2011, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 35-56 Application of the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to the lead-free equipment selection decision
by Yu-Cheng Tang & Thomas W. Lin - 57-72 Computer-supported collaboration in production management: an incremental formalisation approach
by Nikos Karacapilidis & Emmanuel Adamides & Manolis Tzagarakis & Costas P. Pappis - 73-84 Effects of service quality on perceptions of the professional consultation role of outpatient pharmacists
by Ying-Chyi Chou & Wen-Chi Chuang - 85-103 Comparative analysis of international healthcare systems
by John Wang & Ruiliang Yan & Peijun Guo - 104-121 Application of knowledge management systems in Malaysian oil palm plantations' supply chain
by Nitty Hirawaty Kamarulzaman & Mohd Ghazali Mohayidin
2010, Volume 4, Issue 5/6
- 510-540 The C-Theory: on Chinese philosophical approach to decision making, leadership and management
by Chung-Ying Cheng - 541-564 Conceptualising the entrepreneurial process using Chinese classics: a paradoxical perspective
by Pi-Shen Seet - 565-576 The fundamentals-based strategy: the dominant strategy for Chinese firms in a new era
by Rongping Kang & Yinbin Ke - 577-595 Managing complexity in the process of transforming new start-ups into well established firms in the Chinese economy context
by Xudong Gao & Yajun Wu & Mingfang Li - 596-620 Barriers to the successful exploitation of ERP systems in Chinese state-owned enterprises
by Guo Chao Peng & Miguel Baptista Nunes - 621-647 What matters for industrial innovation in China: R&D, technology transfer or spillover impacts from foreign investment?
by Yifei Sun - 648-672 Social network ties and resource acquisition: evidence from China's transitional economy
by Li Cai & Xiumei Zhu & Wenjin Li & Martin Stosslein - 673-690 The emerging public technological platforms in China: comparing with R&D consortia in Japan and USA
by Qiang Xu - 691-719 From a latecomer to a global telecom giant: the development pathway of Huawei
by Peilei Fan
2010, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 365-378 Knowledge transfer in cross-functional contexts: a case for further investigation
by Sudhanshu Rai & Morten Thanning Vendelo - 379-401 Automotive distribution network design: a support system for transportation infrastructure decision makers
by Sandra D. Eksioglu & Burak Eksioglu & Clayton T. Walden & Mingzhou Jin & Ambarish Acharya - 402-416 The role of police oversight organisations: a systems perspective
by Petter Gottschalk & Rune Glomseth - 417-431 Strategic grouping and performance of Portuguese manufacturing firms: a structural equation modelling approach
by Carlos F. Gomes & Mario G. Augusto & Mahmoud M. Yasin - 432-450 In search of project excellence: a systems approach of triangulation in a mixed methodology empirical research
by Ron Basu - 451-468 The impact of small business B2B virtual community commitment on brand loyalty
by Lakisha L. Simmons & Russell W. Clayton - 469-487 Factoring environmental concerns in supply chain decision making
by Maria E. Mayorga & Ravi Subramanian
2010, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 246-263 Ascertaining group decision auditing capabilities
by Francisco Antunes & Joao Paulo Costa & Paulo Macas - 264-277 A study of factors affecting electronic meeting participation
by Mina Park & Milam Aiken & Kaushik Ghosh - 278-292 An ontology building approach for knowledge sharing in product lifecycle management
by Milton Borsato & Carla Cristina Amodio Estorilio & Carlos Cziulik & Cassia Maria Lie Ugaya & Henrique Rozenfeld - 293-310 A framework for conceptualising virtual organising
by Anna B. Holm & John Parm Ulhoi - 311-329 Work stressors related to geographic distance and electronic dependence in virtual teams
by Niina Nurmi - 330-347 Context-dependent vs. content-dependent: an exploration of the cultural behavioural patterns of online intercultural communication using e-mail
by Norhayati Zakaria & Derrick L. Cogburn - 348-364 Effects of training on collaboration: chunk sharing and performance
by Stephen C. Hayne & C.A.P. Smith
2010, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 117-130 Using human resource functions to improve enterprise information security
by Chung-Chu Liu - 131-148 Organisational culture and IT resources impacts on ERP system success: an empirical investigation
by Princely Ifinedo & Godwin Udo & Airi Ifinedo - 149-168 Impact of functionalities on e-commerce in supply chain in India
by Vijaykumar Rambhau Salkute - 169-185 WiMAX system in Saudi Arabia: deployment issues and development of marketing strategy
by Hatem B. Bugshan & M. Sadiq Sohail - 186-208 Integrating activity-based costing and environmental cost accounting systems: a case study
by Wen-Hsien Tsai & Thomas W. Lin & Wen-Chin Chou - 209-226 Doing better by doing good – the experience of a community network in Brazil
by Claudia Cristina Bitencourt & Adriano Naves de Brito & Patricia Martins Fagundes Cabral & Luis Humberto de Mello Villwock & Alfredo Culleton & Ieda Rhoden - 227-242 A comparison method for allocative efficiency measurement in multiclinic healthcare systems
by Paul Dum & Liam O'Neill & M. Jeya Chandra & Jack C. Hayya
2010, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-21 Concepts for designing environment scanning information systems
by Giovanni Camponovo - 22-41 The development of a two-phase knowledge extraction framework on liquid crystal display image quality with knowledge-creation process
by Po-Hung Lin & Wen-Hung Kuo & Sheue-Ling Hwang - 42-61 Supplier management practices in a supply chain management context: the case of the Greek manufacturing industry
by Ypatia D. Theodorakioglou & Katerina D. Gotzamani & George D. Tsiotras - 62-81 The role of trust and budget emphasis in managing degree of autonomy and performance
by Sakthi Mahenthiran & Ben Shaw-Ching Liu & Zalina Hashim - 82-93 Conflicting cultures between original equipment manufacturing and original brand manufacturing management: Taiwan's real obstacles to upgrading?
by Vincent Shie & Craig Meer - 94-116 Development and assessment of modified VIKOR method for multi-criteria single sourcing in supply chain
by P. Parthiban & M. Punniyamoorthy & K. Ganesh & G. Ranga Janardhana
2009, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 387-412 The role of quality uncertainty in remanufacturing decisions
by Samar K. Mukhopadhyay & Huafan Ma - 413-436 Measuring social influence, user perception, innovation attributes and user satisfaction in the enterprise resource planning context
by Li-Ling Hsu & Jason C.H. Chen & Chun-Chi Weng - 437-455 The application of geographical information systems to multinational finance corporations
by Richard Berntsson-Svensson & George Joseph Anthony Haggar & Aybuke Aurum & Vincent J. Hooper - 456-480 A study of the selection criteria for enterprise resource planning systems
by Wen-Hsien Tsai & Pei-Ling Lee & Shu-Ping Chen & Wei Hsu & Thomas W. Lin - 481-496 Intranet usage, managerial satisfaction and performance impact: an empirical analysis
by Mohd Daud Norzaidi & Siong Choy Chong & Mohamed Intan Salwani - 497-513 Managerial perspectives for improving resource utilisation by applying the cost of unused capacity
by Zoltan Sebestyen & Tamas Koltai
2009, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 257-278 The business culture of a firm applying a customer-intimate philosophy: a conceptual framework
by Aihie Osarenkhoe - 279-296 Building knowledge sharing communities using team expertise access maps
by Susu Nousala & Aaron Miles & Bill Kilpatrick & William P. Hall - 297-308 Illegal entrepreneurialism as determinant of organised business crime maturity
by Petter Gottschalk - 309-329 Factors influencing the organisational satisfaction with RFID implementation in supply chain management: an exploratory study
by Shin-Yuan Hung & Tsan-Ching Kang & David C. Yen & Feng-Chou Wu - 330-350 Internal entrepreneurship, innovativeness and creativity in empirical studies of Polish organisations
by Katarzyna Czop & Agnieszka Leszczynska - 351-371 Effects of consumer online purchase costs on online and traditional retailers
by Ruiliang Yan & John Wang - 372-386 A structural equation modelling approach to assessing the effectiveness of quality improvement initiatives in service organisations: a systematic perspective
by Mahmoud M. Yasin & Mario Augusto & Jafar Alavi & Joao Lisboa
2009, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 135-147 Value configuration as determinant of IT operating systems outsourcing
by Petter Gottschalk & Hans Solli-Saether - 148-169 Understanding the factors that influence acceptance of online auction platforms: a comparative study of Taobao and eBayEachnet
by Angela Lin & Jonathan Foster & Shuhuai Wang - 170-185 Enterprise resource planning systems implementation: a literature analysis
by Ashim Raj Singla - 186-201 A forecasting and allocation model for vaccine resource demand
by Shyue-Ping Chi & Ruey-Kei Chiu & Chen K. Feng - 202-215 A collaborative working tool for information systems integration and continuous improvement
by Paivi Iskanius & Heli Susanna Helaakoski & Tom Page - 216-228 Forecasting substitution behaviour of high corrosion-resistant steel by fitting a technology growth curve
by Kyung-Hee Jung - 229-256 Intellectual capital: a phenomenon of interrelationships
by Maria do Rosario Cabrita
2009, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-18 The role of information and communication technology in small Italian logistics enterprises
by Pietro Evangelista & Edward Sweeney - 19-33 Comparison of growth process through finance activities between US and Japanese firms
by Hiroshi Yasuda - 34-57 Enhancing competitiveness through effective adoption and utilisation of advanced manufacturing technology: implications and lessons learned
by Michael H. Small & Mahmoud M. Yasin & Andrew J. Czuchry - 58-77 Most outsourcing is short-term – what can we learn from it?
by Klemen Kavcic & Mitja I. Tavcar - 78-92 Software piracy and spending across different economic groups
by Yun Chu & Jianyu Ma - 93-118 Unleashing hidden potentials for loss reduction in a paint manufacturing industry through an efficient responsive supply chain risk management model
by D. Elangovan & G. Sundararaj & S.R. Devadasan & P. Karuppuswamy & J. Tennis Anthuvan - 119-133 The impact of strategy and information systems flexibility on the supply chain performance: a path analysis approach
by Kamel A. Fantazy & Vinod Kumar & Uma Kumar & Subhas Mishra
2008, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 325-342 National management system in global era: methodological assessment of its possibility
by H. Eto - 343-364 A strategy for increasing user acceptance of authentication systems: insights from an empirical study of user preferences and performance
by A.A. Ozok & S. Holden - 365-386 Assessing the applicability of collaborative procurement systems
by Yichen Lin & Pingwen Yu & Chaoche Lin - 387-399 Business evaluation systems: credit risk assessment by using a linear combination of financial ratios
by Antonio Focacci - 400-417 Research evaluation and management for effective policy making in Thailand
by Jarunee Wonglimpiyarat - 418-430 Study of university curriculum development for human resource management and the expectations of business managers
by Jennifer Shu-Jen Lin - 431-446 The level of integration of various models for organisational change management in Slovenian organisations
by Boris Bukovec & Mirko Markic
2008, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 227-243 Mobilisation of strategic Information Technology resources: the influence of knowledge sharing on Information Technology governance
by Petter Gottschalk & Jan Terje Karlsen - 244-257 A dynamic backdoor detection system based on Dynamic Link Libraries
by Shi-Jinn Horng & Ming-Yang Su & Ja-Ga Tsai - 258-271 Sequence and due date assignment with uncertain processing times and mixed penalty functions
by Yu Xia & Jinfeng Yue & Gesha Hu - 272-284 Restructuring the branch network of a bank: the dynamic perspective
by Wolfgang Barth & Matthias Staat - 285-304 The roles of task-environmental factors in outsourcing strategy: a combinative research
by Ming-Ji James Lin & Yi-Pei Huang - 305-323 Mapping business: value stream-based analysis of business models and resources in Information and Communications Technology service business
by Mikko Pynnonen & Jukka Hallikas & Petri Savolainen
2008, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 107-123 A conceptual model for ethical business decision making under the influence of personal relationships
by Reggie Davidrajuh - 124-143 A systematic approach for healthcare marketing behaviour in developing countries: the case of Turkey
by Talha Harcar & John E. Spillan - 144-165 The venture capital financing under a real options framework: case of a high-tech corporation in China
by Jingyun Ma & Fengming Song - 166-195 A survey in practicing supply chain management of Hong Kong industries
by Felix T.S. Chan & H.K. Chan - 196-213 External knowledge: sharing and transfer for outsourcing relationships
by Pekka Kess & Kongkiti Phusavat & Margit Torkko & Josu Takala - 214-225 Particle swarm optimisation with a constraint-handling technique for seller–buyer inventory games
by Ching-Shih Tsou & Shih-Chia Chang & Chin-Hsiung Hsu
2008, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-15 An effective method to supplier selection and order quantity allocation
by Abraham Mendoza & Jose A. Ventura - 16-33 Factors that impact on the acceptance and performance of ERP system: multiple case studies in Taiwan
by Li-Ling Hsu & Pei-Chun Lin & Chin-Tsang Ho & Je-Ren Pan - 34-51 Telecommunications infrastructure for worldwide networkcentric healthcare operations and the associated information system
by Dag Von Lubitz & Frederic Patricelli & Pasquale Palma - 52-66 A longitudinal and comparative study for career orientations dynamics of information systems professionals
by Chen-Fen Huang - 67-85 Implementation of advanced manufacturing technologies: experiences of Indian manufacturing companies
by A.D. Sharma & G.S. Dangayach & S.C. Pathak - 86-105 The validation process and component analysis in enterprise integration
by Raymond Wu & Jie Lu
2007, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 381-401 Economic and financial system dynamics in the relationship between entrepreneurial risk perception and the decision-making process of Greek investors
by George S. Parikakis & Andreas Merikas & George S. Vozikis - 402-415 Organisational learning and aspirational management in a knowledge-era organisation
by Roberto Biloslavo & John Hicks - 416-437 The effect of firm's experience, diversification strategy and entry mode on performance: electrical and electronics industry in Thailand
by Hla Theingi & John C.S. Tang - 438-457 Effects of business and design strategy integration on new product development performance: an empirical analysis
by Ming-Ji James Lin & Chi-Hsiang Chen & Zhe-Cheng Huang - 458-472 Development trends of small and medium size companies in Timisoara and Timis County: Romania
by Marian Liviu Mocan & Horia Liviu Popa
2007, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 257-279 Support systems for new enterprise formation in Catalonia: an institutional approach
by Christian Serarols-Tarres & David Urbano & Yancy Vaillant - 280-301 Users' service quality satisfaction and performance improvement of ERP consultant selections
by Wen-Hsien Tsai & Thomas W. Lin & Shu-Ping Chen & Shih-Jieh Hung - 302-316 A systems approach to order fulfilment using design for six sigma methodology
by Yousef Amer & Muhammad Azeem Ashraf & Lee Luong & Sang-Heon Lee & William Y.C. Wang - 317-342 The impact of BPR/BPO strategy, internet-based technology investment and BPR type on BPR performance
by Chao-Hsiung Lee & Shaio-Yan Huang & Chin-Shih Ou & Ling-Yao Chiu - 343-353 Performance measurement implementation in a knowledge-based public organisation
by Hannu Rantanen & Kirsi Leva & Sanna Pekkola - 354-366 Modern enterprise system and the role of the party and government in Chinese SOEs
by Xuezhu Bai & Lynne Bennington - 367-379 Organisational issues for knowledge management in SMEs
by Rajesh K. Pillania
2007, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 135-147 A study of inventory policy for correlated demands
by Min-Chiang Wang - 148-161 An assessment of the key success factors of manufacturing performance from the perspective of external decision-makers
by Carlos Ferreira Gomes & Mahmoud M. Yasin & Joao V. Lisboa - 162-181 The impact of web-based technologies on business organisations: a review and thoughts on the future
by John A. Parnell & Donald L. Lester & William 'Rick' Crandall & Michael L. Menefee - 182-199 The relative efficiency of decision-making units: a case study of TFT-LCD industry in Taiwan
by Ming-Chun Tsai & Shu-Ping Lin & Ssu-Ying Liu & Ming (Michael) Chang & Jason C.H. Chen - 200-215 The strategic role of knowledge and innovation systems thinking
by Alan D. Smith - 216-235 Performance analysis for enterprise distributed information system
by Ruey-Kei Chiu & S.C. Lenny Koh & Che-Chieh Yen & Chi-Ming Chang & Chien-Lung Chan - 236-255 Building consumers' confidence in adopting e-commerce: a Malaysian case
by Mohiuddin Ahmed & Ramlah Hussein & Rashidah Minakhatun & Rafikul Islam
2007, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-28 Keynote paper: knowledge management: a systems perspective
by William R. King - 29-46 Drop shipment-type wooden housing projects utilising locally-produced lumbers: determination of project leaders
by Shuichi Ishida & Shuzo Furusaka - 47-60 Information systems in the value shop business of police investigations
by Petter Gottschalk & Morten Emil Berg - 61-80 Examining the impact of organisational and owner's characteristics on the extent of e-commerce adoption in SMEs
by Ta-Tao Chuang & Kazuo Nakatani & Jason C.H. Chen & I-Lin Huang - 81-97 Increasing effectiveness in e-commerce: recommendations applying intelligent agents
by Silvana Vanesa Aciar & Christian Serarols-Tarres & Marcelo Royo-Vela & Josep Lluis De la Rosa i Esteva - 98-114 Attributes of innovation and the implementation of managerial tools: an activity-based management technique
by Davood Askarany & Malcolm Smith & Hassan Yazdifar - 115-134 A simulation approach for managing manufacturing processes and inbound logistics: a case study
by Felix T.S. Chan & H.K. Chan