1992, Issue Oct
- 752-752 Measures to reduce regulatory burden and streamline the process of handling applications from state member banks and bank holding companies
by anonymous - 752-752 Statement on the death of William Taylor
by Alan Greenspan - 752-753765-774 Amendments effective September 3-4, 1992, September 29, 1992, November 12, 1992, and December 22, 1992
by anonymous - 753-754 Elimination of requirement regarding subordinated debt, effective September 4, 1992
by anonymous - 776-778 Amendments effective September 14, 1992
by anonymous - 753774-753775 Amendment effective September 4, 1992
by anonymous
1992, Issue Nov
- 801-824 Expanded HMDA data on residential lending: one year later
by Glenn B. Canner & Dolores S. Smith - 828-831 Statement to Congress, September 16, 1992(implementation and effectiveness of the real estate appraisal requirements contained in the title XI of FIRREA)
by John P. LaWare - 832-832 Designation of a primary dealer from a foreign country
by anonymous - 832-833845-867 Final regulation effective September 21, 1992, compliance optional until March 21, 1993
by anonymous - 833,867-833,867 Issuance of rule regarding section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act, effective September 11, 1992
by anonymous - 833-833 Reduction in newspaper publication requirements for applications, effective October 13, 1992
by anonymous - 833-834835-844 Issuance of rule regarding prompt corrective action provisions of FDICIA, effective December 19, 1992
by anonymous - 834-834 Adoption of joint agreement with conference of state bank supervisors
by anonymous
1992, Issue May
- 313-325 U.S. international transactions in 1991
by Kathryn A. Morisse - 329-331 Statement to Congress, March 3, 1992(economic outlook)
by Alan Greenspan - 332-332 Issuance of policy statement concerning the need for institutions to analyze the geographic distribution of lending patterns
by anonymous - 332-332 Comment requested by April 6, 1992 to change the way depository institutions compute and maintain their reserve requirements
by anonymous - 332-332 Rescission of policy statement requiring applications for relocations of a subsidiary bank to another state
by anonymous - 333-333 Amendment effective April 2, 1992
by anonymous - 386-401 Directors of Federal Reserve banks and branches
by anonymous
1992, Issue Mar
- 169-181 Banking markets and the use of financial services by households
by Gregory E. Elliehausen & John D. Wolken - 182-184 Clearance and settlement in U.S. securities markets
by anonymous - 188-191 Statement to Congress, January 3, 1992(current policies governing examination and supervision of institutions under the Federal Reserve's supervisory jurisdiction)
by John P. LaWare - 191-193 Statement to Congress, January 10, 1992(forces affecting the economy)
by Alan Greenspan - 193-195 Statement to Congress, January 22, 1992(issues related to mortgage lending)
by John P. LaWare - 195-198 Statement to Congress, January 23, 1992(Board's views on reforms to the regulation of the government securities market)
by David W. Mullins - 199-203 Statement to Congress, January 23, 1992(discussion of joint report on improvements in the government securities market)
by E. Gerald Corrigan - 201-203 Statement to Congress, January 29, 1992(response to his nomination as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board for a second term)
by Alan Greenspan - 204-206 Appointment of new members, January 2, 1992
by anonymous - 207-207 Increase in limit on amount of noncumulative perpetual preferred stock to be included in tier 1 capital
by anonymous - 207-207 Issuance of revised supervisory policy statement on securities activities, effective February 10, 1992
by anonymous - 207-207 Amendments adopted as an interim rule and other proposed changes on January 15, 1992
by anonymous - 207-208 Preliminary figures on operating income for 1991 released
by anonymous - 208-208 Revised OTC list effective February 10, 1992
by anonymous - 211-216 Amendments effective February 10, 1992
by anonymous
1992, Issue Jun
- 403-413 An analysis of potential Treasury auction techniques
by Vincent Reinhart - 417-421 Statement to Congress, April 17, 1992(recent stock market developments in Japan)
by Alan Greenspan - 421-424 Statement to Congress, April 28, 1992 (Board of Governors' views of proposed legislation concerning the government securities market)
by David W. Mullins - 425-427 Statement to Congress, April 28, 1992(U.S. government securities market)
by Peter D. Sternlight - 428-428 Interim regulation issued April 8, 1992 to carry out provisions of the Foreign Bank Supervision Enhancement Act of 1991
by anonymous - 428-429 Staff commentary revised April 7, 1992
by anonymous - 429-429 Revised list of OTC marginable stocks and of foreign margin stocks, effective May 11, 1992
by anonymous - 429-429 Interim rule issued April 8, 1992
by anonymous - 429-429 Comment requested on proposed modification to risk-based capital guidelines affecting multifamily housing loans
by anonymous - 429-429 Proposed new regulation to implement the Truth in Savings Act
by anonymous - 441-445 Amendment effective May 11, 1992
by anonymous
1992, Issue Jul
- 459-483 Recent developments affecting the profitability and practices of commercial banks
by Allan D. Brunner & Diana Hancock & Mary M. McLaughlin - 492-495 Statement to Congress, May 6, 1992(securitization of real estate loans)
by Richard Spillenkothen - 495-500 Statement to Congress, May 8, 1992(views of the Board on Title II of H. R. 4803, the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Regulatory Improvements Act of 1992)
by John P. LaWare - 500-504 Statement to Congress, May 14, 1992(1990 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act ( HMDA) data)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 504-511 Statement to Congress, May 14, 1992(Federal Reserve's actions regarding the Bank of Credit and Commerce International)
by J. Virgil Mattingly - 511-512 Statement to Congress, May 21, 1992(Federal Reserve's participation in the deliberation by the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies (NAC) on the fiscal 1990 Commodity Credit Program (CCC) for Iraq)
by Edward W. Kelley - 513-514 Statement to Congress, May 22, 1992(economic aspects of poverty and inequality in America)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 515-524 Statement to Congress, May 27, 1992 (Federal Reserve System's expenses and budget for 1992)
by Wayne D. Angell & Edward W. Kelley - 524-529 Statement to Congress, May 27, 1992 (the Mortgage Refinancing Reform Act of 1992)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 529-531 Statement to Congress, May 28, 1992(effect on the Federal Reserve System of substituting a one-dollar coin for the one-dollar bank note)
by Theodore E. Allison - 532-533 Provision of financial services to cities affected by civil disturbances, announced May 12, 1992
by anonymous
1992, Issue Jan
- 1-18 Changes in family finances from 1983 to 1989: evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
by Arthur B. Kennickell & Janice Shack-Marquez - 1-36 Susan Meredith Phillips appointed as a member of the Board of Governors, sworn in December 2, 1991
by anonymous - 1-36 Lawrence B. Lindsey appointed as a member of the Board of Governors, sworn in November 25, 1991
by anonymous - 1-36 Change to 4 1/2% effective November 6, 1991
by anonymous - 27-31 Statement to Congress, November 15, 1991(bank credit and bank supervisory policies on bank lending)
by Richard Spillenkothen - 31-35 Statement to Congress, November 20, 1991(views of Board on the Fair Trade in Financial Services Act and the Foreign Bank Supervision Enhancement Act of 1991)
by John P. LaWare - 36-37 Increase in net transaction account to which a 3 percent reserve requirement will apply in 1992
by anonymous - 37,56-58 Interpretation issued November 25, 1991
by anonymous - 53-56 Amendment effective December 17, 1991
by anonymous - 56-58 Interpretation effective December 3, 1991
by anonymous - 105-106 Membership of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1913-92
by anonymous - 3746-3753 Revisions effective January 1, 1992
by anonymous
1992, Issue Feb
- 107-116 Asset-backed commercial paper programs
by Thomas R. Boemio & Gerald A. Edwards, Jr. & Barbara Kavanagh - 117-118 Evidence on the size of banking markets from mortgage loan rates in twenty cities
by Stephen A. Rhoades - 122-124 Statement to Congress, December 18, 1991(implications of taxation for the longer-range growth of the economy)
by Alan Greenspan - 125-125 Change in the discount rate effective December 20, 1991 from 4 1/2 percent to 3 1/2 percent
by anonymous - 125-126 Appointment of new members for 1992
by anonymous - 126-126 Comment requested
by anonymous - 126-126 Effective date of the real estate appraisal regulation changed to December 31, 1992
by anonymous - 126-126 Comment requested by February 14, 1992
by anonymous - 135-136 Amendments effective November 13, 1991
by anonymous
1992, Issue Dec
- 879-891 The evolution of the U.S. commercial paper market since 1980
by Mitchell A. Post - 892-901 The state and local government sector: long-term trends and recent fiscal pressures
by Laura S. Rubin - 905-908 Statement to Congress, October 26, 1992(developments in the banking system and near-term outlook for bank failures)
by John P. LaWare - 909-909 Revision issued October 7, 1992 to the program for payments system risk reduction
by anonymous - 910-910 Revised OTC list, effective November 9, 1992
by anonymous - 909923-909929 Regulation effective January 3, 1994
by anonymous
1992, Issue Aug
- 579-593 Deregulation and competition in Japanese banking
by Allen B. Frankel & Paul B. Morgan - 597-603 Statement to Congress, June 10, 1992(condition of U.S. commercial banks and the Federal Reserve's recent efforts to implement new banking legislation)
by John P. LaWare - 603-607 Statement to Congress, June 16, 1992(potential issuance of indexed bonds by the Treasury)
by Alan Greenspan - 607-612 Statement to Congress, June 23, 1992(issues of regulatory burden)
by John P. LaWare - 612-614 Statement to Congress, June 24, 1992 (Lease-Purchase Agreement Act, H.R. 4497)
by Griffith L. Garwood - 615-616 Announcement June 19, 1992 of formation of a group known as Russian- American Bankers Forum
by anonymous - 617-618 Amendment effective June 29, 1992
by anonymous
1992, Issue Apr
- 251-253,256-258 Statements to Congress, February 3, 1992(Federal Reserve Board's views on reforms to the regulation of the government securities market)
by David W. Mullins - 253-256 Statement to Congress, February 4, 1992(economic prospects)
by Alan Greenspan - 258-262 Statement to Congress, February 6, 1992(government securities market)
by E. Gerald Corrigan - 262-264 Statement to Congress, February 24, 1992(issues related to bank mergers in the United States)
by Edward C. Ettin - 264-271 Statement to Congress, February 19 and 25, 1992 (midyear monetary policy report)
by Alan Greenspan - 272-272 Reappointment of Alan Greenspan as chairman of the Board of Governors for a four-year term and a member of the Board of Governors for a full fourteen-year term. Confirmed by Senate, February 27, 1992, and sworn in March 3, 1992
by anonymous - 272-273 Reduction from 12 percent to 10 percent in reserve requirements of transaction accounts of depository institutions
by anonymous - 273-273 Discontinuance of the use of the supervisory definition of highly leveraged transactions
by anonymous - 274-274 Errata - changes in family finances from 1983 to 1989: evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances. (Bulletin, January 1992)
by Arthur B. Kennickell & Janice Shack-Marquez - 274-274 Proposed revision
by anonymous - 274-274 Comment requested by March 27, 1992 on proposal to revise capital adequacy guidelines for bank holding companies and state member banks
by anonymous - 274-279 Money stock data revised
by anonymous
1991, Issue Sep
- 706-708 Statement to Congress, July 10, 1991 (lender liability under CERCLA)
by Oliver Ireland - 709-715 Statement to Congress, July 16, 1991(midyear monetary policy report)
by Alan Greenspan - 715-722 Statement to Congress, July 18, 1991 (Federal Reserve System's expenses and budget for 1991)
by Wayne D. Angell & Edward W. Kelley - 722-726 Statement to Congress, July 18, 1991 (assessment of Board's financial control system and plans for examining the Board's systems of oversight)
by Brent L. Bowen - 724-726 Statement to Congress, July 29, 1991 (Fair Trade in Financial Services Act of 1991)
by anonymous - 726-731 Statement to Congress, July 31, 1991 (securitization)
by Franklin D. Dreyer - 732-732 Appointment of David W. Mullins, Jr. as Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, announced January 14, 1991. Confirmed July 11, 1991, and sworn in July 24, 1991
by anonymous - 732-732 Recess appointment of Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System effective August 10, 1991
by anonymous - 732-733 Revised list of OTC margin stocks and foreign margin stocks effective August 12, 1991
by anonymous - 733-733 Errata pages 512 and 515 of the July 1991 Bulletin - recent developments affecting the profitability and practices of commercial banks
by anonymous - 741-742 Amendment regarding equal opportunity effective July 11, 1991
by anonymous
1991, Issue Oct
- 769-783 Progress toward a European Monetary Union
by Herve Carre & Karen H. Johnson - 791-798 Statement to Congress, August 1, 1991 (recent developments in the case of Bank of Credit and Commerce International)
by J. Virgil Mattingly & William Taylor - 799-799 Comment period on supervisory definition of highly leveraged transactions extended to September 23, 1991
by anonymous - 809-837 Amendment to uniform rules of practice and procedures, effective August 9, 1991
by anonymous - 844-845 Membership of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1913-91
by anonymous
1991, Issue Nov
- 847-858 A primer on the settlement of payments in the United States
by George R. Juncker & Bruce J. Summers & Florence M. Young - 859-881 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act: expanded data on residential lending
by Glenn B. Canner & Dolores S. Smith - 885-887 Statement to Congress, September 4, 1991 (regulation of the government securities market)
by David W. Mullins - 887-891 Statement to Congress, September 4, 1991 (implications of disclosures by Salomon Brothers Inc. for the government securities market)
by E. Gerald Corrigan - 891-895 Statement to Congress, September 11, 1991 (regulation of the government securities market)
by David W. Mullins - 895-896 Statement to Congress, September 11, 1991 (provisions of H.R.6 concerning Payment System Risk Reduction)
by Oliver Ireland - 896-902 Statement to Congress, September 11, 1991 (government securities and programs for monitoring primary dealers)
by E. Gerald Corrigan - 902-918 Statements to Congress, September 13, 1991 (the Federal Reserve's role in the supervision of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International)
by J. Virgil Mattingly & William Taylor - 918-920 Statement to Congress, September 13, 1991 (role of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International)
by E. Gerald Corrigan - 920-924 Statement to Congress, September 13, 1991 (role of Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond in the supervision and regulation of Credit and Commerce American holdings)
by Robert P. Black - 924-928 Statement to Congress, September 13, 1991 (role of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta in the supervision of the Florida offices of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International)
by Robert P. Forrestal - 928-931 Statement to Congress, September 13, 1991 (role of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco in the supervision of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International)
by Thomas D. Thomson - 932-941 Statement to Congress, September 24, 1991 (issues related to mergers among U.S. banking organizations)
by John P. LaWare - 941-944 Statement to Congress, September 26, 1991 (regulation of the government securities market)
by David W. Mullins - 944-948 Statement to Congress, September 26, 1991 (market for U.S. government securities)
by Peter D. Sternlight - 949-949 Discount rate reduced from 5 1/2 percent to 5 percent effective September 13, 1991
by anonymous - 951-954 Amendments effective October 11, 1991
by anonymous
1991, Issue May
- 287-296 U.S. international transactions in 1990
by Lois E. Stekler - 300-305 Statement to Congress, March 6, 1991 (outlook for the economy and formulation of monetary policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 305-310 Statement to Congress, March 13, 1991(monetary policy and budgetary issues)
by Alan Greenspan - 311-311 Policy to reduce impediments to lending by banks and thrift institutions to creditworthy borrowers
by anonymous - 311323-311324 Revisions effective May 1, 1991
by anonymous
1991, Issue Mar
- 168-171 Statement to Congress, January 22, 1991(budget, monetary policy, and the economy)
by Alan Greenspan - 172-172 Martha R. Seger resigns as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
by Martha R. Seger - 172-173 Change to 6% effective February 1, 1991
by anonymous - 173-174 Appointment of new members
by anonymous - 174-174 Proposal to modify the procedures used for measuring Fedwire daylight overdrafts
by anonymous - 174-174 Interim common rule issued to amend the appraisal regulations of the federal financial institutions regulatory agencies
by anonymous - 174-174 Preliminary figures on operating income for 1990 released January 10, 1991
by anonymous - 174-174 Comment requested by June 28, 1991, on proposed amendments
by anonymous - 174-175 Revised OTC list effective February 11, 1991
by anonymous - 177-178 Amendment effective December 19, 1990
by anonymous - 178-180 Amendments effective February 11, 1991
by anonymous - 180-181 Amendment effective December 20, 1990
by anonymous
1991, Issue Jun
- 375-387 Issues in labor supply
by Janice Shack-Marquez - 388-396 Bank holding company investments for community development
by Sandra Braunstein & Kenneth P. Fain - 401-405 Statement to Congress, April 8, 1991 (evaluation by financial institutions of creditworthiness of consumer credit cardholders)
by Ellen Maland - 405-410 Statement to Congress, April 10, 1991 (H.R. 1505, Financial Institutions Safety and Consumer Choice Act of 1991)
by John P. LaWare - 411-423 Statement to Congress, April 11, 1991 (administration's proposals to modify the current restrictions on the ability of commercial banks to affiliate with both securities firms and commercial entities)
by E. Gerald Corrigan - 423-425 Statement to Congress, April 16, 1991 (S.207, the Futures Trading Practices Act of 1991)
by Alan Greenspan - 425-430 Statement to Congress, April 17, 1991 (failure of the Rhode Island Share and Deposit Indemnity Corporation)
by Richard F. Syron - 430-443 Statement to Congress, April 23, 1991 (S.543, Comprehensive Deposit Insurance Reform and Taxpayer Protection Act of 1991 and S.713, Financial Institutions Safety and Consumer Choice Act of 1991)
by Alan Greenspan - 443-445 Statement to Congress, April 24, 1991 (Fair Trade in Financial Services Act of 1991)
by John P. LaWare - 446-460 Statement to Congress, April 30, 1991 (H.R.6, Deposit Insurance and Regulatory Reform Act of 1991, H.R.15, Depositor Protection Act of 1991, and H.R.1505, Financial Institutions Safety and Consumer Choice Act of 1991)
by Alan Greenspan - 461-461 Discount rate reduced from 6 percent to 5 1/2 percent, effective April 30, 1991
by anonymous - 461-461 Revisions effective April 19, 1991 and May 24, 1991
by anonymous - 461-462 Revisions effective April 1, 1991
by anonymous - 462-462 Revisions effective April 1, 1991
by anonymous - 463-465 Amendment effective April 24, 1991
by anonymous - 465-483 Amendment effective May 27, 1991
by anonymous
1991, Issue Jul
- 505-527 Recent developments affecting the profitability and practices of commercial banks
by Allan D. Brunner & John V. Duca & Mary M. McLaughlin - 539-543 Statement to Congress, May 8, 1991 (availability of credit)
by Richard F. Syron - 543-546 Statement to Congress, May 8, 1991 (credit availability)
by Silas Keehn - 546-548 Statement to Congress, May 8, 1991 (credit conditions in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District)
by Robert D. McTeer - 549-554 Statement to Congress, May 9, 1991 (too-big-to-fail doctrine and proposed legislation dealing with this issue)
by John P. LaWare - 555-565 Statement to Congress, May 15, 1991 (aspects to reform and modernize the banking and financial system of the United States)
by E. Gerald Corrigan - 565-568 Statement to Congress, May 16, 1991 (domestic saving)
by Alan Greenspan - 569-572 Statement to Congress, May 23, 1991 (experience of the Federal Reserve System with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International)
by William Taylor - 572-582 Statement to Congress, May 23, 1991 (experience of the Federal Reserve System with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International)
by J. Virgil Mattingly - 582-584 Statement to Congress, May 30, 1991 (comments on H.R.6 and H.R.447 dealing with truth in savings)
by anonymous - 585-586 Statement to Congress, May 31, 1991 (review Federal Reserve's discount window activities)
by Stephen C. Schemering - 587-587 Nominations sought for appointees to replace members whose terms expire December 31, 1991
by anonymous - 587-588 Revised criteria adopted for offering tiered pricing structure in the check collection service
by anonymous - 595-596 Amendments effective April 30, 1991
by anonymous
1991, Issue Jan
- 1-17 Household spending and saving: measurement, trends, and analysis
by David W. Wilcox - 1-30 Increase in the amount of net transaction accounts to which a 3 percent reserve requirement will apply
by anonymous - 1-30 Restructuring of interest rate charges on discount window borrowings effective January 9, 1992
by anonymous - 1-31 Proposed amendments
by anonymous - 1-31 Proposed revision
by anonymous - 1-41 Amendment effective December 18, 1990
by anonymous - 26-29 Statement to Congress, November 28, 1990 (economic implications of developments in the Persian Gulf)
by Alan Greenspan - 30-3141-42 Amendments effective November 9, 1990 and December 18, 1990
by anonymous
1991, Issue Feb
- 1-95 Change in discount rate effective December 19, 1990, from 7 percent to 6 ; percent
by anonymous - 1-96 New members appointed
by anonymous - 81-91 Clearing and payment systems: the role of the central bank
by Bruce J. Summers - 95-96 Reduction in reserve requirements on nonpersonal time deposits and net Eurocurrency liabilities
by anonymous - 96-97 Interim amendments issued
by anonymous - 96-97 Proposal to require depository institutions to establish electronic access to the Reserve Banks for ACH services
by anonymous