1997, Issue Mar
- 198-201 Statement to Congress, January 30, 1997 (CPI)
by Alan Greenspan - 202-202 Janet L. Yellen resigned as a member of the Board of Governors, effective February 17, 1997
by anonymous - 202-204 Appointment of new members
by anonymous - 204-205 Preliminary figures available on operating income and expenses of the Federal Reserve banks
by anonymous - 205-205 Procedures adopted by the FOMC for public release of transcripts
by anonymous - 206-206 Data on daylight overdrafts
by anonymous - 206-207 Revised list of over-the-counter stocks and foreign margin securities, effective February 10, 1997
by anonymous - 224-225 Membership of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1913-97
by anonymous
1997, Issue Jun
- 497-500 Statement to Congress, April 15, 1997(Board's views on the regulation of derivative contracts under the Commodity Exchange Act)
by Susan M. Phillips - 501-501 Steps to ease financial stress in areas affected by flooding
by anonymous - 502-502 Revised list of OTC marginable stocks and foreign margin stocks, effective May 12, 1997
by anonymous
1997, Issue Jul
- 565-574 Open market operations during 1996
by Gerald D. Cohen & Peter R. Fisher - 578-583 Statement to Congress, May 22, 1997 (H.R. 10, the Financial Services Competitiveness Act of 1997)
by Alan Greenspan
1997, Issue Jan
- 1-24 Family finances in the U.S.: recent evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
by Arthur B. Kennickell & Martha Starr-McCluer & Annika E. Sunden - 1-29 Appointments of Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of the Federal Reserve Banks
by anonymous - 1-30 Joint report on public disclosure of trading and derivatives activities of banks and securities firms
by anonymous - 1-31 Decrease in the net transaction accounts to which a 3 percent reserve requirement will apply in 1997
by anonymous
1997, Issue Feb
- 1-97 Lawrence B. Lindsey resigned as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, effective February 5, 1997
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 1-98 Increase in the amount of revenue that section 20 subsidiaries may derive from underwriting and dealing in securities
by anonymous - 1-98 Appointment of new members, December 27, 1996
by anonymous - 1-98 Adoption of a revised interagency uniform financial institutions rating system, effective January 1, 1997 (CAMEL Rating)
by anonymous
1997, Issue Dec
- 957-961 Statement to Congress, October 1, 1997, (Federal Reserve Board's views on proposed accounting standards for derivatives and risk-management activities issued by FASB)
by Susan M. Phillips - 961-962 Statement to Congress, October 1, 1997, (new design $50 notes)
by Theodore E. Allison - 963-967 Statement to Congress, October 8, 1997 (long-term budget problems relating to the retirement of baby boomers)
by Alan Greenspan - 968-974 Statement to Congress, October 8, 1997, (current and future bank examination and supervision systems)
by Susan M. Phillips - 974-975 Statement to Congress, October 21, 1997, (H.R. 2637, the United States $1 Coin Act of 1997)
by Theodore E. Allison - 975-977 Statement to Congress, October 29, 1997, (national economic outlook and impact of recent developments in world financial markets on the American economy)
by Alan Greenspan - 978-978 Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. appointed as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on July 10, 1997, confirmed by Senate on October 30, 1997, and sworn in November 5, 1997
by anonymous - 978-978 Meeting to be held on October 30, 1997
by anonymous - 978-978 Edward M. Gramlich appointed as a member of the Board of Governors on July 10, 1997, confirmed by Senate October 30, 1997, and sworn in November 5, 1997
by anonymous - 978-979 Proposal by the banking supervisory agencies to amend their respective risk-based capital standards for banks, bank holding companies and thrift institutions
by anonymous - 979-980,988-993 Revised OTC and foreign margin stocks effective November 10, 1997
by anonymous - 988-993 Amendments effective November 10, 1997
by anonymous - 1037-1038 Membership of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1913-1997
by anonymous - 978987-978988 Amendments effective January 1, 1998
by anonymous
1997, Issue Aug
- 662,665-662,665 Amendments effective October 1, 1997
by anonymous - 662-662 Proposal for the Federal Reserve Banks to offer an enhanced net settlement service to depository institutions
by anonymous - 662-662 Nominations sought for thirteen appointments
by anonymous
1997, Issue Apr
- 249-254 Statement to Congress, February 13, 1997 (issues associated with financial modernization)
by Alan Greenspan - 254-259 Statements to Congress, February 26, 1997 and March 5, 1997(conduct of monetary policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 260-261 Final decision and final order of prohibition and assessment of civil money penalty
by anonymous - 261-264 Revisions to money stock
by anonymous
September 1996, Volume 82, Issue Sep
- 791-801 Derivatives disclosures by major U.S. banks, 1995
by Gerald A. Edwards, Jr. & Gregory E. Eller
October 1996, Volume 82, Issue Oct
- 883-903 The location of U.S. currency: how much is abroad?
by Ruth A. Judson & Richard D. Porter
November 1996, Volume 82, Issue Nov
- 983-995 Bank and nonbank competition for small business credit: evidence from the 1987 and 1993 national surveys of small business finances
by Rebel A. Cole & John D. Wolken & R. Louise Woodburn
May 1996, Volume 82, Issue May
- 383-393 U.S. international transactions in 1995
by Allan D. Brunner
March 1996, Volume 82, Issue Mar
- 199-209 The Mexican peso crisis: implications for international finance
by Edwin M. Truman
June 1996, Volume 82, Issue Jun
- 483-505 Profits and balance sheet developments at U.S. commercial banks in 1995
by William R. Nelson & Brian K. Reid
July 1996, Volume 82, Issue Jul
- 621-648 Credit risk, credit scoring, and the performance of home mortgages
by Robert B. Avery & Raphael W. Bostic & Paul S. Calem & Glenn B. Canner
January 1996, Volume 82, Issue Jan
- 1-15 Trends in the structure of federally insured depository institutions, 1984-94
by Dean F. Amel
February 1996, Volume 82, Issue Feb
- 115-128 An analysis of commercial bank exposure to interest rate risk
by James V. Houpt & David M. Wright
April 1996, Volume 82, Issue Apr
- 302-311 The fiscal position of the state and local government sector: developments in the 1990s
by Laura S. Rubin
December 1996, Volume 82, Issue 12
- .1077-1102 Distribution of Credit Risk Among Providers of Mortgages to Lower-Income and Minority Homebuyers
by Glenn B. Canner & Wayne Passmore & Brian J. Surette
January 1996, Volume 82, Issue 1
- .16-25 A Revision to Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization, 1991-95
by Richard D. Raddock
1996, Issue Sep
- 809-810 Statement to Congress, July 17, 1996(problem of "prime bank" financial instruments and related illegal financial schemes)
by Herbert A. Biern - 811-815 Statements to Congress, July 18,23, 1996(conduct of monetary policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 815-819 Statement to Congress, July 24, 1996 (trends in consumer spending)
by Janet L. Yellen - 819-823 Statement to Congress, July 26, 1996(General Accounting Office reports on the Federal Reserve's operations)
by Alan Greenspan - 825-825 Revised list of over-the-counter stocks and foreign margin securities, effective August 12, 1996
by anonymous
1996, Issue Oct
- 907-908 Recission of staff interpretative letter
by anonymous
1996, Issue Nov
- 1000-1005 Statement to Congress, September 12, 1996(trends in consumer lending)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 1006-1007 Statement to Congress, September 18, 1996(trading losses by Sumitomo Corporation and their implications for U.S. banks and markets)
by Susan M. Phillips - 1008-1008 Amendment to Section 20 of the Glass-Steagall Act, effective November 12, 1996
by anonymous
1996, Issue May
- 397-402 Statement to Congress, March 13, 1996(Federal Reserve's efforts to increase the focus of examiners on risk management of banking organizations)
by Richard Spillenkothen - 403-404 Statement to Congress, March 26, 1996 (technological change and how it will affect the Federal Reserve)
by Alan Greenspan - 404-405 Statement to Congress, March 27, 1996 (current economic conditions)
by Alan Greenspan - 406-406 Statement to Congress, March 27, 1996 (comments on Board's position with regard to EFTA and Regulation E)
by anonymous - 407-407 Check fraud survey to be conducted
by anonymous - 407,421-422 Joint amendment to a recordkeeping rule in accordance with the Bank Secrecy Act, issued March 26, 1996
by anonymous - 469-482 Directors of Federal Reserve Banks and Branches
by anonymous
1996, Issue Mar
- 217-217 New members appointed January 2, 1996
by anonymous - 217-217 Policy actions announced January 31, 1996 by the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee
by anonymous - 217-220 New members appointed January 19, 1996
by anonymous - 220-220 Availability of preliminary figures on operating income of the Federal Reserve Banks, announced January 17, 1996
by anonymous - 221-221 Final rule for banking organizations' reporting of suspicious activities issued April 1, 1996
by anonymous - 222-222 Revised list of OTC marginable stocks and foreign margin stocks effective, February 12, 1996
by anonymous
1996, Issue Jun
- 513-514 Statement to Congress, April 18, 1996(Entrepreneurial Investment Act of 1996)
by Susan M. Phillips - 514-517 Statement to Congress, April 25, 1996(fees imposed on electronic fund transfers at automated teller machines)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 517-520 Statement to Congress, April 30, 1996(issues concerning the supervision and regulation of the U.S. banking system)
by Edward W. Kelley - 522-522 New cash access policy, effective May 1, 1998
by anonymous - 522-523 Revised list of over-the-counter stocks and foreign margin securities, effective May 13, 1996
by anonymous
1996, Issue Jul
- 652-655 Statement to Congress, May 1, 1996 (small business financing and the role of banks in providing credit)
by Janet L. Yellen - 656-656 Joint agency policy statement on managing interest rate risk, approved May 23, 1996
by anonymous - 656-657 Announcement on May 22, 1996 of adoption of a state-federal supervisory protocol
by anonymous
1996, Issue Jan
- 1-39 Appointments of Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of the Federal Reserve Banks announced November 21, 1995
by anonymous - 1-40 Decrease in net transaction accounts, a three percent reserve requirement will apply in 1996, effective December 19, 1995
by anonymous - 1-40 Fee schedules provided by Federal Reserve Banks, effective December 19, 1995
by anonymous - 16-25 A revision to industrial production and capacity utilization, 1991-1995
by Richard D. Raddock - 31-35 Statement to Congress, November 27, 1995 (U.S. operations of Daiwa Bank)
by Alan Greenspan - 35-38 Statement to Congress, November 30, 1995 (Federal Reserve Board's views on securities margin requirements)
by Alan Greenspan
1996, Issue Feb
- 133-138 Statement to Congress, December 5, 1995 (issues relating to the U.S. operations of Daiwa Bank)
by Alan Greenspan - 139-139 Alan S. Blinder resigns as Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, effective January 31, 1996
by anonymous - 139-140 Federal Open Market Committee decreased slightly the degree of pressure on reserve positions
by anonymous - 150-150 Amendment to rules issued regarding equal opportunity, effective February 5, 1996
by anonymous - 196-197 Membership of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1913-96
by anonymous
1996, Issue Dec
- 1077-1102 Distribution of credit risk among providers of mortgages to lower- income and minority homebuyers
by Glenn B. Canner & Wayne Passmore & Brian J. Surette - 1112-1112 Results of independent audit of the Los Angeles branch
by anonymous - 1112-1112 Appointment of Committee of senior Federal Reserve officials to review the Federal Reserve's participation in payment services
by anonymous - 1113-1113 Expansion of Fedwire operating hours effective December 8, 1997
by anonymous - 1114-1114 Revised list of over-the-counter stocks and foreign margin securities, effective November 12, 1996
by anonymous
1996, Issue Aug
- 720-722 Statement to Congress, June 19, 1996 (electronic benefit programs under EFTA and Board's Regulation E)
by Griffith L. Garwood - 723-726 Statement to Congress, June 26, 1996 (supervision of bank sales practices)
by Edward W. Kelley - 727-728 Announcement on February 22, 1996 by President Clinton to reappoint Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Board of Governors and to nominate Alice M. Rivlin as a member of the Board of Governors and Vice Chair, and Laurence H. Meyer as a member of the Board of Governors
by anonymous - 728-728 Issuance on June 11, 1996 of an Investment Scheme Advisory alert about the proliferation of illegal "prime bank" financial instruments and scams
by anonymous - 778-779 Membership of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1913-96
by anonymous - 780-789 Combined financial statements of the Federal Reserve Banks
by anonymous
1996, Issue Apr
- 315-320 Statements to Congress, February 20-21, 1996 (conduct of monetary policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 320-322 Statement to Congress, February 27, 1996(security of U.S. currency)
by Theodore E. Allison - 322-325 Statement to Congress, February 28, 1996(impact of crime on the banking system and the Federal Reserve's efforts to assist in countering criminal activity)
by Edward W. Kelley - 326-326 Adjustment of dollar amount triggering additional disclosure requirements under Regulation Z
by anonymous - 326-326 Election of Alan Greenspan as Chairman Pro Tempore of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, effective March 3, 1996
by anonymous - 326-326 President Clinton announced on February 22, 1996 his intent to nominate Alan Greenspan to a third term as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
by anonymous - 327-331 Measures of money stock revised
by anonymous
1995, Issue Sep
- 817-831 Overview of derivatives disclosures by major U.S. banks
by Gerald A. Edwards, Jr. & Gregory E. Eller - 841-844 Statement to Congress, July 13, 1995(views of the Board on a bill that would substitute a $1 coin for the $1 bank note)
by Edward W. Kelley - 844-848 Statement to Congress, July 19, 1995(semi-annual report on monetary policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 849-849 Final guidelines and rule issued July 7, 1995 regarding safety and soundness standards for state member banks
by anonymous - 849-849 Federal Open Market Committee decreases pressure on bank reserve positions
by anonymous - 849-850,861-873 Risk-based capital standards final revisions, effective September 1, 1995
by anonymous - 850-851 Educational programs on the homebuying process sponsored by the Federal Reserve Board
by anonymous - 851-852 Revised list of OTC marginable stocks and foreign margin stocks, effective August 14, 1995
by anonymous
1995, Issue Oct
- 917-931 German monetary targeting: a retrospective view
by Linda S. Kole & Ellen E. Meade - 935-938 Statement to Congress, August 2, 1995(status of the Savings Association Insurance Fund) (SAIF)
by Alan Greenspan - 939-939 First hemispheric conference on banking supervision held on August 23, 1995 in Buenos Aires, Argentina
by anonymous - 939-939 Final rule regarding risk-based capital standards on interest rate risk, effective September 1, 1995
by anonymous - 939-940955-956,960,968-972 Amendments to capital adequacy guidelines for state member banks and bank holding companies, effective September 1, 1995
by anonymous - 940-940 Approval of a firm closing time for the Fedwire book-entry securities transfer system, effective January 2, 1996
by anonymous - 939952-939968 Amendment to the risk-based capital guidelines regarding the treatment of derivative contracts, effective October 1, 1995
by anonymous
1995, Issue Nov
- 989-1016 Credit risk and the provision of mortgages to lower-income and minority homebuyers
by Glenn B. Canner & Wayne Passmore - 1020-1021 Statement to Congress, September 21, 1995(proposed legislation to recapitalize the Savings Association Insurance Fund)(SAIF)
by Alan Greenspan - 1022-1023 Statement to Congress, September 27, 1995(semi-annual monetary policy report)
by Alan Greenspan
1995, Issue May
- 407-418 U.S. international transactions in 1994
by Charles P. Thomas - 422-424 Statement to Congress, March 8, 1995(conduct of monetary policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 424-430 Statement to Congress, March 8, 1995(Community Reinvestment Act)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 431-433 Statement to Congress, March 13, 1995(adjustment of federal programs for movements in the cost of living)
by Alan Greenspan - 434-435 Resignation submitted March 27, 1995 as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, effective April 30, 1995; President Clinton's letter of acceptance April 5, 1995; statement issued by Alan Greenspan
by John P. LaWare - 435-435 Issuance of final guidelines on an internal process for appealing an adverse material supervisory determination
by anonymous - 435-435 Transcripts of 1989 meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee made available for public inspection on March 21, 1995
by anonymous
1995, Issue Mar
- 251-253 Statement to Congress, January 5, 1995(issues involving municipal, corporate, and individual users of derivative products)
by Alan Greenspan - 253-255 Statement to Congress, January 10, 1995(issues involved in producing the budget of the U.S. government)
by Alan Greenspan - 255-258258-260 Statements to Congress, January 25-26, 1995(current condition of the economy)
by Alan Greenspan - 261-264 Statements to Congress, January 25, 26, 31, 1995(Mexican economic and financial system)
by Alan Greenspan - 265-265 Procedure for disclosing policy decisions by the Federal Open Market Committee, announced February 2, 1995
by anonymous - 265-265 Discount rate increased from 4 3/4% to 5 3/4%, effective February 1, 1995
by anonymous - 265-265 Increase in the reciprocal currency arrangement with the Bank of Mexico, announced February 1, 1995
by anonymous - 266-266 Appointment of new members, January 13, 1995
by anonymous - 268-269 Revised list of over-the-counter stocks and foreign equity securities, effective February 13, 1995
by anonymous
1995, Issue Jun
- 545-569 Profits and balance sheet developments at U.S. commercial banks in 1994
by William B. English & Brian K. Reid - 570-584 Monetary policy and open market operations during 1994
by Peter R. Fisher & R. Spence Hilton & Ann-Marie Meulendyke - 595-595 Revisions effective January 1, 1996 and January 1, 1997
by anonymous - 596-596 Revised list of OTC marginable stocks and foreign margin stocks, effective May 8, 1995
by anonymous - 627-628 Membership of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1913-95
by anonymous
1995, Issue Jul
- 629-667 Financial services used by small businesses: evidence from the 1993 National Survey of Small Business Finances
by Rebel A. Cole & John D. Wolken - 671-675 Statement to Congress, May 2, 1995(S. 650, Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995)
by Susan M. Phillips - 676-678 Statement to Congress, May 3, 1995(benefits and cost of substituting a $ 1 coin for the $1 bank note)
by Edward W. Kelley - 679-683 Statement to Congress, May 18, 1995(H.R. 1362, Financial Institutions Regulatory Relief Act of 1995)
by Susan M. Phillips - 684-684 Issuance of joint framework for supervisory information about derivatives activities of banks and securities firms
by anonymous - 684-684 Requests for nominations for appointment to the Consumer Advisory Council
by anonymous
1995, Issue Jan
- 1-15 FIMS: a new monitoring system for banking institutions
by Rebel A. Cole & Jeffery W. Gunther - 1-30 Fee schedules for services provided by Federal Reserve Banks, effective January 3, 1995
by anonymous - 1-30 Increases in amounts of transaction accounts covered by reserve requirements
by anonymous - 1-30 Change in rate from 4 percent to 4 3/4 percent, effective November 15, 1994
by anonymous - 1-31 Data on daylight overdrafts
by anonymous - 1-32 Guidelines related to real estate appraisals, issued November 7, 1994
by anonymous - 16-26 Industrial production and capacity utilization: a revision
by Richard D. Raddock
1995, Issue Feb
- 71-103 Home purchase lending in low-income neighborhoods and to low-income borrowers
by Glenn B. Canner & Wayne Passmore - 107-110 Statement to Congress, December 7, 1994(current economic conditions and monetary policy developments)
by Alan Greenspan - 111-111 Appointment of new members, January 1, 1995
by anonymous - 111-112 Policy statement on privately operated netting systems, effective December 21, 1994
by anonymous - 112-112 Amendments to risk-based capital guidelines for state member banks regarding credit risk and risks of nontraditional activities, effective January 17, 1995
by anonymous - 112-112 Final amendments to risk-based capital guidelines to account for netting contracts, effective December 31, 1994
by anonymous - 113-113 Final rule on enhanced recordkeeping related to certain wire transfers by financial institutions, effective January 1, 1996
by anonymous - 113-113 Amendments to capital adequacy guidelines regarding deferred tax assets, effective April 1, 1995
by anonymous - 113-113 Measures adopted December 5, 1994 to help ease financial stress in areas affected by flooding in Texas
by anonymous - 114-114 Format expanded for Fedwire funds transfers
by anonymous - 114-115 Delay in the expansion of operating hours for Fedwire on-line transfers announced
by anonymous - 127-128 Final rule issued to amend risk-based capital standards
by anonymous - 150-155 Amendment to the Bank Secrecy Act regulations
by anonymous
1995, Issue Dec
- 1065-1077 Daylight overdraft fees and the Federal Reserve's payment system risk policy
by Heidi Willmann Richards - 1089-1093 Statement to Congress, October 11, 1995 (views of the Board on issues relating to electronic payment technologies)
by Alan S. Blinder - 1093-1102 Statement to Congress, October 17, 1995 (issues related to mergers among U.S. banking organizations)
by Janet L. Yellen - 1103-1103 Development of new software for institutions offering mortgage loans
by anonymous - 1104-1104 Revised list of OTC marginable stocks and foreign margin stocks, effective November 13, 1995
by anonymous
1995, Issue Aug
- 778-783 Statement to Congress, June 6, 1995 (views on the Financial Services Competitiveness Act of 1995)
by Alan Greenspan - 784-784 Comment requested on proposal to simplify the process for reporting suspected crimes and suspicious financial transactions by banking organizations supervised by the Federal Reserve
by anonymous
1995, Issue Apr
- 323-338 Household sector borrowing and the burden of debt
by Glenn B. Canner & Arthur B. Kennickell & Charles A. Luckett - 342-348 Statements to Congress, February 22-23, 1995(Federal Reserve's conduct of monetary policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 349-354 Statement to Congress, February 28, 1995(Board's views on expanding permissible affiliations between banks)
by Alan Greenspan - 355-355 Modification of the increase scheduled for the daylight overdraft fee, effective April 13, 1995
by anonymous - 355-360 Money stock data revised
by anonymous
1994, Issue Sep
- 771-781 Recent trends in retail fees and services of depository institutions
by Timothy H. Hannan - 789-791 Statement to Congress, July 13, 1994 (Federal Reserve's views on plans of the Department of Treasury to further protect U.S. currency from the threat of future counterfeiting)
by Edward W. Kelley - 791-793 Statement to Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform, July 15, 1994(long-term federal budget problem)
by Alan Greenspan - 793-799 Statements to Congress, July 20 and 22, 1994 (semi-annual monetary policy report)
by Alan Greenspan - 800-800 Janet L. Yellen was confirmed by Senate on August 11, 1994 as a member of the Board of Governors, and she took the oath of office on August 12, 1994
by anonymous - 800-800 Applications approved on July 27, 1994 of seven U.S. banking organizations to establish operations in Mexico under provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement
by anonymous - 800-800 Supervisory statement adopted July 29, 1994 to help ease financial stress in areas affected by flooding
by anonymous - 801-801 Decision by the Board on the participation of the Federal Reserve Banks in the electronic federal tax payment system
by anonymous