee Kim - 323-338 Learning by Doing and International Trade in a Succesively Monopolistic Market with Multistage Production
by Bokyeun Han - 339-358 Productivity-Enhancing Effect of Government Expenditure in a Two-Sector Intertemporal Optimizing Model
by Young-Jae Kim - 361-383 The Won/Dollar Exchange Rate Forecasting Models of the 1990s: Long Horizon Regression with Time Varying Coefficients
by Yeonho Lee & Doo-Yull Choi - 385-397 R&D Competition and Optimal Patent Design
by Innchan Lee - 399-412 The Factors Affecting Colonial Industrialization Through the Metro Worker's Migration
by Yong Jin Kim - 413-428 On an Assisted Buyback Scheme of North Korean Debt: A Strategic Analysis
by Shi-Young Lee & Sung-Pil Hong - 429-451 Economic Modelling of Soil Conservation: An Endogenous Growth Approach
by Kwan Soo Kim
1997, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 5-22 Will Randall and Stoll's Bound Still Hold in a Complete Inverse Demand System?
by Hoanjae Park - 23-38 Subjects in Experimental Bestshot Games Behave Like Case-Based Players
by Youngse Kim - 39-50 Subjects in Experimental Bestshot Games Behave Like Case-Based Players
by Sang Chul Suh - 51-74 Foreign Market Penetration Under Incomplete Information about Product Quality
by Seon Jae Kim & Young Han Kim - 75-90 Asymmetric Fluctuations with a Stochastic Growth
by Chang Kon Choi - 91-110 Energy Shocks and Macroeconomic Adjustment Policies for Korea
by Seung-Rae Kim - 111-121 Tax Evasion and Pricing Schemes for Monopolist
by Pang Ryong Kim - 123-144 Tariff vs. Export Subsidy: An Endogenous Growth Perspective
by Chong Wha Lee - 145-159 On the Enablement Function of Patents
by Yoon Hwan Hahn & Pyungil Yu & Soo Cheon Kweon - 161-177 Inter-Market Variation in the Rate of New Product Diffusion
by Choong-Han Yoon - 179-192 Estimating the Contribution of Disaggregated Public Capital to Productivity in Each Industry
by Dong Ki Min - 193-213 Health Risks in Food Products, Learning Opportunity and Values of Risk Information: An Application of Self-Protection Model
by Young Sook Eom
1997, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-36 Marginal Willingness-To-Pay Functions in a Dynamic Complete System
by Hoan Jae Park - 37-47 Arbitrage and Valuation with a Minimum Wealth Constraint
by Chong Min Kim - 49-72 Unconditional Estimation of Time-Varying-Parameter Models: A Gibbs-Sampling Approach
by Chung-Ki Min - 73-88 Government Revenue from Capital Controls: With Focus on Interest Seigniorage
by Dae Keun Park - 89-101 In Search of Some Criteria for Selecting Tariff Policies
by Yong Kee Lee - 103-126 The Temporal Aggregation Effect on the Predictability of Exchange Rate Volatility
by Keun Yeong Lee - 127-141 Real Shocks and the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate: In the Case of Wage Rigidity
by Hee-Ho Kim & John Dutton - 143-166 International Joint Venturing in the Steel Industry: A Theoretical Perspective
by Sae-Young Kim - 167-176 Korean Automobile Assemblers' Choice of Out-Sourcing Channel: Transaction Cost Approach
by Deuk Kyu Bok - 177-188 Markups, Real Wages, and Business Cycles
by Ugyeong Jeong & Joo Hoon Kang & Joo Han Bae - 189-214 A Study on the Role of Export Subsidies in Korea
by Yoon Heo - 215-234 The Collective Biographical Study of British Businessmen: A Review of Some Research Trends
by Dong-Woon Kim
1996, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 5-28 Averting Behavior by Victims in the Presence of Public Good Characteristics
by Hoan Jae Park - 29-45 Consumer Inventory, Price Break, and Price Dispersion
by Pilky Hong - 47-69 A Strategy for the Foreign Market Penetration under Complete Information
by Seon Jae Kim & Young Han Kim - 71-97 A Rational Expectations Equilibrium Model of the Business Cycle: Some Further Evidence for Korea 1970:1-1990:4
by Moon Hyun Jung - 99-112 Pollution Accumulation and Endogenous Growth in a Sustainable Equilibrium
by Yong Jin Kim - 113-141 Exact Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Fractional Models and Time Series Nature of the Real GNP of Korea
by Yang Seob Lee - 143-163 The Welfare Costs of Inflation with Two Alternative Means of Payment: Money and Trade Credit
by Joonwon Kim - 165-186 Public Choice in an Economy with Capitalization: A Dynamic Approach
by Mansoo Joo - 187-197 Exchange Rates and Pricing-To-Markets(PTM)
by Rosung Kwak - 199-218 Theory Construction in Industrial Relations: A Synthesis of PDR Systems
by Hyo Soo Lee - 219-242 Intertemporal Price Discriminmation under the Most-Favored-Customer Policy
by In Sung Cho - 243-260 The Features and the Development Strategies of German Industrial Technology from the 19th Century to the Beginning of the 20th Century
by Young Goo Park
1996, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 5-24 Characterizing the Failure of the Permanent Income Hypothesis
by Chulsoo Kim - 25-53 The Excess of Consumption Growth
by Myung Hoon Yi - 55-64 International-Journal-Article Productivity of Economic Departments in Korea: 1970-1994
by Jang C. Jin - 65-75 An Empirical Analysis of Long Run Relationship between Savings and Investment
by Hong-Kee Kim & Keun-Yeob Oh - 77-99 Imported Input Price, the Current Account and Macroeconomic Adjustment
by Chang Mo Ahn - 101-120 Third-Country Effects of the U.S. Poloicies on the Relative Real Exchange Rates in the G-7 Countries
by Hee-Ho Kim - 135-153 A Comparison of Industrial and Trade Structures of Korea, Japan, and the U.S.: How and Why Are They Different?
by Doo-Won Lee & Tae-Gi Kim - 155-165 Jevons's Curve Fitting
by Jin Bang Kim - 167-184 Incidence and Transition Rates of Unemployment in Kansas Labor Markets, 1899
by Young-Chul Kim - 185-205 A Choice Analysis of Wage-Hours Joint Determination in Chunchon Area: The Case of Male Labor Supply
by Byung-Hyun Kim
1996, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 5-22 Restructuring of Public Enterprises udner Political Constraint
by Dong Keun Cho - 23-43 Holding Options in Search and Matching
by Junghwan Seo - 45-74 Nonneutralities of Tax Rules, Inflation Uncertainty, and Investment Behavior in Korea
by Chung Mo Koo - 75-95 A Two Sector Interaction Model with Intra- and Inter-Sectoral Technology Spillovers
by Ugyeong Jeong - 97-112 Optimal Negotiation Pattern under a Revenue-Indexing Contract
by Shik Heo - 113-140 An Empirical Study on Relationship Between Real Estate Prices and the Value of Firms in Korea
by Kiwoong Cheong & Chi Soo Kim - 141-155 The Effects of Central Bank Invervention on the Volatility of Exchange Rates: Evidence from the Options Market
by Jong Moon Ko - 157-169 A Free Trade ARea of Core Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Nations(CAN): A Computational General Equilibrium Approach
by Inkyo Cheong - 171-190 Keynes and Steuart: The Aggregate Versus the Intersectoral Demand Theory of Output
by Hong-Seok Yang - 191-224 Introduction of Stock Market into Socialist Economy
by Jun-won Kang
1995, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 5-15 The Effects of an Environmental Tax on Trade: A CGE Approach to the Korean Case
by Dong Cheon Shin - 17-33 International Coordinations as a Credible Commitment Device of Domestic Policy
by Dong Geun Han - 35-47 Consumption Behavior and Liquidity Constraints
by Eun Young Chah - 49-66 Government Subsidy for Quality Improvement
by Cheong Seog Seo - 67-85 Regional Economic Integration and Worldwide Free Trade
by Sung Hoo Kim - 87-102 An Equilibrium Model of Search with Belated Information
by Dong Heon Kim - 103-120 The Implications of Convex Structure on the Fluctuations of Employment and Real Wages
by Chang Kon Choi - 121-134 Entry Barriers, Exit Option and a Theory of Optimal Obfuscation
by Chung Sik Yoo - 135-146 'Guilty or Not?'-Entrepreneurship in the Period of Alleged British Economic Decline, 1870-1914
by Dong Woon Kim - 147-162 Regional Forecasting Analysis for the Kyunggi Province
by Chul Hwan Kim
1994, Volume 10
- 5-21 A Model of Influence Competition with Migration
by Chung Sik Yoo - 23-38 Competition Versus Cooperation in Fiscal Policy Games with and without Policy Commitment
by Gangsun Rhee - 40-53 Is Increased Wage Flexibility Stabilizing?
by Sun Geun Kim - 55-81 Measurement of Productivity Change Revisited: Technical Change vs. Productivity Growth
by Jong-Kun Lee - 83-96 Monetary Policy and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics under Imperfect Capital Mobility
by Bom Yong Sung - 97-112 On the Empirical Relevance of the Aggregation Problem of the Input of Capital Stock in Production Function
by Cheol-Ho Cha - 113-132 Renegotiation and Coalition-Proof Nash Equilibria in a Dynamic Game of Information Trading
by Heesoo Chung - 133-153 The Impact of Product Market Oligopoly on Union Formation
by Jaeki Lee - 155-180 Evidence Forging Collusions in Hierarchical Organizations
by Dae Sik Lee - 181-190 International Trade in Assets under Uncertainty: A Theoretical Analysis
by Jae Ho Cho & Myung Hoon Yi - 191-206 Intersectoral Allocation and Economic Growth: The Case of Korea
by Dong-Ju Kim - 207-227 Is the Exchange Rate Predictable in the Long-Run?
by Soowon Mo & Wookil Cho - 229-256 Overvaluation of Real Exchange Rate and International Competitiveness of Manufactured Goods-Experiences of Korea, Taiwan and Singapore
by Yen Kyun Wang - 257-276 The Effects of Monetary Growth on Non-Traded Goods Sector: An Empirical Investigation
by Joonmo Cho & Ashraf Nakibullah - 277-284 The Impacts of a Wage Tax on Urban Structure
by Duck-Ho Lim - 285-303 The Urban-Rural Cost-of-Living Differentials in Kangwondo
by Byung Hyun Kim - 305-316 Wage Inequality and International Trade-The U.S., Korea, and Decreasing Tariff
by Pyeong Tak Nahm
1993, Volume 9
- 5-23 Politically Optimal Choice of Inflation Policy
by Byung Hee Soh - 25-42 Optimal Labor Contracts under Wage and Share Systems
by Joo Min Park - 43-66 Trade, Protection, and Optimal Trade Policy in a Vertically Related Market
by Bok Yeun Han - 67-92 An Empirical Evaluation of the Monetary Approach to Exchange Rate Determination
by Byeong Wan Lee - 93-114 The Role of Capital Structure in Entry-Deterring Capacity Investment
by Sung Wook Lee - 115-126 Voluntary Disclosure of Information
by Jong Haak Hong - 127-139 The Economic Effets of the Land Value Tax: In the Case of a System of Cities
by Duck Ho Lim - 141-170 Market Structure, Aggregate Uncertainty and Social Value of Information in a General Equilibrium Model
by Young Hwan Lee - 171-185 Monopolistic Price Adjustment and The Effectiveness of Anticipated Money
by Seok Hyong Yoo - 187-199 The Hat Model: An Estimation Method of Censored Panel Data with Random-Effects Specification
by Byeong Soo Kim - 201-232 Univariate Properties of The Korean Economic Time Series
by In Choi
1992, Volume 8
- 5-13 Global Dynamics in a Simple Macro Model
by Rajat Deb & Tae Kun Seo - 15-23 Import Tariff, Voluntary Export Tax and Oligopolistic Profits
by Dong Cheon Shin - 25-47 The Political Economy of Statism in the Korean Development
by Kwan S. Kim - 49-66 Human Capital and Economic Development
by Gyu Han Kim - 67-78 Measurement of the Factor Content of Trade with Trade Barriers
by Eun Joong Kang - 79-97 Intra-Industry Trade Theory in Vertically Differentiated Products
by Sang Ho Kim - 99-115 On the Predictive Power of the Spread Between Spot and Forward Exchange Rates for Volatility
by Tae Hwy Lee - 117-129 Intraindustry Trade of Intermdediate Goods: Determinants and Welfare
by Tae Gi Kim - 143-162 Varying Parameter Estimation of the Interest Elasticity of M1 Demand, 1974:1-86:1
by Myung Suk Kang - 163-174 The European Monetary System: An Asymmetric System or a Cooperative System?
by Bang Nam Jeon - 175-190 The Generational Welfare Analysis of International Labor Migraitons
by Young Deak Yoon - 191-213 Factor Price Distortions, Resorce Allocation, and Growth: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
by Jene K. Kwon & Hoon Paik - 215-241 Dynamic Segmented LAbor Markets with a Monopoly Union: A Theoretical Approach
by Jinsoo Hahn
1991, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 5-27 Recursive Utility and The Equivalence Principle for One-Sector Dynamic Models
by Byun Youn Sung - 29-47 The Wald and LM Testing for Structural Change in a Linear Simultaneous Equation Model
by Soo Bin Park - 49-58 An Intertemporal Contract Model of A Dualistic Economy Under Uncertainty
by Hongshik Bae - 59-78 Household Production-Issues and Prospects
by Chiho Kim - 79-97 General Policy Implications of Market Structure-Performance Relationship: An Application of Bayesian Search Theory
by Tai Koo Chang - 99-108 Trade Diversion Effects of Korea of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement
by O Yul Kwon - 109-133 The Model of Price-Setting and Wage-Setting Firms with Adaptive Expectations
by Kyung Seop Shim - 135-146 General Equilibrium Approach to Government Spending Effect
by Seong-Suhn Kim - 147-171 Male-Female Wage Differences in Korea
by Kil Man Shin & Young Sook Chung - 173-189 Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek Theory and Empirical Study
by Un Young Kim - 191-208 A Monetary Interpretation of Output Fluctuations
by Chang Geun Kim
1991, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-30 Trader's Optimal Order Placement Strategies with Limit and Market Orders
by Ha Sung Jang & Byoung Heon Jun - 31-52 On the Indeterminancy and Robustness of Financial Equilibria in Economies with Restrictions on Portfolio Choice
by Young Whan Lee - 53-59 Disutility and Self-Selection Problems
by Jae-Cheol Kim - 61-71 The Welfare Effects of Uncertain Tax Policies
by Iltae Kim - 73-98 Technology Manpower Supply Systems in Education in Korea and International Comparison
by Yen Kyun Wang - 99-112 A Test of the Multi-Factor Asset Pricing Model in Korea
by Kiwoong Cheong - 113-127 The Influence of New Conservatism on U.S. Fiscal Federalism
by June Woo Park & Thomas G. Fox - 129-145 Disability, Work Environment and Job Duration: A Hazard Model Approach
by Yang Woo Kim - 147-171 A Study of Endogenizing Regulated Interest Rates and Capital Flows under Financial Deregulation
by Yeong-Rin Kim - 173-190 Bond Portfolio Immunization with Imperfect Correlation of Forward Rates in Stable Paretian Markets
by Jae Wook An - 191-204 The Policy Evaluation with Channels of Influence Technique: Examination of Stock Markets Case
by Byun Youn Sung
1990, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 5-18 Multiperiod Multitrade Bargaining
by Hyung Bae - 19-30 Demand for Risky Asset under Regulation
by Jaang Daehong - 31-39 Rational Expectations in a Standard Keynesian Model
by Jun Young Kim - 41-60 The Term Structure of Interest Rates, the Stochastic Bond Price, and Immunization
by Choong Sup Tark