2002, Issue Feb
- 138-139 Membership of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1913-2002
by anonymous
2002, Issue Dec
- 482-482 Federal Open Market Committee directive (November 6, 2002)
by anonymous - y:2002:i:dec:n:v.88no.12:x:1 Approval of fee schedules for payment services
by anonymous - y:2002:i:dec:n:v.88no.12:x:2 Issuance of final Regulation W
by anonymous - y:2002:i:dec:n:v.88no.12 Amendment to Regulation A
by anonymous
2002, Issue Aug
- 333-359 Monetary policy report to the Congress, July 16, 2002
by anonymous - 375-375 Federal Open Market Committee directive (June 26, 2002)
by anonymous - 375-376 Publication of revisions to Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure Act)
by anonymous - 376-376 Rule amendment on interstate branch deposits
by anonymous - 376-376 Banking agencies issue host state loan-to-deposit ratios
by anonymous
2002, Issue Apr
- 214-214 Federal Open Market Committee directive (March 19, 2002)
by anonymous
September 2001, Volume 87, Issue Sep
- 567-575 Opportunities and challenges of the U.S. dollar as an increasingly global currency: a Federal Reserve perspective
by Michael J. Lambert & Kristin D. Stanton
October 2001, Volume 87, Issue Oct
- 634-650 The U.S. system for measuring cross-border investment in securities: a primer with a discussion of recent developments
by William L. Griever & Gary A. Lee & Francis E. Warnock
November 2001, Volume 87, Issue Nov
- 719-728 The economic performance of small banks, 1985-2000
by William F. Bassett & Thomas F. Brady
May 2001, Volume 87, Issue May
- 283-294 U.S. international transactions in 2000
by Joseph E. Gagnon
March 2001, Volume 87, Issue Mar
- 132-148 Industrial production and capacity utilization: the 2000 annual revision
by Carol Corrado
June 2001, Volume 87, Issue Jun
- 367-393 Profits and balance sheet developments at U.S. commercial banks in 2000
by William F. Bassett & Egon Zakrajšek
July 2001, Volume 87, Issue Jul
- 431-441 The U.S. flow of funds accounts and their uses
by Albert M. Teplin
January 2001, Volume 87, Issue Jan
- 1-11 Retail fees of depository institutions, 1994-99
by Timothy H. Hannan
February 2001, Volume 87, Issue Feb
- 47-57 Supervision of large complex banking organizations
by Lisa M. DeFerrari & David E. Palmer
December 2001, Volume 87, Issue Dec
- 757-762 Treasury and federal reserve foreign exchange operations
by Dino Kos
April 2001, Volume 87, Issue Apr
- 183-205 Financial services used by small businesses: evidence from the 1998 survey of small business finances
by Marianne P. Bitler & Alicia M. Robb & John D. Wolken
2001, Issue Sep
- 586-588 Statement to Congress, July 12, 2001 (The Consumer Rental Purchase Agreement Act )
by Dolores S. Smith - 588-592 Statement to Congress, July 18 & 24, 2001 (semiannual monetary policy report to the Congress )
by Alan Greenspan - 593-597 Statement to Congress, July 26, 2001 (federal deposit insurance reform)
by Laurence H. Meyer
2001, Issue Oct
- 654-660 Statement to Congress, August 2, 2001 (the securities activities of banks)
by Laurence H. Meyer - 661-661 Federal Open Market Committee directive (August 21, 2001)
by anonymous
2001, Issue Nov
- 733-734 Statement to Congress, September 20, 2001 (the condition of the financial markets)
by Alan Greenspan - 735-735 Federal Open Market Committee actions and discount rate changes (October 2, 2001)
by anonymous - 735-736 Appointment of chairmen and deputy chairmen of Federal Reserve Banks for 2002
by anonymous
2001, Issue May
- 298-301 Statement to Congress, March 2, 2001 (current fiscal issues )
by Alan Greenspan - 301-305 Statement to Congress, March 13, 2001 (payment of interest on reserves )
by Laurence H. Meyer - 306-306 Federal Open Market Committee actions and changes in the discount rate (March 20, 2001)
by anonymous - 306-306 Revisions to staff commentary on Regulation E
by anonymous - 307-307 Procedures for filing documents under CRA Sunshine Requirements
by anonymous - 308-308 Interagency guidance on appropriate accounting and reporting for loans held for sale
by anonymous - 308-309 Federal banking agencies allow privacy notices under existing Fair Credit Reporting Act
by anonymous - 309-309 Agencies extend effective date on bank insurance rules
by anonymous
2001, Issue Mar
- 103-131 Monetary policy report to the Congress, February 17, 2001
by anonymous - 157-160 Statement to Congress, January 25, 2001 (outlook for the federal budget and implications for fiscal policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 161-162 Federal Open Market Committee actions and changes in the discount rate (January 3, 2001)
by anonymous - 164-164 Final rule on merchant banking activities
by anonymous - 164-164 Guidance for financial institutions on anti-money-laundering programs
by anonymous - 165-165 Issuance of guidance on supervision of subprime lending
by anonymous - 165-165 Final rule on alternative to rated debt requirement for financial subsidiaries
by anonymous - 166-166 Adoption of guidelines for customer information security
by anonymous
2001, Issue Jun
- 403-405 Statement to Congress, April 4, 2001 (trade policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 405-411 Statement to Congress, April 4, 2001 (merchant banking )
by Laurence H. Meyer - 412-412 Final rule on section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act regarding bank affiliates
by anonymous - 412-412 Action by the Federal Open Market Committee and a decrease in the discount rate
by anonymous - 412-413 Guidance on protection of customer financial information against identity theft
by anonymous - 413-414 Guidance on risk management of leveraged financing
by anonymous
2001, Issue Jul
- 445-448 Statement to Congress, May 2, 2001 (real estate brokerage activities )
by Laurence H. Meyer - 448-451 Statement to Congress, May 17, 2001 (small business access to capital )
by Roger W. Ferguson - 452-452 Federal Open Market Committee directive and a decrease in the discount rate (May 15, 2001)
by anonymous
2001, Issue Jan
- 1-15 Federal Open Market Committee directive (November 15, 2000)
by anonymous - 1-16 Regulation Z: adjustment to the dollar amount that triggers additional disclosure requirements
by anonymous - 1-16 Annual adjustment for reserve calculations and deposit reporting
by anonymous - 15-16 Approval of 2001 fee schedules for Federal Reserve Bank payment services
by anonymous
2001, Issue Feb
- 1-61 Federal Open Market Committee directive (December 19, 2000)
by anonymous - 1-62 Adoption of an interagency rule on disclosure and reporting of CRA-related agreements
by anonymous - 1-62 "Finder" role permissible activity for financial holding companies
by anonymous - 1-63 Final rule on procedures to qualify as a financial holding company and permissible activities
by anonymous
2001, Issue Dec
- 767-768 Statement to Congress, October 17, 2001 (monetary policy and economic outlook )
by Alan Greenspan - 769-772 Statement to Congress, November 1, 2001 (how is the credit card industry treating its customers?)
by Dolores S. Smith - 773-773 Federal Open Market Committee directive (November 6, 2001)
by anonymous - 773-773 Final rule on Regulation K regarding international banking
by anonymous - 774-775 Approval of 2002 fee schedules for Federal Reserve Bank payment services
by anonymous
2001, Issue Aug
- 501-527 Monetary policy report to the Congress, July 18, 2001
by anonymous - 531-532 Statement to Congress, June 13, 2001(statement on his renomination to the Board)
by Roger W. Ferguson - 532-534 Statement to Congress, June 20, 2001 (condition of the U.S. banking system)
by Alan Greenspan - 535-535 Banking agencies issue host state loan-to-deposit ratios
by anonymous - 535-535 Federal Open Market Committee directive (June 27, 2001)
by anonymous
2001, Issue Apr
September 2000, Volume 86, Issue Sep
- 623-634 Credit cards: use and consumer attitudes, 1970-2000
by Thomas A. Durkin
October 2000, Volume 86, Issue Oct
- 665-681 Productivity developments abroad
by Christopher J. Gust & Jaime R. Marquez
November 2000, Volume 86, Issue Nov
- 711-731 CRA special lending programs
by Robert B. Avery & Raphael W. Bostic & Glenn B. Canner
May 2000, Volume 86, Issue May
- 301-314 U.S. international transactions in 1999
by Francis E. Warnock
September 2000, Volume 86, Issue Jun
- 367-395 Profits and balance sheet developments at U.S. commercial banks in 1999
by William F. Bassett & Egon Zakrajšek
February 2000, Volume 86, Issue Feb
- 81-96 U.S. bank exposure to emerging-market countries during recent financial crises
by David E. Palmer
December 2000, Volume 86, Issue Dec
- 797-812 Mutual funds and the U.S. equity market
by Eric M. Engen & Andreas Lehnert
April 2000, Volume 86, Issue Apr
- 251-259 The Federal Reserve Banks as fiscal agents and depositories of the United States
by Paula V. Hillery & Stephen E. Thompson
March 2000, Volume 86, Issue 3
- .188-205 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization: Recent Developments and the 1999 Revision
by Charles E. Gilbert & Norman J. Morin & Richard D. Raddock
January 2000, Volume 86, Issue 1
- .1-29 Recent Changes in U.S. Family Finances: Results from the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finances
by Arthur B. Kennickell & Martha Starr-McCluer & Brian J. Surette
2000, Volume 07, Issue Jul
- 441-450 The effects of recent mortgage refinancing
by Peter J. Brady & Glenn B. Canner & Dean M. Maki
2000, Issue Sep
- 644-645 Statement to Congress, July 12, 2000 (H.R. 4541, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000)
by Patrick M. Parkinson - 646-648 Statement to Congress, July 19, 2000 (H.R. 4541, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000)
by Patrick M. Parkinson - 648-651 Statement to Congress, July 20 & 25, 2000 (The Federal Reserve's report on monetary policy)
by Alan Greenspan
2000, Issue Oct
- 685-685 Guidance issued on framework for Board supervision of financial holding companies
by anonymous - 685-685 Federal Open Market Committee Directive (August 22, 2000)
by anonymous
2000, Issue Nov
- 735-737 Statement to United States Securities and Exchange Commission, September 13, 2000 (proposed auditor independence rules )
by Laurence H. Meyer - 737-739 Statement to Congress, September 21, 2000 (the economic importance of improving math-science education)
by Alan Greenspan - 740-740 Federal Open Market Committee directive
by anonymous - 740-741 Appointments of chairmen and deputy chairmen of the Federal Reserve Banks for 2001
by anonymous - 741-741 Regulation Z: revision of requirements for credit card disclosures
by anonymous
2000, Issue May
- 318-320 Statement to Congress, March 27, 2000 (general revenue transfers for Social Security and Medicare)
by Alan Greenspan - 320-323 Statement to Congress, March 28, 2000 (distribution of coin and currency)
by Louise L. Roseman - 324-324 Action by the Federal Open Market Committee and an increase in the discount rate
by anonymous - 324-324 Regulation Z: revisions to the official staff commentary
by anonymous - 326-326 Issuance of host state loan-to-deposit ratios to determine compliance with section 109 of the Interstate Act
by anonymous
2000, Issue Mar
- 20-33 Industrial production and capacity utilization: recent developments and the 1999 annual revision
by Charles E. Gilbert & Norman J. Morin & Richard D. Raddock - 161-187 Monetary policy report to the Congress, February 17, 2000 (semi-annual Humphrey-Hawkins report)
by anonymous - 215-216 Statement to Congress, January 26, 2000 (on nomination to fourth term as Chairman)
by Alan Greenspan - 217-217 Modifications to the disclosure procedures of the Federal Open Market Committee
by anonymous - 217-217 Action by the Federal Open Market Committee and an increase in the discount rate
by anonymous - 219-220 Adoption of an interim rule for procedures for electing to become a financial holding company
by anonymous - 220-220 Preliminary figures available on operating income of the Federal Reserve Banks
by anonymous - 220-220 Approval of fee schedules for priced services of the Federal Reserve Banks
by anonymous
2000, Issue Jun
- 404-405 Statement to Congress, April 11, 2000 (hedge funds and over-the-counter derivatives)
by Patrick M. Parkinson - 405-408 Statements to the Congress, April 13, 2000 (evolution of our equity markets)
by Alan Greenspan
2000, Issue Jul
- 454-458 Statement to Congress, May 3, 2000 (payment of interest on reserves and Fed surplus)
by Laurence H. Meyer - 459-462 Statement to Congress, May 18, 2000 (the "I Love You" computer virus and the financial services industry)
by Stephen R. Malphrus - 462-465 Statement to Congress, May 24, 2000 (predatory lending practices)
by Edward M. Gramlich - 466-466 Action by the Federal Open Market Committee and an increase in the discount rate, May 16, 2000
by anonymous - 467-467 Approval of final regulations for privacy of consumer financial information
by anonymous
2000, Issue Jan
- 1-29 Recent changes in U. S. family finances: results from the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finances
by Arthur B. Kennickell & Martha Starr-McCluer & Brian J. Surette - 1-40 Modifications to the settlement finality for automated clearinghouse credit transactions processed by Federal Reserve Banks
by anonymous - 1-40 Adjustment of the dollar amount that triggers certain disclosure requirements under the Truth in Lending Act
by anonymous - 1-40 Action by the Federal Open Market Committee and an increase in the discount rate
by anonymous - 1-41 Survey results on consumer confidence in banks' Y2K preparations
by anonymous - 1-42 Release of a report on a survey of web site privacy
by anonymous - 1-42 Increase in adversely classified syndicated bank loans
by anonymous - 35-39 Statement to Congress, November 10, 1999 (vulnerability of private banking to money laundering activities)
by Richard A. Small
2000, Issue Feb
- 101-101 Directive of the Federal Open Market Committee
by anonymous - 101-101 Appointments of new members and a new president and vice president of the Thrift Institutions Advisory Council
by anonymous - 101-102 Increase in the exemption threshold for depository institutions reporting under HMDA
by anonymous - 102-102 Changes for 2000 in the fee schedules for priced services of the Federal Reserve Banks
by anonymous - 102-102 Extension of the comment period on proposals to allow electronic delivery of federally mandated disclosures
by anonymous - 102-103 Issuance of joint guidance on asset securitization activities
by anonymous
2000, Issue Dec
- 821-821 Modification of supervision program for U.S. operations of foreign banks
by anonymous
2000, Issue Aug
- 539-565 Monetary policy report to the Congress, July 20, 2000 (semi-annual Humphrey-Hawkins report)
by anonymous - 569-577 Statement to Congress, June 13, 2000 (capital markets in the new economy and proposed merchant banking rules)
by Laurence H. Meyer - 577-579 Statement to Congress, June 14, 2000 (H.R. 4541, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000)
by Patrick M. Parkinson - 579-581 Statement to Congress, June 21, 2000 (S. 2697, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000)
by Alan Greenspan - 582-582 Federal Open Market Committee directive
by anonymous - 582-583 Chairman Greenspan sworn in for fourth four-year term
by anonymous
2000, Issue Apr
- 265-269 Statement to Congress, February 8, 2000 (1999 banking failures)
by Laurence H. Meyer - 269-271 Statement to Congress, February 10, 2000 (over-the-counter derivatives)
by Alan Greenspan - 271-275 Statement to Congress, February 17 & 23, 2000 (semiannual report on the economy and monetary policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 276-277 Release of a joint Treasury-Federal Reserve report on counterfeiting
by anonymous
September 1999, Volume 85, Issue Sep
- 599-616 International activities of U.S. banks and in U.S. banking markets
by James V. Houpt
October 1999, Volume 85, Issue Oct
- 655-666 The launch of the euro
by Carol C. Bertaut & Murat F. Iyigun
November 1999, Volume 85, Issue Nov
- 709-726 The role of specialized lenders in extending mortgages to lower-income and minority homebuyers
by Glenn B. Canner & Elizabeth Laderman & Wayne Passmore
May 1999, Volume 85, Issue May
- 287-299 U.S. international transactions in 1998
by Kathryn A. Morisse
June 1999, Volume 85, Issue Jun
- 369-395 Profits and balance sheet developments at U.S. commercial banks in 1998
by Antulio N. Bomfim & William R. Nelson
July 1999, Volume 85, Issue Jul
January 1999, Volume 85, Issue Jan
- 1-19 Aggregate disturbances, monetary policy, and the macroeconomy: the FRB/US perspective
by David L. Reifschneider & Robert J. Tetlow & John Williams - 20-33 Industrial production and capacity utilization: 1998 annual revision
by Charles E. Gilbert & Richard D. Raddock
February 1999, Volume 85, Issue Feb
- 81-102 Trends in home purchase lending: consolidation and the Community Reinvestment Act
by Robert B. Avery & Raphael W. Bostic & Paul S. Calem & Glenn B. Canner
December 1999, Volume 85, Issue 12
- .785-806 The Treasury Securities Market: Overview and Recent Developments
by Dominique Dupont & Brian P. Sack
1999, Issue Sep
- 624-626 Statement to Congress, July 21, 1999 (financial privacy issues)
by Edward M. Gramlich - 626-631 Statement to Congress, July 22, 1999 (semi-annual monetary policy report)
by Alan Greenspan - 632-632 Establishment of a century date change special liquidity facility
by anonymous - 633-633 Issuance of a joint policy statement on branch closings by insured depository institutions
by anonymous - 633-633 Freeze on changes to the deposit-reporting schedule
by anonymous - 634-634 Joint issuance of a letter by the federal bank regulatory authorities on the allowance for loan losses
by anonymous - 634-634 Formation of the Payments System Development Committee
by anonymous - 635-635 Issuance by the Basel Committee of papers providing guidance on credit risk in banking
by anonymous
1999, Issue Oct
- 670-670 Action by the Federal Open Market Committee and an increase in the discount rate
by anonymous - 670-671 Nomination of Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., as Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors
by anonymous - 671-671 Proposed revisions to Regulation B; revised proposals to permit electronic delivery of federally mandated disclosures under five consumer protection regulations: B, E, M, Z, and DD
by anonymous - 671-671 Order for currency notes for fiscal year 2000
by anonymous - 671-671 Interim rule to Regulation DD
by anonymous
1999, Issue Nov
- 727-727 Appointment of Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., as Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors (October 5, 1999)
by anonymous - 727-728 Appointments of chairmen and deputy chairmen of the Federal Reserve Banks for 2000
by anonymous - 728-728 Statement by Vice Chairman Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., on the creation of the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center
by Roger W. Ferguson - 728-729 Issuance of examination guidance cautioning against the relaxation of credit discipline at banks
by anonymous - 728-729 Joint report on Y2K progress made by banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions
by anonymous - 730-731 Issuance of a joint statement on temporary balance sheet growth at some banking organizations
by anonymous - 731-731 Joint issuance of host state loan-to-deposit ratios for determining compliance with the Interstate Act
by anonymous
1999, Issue May
- 303-306 Statement to Congress, March 3, 1999 (investing the social security trust fund)
by Alan Greenspan - 306-309 Statement to Congress, March 3, 1999 (near collapse of Long-Term Capital Management, LTCM)
by William J. McDonough - 309-310 Statement to Congress, March 4, 1999 ("Know Your Customer" regulation)
by Richard A. Small - 312-318 Statement to Congress, March 24, 1999 (Federal Reserve's supervisory actions in the aftermath of the near collapse of LTCM)
by Laurence H. Meyer - 318-321 Statement to Congress, March 24, 1999 (hedge funds and leveraged institutions)
by William J. McDonough - 322-325 Statement to Congress, March 25, 1999 (currency collateral, financial netting and consumer issue raised by the Conference Report on the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1998)
by Edward M. Gramlich - 325-327 Statement to Congress, March 25, 1999 (financial technology)
by anonymous - 328-328 Revisions to Regulation M official staff commentary effective March 31, 1999
by anonymous - 328-328 Final rules amending Regulation H and Y effective April 1, 1999
by anonymous - 329-329 Final amendments to Regulation CC
by anonymous - 329-329 Revisions to Regulation Z official staff commentary effective March 31, 1999
by anonymous
1999, Issue Mar
- 147-177 Statement to Congress, January 20, 1999 (state of the economy)
by Alan Greenspan - 147-177 Monetary policy report to Congress, February 23, 1999 (semi-annual Humphrey-Hawkins report)
by anonymous - 190-192 Statement to Congress, January 28, 1999 (social security)
by Alan Greenspan - 193-195 Appointments of new members and a new chair and vice chair of the Consumer Advisory Council announced on January 5, 1999
by anonymous - 195-196 Issuance of supervisory guidance on certain elements of counterparty credit risk-management systems, announced February 1, 1999
by anonymous
1999, Issue Jun
- 404-413 Statements to the Congress, April 13, 1999 (year 2000 progress)
by Edward W. Kelley - 413-415 Statement to Congress, April 22, 1999 (veterans' benefit payments and Y2K)
by Kenneth D. Buckley - 415-419 Statement to Congress, April 20, 1999 (reporting requirements under the Bank Secrecy Act)
by Richard A. Small - 419-423 Statement to Congress, April 28, 1999 (H.R. 10 and financial modernization)
by Alan Greenspan
1999, Issue Jul
- 477-479 Statement to Congress, May 6, 1999 (hedge funds, leverage and the lessons of Long-Term Capital Management)
by Patrick M. Parkinson - 487-489 Statement to Congress, May 20, 1999 (efforts to improve the "architecture" of the international financial system)
by Alan Greenspan
1999, Issue Jan
- 1-37 Discount rate reduced from 4 3/4 percent to 4 1/2 percent
by anonymous - 1-38 Decrease in the net transaction accounts to which a 3 percent reserve requirement will apply in 1999
by anonymous - 1-38 Provision for enhanced settlement services to depository institutions
by anonymous - 1-49 Final rule amending Regulation D effective December 1, 1998
by anonymous - 1-49 Final rule amending Regulation A effective November 17, 1998
by anonymous