- wp2015n12 Can Having Internal Locus of Control Insure against Negative Shocks? Psychological Evidence from Panel Data
by Hielke Buddelmeyer & Nattavudh Powdthavee - wp2015n11 Reducing the Generosity and Increasing the Conditionality of Disability Benefits: Turning the Supertanker or Squeezing the Balloon?
by Barbara Broadway & Duncan McVicar - wp2015n10 What Factors Affect Doctors’ Hours Decisions: Comparing Structural Discrete Choice and Reduced-Form Approaches
by Guyonne Kalb & Daniel Kuehnle & Anthony Scott & Terence Chai Cheng & Sung-Hee Jeon - wp2015n09 The Effect of Paid Parental Leave on Child Health in Australia
by Barbara Broadway & Guyonne Kalb - wp2015n08 Sexual Identity, Earnings, and Labour Market Dynamics: New Evidence from Longitudinal Data in Australia
by Joseph J. Sabia & Mark Wooden - wp2015n07 Measuring the Connectedness of the Global Economy
by Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo & Viet Hoang Nguyen - wp2015n06 If You Get What You Want, Do You Get What You Need? Course Choice and Achievement Effects of a Vocational Education and Training Voucher Scheme
by Duncan McVicar & Cain Polidano - wp2015n05 Financial Stress Thresholds and Household Equivalence Scales
by G. C. Lim & Sarantis Tsiaplias - wp2015n04 How Do Drug Prices Respond to a Change from External to Internal Reference Pricing? Evidence from a Danish Regulatory Reform
by Ulrich Kaiser & Susan J. Méndez - wp2015n03 Binge Drinking, Antisocial and Unlawful Behaviours, and Beverage Types
by Ou Yang & Xueyan Zhao & Preety Srivastava - wp2015n02 The Employment Effects of Terminating Disability Benefits
by Timothy J. Moore - wp2015n01 The Stress Cost of Children
by Hielke Buddelmeyer & Daniel S. Hamermesh & Mark Wooden
- wp2014n28 The Importance of Economic Expectations for Retirement Entry
by Barbara Broadway & John P. Haisken-DeNew - wp2014n27 A Bayesian Approach to Modelling Bivariate Time-Varying Cointegration and Cointegrating Rank
by Chew Lian Chua & Sarantis Tsiaplias - wp2014n26 Estimating Fiscal Multipliers: News from a Nonlinear World
by Giovanni Caggiano & Efrem Castelnuovo & Valentina Colombo & Gabriela Nodari - wp2014n25 Locus of Control and the Labor Market
by Deborah Cobb-Clark - wp2014n24 Evidence on Credit Constraints, University Attendance and Income Contingent Loans
by Buly A. Cardak & Chris Ryan - wp2014n23 A Family Affair: Job Loss and the Mental Health of Spouses and Adolescents
by Melisa Bubonya & Deborah A. Cobb-Clark & Mark Wooden - wp2014n22 NAPLAN Scores as Predictors of Access to Higher Education in Victoria
by Brendan Houng & Moshe Justman - wp2014n21 When General Skills Are Not Enough: The Influence of Recent Shifts in Australian Skilled Migration Policy on Migrant Employment Outcomes
by Justin van de Ven & Sarah Voitchovsky & Hielke Buddelmeyer - wp2014n20 A Journey Home: What Drives How Long People Are Homeless?
by Deborah A. Cobb-Clark & Nicolas Herault & Rosanna Scutella & Yi-Ping Tseng - wp2014n19 Enforcing Compulsory Schooling by Linking Welfare Payments to School Attendance: Lessons from Australia’s Northern Territory
by Moshe Justman & Kyle Peyton - wp2014n18 Monetary Policy Indeterminacy and Identification Failures in the U.S.: Results from a Robust Test
by Efrem Castelnuovo & Luca Fanelli - wp2014n17 Quantifying Informational Linkages in a Global Model of Currency Spot Markets
by Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo & Viet Hoang Nguyen & Yongcheol Shin - wp2014n16 Estimating the Expected Duration of the Zero Lower Bound in DSGE Models with Forward Guidance
by Mariano Kulish & James Morley & Tim Robinson - wp2014n15 Harmonising and Matching IPR Holders at IP Australia
by T’Mir D. Julius & Gaétan de Rassenfosse - wp2014n14 Attrition Bias in Panel Data: A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing? A Case Study Based on the MABEL Survey
by Terence C. Cheng & Pravin K. Trivedi - wp2014n13 The Effect of Shocks to Labour Market Flows on Unemployment and Participation Rates
by Robert Dixon & Guay C. Lim & Jan C. van Ours - wp2014n12 Uncertainty Shocks and Unemployment Dynamics in U.S. Recessions
by Giovanni Caggiano & Efrem Castelnuovo & Nicolas Groshenny - wp2014n11 Re-employment Expectations and the Eye of Providence
by Sonja C. Kassenboehmer & Sonja G. Schatz - wp2014n10 Late Start with Extra Schooling: The Effect of School Entry-Age Increase and the Introduction of Preparatory Year
by Nikhil Jha - wp2014n09 What Can Life Satisfaction Data Tell Us about Discrimination against Sexual Minorities? A Structural Equation Model for Australia and the United Kingdom
by Nattavudh Powdthavee & Mark Wooden - wp2014n08 An Introduction to the Patstat Database with Example Queries
by Gaétan de Rassenfosse & Hélène Dernis & Geert Boedt - wp2014n07 Income Inequality, Trade and Financial Openness
by G. C. Lim & Paul D. McNelis - wp2014n06 Outcomes for Teenage Mothers in the First Years after Birth
by Guyonne Kalb & Trinh Le & Felix Leung - wp2014n05 Measuring Adequacy of Retirement Savings
by John Burnett & Kevin Davis & Carsten Murawski & Roger Wilkins & Nicholas Wilkinson - wp2014n04 Multidimensionality of Longitudinal Data: Unlocking the Age-Happiness Puzzle
by Ning Li - wp2014n03 Identifying Tax Implicit Equivalence Scales
by Justin van de Ven & Nicolas Herault & Francisco Azpitarte - wp2014n02 Recent Trends in Income Redistribution in Australia: Can Changes in the Tax-Transfer System Account for the Decline in Redistribution?
by Nicolas Herault & Francisco Azpitarte
- wp2013n44 The Measurement of Cognitive Ability in Wave 12 of the HILDA Survey
by Mark Wooden - wp2013n43 Less Equal and Less Mobile: Evidence of a Decline in Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States
by Moshe Justman & Anna Krush - wp2013n42 Locus of Control and Savings
by Deborah A. Cobb-Clark & Sonja C. Kassenboehmer & Mathias G. Sinning - wp2013n41 Retirement Decisions of Couples: The Impact of Spousal Characteristics and Preferences on the Timing of Retirement
by Diana Warren - wp2013n40 Public, Private or Both? Analysing Factors Influencing the Labour Supply of Medical Specialists
by Terence Chai Cheng & Guyonne Kalb & Anthony Scott - wp2013n39 Long-Run Effects of Catholic Schooling on Wages
by Nilhil Jha & Cain Polidano - wp2013n38 "High"-School: The Relationship between Early Marijuana Use and Educational Outcomes
by Deborah A. Cobb-Clark & Sonja C. Kassenboehmer & Trinh Le & Duncan McVicar & Rong Zhang - wp2013n37 Science, Technology, Innovation and IP in India: New Directions and Prospects
by Christine Greenhalgh - wp2013n36 Is There an Educational Penalty for Being Suspended from School?
by Deborah A. Cobb-Clark & Sonja C. Kassenboehmer & Trinh Le & Duncan McVicar & Rong Zhang - wp2013n35 Does Participation in Extracurricular Activities Reduce Engagement in Risky Behaviours?
by Trinh Le - wp2013n34 Early Bird Catches the Worm: The Causal Impact of Pre-school Participation and Teacher Qualifications on Year 3 National NAPLAN Cognitive Tests
by Diana Warren & John P. Haisken-DeNew - wp2013n33 Understanding Changes in Progressivity and Redistributive Effects: The Role of Tax-Transfer Policies and Labour Supply Decisions
by Nicolas Herault & Francisco Azpitarte - wp2013n32 The Low-Pay No-Pay Cycle: Are There Systematic Differences across Demographic Groups?
by Yin King Fok & Rosanna Scutella & Roger Wilkins - wp2013n31 Making It Real: The Benefits of Workplace Learning in Upper-Secondary VET Courses
by Cain Polidano & Domenico Tabasso - wp2013n30 Vision Versus Prudence: Government Debt Financing of Investment
by John Freebairn & Max Corden - wp2013n29 Non-Standard 'Contingent' Employment and Job Satisfaction: A Panel Data Analysis
by Hielke Buddelmeyer & Duncan McVicar & Mark Wooden - wp2013n28 Market Forces Shaping Human Capital in Eighteenth Century London
by Moshe Justman & Karine van der Beek - wp2013n27 Educational Achievement and the Allocation of School Resources
by Deborah A. Cobb-Clark & Nikhil Jha - wp2013n26 Evaluating the Evidence on Income Inequality in Australia in the 2000s
by Roger Wilkins - wp2013n25 Empirical Studies of Trade Marks: The Existing Economic Literature
by Philipp Schautschick & Christine Greenhalgh - wp2013n24 Measuring Top Incomes Using Tax Record Data: A Cautionary Tale from Australia
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Markus H. Hahn & Roger Wilkins - wp2013n23 Competition, Prices and Quality in the Market for Physician Consultations
by Hugh Gravelle & Anthony Scott & Peter Sivey & Jongsay Yong - wp2013n22 Right Peer, Right Now? Endogenous Peer Effects and Achievement in Victorian Primary Schools
by Duncan McVicar & Julie Moschion & Chris Ryan - wp2013n21 Empirical Analysis of Household Savings Decisions in Context of Uncertainty: A Cross-Sectional Approach
by Justin van de Ven & Paolo Lucchino - wp2013n20 Modelling the Dynamic Effects of Transfer Policy: The LINDA Policy Analysis Tool
by Justin van de Ven & Paolo Lucchino - wp2013n19 The Influence of Decision Costs on Investments in Indivudual Savings Accounts
by Justin van de Ven - wp2013n18 The Effectiveness of R&D Tax Credits: Cross-Industry Evidence
by Russell Thomson - wp2013n17 Reading to Young Children: A Head-Start in Life?
by Guyonne Kalb & Jan C. van Ours - wp2013n16 The Marginal Income Effect of Education on Happiness: Estimating the Direct and Indirect Effects of Compulsory Schooling on Well-Being in Australia
by Nattavudh Powdthavee & Warn N. Lekfuangfu & Mark Wooden - wp2013n15 On the Origins of the Worldwide Surge in Patenting: An Industry Perspective on the R&D-Patent Relationship
by Jérôme Danguy & Gaétan de Rassenfosse & Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie - wp2013n14 The Imprinting of Founders' Human Capital on Entrepreneurial Venture Growth: Evidence from New Technology-Based Firms
by Luca Grilli & Paul H. Jensen & Samuele Murtinu - wp2013n13 The Casual Effect of Family Income on Child Health: A Re-examination Using an Instrumental Variables Approach
by Daniel Kuehnle - wp2013n12 Does Coordination of Welfare Services' Delivery Make a Difference for Extremely Disadvantaged Jobseekers? Evidence from the 'YP4' Trial
by Jeff Borland & Yi-Ping Tseng & Roger Wilkins - wp2013n11 Family Socio-Economic Status, Childhood Life-Events and the Dynamics of Depression from Adolescence to Early Adulthood
by Paul Contoyannis & Jinhu Li - wp2013n10 Is Leaving Home a Hardship?
by David C. Ribar - wp2013n09 Perceived Job Discrimination in Australia: Its Correlates and Consequences
by Markus Hahn & Roger Wilkins - wp2013n08 Selection Bias in Innovation Studies. A Simple Test
by Gaétan de Rassenfosse & Anja Schoen & Annelies Wastyn - wp2013n07 Comparing Least-Squares Value-Added Analysis and Student Growth Percentile Analysis for Evaluating Student Progress and Estimating School Effects
by Brendan Houng & Moshe Justman - wp2013n06 Do Firms Face a Trade-Off between the Quantity and the Quality of Their Inventions?
by Gaétan de Rassenfosse - wp2013n05 Do Patents Shield Disclosure or Assure Exclusivity When Transacting Technology?
by Gaétan de Rassenfosse & Alfons Palangkaraya & Elizabeth Webster - wp2013n04 On the Relationship between Innovation and Export: The Case of Australian SMEs
by Alfons Palangkaraya - wp2013n03 Trust, Incomplete Contracts and the Market for Technology
by Paul H. Jensen & Alfons Palangkaraya & Elizabeth Webster - wp2013n02 Trust of Second Generation Immigrants: Intergenerational Transmission or Cultural Assimilation?
by Julie Moschion & Domenico Tabasso - wp2013n01 How Windfall Income Increases Gambling at Poker Machines
by Hielke Buddelmeyer & Kyle Peyton
- wp2012n28 Immigrant Wage and Employment Assimilation: A Comparison of Methods
by Deborah Cobb-Clark & Barbara Hanel & Duncan McVicar - wp2012n27 Peer Effects in Adolescent Cannabis Use: It's the Friends, Stupid
by John Moriarty & Duncan McVicar & Kathryn Higgins - wp2012n26 Earnings Mobility and Inequality: An Integrated Framework
by Paul Gregg & Rosanna Scutella & Claudia Vittori - wp2012n25 Subjective Well-Being: Weather Matters; Climate Doesn't
by John Feddersen & Robert Metcalfe & Mark Wooden - wp2012n24 One Man's Blessing, Another Woman's Curse? Family Factors and the Gender-Earnings Gap of Doctors
by Stefanie Schurer & Daniel Kuehnle & Anthony Scott & Terence Chai Cheng - wp2012n23 The Worldwide Count of Priority Patents: A New Indicator of Inventive Activity
by Gaétan de Rassenfosse & Hélène Dernis & Dominique Guellec & Lucio Picci & Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie - wp2012n22 Labour Market Impacts from Disability Onset
by Cain Polidano & Ha Vu - wp2012n21 Sons' Unexpected Long Term Scarring Due to Fathers' Unemployment
by Michael Kind & John P. Haisken-DeNew - wp2012n20 Decomposing Differences in Labour Force Status between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians
by Guyonne Kalb & Trinh Le & Boyd Hunter & Felix Leung - wp2012n19 The Impact of Paid Maternity Leave on Labour Market Outcomes
by Barbara Hanel - wp2012n18 International Linkages of the Korean Economy: The Global Vector Error-Correcting Macroeconometric Modelling Approach
by Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo & Viet Hoang Nguyen & Yongcheol Shin - wp2012n17 Measure of R&D Tax Incentives for OECD Countries
by Russell Thomson - wp2012n16 Explaining the SES School Completion Gap
by Cain Polidano & Barbara Hanel & Hielke Buddelmeyer - wp2012n15 Healthy Habits: The Connection between Diet, Exercise, and Locus of Control
by Deborah A. Cobb-Clark & Sonja C. Kassenboehmer & Stefanie Schurer - wp2012n14 A Second Chance at Education for Early School Leavers
by Cain Polidano & Domenico Tabasso & Yi-Ping Tseng - wp2012n13 Getting Doctors into the Bush: General Practitioners' Preferences for Rural Location
by Anthony Scott & Julia Lane & John Humphreys & Catherine Joyce & Guyonne Kalb & Sung-Hee Jeon & Matthew McGrail - wp2012n12 Job Insecurity and Future Labour Market Outcomes
by Seamus McGuinness & Mark Wooden & Markus Hahn - wp2012n11 Locating and Designing 'Journeys Home': A Literature Review (Journeys Home: A Longitudinal Study of Factors Affecting Housing Stability)
by Rosanna Scutella & Guy Johnson - wp2012n10 The Impact of Computer-Assisted Interviewing on Interview Length
by Nicole Watson & Roger Wilkins - wp2012n09 Nurses' Labour Supply Elasticities: The Importance of Accounting for Extensive Margins
by Barbara Hanel & Guyonne Kalb & Anthony Scott - wp2012n08 Peer Effects in UK Adolescent Substance Use: Never Mind the Classmates?
by Duncan McVicar & Arnold Polanski - wp2012n07 Cross Country Estimates of Peer Effects in Adolescent Smoking Using IV and School Fixed Effects
by Duncan McVicar - wp2012n06 Experimental Change from Paper-Based Interviewing to Computer-Assisted Interviewing in the HILDA Survey
by Nicole Watson & Roger Wilkins - wp2012n05 The Dutch Disease in Australia: Policy Options for a Three-Speed Economy
by W. Max Corden - wp2012n04 Parents' Economic Support of Young-Adult Children: Do Socioeconomic Circumstances Matter?
by Deborah Cobb-Clark & Tue Gørgens - wp2012n03 A Dominance Criterion for Measuring Income Inequality from a Centrist View: The Case of Australia
by Francisco Azpitarte & Olga Alonso-Villar - wp2012n02 Unexpected Victims: How Parents' Unemployment Affects Their Children's Life Satisfaction
by Michael Kind & John P. Haisken-DeNew - wp2012n01 Did the 2007 Welfare Reforms for Low Income Parents in Australia Increase Welfare Exits?
by Yin King Fok & Duncan McVicar
- wp2011n27 The Sources of Gender Differences in Rates of Job Dismissal
by Roger Wilkins & Mark Wooden - wp2011n26 Measuring the Effects of Removing Subsidies for Private Insurance on Public Expenditure for Health Care
by Terence Chai Cheng - wp2011n25 Migrant Youths' Educational Achievement: The Role of Institutions
by Deborah A. Cobb-Clark & Mathias Sinning & Steven Stillman - wp2011n24 The Design of R&D Support Schemes for Industry
by Russell Thomson & Elizabeth Webster - wp2011n23 Fathers and Youth's Delinquent Behavior
by Deborah Cobb-Clark & Erdal Tekin - wp2011n22 Demand for Hospital Care and Private Health Insurance in a Mixed Public–Private System: Empirical Evidence Using a Simultaneous Equation Modeling Approach
by Terence Chai Cheng & Farshid Vahid - wp2011n21 The Stability of Big-Five Personality Traits
by Deborah Cobb-Clark & Stefanie Schurer - wp2011n20 Global Imbalances and the Paradox of Thrift
by W. Max Corden - wp2011n19 External Ventures: Why Firms Don't Develop All Their Inventions In-house
by Russell Thomson & Elizabeth Webster - wp2011n18 Bias in the Legal Profession: Self-Assessed versus Statistical Measures of Discrimination
by Heather Antecol & Deborah Cobb-Clark & Eric Helland - wp2011n17 The Impact of Fertility on Mothers' Labour Supply in Australia: Evidence from Exogenous Variation in Family Size
by Julie Moschion - wp2011n16 Temporary Contract and Monopsony Power in the UK Labour Market
by Domenico Tabasso - wp2011n15 Regional Indexes of Activity: Combining the Old with the New
by Edda Claus & Chew Lian Chua & G. C. Lim - wp2011n14 Asymmetric Price Impacts of Order Flow on Exchange Rate Dynamics
by Viet Hoang Nguyen & Yongcheol Shin - wp2011n13 The Re-engagement in Education of Early School Leavers
by David Black & Cain Polidano & Yi-Ping Tseng - wp2011n12 Immigration and Status Exchange in Australia and the United States
by Kate H. Choi & Marta Tienda & Deborah Cobb-Clark & Mathias Sinning - wp2011n11 Measuring Minimum Award Wage Reliance in Australia: The HILDA Survey Experience
by Roger Wilkins & Mark Wooden - wp2011n10 Dynamics of Household Joblessness: Evidence from Australian Micro-Data 2001–2007
by Nicolas Hérault & Guyonne Kalb & Rezida Zakirova - wp2011n09 Two Economists' Musings on the Stability of Locus of Control
by Deborah Cobb-Clark & Stefanie Schurer - wp2011n08 Decomposing Inequality and Social Welfare Changes: The Use of Alternative Welfare Metrics
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault - wp2011n07 With or Without You: Hazard of Divorce and Intra-household Allocation of Time
by Domenico Tabasso - wp2011n06 Differences in Length of Stay between Public Hospitals, Treatment Centres and Private Providers: Selection or Efficiency?
by Luigi Siciliani & Peter Sivey & Andrew Street - wp2011n05 The Effect of Disability Pension Incentives on Early Retirement Decisions
by Barbara Hanel - wp2011n04 Sheepskin Effects in the Returns to Education: Accounting for Enrolment and Completion Effects
by Nicolas Hérault & Rezida Zakirova - wp2011n03 Improving the Employment Rates of People with Disabilities through Vocational Education
by Kostas Mavromaras & Cain Polidano - wp2011n02 Re-engaging with Survey Non-respondents: The BHPS, SOEP and HILDA Survey Experience
by Nicole Watson & Mark Wooden - wp2011n01 Predicting Short-Term Interest Rates: Does Bayesian Model Averaging Provide Forecast Improvement?
by Chew Lian Chua & Sandy Suardi & Sarantis Tsiaplias
- wp2010n20 How SMEs Exploit Their Intellectual Property Assets: Evidence from Survey Data
by Gaétan de Rassenfosse - wp2010n19 The Effects of Taxation on Migration: Some Evidence for the ASEAN and APEC Economies
by Edda Claus & Iris Claus & Michael Dörsam - wp2010n18 Do Patents Alter the Direction of Scientific Inquiry? Evidence from a Survey of Academic Scientists
by Paul H. Jensen & Elizabeth Webster - wp2010n17 Why Junior Doctors Don’t Want to Become General Practitioners: A Discrete Choice Experiment from the MABEL Longitudinal Study of Doctors
by Peter Sivey & Anthony Scott & Julia Witt & Catherine Joyce & John Humphreys - wp2010n16 Are Active Labour Market Programmes Least Effective Where They Are Most Needed? The Case of the British New Deal for Young People
by Duncan McVicar & Jan M. Podivinsky - wp2010n15 Regional Beveridge Curves: A Latent Variable Approach
by Robert Dixon & G. C. Lim & John Freebairn - wp2010n14 Personality, Well-being and Heterogeneous Valuations of Income and Work
by Stefanie Schurer & Jongsay Yong - wp2010n13 Do Non-cognitive Skills Help Explain the Occupational Segregation of Young People?
by Heather Antecol & Deborah Cobb-Clark - wp2010n12 What Factors Influence the Earnings of GPs and Medical Specialists in Australia? Evidence from the MABEL Survey
by Terence Chai Cheng & Anthony Scott & Sung-Hee Jeon & Guyonne Kalb & John Humphreys & Catherine Joyce - wp2010n11 The Effects of Public Subsidies on R&D Employment: Evidence from OECD Countries
by Russell Thomson & Paul H. Jensen - wp2010n10 The Effect of Waiting Time and Distance on Hospital Choice for English Cataract Patients
by Peter Sivey - wp2010n09 Immigration Background and the Intergenerational Correlation in Education
by Deborah Cobb-Clark & Trong-Ha Nguyen - wp2010n08 Participation in and Completion of Vocational Education and Training for People with Disability
by Cain Polidano & Kostas Mavromaras - wp2010n07 The Causes of Profit Heterogeneity in Large Australian Firms
by Andreas Stierwald - wp2010n06 How Does a Worker's Labour Market History Affect Job Duration?
by Jeff Borland & David Johnston - wp2010n05 Are Young People's Educational Outcomes Linked to Their Sense of Control?
by Juan D. Baron & Deborah Cobb-Clark - wp2010n04 Bank and Official Interest Rates: How Do They Interact over Time?
by G. C. Lim & Sarantis Tsiaplias & C. L. Chua - wp2010n03 Determinants of Profitability: An Analysis of Large Australian Firms
by Andreas Stierwald - wp2010n02 The Effects of Macroeconomic Conditions on the Education and Employment Outcomes of Youth
by Nicolas Herault & Weiping Kostenko & Gary Marks & Rezida Zakirova - wp2010n01 The Labour Market Effects of Vocational Education and Training in Australia
by Wang-Sheng Lee & Michael B. Coelli
- wp2009n26 Estimates of Poverty and Social Exclusion in Australia: A Multidimensional Approach
by Rosanna Scutella & Roger Wilkins & Weiping Kostenko - wp2009n25 Does Part-Time Employment Help or Hinder Lone Mothers Movements into Full-Time Employment?
by Yin King Fok & Sung-Hee Jeon & Roger Wilkins - wp2009n24 Examining the Role of Demographic Change in the Decline in Male Employment in Australia: A Propensity Score Re-weighting Decomposition Approach
by David Black & Yi-Ping Tseng & Roger Wilkins - wp2009n23 Optimal Marginal Income Tax Reforms: A Microsimulation Analysis
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault - wp2009n22 Overskilling Dynamics and Education Pathways
by Kostas Mavromaras & Seamus McGuinness & Yin King Fok - wp2009n21 Does Labour Market Achievement Matter for the Wellbeing of Australian Immigrants? Culture and Gender Differences
by Weiping Kostenko - wp2009n20 Occupational Transition and Country-of-Origin Effects in the Early Stage Occupational Assimilation of Immigrants: Some Evidence from Australia
by Weiping Kostenko & Mark Harris & Xueyan Zhao - wp2009n19 A Latent Variable Approach to Forecasting the Unemployment Rate
by C. L. Chua & G. C. Lim & Sarantis Tsiaplias - wp2009n18 Examining Feedback, Momentum and Overreaction in National Equity Markets
by Sarantis Tsiaplias - wp2009n17 Hospital Markets and the Effect of Competition on Quality
by Alfons Palangkaraya & Jongsay Yong - wp2009n16 Hospital Competition, Technical Efficiency, and Quality
by C. L. Chua & Alfons Palangkaraya & Jongsay Yong - wp2009n15 The Theory of the Fiscal Stimulus: How Will a Debt-Financed Stimulus Affect the Future?
by W. Max Corden - wp2009n14 Intergenerational Correlation of Labour Market Outcomes
by Nicolas Hérault & Guyonne Kalb - wp2009n13 What Governs Firm-Level R&D: Internal or External Factors?
by William Griffiths & Elizabeth Webster - wp2009n12 Identifying Corporate Expenditures on Intangibles Using GAAP
by L. C. Hunter & Elizabeth Webster & Anne Wyatt - wp2009n11 Tax Policy and the Globalisation of R&D
by Russell Thomson - wp2009n10 Tax Policy and R&D Investment by Australian Firms
by Russell Thomson - wp2009n09 Macroeconomic Conditions and Successful Commercialization
by Elizabeth Webster & Paul H. Jensen - wp2009n08 Do Patents Matter for Commercialization?
by Elizabeth Webster & Paul H. Jensen - wp2009n07 Working Credits: A Low-Cost Alternative to Earned Income Tax Credits?
by Andrew Leigh & Roger Wilkins - wp2009n06 Low-Paid Employment and Unemployment Dynamics in Australia
by Hielke Buddelmeyer & Wang-Sheng Lee & Mark Wooden - wp2009n05 Imperfect Quality Information in a Quality-Competitive Hospital Market
by Hugh Gravelle & Peter Sivey - wp2009n04 Measuring Poverty and Social Exclusion in Australia: A Proposed Multidimensional Framework for Identifying Socio-Economic Disadvantage
by Rosanna Scutella & Roger Wilkins & Michael Horn - wp2009n03 Linking a Dynamic CGE Model and a Microsimulation Model: Climate Change Mitigation Policies and Income Distribution in Australia
by Hielke Buddelmeyer & Nicolas Hérault & Guyonne Kalb & Mark van Zijll de Jong - wp2009n02 Sequential Linking of Computable General Equilibrium and Microsimulation Models
by Nicolas Hérault - wp2009n01 Did Australia's Baby Bonus Increase the Fertility Rate?
by Robert Drago & Katina Sawyer & Karina M Shreffler & Diana Warren & Mark Wooden
- wp2008n25 The World Credit Crisis: Understanding It, and What To Do
by W. Max Corden - wp2008n24 Retirement Expectations and Labour Force Transitions: The Experience of the Baby Boomer Generation
by Diana Warren - wp2008n23 Australia's Retirement Income System:Historical Development and Effects of Recent Reforms
by Diana Warren - wp2008n22 The Dynamics of Welfare Participation among Women Who Experienced Teenage Motherhood in Australia
by Sung-Hee Jeon & Guyonne Kalb & Ha Vu - wp2008n21 Phillips Curve and the Equilibrium Rate of Unemployment
by G. C. Lim & R. Dixon & Sarantis Tsiaplias - wp2008n20 Minimum Wages and Employment: Reconsidering the Use of a Time-Series Approach as an Evaluation Tool
by Wang-Sheng Lee & Sandy Suardi - wp2008n19 Discrete Heterogeneity in the Impact of Health Shocks on Labour Market Outcomes
by Stefanie Schurer - wp2008n18 Cyclical Government Spending, Income Inequality and Welfare in Small Open Economies
by G. C. Lim & Paul D. McNelis - wp2008n17 The Australian Firearms Buyback and Its Effect on Gun Deaths
by Wang-Sheng Lee & Sandy Suardi - wp2008n16 A Bayesian Simulation Approach to Inference on a Multi-State Latent Factor Intensity Model
by Chew Lian Chua & G. C. Lim & Penelope Smith - wp2008n15 Abolishing the Tax-Free Threshold in Australia: Simulating Alternative Reforms
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault & Guyonne Kalb - wp2008n14 Labour Market Outcomes of Second Generation Immigrants: How Heterogeneous Are They Really?
by Stefanie Schurer - wp2008n13 Tax Policy Design and the Role of a Tax-Free Threshold
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault & Guyonne Kalb - wp2008n12 The Effect of Financial Incentives on Quality of Care: The Case of Diabetes
by Anthony Scott & Stefanie Schurer & Paul H. Jensen & Peter Sivey