1997, Issue nov14
- 34 Job security update
by Randy O'Toole & Robert G. Valletta
1997, Issue nov.28
- 36 British central bank independence and inflation expectations
by Mark M. Spiegel
1997, Issue may9
- 14 Proposals for reforming Social Security
by Timothy Cogley & Heather Royer
1997, Issue may30
- 17 Dynamic measures of competitiveness: are the geese still flying in formation?
by Andrew K. Rose
1997, Issue may23
- 16 Bias in the CPI: \\"roughly right or precisely wrong\\"
by Brian Motley
1997, Issue may2
- 13 Job creation and destruction
by Prakash Loungani & Bharat Trehan
1997, Issue may15
- 15 Does Singapore invest too much?
by Kenneth Kasa
1997, Issue mar7
- 07 The "shrinking" middle class?
by Mary C. Daly
1997, Issue mar28
- 09 The costs of managing speculative capital inflows in the Pacific Basin
by Kenneth M. Kletzer & Mark M. Spiegel
1997, Issue mar21
- 08 Cracking the Glass-Steagall barriers
by Simon H. Kwan
1997, Issue jun27
- 19 Deposits and demographics?
by Elizabeth Laderman
1997, Issue jun13
- 18 Interest rates and monetary policy
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
1997, Issue jul25
- 21 Recent developments in loan loss provisioning at U.S. commercial banks
by Simon H. Kwan & Randy O'Toole
1997, Issue jul
- 20 Government intervention and the East Asian miracle
by Reuven Glick & Ramon Moreno
1997, Issue jan31
- 03 Inequality in the United States
by Brian Motley
1997, Issue jan24
- 02 Changes in small business lending in the West
by Mark E. Levonian
1997, Issue jan10
- 01 Nobel views on inflation and unemployment
by Carl E. Walsh
1997, Issue feb7
- 04 Inflation targeting
by Chan Guk Huh
1997, Issue feb28
- 06 Efficiency of U.S. banking firms--an overview
by Simon H. Kwan
1997, Issue feb21
- 05 Job loss during the 1990s
by Robert G. Valletta
1997, Issue dec12
- 37 Financial crises and bank supervision: new directions for Japan?
by Michael M. Hutchison
1997, Issue dec.26
- 38 Explaining trading volume in foreign exchange: lessons from Tokyo
by Richard K. Lyons
1997, Issue aug8
- 22 Banking system developments in the four Asian tigers
by Chan Guk Huh
1997, Issue aug29
- 24 Labor market effects of welfare reform
by Mary C. Daly
1997, Issue aug15
- 23 Fiscal constraints in the EMU
by Mark M. Spiegel
1997, Issue apr25
- 12 Getting the jump on interstate branching
by Frederick T. Furlong
1997, Issue apr18
- 11 Should monetary policy focus on "core" inflation?
by Brian Motley
1997, Issue apr11
- 10 Dealing with currency speculation in the Asian Pacific Basin
by Ramon Moreno
1996, Issue sep9
- 25 Accountability in practice: recent monetary policy in New Zealand
by Carl E. Walsh
1996, Issue sep20
- 27 Banks and foreign exchange exposure
by Helen Popper
1996, Issue sep13
- 26 Evolution of the quality of life in the U.S
by Joe P. Mattey
1996, Issue oct4
- 28 Is opportunistic monetary policy credible?
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
1996, Issue oct25
- 31 The California \\"rate gap\\" since the BankAmerica-Security Pacific merger
by Elizabeth Laderman
1996, Issue oct18
- 30 Will the yen replace the dollar?
by Ramon Moreno
1996, Issue oct11
- 29 The minimum wage
by Robert G. Valletta
1996, Issue nov8
- 33 Trade liberalization in the Pacific Basin
by Ramon Moreno
1996, Issue nov29
- 35 Post-1997 Hong Kong: a view from the financial markets
by Kenneth Kasa
1996, Issue nov15
- 34 Capacity utilization and structural change
by Joe P. Mattey
1996, Issue nov1
- 32 Why is the Philippines repurchasing its Brady bonds?
by Mark M. Spiegel
1996, Issue may3
- 15 Global payments in the 21st century: a central banker's view
by Robert T. Parry
1996, Issue may24
- 17 Recent developments in labor force participation
by Brian Motley
1996, Issue may17
- 16 Economic growth and monetary policy
by Robert T. Parry
1996, Issue mar8
- 10 District economic developments
by Robert Ingenito
1996, Issue mar29
- 11 Monetary policy: measurement and management
by Bharat Trehan
1996, Issue mar1
- 09 Issues in the inflation outlook
by Robert T. Parry
1996, Issue jun7
- 18 Development of financial services in the Asia Pacific: issues and opportunities
by Robert T. Parry
1996, Issue jun28
- 19 On the relation between stocks and bonds, part I
by Simon H. Kwan
1996, Issue jul5
- 20 On the relationship between stocks and bonds, part II
by Simon H. Kwan
1996, Issue jul26
- 22 Rising economic tide
by Frederick T. Furlong
1996, Issue jul19
- 21 What's behind problem credit card loans?
by Elizabeth Laderman
1996, Issue jan5
- 01 Innovations and recent developments in mortgage-backed securities
by Simon H. Kwan
1996, Issue jan26
- 04 California's community banks in the 1990s
by Gary C. Zimmerman
1996, Issue jan19
- 03 What do wages tell us about future inflation?
by Benjamin Bridgman & Bharat Trehan
1996, Issue jan12
- 02 Small banks, small loans, small business
by Mark E. Levonian & Jennifer Soller
1996, Issue feb9
- 06 Are all devaluations alike?
by Andrew K. Rose
1996, Issue feb23
- 08 Why central bank independence helps to mitigate inflationary bias
by Timothy Cogley
1996, Issue feb2
- 05 New evidence on state economic development spending and manufacturing employment
by Mark M. Spiegel
1996, Issue feb16
- 07 Has job security in the U.S. declined?
by Robert G. Valletta
1996, Issue dec27
- 38 The slowing exodus from California
by Stuart A. Gabriel & Joe P. Mattey
1996, Issue dec20
- 37 Effects of welfare reform on Western States
by Joe P. Mattey
1996, Issue dec13
- 36 Why do stock prices sometimes fall in response to good economic news?
by Timothy Cogley
1996, Issue aug9
- 23 New measures of Japanese monetary policy
by Kenneth Kasa & Helen Popper
1996, Issue aug23
- 24 Collective action difficulties in foreign lending: banks and bonds
by Mark M. Spiegel
1996, Issue apr5
- 12 Integrating banking markets in the EC
by Gary C. Zimmerman
1996, Issue apr26
- 14 Record 1995 for Western banks
by Deanna L. Brock & Gary C. Zimmerman
1996, Issue apr19
- 13 Models of currency speculation: implications and East Asian evidence
by Ramon Moreno
1995, Issue sep8
- 29 Unemployment
by Carl E. Walsh
1995, Issue sep29
- 32 Inflation-indexed bonds
by Chan Guk Huh
1995, Issue sep22
- 31 Output-inflation tradeoffs and central bank independence
by Carl E. Walsh
1995, Issue sep15
- 30 Gaiatsu
by Kenneth Kasa
1995, Issue sep1
- 28 Using consumption to track movements in trend GDP
by Timothy Cogley & Desiree Schaan
1995, Issue oct6
- 33 California dreamin': a rebound in net migration?
by Stuart A. Gabriel
1995, Issue oct27
- 36 Consolidation: California style
by Frederick T. Furlong & Gary C. Zimmerman
1995, Issue oct20
- 35 Russian banking
by Dwight M. Jaffee & Mark E. Levonian
1995, Issue oct13
- 34 Interest rate smoothing and inflation, then and now
by Chan Guk Huh
1995, Issue nov3
- 37 Is pegging the exchange rate a cure for inflation? East Asian experiences
by Reuven Glick & Ramon Moreno
1995, Issue nov24
- 40 New estimates of the recent growth in potential output
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
1995, Issue nov17
- 39 The rhyme and reason of bank mergers
by Elizabeth Laderman
1995, Issue nov10
- 38 Monetary policy in a dynamic global environment
by Robert T. Parry
1995, Issue may5
- 18 Monetary policy in a changing financial environment
by Reuven Glick & Bharat Trehan
1995, Issue may26
- 21 Financial fragility and the lender of last resort
by Timothy Cogley & Desiree Schaan
1995, Issue may19
- 20 The economics of merging commercial and investment banking
by Simon H. Kwan
1995, Issue may12
- 19 Inflation goals and credibility
by John P. Judd
1995, Issue mar31
- 13 Has the Fed gotten tougher on inflation?
by John P. Judd & Bharat Trehan
1995, Issue mar3
- 09 Rules vs. discretion in New Zealand monetary policy
by Mark M. Spiegel
1995, Issue mar24
- 12 1995 District agricultural outlook
by Stephen O. Dean
1995, Issue mar17
- 11 Regional effects of the peso devaluation
by Joe P. Mattey
1995, Issue mar10
- 10 Mexico and the peso
by Ramon Moreno
1995, Issue jun9
- 22 Understanding trends in foreign exchange rates
by Kenneth Kasa
1995, Issue jun23
- 23 Federal Reserve policy and the predictability of interest rates
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
1995, Issue jul7
- 24 New measures of output and inflation
by Brian Motley
1995, Issue jul28
- 25 Rebound in U.S. banks' foreign lending
by Gary C. Zimmerman
1995, Issue jan6
- 01 The credibility of inflation targets
by Bharat Trehan
1995, Issue jan27
- 04 Economy boosts western banking in '94
by Frederick T. Furlong & Gary C. Zimmerman
1995, Issue jan20
- 03 Why banking isn't declining
by Mark E. Levonian
1995, Issue jan13
- 02 A look back at monetary policy in 1994
by Robert T. Parry
1995, Issue feb3
- 05 What are the lags in monetary policy?
by Glenn D. Rudebusch
1995, Issue feb24
- 08 Reduced deposit insurance risk
by Frederick T. Furlong & Mark E. Levonian
1995, Issue feb17
- 07 Western update
by Stephen O. Dean & Joe P. Mattey
1995, Issue feb10
- 06 Central bank credibility and disinflation in New Zealand
by Michael M. Hutchison
1995, Issue dec29
- 43 Bank stock repurchases
by Elizabeth Laderman
1995, Issue dec15
- 42 Budget deficit cuts and the dollar
by Ramon Moreno
1995, Issue dec1
- 41 Raising reserve requirements in response to Asian capital inflow surges
by Mark M. Spiegel
1995, Issue aug4
- 26 Is state and local competition for firms harmful?
by Joe P. Mattey & Mark M. Spiegel
1995, Issue aug18
- 27 Productivity and labor costs in newly industrializing countries
by Stephen Golub
1995, Issue apr7
- 14 Responses to capital inflows in Malaysia and Thailand
by Reuven Glick & Ramon Moreno
1995, Issue apr28
- 17 Western banks and derivatives
by Elizabeth Laderman
1995, Issue apr21
- 16 Central bank independence and inflation
by Robert T. Parry
1995, Issue apr14
- 15 Financial liberalization and economic development
by Chan Guk Huh
1994, Issue sep9
- 30 Regional income divergence in the 1980s
by Carolyn Sherwood-Call
1994, Issue sep30
- 33 Measuring the cost of \\"financial repression\\"
by Chan Guk Huh & Sun Bae Kim
1994, Issue sep23
- 32 How bad is the \\"bad loan problem\\" in Japan?
by Chan Guk Huh & Sun Bae Kim
1994, Issue sep2
- 29 Linkages of national interest rates
by Adrian W. Throop
1994, Issue sep16
- 31 Exchange rate arrangements in the Pacific Basin
by Reuven Glick
1994, Issue oct7
- 34 The recent behavior of interest rates
by Bharat Trehan
1994, Issue oct28
- 37 Bank business lending bounces back
by Gary C. Zimmerman
1994, Issue oct21
- 36 Growth and government policy: lessons from Hong Kong and Singapore
by Kenneth Kasa
1994, Issue oct14
- 35 Risk-based capital requirements and loan growth
by Elizabeth Laderman
1994, Issue nov4
- 38 Explaining Asia's low inflation
by Ramon Moreno
1994, Issue nov25
- 41 EU + Austria + Finland + Sweden + ?
by Gary C. Zimmerman
1994, Issue nov11
- 39 Crises in the thrift industry and the cost of mortgage credit
by Stuart A. Gabriel
1994, Issue nov
- 40 International trade and U.S. labor market trends
by Kenneth Kasa
1994, Issue may6
- 18 Just-in-time inventory management: has it made a difference?
by Chan Guk Huh
1994, Issue may27
- 21 A market-based approach to CRA
by Jonathan A. Neuberger & Ronald H. Schmidt
1994, Issue may20
- 20 The persistence of the prime rate
by James R. Booth
1994, Issue may13
- 19 GATS and banking in the Pacific Basin
by Ramon Moreno
1994, Issue mar4
- 09 Monetary policy in the 1990s
by Robert T. Parry
1994, Issue mar25
- 12 Industry effects in the stock returns of banks and nonfinancial firms
by Jonathan A. Neuberger
1994, Issue mar18
- 11 New measures of the work force
by Brian Motley
1994, Issue mar11
- 10 The IPO underpricing puzzle
by James R. Booth
1994, Issue jun24
- 23 An \\"intermountain miracle\\"?
by Ronald H. Schmidt & Carolyn Sherwood-Call
1994, Issue jun10
- 22 Manufacturing bias in regional policy
by Ronald H. Schmidt
1994, Issue jul22
- 26 Interstate banking and risk
by Mark E. Levonian
1994, Issue jul15
- 25 Should the central bank be responsible for regional stabilization?
by Timothy Cogley & Desiree Schaan
1994, Issue jul1
- 24 Trade and growth: some recent evidence
by Bharat Trehan
1994, Issue jan7
- 01 Market risk and bank capital: part 1
by Mark E. Levonian
1994, Issue jan28
- 04 Banking market structure in the West
by Elizabeth Laderman
1994, Issue jan21
- 03 The real effects of exchange rates
by Adrian W. Throop
1994, Issue jan14
- 02 Market risk and bank capital: part 2
by Mark E. Levonian
1994, Issue feb4
- 05 Is there a cost to having an independent central bank?
by Carl E. Walsh
1994, Issue feb25
- 08 1994 District agricultural outlook
by Stephen O. Dean
1994, Issue feb18
- 07 Taiwan at the crossroads
by Hang-Sheng Cheng
1994, Issue feb11
- 06 Stock prices and bank lending behavior in Japan
by Sun Bae Kim & Ramon Moreno
1994, Issue dec9
- 42 The development of stock markets in China
by James R. Booth & Lena Chua
1994, Issue dec30
- 44 Gradualism and Chinese financial reforms
by Mark M. Spiegel
1994, Issue dec23
- 43 Effects of California migration
by Joe P. Mattey
1994, Issue aug5
- 27 A primer on monetary policy. Part 1, goals and instruments
by Carl E. Walsh
1994, Issue aug19
- 28 A primer on monetary policy. Part II, targets and indicators
by Carl E. Walsh
1994, Issue apr8
- 14 Measuring the gains from international portfolio diversification
by Kenneth Kasa
1994, Issue apr29
- 17 California recession and recovery
by Brian A. Cromwell
1994, Issue apr22
- 16 California banks playing catch-up
by Frederick T. Furlong & Jennifer Soller
1994, Issue apr15
- 15 Interstate banking in the West
by Frederick T. Furlong
1994, Issue apr1
- 13 Monetary policy in a low inflation regime
by Timothy Cogley
1993, Issue sep3
- 29 Bank lending and the transmission of monetary policy
by Bharat Trehan
1993, Issue sep22
- 32 Adequate's not good enough
by Frederick T. Furlong
1993, Issue sep17
- 31 The Federal budget deficit, saving and investment, and growth
by Adrian W. Throop
1993, Issue sep10
- 30 Summer special edition: touring the West
by Brian A. Cromwell
1993, Issue oct8
- 34 California's neighborhood
by Brian A. Cromwell
1993, Issue oct29
- 37 Regional comparative advantage
by Ronald H. Schmidt
1993, Issue oct22
- 36 Difficult times for Japanese agencies and branches
by Gary C. Zimmerman
1993, Issue oct15
- 35 Inflation, interest rates, and seasonality
by Andrew R. Biehl & John P. Judd
1993, Issue oct1
- 33 Have recessions become shorter?
by Chan Guk Huh
1993, Issue nov5
- 38 Real interest rates
by Bharat Trehan
1993, Issue nov26
- 41 Are world incomes converging?
by Ramon Moreno
1993, Issue nov19
- 40 NAFTA and the western economy
by Ronald H. Schmidt & Carolyn Sherwood-Call
1993, Issue nov12
- 39 A Pacific economic bloc: is there such an animal?
by Jeffrey A. Frankel & Shang-Jin Wei
1993, Issue may7
- 18 European exchange rate credibility before the fall: the case of sterling
by Andrew K. Rose
1993, Issue may28
- 21 Federal Reserve independence and the Accord of 1951
by Carl E. Walsh
1993, Issue may21
- 20 Western metal mining
by Ronald H. Schmidt
1993, Issue may14
- 19 Computers and productivity
by Ronald H. Schmidt
1993, Issue mar5
- 09 A single market for Europe?
by Reuven Glick & Michael M. Hutchison
1993, Issue mar26
- 12 Interest rate spreads as indicators for monetary policy
by Chan Guk Huh
1993, Issue mar19
- 11 On the changing composition of bank portfolios
by Jonathan A. Neuberger
1993, Issue mar12
- 10 Risks in the swaps market
by Elizabeth Laderman
1993, Issue jun4
- 22 China on the fast track
by Hang-Sheng Cheng
1993, Issue jun24
- 24 NAFTA and U.S. jobs
by Ramon Moreno
1993, Issue jun18
- 23 Interdependence: U.S. and Japanese real interest rates
by Michael M. Hutchison
1993, Issue jul23
- 26 Interest rate risk at U.S. commercial banks
by Jonathan A. Neuberger
1993, Issue jul16
- 25 Japan's keiretsu and Korea's chaebol
by Chan Guk Huh & Sun Bae Kim
1993, Issue jan8
- 02 The recession, the recovery, and the productivity slowdown
by Timothy Cogley
1993, Issue jan29
- 04 Competitive forces and profit persistence in banking
by Mark E. Levonian
1993, Issue jan22
- 03 U.S. banking turnaround
by Gary C. Zimmerman
1993, Issue jan1
- 01 An alternative strategy for monetary policy
by John P. Judd & Brian Motley
1993, Issue feb5
- 05 The sources of the growth slowdown
by Brian Motley
1993, Issue feb26
- 08 Saving-investment linkages in the Pacific Basin
by Sun Bae Kim
1993, Issue feb19
- 07 The Twelfth District agricultural outlook
by Stephen O. Dean
1993, Issue feb12
- 06 GDP fluctuations: permanent or temporary?
by Ramon Moreno
1993, Issue dec31
- 44 Inflation and growth
by Brian Motley
1993, Issue dec3
- 42 Monetary policy and long-term real interest rates
by Timothy Cogley
1993, Issue dec17
- 43 Banks and mutual funds
by Elizabeth Laderman
1993, Issue aug8
- 27 Whither California?
by Carolyn Sherwood-Call
1993, Issue aug20
- 28 Economic impacts of military base closings and realignments
by Carolyn Sherwood-Call
1993, Issue apr9
- 14 Why has employment grown so slowly?
by Bharat Trehan
1993, Issue apr30
- 17 Is banking on the brink? another look
by Mark E. Levonian
1993, Issue apr23
- 16 California banking problems
by Gary C. Zimmerman
1993, Issue apr2
- 13 The lonesome twin
by Adrian W. Throop
1993, Issue apr16
- 15 Interpreting the term structure of interest rates
by Timothy Cogley
1992, Issue sep4
- 30 Money, credit, and M2
by John P. Judd & Bharat Trehan