2008, Issue feb8
- 05 Prospects for the economy in 2008
by Janet L. Yellen
2008, Issue feb29
- 08 The economics of private equity investments: symposium summary
by Jose A. Lopez
2008, Issue feb22
- 07 Economic conditions in Singapore and Vietnam: a monetary policymaker's report
by Janet L. Yellen
2008, Issue feb15
- 06 Recent trends in economic volatility: conference summary
by Charles Notzon & Daniel J. Wilson
2008, Issue feb1
- 03 2007 Annual Pacific Basin Conference: summary
by Reuven Glick
2008, Issue dec19
- 38 Economic conditions in Korea and Japan: a monetary policymaker's report
by Janet L. Yellen
2008, Issue aug8
- 24 How and why does age at kindergarten entry matter?
by Elizabeth Cascio
2008, Issue aug22
- 26 Regional variation in the potential economic effects of climate change
by Van Butsic & Ellen Hanak & Robert G. Valletta
2008, Issue aug15
- 25 Treasury bond yields and long-run inflation expectations
by Jens H. E. Christensen
2008, Issue apr18
- 14 The financial markets, housing, and the economy
by Janet L. Yellen
2008, Issue apr11
- 12 Are global imbalances due to financial underdevelopment in emerging economies?
by Diego Valderrama
2007, Issue sep28
- 29 Internal risk models and the estimation of default probabilities
by Jens H. E. Christensen
2007, Issue sep21
- 28 Changes in income inequality across the U.S
by Tali Regev & Daniel J. Wilson
2007, Issue sep14
- 27 Recent financial developments and the U.S. economic outlook
by Janet L. Yellen
2007, Issue oct5
- 30 Relative comparisons and economics: empirical evidence
by Mary C. Daly & Daniel J. Wilson
2007, Issue oct26
- 32 Asset price bubbles
by Kevin J. Lansing
2007, Issue oct19
- 31 Corporate access to external financing
by Jose A. Lopez
2007, Issue nov30
- 35 Fixing the New Keynesian Phillips curve
by Richard Dennis
2007, Issue nov23
- 34 Financial globalization and monetary policy
by Mark M. Spiegel
2007, Issue nov2
- 33 Labor force participation and the prospects for U.S. growth
by Mary C. Daly & Tali Regev
2007, Issue may4
- 11 U.S. supervisory standards for operational risk management
by Jose A. Lopez
2007, Issue may25
- 12 Monetary policy, transparency, and credibility: conference summary
by Richard Dennis & John C. Williams
2007, Issue mar9
- 06 Update on China: a monetary policymaker's report
by Janet L. Yellen
2007, Issue mar30
- 08 The U.S. productivity acceleration and the current account deficit
by Diego Valderrama
2007, Issue mar2
- 05 Financial innovations and the real economy: conference summary
by Mark Doms & John G. Fernald & Jose A. Lopez
2007, Issue mar16
- 07 Prospects for China's corporate bond market
by Galina Hale
2007, Issue jun8
- 14 House prices and subprime mortgage delinquencies
by Mark Doms & Frederick T. Furlong & John Krainer
2007, Issue jun29
- 17 The narrowing of the male-female wage gap
by Mark Doms & Ethan Lewis
2007, Issue jun22
- 16 Credit unions, conversions, and capital
by James A. Wilcox
2007, Issue jun15
2007, Issue jun1
- 13 Anxious workers
by Robert G. Valletta
2007, Issue jul6
- 18 The costs and value of new medical technologies: symposium summary
by Robert G. Valletta
2007, Issue jul27
- 22 Regional economic conditions and community bank performance
by Frederick T. Furlong & John Krainer
2007, Issue jul20
- 21 What we do and don't know about the term premium
by Eric T. Swanson
2007, Issue jul13
- 20 The U.S. economy and monetary policy
by Janet L. Yellen
2007, Issue jan5
- 01 Concentrations in commercial real estate lending
by Jose A. Lopez
2007, Issue jan26
- 03 Monetary policy inertia and recent Fed actions
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
2007, Issue jan19
- 02 Disentangling the wealth effect: some international evidence
by Eva Sierminska & Yelena Takhtamanova
2007, Issue feb9
- 04 2006 Annual Pacific Basin Conference: summary
by Reuven Glick
2007, Issue dec7
- 37 The U.S. economy and monetary policy
by Janet L. Yellen
2007, Issue dec14
- 38 Sovereign wealth funds: stumbling blocks or stepping stones to financial globalization?
by Joshua Aizenman & Reuven Glick
2007, Issue aug31
- 25 Changing productivity trends
by Bharat Trehan
2007, Issue aug3
- 23 Trends in Bay Area IT employment
by Lily Hsueh
2007, Issue aug10
- 24 Are global prices converging or diverging?
by Reuven Glick
2007, Issue apr6
- 09 Will fast productivity growth persist?
by John G. Fernald & David Thipphavong & Bharat Trehan
2007, Issue apr13
- 10 Do monetary aggregates help forecast inflation?
by Galina Hale & Òscar Jordà
2006, Issue sep29
- 25 Health insurance costs and declining coverage
by Thomas C. Buchmueller & Robert G. Valletta
2006, Issue sep22
- 24 Oil prices and the U.S. trade deficit
by Michele Cavallo
2006, Issue sep15
- 23 The exchange rate-consumer price puzzle
by Diego Valderrama
2006, Issue sep1
- 22 Inflation targets and inflation expectations: some evidence from the recent oil shocks
by Jason Tjosvold & Bharat Trehan
2006, Issue oct6
- 26 Safe and sound banking, 20 years later
by Simon H. Kwan
2006, Issue oct27
- 29 What are the risks to the United States of a current account reversal?
by Diego Valderrama
2006, Issue oct20
- 28 Did quantitative easing by the Bank of Japan "work"?
by Mark M. Spiegel
2006, Issue oct13
- 27 Inflation persistence in an era of well-anchored inflation expectations
by John C. Williams
2006, Issue nov3
- 30 The rise in homeownership
by Mark Doms & Meryl Motika
2006, Issue nov24
- 32 Is a recession imminent?
by John G. Fernald & Bharat Trehan
2006, Issue nov17
- 31 Interest rates, carry trades, and exchange rate movements
by Michele Cavallo
2006, Issue may19
- 11 Central bank capital, financial strength, and the Bank of Japan
by Thomas F. Cargill
2006, Issue may12
- 10 Bank diversification, economic diversification?
by Philip E. Strahan
2006, Issue mar3
- 03 Postal savings in Japan and mortgage markets in the U.S
by Thomas F. Cargill & Hal S. Scott
2006, Issue mar17
- 05 Enhancing Fed credibility
by Janet L. Yellen
2006, Issue mar10
- 04 External imbalances and adjustment in the Pacific Basin: conference summary
by Reuven Glick & Mark M. Spiegel
2006, Issue jun30
- 15 Residential investment over the real estate cycle
by John Krainer
2006, Issue jun23
- 14 International financial integration and the current account balance
by Michele Cavallo
2006, Issue jun2
- 13 Monetary policy in a global environment
by Janet L. Yellen
2006, Issue jul7
- 16 A monetary policymaker's passage to India
by Janet L. Yellen
2006, Issue jul28
- 18 Property debt burdens
by Mark Doms & Meryl Motika
2006, Issue jul21
- 17 Labor markets and the macroeconomy: conference summary
by Richard Dennis & John C. Williams
2006, Issue jan27
- 01 2006: a year of transition at the Federal Reserve
by Janet L. Yellen
2006, Issue feb24
- 02 Productivity growth: causes and consequences - conference summary
by Daniel J. Wilson
2006, Issue dec8
- 35 The mystery of falling state corporate income taxes
by Daniel J. Wilson
2006, Issue dec29
- 38 Mortgage innovation and consumer choice
by John Krainer
2006, Issue dec22
- 37 Will moderating growth reduce inflation?
by Kevin J. Lansing
2006, Issue dec15
- 36 The geographic scope of small business lending: evidence from the San Francisco market
by Elizabeth Laderman
2006, Issue dec1
- 34 Economic inequality in the United States
by Janet L. Yellen
2006, Issue aug4
- 19 Performance divergence of large and small credit unions
by James A. Wilcox
2006, Issue aug25
- 21 New uses for new macro derivatives
by Justin Wolfers
2006, Issue aug11
- 20 Would an inflation target help anchor U.S. inflation expectations?
by Eric T. Swanson
2006, Issue apr7
- 06 What is the Federal Reserve banks' imputed cost of equity capital?
by Michelle L. Barnes & Jose A. Lopez
2006, Issue apr28
- 09 Prospects for the economy
by Janet L. Yellen
2006, Issue apr21
- 08 Job matching: evidence from the Beveridge curve
by Jaclyn Hodges & Robert G. Valletta
2006, Issue apr14
- 07 Security analysts and regulatory reform
by Robert Marquez
2005, Issue sep9
- 23 A look at China's new exchange rate regime
by Mark M. Spiegel
2005, Issue sep2
- 22 Policymaking on the FOMC: transparency and continuity
by Janet L. Yellen
2005, Issue sep16
- 24 Why has output become less volatile?
by Bharat Trehan
2005, Issue oct7
- 25 Inflation expectations: how the market speaks
by Simon H. Kwan
2005, Issue oct28
- 28 Oil price shocks and inflation
by Bharat Trehan
2005, Issue oct21
2005, Issue oct14
- 26 The rise and spread of state R&D tax credits
by Daniel J. Wilson
2005, Issue nov4
- 29 Economies of scale and continuing consolidation of credit unions
by James A. Wilcox
2005, Issue nov30
- 33 Uncertainty and monetary policy
by Richard Dennis
2005, Issue nov25
- 32 The Bretton Woods System: are we experiencing a revival? (symposium summary)
by Reuven Glick & Mark M. Spiegel
2005, Issue nov18
- 31 Why hasn't the jump in oil prices led to a recession?
by John G. Fernald & Bharat Trehan
2005, Issue nov10
- 30 Spendthrift nation
by Kevin J. Lansing
2005, Issue may27
- 10 More life vs. more goods: explaining rising health expenditures
by Charles I. Jones
2005, Issue may20
- 09 Can monetary policy influence long-term interest rates?
by Òscar Jordà
2005, Issue mar11
- 05 Gains in U.S. productivity: stopgap measure or lasting change?
by Mary C. Daly & Frederick T. Furlong
2005, Issue jun3
- 11 Are state R&D tax credits constitutional? an economic perspective
by Daniel J. Wilson
2005, Issue jun24
- 14 Stress tests: useful complements to financial risk models
by Jose A. Lopez
2005, Issue jun17
- 13 IT investment: will the glory days ever return?
by Mark Doms
2005, Issue jun10
- 12 Fiscal and monetary policy: conference summary
by Richard Dennis & John Williams
2005, Issue jul29
- 17 What if foreign governments diversified their reserves?
by Diego Valderrama
2005, Issue jul22
- 16 Understanding the twin deficits: new approaches, new results
by Michele Cavallo
2005, Issue jul15
- 15 Age and education effects on the unemployment rate
by Jaclyn Hodges & Robert G. Valletta
2005, Issue jan7
- 01 To float or not to float? exchange rate regimes and shocks
by Michele Cavallo
2005, Issue jan21
- 02 Help-wanted advertising and job vacancies
by Robert G. Valletta
2005, Issue feb4
- 03 Emerging markets and macroeconomic volatility: conference summary
by Reuven Glick & Diego Valderrama
2005, Issue feb18
- 04 Productivity and inflation
by Janet L. Yellen
2005, Issue dec9
- 35 Shifting data: a challenge for monetary policymakers
by John G. Fernald & Stephanie Wang
2005, Issue dec30
- 38 Do oil futures prices help predict future oil prices?
by Andrew H. McCallum & Tao Wu
2005, Issue dec23
- 37 The diffusion of personal computers across the United States
by Mark Doms
2005, Issue dec2
- 34 Recent policy issues regarding credit risk transfer
by Jose A. Lopez
2005, Issue dec16
- 36 Bank ATMs and ATM surcharges
by Gautam Gowrisankaran & John Krainer
2005, Issue aug5
- 18 Monetary policy and asset price bubbles
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
2005, Issue aug26
- 21 Housing markets and demographics
by John Krainer
2005, Issue aug19
- 20 Credit union failures and insurance fund losses: 1971-2004
by James A. Wilcox
2005, Issue aug12
- 19 Does Europe's path to monetary union provide lessons for East Asia?
by Reuven Glick
2005, Issue apr8
- 06 Financial liberalization: how well has it worked for developing countries?
by Joshua Aizenman
2005, Issue apr29
2005, Issue apr15
- 07 A tale of two monetary policies: Korea and Japan
by Thomas F. Cargill
2004, Issue sep3
- 24 City or country: where do businesses use the internet?
by Chris Forman & Avi Goldfarb & Shane Greenstein
2004, Issue sep17
- 26 Supervising interest rate risk management
by Jose A. Lopez
2004, Issue sep10
- 25 Exchange rate movements and the U.S. international balance sheet
by Michele Cavallo
2004, Issue oct8
- 28 Gauging the market's expectations about monetary policy
by Simon H. Kwan
2004, Issue oct29
- 30 Inflation-induced valuation errors in the stock market
by Kevin J. Lansing
2004, Issue oct22
- 29 Consumer sentiment and the media
by Mark Doms
2004, Issue oct1
- 27 House prices and fundamental value
by John Krainer & Chishen Wei
2004, Issue nov26
- 34 Outsourcing by financial services firms: the supervisory response
by Jose A. Lopez
2004, Issue nov19
- 33 Easing out of the Bank of Japan's monetary easing policy
by Mark M. Spiegel
2004, Issue nov12
- 32 Does locale affect R&D productivity? the case of pharmaceuticals
by Margaret K. Kyle
2004, Issue nov.5
- 31 Reflections on China's economy
by Janet L. Yellen
2004, Issue may9
- 21 Does a fall in the dollar mean higher U.S. consumer prices?
by Diego Valderrama
2004, Issue may21
- 12 Globalization: threat or opportunity for the U.S. economy?
by Robert T. Parry
2004, Issue may14
- 11 Can international patent protection help a developing country grow?
by Diego Valderrama
2004, Issue mar12
- 07 Technology, productivity, and public policy
by Mary C. Daly & John Williams
2004, Issue jun4
- 13 Interest rates and monetary policy: conference summary
by Richard Dennis & Tao Wu
2004, Issue jun25
- 16 Has the CRA increased lending for low-income home purchases?
by Elizabeth Laderman
2004, Issue jun18
- 15 Banking consolidation
by Simon H. Kwan
2004, Issue jun11
- 14 Policy applications of a global macroeconomic model
by Richard Dennis & Jose A. Lopez
2004, Issue jul9
- 17 New Keynesian models and their fit to the data
by Richard Dennis
2004, Issue jul23
- 19 The computer evolution
by Geoffrey MacDonald & Robert G. Valletta
2004, Issue jul16
- 18 The productivity and jobs connection: the long and the short run of it
by Carl E. Walsh
2004, Issue jan30
2004, Issue jan23
2004, Issue jan16
2004, Issue feb.6
2004, Issue feb.20
- 06 Resolving sovereign debt crises with collective action clauses
by Kenneth M. Kletzer
2004, Issue feb.13
- 05 Precautionary policies
by Carl E. Walsh
2004, Issue dec3
- 35 October 6, 1979
by Carl E. Walsh
2004, Issue dec24
- 38 After the Asian financial crisis: can rapid credit expansion sustain growth?
by Diego Valderrama
2004, Issue dec17
- 37 Productivity growth and the retail sector
by Mark Doms
2004, Issue dec10
- 36 What determines the credit spread?
by John Krainer
2004, Issue aug6
- 20 Monetary and financial integration: evidence from the EMU
by Mark M. Spiegel
2004, Issue aug27
2004, Issue aug20
- 22 Measuring the costs of exchange rate volatility
by Paul R. Bergin
2004, Issue apr9
- 09 Do differences in countries' capital composition matter?
by Daniel J. Wilson
2004, Issue apr2
- 08 Understanding deflation
by Tao Wu
2004, Issue apr16
- 10 Workplace practices and the new economy
by Sandra E. Black & Lisa M. Lynch
2003, Issue sep26
- 28 Earnings inequality and earnings mobility in the U.S
by Mary C. Daly & Robert G. Valletta
2003, Issue sep19
- 27 The fiscal problem of the 21st century
by Charles I. Jones
2003, Issue sep12
- 26 Are we running out of new ideas? a look at patents and R&D
by Daniel J. Wilson
2003, Issue oct31
- 32 The natural rate of interest
by John C. Williams
2003, Issue oct3
- 29 Mortgage refinancing
by John Krainer & Milton H. Marquis
2003, Issue oct24
- 31 Good news on Twelfth District banking market concentration
by Elizabeth Laderman
2003, Issue oct10
- 30 Is our IT manufacturing edge drifting overseas?
by Robert G. Valletta
2003, Issue nov7
- 33 The Bay Area economy: down but not out
by Mary C. Daly & Mark Doms
2003, Issue nov28
- 35 Monitoring debt market information for bank supervisory purposes
by John Krainer & Jose A. Lopez
2003, Issue nov14
- 34 Should the Fed react to the stock market?
by Kevin J. Lansing
2003, Issue may9
- 13 What monetary regime for post-war Iraq?
by Mark M. Spiegel
2003, Issue may30
- 14 Minding the speed limit
by Carl E. Walsh
2003, Issue may2
- 12 Finance and macroeconomics
by Richard Dennis & Glenn D. Rudebusch
2003, Issue mar7
- 06 House price bubbles
by John Krainer
2003, Issue mar28
- 09 Shifting household assets in a bear market
by Milton H. Marquis
2003, Issue mar21
- 08 Technological change
by Bharat Trehan
2003, Issue mar14
- 07 Economic prospects for the U.S. and California: a monetary policymaker's view
by Robert T. Parry
2003, Issue jun6
- 15 What makes the yield curve move?
by Tao Wu
2003, Issue jun27
- 18 Financial development, productivity, and economic growth
by Diego Valderrama
2003, Issue jun20
- 17 Growth in the post-bubble economy
by Kevin J. Lansing
2003, Issue jun13
- 16 Underfunding of private pension plans
by Simon H. Kwan
2003, Issue jul4
- 19 Pension accounting and reported earnings
by Simon H. Kwan
2003, Issue jul25
- 21 Bank lending to businesses in a jobless recovery
by Milton H. Marquis
2003, Issue jul18
- 20 Is official foreign exchange intervention effective?
by Michael M. Hutchison
2003, Issue jan31
- 02 Increased stability in Twelfth District employment growth
by Elizabeth Laderman
2003, Issue jan24
- 01 Using equity market information to monitor banking institutions
by John Krainer & Jose A. Lopez
2003, Issue feb28
- 05 Extended unemployment in California
by Robert G. Valletta
2003, Issue feb21
- 04 Where to find the productivity gains from innovation?
by Daniel J. Wilson
2003, Issue feb14
- 03 How financial firms manage risk
by Jose A. Lopez
2003, Issue dec26
- 38 Is there a digital divide?
by Geoffrey MacDonald & Robert G. Valletta
2003, Issue dec19
- 37 The current strength of the U.S. banking sector
by John Krainer & Jose A. Lopez
2003, Issue dec12
- 36 Japanese foreign exchange intervention
by Mark M. Spiegel
2003, Issue aug29
- 25 The present and future of pension insurance
by Simon H. Kwan
2003, Issue aug22
- 24 Improving the way we measure consumer prices
by Tao Wu
2003, Issue aug15
- 23 Understanding state budget troubles
by Mary C. Daly
2003, Issue aug1
- 22 Disclosure as a supervisory tool: Pillar 3 of Basel II
by Jose A. Lopez
2003, Issue apr25
- 11 Foreign exchange reserves in East Asia: why the high demand?
by Joshua Aizenman & Nancy P. Marion
2003, Issue apr11
- 10 Time-inconsistent monetary policies: recent research
by Richard Dennis
2002, Issue sep6
- 26 The role of fiscal policy
by Carl E. Walsh
2002, Issue sep27
- 28 Japan passes again on fundamental financial reform
by Thomas F. Cargill