2020, Volume 4Q
- 135-157 Medical Spending, Bequests, and Asset Dynamics around the Time of Death
by Mariacristina De Nardi & Eric French & John Bailey Jones & Rory McGee & Rachel Rodgers - 159-171 A Life-Cycle Model with Individual Volatility Dynamics
by Marios Karabarbounis
2020, Volume 3Q
- 97-113 Sovereign CDS Market: The Role of Dealers in Credit Events
by Lawrence Jia & Bruno Sultanum & Elliot Tobin - 115-132 Inflation Target Zones as a Commitment Mechanism
by Felipe Schwartzman
2020, Issue 2Q
- 41-59 The Effects of Permanent and Transitory Shocks under Imperfect Information
by Andrew Foerster & Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte - 61-95 Computing Dynamic Heterogeneous-Agent Economies: Tracking the Distribution
by Grey Gordon
2020, Issue 1Q
- 1-17 Labor-Market Wedge under Engel Curve Utility: Cyclical Substitution between Necessities and Luxuries
by Yongsung Chang & Andreas Hornstein & Marios Karabarbounis - 19-40 Technology Diffusion: The Case of Internet Banking
by Richard J. Sullivan & Zhu Wang
2019, Issue 4Q
- 201-250 Gender Composition of the Boards of Directors of the Regional Federal Reserve Banks
by Caroline Davis & Arantxa Jarque - 251-271 Recent Borrowing from the U.S. Discount Window: Some Cases
by Huberto M. Ennis & Sara Ho & Elliot Tobin
2019, Issue 3Q
- 133-170 Sentiment Analysis of the Fifth District Manufacturing and Service Surveys
by Santiago Pinto - 173-200 Wealth Effects with Endogenous Retirement
by Borys Grochulski & Yuzhe Zhang
2019, Issue 2Q
- 59-103 Time-Varying Skewness and Real Business Cycles
by Lance Kent & Toan Phan - 105-132 CDS Auctions: An Overview
by Erica Paulos & Bruno Sultanum & Elliot Tobin
2019, Issue 1Q
- 1-40 US Bank Capital Regulation: History and Changes Since the Financial Crisis
by John R. Walter - 41-54 How Likely Is the Zero Lower Bound?
by Thomas A. Lubik & Christian Matthes
2018, Issue 4Q
- 153-171 Why Do Platforms Use Ad Valorem Fees? Evaluating Two Alternative Explanations
by Zhu Wang - 173-189 What Can We Learn from Online Wage Postings? Evidence from Glassdoor
by Marios Karabarbounis & Santiago Pinto
2018, Issue 3Q
- 103-135 The Lifetime Medical Spending of Retirees
by Mariacristina De Nardi & Eric French & John Bailey Jones & Justin Kirschner & Rory McGee - 137-151 Inefficiency in a Simple Model of Production and Bilateral Trade
by Zachary Bethune & Bruno Sultanum & Nicholas Trachter
2018, Issue 2Q
- 53-77 The Decline in Currency Use at a National Retail Chain
by Zhu Wang & Alexander L. Wolman - 79-101 Idiosyncratic Sectoral Growth, Balanced Growth, and Sectoral Linkages
by Andrew T. Foerster & Eric LaRose & Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte
2018, Issue 1Q
- 1-33 Cyclical Properties of Bank Margins: Small versus Large Banks
by Borys Grochulski & Daniel Schwam & Yuzhe Zhang - 35-52 Self-Insurance and the Risk-Sharing Role of Money
by Russell Wong
2017, Issue Q1-Q4
- 1-35 Inequality Across and Within US Cities around the Turn of the Twenty-First Century
by Felipe Schwartzman - 37-79 The Fed's Discount Window: An Overview of Recent Data
by Felix P. Ackon & Huberto M. Ennis - 81-137 Using the Richmond Fed Manufacturing Survey to Gauge National and Regional Economic Conditions
by Nika Lazaryan & Santiago Pinto
2016, Issue Q4
- 261-279 Nonparametric Estimation of the Diamond-Dybvig Banking Model
by Bruno Sultanum - 281-320 The Rise and Fall of the Quantity Theory in Nineteenth Century Britain: Implications for Early Fed Thinking
by Robert L. Hetzel - 321-351 Private Efforts for Affordable Mortgage Lending Before Fannie and Freddie
by David A. Price & John R. Walter
2016, Issue 3Q
- 169-196 From Stylized to Quantitative Spatial Models of Cities
by Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte & Sonya Ravindranath Waddell - 197-226 Beveridge Curve Shifts and Time-Varying Parameter VARs
by Thomas A. Lubik & Christian Matthes & Andrew Owens - 227-260 The Heterogeneous Business-Cycle Behavior of Industrial Production
by Jackson Evert & Felipe Schwartzman
2016, Issue 2Q
- 105-126 Generalized Matching Functions and Resource Utilization Indices for the Labor Market
by Andreas Hornstein & Marianna Kudlyak - 127-146 Price Dispersion When Stores Sell Multiple Goods
by Nicholas Trachter - 147-168 Monetary Incentives and Mortgage Renegotiation Outcomes
by Nika Lazaryan & Urvi Neelakantan
2016, Issue 1Q
- 1-50 Models of Discount Window Lending: A Review
by Huberto M. Ennis - 51-78 Consumer Payment Choice in the Fifth District: Learning from a Retail Chain
by Zhu Wang & Alexander L. Wolman - 79-103 How Large Are Returns to Scale in the U.S.? A View Across the Boundary
by Thomas A. Lubik
2015, Issue 4Q
- 275-301 Monitoring Economic Activity in Real Time Using Diffusion Indices: Evidence from the Fifth District
by Santiago Pinto & Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte & Sonya Ravindranath Waddell - 303-317 Does Bank Lending Matter for Large Firms' Investment?
by Marios Karabarbounis - 323-352 Time-Varying Parameter Vector Autoregressions: Specification, Estimation, and an Application
by Thomas A. Lubik & Christian Matthes
2015, Issue 3Q
- 193-223 Understanding Living Wills
by Kartik B. Athreya & Arantxa Jarque - 225-244 What We Know About Wage Adjustment During the 2007-09 Recession and Its Aftermath
by Marianna Kudlyak - 245-274 Relative Price Changes and the Optimal Inflation Rate
by Alexander L. Wolman
2015, Issue 2Q
- 95-97 Essays from our Annual Reports, Part II
by John A. Weinberg - 99-123 Are We Saving Enough? Households and Retirement
by Doug Campbell & John A. Weinberg - 125-149 The Rise in Long-Term Unemployment: Potential Causes and Implications
by Andreas Hornstein & Thomas A. Lubik - 151-167 Unsustainable Fiscal Policy: Implications for Monetary Policy
by Renee Courtois Haltom & John A. Weinberg - 169-191 Land of Opportunity: Economic Mobility in the United States
by Kartik B. Athreya & Jessica Sackett Romero
2015, Issue 1Q
- 1-4 The Pursuit of Financial Stability: Essays from the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Annual Reports
by John A. Weinberg - 5-21 The Financial Crisis: Toward an Explanation and Policy Response
by Aaron Steelman & John A. Weinberg - 23-47 Systemic Risk and the Pursuit of Efficiency
by Kartik B. Athreya - 49-75 Should the Fed Have a Financial Stability Mandate? Lessons from the Fed's First 100 Years
by Renee Courtois Haltom & Jeffrey M. Lacker - 77-94 Living Wills: A Tool for Curbing Too Big to Fail
by Arantxa Jarque & David A. Price
2014, Issue 4Q
- 279-295 The Dropout Option in a Simple Model of College Education
by Ali Ozdagli & Nicholas Trachter - 297-352 Loan Guarantees for Consumer Credit Markets
by Kartik B. Athreya & Xuan S. Tam & Eric Young - 353-385 Optimal Institutions in Economies with Private Information: Exclusive Contracts, Taxes, and Bankruptcy Law
by Borys Grochulski & Yuzhe Zhang
2014, Issue 3Q
- 183-208 The Impact of the Durbin Amendment on Merchants: A Survey Study
by Neil Mitchell & Scarlett Schwartz & Zhu Wang - 209-240 How Can Consumption-Based Asset-Pricing Models Explain Low Interest Rates?
by Felipe Schwartzman - 241-278 Should Greece Remain in the Eurozone?
by Robert L. Hetzel
2014, Issue 2Q
- 87-111 Flows To and From Working Part Time for Economic Reasons and the Labor Market Aggregates During and After the 2007-09 Recession
by Maria E. Canon & Marianna Kudlyak & Guannan Luo & Marisa Reed - 113-157 Large U.S. Bank Holding Companies During the 2007-09 Financial Crisis: An Overview of the Data
by Peter Debbaut & Huberto M. Ennis - 159-181 The Real Bills Views of the Founders of the Fed
by Robert L. Hetzel
2014, Issue 1Q
- 1-21 Measuring Resource Utilization in the Labor Market
by Andreas Hornstein & Marianna Kudlyak & Fabian Lange - 23-50 The Financial Crisis, the Collapse of Bank Entry, and Changes in the Size Distribution of Banks
by Roisin McCord & Edward Simpson Prescott - 51-85 A Business Cycle Analysis of Debt and Equity Financing
by Marios Karabarbounis & Patrick Macnamara & Roisin McCord
2013, Issue 4Q
- 251-285 Evaluating Executive Compensation Packages
by Arantxa Jarque & Muth John - 287-303 The Business Cycle Behavior of Working Capital
by Felipe Schwartzman - 305-340 Pecuniary Externalities, Segregated Exchanges, and Market Liquidity in a Diamond-Dybvig Economy with Retrade
by Borys Grochulski
2013, Issue 3Q
- 163-192 Characterizing the Unusual Path of U.S. Output During and After the Great Recession
by Jonathan Lecznar & Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte & Robert Sharp - 193-227 MBS Real Estate Investment Trusts: A Primer
by Sabrina Pellerin & Steven Sabol & John R. Walter - 229-250 Does Intra-Firm Bargaining Matter for Business Cycle Dynamics?
by Michael U. Krause & Thomas A. Lubik
2013, Issue 2Q
- 83-116 The Monetarist-Keynesian Debate and the Phillips Curve: Lessons from the Great Inflation
by Robert L. Hetzel - 117-141 Federal Reserve Interdistrict Settlement
by Alexander L. Wolman - 143-162 Too Big to Manage? Two Book Reviews
by Edward Simpson Prescott
2013, Issue 1Q
- 1-23 Why Labor Force Participation (Usually) Increases when Unemployment Declines
by Andreas Hornstein - 25-43 A Cohort Model of Labor Force Participation
by Marianna Kudlyak - 45-81 Saving for Retirement with Job Loss Risk
by Borys Grochulski & Yuzhe Zhang
2012, Volume 98, Issue 4Q
- 231-254 Some theoretical considerations regarding net asset values for money market funds
by Huberto M. Ennis - 255-307 Debt default and the insurance of labor income risks
by Kartik B. Athreya & Xuan S. Tam & Eric Young - 309-348 Regulation and the composition of CEO pay
by Brian Gaines & Arantxa Jarque
2012, Volume 98, Issue 3Q
- 159-182 Debit card interchange fee regulation: some assessments and considerations
by Zhu Wang - 185-207 Housing services price inflation
by Marianna Kudlyak - 209-230 When do credit frictions matter for business cycles?
by Felipe Schwartzman
2012, Volume 98, Issue 2Q
- 77-110 Does monetarism retain relevance?
by Robert L. Hetzel - 111-138 The performance of non-owner-occupied mortgages during the housing crisis
by Breck L. Robinson - 139-157 On the benefits of GDP-indexed government debt: lessons from a model of sovereign defaults
by Juan Carlos Hatchondo & Leonardo Martinez
2012, Volume 98, Issue 1Q
- 1-31 Orderly liquidation authority as an alternative to bankruptcy
by Sabrina Pellerin & John R. Walter - 33-50 Contingent capital: the trigger problem
by Edward Simpson Prescott - 51-76 Exchange rate volatility in a simple model of firm entry and FDI
by Thomas A. Lubik & Katheryn N. Russ
2011, Volume 97, Issue 4Q
- 359-387 Accounting for the non-employment of U.S. men, 1968-2010
by Marianna Kudlyak & Thomas A. Lubik & Jonathan Tompkins - 389-413 Strategic behavior in the tri-party repo market
by Huberto M. Ennis - 415-430 K-core inflation
by Alexander L. Wolman - 431-450 The cost of unanticipated household finance shocks : two examples
by Kartik B. Athreya & Urvi Neelakantan
2011, Volume 97, Issue 3Q
- 189-193 Introduction to the special issue on modern macroeconomic theory
by Andreas Hornstein - 195-208 A perspective on modern business cycle theory
by Nobuhiro Kiyotaki - 209-254 Financial frictions in macroeconomic fluctations
by Vincenzo Quadrini - 255-326 Macroeconomics with hetereogeneity : a practical guide
by Fatih Guvenen - 329-357 Recent developments in economic growth
by Diego Restuccia
2011, Volume 97, Issue 2Q
- 111-131 Should central banks raise their inflation targets? Some relevant issues
by Bennett T. McCallum - 133-152 Financial firm resolution policy as a time-consistency problem
by Borys Grochulski - 153-173 Sectoral disturbances and aggregate economic activity
by Nadezhda Malysheva & Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte - 175-187 Legal protection to foreign investors
by Juan Carlos Hatchondo & Leonardo Martinez
2011, Volume 97, Issue 1Q
- 1-43 A regional look at the role of house prices and labor market conditions in mortgage default
by Anne Davlin & Edward Simpson Prescott & Sonya Ravindranath Waddell - 45-66 Housing and the Great Recession : a VAR accounting exercise
by Samuel E. Henly & Alexander L. Wolman - 95-110 Mortgage reform and the countercyclical role of the Federal Housing Administration's mortgage mutual fund insurance
by Brent C. Smith
2011, Issue 1Q
- 67-93 Optimal Contracts for Housing Services Purchases
by Borys Grochulski
2010, Volume 96, Issue 4Q
- 317-337 Monetary policy and global equilibria in a production economy
by Tim Hursey & Alexander L. Wolman - 339-372 Hidden effort, learning by doing, and wage dynamics
by Arantxa Jarque - 373-397 News shocks and business cycles
by Per Krusell & Alisdair McKay - 399-416 Risk sharing, investment, and incentives in the neoclassical growth model
by Emilio Espino & Juan M. Sanchez
2010, Volume 96, Issue 3Q
- 229-258 Earned income tax credit recipients: income, marginal tax rates, wealth, and credit constraints
by Kartik B. Athreya & Devin Reilly & Nicole B. Simpson - 259-272 Instability and indeterminacy in a simple search and matching model
by Michael U. Krause & Thomas A. Lubik - 273-290 How large has the federal financial safety net become?
by Nadezhda Malysheva & John R. Walter - 291-317 The politics of sovereign defaults
by Juan Carlos Hatchondo & Leonardo Martinez
2010, Volume 96, Issue 2Q
- 123-151 Inflation measure, Taylor rules, and the Greenspan-Bernanke years
by Yash P. Mehra & Bansi Sawhney - 153-177 Monetary policy with interest on reserves
by Andreas Hornstein - 179-199 Are wages rigid over the business cycle?
by Marianna Kudlyak - 201-229 Changes in monetary policy and the variation in interest rate changes across credit markets
by Devin Reilly & Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte
2010, Volume 96, Issue 1Q
- 1-9 Introduction to the special issue on the Diamond-Dybvig model
by Edward Simpson Prescott - 11-32 Bailouts
by Edward J. Green - 33-58 On the fundamental reasons for bank fragility
by Huberto M. Ennis & Todd Keister - 59-82 Inside-money theory after Diamond and Dybvig
by Ricardo de O. Cavalcanti - 83-122 Monetary theory and electronic money : reflections on the Kenyan experience
by William Jack & Tavneet Suri & Robert M. Townsend
2009, Volume 95, Issue Win
- 1-24 Problems for a fundamental theory of house prices
by Andreas Hornstein - 25-51 Indeterminancy from inflation forecast targeting : problem or pseudo-problem?
by Bennett T. McCallum - 53-74 Semiparametric estimation of land price gradients using large data sets
by Kevin A. Bryan & Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte - 75-100 Consumption smoothing and the measured regressivity of consumption taxes
by Kartik B. Athreya & Devin Reilly
2009, Volume 95, Issue Sum
- 235-267 Distortionary taxation for efficient redistribution
by Borys Grochulski - 289-313 Short-term headline-core inflation dynamics
by Yash P. Mehra & Devin Reilly - 315-334 Why could political incentives be different during election times?
by Leonardo Martinez - y:2009:i:sum:n:v.95no.3 The behavior of household and business investment over the business cycle
by Kausik Gangopadhyay & Juan Carlos Hatchondo
2009, Volume 95, Issue Spr
- 101-120 Estimating a search and matching model of the aggregate labor market
by Thomas A. Lubik - 121-160 The consolidation of financial regulation: pros, cons, and implications for the United States
by Sabrina Pellerin & John R. Walter & Patricia E. Wescott - 161-200 Should increased regulation of bank risk-taking come from regulators or from the market?
by Robert L. Hetzel - 201-233 Monetary policy in the 2008-2009 recession
by Robert L. Hetzel
2009, Volume 95, Issue Fall
- 335-355 Heterogeneity in sectoral employment and the business cycle
by Nadezhda Malysheva & Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte - 357-382 Inventories and optimal monetary policy
by Thomas A. Lubik & Wing Leong Teo - 383-418 Dynamic provisioning: a countercyclical tool for loan loss reserves
by Eliana Balla & Andrew McKenna - 419-454 The U.S. establishment-size distribution: secular changes and sectoral decomposition
by Samuel E. Henly & Juan M. Sanchez
2009, Volume 13, Issue Win
- 1-10 Jargon Alert : National debt
by David Van Den Berg - 2-5 Upfront - Economic news across the region
by Renee Courtois & Betty Joyce Nash & David Van Den Berg - 6-9 Federal Reserve : Last stop lending : how a railroad bankruptcy helped form modern Fed policy
by Stephen Slivinski
2008, Volume 94, Issue Win
- 1-16 Should bank supervisors disclose information about their banks?
by Edward Simpson Prescott - 17-44 Credit access, labor supply, and consumer welfare
by Kartik B. Athreya - 45-72 Antitrust analysis in banking : goals, methods, and justifications in a changed environment
by John R. Walter & Patricia E. Wescott - 73-96 A quantitative study of the role of wealth inequality on asset prices
by Juan Carlos Hatchondo
2008, Volume 94, Issue Sum
- 197-218 New Keynesian economics : a monetary perspective
by Stephen D. Williamson - 219-233 Nominal frictions, relative price adjustment, and the limits to monetary policy
by Alexander L. Wolman - 235-263 Understanding monetary policy implementation
by Huberto M. Ennis & Todd Keister - 265-300 CEO compensation : trends, market changes, and regulation
by Arantxa Jarque
2008, Volume 94, Issue Spr
- 97-120 On the evolution of income inequality in the United States
by Kevin A. Bryan & Leonardo Martinez - 121-146 On the sources of movements in inflation expectations : a few insights from a VAR model
by Christopher Herrington & Yash P. Mehra - 147-171 What is the monetary standard, or, how did the Volcker-Greenspan FOMCs tame inflation?
by Robert L. Hetzel - 173-196 Limits to redistribution and intertemporal wedges : implications of Pareto optimality with private information
by Borys Grochulski
2008, Volume 94, Issue Fall
- 301-309 Introduction to the New Keynesian Phillips curve
by Andreas Hornstein - 311-359 The Phillips curve and U.S. macroeconomic policy : snapshots, 1958-1996
by Robert G. King - 361-395 The New Keynesian Phillips curve : lessons from single-equation econometric estimation
by James M. Nason & Gregor W. Smith - 397-433 DSGE model-based estimation of the New Keynesian Phillips curve
by Frank Schorfheide - 435-465 Policy implications of the New Keynesian Phillips curve
by Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe & Martin Uribe
2007, Volume 93, Issue Win
- 1-30 The contributions of Milton Friedman to economics
by Robert L. Hetzel - 31-55 Implications of some alternatives to capital income taxation
by Kartik B. Athreya & Andrea L. Waddle - 57-76 Exchange rates and business cycles across countries
by Margarida Duarte & Diego Restuccia & Andrea L. Waddle - 77-109 Optimal nonlinear income taxation with costly tax avoidance
by Borys Grochulski
2007, Volume 93, Issue Sum
- 201-227 Inflation and unemployment: a layperson's guide to the Phillips curve
by Jeffrey M. Lacker & John A. Weinberg - 229-250 A Taylor rule and the Greenspan era
by Yash P. Mehra & Brian D. Minton - 251-286 Quantitative models of sovereign default and the threat of financial exclusion
by Juan Carlos Hatchondo & Leonardo Martinez & Horacio Sapriza - 287-315 Barriers to foreign direct investment under political instability
by Marina Azzimonti-Renzo & Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte
2007, Volume 93, Issue Spr
- 111-142 Interest on reserves and daylight credit
by Huberto M. Ennis & John A. Weinberg - 143-161 How accurate are real-time estimates of output trends and gaps?
by Mark W. Watson - 163-187 The economics of sovereign defaults
by Juan Carlos Hatchondo & Leonardo Martinez & Horacio Sapriza - 189-200 Banks and liquidity creation : a simple exposition of the Diamond-Dybvig model
by Douglas W. Diamond
2007, Volume 93, Issue Fall
- 317-339 Evolving inflation dynamics and the New Keynesian Phillips curve
by Andreas Hornstein - 341-360 The evolution of city population density in the United States
by Kevin A. Bryan & Brian D. Minton & Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte - 361-391 Currency quality and changes in the behavior of depository institutions
by Hubert P. Janicki & Nashat F. Moin & Andrea L. Waddle & Alexander L. Wolman - 393-412 Non-stationarity and instability in small open-economy models even when they are \\"closed\\"
by Thomas A. Lubik
2006, Volume 92, Issue Win
- 1-15 Discretionary policy and multiple equilibria
by Robert G. King - 17-49 Credit exclusion in quantitative models of bankruptcy: does it matter?
by Kartik B. Athreya & Hubert P. Janicki - 51-78 The 3-6-3 rule : an urban myth?
by John R. Walter - 79-91 Are we working too hard or should we be working harder? A simple model of career concerns
by Andrew T. Foerster & Leonardo Martinez
2006, Volume 92, Issue Sum
- 177-194 Borrowing by U.S. households
by John A. Weinberg - 195-223 The productivity of nations
by Margarida Duarte & Diego Restuccia - 225-253 Inflation uncertainty and the recent low level of the long bond rate
by Yash P. Mehra - 255-290 Making the systematic part of monetary policy transparent
by Robert L. Hetzel
2006, Volume 92, Issue Spr
- 93-111 The problem of small change in early Argentina
by Huberto M. Ennis - 113-133 Implementation of optimal monetary policy
by Michael Dotsey & Andreas Hornstein - 135-175 Can feedback from the jumbo CD market improve bank surveillance?
by R. Alton Gilbert & Andrew P. Meyer & Mark D. Vaughan
2006, Volume 92, Issue Fall
- 291-316 Changes in the size distribution of U.S. banks: 1960-2005
by Hubert P. Janicki & Edward Simpson Prescott - 317-336 Bond price premiums
by Alexander L. Wolman - 337-352 Stark optimal fiscal policies and sovereign lending
by Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte - 353-377 Not your father's credit union
by John R. Walter
2005, Volume 91, Issue Win
- 1-20 Inflation and changing expenditure shares
by Fan Ding & Alexander L. Wolman - 21-37 On the aggregate labor supply
by Yongsung Chang & Sun-Bin Kim - 39-54 Depression era bank failures : the great contagion of the great shakedown?
by John R. Walter
2005, Volume 91, Issue Sum
- 19-50 Unemployment and vacancy fluctuations in the matching model: inspecting the mechanism
by Andreas Hornstein & Per Krusell & Giovanni L. Violante - 51-70 Oil prices and consumer spending
by Yash P. Mehra & Jon D. Petersen
2005, Volume 91, Issue Spr
- 1-20 Limited participation and the neutrality of money
by Stephen D. Williamson - 21-44 Bank risk of failure and the too-big-to-fail policy
by Huberto M. Ennis & H. S. Malek