2009, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 61-73 Green celebrity: oxymoron, fashion or pioneering sustainability?
by Peter Wells & Liz Heming - 74-92 The Brundtland link between poverty and environmental degradation, and other questionable opinions
by Leif Bratt
2008, Volume 3, Issue 3/4
- 166-184 Material matters and the search for resilience: rethinking regional and urban development strategies in the context of global environmental change
by Ray Hudson - 185-200 Sustainability: an individual or collective endeavour?
by Brenda Vale & Robert Vale - 201-216 Institutional entrepreneurship in an academic organisation: sustainability at Malardalen University
by Peter Dobers & Magnus Linderstrom & Malin Mobjork - 217-233 Driving environmental innovation with corporate storytelling: is radical innovation possible without incoherence?
by Oivind Hagen - 234-261 Enacting ecological and collaborative rationality through multiparty collaboration – a case of innovation in governance
by Marie-France B. Turcotte & Stewart R. Clegg & Julie Marin - 262-284 An analysis of a product service system in Bolivia: coffee in Yungas
by Tahia Devisscher & Oksana Mont - 285-300 Innovation networks in the refurbishment sector of Austria: promising approaches waiting for market success
by Michael Ornetzeder & Jurgen Suschek-Berger - 301-327 Success factors for eco-innovations and other innovations
by Sven Ake Horte & Fawzi Halila - 328-345 Information, communication and space technology applications for sustainable development
by Phillip Olla - 346-358 Embedding governance and sustainable development in ethics
by Mago William Maila - 359-360 Book Review: Health Performance of Housing: Indicators and Tools by Evert Hasselaar
by Brenda Vale - 361-362 Book Review: Improvement of the Life Cycle Assessment Methodology for Dwellings by Arjen Meijer
by Brenda Vale - 363-365 Book Review: Tourism and Climate Change Mitigation. Methods, Greenhouse Gas Reductions and Policies by Paul Peeters
by Kaarina Tervo - 366-368 Book Review: Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Action: Talking, Doing and Measuring by F. den Hond, F.G.A. de Bakker and P. Neergaard
by Lynne Bennington - 369-371 Book Review: New Business for the Old Europe. Product-Service Development, Competitiveness and Sustainability by Arnold Tukker and Ursula Tischner
by Stefan Gossling
2008, Volume 3, Issue 1/2
- 9-32 What roles are there for sustainability assessment in the policy process?
by Paul M. Weaver & Andrew Jordan - 33-47 "Are we nearly there yet?" Lessons for integrated sustainability assessment from EU environmental policy-making
by John Turnpenny - 48-69 Integrated sustainability assessment of water systems: lessons from the Ebro River Basin
by J. David Tabara & Elisabet Roca & Cristina Madrid & Pieter Valkering & Patrik Wallman & Paul M. Weaver - 70-92 The role of modelling tools in Integrated Sustainability Assessment (ISA)
by Hermann Lotze-Campen - 93-114 A Conceptual Framework for transition modelling
by Alex Haxeltine & Lorraine Whitmarsh & Noam Bergman & Jan Rotmans & Michel Schilperoord & Jonathan Kohler - 115-127 Integrated Sustainability Assessment of mobility transitions: simulating stakeholders' visions of and pathways to sustainable land-based mobility
by Lorraine Whitmarsh & Bjorn Nykvist - 128-152 Learning and evaluation in Integrated Sustainability Assessment
by Willemijn Tuinstra & Jill Jager & Paul M. Weaver - 153-162 Some reflections on the conditions for favouring Integrated Sustainability Assessments
by Tim O'Riordan
2007, Volume 2, Issue 3/4
- 249-267 As the heating happens: Education for Sustainable Development or Education for Sustainable Contraction?
by David Selby - 268-281 Understanding the connections between double bind thinking and the ecological crises: implications for educational reform
by C.A. Bowers - 282-298 Changing the story: 'Cradle-to-cradle' thinking as a compelling framework for ESD in a globalised world
by Ken Webster - 299-314 Pedagogies for persistence: cognitive challenges and collective competency development
by Richard Bawden - 315-331 Implications of quantum theory on education: a critical review of the literature
by James Gray-Donald - 332-339 Science, spirituality and holism within higher education
by Brian C. Goodwin - 340-355 We comprehend that which comprehends us: an exploration of hermeneutic Gaia
by Adam Eaton Croft - 356-375 Common wisdom: cultivating logic and intuition in science education
by Laura Batson - 376-394 Spirits of ecological thinking
by Ingrid Molderez - 395-413 Whose emergencies and who decides? Insights from emergency education for a more anticipatory Education for Sustainable Development
by Fumiyo Kagawa - 414-432 Missing links: gender and education for sustainable development
by Joanna Blake - 433-452 Spires, plateaus and the infertile landscape of Education for Sustainable Development: re-invigorating the university through integrating community, campus and curriculum
by John Barry - 453-465 Educating for sustainability: A double-edged sword?
by Tom Thomas - 466-468 Book Review: Environmental Principles and Policies: an Interdisciplinary Introduction by Sharon Beder
by John Huckle - 469-475 Book Review: Social Learning Towards a Sustainable World: Principles, Perspectives and Praxis by Arjen E.J. Wals
by Justin Dillon - 476-477 Book Review: Teaching Business Sustainability Volume 2: Cases, Simulations and Experiential Approaches by Chris Galea
by Richard Welford
2007, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 140-154 Prioritising sustainable consumption patterns: key decisions and environmental gains
by Josef Kaenzig & Olivier Jolliet - 155-174 Leisure activities, time and environment
by Inge Ropke & Mirjam Godskesen - 175-191 Eco-labelling and consumers: towards a re-focus and integrated approaches
by Frieder Rubik & Paolo Frankl & Lucia Pietroni & Dirk Scheer - 192-200 How to convince the unconvincibles? A mass mediated approach to communicate sustainable lifestyles to a low-interest target group
by Lucia A. Reisch & Sabine Bietz - 201-214 The role of households in SCP agenda. A one-actor show or concerted action?
by Oksana Mont - 215-229 Experiments for transitions: an interactive approach to setting up breakthrough experiments
by W.J. (Helma) Luiten & Emma H.D. Van Sandick - 230-240 Linking policy and practice in sustainable production and consumption: an assessment of the role of NGOs
by Chris Church & Sylvia Lorek
2007, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 8-35 Impeding ecological sustainability through selective moral disengagement
by Albert Bandura - 36-62 Micro-foundations of the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis: an empirical analysis
by Giangiacomo Bravol & Beatrice Marelli - 63-78 Averting catastrophic climate change: confronting wealth
by Victoria Hurth & Peter Wells - 79-96 The moral responsibility of consumers as citizens
by Ulf Schrader - 97-115 Sustainable economic organisation: simply a matter of reconceptualisation or a need for a new ethics?
by Karl Johan Bonnedahl & Jessica Eriksson - 116-129 Moral responsibility and the business and sustainable development assemblage: a Jonasian ethics for the technological age
by Tommy Jensen - 130-132 Book Review: The Green Salesman: reflections on the book and film, 'An inconvenient truth' by Albert Gore Jr
by Andrew Jamison & Johan Sandstrom - 133-135 Book Review: The path to power by Robert Caro
by Dallas Hanson
2006, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 266-283 From the liberal to the green democratic state: upholding autonomy and sustainability
by Robyn Eckersley - 284-303 Integrated sustainability assessment: what is it, why do it and how?
by Paul M. Weaver & Jan Rotmans - 304-317 Progress, sustainability and human well-being: is a new worldview emerging?
by Richard Eckersley - 318-348 Assessing social sustainability: social sustainability and its multicriteria assessment in a sustainability scenario for Germany
by Joachim H. Spangenberg & Ines Omann - 349-370 Education for sustainability: the role of capabilities in guiding university curricula
by Stephen Sterling & Ian Thomas - 371-388 Innovations that combine environmental and business aspects
by Fawzi Halila & Sven Ake Horte - 389-411 Integrating sustainable development indicators with existing business infrastructure
by Cory Searcy & Stanislav Karapetrovic & Daryl McCartney - 412-413 Book Review: Suiting Themselves: How Corporations Drive the Global Agenda
by Richard Welford - 414-417 Book Review: Planet U: Sustaining the World, Reinventing the University
by John Fien
2006, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 184-200 Innovation towards tourism sustainability: climate change and aviation
by Paul Peeters & Stefan Gossling & Susanne Becken - 201-213 Coasian economics and the management of international aviation emissions
by David Timothy Duval - 214-228 Perceptions and adaptation strategies of the tourism industry to climate change: the case of Finnish nature-based tourism entrepreneurs
by Jarkko Saarinen & Kaarina Tervo - 229-237 New Zealand tourism entrepreneur attitudes and behaviours with respect to climate change adaptation and mitigation
by C. Michael Hall - 238-259 Mainstreaming action on climate change through participatory appraisal
by Paul M. Weaver & Alex Haxeltine & Marleen Van De Kerkhof & J. David Tabara - 260-262 The economics of climate change: an overview of the Stern review
by Richard Welford
2005, Volume 1, Issue 1/2
- 5-20 The promise and perils of payments for ecosystem services
by Jim Salzman - 21-45 Innovation in municipal solid waste management in England: policy, practice and sustainability
by Paul M. Weaver - 46-64 Enhancing the sustainability efforts of local governments
by Su Wild River - 65-84 Leapfrogging into the future: developing for sustainability
by Arnold Tukker - 85-102 Will the information society be sustainable? Towards criteria and indicators for a sustainable knowledge society
by Joachim H. Spangenberg - 103-126 Ecological modernisation, environmental innovation and competitiveness: the case of public transport in Hong Kong
by Jacqueline Lam & Peter Hills & Richard Welford - 127-152 Structural limits to sustainable development: managers and progressive agency
by Delyse Springett - 153-167 Extending the discourse in research on corporate sustainability
by Johan Sandstrom - 168-179 Innovative discourse for sustainable local development: a critical analysis of eco-industrialism
by Gillian Bristow & Peter Wells