1990, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 61-72 The Product Life Cycle and New International Division of Labor
by Hyun Hoon Lee - 73-90 Tax Evasion and Bribery
by Sung Tai Kim & Ji Hyun Park - 91-128 Land Speculation in Korea: Causes, Economic Impact and a Proposal for Institutional Reforms
by Jin Soon Lee - 129-140 The Determinants of Korean Foreign Direct Investment in the United States Wholesale Trade
by Yoong Deok Jeon - 141-171 An Optimizing Model of Education and Economic Planning for Korea
by Tae Soo Song - 173-205 An Unskilled Labor Market in the U.S.-A VAR Explanation
by Chiho Kim
1990, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-17 A Reexamination of the Relationship Between Bergson and Arrow Social Welfare Functions
by Wan Jin Kim - 19-42 A Reinterpretation of Riley Reactive Equilibrium and the Perfect Market Generalized Reaction Equilibrium in a Screening Model
by Eung Won Nho - 43-62 Economic Growth, Income Distribution, and Macroeconomic Policies
by Chong Ook Rhee - 63-81 Test for Partial Rationality
by Dong Soon Park - 83-119 The Household Wealth Accumulation: Some New Evidence
by Kwan Young Kim - 121-137 The Welfare Cost of Social Security due to Changes in Private Saving: The Case of Capital Income Taxation
by Won Shik Kim - 139-155 The Demand for Inputs into U.S. Household Production, 1948-85
by Chi Ho Kim - 157-177 Returns to Higher Education Revisited: Human Capital Versus Screening
by Byong Suh Choe - 179-201 An Empirical Study on the Effects of Trade Patterns on Establishment Size
by Tai Yul Lee - 203-215 The Economics and Public Policy of Resale Price Maintenance
by Kwang Shik Shin - 217-241 The Contribution of Telecommunications Sector to Economic Growth
by Jae Chon Park
1989, Volume 5
- 1-14 On the Existence of a Financial Equilibrium in Asset Trading Economies when Market Participations are restricted
by Young Whan Lee - 15-35 A Second Look at Two Early Capital Controversies
by Keehyun Hong - 37-58 Rationality vs. Adaptivity: An Empirical Test Using the ASA-NBER Survey Data
by Taeck Soo Chun - 59-75 The Credibility of Monetary Policy: A Comparison between the Bank of Japan and the Federal Reserve
by Benjamin J.C. Kim - 77-84 Technical Progress and Unemployment in a Small Open Economy
by Young Kwang Lee - 85-104 Alternative Approaches to the Anlysis of Debt Servicing Capacity in LDCs
by Changhee Chae - 105-132 The Performance of Government-Funded R&D in the Productivity of U.S.A. Manufacturing Industry
by Chong Ook Rhee - 133-148 Economic Development and Urban Decentralization
by Gill-Chin Lim & Man-Hyung Lee
1988, Volume 4
- 1-26 A Dynamic Dual-Sector Model of Migration , Unemployment and Development with Sector-Specific Human Capital
by Hongshik Bae - 5-23 Oil Shocks and Demand for Oil: An Analysis of Ex Post Factor Substitution
by Tae-Dong Kim - 25-36 Price Expectations and Tests on The Rational Expectations Hypothesis in Money Market and Philips Curve
by Jun Young Kim - 37-49 Income Inequality and its Effect on Mass Violence
by Kang H. Park - 51-72 Income Taxation vs. Consumption Taxation in Terms of Welfare Implications
by Seong-Tai Kim - 73-80 A Model of LDC's Foreign Reserves Demand: The Case of Korea
by Inchul Kim - 81-94 The Simplified Estimation of a Nonlinear Simultaneous Equations Model with Selectivity
by Hoe Kyung Lee - 95-129 Stochastic Reduced Form Forecasts and Their Risk Improvements under Structural Specification Uncertainty in a Simultaneous Equations Model
by Jun-Ho Jeong - 131-164 Tests for Separability and Existence of Consistent Monetary Aggregates: The Korean Case
by Jeong-Ho Hahm & Woon-Gyu Choi - 165-175 Capital Controls and Premiums on Closed-End Fund Shares: The Case of the Korea Fund
by Keehwan Park - 177-199 U.S. Steel Import and International Competitiveness
by Sae-Young Kim & Garth L. Mangum - 201-213 The Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on the Prices in Korea
by Kiheung Kim - 215-225 Day of the Week Effects in Common Stock Returns: The Case of the Asian Stock Markets
by Insup Lee & Richardson Petit - 227-256 A Comparative Analysis of Industrial Relations: Korea and Japan
by Hyo-Soo Lee - 257-268 Quit Behavior in U.S. Manufacturing Industries
by Jang-Hwan Park - 269-282 An Investigation of the Price Movements of the Korea Fund
by Kwan H. Yoo - 283-317 Education & Income Distribution: A Case Study of Korea
by Joong-Ryul Kim
1987, Volume 3
- 27-37 The Likelihood Ratio Test of CAPM: A New Approach
by Yong-Ho Baek - 39-67 Optimal Control with Rational Expectations and Time Inconsistency Problem
by Kyungbae Chung - 69-89 Random Walk and the Foreign Exchange Rate Movement : An Empirical Analysis of the Major Currencies
by Benjamin Jene Chon Kim - 91-116 Firm-Specific Human Capital and Bonus Payments: A Test of Firm-Specific Human Capital Hypothesis
by Jang Ho Kim - 117-140 The Role of Money and Monetary Policy in Korea, 1970-1984: An Analysis with Bayesian Vector Autoregression Model
by Kee Wha Kim - 141-161 Micro-based Estimates of Demand Functions for Local Public Goods Incorporating Productivity and Benefit Differences
by Si-Wook Kim - 169-181 Monetary Policy and Real Output in Korea : Some Tests of a Rational Expectations Approach
by In Chul Noh - 183-198 Job Search Behavior and the Duration of Unemployment
by Jang Hwan Park - 199-225 Anticipated Shocks, Intertemporal Speculation and Speculative Run
by Won-Am Park - 227-236 Global Dynamics in a Simple Macro Model
by Tae Kun Seo - 237-244 An Examination of the Economic Rationality of Financial Analysts Forecasts of Earning
by Kwan H. Yoo - 245-266 A Dynamic Competitive Labor Market under Asymmetric Information
by Jungyull Yoon
1986, Volume 2
- 1-16 Erratic Dynamics in an Overlapping Generations Model
by R. H. Day & K. H. Kim - 17-34 Exchange Rates, Wages, and Productivity in Korea
by Won-Am Park - 35-52 Prospect and U.S. Policy for the LDC Debt Problem
by C.S. Pyun - 53-65 External Debt and Optimum Exchange Rate for Developing Economies: An Asset Approach
by Jongmoo Jay Choi - 67-87 Import Demand, Factor Substitution and Technological Change for Korea, Taiwan and Japan: The Translog Cost Function Approach
by Jung Mo Kang - 89-118 The Macroeconometric Model of Effects of U.S. Policy Mix on Korea: Some Simulation Results
by Kiheung Kim - 119-126 Inflation, Money Creation, and Capacity Utilization
by Ronald D. Gilbert & Jae Ki Lee - 127-156 The Welfare Approach to the Measurement of Policy Impact
by Pyung Il Yu - 157-172 A Theoretical Analysis of the Efficient Provision of a Public Good
by Wankyu Park - 173-196 A Re-examination on the Tiebout Hypothesis and Migration: A Case Study on the City and State Government in the U.S
by Kyung Moon Yoo - 197-211 The Different Distribution of Randomness across Countries and Heckscher-Ohlin Model
by Woo Taek Kim - 213-251 Foreign Exchange Rate Determination: Basic Theories and International Evidence
by Kilman Shin - 253-269 Industrial Concentration and Profitablity in the Korean Manufacturing Sector
by Kap-Young Jeong - 271-295 Earning, Size of Employer, and Labor Turnover in Korea
by Young-bum Park - 297-315 Optimal Investment in Pollution Control Capital with Debt Financing
by Il-Chung Kim
1985, Volume 1
- 1-13 Pareto Optimality in Non-Convex Economies and Marginal Cost Pricing Equilibria
by Kwan Koo Yun - 15-37 Pareto Optimality in Non-Convex Economies and Marginal Cost Pricing Equilibria
by Kwan Koo Yun - 39-63 Korea and Japan: Some Crucial Structural Differences
by Jang H. Yoo - 65-74 The Relationship between the Rate and Variability of Inflation
by Woosik Jung - 75-85 Assesing the Precision of Econometric Estimators by the Bootstrap Method
by Soo-Bin Park - 87-101 Functional Separability, Derived Demand, and the Elasticities of Substitution
by Euisoon Shin - 103-115 Parallel Money Markets in the Inconvertible Currency System
by Chae Woong Lee - 117-133 The Home Country Optimal Taxation on Foreign Investment in a Growing Economy
by Man-Woo Lee - 135-152 Neutral Taxation of Foreign Investment Income with Special Reference to Korea
by Oh Yul Kwon - 153-170 The Choice of Optimal Basket in Nominal Exchange Rate Peg
by Simon Joong-Woong Pak & Young On Kim - 171-187 Rational Expectations, Risk Premia and the Efficiency of the Foreign Exchange Markets
by Benjamin J.C. Kim - 189-206 Japanese Direct Foreign Investment in Developing Countries: An Analysis and Extension of the Kojima Hypothesis
by Chang Soo Pyun - 207-222 Capacity Utilization, Economies of Scale and Technical Change in the Growth of Total Factor Productivity: An Explanation of South Korean Manufacturing Growth
by Jene K. Kwon - 223-244 The American Experience with Corporate Takeovers and Securities Regulation in Korea
by E. Han Kim - 245-262 An Evaluation of Decentralization Policies in Light of Changing Location Patterns of Employment in the Seoul Region
by Kyu Sik Lee