2003, Volume 9, Issue Apr
- 91-107 The corporate governance of banks
by Jonathan R. Macey & Maureen O'Hara - 109-121 Incentive features in CEO compensation in the banking industry
by Kose John & Yiming Qian - 123-142 Is corporate governance different for bank holding companies?
by Renee B. Adams & Hamid Mehran
2003, Issue Sep
- 3-4 Economic statistics: new needs for the twenty-first century - opening remarks
by Jamie B. Stewart - 5-15 Price hedonics: a critical review
by Charles R. Hulten - 17-22 Remarks on the measurement, valuation, and reporting of intangible assets
by Baruch Lev - 23-33 Productivity measurement issues in services industries: \\"Baumol's disease\\" has been cured
by Barry P. Bosworth & Jack E. Triplett - 37-54 What market risk capital reporting tells us about bank risk
by Beverly Hirtle - 55-81 Formulating the imputed cost of equity capital for priced services at Federal Reserve banks
by Edward J. Green & Jose A. Lopez & Zhenyu Wang - 83-108 Measuring treasury market liquidity
by Michael J. Fleming - v.9 no.3 Economic statistics: new needs for the twenty-first century
by anonymous
2003, Issue Jun
- 1-2 Opening remarks
by William J. McDonough - 5-17 State of New York City's housing and neighborhoods: an overview of recent trends
by Glynis Daniels & Michael H. Schill - 21-39 The impact of building restrictions on housing affordability
by Edward Ludwig Glaeser & Joseph Gyourko - 41-43 Commentary
by Brendan O'Flaherty - 45-62 Government regulation and changes in the affordable housing stock
by Christopher J. Mayer & C. Tsuriel Somerville - 63-67 Commentary
by Jack Goodman - 71-85 Housing production subsidies and neighborhood revitalization: New York City's ten-year capital plan for housing
by Ingrid Gould Ellen & Michael H. Schill & Amy Ellen Schwartz & Ioan Voicu - 87-107 Effects of homeownership on children: the role of neighborhood characteristics and family income
by Joseph M. Harkness & Sandra J. Newman - 109-112 Commentary
by Frank Braconi - 113-140 The impacts of new neighborhoods on poor families: evaluating the policy implications of the moving to opportunity demonstration
by John Goering - 141-143 Commentary
by Lance Freeman - 147-166 Comparing the costs of federal housing assistance programs
by Denise DiPasquale & Dennis Fricke & Daniel Garcia-Diaz - 167-168 Commentary
by Susan M. Wachter - 169-191 The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Community Reinvestment Act: past accomplishments and future regulatory challenges
by William C. Apgar & Mark Duda - 195-197 Preservation first
by Ronay Menschel - 199-201 Building blocks for private investment in New York City's underserved communities
by Richard Roberts
2002, Volume 8, Issue Nov
- 1-4 Introduction
by Linda S. Goldberg & Erica L. Groshen & James A. Kahn & Hamid Mehran & Donald P. Morgan & Carol L. Osler - 5-20 Measuring the effects of the September 11 attack on New York City
by Jason Bram & James A. Orr & Carol Rapaport - 21-33 What will homeland security cost?
by Bart Hobijn - 35-57 When the back office moved to the front burner: settlement fails in the treasury market after 9/11
by Michael J. Fleming & Kenneth D. Garbade - 59-79 Liquidity effects of the events of September 11, 2001
by James J. McAndrews & Simon M. Potter - 81-96 Has September 11 affected New York City's growth potential?
by Jason Bram & Andrew F. Haughwout & James A. Orr - 97-116 Terrorism and the resilience of cities
by James Harrigan & Philippe Martin
2002, Volume 8, Issue May
- 7-11 Monetary policy transmission: past and future challenges
by Paul A. Volcker - 15-26 The monetary transmission mechanism: some answers and further questions
by Kenneth N. Kuttner & Patricia C. Mosser - 29-48 The announcement effect: evidence from open market desk data
by Selva Demiralp & Òscar Jordà - 49-52 The announcement effect: evidence from open market desk data : commentary
by Charles L. Evans - 53-68 Are U.S. reserve requirements still binding?
by Paul Bennett & Stavros Peristiani - 69-71 Are U.S. reserve requirements still binding? commentary
by James A. Clouse - 73-76 Recent trends in monetary policy implementation: a view from the desk
by Sandra C. Krieger - 77-84 Interest on reserves and monetary policy
by Marvin Goodfriend - 85-94 Financial market efficiency and the effectiveness of monetary policy
by Michael Woodford - 97-111 Assessing changes in the monetary transmission mechanism: a VAR approach
by Jean Boivin & Marc Giannoni - 113-116 Assessing changes in the monetary transmission mechanism: a VAR approach : commentary
by Mark W. Watson - 117-133 Monetary policy transmission through the consumption-wealth channel
by Martin Lettau & Sydney C. Ludvigson & Charles Steindel - 135-138 Monetary policy transmission through the consumption-wealth channel : commentary
by Stephen Zeldes - 139-158 Monetary policy transmission to residential investment
by Jonathan McCarthy & Richard Peach - 159-161 Monetary policy transmission to residential investment : commentary
by Christopher J. Mayer - 163-177 Houses as collateral: has the link between house prices and consumption in the U.K. changed?
by Kosuke Aoki & James Proudman & Gertjan Vlieghe - 179-182 Houses as collateral: has the link between house prices and consumption in the U.K. changed? commentary
by Simon Gilchrist - 183-202 On the causes of the increased stability of the U.S. economy
by James A. Kahn & Margaret M. McConnell & Gabriel Perez-Quiros - 203-203 On the causes of the increased stability of the U.S. economy : commentary
by Spencer D. Krane - 209-213 Understanding financial consolidation
by Roger W. Ferguson - 217-235 Credit effects in the monetary mechanism
by Cara S. Lown & Donald P. Morgan - 237-237 Credit effects in the monetary mechanism : commentary
by John C. Driscoll - 243-255 Securitization and the efficacy of monetary policy
by Arturo Estrella - 257-258 Securitization and the efficacy of monetary policy : commentary
by Sonya W. Stanton - 259-265 Does bank capital matter for monetary transmission?
by Skander J. van den Heuvel - 267-270 Does bank capital matter for monetary transmission? commentary
by Jeremy C. Stein - 271-284 Financial consolidation and monetary policy
by William B. English - 285-289 Financial consolidation and monetary policy : commentary
by Ignazio Angeloni - y:2002:i:may:n:v.8no.1 Financial innovation and monetary transmission, a conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, April 5 and 6, 2001
by anonymous - y:2002:i:may:n:v.8no.1:x:1 Financial innovation and monetary transmission, opening remarks
by William J. McDonough
2001, Issue Sep
- 1-2 Welfare reform four years later: progress and prospects - opening remarks
by Jamie B. Stewart - 3-5 Welfare reform four years later: progress and prospects - summary of observations and recommendations
by Stephen V. Cameron & Robert A. Moffitt & Carol Rapaport - 9-19 How are families who left welfare doing over time? a comparison of two cohorts of welfare leavers
by Pamela Loprest - 21-22 How are families who left welfare doing over time? a comparison of two cohorts of welfare leavers - commentary
by Hilary W. Hoynes - 25-36 Declining caseloads/increased work: what can we conclude about the effects of welfare reform?
by Rebecca M. Blank - 37-51 Changing caseloads: macro influences and micro composition
by Robert A. Moffitt & David W. Stevens - 53-55 Changing caseloads: macro influences and micro composition - commentary
by Susan E. Mayer - 57-59 Changing caseloads: macro influences and micro composition - commentary
by June O'Neill - 63-75 Changing the culture of the welfare office: the role of intermediaries in linking TANF recipients with jobs
by Jacquelyn Anderson & Michelle K. Derr & Sidnee Paschal & Ladonna Pavetti & Carole Trippe - 77-82 Changing the culture of the welfare office: the role of intermediaries in linking TANF recipients with jobs - commentary
by Kathryn Edin & Rebecca J. Kissane - 83-97 Welfare reform and New York City's low-income population
by Howard Chernick & Cordelia Reimers - 99-101 Welfare reform and New York City's low-income population - commentary
by Gary Burtless - 105-123 Using financial incentives to encourage welfare recipients to become economically self-sufficient
by Charles Michalopoulos & Philip K. Robins - 125-126 Using financial incentives to encourage welfare recipients to become economically self-sufficient - commentary
by Christopher Jencks - 127-132 Using financial incentives to encourage welfare recipients to become economically self-sufficient - commentary
by Thomas MaCurdy - v.7 no.2 Welfare reform four years later: progress and prospects, proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, November 17, 2000
by anonymous
2001, Issue Mar
- 1-17 The challenges of risk management in diversified financial companies
by Christine M. Cumming & Beverly Hirtle - 19-36 Using credit risk models for regulatory capital: issues and options
by Beverly Hirtle & Mark E. Levonian & Marc R. Saidenberg & Stefan Walter & David M. Wright - 37-59 What drives productivity growth?
by Kevin J. Stiroh - 61-72 Actual Federal Reserve policy behavior and interest rate rules
by Ray C. Fair - 73-94 Leading economic indexes for New York State and New Jersey
by James A. Orr & Robert W. Rich & Rae D. Rosen
2001, Issue Dec
- 1-16 Infrastructure and social welfare in metropolitan America
by Andrew F. Haughwout - 17-34 The effect of employee stock options on the evolution of compensation in the 1990s
by Hamid Mehran & Joseph Tracy - 35-50 Personal on-line payments
by Kenneth N. Kuttner & James J. McAndrews - 51-70 The effect of interest rate options hedging on term-structure dynamics
by John Kambhu & Patricia C. Mosser
2000, Issue Sep
- 1-2 Overview of the volume ; Special issue: lessons from recent crises in Asian and other emerging markets
by Linda S. Goldberg & Thomas Klitgaard - 3-16 The economics of currency crises and contagion: an introduction
by Paolo Pesenti & Cédric Tille - 17-36 Foreign and domestic bank participation in emerging markets: lessons from Mexico and Argentina
by B. Gerard Dages & Linda S. Goldberg & Daniel Kinney - 37-49 Asia's trade performance after the currency crisis
by Matthew Higgins & Thomas Klitgaard - 51-70 Asia crisis postmortem: where did the money go and did the United States benefit?
by Eric Van Wincoop & Kei-Mu Yi - 71-81 The impact of the Asia crisis on U.S. industry: an almost-free lunch?
by James Harrigan
2000, Issue Oct
- 1-3 Specialization, diversification, and the structure of the financial system - the impact of technological change and regulatory reform, opening remarks
by Jamie B. Stewart - 7-10 Banking and securities and insurance: economists' views of the synergies - summary of presentations
by Cara S. Lown - 11-23 The determinants of success in the new financial services environment: now that firms can do everything, what should they do and why should regulators care?
by David L. Eckles & Anthony M. Santomero - 25-37 The economics and politics of financial modernization
by Randall S. Kroszner - 39-54 The changing landscape of the financial services industry: what lies ahead?
by Cara S. Lown & Carol L. Osler & Philip E. Strahan & Amir Sufi - 55-58 Banking and securities and insurance: economists' views of the synergies - commentary
by Christopher T. Mahoney - 61-65 All the answers are different
by Denis O'Leary - 67-72 Technology: driving specialization or enabling diversification (or both)?
by Till Guldimann & Jim Marks & Lawrence J. Radecki & John Wenninger & moderator & presenters - 73-79 The changing role of banking supervision
by Tom de Swaan - 81-87 Why we do what we do: the views of bankers, insurers, and securities firms on specialization and diversification
by Tony Candito & Michael J. Castellano & Richard Heckinger & Darryll Hendricks & Kevin J. Stiroh & moderator & presenters - 89-94 The changing financial structure: challenges for supervisors and risk managers
by Beverly Hirtle & Leslie Rahl & William L. Rutledge & Petros Sabatacakis - v.6 no.4 Specialization, diversification, and the structure of the financial system: the impact of technological change and regulatory reform, proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, June 9, 2000
by anonymous
2000, Issue Jul
- 1-16 Listening to loan officers: the impact of commercial credit standards on lending and output
by Cara S. Lown & Donald P. Morgan & Sonali Rohatgi - 17-32 The timing and funding of Fedwire funds transfers
by James J. McAndrews & Samira Rajan - 33-52 Capital ratios as predictors of bank failure
by Arturo Estrella & Sangkyun Park & Stavros Peristiani - 53-68 Support for resistance: technical analysis and intraday exchange rates
by Carol L. Osler
2000, Issue Apr
- 1-2 Fiscal policy in an era of surpluses: economic and financial implications - opening remarks
by William J. McDonough - 3-5 Fiscal policy in an era of surpluses: economic and financial implications - summary of observations and recommendations
by Richard Peach & Charles Steindel - 9-23 Formation of fiscal policy: the experience of the past twenty-five years
by Alan J. Auerbach - 25-27 Formation of fiscal policy: the experience of the past twenty-five years - commentary
by Barry P. Bosworth - 29-32 Formation of fiscal policy: the experience of the past twenty-five years - commentary
by C. Eugene Steuerle - 35-67 The automatic fiscal stabilizers: quietly doing their thing
by Darrel Cohen & Glenn Follette - 69-74 The automatic fiscal stabilizers: quietly doing their thing - commentary
by Olivier Jean Blanchard - 77-80 The near-term outlook for fiscal policy
by Rudolph G. Penner - 83-85 Fiscal policy in an era of surpluses
by Gary Gensler - 89-119 Enhancing the liquidity of U.S. Treasury securities in an era of surpluses
by Kenneth Barbade & Paul Bennett & John Kambhu - 121-122 Enhancing the liquidity of U.S. Treasury securities in an era of surpluses - commentary
by Vaughn O'Regan - 123-125 Enhancing the liquidity of U.S. Treasury securities in an era of surpluses - commentary
by Charles H. Parkhurst - 129-145 The benchmark U.S. Treasury market: recent performance and possible alternatives
by Michael J. Fleming - 147-148 The benchmark U.S. Treasury market: recent performance and possible alternatives - commentary
by Lou Crandall - 149-153 The benchmark U.S. Treasury market: recent performance and possible alternatives - commentary
by Thomas C. Glaessner - 155-157 The benchmark U.S. Treasury market: recent performance and possible alternatives - commentary
by Stan Jones - v.6 no.1 Fiscal policy in an era of surpluses: economic and financial implications, proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, December 3, 1999
by anonymous
1999, Volume 5, Issue Sep
- 3-5 Unequal incomes, unequal outcomes? Economic inequality and measures of well-being: summary of observations and recommendations
by Erica L. Groshen & Chinhui Juhn & James A. Orr & Barbara L. Walter - 9-21 Poverty, children's health, and health care utilization
by Barbara L. Wolfe - 23-36 Economic inequality and social differentials in mortality
by Arline T. Geronimus - 37-39 Commentary on two papers (Wolfe and Geronimus) on poverty's effects on health status
by Carol Rapaport - 43-47 Public health and the public agenda
by Kevin Thurm - 51-61 Housing outcomes: an assessment of long-term trends
by James A. Orr & Richard Peach - 63-77 A look at real housing prices and incomes: some implications for housing affordability and quality
by Joseph Gyourko & Joseph Tracy - 79-83 Commentary on two papers on the affordability of housing for young and poor families
by Christopher J. Mayer - 87-98 The changing relationship between income and crime victimization
by Steven D. Levitt - 99-110 Economic inequality and the provision of schooling
by Thomas A. Downes & David N. Figlio - 111-113 Commentary on two papers on education and crime in urban neighborhoods
by Derek Neal - 117-132 From John Lindsay to Rudy Giuliani: the decline of the local safety net?
by Edward Ludwig Glaeser & Matthew E. Kahn - 133-142 Earnings inequality and central-city development
by Edwin S. Mills - 143-146 Commentary on two papers on economic inequality and local public services
by James M. Snyder - 149-163 Social indicators and the study of inequality
by Irwin Garfinkel & Marcia K. Meyers - 165-167 Social indicators and the study of inequality - commentary
by Howard Chernick - 171-173 Unequal incomes, unequal outcomes? Economic inequality and measures of well-being, closing discussion: social policy implications, general commentary
by Katherine McFate - 175-177 Unequal incomes, unequal outcomes? Economic inequality and measures of well-being, closing discussion: social policy implications, general commentary
by Timothy Smeeding - y:1999:i:sep:n:v.5no.3 Unequal incomes, unequal outcomes? Economic inequality and measures of well-being: proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, May 7, 1999
by anonymous
1999, Volume 5, Issue Jul
- 1-7 Recent banking sector reforms in Japan
by Hiroshi Nakaso - 9-28 Legal structure, financial structure, and the monetary policy transmission mechanism
by Stephen G. Cecchetti - 29-51 How important is the stock market effect on consumption?
by Sydney C. Ludvigson & Charles Steindel - 53-70 Banks' payments-driven revenues
by Lawrence J. Radecki
1999, Volume 5, Issue Apr
- 1-20 Supervisory information and the frequency of bank examinations
by Beverly Hirtle & Jose A. Lopez - 21-39 Macro markets and financial security
by Stefano Athanasoulis & Robert J. Shiller & Eric Van Wincoop - 41-54 Exchange rates and profit margins: the case of Japanese exporters
by Thomas Klitgaard
1998, Volume 4, Issue Oct
- 1-6 Financial services at the crossroads: capital regulation in the twenty-first century - conference overview
by William J. McDonough - 1-6 Financial services at the crossroads: capital regulation in the twenty-first century - opening remarks
by Chester B. Feldberg - 1-45 Measuring the relative marginal cost of debt and capital for banks (summary)
by Thuan Le & Kevin P. Sheehan - 1-47 Commentary on four papers on the impact of capital requirements on bank risk taking: empirical evidence
by Stephen G. Cecchetti - 15-22 The impact of capital requirements on U.K. bank behaviour
by Tolga Ediz & Ian Michael & William Perraudin - 23-32 Assessing the impact of prompt corrective action on bank capital and risk
by Raj Aggarwal & Kevin T. Jacques - 33-43 Fair value accounting and regulatory capital requirements
by Yuko Katsuo & Tatsuya Yonetani - 53-60 Industry practices in credit risk modeling and internal capital allocations: implications for a models-based regulatory capital standard
by David M. Jones & John J. Mingo - 61-70 Credit risk in the Australian banking sector
by Brian Gray - 71-82 Portfolio credit risk
by Thomas C. Wilson - 83-94 Capital allocation and bank management based on the quantification of credit risk
by Hiroshi Kawai & Kenji Nishiguchi & Takanori Sazaki - 95-97 Commentary on four papers on credit risk modeling
by William Perraudin - 101-104 Supervisory capital standards: modernise or redesign?
by Edgar Meister - 107-108 The value of value at risk: statistical, financial, and regulatory considerations (summary)
by Jón Daníelsson & Casper G. De Vries & Bjorn N. Jorgensen - 109-118 Horizon problems and extreme events in financial risk management
by Peter F. Christoffersen & Francis X. Diebold & Til Schuermann - 119-124 Methods for evaluating value-at-risk estimates
by Jose A. Lopez - 125-128 Commentary on 3 papers on issues in value-at-risk modeling and evaulation
by Beverly Hirtle - 131-136 Pilot exercise - pre-commitment approach to market risk
by Jill Considine - 137-143 Value at risk and precommitment: approaches to market risk regulation
by Arupratan Daripa & Simone Varotto - 145-153 Designing incentive-compatible regulation in banking: the role of penalty in the precommitment approach
by Shuji Kobayakawa - 155-159 Commentary on 3 papers on incentive-compatible regulation: views on the precommitment approach
by Patrick M. Parkinson - 163-168 The role of capital in optimal banking supervision and regulation
by Alan Greenspan - 171-182 Building a coherent risk measurement and capital optimisation model for financial firms
by Robert B. Litterman & Tim Shepheard-Walwyn - 183-186 Capital from an insurance company perspective
by Robert E. Lewis - 187-188 Commentary on two papers on international capital allocation at financial institutions
by Masatoshi Okawa - 191-200 Formulas or supervision? Remarks on the future of regulatory capital
by Arturo Estrella - 201-211 Deposit insurance, bank incentives, and the design of regulatory policy
by Paul H. Kupiec & James M. O'Brien - 213-223 Issues in financial institution capital in emerging market economies
by Allen B. Frankel - 225-227 Commentary on 3 papers on the role of capital regulation in bank supervision
by Christine M. Cumming - 231-235 Capital regulations: the road ahead
by Tom de Swaan - 237-240 Risk management: one institution's experience
by Thomas G. Labrecque - y:1998:i:oct:n:v.4no.3 Financial services at the crossroads: capital regulation in the twenty-first century / sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in collaboration with the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ; proceedings held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on February 26-27, 1998
by anonymous
1998, Volume 4, Issue Mar
- 7-9 Creating a performance-driven system
by Rudy Crew - 11-27 Conclusions and controversies about the effectiveness of school resources
by Eric A. Hanushek - 29-43 Reassessing the view that American schools are broken
by Alan B. Krueger - 47-59 What do America's \\"traditional\\" forms of school choice teach us about school choice reforms?
by Caroline M. Hoxby - 61-76 Schools and student achievement: more evidence from the Milwaukee parental choice program
by Cecilia Elena Rouse - 79-86 What have we learned about the benefits of private schooling?
by Derek Neal - 87-94 Measuring the value of better schools
by Sandra E. Black - 97-116 The two-legged stool: the neglected role of educational standards in improving America's public schools
by Julian R. Betts - 117-124 Standards, information, and the demand for student achievement
by Frank Levy & Richard J. Murnane
1998, Volume 4, Issue Jun
- 1-14 Policy rules and targets: framing the central banker's problem
by Stephen G. Cecchetti - 15-34 The expanding geographic reach of retail banking markets
by Lawrence J. Radecki - 35-58 Dealers' hedging of interest rate options in the U.S. dollar fixed-income market
by John Kambhu