April 2024, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 1-27 Synergistic and Antagonistic Herbicide Interactions for Control of Volunteer Corn in Glyphosate/Glufosinate/2,4-D-Resistant Soybean
by Emily Duenk & Nader Soltani & Robert T. Miller & David C. Hooker & Darren E. Robinson & Peter H. Sikkema - 1-37 Physiological Quality of Soybean Seeds Subjected to Industrial Treatment Before and After Storage
by Renata C. Pereira & Breno G. Silva & Alessandro L. Braccini & Murilo F. Pelloso & Rafaela T. Costa & Julia M. Pegoraro & Yana M. Borges - 1-47 Isolation of Rhizobia From the Nodules of Bambara Groundnuts for Inoculant Production
by Abdul-Wahab M. Imoro & Jonas Pobee & Fortune Akabanda - 1-55 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 4
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 1-1 Evaluation of Herbicides for the Control of Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.) and Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense L.) Under Non-Crop Conditions
by Taghi Bararpour & Nicholas E. Korres & Josiane Argenta & Te Ming Tseng - 1-10 Morphological and Morphometric Parameters of the Reproductive Organs of Euschistus heros (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Treated With a Sublethal Juvenile Hormone Analog
by Paulo S. G. Cremonez & Janaina F. Matsumoto & Jermaine D. Perier & Thomas P. Dunn & Daniela O. Pinheiro & Pedro M. O. J. Neves - 1-29 Absorption and Translocation Capacity of Cadmium in Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Plants With Addition of Organic Matter
by Isabel A. Amaro-Espejo & MarÃa D. R. Castañeda-Chávez & JoaquÃn MurguÃa-González & Fabiola Lango-Reynoso & Karina P. Bañuelos-Hernández & MarÃa E. Galindo-Tovar & Ana M. Fernández-MartÃnez - 1-42 Taxonomy of Non-sporulating Bacteria Tested in Biological Control Against Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
by Mariana Davanzo Miranda & Higor de Oliveira Alves & Ricardo Antônio Polanczyk & Joacir do Nascimento & Jackson Antônio Marcondes de Souza - 1-58 Molecular Markers in Plant Breeding
by Luciana L. Benchimol-Reis - 1-85 Response of Ozone Treatment on Disease Incidence, Dissolved Oxygen Levels, Growth and Yield of Cucumber Crop Grown in Hydroponics in Cooled Green House. Season: Summer (June-August) at DGALR, Rumais
by Muthir S. Al-Rawahy & Waleed S. Al-Abri & Alya S. Al-Hinai & Hussain A. Al-Abri & Siham H. Al-Mahrooqi & Narjis M. Al-Shmali & Zainab T. Al-Khatri & Khalifa S. Al-Subhi - 1-91 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 3
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-1 Impact of Acetochlor Rate and Application Timing on Multiple-Herbicide-Resistant Waterhemp Control in Corn and Soybean
by Hannah E. Symington & Nader Soltani & Allan C. Kaastra & David C. Hooker & Darren E. Robinson & Peter H. Sikkema - 1-10 Agriculture System Modeling to Increase Productivity and Production Through Sustainable Resource Management
by Erma Suryani & Rully Agus Hendrawan & Mudjahidin Mudjahidin & Damanhuri Damanhuri & Isnaini Muhandhis & Alifia Az-Zahra & Shuo Yan-Chou & Much Rony & Akhmad Jani Masyhudi - 1-25 Design of Venturi-Type Fertilizer Injectors to Low-Pressure Irrigation Systems
by Arturo GarcÃa-Saldaña & MarÃa D. R. Castañeda-Chávez & Arturo Pérez-Vázquez & Juan P. MartÃnez-Dávila & Eugenio Carrillo-à vila - 1-40 Insect Growth Disruptors Cause Mouthpart Malformations, Inhibition of Feeding, and Mortality in the Neotropical Brown Stink Bug Euschistus heros (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
by Marcos A. Ferreira Agüero & Paulo S. G. Cremonez & Pedro M. O. J. Neves - 1-50 Interspecific and Intraspecific Rootstock Suitability for Vegetative Propagation of Petai (Parkia speciosa, Hassak.)
by Pratiknyo Purnomosidhi & Iskak Nugky Ismawan & Mulus Surgana & Andi Prahmono - 1-56 Multivariate Analysis of Physical and Chemical Soil Attributes Under Forage Palm Cultivation and Agriculture Reuse in the Semiarid Region
by F. de O. Mesquita & E. S. A. G. de Vasconcelos & E. C. de Lira & E. dos S. Felix & R. O. Batista & L. A. L. de Paiva & E. F. Mesquita & D. M. A. de Melo & A. G. de Luna Souto & D. da C. L. Coelho & F. R. A. Pereira & A. P. Bakker & J. da S. Araújo - 1-71 Economic Feasibility of Management of Fertilization in the Soybean-Corn System Cultivated in Succession
by Jonathan Mendonça dos Santos & Ricardo Francischini & Veridiana Cardozo Gonçalves Cantão & Raquel de Sousa Neta & Charles Barbosa Santos & Rose Luiza Moraes Tavares & Kamila Lobato Moraes & Jordana Fátima Moraes Carvalho & Gilmar Oliveira Santos & William Peres - 1-82 Diameter Distribution of Vouacapoua americana Aublet in the Brazilian Amazon
by Rodrigo Antonio Pereira Junior & Ademir Roberto Ruschel & Denis Carlos Lima Costa & Dennys Chrystian Pinto Pereira & Ulisses Sidnei da Conceição Silva - 1-96 Potential for Use of Seaweed as a Fish Feed Ingredient: A Review
by Rachel Mwendwa & Michael Wawire & Peter Kahenya - 109-109 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 2
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-1 Inheritance of Secondary Metabolites Associated With Cowpea Resistance to Flower Bud Thrips
by Hellen Wairimu Gitonga & Samuel Kyamanywa & Isaac Onziga Dramadri - 1-12 The Fruiting Wall: An Alternative Training System for Peach Orchards in Southeast Brazil
by Graciela R. Sobierajski & Gabriel C. Blain - 1-20 Agronomic Efficiency of Grammy Crop® (Azospirillum brasilense) Under Different Application Methods in First- and Second-Crop Maize
by Itacir Eloi Sandini & Margarete Kimie Falbo & Cláudia Cristina Leite Fiori & Bianca Rosini & Bruno Rosini & Angélica Miamoto - 1-29 Characterization and Stability of ‘de Russas’ Orange Juice From Organic Cultivation
by Sheyla Maria Barreto Amaral & Felipe Sousa da Silva & Ana Paula Ferreira de Almeida & Maria JaÃne Bessa & Marjorie Beatriz Vidal Maia & Márcia Roberta Freitas Cavalcante & Francisca Nayara Ferreira de Freitas & Raimundo Alves da Costa Júnior & Renata de Oliveira Silva & Vitor Paulo Andrade da Silva & Maria Aparecida Liberato Milhome & Karlucy Farias de Sousa & Sandra Maria Lopes dos Santos & Cleilson do Nascimento Uchôa & Marlene Nunes Damaceno - 1-55 Introduction of Nutrient Solution of Silicon Sulfonated With Elemental Sulfur S8 for the Mini-tuber Production of Potato Cultivars from in vitro Micro-tuber
by Davoud Hassanpanah & Sayad Parastar Anzabi & Parviz Shirinzadeh Giglou & Ahmad Mousapour Gorji & Yousef Jahani Jelodar & Elham Parastar Anzabi & Hossein Hassanpanah - 1-62 Plant Growth and Antioxidative Enzymes in Sunflower Supplemented With Selenium
by Gabriela de Sousa Ferreira & Paulo Ovidio Batista de Brito & Tiago de Abreu Lima & Francisco à caro Carvalho Aderaldo & Gabrielli Teles de Carvalho & Elias do Nascimento de Sousa Filho & Franklin Aragão Gondim - 1-70 Reviewing the Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Kenyan Aquaculture Sector and Future Adaptive Strategies
by Jonathan Munguti & Jacob O. Iteba & Nicholas Outa & James G. Kirimi & Daniel Mungai & Domitila Kyule & Kevin Obiero & Erick O. Ogello - 1-80 Agronomic Efficiency of Biotite in Soybean and Corn Silage Production
by Eliana Paula Fernandes Brasil & Wilson Mozena Leandro & João Paulo Vilela de Castro & Isadora de Lima Araújo & Juarez PatrÃcio de Oliveira Júnior - 1-95 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 15, No. 1
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 14, Issue 12
- 1-1 Effect of Two Different Irrigation Strategies on the Yield Components of Five Rice Varieties in a Cold Mediterranean climate in the South-Central Zone of Chile
by C. Acevedo-Opazo & C. Cisternas & P. Andrade & C. Espinosa & I. Errazuriz-Montares & K. Vergara-Cordero & J. Correa & V. Salazar & J. Guajardo & C. Cornejo & F. Maldonado & P. Cañete-Salinas - 1-15 Rural Household Food Consumption in Bengkulu, Indonesia: Estimating a Demand System Based on SUSENAS Microdata
by Melli Suryanty S. N. & Toshinobu Matsuda - 1-28 Potential of Bluetooth Wireless Technology as a Tool for Agricultural Extension
by Dieudonne Baributsa - 1-37 Genotypic Yield Stability of Wild and Landrace Sorghum Species Under Drought Stress and Striga Infestation
by Kahiu Ngugi & Nicoleta Muchira & Grace Ochieng & Damaris A. Odeny & Eric Manyasa - 1-53 Confirmation of 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenase Inhibitor-Resistant and 5-Way Multiple-Herbicide-Resistant Waterhemp in Ontario, Canada
by Hannah E. Symington & Nader Soltani & Peter H. Sikkema - 1-59 Parametric Models of Covariance Matrices for Repeated Measures: A Simulation Study on Fit, Error and Statistical Power in Mixed Linear Models
by Lucas V. Vieira & Gabriela N. da Piedade & Maria M. P. Sartori - 1-83 Using Sulphonated Silicon Nutrient Solution with S8 Elemental Sulfur and Changing Planting Arrangement in Potato Winter Cultivation
by Davoud Hassanpanah & Sayad Parastar Anzabi & Parviz Shirinzadeh Giglou & Ahmad Mousapour Gorji & Yousef Jahani Jelodar & Elham Parastar Anzabi - 1-92 Thermo-physical Properties and Oxidative Stability of the Oil of Babassu Palm (Attalea vitrivir Zona, Arecaceae)
by Higor Fernando Salvador & Eliane de Souza Oliveira & Sônia Ribeiro Arrudas & Henrique Maia Valério & Arlete Barbosa dos Reis & Marcio Antonio Silva Pimenta - 101-101 Involvement of Women in Adopting Climate Change Adaptation Practices in Cacao Farming in Côte d’Ivoire
by Ouattara Yerayou Céline & M’Bo Kacou Antoine Alban & Cherif Mamadou & Sanogo Souleymane & Renée Brunelle & Leblanc Caroline & Kone Daouda - 114-114 Performance and Fruit Ripening of Red Orange Tree Grafted onto Two Rootstocks
by Rafaelly C. Martins & Sarita Leonel & Jackson M. A. Souza & Magali Leonel & Jaime Duarte Filho & Gabriel M. Napoleão & LaÃs N. H. Monteiro & FabrÃcio P. Teixeira - 130-130 Identification and Characterization of Fusarium Species Associated With Amaranth (Amaranthus Species) Wilt Disease in the Semi-deciduous and Guinea Savannah Agro-ecological Zones of Ghana
by Zippora Appiah-Kubi & Joseph Adomako & Bernard Armooh & David Appaih-Kubi & Allen Oppong & Marian Quian & Enoch A. Osekre & Joseph Nii Lamptey & Charles Kwoseh - 142-142 The Use of Volume Yield and the Number of Trees to Control Forest Management Operations and Combat Illegal Harvesting
by Dennys Chrystian Pinto Pereira & Ademir Roberto Ruschel & Rodrigo Antonio Pereira Junior & Ulisses Sidnei da Conceição Silva - 157-157 Spatial Variability of the Organic Matter in the Soil in Cassava Cultivation Under Differentiated Management
by Lucas Nobre de Souza & Iolanda Maria Soares Reis & Eloi Gasparin & Marcelo Laranjeira Pimentel & Deyvielen Maria Ramos Alves & Rodrigo Batista Pinto & Ulisses Sidnei da Conceição Silva & Augusto Cesar Galvão Sampaio - 166-166 Long-Term Organic Inputs Determine Soil Productivity Better in Sorghum-Cowpea Rotation Than in Sorghum Monoculture
by N. Ouandaogo & Dohan Mariam Soma & Bouinzemwendé Mathias Pouya & Zacharia Gnankambary & Badiori Ouattara & François Lompo & Hassan Bismarck Nacro & Papaoba Michel Sedogo & Delwendé Innocent Kiba - 176-176 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 14, No. 12
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 14, Issue 11
- 1-1 Effects of Shading on Anatomical Aspects and Chlorophyll and Carotenoid Contents in Paricá
by Ana B. R. dos Santos & Heráclito E. O. da Conceição & José D. N. Alves & Jorge A. G. Yared & Alba L. F. de A. Lins & Michel Sauma Filho & Tayssa M. Franco & José P. de Araújo Neto & Priscila M. da Silva & Ana P. S. Vieira & Andressa M. Bezerra & ayane da S. Souza - 1-11 Annual Ryegrass Control in Corn With Glyphosate plus Residual Herbicides Applied Preplant in the Spring
by Nader Soltani & Christian Willemse & Peter H. Sikkema - 1-19 Soil Nematode Trophic Group Composition and Influence on Growth of Amaranthus palmeri and Parthenium hysterophorus
by Orlando Garcia & Dana Garibaldi & Krissa Jhaveri & Jake Lanoue & Pushpa Soti - 1-30 Maintenance Energy Requirement of Broilers and the Impact of Ambient Temperatures
by Ali Beker & Robert G. Teeter & Adnan B. Yousuf - 1-43 Performance Characterization of a Locally Developed Fish Smoke-Drying Kiln for Charcoal and Briquette
by Shadrack Kwadwo Amponsah & Helena Asare & Harry Okyere & Judith Odei Owusu-Asante & Emmanuel Minkah & Hilary Kwesi Ketemepi - 1-54 Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation on Chalkiness of Rice Mutant OsLHT1 Grains
by Bo Peng & An-Qi Lou & Juan Peng & Qing-Xi Zhang & Xiao-Yu Sun & Yan Liu & Xiang-Jin Xu & Yan-Yang Sun & Ya-Qin Huang & Xiao-Hua Song & Quan-Xiu Wang - 1-64 Determination of Bioactive Compounds Against Bacterial Wilt of Potato (Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum sp. nov.) in Psidium guajava and Pelargonium zonale Leaf Extracts
by Gidraf Onduru Okeyo & Miriam Karwitha Charimbu & Jane Nyaanga & Thiago Mendes - 1-80 Advances in Plant Breeding, Polemics of Genetically Modified Crops and Biosafety Frameworks in Ethiopia
by Tadessa Daba & Tesfaye Disasa & Melaku Alemu - 1-98 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 14, No. 11
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 14, Issue 10
- 1-1 Control of Multiple-Herbicide-Resistant Green Pigweed (Amaranthus powellii) With Preemergence and Postemergence Herbicides in Ontario Corn Production
by Isabelle K. Aicklen & Nader Soltani & François J. Tardif & Darren E. Robinson & Peter H. Sikkema - 1-12 Moringa (M. oleifera) Leaf Meal in Diets for Broilers and Laying Hens: A Review
by Abdulkarim Abdulmageed Amad & Jürgen Zentek - 1-34 Interaction of Mechanical Damage and Chemical Treatment and Its Effects on Soybean Seed Physiological Quality
by Carla Coppo & Alessandro L. Braccini & Fernando A. Henning & Renata C. Pereira & Breno G. Silva & Silas M. Oliveira & Rayssa F. Santos & Géssica G. Bastiani & Luana C. Catelan & Helen Mariana Cock Protzek & Yana M. Borges - 1-43 An Evaluation of Snail Immobilization and Mortality Effects Using Selected Chemical Treatments for Potential Trapping Apparatuses
by Marcus N. A. Ramdwar & Brandon Abraham & Shastri Badal & Jesse Harripersad - 1-48 Biological Parameters and Fertility Life Table of Spodoptera frugiperda in Different Host Plants
by Indyra F. Carvalho & Larissa L. Machado & Camila G. Neitzke & Larissa L. Erdmann & Lauren T. Oliveira & Daniel Bernardi & Ana Paula S. Afonso da Rosa - 1-57 Evolution of Lippia multiflora Biomass by the Fertigation Technique on a Ferralsol in the South of Côte d’Ivoire
by Marie-Paule Hien & Thierry Philippe Guety & Louan Odile Blé & Koffi Patrick Elysée Konan & Albert Yao-Kouamé - 1-68 Effects of Government Water Supply on the Smallholder Farmers’ Sustainable Nutrition in Togo
by Essiagnon John-Philippe Alavo & Lin Guanghua - 1-84 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 14, No. 10
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 14, Issue 9
- 1-1 Insecticidal Effect of Cry Toxins Produced by Bacillus thuringiensis on Diceraeus melacanthus (Dallas, 1851) and Euschistus heros (Fabricius, 1798) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
by Flávia S. S. da Costa & Marcelo T. de Castro & Érica Martins & Rose G. Monnerat - 1-15 Spatial Prediction Model of Plant Water Status of an Olive Orchard (Olea europaea L.) cv. Arbequina Under Semiarid Conditions in the Central Valley of Chile
by Paulo Cañete-Salinas & Héctor Valdés-Gomez & Daniel de la Fuente-Sáiz & Francisco Maldonado & Cristian Espinosa & Nicolás Verdugo-Vásquez & César Acevedo-Opazo - 1-26 Improving Rice Production Efficiency in Myanmar by Controlling for Environmental Production Factors
by Myo Sabai Aye & Hisako Nomura & Yoshifumi Takahashi & Lindsay C. Stringer & Mitsuyasu Yabe - 1-40 Tolerance of Dry Beans to Pyraflufen-Ethyl/2,4-D Ester
by Nader Soltani & Christy Shropshire & Peter H. Sikkema - 1-47 Residual Herbicides and Cover Crops Interactions for Soybean Weed Control
by Eduardo Roncatto & Arthur Arrobas Martins Barroso & Bruna Dal’Pizol Novello & Renan Gonçalves & Tiago Jarek & MaurÃcio Yung - 1-59 Composition of Buckwheat Honey
by Kris Corey & Anwar A. Hamama & Haiwen Li & Rafat A. Siddiqui & Chyer Kim & Harbans L. Bhardwaj - 1-65 Pathogenic Characterization of Pestalotiopsis grandis-urophylla Isolates Using Mycelial Suspension
by Lincon Rafael da Silva & Marina Gabriela Marques & Erico de Campos Dianese & Fabricio Rodrigues & Thiago Alves Santos de Oliveira & Elizabeth Amélia Alves Duarte & Solange Xavier dos Santos & Daniel Diego Costa Carvalho - 1-71 Fertilization With Laying Hen Manure and Economic Analysis in Caesar Weed (Urena lobata L.) Seed Production in Amazonas, Brazil
by à caro Bruno da Costa Freitas & Anselmo Levy Verdes Costa & Carla Coelho Ferreira & Ana CelÃlia Nina Lobato & Suzamar da Silva Santos & Albejamere Pereira de Castro - 1-78 Osmopriming in Seeds of Helianthus annuus L
by Igor dos R. Oliveira & Leandra M. Barrozo & Alan M. Zuffo & LaÃsa C. dos S. Lopes & Joel C. dos Santos & Tatiane S. da C. Zanatta & Francisco C. dos S. Silva & Ricardo Mezzomo & Adriana A. Diniz & Jorge G. Aguilera & Rafael F. Ratke & Adaniel S. dos Santos & Luis P. T. Ratke - 1-86 Morphological Characterization and Diversity of Bambara Groundnuts in Uganda
by M. Kiryowa & G. Ddamulira & G. Alenoma & G. Karwani & M. O. Ifeyinwa & O. P. Umeugochukwu & M. Alanyo - 1-95 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 14, No. 9
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1-1 Estimation of Rice Yield Considering Heading Stage Using Satellite Imagery and Ground-Based Data in Indonesia
by Yuki Sofue & Chiharu Hongo & Naohiro Manago & Gunardi Sigit & Koki Homma & Budi Utoyo - 1-18 Asian Rice Exports and the European Demand: An Application of the Modified Panel Gravity Model
by Nikolche Jankulovski & Usama Ehsan Khan - 1-30 Influence of Biochar, Rock Phosphate, and Urea Nitrogen Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Grown in Standoff, Southern Alberta Greenhouse
by Adebusoye O. Onanuga & Roy Weasel Fat & Roy M. Weasel Fat - 1-40 Abundance and Dynamics of the Main Heteroptera Pests of Cocoa Tree in the Orchards of the Department of Méagui (South-West, Côte d’Ivoire)
by Trazié Kevin Guessan-Bi & Konan Lucien Kouame & Koffi Éric Kwadjo & Kouadio Dagobert Kra & Mamadou Doumbia - 1-50 Combined Use of Green Manure and Biological Agents to Control Meloidogyne javanica (Treub) Chitwood in Soybean
by Thais dos Santos Soares & Luiza Eduarda Strambaiole Garcia Alves & Angélica Miamoto & Simone de Melo Santana-Gomes & Cláudia Regina Dias-Arieira & Cláudia Regina Dias-Arieira - 1-59 Soil Acidity Indicators for Liming in Tropical Acid Soils Cropped With Soybean Under Short- and Long-Term No-Tillage Systems
by Welldy Gonçalves Teixeira & Eliana Paula Fernandes Brasil & Wilson Mozena Leandro & Jéssika Lorrine de Oliveira Sousa & Caio César Magalhães Borges & Wilker Alves de Araujo - 1-72 Effects of Feeding ACP® as a Bio-supplement to Ewes Pre- and Postpartum on Energy Profile and Offspring Growth Weight
by Ana Katharina de Araújo Lima Soares & Carla Lopes de Mendonça & José Augusto Bastos Afonso & Ana Clara Sarzedas Ribeiro & Ângela Imperiano Da Conceição & José Ferreira Nunes & Saulo Gusmão da Silva de Tarso - 1-78 Effect of Phosphate Organomineral Fertilization on the Dry Matter Production and Phosphorus Accumulation of Corn
by Ricardo de Castro Dias & Juliano Bahiense Stafanato & Everaldo Zonta & José Carlos Polidoro & Rafael Gomes da Mota Gonçalves & Paulo César Teixeira - 1-90 Nutritional Status of Mango by the Boundary Line and Mathematical Chance Methods
by Jefrejan Souza Rezende & Fernando José Freire & Suellen Roberta Vasconcelos da Silva & Rosimar dos Santos Musser & à talo Herbert Lucena Cavalcante & Eduardo Cézar Medeiros Saldanha & Renato Lemos dos Santos & Jailson Cavalcante Cunha - 117-117 Agronomic Efficiency and Phosphate Solubilization of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bradyrhizobium japonicum in Leaf-Spray Inoculation and Seed Treatment in Soybean
by Tatiana Carvalho Faria & Matheus Vinicius Abadia Ventura & Tenille Ribeiro de Souza & Moacir Ribeiro Neto & Fernando Bonafé Sei & Edson Luiz Souchie - 129-129 Influence of Ascorbic Acid on the Color of Dehydrated Sweet Potatoes
by João Rafael Prudêncio dos Santos & Bruno Soares da Silva & Kennia Karolline Gonçalves Pereira & Maria Josiane Martins & Andreia Márcia Santos de Souza David & Camila Maida de Albuquerque Maranhão & Pedro Mendes Demicheli & Renato Martins Alves & Ana Lúcia Figueiredo de Souza Nogueira & Fernanda Soares Oliveira & Janaina Beatriz Borges & Zenóbia Cardoso dos Santos & Polyana Danyelle dos Santos Silva & Thaisa Aparecida Neres de Souza & Regina Cássia Ferreira Ribeiro & Amanda Maria Leal Pimenta & Nelson de Abreu Delvaux Júnior & Helena Souza Nascimento Santos & Márcio Adriano Santos & Fábio Cantuária Ribeiro & Gevaldo Barbosa de Oliveira & Icassia Garcia Santana & Thális Brito Oliveira & Flávio Cantuária Ribeiro & Juliana Borges Martins Antunes & Hondanaia Rocha da Anunciação & Guido Luiz Souza Santana - 135-135 Efficacy of Insecticides Applied to Soybean Seeds for Controlling Lepidoptera Caterpillars
by Y. M. Lezcano Aquino & V. Gómez López & L. Ayala Aguilera & E. Arguello & M. Conles & G. E. Meneghelo & J. Bareiro & P. V. Peña Alvarenga & M. J. González Vera - 145-145 Techno-economic Evolution of Soybean Production in Brazil and Argentina
by Beatriz M. Pereira & Marlon V. Brisola - 166-166 Water Deficit and Excess and the Main Physiological Disorders in Agricultural Crops
by Bruna de Villa & Mirta Teresinha Petry & Maicon Sérgio Nascimento dos Santos & Juliano Dalcin Martins & Isabel Lago & Murilo Brum de Moura & Henrique Schaf Eggers & Giane Lavarda Melo & Felipe Tonetto & Cassio Miguel Ferrazza & Andressa Fuzer Gonçalves & Ticiana François Magalhães & Isac Aires de Castro - 173-173 Effects of Minimum and Maximum Limits of Solar Radiation and Its Temporal and Geographic Interactions
by Bruna de Villa & Mirta Teresinha Petry & Maicon Sérgio Nascimento dos Santos & Juliano Dalcin Martins & Isabel Lago & Murilo Brum de Moura & Henrique Schaf Eggers & Giane Lavarda Melo & Felipe Tonetto & Cassio Miguel Ferrazza & Julia Antunes de Oliveira & Rafaela Werle & Ricardo Pacheco Castro - 179-179 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 14, No. 8
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 14, Issue 7
- 1-1 Profit Efficiency, Weather Risk and Climate Adaptation Practices of Rice Farmers in Myanmar
by Myo Sabai Aye & Hisako Nomura & Yoshifumi Takahashi & Mitsuyasu Yabe - 1-15 Effects of Selected Characteristics on General and Financial Record Keeping Practices of Small Producers in South Central Alabama
by David Nii O. Tackie & Khali N. Jones & Francisca A. Quarcoo & Gwen J. Johnson & Jeffrey Moore & Alphonso Elliott - 1-36 Vocational Training of Young Farmers: The Case of Students of the American Farm School Vocational Training Institute
by Anna Papakonstantinou & Marios Koutsoukos & Konstantinos Zoukidis & Evangelos Vergos - 1-43 Inoculation of Plant Growth Promoting Bacillus spp. in N-Fertilized Maize Crop in Soils With High Organic Matter Content in South Brazil
by Glaciela Kaschuk & Lygia Vitoria Galli-Terasawa & Kayo Kennedy Albernas & Leticia de Paula Ripka & Isabelle Cristine Pansolin & Caroline de Lima Matos & Volnei Pauletti & Vanessa Kava - 1-53 The Classification, Isolation and Function of Amino Acid Transporters in Plants
by Bo Peng & Qing-Xi Zhang & Juan Peng & Xiao-Yu Sun & Yan Liu & An-Qi Lou & Jing Qiu & Yan-Yang Sun & Ya-Qin Huang & Xiao-Hua Song - 1-61 Impacts of International and National Regulatory Frameworks on Guaranteeing Farmers’ Right in Brazil
by Jean Wisguen Inozile & Henrique dos Santos Pereira - 1-72 New Reports of Fungi on Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King, Meliaceae) Leaves and Seeds in Brazil
by Marcelo T. de Castro & Sandro C. L. Montalvão & Ivair J. Morais & Rose G. Monnerat - 1-83 Factors Influencing Directional Tree Felling in the Tapajós National Forest, Amazon, Brazil
by Ulisses Sidnei da Conceição Silva & Ademir Roberto Ruschel & Iolanda Maria Soares Reis - 106-106 Crude Aqueous Root Extracts of Solanum spp. Show Nematotoxic Activity Against Meloidogyne incognita
by A. A. Ferreira & A. S. Ombredane & R. R. Pimentel & P. D. S. Ferreira & J. E. Cares & J. R. P. Santos & C. Furlanetto & T. L. Rocha - 121-121 Control of Meloidogyne incognita Using Aqueous Extracts and Solanum stramonifolium Jacq. Dialisates
by T. G. Costa & Athamy S. de P. Cruz & Estela C. de O. Lourenço & Paula D. S. Ferreira & LÃvia C. S. Viol & Loiane A. de Lima & José L. Mendonça & Jadir B. Pinheiro & Vera L. P. Polez & Simoni C. Dias & Janice de A. Engler & Thales L. Rocha - 133-133 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 14, No. 7
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 1-1 Understanding Consumer Resistance to the Consumption of Environmentally-Friendly Agricultural Products: A Case of Bio-Concentrated Liquid Fertilizer Product
by Zhen Wu & Yoshifumi Takahashi & Mitsuyasu Yabe - 1-16 Weed Control With Preemergence Herbicides in Azuki Bean
by Nader Soltani & Christy Shropshire & Peter H. Sikkema - 1-28 Quality Improvement and Characterization for Production of Acceptable High-Quality Brown Rice Tofu in Japan
by Shihoko Tamai & Masataka Saito & Takeshi Nagai - 1-40 Carbon Dioxide Emission, Soil Properties, Intercropping of Cucumber-Tomato and Carrot-Cabbage Crops Performance Affected by Application of Biochar, Urea, and Rock Phosphate
by Adebusoye O. Onanuga & Roy Weasel Fat & Roy M. Weasel Fat - 1-55 Effects of Foliar and Soil Application of Gibberellic Acid (GA3) at Different Growth Stages on Agronomic Traits and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
by M. D. Iffah Haifaa & Christopher Moses - 1-68 Improving Maize Production and Farmers’ Income Using System Dynamics Model
by Erma Suryani & Ulfa Emi Rahmawati & Alifia Az Zahra - 1-96 Mauritia vinifera Mart Substrates and Nitrogen Doses in Acacia mangium Willd Growth
by Wéverson L. Fonseca & Augusto M. de Oliveira & Tiago de O. Sousa & Alan M. Zuffo & Fernandes A. de Almeida & Rosane L. Fonseca & Hingrid R. S. Teixeira & Adaniel S. dos Santos & Jean K. da S. Paz & Jorge G. Aguilera & Leandris Argentel-MartÃnez & Ofelda Peñuelas-Rubio - 103-103 Bacillus-Based Products to Control Meloidogyne incognita Races 3 and 4 in Cotton and Compared Histopathology Using B. methylotrophicus
by Sandro C. L. Montalvão & Marcelo T. de Castro & Luiz E. B. Blum & Rose G. Monnerat - 125-125 Host Plant Reaction to Rice Yellow Mottle Virus and Allelic Diversity of RYMV1 Gene in Rice Cultivars in Uganda
by A. Akwero & M. H. Otim & M. Ochwo-Ssemakula & T. L. Odong & J. Lamo - 141-141 Agronomic Efficiency of Signum Inoculant in Pre-inoculation of Soybean at 35 and 20 Days Before Sowing in Treated Seeds
by Gabriela S. Machineski & Andrea S. Scaramal & Maria A. Matos & Jonatas F. Langame & Giovana G. Gaiser & Oswaldo Machineski & Arnaldo Colozzi Filho - 154-154 Development and Leaf Morphofunctional Attributes of Native Species Used in Oil Well Base Revegetation
by Rayane Rosa & Adriano Alves Fernandes & Jhonny Kelvin Dias Martins & Fabio Ribeiro Pires & Luis Fernando Tavares de Menezes & Sara Dousseau Arantes & André Lucas Reboli Pagoto & Antelmo Ralph Falqueto & André Luiz Ribeiro Azeredo & Adriele dos Santos Jardim & João Vitor Garcia Silva - 174-174 Improving Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Growth and Yield of Tomato Using Fresh Manure and Agronet Cover
by James Ngelenzi Munywoki & Mwanarusi Saidi & Joshua Otieno Ogweno - 185-185 Parasitism and Development of Tetrastichus howardi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Immature Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
by Jéssica Terilli Lucchetta & Fabricio Fagundes Pereira & Alessandra Fequetia Freitas & Débora Lopes Alves & Helter Carlos Pereira & Carlos Reinier Garcia Cardoso & Marcelo Sousa Barbosa & Mariana Santana Guerra & Izabella de Lima Palombo - 198-198 Phenotypic Variability in the Induction of Alpha Acids in Hops (Humulus lupulus L.) in Brazil
by Fabio Calixto Dos Santos & Marcio Dos Santos & Ricardo Dagnoni Huezsmann & Duan Ceola & Edmar Martendal Dias De Souza & Cezario Ferreira Dos Santos Junior & Altamir Frederico Guidolin & Jefferson LuÃs Meirelles Coimbra - 206-206 The Assessment of Four Crop-Based Cropping System Productivity, Nutrient Uptake and Soil Fertility With Existing Cropping Systems
by Md. Abdul Quddus & Md. Alamgir Siddiky & Khokan Kumer Sarker & Mohibur Rahman & Mohammad Ayub Hossain Khan & Md. Anarul Islam & Mohammad Rezaul Karim & Md. Faruque Hossain - 227-227 The Impact of COVID-19 on the Agricultural System and Food Supply in Fiji
by Mohammed Rasheed Igbal & Ubaadah Bin Iqbaal & Ronald Rajesh Kumar & Royford Bundi Magiri - 246-246 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 14, No. 6
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 1-1 Differences in Agricultural Productivity Among Women and Men on Small-Scale Farms in Senegal: Contributions of Agricultural Innovations
by Aboubacry Kane & Mouhamadou M. Aidara - 1-15 Hermetic Bags Effectively Preserve Dried Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Fruits in Niger
by Issoufou Amadou & Ibrahim B. Baoua & Laouali Amadou & Dieudonné Baributsa - 1-23 Effect of Oversowing and Fertilization on Species Composition, Yield and Nutritional Quality of Forages on a Permanent Wet Meadow
by Daphné Durant & Corentin Doublet - 1-41 Nutrient Cycling of Cover Crops in an Amazonian Ecosystem
by Mauro da Silva Alves & LaÃs Alves da Gama & Bruna Nogueira Leite & Karla Gabrielle Dutra Pinto & LetÃcia de Paula Neves de Souza & Sônia Maria Figueiredo Albertino - 1-53 Response of Ozone Treatment on Dissolved Oxygen Levels, Growth and Yield of Cucumber Crop Grown in Hydroponics in Cooled Green House. Season: Winter (December-March)
by Muthir S. Al Rawahy & Waleed S. Al Abri & Saif K. Al Qutati & Amal Al Zidi & Khalifa S. Al Subhi & Jassem M. Al Harrasi - 1-59 Brassinosteroid Combined With Indolbutyric Acid in Blueberry Micropropagation
by Ricardo Antonio Ayub & André Belmont Pereira - 1-66 Morphological Characterization and Estimates of Genetic Parameters in Peppers With Ornamental Potential
by Fátima de Souza Gomes & Samy Pimenta & Taylor Johnny Patricio Silva & Izabela Nascimento Rodrigues Santos Matos & Gabriela Cristina Alves Custódio & Allyson Gabriel Santos de Paula & Lorena Gabriela Coelho de Queiroz & Wellington Silva Gomes & Marlon Cristian Toledo Pereira & Hélida Christine de Freitas Monteiro & CÃntia dos Santos Bento & Gevaldo Barbosa de Oliveira - 1-76 Assessment of the Management and Performance of Farming and Cropping Systems in Senegalese Niayes and Groundnut Basin
by Mountakha Diallo & Khadidiatou Ndoye Ndir & Djibril Diallo & Joseph Sékou B. Dembélé & Saliou Ndiaye - 1-88 Biochar After Thirteen Years of Agricultural Crops on the Physical Attributes and Organic Carbon of a Yellow Oxisol in Central Amazon
by Heitor Marcel da Silva Ribeiro & Afrânio Ferreira Neves Jr & Danielle Monteiro de Oliveira & José Adcarlos Neles Ferreria & Reginaldo Barboza da Silva & Bruno Costa do Rosário & Ricardo Bezerra Hoffmann & Francisca Alcivania de Melo Silva & Newton Paulo de Souza Falcão - 104-104 The Design and Technical Performance of Two Aeroponic Systems in Ghana
by P. Amankwaa-Yeboah & S. Yeboah & N. Kyei-Baffour & W. A. Agyare & E. Otoo - 116-116 Agronomic Performance of Passion Fruit Genotypes in the Federal District, Brazil
by C. C. Ferreira & J. R. Peixoto & M. S. Vilela & M. C. Pires & A. A. Oliveira Junior & R. Carmona - 128-128 Agronomic Performance and Carotenoid Content of Kenyan Yellow-Fleshed Cassava Clones
by Njenga Peninah & Edema Richard & Kamau Joseph & Abong’ George - 134-134 Minimizing the Selection Pressure of Site-Specific Fungicides Towards Phakopsora pachyrhizi in Mato Grosso State: A Review
by Erlei Melo Reis & Wanderlei Dias Guerra & Laércio Zambolim & Fernando C. Juliatti & José Otávio Menten - 142-142 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 14, No. 5
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 1-1 Advanced Damage Assessment Method for Bacterial Leaf Blight Disease in Rice by Integrating Remote Sensing Data for Agricultural Insurance
by Chiharu Hongo & Yusuke Takahashi & Gunardi Sigit & Budi Utoyo & Eisaku Tamura - 1-19 Early Nitrogen Applications Promote the Initiation of Sweetpotato Storage Roots
by Hong Tham Dong & Yujuan Li & Philip Brown & Cheng-Yuan Xu - 1-39 Enhancement of Tolpyralate + Bromoxynil Efficacy With Adjuvants in Corn
by John C. Fluttert & Nader Soltani & Mariano Galla & David C. Hooker & Darren E. Robinson & Peter H. Sikkema - 1-51 Molecular Detection of Age-Related Abundance and Diversity of Bifidobacterium spp. in Pastured Goats
by Eunice N. Ndegwa & Ako Agyemang - 1-62 Nitrogen Sources and Doses in Arugula Development
by Helena S. N. Santos & Maickon W. P. Meira & Fábio C. Ribeiro & Liliane S. Silva & José A. dos Santos Neto & Michele X. V. Megda & Regina Cássia F. Ribeiro & Danielle R. R. Dias & Eliza C. C. Queiroz & Matheus M. S. Damasceno & Gabriele A. Sizilio & Renato M. Alves & David Gabriel Campos Pereira - 1-72 Sanity and Physiology of Ceiba speciosa Seeds Treated With Essential Oils
by Jardel da Silva Souza & OtÃlia Ricardo de Farias & Ingrid Gomes Duarte & José Manoel Ferreira de Lima Cruz & Laura Monteiro Pedrosa & João Victor da Silva Martins & Gemerson Machado de Oliveira & Adjair José da Silva & Eduardo Felipe da Silva Santos & Michelle Gonçalves De Carvalho & Tatiana Leite Bulhões & Mariana de Vasconcelos Dias & Luciana Cordeiro do Nascimento - 1-79 Characterization and Incidence of Target Spot Lesions in Unifoliate Leaves, Petioles, and Stems of Soybean Cultivars
by Jacqueline Dalbelo Puia & Ana Maria da Silva Moreira & Adriano Thibes Hoshino & Humberto Godoy Androcioli & Estela Mariani Klein & Marcus Eugênio Oliveira Briozo & Sandra Cristina Vigo & Marcelo Giovanetti Canteri - 1-90 Investigation of the Effect of Sulfonated Silicon Nutrient Solution With Elemental Sulfur S-8 on Agronomic Traits of New Potato Cultivars
by Davoud Hassanpanah & Sayad Parastar Anzabi & Parviz Shirinzadeh & Ahmad Mousapour Gorji & Elham Parastar Anzabi - 1-99 Agrobiodiversity and Sustainability of Oasis Agrosystems in Palm Groves of Sahara and Sahel in Chad
by Oumar Hissein Abba Mahmoud & Oumarou Zango & Naoura Gapili & Maman Laouali Adamou Ibrahim & Abdoulaye Rafiou & Nathalie Chabrillange & Frédérique Aberlenc & Yacoubou Bakasso & Joseph Martin Bell - 114-114 Limestone and Silicate Applications by Different Methods to Correct Soil Acidity
by Gilson Domingos do Mar & Guilherme Augusto Biscaro & Elisangela Dupas & Viviane Wruck Trovato - 126-126 Intercropping Sorghum and Soybean Efficiency Using Contour Ridges Technology in Southern Mali
by Cheick Oumar Dembele & Kalifa Traore & Moussa Karembe & Birhanu Zemadin & Bouba Traore & Fotigui Cisse & Oumar Samake - 136-136 Quality Index of Passion Fruit Seedlings by Using Physically Parameters
by Polyana Danyelle dos Santos Silva & Caik Marques Batista & Samy Pimenta & Marlon Cristian Toledo Pereira & Silvia Nietsche & Joseilton Faria Silva & Maria Josiane Martins & Thaisa Aparecida Neres de Souza & Renato Martins Alves & Isabelle Carolyne Cardoso Batista & Lorena Gracielly de Almeida Souza & Amanda Maria Leal Pimenta & Renata Aparecida Neres Faria & Gabriel Ribeiro Mendes & Mireya de Souza Araújo & Natan Cantuária Nunes & Gevaldo Barbosa de Oliveira & Carlos Augusto Rodrigues Matrangolo & Fábio Cantuária Ribeiro & Nelson de Abreu Delvaux Júnior & Andressa Kelle Custódio Silva & Ivanildo Antonio da Silva & Sindy Natany Martins Barbosa - 145-145 Combination of Azospirillum and Bradyrhizobium on Inoculant Formulation Improve Nitrogen Biological Fixation in Soybean
by Mateus Manara Picoli & João Vitor Gomes Pasquetto & Cesar Yoshio Muraoka & Karina Maria Lima Milani & Fernanda Bruna Bento Marin & Edson Luiz Souchie & Alessandro Lucca Braccini & Edson Lazarini & Ivana Marino Bárbaro Torneli & Stella Consorte Cato & Tiago Tezotto - 156-156 Incorporation of Oil From Hymenaea stigonocarpa and Hymenaea courbaril Into Biofilms Made From Arrowroot Starch: Physicochemical, Biodegradability and Antifungal Activity
by A. C. P. Menezes Filho & M. V. A. Ventura & R. Favareto & C. F. S. Castro & M. B. Teixeira & F. A. L. Soares - 170-170 Morphological Characteristics of Varieties of Sweet Potato, Cenoura, Margarita, Rainha and Roxa, Cultivated in Amazonas, Brazil
by Carla Coelho Ferreira & Julio Henrique Melo Figueira & Daniel Oscar Pereira Soares & Ana CelÃlia Nina Lobato & Albejamere Pereira de Castro - 177-177 Geographic Origin and Host Dependent Metabolic Responses Affect Spodoptera frugiperda Susceptibility to Insecticides
by Indyra F. Carvalho & Larissa L. Machado & Camila G. Neitzke & Larissa L. Erdmann & Lauren T. Oliveira & Ivan R. Carvalho & Moises J. Zotti & Ana Paula S. Afonso da Rosa - 188-188 Alert: Ultra-processed Food Is Overwhelming American’s Diet
by Jingjing Tao - 192-192 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 14, No. 4
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 1-1 Influence of Organic Fertilization on Agro-morphological Traits and Mineral Nutrient Content in Bean Grains
by Richardson Sales Rocha & Mário Euclides Pechara da Costa Jaeggi & Derivaldo Pureza da Cruz & Israel Martins Pereira & Geraldo de Amaral Gravina & Josimar Nogueira Batista & Rita de Kássia Guarnier da Silva & Luciana Aparecida Rodrigues & Marta Simone Mendonça Freitas & Alexandre Gomes de Souza & Geovana Cremonini Entringer & Rogério Figueiredo Daher - 1-12 The Impact of State Ownership on the Productivity of China’s Agri-food Firms
by Gan Lin & Yoshifumi Takahashi & Hisako Nomura & Mitsuyasu Yabe - 1-23 In situ Field Capacity in Brazilian Soils and a Derived Irrigation Management Practice Based on Water Suction
by T. B. Ottoni Filho & A. R. Caetano & M. V. Ottoni - 1-40 Fungicide Spraying Programs Reducing Asian Soybean Rust Impact on Soybean Yield Components
by Laércio Luiz Hoffmann & Walter Boller & Carlos Alberto Forcelini - 1-51 Fertilizer Effects on Soil Moisture Changes during Crop Growing Seasons of Dryland Agriculture in Northwestern Alberta, Canada
by Kabal Singh Gill - 1-66 Who Does Not Attend Farmers Markets and the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Programs?
by Jean Dominique Gumirakiza & Autumn Milliner - 1-78 The Impacts of Current Climate Variability on Coffee Production in the Northern and Southern Highlands of Tanzania
by Suzana G. Mbwambo & Sixbert K. Mourice & Akwilin J. P. Tarimo - 100-100 Organic Inputs on Maize (Zea mays) Yield and Chemical Properties of Two Ultisols
by Kamfwa Chabu & Victor Shitumbanuma & Benson Chishala & Daniel Kalala - 111-111 Biostimulants Increase Soybean Productivity in the Absence and Presence of Water Deficit in Southern Brazil
by Tassiane Bolzan de Morais & Janine Farias Menegaes & Danie Sanchotene & Sylvio Bidel Dorneles & Adriano Arrué Melo & Alexandre Swarowsky - 123-123 Identification of Weed Species in Commercial Soybean Areas by High-Resolution Drone Images
by Alan Carlos de Oliveira Castro & Alaerson Maia Geraldine & Renata Pereira Marques & Pedro Jacob Christoffoleti & Ana Paula Lopes Dias & Matheus Vinicius Abadia Ventura & Tavvs Micael Alves & Bruno Henrique Tondato Arantes & Claiton Gomes dos Santos & Eugenio Miranda Sperandio - 136-136 Water and Nutritional Management on the Growthand Chlorophyll a Fluorescence of Plants Used in the Revegetation of Remaining Sand and Clay Extraction Areas
by André Lucas Reboli Pagoto & Robson Bonomo & Adriano Alves Fernandes & Antelmo Ralph Falqueto & Rayane Rosa & André Luiz Ribeiro Azeredo & João VÃtor Garcia Silva & Adriele dos Santos Jardim - 157-157 Prediction of Mechanical Availability in Mechanized Eucalyptus Forest Harvesting Using Artificial Neural Networks
by Leonardo Cassani Lacerda & Edney Leandro da Vitória & Nilton César Fiedler & Flávio Cipriano de Assis do Carmo & Saulo Boldrini Gonçalves & Antonio Henrique Cordeiro Ramalho & Diogo de Souza Alves - 164-164 Management of Açai Areas in the Sustainability-Oriented Supply Chain in the Municipality of Abaetetuba-Pará
by Eldilene da Silva Barbosa & Herdjania Veras de Lima & Leila Marcia Sousa de Lima Elias & Jamile Carla Oliveira Araújo & Artur VinÃcius Ferreira dos Santos - 172-172 Spray Deposition on Watermelon Crop in Aerial and Ground Application
by Edney Leandro da Vitória & Diogo de Souza Alves & Matheus Torezani Rossi & Raphael Gomes Favero & Adriano Alves Fernandes & Marcelo Barreto da Silva & Ismael Lourenço de Jesus Freitas & Tamara Locatelli & SÃlvio de Jesus Freitas & Silvério de Paiva Freitas & Silvério de Paiva Freitas Junior & Alex Silva Lima & Alan de Lima Nascimento & Élcio das Graça Lacerda - 181-181 Calcium Deficiency Diagnosis in Maize Leaves Using Imaging Methods Based on Texture Analysis
by Fernanda de Fátima da Silva Devechio & Pedro Henrique de Cerqueira Luz & Liliane Maria Romualdo & Valdo Rodrigues Herling & Mário Antônio Marin & Odemir Marinez Bruno & à lvaro Gómez Zuñinga - 191-191 The Effects of Climate Change on Animal Production in Fiji
by Mohammed Rasheed Igbal & Ubaadah Bin Iqbaal & Rohit Kishore & Royford Bundi Magiri - 211-211 Optimizing Field Performance of Axial Flow Rotary Combine With Single Rotor and Snap Roll Header for Maize Harvesting
by Rupinder Chandel & Surinder Singh Thakur - 231-231 Application of Cow Urine as a Liquid Biofertilizer in Carrot Production in an Agro-sustainable System
by Sinara PatrÃcia Mendes da Costa & Thaisa Aparecida Neres de Souza & Josiane Cantuária Figueiredo & Maria Josiane Martins & Débora Souza Mendes & Flávia Soares Aguiar & Maristella Martineli & Isabelle Carolyne Cardoso & Renato Martins Alves & Polyana Danyelle dos Santos Silva & Camila Maida de Albuquerque Maranhão & Amanda Maria Leal Pimenta & Guilherme Reis de Souza & Carlos Augusto Rodrigues Matrangolo & Fábio Cantuária Ribeiro & Regina Cássia Ferreira Ribeiro - 240-240 Climate Change Impacts on Livestock Production and Possible Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies in Developing Countries: A Review
by Rahul Ravneel Prasad & Mohseen Riaz Ud Dean & Bradley Alungo - 250-250 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 14, No. 3
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 1-1 Phenotypical Characterization of a Mutant dea1 With Developmental Defect in Female Inflorescence and Mutantion Impact on Yield in Maize
by Fei Zheng & Meijing Zhang & Yiwen Zhen & Jianhua Yuan & Wenming Zhao & Lingjie Kong & Ruixiang Liu & Yakun Cui & Jing Chen & Yanping Chen & Qingchang Meng - 1-9 Influence of Soil Fertility Management on Nitrogen Mineralization, Urease Activity and Maize Yield
by Daniel M. Kalala & Victor Shitumbanuma & Benson H. Chishala & Alice M. Mweetwa & Andreas Fliessbach - 1-24 Evaluation of Risks Related to Transfer of Rural Housing Land for Tourism Development in the Context of “Separation of Three Rights†Reform in China
by Ping Ren & Buting Hong & Siying Zhu - 1-36 Fitting Volume Models for Parana Pine With a Nonlinear Regression, Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing
by Emanuel Arnoni Costa & Cristine Tagliapietra Schons & César Augusto Guimarães Finger & André Felipe Hess - 1-48 Effects of Trichoderma asperellum BV10 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BV03 in Meloidogyne incognita Control Considering Three Different Management Systems
by Camila Rebelatto Muniz & JeÌ ssica Brasau da Silva & Caroline Sayuri Nishisaka & Josiane Barros Chiaramonte & Veridiana Cardozo Gonçalves Cantão & Hercules Diniz Campos & Eduardo Souza Freire - 1-63 Larvicidal Activity of Leaf Extract From Mauritiella armata (Aceraceae) on Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus (Culicidae)
by Rosanna Lorrane Francisco dos Reis Matos & Núbia Nunes de Souza & Sandro Morais dos Santos & Aline Ferreira Rafael & Eduardo Robson Duarte & Katchuce Brito Amarante Oliveira & Filipe Vieira Santos de Abreu & Franciellen Morais-Costa & Sônia Ribeiro Arrudas & Islaine Franciely Pinheiro de Azevedo & Yule Roberta Ferreira Nunes & Ana Paula Venuto Moura & Thallyta Maria Vieira - 1-70 Genetic Diversity in Populations of Mediterranean Fruit Flies in North-Eastern Brazil
by Jéssica S. Cardoso & Sâmela S. Mendes & Ana Maria Waldschmidt & Maria Aparecida Castellani & Iara S. Joachim-Bravo & Juvenal C. Silva Jr - 1-79 Correlations and Path Analysis in Segregating Cowpea Generations Regarding Biological Nitrogen Fixation
by Ismael Gaião da Costa & José Wilson da SiIva & Gheysa Coelho Silva & Mario de Andrade Lira Junior & Cybelle Souza de Oliveira & Adeneide Candido Galdino Saraiva & Antonio Félix da Costa & José Nildo Tabosa & Kevison Romulo da Silva França & Antonio Francisco de Mendonça Júnior - 1-86 Distribution of the Beta-Casein Gene Variants in Three Cattle Breeds Reared in Benin
by Camus Mahougnon Adoligbe & Stéphanie Gloria Akpo & Santoze Adido & Marguéritte M’Po & Ange-Régis Zoclanclounon & Samuel Mantip & Yao Akpo & Souaïbou Farougou - 1-95 Genetic Variability and Correlation of Biochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Coffee
by Jane Jerono Cheserek & Kahiu Ngugi & James Wanjohi Muthomi & Chrispine Ogutu Omondi & Cecelia Wakigondi Kathurima - 104-104 The Role of Agricultural Institutions in Providing Support Towards Sustainable Rural Development in South Pacific Island Countries
by Royford Magiri & Sharon Gaundan & Shivani Singh & Sumilesh Pal & Archibold Bakare & Kennedy Choongo & Titus Zindove & Walter Okello & George Mutwiri & Paul A. Iji - 113-113 Fish Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Improved Information and Communication Technologies During COVID-19: A Case of Ibadan, Nigeria
by Selorm Omega & Esther E. E. Adebote & Peter K. Omega & Selorm Akaba & Omitoyin A. Siyanola - 122-122 Multiple Attributed Parametric Review Study on Mechanical Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Harvesters
by Rupinder Chandel & Karun Sharma - 144-144 The Economic Impact of Climate Change on the Agricultural System in Fiji
by Mohammed Rasheed Igbal - 158-158 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 14, No. 2
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-1 Effect of Row Spacing and Plant Density on the Yield of Faba bean L. Under Very Differentiated Humidity Conditions
by Janusz Prusiński - 1-11 Improving the Level and Consistency of Glyphosate-Resistant Canada Fleabane (Erigeron canadensis L.) Control With Bromoxynil-Based Tankmixes Applied Preplant to Soybean
by Meghan Dilliott & Nader Soltani & Darren E. Robinson & David C. Hooker & Peter H. Sikkema - 1-22 Rotation/Succession Systems Affects Springtails (Hexapoda: Collembola) Abundance in Cash Crops Under No Tillage Cultivation
by I. M. Camacho & A. T. Hoshino & B. A. Guide & R. M. M. Soares & L. M. de Oliveira & L. G. Gil & L. A. Campos & I. Bordin & A. O. Menezes Junior & H. G. Androcioli - 1-31 Functions and Composition Variations of Wheat Glutenin Proteins in Steamed Bread and Noodles
by Weiwei Guo & Xiaofan Han & Zihan He & Tong Qi & Jiayi Han & Yumei Zhang - 1-41 DUS(Soil)—A Framework for Developing a Minimum Data Set of Soil Health Indicators and Management Guidelines for Farmers
by P. M. Govindakrishnan & A. N. Ganeshamurthy & N. K. Krishna Kumar & F. Beggi & S. Bhaskar & J. C. Rana - 1-50 Management of Soil Acidity and Its Relations With Soybean Productivity in Brazilian Savanna
by Camila Morais Fonseca & Veridiana Cardozo Gonçalves Cantão & Carlos Cesar Evangelista de Menezes & Simone Cristiane Brand & Gabriel Elias Soares de Araújo & Raquel de Sousa Neta & Rose Luiza Moraes Tavares & Paulo Fernandes Boldrin & June Faria Scherrer Menezes & William Peres - 1-60 Agroeconomic Production and Antioxidant Activity of the Hibiscus Cultivated Under Organic Practices and Plant Arrangements
by Heldo D. V. Rosa Aran & Néstor A. Heredia-Zárate & Willian Vieira Gonçalves & Silvia Cristina Heredia-Vieira & Maiane J. Pereira & Jackeline S. Soares & Kaliana G. de Freitas & Cláudia Andrea de L. Cardoso & Maria do Carmo Vieira - 1-70 Yield and Disease Responses of Improved Groundnut Genotypes Under Natural Disease Infection in Northern Uganda: Implication for Groundnut Disease Management
by Alfred Kumakech & Godfrey A. Otim & Tonny Opio & Alfred Komakech & Laban F. Turyagyenda - 1-78 Effect of Cover Crops Associated With Lettuce Production Under No-Tillage System
by Indiamara Marasca & Erenà da Silva de Jesus & Murilo Martins Batistuzzi & Matheus Vinicius Abadia Ventura & Rose Luiza Moraes Tavares & Antonio Carlos Pereira de Menezes Filho & Jadson Belém de Moura - 1-85 Proximate and Mineral Nutrition of Common Bean Genotypes as Influenced by Harvesting Time
by Onkgolotse G. Moatshe-Mashiqa & Patrick K. Mashiqa & Odireleng O. Molosiwa - 1-94 Genetic Improvement of Local Red Peanut With Using Nuclear Technique (Multigamma Irradiation) for Obtaining Superior Variety
by Bartholomeus Pasangka & Refli Refli - 104-104 Evaluation Efficacy and Persistence of Some Volatile Plant Oils on Immature Stages of Galleria mellonella (L.)
by Sawsan S. Moawad & Ibrahim M. A. Ebadah - 109-109 Reviewer Acknowledgements for Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 14, No. 1
by Anne Brown
April 2024, Volume 13, Issue 12
- 1-1 Seasonal Considerations for Year-Round Operation of On-Farm Wetlands in Temperate Climates: A Review
by E. L. Smith & V. Rodd & B. McDonald & D. Chase & H. Niu & C. Gallagher & L. Kellman & M. Vankoughnett