1994, Issue Sep
1994, Issue Oct
- 861-882 Changes in family finances from 1989 to 1992: evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
by Arthur B. Kennickell & Martha Starr-McCluer - 883-899 Private mortgage insurance
by Glenn B. Canner & Monisha Mittal & Wayne Passmore - 900-906 The Bank for International Settlements and the Federal Reserve
by Charles J. Siegman - 910-912 Statement to Congress, August 10, 1994(forecasting and use of economic statistics in making monetary policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 913-913 Comments requested on proposed amendment to the Board's risk-based capital guidelines regarding derivative contracts
by anonymous - 913-913 Discount rate increased from 3 l/2 percent to 4 percent, effective August 16, 1994
by anonymous
1994, Issue Nov
- 965-977 Recent developments in discount window policy
by James A. Clouse - 981-989 Statement to Congress, September 22, 1994(condition of U.S. banking system)
by Alan Greenspan - 990-990 (Erratum) Changes in family finances from 1989 to 1992: evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
by Arthur B. Kennickell & Martha Starr-McCluer
1994, Issue May
- 365-381 U.S. international transactions in 1993
by Catherine L. Mann - 382-385 Statement to Congress, March 2, 1994(views of Federal Reserve Board on proposals to consolidate the banking regulators into a single agency)
by Alan Greenspan - 385-389 Statement to Congress, March 8, 1994 (actions of the Federal Reserve Board to regulate bank sales of mutual funds)
by John P. LaWare - 389-392 Statement to Congress, March 17, 1994(regulatory and other initiatives to stimulate bank lending)
by John P. LaWare - 393-393 Statement on the planned retirement of Silas Keehn, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
by Alan Greenspan - 393-393 Transcripts of four meetings and two telephone conference calls of the Federal Open Market Committee made available for public inspection on March 9, 1994
by anonymous - 393-393 Action taken by Federal Open Market Committee to increase pressure on reserve positions
by anonymous - 393-393 New member appointed to serve three-year term
by anonymous - 394-394 Establishment of temporary swap facility with Mexico
by anonymous - 467-482 Directors of Federal Reserve banks and branches
by anonymous
1994, Issue Mar
- 220-226 Industrial production and capacity utilization since 1990: a revision
by Richard D. Raddock - 230-233 Statement to Congress, January 31, 1994(economic conditions)
by Alan Greenspan - 234-234 Resignation as Vice Chairman and as a member of the Board of Governors, effective February 14, 1994
by David W. Mullins - 234-235 Retired as a member of the Board of Governors, effective February 9, 1994
by Wayne D. Angell - 235-237 Appointment of new members, January 25, 1994
by anonymous - 237-238 Preliminary figures on operating income for 1993 released
by anonymous - 238-238 Appointment of new Class C directors
by anonymous - 238-239 Revised list of OTC marginable stocks and foreign margin stocks, effective February 14, 1994
by anonymous - 239-239 Correction of a table appearing in the February 1994 issue in " Residential lending to low-income and minority families: evidence from the 1992 HMDA data."
by Glenn B. Canner & Wayne Passmore
1994, Issue Jun
- 483-507 Profits and balance sheet developments at U.S. commercial banks in 1993
by William B. English & Brian K. Reid - 511-521 Statement to Congress, April 13, 1994(views of the Federal Reserve Board on topics related to hedge funds)
by John P. LaWare - 522-522 Joint statement issued April 26, 1994 by the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of Canada, Mexico, and the United States
by anonymous - 522-522 Slight increase on reserve positions announced April 18, 1994
by anonymous - 522-522 Statement by Chairman Greenspan on the nomination of two new members of the Board
by Alan Greenspan - 522-522 Quarterly table of factors to adjust interest income of section 20 subsidiaries
by anonymous - 522-523 Revised OTC list, effective May 9, 1994
by anonymous
1994, Issue Jul
- 571-583 Home equity lending: evidence from recent surveys
by Glenn B. Canner & Charles A. Luckett - 589-590 Merger performance studies in banking, 1980-93, and an assessment of the \\"operating performance\\" and \\"event study\\" methodologies. (A summary of staff paper prepared 1993-94)
by Stephen A. Rhoades - 594-605 Statement to Congress, May 25, 1994 (Federal Reserve Board's views on GAO's report on financial derivatives)
by Alan Greenspan - 606-609 Statement to Congress, May 27, 1994 (monetary policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 610-610 Comments requested on proposal to amend Federal Reserve's risk-based capital guidelines
by anonymous - 610-610 Comments requested on joint interagency proposal of advanced rulemaking concerning the regulatory treatment of recourse arrangements and direct credit substitutes
by anonymous - 610-610 Discount rate increased from 3% to 3-l/2%
by anonymous
1994, Issue Jan
- 1-23 Statement issued November 23, 1993 in response to proposals to restructure the banking supervisory agencies
by anonymous - 1-23 Fee schedules for services provided by Federal Reserve Banks announced November 15, 1993
by anonymous - 5-6 The economics of the private placement market(summary of staff study 166)
by Mark S. Carey & Stephen D. Prowse & John Rea & Gregory F. Udell - 10-19 Statement to Congress, November 4, 1993(results of Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 19-22 Statement to Congress, November 9, 1993(proposed legislation on Fair Trade in Financial Services, H.R. 3248)
by John P. LaWare - 23-24 Increase in net transaction accounts to which a 3 percent reserve requirement applies
by anonymous
1994, Issue Feb
- 79-108 Residential lending to low-income and minority families: evidence from the 1992 HMDA data
by Glenn B. Canner & Wayne Passmore - 114-117 Statement to Congress, December 9, 1993(pending civil litigation relating to the acquisition of the First American Banking Organization by the Bank of Credit and Commerce International)
by J. Virgil Mattingly - 118-118 Appointment of three new members
by anonymous
1994, Issue Dec
- 1057-1072 The farm economy in the first half of the 1990s
by John Rosine & Nicholas A. Walraven - 1080-1086 Statement to Congress, October 6, 1994(availability of credit to small and minority-owned businesses)
by John P. LaWare - 1086-1089 Statement to Congress, October 12, 1994(views of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston on the cost of credit to consumers and small business in New England)
by Cathy E. Minehan - 1090-1090 Appointments of Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks announced on October 27, 1994
by anonymous - 1091-1091 Comments requested on proposed exception to the anti-tying restrictions of the Bank Holding Company Act and Regulation Y
by anonymous - 1092-1092 Revised list of OTC marginable stocks and foreign margin stocks, effective November 14, 1994
by anonymous
1994, Issue Aug
- 705-709 Statement to Congress, June 9, 1994(issues related to consumer credit)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 709-714 Statement to Congress, June 14, 1994(Title II of the Community Development, Credit Enhancement, and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994, H.R. 3474)
by John P. LaWare - 714-719 Statement to Congress, June 22, 1994(recent monetary policy actions related to inflation)
by Alan Greenspan - 719-723 Statement to Congress, June 22, 1994(trends in retail fees and the availability of retail services at depository institutions)
by Susan M. Phillips - 724-724 President Clinton announced on April 22, 1994 his intention to nominate Alan S. Blinder as a member of the Board of Governors and as Vice Chairman. Dr. Blinder was subsequently confirmed by the Senate on June 24, and took the oath of office on June 27
by anonymous - 724-724 President Clinton announced on April 22, 1994 his intention to nominate Janet Yellen to a full term on the Federal Reserve Board
by anonymous - 725-726 Nominations sought for thirteen appointments
by anonymous - 726-726 Final amendments issued June 6, 1994 on real estate appraisal requirements
by anonymous - 769-770 Membership of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1913-94
by anonymous
1994, Issue Apr
- 269-278 Business-to-business payments and the role of financial electronic data interchange
by Scott E. Knudson & Jack K. Walton & Florence M. Young - 285-286 Statement to Congress, February 1, 1994(proposed legislation on Fair Trade in Financial Services, H.R. 3248)
by John P. LaWare - 286-291 Statement to Congress, February 1, 1994 (Community Reinvestment Act reform)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 291-295 Statement to Congress, February 8, 1994 (Community Reinvestment Act reform)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 296-301 Statement to Congress, February 9, 1994 (credit and charge card legislation being considered in H.R.1842 and H.R.2175)
by anonymous - 301-306 Statement to Congress, February 22, 1994 (semi-annual monetary policy report)
by Alan Greenspan - 307-307 Statement by Chairman Greenspan on resignation of President Richard F. Syron
by Alan Greenspan - 307-307 Increase in pressure on reserve positions announced by Chairman Greenspan
by Alan Greenspan - 307-307 Final rule approved regarding a change in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act, effective March 7, 1994
by anonymous - 309-314 Money stock data revised
by anonymous
1993, Issue Sep
- 849-855 Statements to Congress July 20 and 22, 1993 (semiannual monetary policy report)
by Alan Greenspan - 856-856 Appointment of William J. McDonough as new President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, effective July 19, 1993
by anonymous - 856-856 Actions to ease financial stress in areas of the Midwest affected by flooding
by anonymous - 856-858 Revised list of OTC margin stocks and foreign margin stocks, effective August 9, 1993
by anonymous
1993, Issue Oct
- 913-925 U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks: a new look
by Henry S. Terrell - 934-936 Statement to Congress, August 10, 1993 (supervisory process followed by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in implementing the Community Reinvestment Act)
by William L. Rutledge
1993, Issue Nov
- 1001-1012 Recent trends in the mutual fund industry
by Phillip R. Mack - 1016-1019 Statement to Congress, September 9, 1993 (Small Business Loan Securitization and Secondary Market Enhancement Act, S. 384)
by John P. LaWare - 1020-1025 Statement to Congress, September 17, 1993 (Community Reinvestment Act and its administration)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 1026-1031 Statement to Congress, September 24, 1993 (challenges banks face in meeting the service and credit needs of low-income and minority communities)
by John P. LaWare - 1031-1035 Statement to Congress, September 28, 1993 (implications of the proposed North American Free Trade Agreement)
by John P. LaWare - 1036-1037 Chairmen and deputy chairmen of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Banks
by anonymous
1993, Issue May
- 379-388 U.S. international transactions in 1992
by William L. Helkie - 392-395 Statement to Congress, March 4, 1993(credit crunch and availability of credit for small businesses)
by David W. Mullins - 395-398 Statement to Congress, March 10, 1993 (economic conditions in the First Federal Reserve District, and monetary policy)
by Richard F. Syron - 398-399 Statement to Congress, March 10, 1993 (economic trends in the Second Federal Reserve District)
by E. Gerald Corrigan - 399-404 Statement to Congress, March 10, 1993 (economic conditions in the Third Federal Reserve District, and monetary policy)
by Edward G. Boehne - 405-409 Statement to Congress, March 10, 1993 (economic developments in the Fourth Federal Reserve District, and monetary policy)
by Jerry L. Jordan - 409-412 Statement to Congress, March 10, 1993 (economic activity in the Fifth Federal Reserve District, and monetary policy)
by Alfred Broaddus - 412-418 Statement to Congress, March 10, 1993 (economic conditions in the Sixth Federal Reserve District, and monetary policy)
by Robert P. Forrestal - 418-435 Statement to Congress, March 10, 1993 (economic conditions in the Seventh Federal Reserve District, and monetary policy)
by Silas Keehn - 436-440 Statement to Congress, March 10, 1993 (economy of the Eighth Federal Reserve District, and monetary policy)
by Thomas C. Melzer - 440-444 Statement to Congress, March 10, 1993 (economic conditions in the Ninth Federal Reserve District, and monetary policy)
by Gary H. Stern - 444-448 Statement to Congress, March 10, 1993 (economic conditions in the Tenth Federal Reserve District, and monetary policy)
by Thomas M. Hoenig - 448-453 Statement to Congress, March 10, 1993 (state of the economy in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District, and monetary policy)
by Robert D. McTeer - 453-464 Statement to Congress, March 10, 1993 (economic conditions in the Twelfth Federal Reserve District, and monetary policy)
by Robert T. Parry - 464-466 Statement to Congress, March 17, 1993(government securities market)
by David W. Mullins - 466-469 Statement to Congress, March 17, 1993(regulatory burden)
by John P. LaWare - 469-471 Statement to Congress, March 17, 1993(market surveillance activities of the New York Reserve Banks)
by William J. McDonough - 471-473 Statement to Congress, March 24, 1993(federal budget deficit)
by Alan Greenspan - 473-476 Statement to Congress, March 25, 1993 (availability of credit to small businesses)
by Alan Greenspan - 477-477 New procedures for processing applications filed by foreign banks
by anonymous - 553-568 Directors of Federal Reserve Banks and Branches
by anonymous
1993, Issue Mar
- 188-189 The Herfindahl-Hirschman index
by Stephen A. Rhoades - 193-196 Statement to Congress, January 27-28, 1993(economic outlook for 1993)
by Alan Greenspan - 197-197 Statement by Chairman Greenspan, January 5, 1993, regarding announcement of the resignation of E. Gerald Corrigan, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
by Alan Greenspan - 197-199 Appointment of new members, January 19, 1993
by anonymous - 199-199 Final rule issued January 5, 1993
by anonymous - 199-200 Final rule issued January 12, 1993
by anonymous - 200-200 Approval of an alternative method to adjust the 10 percent revenue test
by anonymous - 200-200 Announcement concerning Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) designations
by anonymous - 200-201 Preliminary figures on operating income for 1992 released
by anonymous - 201-201 Revised list of OTC margin stocks and foreign margin stocks, effective February 2, 1993
by anonymous
1993, Issue Jun
- 569-589 Reserve requirements: history, current practice, and potential reform
by Joshua N. Feinman - 590-605 Industrial production, capacity, and capacity utilization since 1987
by Richard D. Raddock - 609-613 Statement to Congress, April 2, 1993(trends in bank lending and purchase of government securities by commercial banks)
by John P. LaWare - 614-614 Final rule amending risk-based capital guidelines for state member banks and bank holding companies, issued April 20, 1993
by anonymous - 614-615 Revised OTC list, effective May 10, 1993
by anonymous
1993, Issue Jul
- 649-673 Profits and balance sheet developments at U.S. commercial banks in 1992
by Allan D. Brunner & William B. English - 676-677 The 1989-92 credit crunch for real estate. (summary of staff study)
by James T. Fergus & John L. Goodman - 681-684 Statement to Congress, May 18, 1993 (discusses ways in which financial needs of individuals and businesses in economically underserved neighborhoods can be accommodated)
by Richard Spillenkothen - 684-689 Statement to Congress, May 19, 1993 (comments on S. 924, the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1993)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 689-694 Statement to Congress, May 26, 1993 (Federal Reserve's role in the government's anti-money-laundering efforts)
by John P. LaWare
1993, Issue Jan
- 1-10 The Foreign Bank Supervision Enhancement Act of 1991
by Ann E. Misback - 1-18 Fee schedules for services by Federal Reserve Banks
by anonymous - 18,27-29 Amendment effective January 1, 1993
by anonymous - 18,29-31 Increase in net transaction accounts to which a three percent reserve requirement will apply
by anonymous
1993, Issue Feb
- 1-96 Appointment of eight new members
by anonymous - 1-97 Amendment to risk-base capital guidelines for state member banks and bank holding companies, effective December 29, 1992
by anonymous - 1-97 Final amendments and guidelines, effective March 19, 1993
by anonymous - 1-97 Modifications of risk-based capital guidelines adopted, effective December 30, 1992
by anonymous - 1-98 Reporting of deferred tax assets by bank holding companies
by anonymous - 77-92 Recent developments in the market for privately placed debt
by Mark S. Carey & Stephen D. Prowse & John Rea - 96-97107-110 New regulation issued December 17, 1992
by anonymous
1993, Issue Dec
- 1075-1089 Interstate banking: a status report
by Donald T. Savage - 1093-1097 Statement to Congress, October 5, 1993 (interstate banking and insurance provisions of S. 543)
by John P. LaWare - 1098-1100 Statement to Congress, October 7, 1993 (Business, Commercial, and Community Development Secondary Market Development Act, H.R. 2600)
by John P. LaWare - 1100-1107 Statement to Congress, October 13, 1993 (issues raised by recent legislative initiatives to alter the structure of the Federal Reserve System)
by Alan Greenspan - 1107-1110 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (disclosure by the Federal Open Market Committee)
by Alan Greenspan - 1110-1111 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (the Federal Reserve System Accountability Act of 1993, H.R. 28, dealing with disclosure)
by David W. Mullins - 1111-1112 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (accountability of monetary policy)
by Wayne D. Angell - 1112-1113 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (Federal Reserve System Accountability Act of 1993, H.R. 28)
by Edward W. Kelley - 1113-1114 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (Federal Reserve System Accountability Act of 1993, H.R. 28)
by John P. LaWare - 1114-1115 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (Federal Reserve System Accountability Act of 1993, H.R. 28)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 1115-1116 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (Federal Reserve System Accountability Act of 1993, H.R. 28)
by Susan M. Phillips - 1116-1117 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (maintaining a more extensive record of Federal Open Market Committee meetings)
by Richard F. Syron - 1117-1118 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (accounting of Federal Open Market Committee meetings)
by William J. McDonough - 1118-1119 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (Federal Reserve System Accountability Act of 1993, H.R. 28)
by Edward G. Boehne - 1119-1120 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (release of information about the meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee)
by Jerry L. Jordan - 1120-1121 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (procedures Federal Open Market Committee follows in recording and releasing information to the public)
by Alfred Broaddus - 1122-1122 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (recordkeeping and public release of the deliberations of the Federal Open Market Committee)
by Silas Keehn - 1123-1123 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (Federal Reserve System Accountability Act of 1993, H.R. 28)
by Thomas C. Melzer - 1124-1124 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (issues related to Federal Open Market Committee)
by Gary H. Stern - 1124-1125 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (disclosure of information from Federal Open Market Committee meetings)
by Thomas M. Hoenig - 1125-1126 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (Federal Open Market Committee records)
by Robert D. McTeer - 1126-1127 Statement to Congress, October 19, 1993 (disclosure of information about Federal Open Market Committee)
by Robert T. Parry - 1127-1132 Statement to Congress, October 21, 1993 (Community Reinvestment Act and efforts to improve its administration)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 1132-1135 Statement to Congress, October 27, 1993 (authority of General Accounting Office to audit Federal Reserve operations)
by Wayne D. Angell - 1135-1137 Statement to Congress, October 27, 1993 (provision of the Federal Reserve System Accountability Act of 1993 relating to audit of the Federal Reserve Banks)
by William J. McDonough - 1137-1142 Statement to Congress, October 28, 1993 (derivatives activities of banking organizations)
by Susan M. Phillips - 1143-1143 Warning issued to federal regulators on the increased use of questionable instruments
by anonymous - 1143-1143 Revised list of OTC margin stocks and foreign margin stocks, effective November 8, 1993
by anonymous
1993, Issue Aug
- 751-768 Anatomy of the medium-term note market
by Leland Crabbe - 772-777 Statement to Congress, June 22, 1993 (issues associated with interstate banking)
by John P. LaWare - 777-780 Statement to Congress, June 22, 1993 (interstate banking and branching)
by Richard F. Syron - 781-787 Statement to Congress, June 29, 1993 (steps taken by Federal Reserve to reduce regulatory burden on financial institutions and to facilitate an increased flow of credit)
by John P. LaWare - 788-788 New services available to facilitate the same-day settlement of checks
by anonymous
1993, Issue Apr
- 251-267 The Community Reinvestment Act: evolution and current issues
by Griffith L. Garwood & Dolores S. Smith - 274-279 Statement to Congress, February 3, 1993 (Federal Reserve's perspectives on bank-related community development corporations)
by Griffith L. Garwood - 279-281 Statement to Congress, February 4, 1993(credit availability problems in low-income communities)
by Richard F. Syron - 281-285 Statement to Congress, February 18, 1993(regulatory burden)
by John P. LaWare - 285-292 Statement to Congress, February 18, 1993(Federal Reserve's perspective on the Community Reinvestment Act)
by Lawrence B. Lindsey - 292-302 Statements to Congress, February 19 and 25, 1993(developments in the economy and monetary policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 302-307 Statement to Congress, February 24, 1993(economic outlook and relationship between fiscal and monetary policy)
by Alan Greenspan - 307-313 Statement to Congress, February 24, 1993(credit discrimination in mortgage lending)
by John P. LaWare - 314-316 Statement to Congress, February 24, 1993(Federal Reserve Bank of Boston' s recent study of mortgage lending)
by Richard F. Syron - 317-317 Final rule issued February 4, 1993 revising capital adequacy guidelines
by anonymous - 317-322 Money stock data revised
by anonymous - 331-336 Amendment effective March 9, 1993
by anonymous
1992, Issue Sep
- 652-666 Developments in the pricing of credit card services
by Glenn B. Canner & Charles A. Luckett - 670-672 Statement to Congress, July 2, 1992(availability of credit and bank capital standards)
by Richard F. Syron - 673-678 Statements to Congress, July 21-22, 1992(semiannual monetary report)
by Alan Greenspan - 678-684 Statement to Congress, July 30, 1992(Federal Reserve's supervision of bank lending on commercial real estate)
by John P. LaWare - 685-685 Nominations sought for appointees to replace members whose terms expire December 31, 1992
by anonymous - 685-685 Change in the discount rate effective July 2, 1992 from 3 1/2 percent to 3 percent
by anonymous - 686-686 Comments requested on proposed uniform real estate lending standards and risk-based capital guidelines
by anonymous - 686-686 Amendments effective July 2, 1992
by anonymous - 686-686 Adoption of final rule regarding home equity disclosures
by anonymous - 686-687 Revised list of OTC marginable stocks and of foreign margin stocks, effective July 24, 1992
by anonymous
1992, Issue Oct
- 727-737 The Federal Reserve Banks as fiscal agents and depositories of the United States
by Michael L. Bermudez & Gerald D. Manypenny - 746-751 Statement to Congress, August 4, 1992(impact of recent legislative and regulatory actions on credit availability and credit terms)
by Richard Spillenkothen