- 237 Escaping from hardship, searching for comfort: Climate matching in refugees’ destination choices
by Diego A. Martin & Jose Ramon Morales Arilla & Alvaro Morales - 235 Global Trends in Innovation Patterns: A Complexity Approach
by Christian Chacua & Shreyas Gadgin Matha & Matte Hartog & Ricardo Hausmann & Muhammed A. Yildirim - 234 Innovation Policies Under Economic Complexity
by Christian Chacua & Shreyas Gadgin Matha & Matte Hartog & Ricardo Hausmann & Muhammed A. Yildirim - 233 How Wyoming’s Exodus of Young Adults Holds Back Economic Diversification
by Eric S. M. Protzer & Sarah Bui & Timothy Freeman & Ricardo Hausmann & Sophia Henn & Farah Kaddah & Lucas Lamby & Tim O'Brien & Alejandro Rueda-Sanz & Ricardo Villasmil - 232 Diagnosing Wyoming's Workforce Challenges
by Lucas Lamby & Sophia Henn & Tim O'Brien & Ricardo Hausmann - 231 Export-led Growth
by Ricardo Hausmann - 230 From Products to Capabilities: Constructing A Genotypic Product Space
by Ulrich Schetter & Dario Diodato & Eric S. M. Protzer & Frank Neffke & Ricardo Hausmann - 228 Supply-Side Economics of a Good Type: Supporting and Expanding South Africa’s Informal Economy
by Zaakhir Asmal & Haroon Bhorat & Alexia Lochmann & Lisa Martin & Kishan Shah - 227 Japan's Economic Puzzle
by Dany Bahar & Ricardo Hausmann & Guillermo Arcay & Jesus Daboin Pacheco - 226 Women Seeking Jobs with Limited Information: Evidence from Iraq
by Diego A. Martin - 225 Grants in Wyoming: Constraints and Solutions
by Timothy Freeman & Tim O'Brien & Alejandro Rueda-Sanz & Ricardo Hausmann
- 224 Pandemic-era Inflation Drivers and Global Spillovers
by Alvaro Silva & Julian di Giovanni & Muhammed A. Yildirim & Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan - 223 Towards a Sustainable Recovery for Lebanon's Economy
by Ricardo Hausmann & Ugo Panizza & Carmen Reinhart & Douglas Barrios & Clement Brenot & Jesus Daboin Pacheco & Clemens Graf von Luckner & Frank Muci & Lucila Venturi - 222 Growth Through Inclusion in South Africa
by Ricardo Hausmann & Tim O'Brien & Andres Fortunato & Alexia Lochmann & Kishan Shah & Lucila Venturi & Sheyla Enciso & Ekaterina Vashkinskaya & Ketan Ahuja & Bailey Klinger & Federico Sturzenegger & Marcelo Tokman - 221 Food for Growth: A Diagnostics of Namibia's Agriculture Sector
by Andres Fortunato & Sheyla Enciso - 220 Pretending to be the Law: Violence to Reduce the COVID-19 Outbreak
by Diego A. Martin & Dario A. Romero - 219 Gravity with History: On Incumbency Effects in International Trade
by Peter Egger & Reto Foellmi & Ulrich Schetter & David Torun - 218 Growth Diagnostics and Competitiveness Study of the Manufacturing Sector in Tanzania
by Bailey Klinger & Miguel Angel Santos & Camilla Arroyo & Ekaterina Vashkinskaya - 217 The Impact of a Rise in Expected Income on Child Labor: Evidence From Coca Production in Colombia
by Diego A. Martin - 215 What is South Africa’s Crop Production Potential?
by Federico Sturzenegger & Bailey Klinger & Ivan Ordonez - 214 Scaling Partnerships to Activate Idle Community Land in South Africa
by Bailey Klinger & Ivan Ordonez & Federico Sturzenegger - 213 Housing in Wyoming: Constraints and Solutions
by Sarah Bui & Timothy Freeman & Ricardo Hausmann & Farah Kaddah & Lucas Lamby & Tim O'Brien & Eric S. M. Protzer - 212 A Growth Perspective on Wyoming
by Sarah Bui & Timothy Freeman & Farah Kaddah & Lucas Lamby & Yang Li & Tim O'Brien & Eric S. M. Protzer & Alejandro Rueda-Sanz & Ricardo Villasmil & Ricardo Hausmann - 211 Evaluating the Principle of Relatedness: Estimation, Drivers and Implications for Policy
by Frank Neffke & Yang Li - 210 The Connectivity Trap: Stuck Between the Forest and Shared Prosperity in the Colombian Amazon
by Patricio Goldstein & Timothy Freeman & Alejandro Rueda-Sanz & Shreyas Gadgin Matha & Sarah Bui & Nidhi Rao & Timothy Cheston & Sebastian Bustos - 209 The Economic Tale of Two Amazons: Lessons in Generating Shared Prosperity While Protecting the Forest in the Peruvian and Colombian Amazon
by Alejandro Rueda-Sanz & Timothy Cheston - 208 The Missing Economic Diversity of the Colombian Amazon: An Economic Complexity Approach for Caquetá, Guaviare, and Putumayo
by Sebastian Bustos & Timothy Cheston & Nidhi Rao - 207 Seeing the Forest for More Than the Trees: a Policy Strategy to Curb Deforestation and Advance Shared Prosperity in the Colombian Amazon
by Timothy Cheston & Patricio Goldstein & Timothy Freeman & Alejandro Rueda-Sanz & Ricardo Hausmann & Shreyas Gadgin Matha & Sebastian Bustos & Eduardo Lora & Sarah Bui & Nidhi Rao - 206 A Growth Diagnostic of Kazakhstan
by Douglas Barrios & Nikita Taniparti & Ricardo Hausmann & Clement Brenot & Can Soylu & Roukaya El Houda & Ekaterina Vashkinskaya & Felicia Belostecinic & Sophia Henn - 205 The Economic Complexity of Kazakhstan: A Roadmap for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
by Clement Brenot & Douglas Barrios & Eric S. M. Protzer & Nikita Taniparti & Ricardo Hausmann & Sophia Henn - 204 The Value of Early-Career Skills
by Simon Wiederhold & Christina Langer - 195 Search, Transport Costs, and Labor Markets in South Africa
by Kishan Shah & Federico Sturzenegger - 194 The Long-Run Effects of South Africa’s Forced Resettlements on Employment Outcomes
by Alexia Lochmann & Nidhi Rao & Martin A. Rossi - 167 Looking for Virtue in Remoteness: Policy Recommendations for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Peruvian Amazonia
by Ricardo Hausmann & Miguel Angel Santos & Jorge Tudela Pye & Frank Muci & Yang Li & Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm & Ana Grisanti & Jessie Lu
- 203 A Survey of Importers: Results of a Survey Conducted in Collaboration with the Ethiopian Economics Association
by Ricardo Hausmann & Tim O'Brien & Timothy Cheston & Nikita Taniparti & Ibrahim Worku Hassen & Can Soylu & Lucas Lamby & Pablo Andrés Neumeyer - 202 Development in a Complex World: The Case of Ethiopia
by Ricardo Hausmann & Tim O'Brien & Timothy Cheston & Ibrahim Worku Hassen & Can Soylu & Kishan Shah & Nikita Taniparti & Pankhuri Prasad & Pablo Andrés Neumeyer - 201 An Integrated Epidemiological and Economic Model of Covid-19 NPIs in Argentina
by Adolfo Rubinstein & Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Alejandro López Osornio & Federico Filippini & Adrian Santoro & Cintia Cejas & Ariel Bardach & Alfredo Palacios & Fernando Argento & Jamile Balivian & Federico Augustovski & Andrés Pichón Riviere - 200 Yet it Endures: The Persistence of Original Sin
by Barry Eichengreen & Ricardo Hausmann & Ugo Panizza - 199 Diagnosing Drivers of Spatial Exclusion: Places, People, and Policies in South Africa’s Former Homelands
by Alexia Lochmann - 198 Getting Back on the Curve South Africa’s Manufacturing Challenge
by Andres Fortunato - 196 Leaning-against-the-wind Intervention and the “carry-trade” View of the Cost of Reserves
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Juan Francisco Gómez - 193 Diagnosing South Africa’s High Unemployment and Low Informality
by Kishan Shah - 192 Economic Costs of Friend-shoring
by Beata S. Javorcik & Lucas Kitzmueller & Helena Schweiger & Muhammed A. Yildirim - 191 On the Design of Effective Sanctions: The Case of Bans on Exports to Russia
by Ricardo Hausmann & Ulrich Schetter & Muhammed A. Yildirim - 190 A Simple Theory of Economic Development at the Extensive Industry Margin
by Dario Diodato & Ricardo Hausmann & Ulrich Schetter - 189 A Measure of Countries’ Distance to Frontier Based on Comparative Advantage
by Ulrich Schetter - 188 Global Supply Chain Pressures, International Trade, and Inflation
by Julian di Giovanni & Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan & Alvaro Silva & Muhammed A. Yildirim - 187 More (Inclusive) Entrepreneurship in South Africa: The Role of Franchising
by Bailey Klinger - 186 Cutting Putin’s Energy Rent: 'Smart Sanctioning' Russian Oil and Gas
by Ricardo Hausmann & Agata Łoskot-Strachota & Axel Ockenfels & Ulrich Schetter & Simone Tagliapietra & Guntram Wolff & Georg Zachmann - 185 What Will It Take for Jordan to Grow?
by Tim O'Brien & Thảo-Nguyên Bùi & Ermal Frasheri & Fernando Garcia & Eric S. M. Protzer & Ricardo Villasmil & Ricardo Hausmann - 184 The Economic Complexity of Namibia: A Roadmap for Productive Diversification
by Ricardo Hausmann & Miguel Angel Santos & Douglas Barrios & Nikita Taniparti & Jorge Tudela Pye & Jessie Lu - 183 A Growth Diagnostic of Namibia
by Douglas Barrios & Frank Muci & Jessie Lu & Jorge Tudela Pye & Miguel Angel Santos & Nikita Taniparti & Ricardo Hausmann - 182 Macroeconomic risks after a decade of microeconomic turbulence: South Africa 2007-2020
by Douglas Barrios & Federico Sturzenegger & Frank Muci & Patricio Goldstein & Ricardo Hausmann - 166 Overcoming Remoteness in the Peruvian Amazonia: A Growth Diagnostic of Loreto
by Ricardo Hausmann & Miguel Angel Santos & Frank Muci & Jorge Tudela Pye & Ana Grisanti & Jessie Lu - 59 Skill Mismatch and the Costs of Job Displacement
by Frank Neffke & Ljubica Nedelkoska & Simon Wiederhold
- 216 Eight Decades of Changes in Occupational Tasks, Computerization and the Gender Pay Gap
by Ljubica Nedelkoska & Shreyas Gadgin Matha & James McNerney & Andre Assumpcao & Dario Diodato & Frank Neffke - 181 New Avenues for Colombia’s Internationalization: Trade in Tasks
by Ricardo Hausmann & Sebastian Bustos - 180 Bridging the short-term and long-term dynamics of economic structural change
by Andres Gomez-Lievano & Frank Neffke & Yang Li & James McNerney - 179 The Quest for Increased Saudization: Labor Market Outcomes and the Shadow Price of Workforce Nationalization Policies
by Michael Lopesciolo & Daniela Muhaj & Carolina Ines Pan - 178 A Generation of Italian Economists
by Martina Viarengo & Ugo Panizza & Enrico Nano - 177 The Role of the Diaspora in the Internationalization of the Colombian Economy
by Ljubica Nedelkoska & Andre Assumpcao & Ana Grisanti & Matte Hartog & Julian Hinz & Jessie Lu & Daniela Muhaj & Eric S. M. Protzer & Annalee Saxenian & Ricardo Hausmann - 176 Western Australia – Research Findings and Policy Recommendations
by Ana Grisanti & Douglas Barrios & Eric S. M. Protzer & Jorge Tapia & Nikita Taniparti & Ricardo Hausmann & Rushabh Sanghvi & Semiray Kasoolu & Tim O'Brien - 175 Economic Complexity Report for Western Australia
by Ana Grisanti & Eric S. M. Protzer & Jorge Tapia & Ricardo Hausmann - 174 Growth Perspective on Western Australia
by Ana Grisanti & Douglas Barrios & Eric S. M. Protzer & Jorge Tapia & Ricardo Hausmann & Semiray Kasoolu & Tim O'Brien & Rushabh Sanghvi & Nikita Taniparti - 173 Sorting, Matching and Economic Complexity
by Muhammed A. Yildirim - 172 Understanding Saudi Private Sector Employment And Unemployment
by Farah Hani & Michael Lopesciolo - 171 Inequality, Openness, and Growth through Creative Destruction
by Ulrich Schetter & Adrian Jäggi & Maik T. Schneider - 170 Lockdown Fatigue: The Diminishing Effects of Quarantines on the Spread of COVID-19
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Patricio Goldstein & Luca Sartorio - 169 The Economic Case for Global Vaccinations: An Epidemiological Model with International Production Networks
by Muhammed A. Yildirim & Cem Cakmakli & Selva Demiralp & Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan & Sevcan Yesiltas - 168 Diagnosing Human Capital as a Binding Constraint to Growth: Tests, Symptoms and Prescriptions
by Farah Hani & Miguel Angel Santos - 165 Loreto’s Hidden Wealth: Economic Complexity Analysis and Productive Diversification Opportunities
by Ana Grisanti & Jorge Tudela Pye & Miguel Angel Santos & Ricardo Hausmann & Yang Li
- 167a Buscando virtudes en la lejanía: Recomendaciones de política para promover el crecimiento inclusivo y sostenible en Loreto, Peru
by Ricardo Hausmann & Miguel Angel Santos & Jorge Tudela Pye & Frank Muci & Yang Li & Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm & Ana Grisanti & Jessie Lu - 165a La Riqueza Escondida de Loreto: Análisis de Complejidad Económica y Oportunidades de Diversificación Productiva
by Ricardo Hausmann & Miguel Angel Santos & Jorge Tudela Pye & Yang Li & Ana Grisanti - 164 Emerging Cities as Independent Engines of Growth: The Case of Buenos Aires
by Ricardo Hausmann & Douglas Barrios & Daniela Muhaj & Sehar Noor & Carolina Ines Pan & Miguel Angel Santos & Jorge Tapia & Bruno Zuccolo - 163 Assessing Ukraine's Role in European Value Chains: A Gravity Equation-cum-Economic Complexity Analysis Approach
by Matte Hartog & Frank Neffke & J. Ernesto Lopez-Cordova - 162 Income Changes after Inter-city Migration
by Eduardo Lora - 160 Horrible Trade-offs in a Pandemic: Lockdowns, Transfers, Fiscal Space, and Compliance
by Ricardo Hausmann & Ulrich Schetter - 159 Labor Market Nationalization Policies and Firm Outcomes: Evidence from Saudi Arabia
by Patricia Cortes & Semiray Kasoolu & Carolina Ines Pan - 158 Air Transportation and Regional Economic Development: A Case Study for the New Airport in South Albania
by Shreyas Gadgin Matha & Patricio Goldstein & Jessie Lu - 157 Specificity of Human Capital: An Occupation Space Based on Job-to-Job Transitions
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati - 156 Gender Differences in Professional Career Dynamics: New Evidence from a Global Law Firm
by Ina Ganguli & Martina Viarengo & Ricardo Hausmann - 155 Quality Differentiation, Comparative Advantage, and International Specialization Across Products
by Ulrich Schetter - 154 Does Birthplace Diversity Affect Economic Complexity? Cross-country Evidence
by Dany Bahar & Hillel Rapoport & Riccardo Turati - 153 You Get What You Pay For: Sources and Consequences of the Public Sector Premium in Albania and Sri Lanka
by Ricardo Hausmann & Ljubica Nedelkoska & Sehar Noor - 152 Migrant Inventors and the Technological Advantage of Nations
by Dany Bahar & Hillel Rapoport - 151 Profit Sharing, Industrial Upgrading, and Global Supply Chains: Theory and Evidence
by Huangnan (Jim) Shen
- 161 On Globalization and the Concentration of Talent
by Ulrich Schetter & Oriol Tejada - 150 A Roadmap for Investment Promotion and Export Diversification: The Case for Jordan
by Ricardo Hausmann & Patricio Goldstein & Ana Grisanti & Tim O'Brien & Jorge Tapia & Miguel Angel Santos - 149 Migration and Post-conflict Reconstruction: The Effect of Returning Refugees on Export Performance in the Former Yugoslavia
by Dany Bahar & Andreas Hauptmann & Cem Özgüzel & Hillel Rapoport - 148 A Structural Ranking of Economic Complexity
by Ulrich Schetter - 147 Female Labor in Jordan: A Systematic Approach to the Exclusion Puzzle
by Semiray Kasoolu & Ricardo Hausmann & Tim O'Brien & Miguel Angel Santos - 146 Social Mobility Explains Populism, Not Inequality or Culture
by Eric S. M. Protzer - 145 Tax Avoidance in Buenos Aires: The Case of Ingresos Brutos
by Carolina Ines Pan - 144 Converge and European Value Chains: How Deep Integration Can Reignite Convergence in the EU
by Marisa Rama - 142 What Works for Active Labor Market Policies?
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati - 141 The Cost of Holding Foreign Exchange Reserves
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati - 140 How ETFs Amplify the Global Financial Cycle in Emerging Markets
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati - 139 Empleo Femenino en las Ciudades Colombianas: Un Método de Descripción Estadística
by Eduardo Lora - 138 Forecasting Formal Employment in Cities
by Eduardo Lora - 137 Smart Development Banks
by Eduardo Fernández-Arias & Ricardo Hausmann & Ugo Panizza - 135 Exit and Foreign Ownership: Evidence from Export-Oriented Firms in Sri Lanka
by Daniel Stock - 134 Globalization and Protectionism: AMLO’s 2006 Presidential Run
by Sebastian Bustos & Jose Ramon Morales Arilla - 133 Production Ability and Economic Growth
by Sebastian Bustos & Muhammed A. Yildirim - 132 The Impact of the Mexican Drug War on Trade
by Jose Ramon Morales Arilla - 131 Jordan: The Elements of a Growth Strategy
by Ricardo Hausmann & Tim O'Brien & Miguel Angel Santos & Ana Grisanti & Jorge Tapia
- 130 There is a Future after Cars: Economic Growth Analysis for Hermosillo
by Douglas Barrios & Ana Grisanti & Jose Ramon Morales Arilla & Juan Obach & Johanna Ramos & Jorge Tapia & Miguel Angel Santos - 117 Growth Diagnostic for the State of Oaxaca
by Rafael Rivera Sánchez & Angel Sarmiento Hinojosa & Sebastián Serra Wright - 116 On the Scaling Patterns of Infectious Disease Incidence in Cities
by Oscar Patterson-Lomba & Andres Gomez-Lievano - 115 Is Our Human Capital General Enough to Withstand the Current Wave of Technological Change?
by Ljubica Nedelkoska & Dario Diodato & Frank Neffke - 114 Place-specific Determinants of Income Gaps: New Sub-National Evidence from Chiapas, Mexico
by Ricardo Hausmann & Carlo Pietrobelli & Miguel Angel Santos - 113 Measuring Venezuelan Emigration with Twitter
by Ricardo Hausmann & Julian Hinz & Muhammed A. Yildirim - 112 Growth Accelerations Strategies
by Michele Peruzzi & Alessio Terzi - 111 The Exposure of U.S. Manufacturing Industries to Exchange Rates
by Willem Thorbecke - 110 Social Networks and the Intention to Migrate
by Miriam Manchin & Sultan Orazbayev - 108 Why do Industries Coagglomerate? How Marshallian Externalities Differ by Industry and Have Evolved Over Time
by Dario Diodato & Frank Neffke & Neave O'Clery - 107 Macroeconomic Adjustment in the Euro Area
by Alessio Terzi
- 106 The Middle Productivity Trap: Dynamics of Productivity Dispersion
by Dany Bahar - 105 Learning to Improve the Investment Climate for Economic Diversification: PDIA in Action in Sri Lanka
by Tim McNaught & Matt Andrews & Peter Harrington - 104 Learning to Engage New Investors for Economic Diversification: PDIA in Action in Sri Lanka
by Peter Harrington & Matt Andrews & Tim McNaught - 103 The Birth and Growth of New Export Clusters: Which Mechanisms Drive Diversification?
by Dany Bahar & Rodrigo Wagner & Ernesto Stein & Samuel Rosenow - 102 The Hardships of Long Distance Relationships: Knowledge Transmission and the Ease of Communication within Multinational Firms
by Dany Bahar - 101 How to Cope with Volatile Commodity Export Prices: Four Proposals
by Jeffrey Frankel - 100 International Emigrant Selection on Occupational Skills
by Miguel Flores & Alexander Patt & Jens Ruhose & Simon Wiederhold - 98 Fool’s Gold: Currency Devaluations and Stock Prices of Multinational Companies Operating in Venezuela
by Dany Bahar & Miguel Angel Santos & Carlos Alberto Molina - 97 Appraising the Economic Potential of Panama Policy Recommendations for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
by Juan Obach & Miguel Angel Santos & Ricardo Hausmann - 96 Wide-reaching Structural Reforms and Growth: A Cross-country Synthetic Control Approach
by Alessio Terzi & Pasqual Marco Marrazzo - 95 The Currency-Plus-Commodity Basket; A Proposal for Exchange Rates in Oil-Exporting Countries to Accommodate Trade Shocks Automatically
by Jeffrey Frankel - 94 Institutions vs. Social Interactions in Driving Economic Convergence: Evidence from Colombia
by Michele Coscia & Timothy Cheston & Ricardo Hausmann - 93 Sanctions and Export Deflection: Evidence from Iran
by Jamal Ibrahim Haider - 92 Coworker Complementarity
by Frank Neffke - 91 Learning to Target for Economic Diversification; PDIA in Sri Lanka
by Matt Andrews & Peter Harrington - 90 Welcome Home in a Crisis: Effects of Return Migration on the Non-migrants' Wages and Employment
by Ljubica Nedelkoska & Ricardo Hausmann
- 89 Explaining the Prevalence, Scaling and Variance of Urban Phenomena
by Andres Gomez-Lievano & Oscar Patterson-Lomba & Ricardo Hausmann - 88 Exploring the Uncharted Export: An Analysis of Tourism-Related Foreign Expenditure with International Spend Data
by Michele Coscia & Ricardo Hausmann & Frank Neffke - 87 Weathering Collapse: An Assessment of the Financial and Operational Situation of the Venezuelan Oil Industry
by Igor Hernandez & Francisco Monaldi - 86 Special Economic Zones in Panama: Technology Spillovers from a Labor Market Perspective
by Ricardo Hausmann & Juan Obach & Miguel Angel Santos - 85 Shifting Gears: A Growth Diagnostic of Panama
by Ricardo Hausmann & Luis Espinoza & Miguel Angel Santos - 84 Panama beyond the Canal: Using Technological Proximities to Identify Opportunities for Productive Diversification
by Ricardo Hausmann & Jose Ramon Morales Arilla & Miguel Angel Santos - 83 The Path to Labor Formality: Urban Agglomeration and the Emergence of Complex Industries
by Eduardo Lora - 81 Agglomeration Economies: The Heterogeneous Contribution of Human Capital and Value Chains
by Dario Diodato & Frank Neffke & Neave O'Clery - 80 Governance and the Challenge of Development Through Sports: A Framework for Action
by Matt Andrews & Stuart Russell & Douglas Barrios - 79 Keeping One's Eye on the Ball: Exploring the Intensity of Sports Activities across Europe
by Stuart Russell & Carla Tokman & Douglas Barrios & Matt Andrews - 78 Bringing Home the Gold? A Review of the Economic Impact of Hosting Mega-Events
by Douglas Barrios & Stuart Russell & Matt Andrews - 77 City Size, Distance and Formal Employment
by Neave O'Clery & Eduardo Lora - 76 Getting the Ball Rolling: Basis for Assessing the Sports Economy
by Stuart Russell & Douglas Barrios & Matt Andrews - 75 Do Political Connections Reduce Job Creation? Evidence from Lebanon
by Ishac Diwan & Jamal Ibrahim Haider - 74 Pobreza, cobertura de las Misiones y necesidades de protección social para la reforma económica de Venezuela
by Luis Pedro Espana N & Jose Ramon Morales Arilla & Douglas Barrios - 73 More Goals, More Growth? A Take on the Mexican Sports Economy through the Economic Complexity Framework
by Alfredo Guerra - 72 One More Resource Curse: Dutch Disease and Export Concentration
by Dany Bahar & Miguel Angel Santos - 71 Of Knights and Squires: European Union and the Modernization of Albania
by Ermal Frasheri - 70 Inter-industry Labor Flows
by Frank Neffke & Anne Otto & Antje Weyh - 69 The Mobility of Displaced Workers: How the Local Industry Mix Affects Job Search Strategies
by Frank Neffke & Anne Otto & Cesar A. Hidalgo - 68 Towards a Prosperous and Productive Chiapas: Institutions, Policies, and Public-Private Dialog to Promote Inclusive Growth
by Ricardo Hausmann & Timothy Cheston & Miguel Angel Santos & Carlo Pietrobelli - 67 Bounding the Price Equivalent of Migration Barriers
by Michael A. Clemens & Claudio Montenegro & Lant Pritchett - 66 The New Economic Case for Migration Restrictions: An Assessment
by Michael A. Clemens & Lant Pritchett - 65 The Workforce of Pioneer Plants
by Ricardo Hausmann & Frank Neffke
- 64 Report on the Poblacion Flotante of Bogota
by Michele Coscia & Frank Neffke & Eduardo Lora - 64a Evidence That Calls-Based and Mobility Networks Are Isomorphic
by Michele Coscia & Ricardo Hausmann - 63 New Insights About Wage Inequality in Colombia
by Andres Gomez-Lievano & Juan Tellez & Eduardo Lora - 62 Piloto de Crecimiento Inclusivo en comunidades indígenas de Chiapas (Cruztón, Chamula)
by Miguel Angel Santos & Silvio Dal Buoni & Celeste Lusetti & Elisabeth Garriga - 61 Chiapas Growth Diagnostic: The Trap of Low Productivity
by Ricardo Hausmann & Luis Espinoza & Miguel Angel Santos - 61a Diagnostico de Crecimiento de Chiapas: La Trampa de la Baja Productividad
by Ricardo Hausmann & Luis Espinoza & Miguel Angel Santos - 60 Implementando Politicas de Desarrollo Productivo En Chiapas: Marco Institucional
by Filipe Campante & Albert Sole - 58 The Right Fit for the Wrong Reasons: Real Business Cycle in an Oil-Dependent Economy
by Miguel Angel Santos - 57 La Complejidad Economica de Chiapas; Analisis de Capacidades y Posibilidades de Diversificacion Productiva
by Ricardo Hausmann & Timothy Cheston & Miguel Angel Santos - 56 Why is Chiapas Poor?
by Dan Levy & Ricardo Hausmann & Miguel Angel Santos & Luis Espinoza & Miguel Flores - 55 Moving to the Adjacent Possible: Discovering Paths for Export Diversification in Rwanda
by Ricardo Hausmann & Jasmina Chauvin - 54 From Financial Repression to External Distress: The Case of Venezuela
by Carmen Reinhart & Miguel Angel Santos
- 52 How should Uganda grow?
by Ricardo Hausmann & Brad Cunningham & John Matovu & Rosie Osire & Kelly Wyett - 51 Implied Comparative Advantage
by Muhammed A. Yildirim
- 50 The State, Socialization, and Private Schooling: When Will Governments Support Alternative Producers?
by Lant Pritchett & Martina Viarengo - 49 Looking like an Industry: Supporting Commercial Agriculture in Africa
by Ishac Diwan & Olivier Gaddah & Rosie Osire - 48 Promoting Millennium Development Ideals: The Risks of Defining Development Down
by Lant Pritchett & Charles Kenny - 47 Debt Levels, Debt Composition, and Sovereign Spreads in Emerging and Advanced Economies
by Salvatore Dell'Erba & Ricardo Hausmann & Ugo Panizza - 46 When is Prevention More Profitable than Cure?
by Michael Kremer & Christopher Snyder - 45 Who are the Democrats? Leading Opinions in the Wake of Egypt’s 2011 Popular Uprisings
by Ishac Diwan
- 44 Crony Capitalism in Egypt
by Hamouda Chekir & Ishac Diwan - 43 The Effect of Fertility Reduction on Economic Growth
by Quamrul H. Ashraf & David N. Weil & Joshua Wilde - 42 Conflicts Over Land and Threats to Customary Tenure in Africa Today
by Pauline Peters - 41 On Graduation from Fiscal Procyclicality
by Jeffrey Frankel & Carlos A. Vegh & Guillermo Vuletin - 40 Who Needs the Nation State?
by Dani Rodrik - 39 The Dynamics of Nestedness Predicts the Evolution of Industrial Ecosystems
by Sebastian Bustos & Charles Gomez & Ricardo Hausmann & Cesar A. Hidalgo - 38 Empirical confirmation of creative destruction from world trade data
by Peter Klimek & Ricardo Hausmann & Stefan Thurner - 37 Mauritius: African Success Story
by Jeffrey Frankel - 36 The Natural Resource Curse: A Survey of Diagnoses and Some Prescriptions
by Jeffrey Frankel - 35 Neighbors and the Evolution of the Comparative Advantage of Nations: Evidence of International Knowledge Diffusion?
by Dany Bahar & Ricardo Hausmann & Cesar A. Hidalgo - 34 A Rational Framework for the Understanding of the Arab Revolutions
by Ishac Diwan - 33 What Small Countries Can Teach the World
by Jeffrey Frankel - 32 Capital and Labor Mobility and the Size of Sub-national Governments: Evidence from a Panel of Mexican States
by Rene Cabral Torres - 31 Long term impact of a Cash-Transfers Program on Labor Outcomes of the Rural Youth
by Eduardo Rodrigues-Oreggia & Samuel Freije - 30 Structural Factors and the “War on Drugs” Effects on the Upsurge in Homicides in Mexico
by Eduardo Rodrigues-Oreggia & Miguel Flores
- 28 Closing the Gender Gap in Education: Does it Foretell the Closing of the Employment, Marriage, and Motherhood Gaps?
by Ina Ganguli & Ricardo Hausmann & Martina Viarengo
- 26 Country Diversification, Product Ubiquity, and Economic Divergence
by Cesar A. Hidalgo & Ricardo Hausmann - 25 “Schooling Can’t Buy Me Love”: Marriage, Work, and the Gender Education Gap in Latin America
by Ina Ganguli & Ricardo Hausmann & Martina Viarengo - 23 Redemption or Abstinence? Original Sin, Currency Mismatches and Counter-Cyclical Policies in the New Millenium
by Ricardo Hausmann & Ugo Panizza
- 20 In Search of the Chains that Hold Brazil Back
by Ricardo Hausmann - 19 Doing Growth Diagnostics in Practice: A 'Mindbook'
by Ricardo Hausmann & Bailey Klinger & Rodrigo Wagner - 18 Growth Diagnostics in Peru
by Ricardo Hausmann & Bailey Klinger - 17 The Other Hand: High Bandwidth Development Policy
by Ricardo Hausmann