- 3-35 How humans behave: implications for economics and economic policy
by Richard W. Kopcke & Jane Sneddon Little & Geoffrey M. B. Tootell - 37-62 College completion gaps between blacks and whites: what accounts for regional differences
by Yolanda Kodrzycki - 63-85 Stock prices and the equity premium during the recent bull and bear markets
by Richard W. Kopcke & Matt Rutledge
- 3-18 Inside and outside bounds: threshold estimates of the Phillips curve
by Michelle L. Barnes & Giovanni P. Olivei - 19-30 Network externalities in the market for electronic check payments
by Joanna Stavins - 31-50 Margin requirements across equity-related instruments: how level is the playing field?
by Peter Fortune
2002, Issue Q 4
- 3-18 Education in the 21st century: meeting the challenges of a changing world
by Yolanda Kodrzycki - 19-40 Security loans at banks and nonbanks: Regulation U
by Peter Fortune - 41-74 Women's labor market involvement and family income mobility when marriages end
by Katharine L. Bradbury & Jane Katz
2002, Issue Q 3
- 3-16 Who uses electronic check products: a look at depository institutions
by Joanna Stavins - 17-33 Interstate fiscal disparity in 1997
by Robert Tannenwald - 19-31 Effect of consumer characteristics on the use of payment instruments
by Joanna Stavins - 35-53 The evolution of regional manufacturing employment: gross job flows within and between firms and industries
by Scott Schuh & Robert K. Triest
2002, Issue Q 2
- 3-9 The practice of central banking in other industrialized countries
by Richard W. Kopcke - 11-12 Foreign exchange swaps
by Leonardo Bartolini - 13-17 Australia's approach to monetary policy
by Jane Sneddon Little - 19-23 Canada's approach to monetary policy
by Jane Sneddon Little - 25-28 The European Central Bank and the Eurosystem
by Carol C. Bertaut - 29-32 Criteria for central bank assets: lessons from pre-ECB Germany
by William R. Nelson - 33-34 Criteria for central bank assets: lessons from pre-ECB France
by William R. Nelson - 35-38 Monetary policy in pre-ECB Italy
by Leonardo Bartolini - 39-43 Japan's approach to monetary policy
by Giovanni P. Olivei - 45-49 Norway's approach to monetary policy
by Giovanni P. Olivei - 51-55 Sweden's approach to monetary policy
by Jane Sneddon Little - 57-60 Switzerland's approach to monetary policy
by Giovanni P. Olivei - 61-64 The Bank of England's monetary policy
by Geoffrey M. B. Tootell
2002, Issue Q 1
- 3-18 Exchange rates and the prices of manufacturing products imported into the United States
by Giovanni P. Olivei - 19-46 Education and wages in the 1980s and 1990s: are all groups moving up together?
by Katharine L. Bradbury - 47-68 The impact of demographic change on U. S. labor markets
by Jane Sneddon Little & Robert K. Triest
- 3-11 The evolution of monetary policy and the Federal Reserve System over the past thirty years: an overview
by Lynn E. Browne - 3-18 Does Japan offer any lessons for the United States?
by Lynn E. Browne - 3-25 Margin lending and stock market volatility
by Peter Fortune - 3-39 The performance of traditional macroeconomic models of businesses' investment spending
by Richard S. Brauman & Richard W. Kopcke - 13-34 Migration of recent college graduates: evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
by Yolanda Kodrzycki - 27-43 Are state and local revenue systems becoming obsolete?
by Robert Tannenwald - 33-56 U.S. monetary policy in an integrating world: 1960 to 2000
by Richard N. Cooper & Jane Sneddon Little - 35-56 An evaluation of recent macroeconomic forecast errors
by Scott Schuh - 41-58 Investment and employment by manufacturing plants
by Richard W. Kopcke & Geoffrey M. B. Tootell & Robert K. Triest
2000, Issue Sep
- 3-18 Recent developments in U.S. energy markets: a background note
by Jane Sneddon Little - 19-44 Margin requirements, margin loans, and margin rates: practice and principles
by Peter Fortune - 45-62 Implications of the globalization of the banking sector: the Latin American experience
by Joe Peek & Eric Rosengren
2000, Issue Nov
- 3-16 Building an infrastructure for financial stability: an overview
by John S. Jordan & Eric Rosengren - 21-30 Use of value at risk by institutional investors
by Katerina Simons - 31-43 Has the stock market become too narrow?
by Richard W. Kopcke
2000, Issue May
- 3-33 Rising tide in the labor market: to what degree do expansions benefit the disadvantaged?
by Katharine L. Bradbury - 35-40 Discouraged and other marginally attached workers: evidence on their role in the labor market
by Yolanda Kodrzycki - 41-56 The neutrality of Massachusetts' taxation of financial institutions
by Robert Tannenwald
2000, Issue Mar
- 3-14 Consumption risk-sharing across G-7 countries
by Giovanni P. Olivei - 15-28 Depositor discipline at failing banks
by John S. Jordan - 29-44 Role of firms in job creation and destruction in U.S. manufacturing
by Scott Schuh & Robert K. Triest
2000, Issue Jul
- 3-14 The role of savings and investment in balancing the current account: some empirical evidence from the United States
by Giovanni P. Olivei - 15-30 Credit card borrowing, delinquency, and personal bankruptcy
by Joanna Stavins - 31-57 National and regional housing patterns
by Lynn E. Browne
2000, Issue Jan
- 3-12 Failures in risk management
by Ralph C. Kimball - 13-24 ATM fees: does bank size matter?
by Joanna Stavins - 25-40 New England's educational advantage: past successes and future prospects
by Yolanda Kodrzycki
1999, Issue Sep
- 3-19 Are stock returns different over weekends? a jump diffusion analysis of the \"weekend effect\"
by Peter Fortune - 21-32 Using bank supervisory data to improve macroeconomic forecasts
by Joe Peek & Eric Rosengren & Geoffrey M. B. Tootell - 33-52 Job creation and destruction in Massachusetts: gross flows among industries
by Katharine L. Bradbury - 53-84 Why the interest in reforming the International Monetary System?
by Jane Sneddon Little & Giovanni P. Olivei
1999, Issue Nov
- 3-24 Rethinking the International Monetary System: an overview
by Jane Sneddon Little & Giovanni P. Olivei - 29-40 Should U.S. investors invest overseas?
by Katerina Simons - 41-53 New England as the twenty-first century approaches: no time for complacency
by Patricia M. Flynn & Ross J. Gittell & Norman H. Sedgley
1999, Issue May
- 3-20 U.S economic performance: good fortune, bubble, or new era?
by Lynn E. Browne - 21-37 Currency boards: once and future monetary regimes?
by Richard W. Kopcke - 39-53 Pricing bank stocks: the contribution of bank examinations
by John S. Jordan
1999, Issue Mar
- 3-14 Checking accounts: what do banks offer and what do consumers value?
by Joanna Stavins - 15-40 New ways of evaluating state unemployment insurance
by Wei-Jang Huang & Christopher J. O'Leary & Robert Tannenwald - 41-64 Gross job flows between plants and industries
by John Haltiwanger & Scott Schuh
1999, Issue Jul
- 3-25 Fiscal disparity among the States revisited
by Robert Tannenwald - 27-47 Geographic shifts in higher education
by Yolanda Kodrzycki - 49-76 New data on worker flows during business cycles
by Hoyt Bleakley & Ann E. Ferris & Jeffrey C. Fuhrer
1999, Issue Jan
- 3-24 Inflation-indexed bonds: the dog that didn't bark
by Ralph C. Kimball & Richard W. Kopcke - 25-36 Japanese banking problems: implications for lending in the United States
by Joe Peek & Eric Rosengren - 37-49 Is inflation dead?
by Roger E. Brinner
1998, Issue Sep
- 3-32 Inflation, asset markets, and economic stabilization: lessons from Asia
by Lynn E. Browne & Rebecca Hellerstein & Jane Sneddon Little - 33-48 Risk-adjusted performance of mutual funds
by Katerina Simons - 49-62 Resolving a banking crisis: what worked in New England
by John S. Jordan
1998, Issue Nov
- 3-24 Beyond shocks: what causes business cycles? an overview
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer & Scott Schuh - 25-40 Primer on U.S. stock price indices
by Peter Fortune - 41-68 Effects of employer-provided severance benefits on reemployment outcomes
by Yolanda Kodrzycki
1998, Issue May/June
1998, Issue May
- 1-12 Devolution: the new federalism, an overview
by Robert Tannenwald - 13-40 The devolution tortoise and the centralization hare
by John Kincaid - 53-73 Come the devolution, will states be able to respond?
by Robert Tannenwald
1998, Issue Mar
- 3-12 European Monetary Union
by Michael W. Klein - 13-26 Has antitrust policy in banking become obsolete?
by Katerina Simons & Joanna Stavins - 27-36 The evolution of bank lending to small business
by Joe Peek & Eric Rosengren
1998, Issue Jul
- 3-20 School quality and Massachusetts enrollment shifts in the context of tax limitations
by Katharine L. Bradbury & Karl E. Case & Christopher J. Mayer - 21-33 Globalization and U.S. inflation
by Geoffrey M. B. Tootell - 35-53 Economic profit and performance measurement in banking
by Ralph C. Kimball
1998, Issue Jan
- 3-22 Mutual funds, part II: fund flows and security returns
by Peter Fortune - 23-38 Problem loans at New England banks, 1989 to 1992: evidence of aggressive loan policies
by John S. Jordan - 39-50 Fiscal pressures and the privatization of local services
by Yolanda Kodrzycki
1997, Issue Sep
- 3-19 Shifts in the Beveridge Curve, job matching, and labor market dynamics
by Hoyt Bleakley & Jeffrey C. Fuhrer - 21-40 Are stocks overvalued?
by Richard W. Kopcke - 41-50 How well capitalized are well-capitalized banks?
by Joe Peek & Eric Rosengren
1997, Issue Nov
- 3-16 Social security reform: an overview
by Robert K. Triest - 17-28 Model error
by Katerina Simons - 29-50 Are we investing too little?
by Lynn E. Browne & Rebecca Hellerstein - 51-73 Specialization, risk, and capital in banking
by Ralph C. Kimball
1997, Issue May
- 3-22 Unemployment insurance policy in New England: background and issues
by Christopher J. O'Leary & Robert Tannenwald - 23-38 Innovations in performance measurement in banking
by Ralph C. Kimball - 39-57 Training programs for displaced workers: what do they accomplish?
by Yolanda Kodrzycki
1997, Issue Mar
- 1-12 Effects of state and local public policies on economic development: an overview
by Katharine L. Bradbury & Yolanda Kodrzycki & Robert Tannenwald - 13-36 Theories of interjurisdictional competition
by Daphne A. Kenyon - 37-52 Taxation and economic development: the state of the economic literature
by Michael Wasylenko - 53-82 Effects of state and local public services on economic development
by Ronald C. Fisher - 83-108 State regulatory policy and economic development
by Robert Tannenwald - 109-138 Tax and spending incentives and enterprise zones
by Peter S. Fisher
1997, Issue Jul
- 3-16 Insiders' assessments of the stock market's pricing of New England banks
by John S. Jordan - 17-26 Popular myths about the world economy
by Norman S. Fieleke - 27-44 A comparison of social costs and benefits of paper check presentment and ECP with truncation
by Joanna Stavins - 45-72 Mutual funds, part I: reshaping the American financial system
by Peter Fortune
1997, Issue Jan
- 3-17 Regional differences in family poverty
by Robert K. Triest - 19-36 Central bank independence and inflation targeting: monetary policy paradigms for the next millenium?
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer - 37-47 Have borrower concentration limits encouraged bank consolidation?
by Joe Peek & Eric Rosengren - 49-65 How farsighted is the FOMC?
by Geoffrey M. B. Tootell
1996, Issue Sep
- 3-13 Value at risk: new approaches to risk management
by Katerina Simons - 15-27 The saving mystery, or where did the money go?
by Lynn E. Browne & Joshua Gleason - 29-48 Do municipal bond yields forecast tax policy?
by Peter Fortune - 49-58 The use of capital ratios to trigger intervention in problem banks: too little, too late
by Joe Peek & Eric Rosengren
1996, Issue Nov
- 3-25 Technology and growth: an overview
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer & Jane Sneddon Little - 27-37 Unilateral international transfers: unrequited and generally unheeded
by Norman S. Fieleke - 39-51 Regional housing supply and credit constraints
by Christopher J. Mayer & C. Tsuriel Somerville
1996, Issue May
- 1-10 Spatial and labor market contributions to earnings inequality: an overview
by Katharine L. Bradbury & Yolanda Kodrzycki & Christopher J. Mayer - 11-25 Labor markets and earnings inequality : a status report
by Yolanda Kodrzycki - 26-40 Does location matter?
by Christopher J. Mayer - 41-64 Spatial effects upon employment outcomes: the case of New Jersey teenagers
by Katherine M. O'Regan & John M. Quigley - 65-86 Spatial factors and the employment of blacks at the firm level
by Harry J. Holzer & Keith R. Ihlanfeldt - 87-114 Equality of education opportunity revisited
by John F. Kain & Kraig Singleton - 115-138 Is the market for college graduates headed for a bust? Demand and supply responses to rising college wage premiums
by John H. Bishop - 139-156 Technology and skill requirements: implications for establishment wage structures
by Peter Cappelli - 157-172 Labor market institutions and earnings inequality
by Richard B. Freeman - y:1996:i:may Earnings inequality: proceedings of a symposium on spatial and labor market contributions to earnings inequality, held on November 17, 1995
by anonymous
1996, Issue Mar
- 3-15 How do changes in military spending affect the economy? Evidence from state-level data
by Mark A. Hooker - 17-40 Anomalies in option pricing: the Black-Scholes model revisited
by Peter Fortune - 41-60 International capital movements: how shocking are they?
by Norman S. Fieleke
1996, Issue Jul
- 3-26 Laid-off workers in a time of structural change
by Yolanda Kodrzycki - 27-42 Risk and the capital of insurance companies
by Richard W. Kopcke - 43-54 Can demand elasticities explain sticky credit card rates?
by Joanna Stavins - 55-82 Growing inequality of family incomes: changing families and changing wages
by Katharine L. Bradbury
1996, Issue Jan
- 3-21 U.S. regional trade with Canada during the transition to free trade
by Jane Sneddon Little - 23-38 State business tax climate: how should it be measured and how important is it?
by Robert Tannenwald - 39-50 CEO incentive contracts, monitoring costs, and corporate performance
by Stacey Tevlin
1995, Issue Sep
- 3-25 Managing risk in the 90's: what should you be asking about derivatives?
by Cathy E. Minehan & Katerina Simons - 27-38 Antitrust policy and vertical mergers
by James W. Meehan & Eric Rosengren - 39-52 Monetary policy and the behavior of long-term real interest rates
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer - 53-78 Mortgage lending in Boston: a response to the critics
by Lynn E. Browne & Geoffrey M. B. Tootell
1995, Issue Nov
- 3-11 Is bank lending important for the transmission of monetary policy? An overview
by Joe Peek & Eric Rosengren - 13-24 Firm strategies in the personal computer market: are established brands better off?
by Joanna Stavins - 25-36 The soaring trade in \"nontradables.\"
by Norman S. Fieleke - 37-65 Safety and soundness of financial intermediaries: capital requirements, deposit insurance, and monetary policy
by Richard W. Kopcke
1995, Issue May
- 3-14 The Uruguay round of trade negotiations: an overview
by Norman S. Fieleke - 15-24 Bank regulatory agreements in New England
by Joe Peek & Eric Rosengren - 25-40 The impact of employer payments for health insurance and social security on the premium for education and earnings inequality
by Jane Sneddon Little - 41-60 Differences across First District banks in operational efficiency
by Robert Tannenwald
1995, Issue Mar
- 3-23 The costs of defense-related layoffs in New England
by Yolanda Kodrzycki - 24-40 The housing cycle in Eastern Massachusetts: variations among cities and towns
by Karl E. Case & Christopher J. Mayer - 41-56 The Phillips curve is alive and well
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer - 57-70 The Lowell high-tech success story: what went wrong?
by Patricia M. Flynn & Ross J. Gittell
1995, Issue Jul
- 3-11 Uruguay Round of trade negotiations: industrial and geographic effects in the U.S
by Norman S. Fieleke - 13-23 Assessment of the \"official\" economic forecasts
by Stephen K. McNees - 25-46 Stocks, bonds, options, futures, and portfolio insurance: a rose by any other name
by Peter Fortune
1995, Issue Jan
- 3-16 The persistence of inflation and the cost of disinflation
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer - 17-28 Interest rate derivatives and asset-liability management by commercial banks
by Katerina Simons - 29-57 Financial innovation and standards for the capital of insurance companies
by Richard W. Kopcke
1994, Issue Sep
- 3-15 Goals, guidelines, and constraints facing monetary policymakers: an overview
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer - 17-30 The International Monetary Fund 50 years after Bretton Woods
by Norman S. Fieleke - 31-44 Restructuring, the NAIRU, and the Phillips curve
by Geoffrey M. B. Tootell - 45-60 New England job changes during the recession: the role of self-employment
by Katharine L. Bradbury
1994, Issue May
- 3-16 Yield curve forecasts of inflation: a cautionary tale
by Stephen R. Blough - 17-30 Technology life cycles and state economic development strategies
by Patricia M. Flynn - 31-46 Privatization of local public services: lessons for New England
by Yolanda Kodrzycki - 47-58 Gifts for home purchase and housing market behavior
by Gary V. Engelhardt & Christopher J. Mayer
1994, Issue Mar
- 3-14 Safeguarding the banking system in an environment of financial cycles: an overview
by Richard E. Randall - 15-26 A new look at reverse mortgages: potential market and institutional constraints
by Christopher J. Mayer & Katerina Simons - 27-39 International capital transactions: should they be restricted?
by Norman S. Fieleke - 40-51 A decade of boom and bust in the prices of single-family homes: Boston and Los Angeles, 1983 to 1993
by Karl E. Case & Robert J. Shiller
1994, Issue Jul
- 3-32 The regional impact of health care reform - with a focus on New England
by Michael D. Jud & Jane Sneddon Little - 33-44 Diversity, uncertainty, and accuracy of inflation forecasts
by Lauren K. Fine & Stephen K. McNees - 45-64 The geographic boundaries of New England's middle-lending markets
by Robert Tannenwald - 65-73 50 years after Bretton Woods: what is the future for the international monetary system?
by Rachel E. Cononi & Rebecca Hellerstein
1994, Issue Jan
- 3-8 The Fed must continue to supervise banks
by Richard F. Syron - 9-30 A panel study of investment: sales, cash flow, the cost of capital, and leverage
by Mark M. Howrey & Richard W. Kopcke - 31-49 Massachusetts' tax competitiveness
by Robert Tannenwald - 50-68 School district spending and state aid: why disparities persist
by Katharine L. Bradbury
1993, Issue Sep
- 3-12 Shifting patterns of regional employment and unemployment: a note
by Katharine L. Bradbury - 13-32 Banks' venture into real estate: high rollers, or lemmings?
by Lynn E. Browne - 33-44 What inflation policy do American voters want, and do they get it?
by Daniel J. Richards - 45-51 Defaults, denials, and discrimination in mortgage lending
by Geoffrey M. B. Tootell
1993, Issue Nov
- 3-17 Tax reform in newly emerging market economies
by Yolanda Kodrzycki - 18-32 Commodity prices, the term structure of interest rates, and exchange rates: useful indicators for monetary policy?
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer - 33-44 Business failures in New England
by William James Adams & Joe Peek & Eric Rosengren - 45-55 Input tariffs as a way to deal with dumping
by Susan E. Skeath
1993, Issue May
- 3-12 Lessons from the Rhode Island banking crisis
by Thomas E. Pulkkinen & Eric Rosengren - 13-35 Lessons from New England bank failures
by Richard E. Randall - 39-50 Taxes, income distribution, and the real estate cycle: why all houses do not appreciate at the same rate
by Christopher J. Mayer
1993, Issue Mar
- 3-24 Stock market crashes: what have we learned from October 1987?
by Peter Fortune