1998, Volume 4, Issue Jun
- 59-78 Does consumer confidence forecast household expenditure? a sentiment index horse race
by Jason Bram & Sydney C. Ludvigson - 79-99 Vertical specialization and the changing nature of world trade
by David L. Hummels & Dana Rapoport & Kei-Mu Yi
1997, Volume 3, Issue Jul
- 1-7 Creating an integrated payment system: the evolution of Fedwire
by Adam M. Gilbert & Dara Hunt & Kenneth C. Winch - 9-32 The round-the-clock market for U.S. Treasury securities
by Michael J. Fleming - 33-52 Market returns and mutual fund flows
by Debbie Gruenstein & Paul Kleiman & Eli M. Remolona - 53-81 The evolving external orientation of manufacturing: a profile of four countries
by Jose Manuel Campa & Linda S. Goldberg - 83-99 Credit, equity, and mortgage refinancings
by Paul Bennett & Gordon Monsen & Richard Peach & Stavros Peristiani & Jonathan Raiff
1997, Volume 3, Issue Feb
- 5-19 National and regional factors in the metropolitan economy
by Jonathan McCarthy & Charles Steindel - 21-35 Sources of New York employment fluctuations
by Kenneth N. Kuttner & Argia M. Sbordone - 49-60 Performance of metropolitan area industries
by Matthew P. Drennan - 61-74 Industrial restructuring in the New York metropolitan area
by James A. Orr - 75-78 Potential employment effects of the restructuring of retail banking
by Lawrence J. Radecki - 79-82 Business services and the economic performance of the New York metropolitan region
by Thierry Noyelle - 83-85 The securities industry and the New York - New Jersey region
by Richard Cantor - 87-90 Technological trends affecting the manufacturing sector of New York City
by Mitchell L. Moss - 93-111 The outlook for the metropolitan area
by Dick Netzer
1997, Volume 3, Issue Dec
- 1-12 Bank capital requirements for market risk: the internal models approach
by Darryll Hendricks & Beverly Hirtle - 13-29 The benefits of branching deregulation
by Jith Jayaratne & Philip E. Strahan - 31-50 What moves the bond market?
by Michael J. Fleming & Eli M. Remolona - 51-77 Is there an inflation puzzle?
by Cara S. Lown & Robert W. Rich
1997, Volume 3, Issue Aug
- 1-7 A framework for the pursuit of price stability
by William J. McDonough - 9-110 Inflation targeting: lessons from four countries
by Frederic S. Mishkin & Adam S. Posen
1996, Volume 2, Issue Oct
- 1-14 Banks with something to lose: the disciplinary role of franchise value
by Rebecca Demsetz & Marc R. Saidenberg & Philip E. Strahan - 15-35 What do chain store sales tell us about consumer spending?
by Ethan S. Harris & Clara Vega - 37-53 Determinants and impact of sovereign credit ratings
by Richard Cantor & Frank Packer
1996, Volume 2, Issue Apr
- 1-15 Price risk intermediation in the over-the-counter derivatives markets: interpretation of a global survey
by Catherine Benadon & John Kambhu & Frank M. Keane - 17-37 Risk management by structured derivative product companies
by William F. Bassett & In Sun Geoum & Eli M. Remolona - 39-69 Evaluation of value-at-risk models using historical data
by Darryll Hendricks
1995, Volume 1, Issue Oct
- 1-5 Remarks on economic, supervisory, and regulatory issues facing foreign banks operating in the United States
by William J. McDonough - 7-20 Correlation products and risk management issues
by James M. Mahoney - 21-38 The commodity-consumer price connection: fact or fable?
by S. Brock Blomberg & Ethan S. Harris
1995, Volume 1, Issue Jul
- 13-26 Historical patterns and recent changes in the relationship between bank holding company size and risk
by Rebecca Demsetz & Philip E. Strahan - 27-45 The decline of traditional banking: implications for financial stability and regulatory policy
by Franklin R. Edwards & Frederic S. Mishkin
1995, Issue Jul
- 1-12 A prolegomenon to future capital requirements
by Arturo Estrella
1995, Issue Jan
- 1-1 Colloquium on U.S. wage trends in the 1980s: opening remarks
by William J. McDonough - 3-8 The internationalization of the U.S. labor market and the wage structure
by George J. Borjas - 9-17 What are the causes of rising wage inequality in the United States?
by John Bound & George Johnson - 18-25 U.S. wage trends in the 1980s: the role of international factors
by Robert Z. Lawrence - 26-32 Inequality in labor market outcomes: contrasting the 1980s and earlier decades
by Chinhui Juhn & Kevin M. Murphy - 33-34 Colloquium on U.S. wage trends in the 1980s: morning session: summary of discussion
by Thomas Klitgaard & Adam S. Posen - 35-41 The future path and consequences of the U.S. earnings/education gap
by Frank Levy - 42-47 Trade and wages: choosing among alternative explanations
by Jagdish Bhagwati - 48-53 Macroeconomic implications of shifts in the relative demand for skills
by Olivier Jean Blanchard - 54-58 The growing wage gap: is training the answer?
by Lisa M. Lynch - 59-60 Colloquium on U.S. wage trends in the 1980s: afternoon session: summary of discussion
by S. Brock Blomberg & Gabriel De Kock - 61-75 Explaining the growing inequality in wages across skill levels
by David A. Brauer & Susan Hickok