- RWP 12-01 Model uncertainty and intertemporal tax smoothing
by Yulei Luo & Jun Nie & Eric Young
- RWP 11-16 A Bayesian evaluation of alternative models of trend inflation
by Todd E. Clark & Taeyoung Doh - RWP 11-15 What can financial stability reports tell us about macroprudential supervision?
by Jon Christensson & Kenneth Spong & Jim Wilkinson - RWP 11-14 A chronology of turning points in economic activity: Spain, 1850-2011
by Travis J. Berge & Òscar Jordà - RWP 11-12 Forecasting disconnected exchange rates
by Travis J. Berge - RWP 11-11 Estimating VAR's sampled at mixed or irregular spaced frequencies : a Bayesian approach
by Ching Wai Chiu & Bjorn Eraker & Andrew T. Foerster & Tae Bong Kim & Hernan D. Seoane - RWP 11-10 Low-income housing tax credit developments and neighborhood property conditions
by Kelly D. Edmiston - RWP 11-09 The aggregate implications of individual labor supply heterogeneity
by Jose Mustre-del-Rio - RWP 11-08 Commodity dependence and fiscal capacity
by Mauricio Cardenas & Santiago Ramirez & Didem Tuzemen - RWP 11-07 Under-investment in state capacity: the role of inequality and political instability
by Mauricio Cardenas & Didem Tuzemen - RWP 11-06 Are banks passive liquidity backstops? deposit rates and flows during the 2007-2009 crisis
by Viral V. Acharya & Nada Mora - RWP 11-05 Who offers tax-based business development incentives?
by Alison Felix & James R. Hines - RWP 11-04 Financial crises, unconventional monetary policy exit strategies, and agents' expectations
by Andrew T. Foerster - RWP 11-03 Note on the role of natural condition of control in the estimation of DSGE models
by Martin Fukac & Vladimir Havlena - RWP 11-02 Bank capital regulation and secondary markets for bank assets
by Michal Kowalik
- RWP 11-13 A chronology of international business cycles through non-parametric decoding
by Travis J. Berge & Shu-Chun Chen & Hsieh Fushing & Òscar Jordà - RWP 11-01 Labor market search, the Taylor principle, and indeterminacy
by Takushi Kurozumi & Willem Van Zandweghe - RWP 10-18 The roles of price points and menu costs in price rigidity
by Edward S. Knotek - RWP 10-17 Robustness, information-processing constraints, and the current account in small open economies
by Yulei Luo & Jun Nie & Eric Young - RWP 10-16 Robust control, informational frictions, and international consumption correlations
by Yulei Luo & Jun Nie & Eric Young - RWP 10-15 Determinacy under inflation targeting interest rate policy in a sticky price model with investment (and labor bargaining)
by Takushi Kurozumi & Willem Van Zandweghe - RWP 10-14 Learning about monetary policy rules when labor market search and matching frictions matter
by Takushi Kurozumi & Willem Van Zandweghe - RWP 10-13 Entrepreneurial risk choice and credit market equilibria
by Kerstin Gerling & Michal Kowalik & Heiner Schumacher - RWP 10-12 Lender exposure and effort in the syndicated loan market
by Nada Mora - RWP 10-11 The creditworthiness of the poor: a model of the Grameen Bank
by Michal Kowalik & David Martinez-Miera - RWP 10-10 Distortionary fiscal policy and monetary policy goals
by Klaus Adam & Roberto M. Billi - RWP 10-09 \"Unfunded liabilities\" and uncertain fiscal financing
by Troy Davig & Eric M. Leeper & Todd B. Walker - RWP 10-08 Structural macro-econometric modelling in a policy environment
by Martin Fukac & Adrian R. Pagan - RWP 10-07 Impulse response identification in DSGE models
by Martin Fukac - RWP 10-06 Discretionary monetary policy in the Calvo model
by Willem Van Zandweghe & Alexander L. Wolman - RWP 10-05 The Taylor rule and the practice of central banking
by Pier Francesco Asso & George A. Kahn & Robert Leeson - RWP 10-04 Euler-equation estimation for discrete choice models: a capital accumulation application
by Russell W. Cooper & John Haltiwanger & Jonathan L. Willis - RWP 10-03 Training or search? evidence and an equilibrium model
by Jun Nie - RWP 10-02 Executive compensation and business policy choices at U.S. commercial banks
by Robert DeYoung & Emma Y. Peng & Meng Yan - RWP 10-01 Inflation targeting and private sector forecasts
by Stephen G. Cecchetti & Craig S. Hakkio
- RWP 09-12 Monetary-fiscal policy interactions and fiscal stimulus
by Troy Davig & Eric M. Leeper - RWP 09-11 Nested forecast model comparisons: a new approach to testing equal accuracy
by Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken - RWP 09-10 In-sample tests of predictive ability: a new approach
by Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken - RWP 09-09 Reply to \"Generalizing the Taylor principle\": a comment
by Troy Davig & Eric M. Leeper - RWP 09-08 Real-time density forecasts from VARs with stochastic volatility
by Todd E. Clark - RWP 09-07 Payday loan pricing
by Robert DeYoung & Ronnie J. Phillips - RWP 09-06 Time variation in the inflation passthrough of energy prices
by Todd E. Clark & Stephen J. Terry - RWP 09-05 Decomposing the declining volatility of long-term inflation expectations
by Todd E. Clark & Troy Davig - RWP 09-04 Yield curve in an estimated nonlinear macro model
by Taeyoung Doh - RWP 09-03 On-the-job search, sticky prices, and persistence
by Willem Van Zandweghe - RWP 09-02 Mind the (approximation) gap: a robustness analysis
by Russell W. Cooper & Jonathan L. Willis - RWP 09-01 Global inflation dynamics
by Craig S. Hakkio
- RWP 08-16 Monetary policy regime shifts and inflation persistence
by Troy Davig & Taeyoung Doh - RWP 08-15 Spin-offs: theory and evidence from the early U.S. automobile industry
by Luis Cabral & Zhu Wang - RWP 08-14 Product innovation and network survival in the U.S. ATM and debit card network industry
by Fumiko Hayashi & Zhu Wang - RWP 08-13 Why Do Payment Card Networks Charge Proportional Feeds?
by Oz Shy & Zhu Wang - RWP 08-12 The economics of two-sided payment card markets: pricing, adoption and usage
by James J. McAndrews & Zhu Wang - RWP 08-11 Long run risks in the term structure of interest rates: estimation
by Taeyoung Doh - RWP 08-10 Alternative methods of solving state-dependent pricing models
by Edward S. Knotek & Stephen J. Terry - RWP 08-09 Price-level targeting and risk management in a low-inflation economy
by Roberto M. Billi - RWP 08-08 The economics of payment card fee structure: policy considerations of payment card rewards
by Fumiko Hayashi - RWP 08-07 The economics of payment card fee structure: what drives payment card rewards?
by Fumiko Hayashi - RWP 08-06 The economics of payment card fee structure: what is the optimal balance between merchant fee and payment card rewards?
by Fumiko Hayashi - RWP 08-05 An empirical assessment of the relationships among inflation and short- and long-term expectations
by Todd E. Clark & Troy Davig - RWP 08-04 Convenient prices and price rigidity: cross-sectional evidence
by Edward S. Knotek - RWP 08-03 Labor market search and interest rate policy
by Takushi Kurozumi & Willem Van Zandweghe - RWP 08-02 Markov-chain approximations of vector autoregressions: application of general multivariate-normal integration techniques
by Edward S. Knotek & Stephen J. Terry - RWP 08-01 How do large banking organizations manage their capital ratio?
by Allen N. Berger & Robert DeYoung & Mark J. Flannery & David Lee & Ozde Oztekin
- RWP 07-13 Target's corporate governance and bank merger payoffs
by Elijah Brewer & William E. Jackson & Julapa Jagtiani - RWP 07-12 Phillips curves, monetary policy, and a labor market transmission mechanism
by Robert R. Reed & Stacey L. Schreft - RWP 07-11 The Taylor rule and the transformation of monetary policy
by Pier Francesco Asso & George A. Kahn & Robert Leeson - RWP 07-10 What does the yield curve tell us about the Federal Reserve's implicit inflation target?
by Taeyoung Doh - RWP 07-09 Expectational stability in regime-switching rational expectations models
by William A. Branch & Troy Davig & Bruce McGough - RWP 07-08 Do federal funds futures need adjustment for excess returns? a state-dependent approach
by Brent Bundick - RWP 07-07 The potential role of subordinated debt programs in enhancing market discipline in banking
by Douglas D. Evanoff & Julapa Jagtiani & Taisuke Nakata - RWP 07-06 Tests of equal predictive ability with real-time data
by Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken - RWP 07-05 How much would banks be willing to pay to become \"too-big-to-fail\" and to capture other benefits?
by Elijah Brewer & Julapa Jagtiani - RWP 07-04 Phillips curve instability and optimal monetary policy
by Troy Davig - RWP 07-03 Optimal inflation for the U.S
by Roberto M. Billi - RWP 07-02 Moving to high quality of life
by Jordan Rappaport - RWP 07-01 Monetary conservatism and fiscal policy
by Klaus Adam & Roberto M. Billi
- RWP 06-16 Long-term changes in labor supply and taxes: evidence from OECD countries, 1956-2004
by Lee E. Ohanian & Andrea Raffo & Richard Rogerson - RWP 06-15 A tale of two rigidities: sticky prices in a sticky-information environment
by Edward S. Knotek - RWP 06-14 Hours and employment implications of search frictions: matching aggregate and establishment-level observations
by Russell W. Cooper & John Haltiwanger & Jonathan L. Willis - RWP 06-13 Sticky information and sticky prices
by Peter J. Klenow & Jonathan L. Willis - RWP 06-12 Averaging forecasts from VARs with uncertain instabilities
by Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken - RWP 06-11 Endogenous monetary policy regime change
by Troy Davig & Eric M. Leeper - RWP 06-10 Consumption amenities and city crowdedness
by Jordan Rappaport - RWP 06-09 Forecasting of small macroeconomic VARs in the presence of instabilities
by Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken - RWP 06-08 Amenities, local conditions and fiscal determinants of factor growth in rural America
by George Hammond & Eric C. Thompson & Stephan Weiler - RWP 06-07 Targeting inflation and the fiscal balance : what is the optimal policy mix?
by Marcela Meirelles Aurelio - RWP 06-06 A productivity model of city crowdedness
by Jordan Rappaport - RWP 06-05 Regime changes and monetary stagflation
by Edward S. Knotek - RWP 06-04 How and why do consumers choose their payment methods?
by Stacey L. Schreft - RWP 06-03 Real rigidities and nominal price changes
by Peter J. Klenow & Jonathan L. Willis - RWP 06-02 Combining forecasts from nested models
by Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken - RWP 06-01 Net exports, consumption volatility, and international real business cycle models
by Andrea Raffo
- RWP 05-13 Generalizing the Taylor principle
by Troy Davig & Eric M. Leeper - RWP 05-12 Monetary and fiscal policy switching
by Hess T. Chung & Troy Davig & Eric M. Leeper - RWP 05-11 Convenient prices, currency, and nominal rigidity : theory with evidence from newspaper prices
by Edward S. Knotek - RWP 05-10 The impact of wildlife recreation on farmland values
by Jason Henderson & Sean Moore - RWP 05-09 A park by any other name : national park designation as a natural experiment in signaling
by Stephan Weiler - RWP 05-08 Discretionary monetary policy and the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates
by Klaus Adam & Roberto M. Billi - RWP 05-07 Optimal monetary policy under commitment with a zero bound on nominal interest rates
by Klaus Adam & Roberto M. Billi - RWP 05-06 Term structure transmission of monetary policy
by Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley - RWP 05-05 Approximately normal tests for equal predictive accuracy in nested models
by Todd E. Clark & Kenneth D. West - RWP 05-04 Perhaps the FOMC did what it said it did : an alternative interpretation of the Great Inflation
by Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley - RWP 05-03 Minding the gap : central bank estimates of the unemployment natural rate
by Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley - RWP 05-02 Do we really know how inflation targeters set interest rates?
by Marcela Meirelles Aurelio - RWP 05-01 The performance of monetary and fiscal rules in an open economy with imperfect capital mobility
by Marcela Meirelles Aurelio
- RWP 04-12 A simple model of city crowdedness
by Jordan Rappaport - RWP 04-11 Barriers to network-specific innovation
by Antoine Martin & Michael J. Orlando - RWP 04-10 Improving forecast accuracy by combining recursive and rolling forecasts
by Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken - RWP 04-09 Identification and normalization in Markov switching models of \"business cycles\"
by Penelope A. Smith & Peter M. Summers - RWP 04-08 Estimating equilibrium real interest rates in real time
by Todd E. Clark & Sharon Kozicki - RWP 04-07 Aggregate consumption-wealth ratio and the cross-section of stock returns: some international evidence
by Paul Gao & Kevin X. D. Huang - RWP 04-06 Specific factors meet intermediate inputs : implications for strategic complementarities and persistence
by Kevin X. D. Huang - RWP 04-05 Multiple stages of processing and the quantity anomaly in international business cycle models
by Kevin X. D. Huang & Zheng Liu - RWP 04-04 Production interdependence and welfare
by Kevin X. D. Huang & Zheng Liu - RWP 04-03 Using out-of-sample mean squared prediction errors to test the Martingale difference hypothesis
by Todd E. Clark & Kenneth D. West - RWP 04-02 Financial intermediaries, markets, and growth
by Falko Fecht & Kevin X. D. Huang & Antoine Martin - RWP 04-01 Heterogeneity, redistribution, and the Friedman rule
by Joydeep Bhattacharya & Joseph H. Haslag & Antoine Martin
- RWP 03-13 Is auditor independence endogenous: evidence and implications for public policy
by Dino Falaschetti & Michael J. Orlando - RWP 03-12 Dynamics of labor demand : evidence from plant-level observations and aggregate implications
by Russell W. Cooper & John Haltiwanger & Jonathan L. Willis - RWP 03-11 Disaggregate evidence on the persistence of consumer price inflation
by Todd E. Clark - RWP 03-10 Inflation to target : what inflation to target?
by Kevin X. D. Huang & Zheng Liu - RWP 03-09 Permanent and transitory policy shocks in an empirical macro model with asymmetric information
by Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley - RWP 03-08 Portfolio choice in tax-deferred and Roth-type savings accounts
by Richard L. Johnson - RWP 03-07 Moving to nice weather
by Jordan Rappaport - RWP 03-06 The predictive content of the output gap for inflation : resolving in-sample and out-of-sample evidence
by Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken - RWP 03-05 The economics of labor adjustment : mind the gap
by Russell W. Cooper & Jonathan L. Willis - RWP 03-04 Currency competition : a partial vindication of Hayek
by Antoine Martin & Stacey L. Schreft - RWP 03-03 Optimality of the Friedman rule in overlapping generations model with spatial separation
by Joseph H. Haslag & Antoine Martin - RWP 03-02 The social value of risk-free government debt
by Stacey L. Schreft & Bruce Smith - RWP 03-01 An examination of rating agencies' actions around the investment-grade boundary
by Richard L. Johnson
- RWP 02-12 Alternative sources of the lag dynamics of inflation
by Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley - RWP 02-11 The cost of labor adjustment : inferences from the gap
by Russell W. Cooper & Jonathan L. Willis - RWP 02-10 Reconciling Bagehot with the Fed's response to Sept. 11
by Antoine Martin - RWP 02-09 Why does the cyclical behavior of real wages change over time?
by Kevin X. D. Huang & Zheng Liu & Louis Phaneuf - RWP 02-08 Implementing Arrow-Debreu equilibria by trading infinitely-lived securities
by Kevin X. D. Huang & Jan Werner - RWP 02-07 Term premia : endogenous constraints on monetary policy
by Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley - RWP 02-06 Measuring R & D spillovers : on the importance of geographic and technological proximity
by Michael J. Orlando - RWP 02-05 Forecast-based model selection in the presence of structural breaks
by Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken - RWP 02-04 Coyote crossings : the role of smugglers in illegal immigration and border enforcement
by Mark G. Guzman & Joseph H. Haslag & Pia M. Orrenius - RWP 02-03 Endogenous multiple currencies
by Antoine Martin - RWP 02-02 Optimal pricing of intra-day liquidity
by Antoine Martin - RWP 02-01 Market timing strategies that worked
by Pu Shen
- RWP 01-15 Magazine prices revisited
by Jonathan L. Willis - RWP 01-14 Evaluating long-horizon forecasts
by Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken - RWP 01-13 The birth and growth of the social-insurance state : explaining old-age and medical insurance across countries
by David M. Cutler & Richard L. Johnson - RWP 01-12 Implications of real-time data for forecasting and modeling expectations
by Sharon Kozicki - RWP 01-11 The U.S. as a coastal nation
by Jordan Rappaport & Jeffrey D. Sachs - RWP 01-10 A bottleneck capital model of development
by Jordan Rappaport - RWP 01-09 The conduct of monetary policy with a shrinking stock of government debt
by Stacey L. Schreft & Bruce Smith - RWP 01-08 Effects of old-age insurance on female retirement : evidence from cross-country time-series data
by Richard L. Johnson - RWP 01-07 When should labor contracts be nominal?
by Antoine Martin & Cyril Monnet - RWP 01-06 The economics of labor adjustment : mind the gap
by Russell W. Cooper & Jonathan L. Willis - RWP 01-05 Liquidity provision vs. deposit insurance : preventing bank panics without moral hazard?
by Antoine Martin - RWP 01-04 Should monetary policy respond to asset price bubbles? : some experimental results
by Andrew J. Filardo - RWP 01-03 Dynamic specifications in optimizing trend-deviation macro models
by Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley - RWP 01-02 What do you expect? : imperfect policy credibility and tests of the expectations hypothesis?
by Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley - RWP 01-01 Fiscal reaction rules in numerical macro models
by Richard L. Johnson
- RWP 00-11 How does openness to capital flows affect growth?
by Jordan Rappaport - RWP 00-10 Is the speed of convergence constant?
by Jordan Rappaport - RWP 00-09 The effect of old-age insurance on male retirement : evidence from historical cross-country data
by Richard L. Johnson - RWP 00-08 Government budgetary policies, economic growth, and currency substitution in a small open economy
by Jill A. Holman - RWP 00-07 Estimation of adjustment costs in a model of state-dependent pricing
by Jonathan L. Willis - RWP 00-06 Risk sharing and industrial specialization ; regional and international evidence
by Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan & Bent E. Sorensen & Oved Yosha - RWP 00-05 Can out-of-sample forecast comparisons help prevent overfitting?
by Todd E. Clark - RWP 00-04 Consumption and aggregate constraints : evidence from U.S. states and Canadian provinces
by Charlotte Ostergaard & Bent E. Sorensen & Oved Yosha - RWP 00-03 Market makers' supply and pricing of financial market liquidity
by Pu Shen & Ross M. Starr - RWP 00-02 On the importance of geographic and technological proximity for R&D spillovers : an empirical investigation
by Michael J. Orlando - RWP 00-01 Private money, settlement, and discount : a comment
by Stacey L. Schreft
- RWP 99-13 Why are population flows so persistent?
by Jordan Rappaport - 99-12 How does labor mobility affect income convergence?
by Jordan Rappaport - 99-11 Tests of equal forecast accuracy and encompassing for nested models
by Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken - 99-10 Forecast-based monetary policy
by Jeffery D. Amato & Thomas Laubach - RWP 99-09 Monetary policy in an estimated optimization-based model with sticky prices and wages
by Jeffery D. Amato & Thomas Laubach - 99-08 Implications of rounding and rebasing for empirical analysis using consumer price inflation
by Barak Hoffman & Sharon Kozicki - RWP 99-07 Borders and business cycles
by Todd E. Clark & Eric Van Wincoop - 99-06 Industrial specialization and the asymmetry of shocks across regions
by Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan & Bent E. Sorensen & Oved Yosha - 99-05 Output fluctuations and fiscal policy : U.S. state and local governments 1978-1994
by Bent E. Sorensen & Lisa Wu & Oved Yosha - 99-04 International transmission of anticipated inflation under alternative exchange-rate regimes
by Jill A. Holman & Felix K. Rioja - 99-03 Do the spreads between the E/P ratio and interest rates contain information on future equity market movements?
by Doug Rolph & Pu Shen - 99-02 The evolution of cash transactions : some implications for monetary policy
by Stacey L. Schreft & Bruce Smith - 99-01 Financial fragility with rational and irrational exuberance
by Roger Lagunoff & Stacey L. Schreft
- 98-09 Choosing information variables for transition probabilities in a time-varying transition probability Markov switching model
by Andrew J. Filardo - 98-08 Credit spreads and interest rates : a cointegration approach
by Charles S. Morris & Robert Neal & Doug Rolph - 98-07 Term structure views of monetary policy
by Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley - 98-06 Market reaction to monetary policy nonannouncements
by V. Vance Roley & Gordon H. Sellon - 98-05 The real-time (in)significance of M2
by Jeffery D. Amato - 98-04 The sources of fluctuations within and across countries
by Todd E. Clark & Kwanho Shin - 98-03 Vector rational error correction
by Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley - 98-02 Predicting inflation with the term structure spread
by Sharon Kozicki - 98-01 A model of financial fragility
by Roger Lagunoff & Stacey L. Schreft
- 97-14 An investigation into the magnitude of foreign conflicts
by Gregory D. Hess & Athanasios Orphanides - 97-13 Measuring the NAIRU : evidence from seven economies
by Thomas Laubach - 97-12 Inflation and relative price variability : durables vs. nondurables and services
by David G. Bishop & John E. Golob - 97-11 Using near-VARs to examine phase-dependent monetary and fiscal policy
by Andrew J. Filardo - 97-10 Inverse productivity : land quality, labor markets, and risk
by Russell L. Lamb - 97-09 Do producer prices help predict consumer prices?
by Todd E. Clark - 97-08 Shifting endpoints in the term structure of interest rates
by Sharon Kozicki & Peter A. Tinsley - 97-07 Risk sharing by households within and across regions and industries
by Gregory D. Hess & Kwanho Shin