March 2009, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 17-47 European Union Import Quotas on Chinese Textile and Clothing Exports in 2005: A Panic-Driven Commission or Rational Explanations?
by Peter Nedergaard - 49-56 Market Share Delegation and Strategic Trade Policy
by Leonard Wang & Ya-Chin Wang & Lihong Zhao - 57-63 Monopoly, Pareto and Ramsey Mark-ups
by Thijs ten Raa - 65-75 Market Concentration, Economic Welfare, and Antitrust Policy
by James Brock & Norman Obst
December 2008, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 169-180 International Trade in Services—Editorial Introduction
by Arjan Lejour & Peter Smith - 181-197 Trade in High-Tech Services
by J. Jensen - 199-229 Producer Services, Manufacturing Linkages, and Trade
by Joseph Francois & Julia Woerz - 231-246 Offshoring of Business Services in Small Open Economies: Toward a General-Equilibrium Modeling Approach
by James Markusen & Bridget Strand - 247-267 The Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation in Services
by Keith Maskus - 269-293 Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions Policy in Service Markets
by Pehr-Johan Norbäck & Lars Persson - 295-318 The General Agreement on Trade in Services: Doomed to Fail? Does it Matter?
by Bernard Hoekman - 319-347 Services and the Single Market
by Marcel Canoy & Peter Smith
June 2008, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 89-111 Competition for Business Location: A Survey
by C. Dembour - 113-132 Estimating Switching Costs in Mobile Telephony in the UK
by Lukasz Grzybowski - 133-146 Effects of Adverse Selection on a Multinational Firm’s Decision on where to Subcontract
by Rosa Forte & António Brandão - 147-167 Technical Progress and Labour Demand in Swedish Manufacturing Firms
by Lihong Yun
March 2008, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-19 Merger Review: How Much of Industry is Affected in an International Perspective?
by Jan Loecker & Jozef Konings & Patrick Cayseele - 21-31 Measuring Price Effects of Concentration in Mixed Oligopoly: An Application to the Swedish Beef-slaughter Industry
by Azzeddine Azzam & Hans Andersson - 33-53 Banking Competition and SMEs Bank Financing. Evidence from the Italian Provinces
by Mariarosaria Agostino & Francesco Trivieri - 55-72 Which Targets Stimulate Cross-border Acquisitions? An Empirical Investigation of Industrial Organization and Trade Factors within a Competition Framework of International and Domestic Acquisition Targets
by Antonios Georgopoulos & George Argyros & Giota Boura - 73-88 A Structural Model for Evaluating the Sector-specific Impacts of Preferential Trade Agreements
by Jad Chaaban & Alban Thomas
December 2007, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 143-146 Industrial Policy: Past, Diversity, Future; Introduction to the Special Issue on the Future of Industrial Policy
by Karl Aiginger - 147-167 Industrial Policy in the United States
by Christian Ketels - 169-187 Economic and Industrial Policy Transformations in Finland
by Pekka Ylä-Anttila & Christopher Palmberg - 189-211 Industrial Policy, FDI and Employment: Still ‘Missing a Strategy’
by David Bailey & Nigel Driffield - 213-227 Industrial Policies in France: The Old and the New
by Elie Cohen - 229-243 Industrial Policy in Japan
by Risaburo Nezu - 245-254 China’s Quest for Innovation-Driven Growth—The Policy Dimension
by Gernot Hutschenreiter & Gang Zhang - 255-271 Industrial Policy in the New Member Countries of the European Union: A Survey of Patterns and Initiatives Since 1990
by Ádám Török - 273-284 From Industrial to Innovation Policy
by Luc Soete - 285-295 The European Commission’s New Industrial Policy in an Integrating and Globalizing World
by Heinz Zourek - 297-323 Industrial Policy: A Dying Breed or A Re-emerging Phoenix
by Karl Aiginger
June 2007, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 73-93 Infant Firm Subsidization in Industries with Dynamic Structure
by Vladimir Petkov - 95-111 Information and Export Performance
by Alessandro Nicita & Marcelo Olarreaga - 113-130 Interdependencies in the Dynamics of Firm Entry and Exit
by Kristina Nyström - 131-142 A Note on Quality Choice, Monopoly, and Network Externality
by Tsuyoshi Toshimitsu
March 2007, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-8 Antitrust Policy: The Impact of Revenue Penalties on Price
by Caroline Elliott & Melinda Acutt - 9-29 Market Conduct and Endogenous Lobbying: Evidence from the U.S. Mobile Telecommunications Industry
by Tomaso Duso & Astrid Jung - 31-52 Industry Concentration and Strategic Trade Policy in Successive Oligopoly
by Gjermund Nese & Odd Straume - 53-72 Product Market Reforms and Productivity: A Review of the Theoretical and Empirical Literature on the Transmission Channels
by Gaëtan Nicodème & Jacques-Bernard Sauner-Leroy
December 2006, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 183-193 On the Robustness of the High-Quality Advantage under Vertical Differentiation
by Robert Schmidt - 195-223 Effectiveness of Antitrust Sanctions on Modern International Cartels
by John Connor - 225-234 Market Concentration and Product Variety under Spatial Competition: Evidence from Retail Gasoline
by Georg Götz & Klaus Gugler - 235-251 A Mixed Oligopoly Where Private Firms Survive Welfare Maximisation
by Johan Willner - 253-275 Antidumping as Anticompetitive Practice Evidence from the United States and the European Union
by Mustapha Jallab & James Kobak - 277-294 Domestic vs. International Spillovers: Evidence from Swedish Firm Level Data
by Andreas Poldahl
June 2006, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 63-66 Revisiting an Evasive Concept: Introduction to the Special Issue on Competitiveness
by Karl Aiginger - 67-84 Productivity and Microeconomic Reforms: Strengthening EU Competitiveness
by Isabel Grilo & Gert Koopman - 85-113 The “Lisbon Goal” of the EU: Rhetoric or Substance?
by Wilhelm Kohler - 115-136 Michael Porter’s Competitiveness Framework—Recent Learnings and New Research Priorities
by Christian Ketels - 137-159 International Competitiveness and Comparative Advantage: A Survey and a Proposal for Measurement
by Eckhard Siggel - 161-177 Competitiveness: From a Dangerous Obsession to a Welfare Creating Ability with Positive Externalities
by Karl Aiginger
March 2006, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-25 How Do Innovations Affect Mergers and Acquisitions—Evidence from Finland?
by Eero Lehto & Olavi Lehtoranta - 27-43 Monopoly Prices versus Ramsey-Boiteux Prices: Are they “Similar”, and: Does it Matter?
by Felix Höffler - 45-60 Competition in the Post-Trade Markets: A Network Economic Analysis of the Securities Business
by Günter Knieps
December 2005, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 163-198 Collusion in Industrial Economics—A Survey
by Switgard Feuerstein - 199-206 Collusion Theory: Where to Go Next?
by Luís Cabral - 207-215 Collusion Theory in Search of Robust Themes: A Comment on Switgard Feuerstein's Survey
by Kai-Uwe Kühn - 217-222 Comments on Switgard Feuerstein's “Collusion in Industrial Economics—A Survey”
by K. Mehta - 223-229 How to Fight Hard Core Cartels? Comments on Collusion in Industrial Economics
by Yosuke Okada - 231-234 Collusion in Industrial Economics: A Comment
by Robert Porter - 235-239 Collusion in Industrial Economics—A Rejoinder
by Switgard Feuerstein
June 2005, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 87-97 Retailer Heterogeneity, Intra-Brand Competition and Social Welfare
by Hao Wang - 99-114 Horizontal Mergers and Successive Oligopoly
by Steffen Ziss - 115-135 Product-Market Competition in the Water Industry: Voluntary Non-discriminatory Pricing
by Reto Foellmi & Urs Meister - 137-154 Price Tests to Define Markets: An Application to Wholesale Gasoline in Canda
by Eva Audy & Can Erutku
January 2005, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-26 When Should an Incumbent be Obliged to Share its Infrastructure with an Entrant Under the General Competition Rules?
by Mats Bergman - 27-58 R&D, International Trade and Creative Destruction—Empirical Findings from Finnish Manufacturing Industries
by Mika Maliranta - 59-77 Successive Oligopolies, Vertical Downstream Integration and Foreclosure
by Manfred Neumann & Uli Fell & Richard Reichel*
December 2004, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 275-315 WTO Dispute Settlement: An Economic Analysis of Four EU–US Mini Trade Wars—A Survey
by Fritz Breuss - 317-336 The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism: Battlefield or Cooperation? A Commentary on Fritz Breuss
by Wilhelm Kohler - 337-344 WTO Dispute Settlement and the EU--US Mini Trade Wars: A Commentary on Fritz Breuss
by Tim Josling - 345-364 Comment on Fritz Breuss "WTO Dispute Settlement: An Economic Analysis of Four EU--US Mini Trade Wars"
by Ichiro Araki - 365-371 WTO Dispute Settlement: What Role for Economic Analysis? A Commentary on Fritz Breuss
by Alexander Keck - 373-378 WTO Dispute Settlement: Four EU--US Mini Trade Wars--A Rejoinder
by Fritz Breuss
September 2004, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 163-189 Firm Growth and FDI: Are Multinationals Stimulating Local Industrial Development?
by Georgios Fotopoulos & Helen Louri - 191-206 Patent Infringement: Lessons from Industrial Economics
by Bryan R. Krouse & Clement G. Krouse - 207-222 An Airline Merger in Japan: A Case Study Revealing Principles of Japanese Merger Control
by Koki Arai - 223-238 Mobile Number Portability
by Stefan Buehler & Justus Haucap - 239-267 Global Antitrust Prosecutions of Modern International Cartels
by John M. Connor
June 2004, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 79-93 Sunk Costs and the Entry Decision
by T.W. Ross - 95-107 Subsidizing Industry: An Empirical Analysis of Irish Manufacturing
by Mark Cassidy & Eric Strobl - 109-133 Has Import Disciplined Swedish Manufacturing Firms in the 1990s?
by Nan Nan Lundin - 135-153 Who Survives in Japan? An Empirical Analysis of European and U.S. Multinational Firms in Japanese Manufacturing Industries
by Hideki Yamawaki
March 2004, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-31 Survey on Competing in Network Industries: Firm Strategies, Market Outcomes, and Policy Implications
by Heli Koski & Tobias Kretschmer - 33-39 Network Externalities and Competition Policy. Comments on Koski and Kretschmer
by Pierre Régibeau - 41-48 The Competition Policy Approach in the New Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications. Comments on Koski and Kretschmer
by Pierre-André Buigues - 49-65 Competition and Regulation in Network Industries: Not an Easy Balance to Strike. Comments on Koski and Kretschmer
by Stefano Vannini - 67-69 Competing in Network Industries--A Rejoinder
by Heli Koski & Tobias Kretschmer
December 2003, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 235-249 On the Scope of Conflict in International Merger Control
by Damien J. Neven & Lars-Hendrik R–ller - 251-268 Reductions in Real versus Tariff Barriers: The Impact on Industry Concentration
by Jan Guldager JØrgensen & Philipp J.H. Schr–der - 269-291 Selective Price Cuts and Price Discrimination Bans in Network Industries
by Justus Haucap - 293-311 Mutual Recognition of National Minimum Quality Standards may Support International Convergence
by Stefan Lutz & Mina Baliamoune-Lutz - 313-335 Concentration Measurement Under Cross-ownership: The Case of the Spanish Electricity Sector
by Javier Campos & Gilberto Vega
September 2003, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 151-166 Competition in Markets and Competition for Markets
by P.A. Geroski - 167-186 Equality of Opportunity and Equality of Outcome: Open Leagues, Closed Leagues and Competitive Balance *#We thank the Editor and an anonymous referee for helpful comments
by Luigi Buzzacchi & Stefan Szymanski & Tommaso Valletti - 187-210 SME Clusters, Acquisition of Technological Capabilities and Development: Concepts, Practice and Policy Lessons
by Marjolein Caniëls & Henny Romijn - 211-226 Competition, Market Structure and Job Turnover
by Jesper Antelius & Lars Lundberg
March 2003, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-26 Vertical Restructuring (or Not) of the Infrastructure Sectors of Transition Economies
by Russell Pittman - 27-40 Antitrust Laws and the Relationship Between Mergers, Stock Prices and Industrial Production: A Cointegration Approach
by Kun-Ming Chen & Hsiu-Hua Rau - 41-55 Price Cap Regulation in the Cable Television Industry: Why was the Demand Stagnant?
by Yasuji Otsuka & Bradley Braun - 57-85 European Merger Control: Do We Need an Efficiency Defence?
by Fabienne Ilzkovitz & Roderick Meiklejohn - 87-107 Influences on Pricing and Markup in Segmented Manufacturing Markets
by Harry Bloch & Michael Olive - 109-129 Industry Classifications: Aim, Scope and Techniques
by Michael Peneder - 131-143 On the Relationship Between Acquisitions, Divestitures and Innovations: An Explorative Study
by Cees van Beers & Bert Sadowski
December 2002, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 287-309 Setting Upper Limits on Merger Related Efficiencies
by Duarte Brito - 311-364 Reforming European Merger Review: Targeting Problem Areas in Policy Outcomes
by Kai-Uwe Kühn - 365-378 Comments on “Reforming European Merger Review: Targeting Problem Areas in Policy Outcomes”
by Alec Burnside - 379-390 Comments on “Reforming European Meyer Review: Targeting Problem Areas in Policy Outcomes”
by Timothy Bresnahan - 391-399 A View from Inside the Merger Task Force: Comments on “Reforming European Merger Review: Targeting Problem Areas in Policy Outcomes”
by Götz Drauz
September 2002, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 195-213 Multinational Subsidiary Evolution and Public Policy: Two Tales from the European Periphery
by Ana Tavares - 215-231 Prohibiting State Aid in an Integrated Market: Cournot and Bertrand Oligopolies with Differentiated Products
by David Collie - 233-246 Export Cartels and Domestic Markets
by Christian Schultz - 247-258 Estimates and Determinants of Armington Elasticities for the U.S. Food Industry
by Elena Lopez & Emilio Pagoulatos - 259-278 Demand-side Spillovers and Semi-collusion in the Mobile Communications Market
by Øystein Foros & Bjørn Hansen & Jan Sand
June 2002, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-8 The California Electricity Crisis: Editors’ Introduction
by Carl Blumstein & Richard Green - 9-38 The History of Electricity Restructuring in California
by Carl Blumstein & Lee Friedman & Richard Green - 39-57 High Natural Gas Prices in California, 2000–2001: Causes and Lessons
by James Wilson - 59-74 Boom and Bust in Power Plant Construction: Lessons from the California Electricity Crisis
by Andrew Ford - 75-90 The Issue of Governance and the Role of the Regulator: Lessons from the California Deregulation Experiment
by Michal Moore - 91-112 A California Conundrum: Tradeoffs Among Rates, Reliability and the Environment During California’s 2000–2001 Energy Crisis
by David Gamson - 113-142 California Customer Load Reductions during the Electricity Crisis: Did They Help to Keep the Lights On?
by Charles Goldman & Galen Barbose & Joseph Eto - 143-158 Simulating Effects of Business Decisions on Regional Economy Experience During the California Energy Crisis
by Ottie Nabors & George Backus & Jeff Amlin - 159-172 Second Generation Electricity Reforms in Latin America and the California Paradigm
by Hugh Rudnick & Juan-Pablo Montero - 173-188 Will California come to Europe? A Numerical Simulation
by Mark Lijesen & Hein Mannaerts & Machiel Mulder
December 2001, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 347-394 What Do We Know about Success and Failure of Mergers?
by Gunther Tichy - 395-410 Merger and Acquisitions as Adjustment Processes
by J. Fred Weston - 411-422 What Do We Conclude from the Success and Failure of Mergers?
by Bruce Lyons - 423-430 A Need For a Substantial Tightening of Merger Control? Comment on Tichy
by Andrea Coscelli - 431-440 What Do We Know about Success and Failure of Mergers?—Rejoinder
by Gunther Tichy - 441-465 Competition Policy for High Technology Industries
by Stephen Martin*
September 2001, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 247-281 Buyer Power and its Impact on Competition in the Food Retail Distribution Sector of the European Union
by Paul Dobson & Roger Clarke & Stephen Davies & Michael Waterson - 283-299 Import Diversion under European Antidumping Policy
by Jozef Konings & Hylke Vandenbussche & Linda Springael - 301-319 Import Competition and Labor Productivity
by Harry Bloch & James McDonald - 321-335 Telecommunications in the United States and Changing Productive Efficiency
by Noel Uri
June 2001, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 135-159 Geography and International Inequalities: The Impact of New Technologies
by Anthony Venables - 161-179 Market Structures with Multi-product Firms: Welfare Analysis and Policy Implications
by Alessandro Sembenelli & Davide Vannoni - 181-202 Product Differentiation and Process R&D: The Trade-off Between Quality and Productivity in the Spanish Firm
by Rafael Llorca vivero - 203-235 Privatization and Regulatory Reform in Brazil: The Case of Freight Railways
by Antonio Estache & Andrea Goldstein & Russell Pittman
March 2001, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 7-39 The Microsoft Antitrust Case
by Nicholas Economides - 41-52 Innovative Industries and Antitrust: Comments on The Microsoft Antitrust Case
by Franklin Fisher - 53-61 Comments on The Microsoft Antitrust Case
by Daniel O'Brien - 63-69 Comment on The Microsoft Antitrust Policy Case
by Francis O'Toole - 71-79 The Microsoft Antitrust Case: Rejoinder
by Nicholas Economides - 81-99 Market Delineation and Product Differentiation
by Jonas Häckner - 101-121 Patent Protection, Transnational Corporations, and Market Structure: A Simulation Study of the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
by Carsten Fink