December 2007, Volume 57, Issue 11-12
- 577-594 Why and How to Assess Inflation-Target Fulfillment
by Jan Filáèek
October 2007, Volume 57, Issue 9-10
- 414-432 Determinants of Exchange-Rate Volatility: The Case of the New EU Members
by Juraj Stanèík - 433-447 Trade Creation and Diversion in the Enlarged EU Market: Evidence for Agricultural Trade in Slovakia
by Dusan Drabik & Jan Pokrivcak & Pavel Ciaian - 448-464 Foreign Direct Investment, Corporate Finance, and the Life Cycle of Investment
by Adam GERŠL & Michal HLAVACEK - 465-476 Cobb-Douglas Production Function: The Case of a Converging Economy
by Dana Hájková & Jaromír Hurník
September 2007, Volume 57, Issue 7-8
- 304-323 The EU Budget Dispute – A Blessing in Disguise?
by Ondrej Schneider - 324-340 The Impact of EU Regional Support on Growth and Employment
by Sandy Dall’erba & Julie Le Gallo - 341-362 Financial Integration of Stock Markets among New EU Member States and the Euro Area
by Ian Babetskii & Luboš Komárek & Zlatuše Komárková - 363-381 Pick Your Poison: The Exchange Rate Regime and Capital Account Volatility in Emerging Markets
by Shigeru Iwata & Evan Tanner - 382-399 An Endogenous Attitude to Firms’ Risk Aversion: A Model
by Michal Bauer
August 2007, Volume 57, Issue 5-6
- 200-224 The Banking Sector in New EU Member Countries: A Sectoral Financial Flows Analysis (in English)
by Evžen Koèenda & Jan Hanousek & Peter Ondko - 225-234 Vulnerability to Shocks in EMU: 1991–2004 (in English)
by Oscar Bajo-Rubio & Carmen Díaz-Roldán - 235-254 Information Efficiency of the Capital Market: a Stochastic Calculus Approach Evidence from the Czech Republic (in English)
by Vít Pošta & Zbynìk Hackl - 255-271 Occupational Gender Segregation in the Czech Republic (in English)
by Štìpán Jurajda & Michal Franta - 272-291 Organized Labor and Restructuring: Coal Mining in the Czech Republic and Romania (in English)
by Jan Bruha & Delia Ionascu & Byeongju Jeong
June 2007, Volume 57, Issue 3-4
- 102-125 Structural and Cyclical Unemployment: What Can Be Derived from the Matching Function? (in English)
by Kamil Galušèák & Daniel Münich - 142-158 The Determinants of Corporate Debt Maturity Structure: Evidence from Czech Firms (in English)
by Pavel Körner - 159-177 Croatian and Slovenian Mutual Funds and Bosnian Investments Funds (in English)
by Boris Podobnik & Vanco Balen & Timotej Jagric & Marko Kolanovic
March 2007, Volume 57, Issue 1-2
- 5-26 Systemic Loss: A Measure of Financial Stability (in English)
by Martin CIHAK - 27-40 Foreign Banks, Foreign Lending and Cross-Border Contagion: Evidence from the BIS Data (in English)
by Adam GERŠL - 41-59 New Approaches to Stress Testing the Czech Banking Sector (in English)
by Martin ÈIHÁK & Jaroslav HEØMÁNEK & Michal HLAVÁÈEK - 60-78 Macroeconomic Environment and Credit Risk (in English)
November 2006, Volume 56, Issue 11-12
- 490-505 The Demographic Challenge of the Interconnected Education and Pension System in the Czech Republic
by Sergey SLOBODYAN & Viatcheslav VINOGRADOV - 506-521 A Dynamic Accumulation Model for the Second Pillar of the Slovak Pension System
by Soòa KILIÁNOVÁ & Igor MELICHERÈÍK & Daniel ŠEVÈOVIÈ - 522-533 Recent Publication Productivity of Czech Economists
by Daniel MÜNICH - 534-551 Which Explains Stock Return Co-movement better, Corporate Governance or Corporate Transparency? Evidence from R2 (in English)
by Haksoon KIM
September 2006, Volume 56, Issue 09-10
- 398-415 Testing the Effectiveness of the Czech National Bank’s Foreign-Exchange Interventions
by Adam Geršl - 416-434 An Analysis of the Cost of the Supporting and Guarantee Agricultural and Forestry Fund (SGAFF) in the Czech Republic
by Karel JANDA - 435-446 An Optimal Linear Income Tax with a Subsidy on Housing
by Irene Perrote - 447-468 Long Memory on the German Stock Exchange
by Henryk GURGUL & Tomasz WÓJTOWICZ
July 2006, Volume 56, Issue 7-8
- 298-317 Generational Accounts in the Czech Republic (in English)
by Kamil Dybczak - 318-343 Macroeconomic Factors and the Balanced Value of the Czech Koruna/Euro Exchange Rate (in English)
by Jan Brùha & Alexis Derviz - 344-360 World Equity Markets: A New Approach for Segmentation (in English)
by José Dias Curto & José Castro Pinto & Joao Eduardo Fernandes - 361-379 Model Dependency of the Digital Option Replication – Replication under an Incomplete Model (in English)
by Tomáš Tichý
May 2006, Volume 56, Issue 5-6
- 202-222 Capital Flows to Transition Economies: Master or Servant? (in English)
by Leslie LIPSCHITZ & Timothy LANE & Alex MOURMOURAS - 223-245 Trading Intensity and Intraday Volatility on the Prague Stock Exchange: Evidence from an Autoregressive Conditional Duration Model (in English)
by Filip Zikes & Vít Bubák - 246-257 Driving Forces of Inflation in New EU Countries (in English)
by Emil STAVREV - 258-277 The Day-of-the-Week Effect on Stock-Market Volatility and Return: Evidence from Emerging Markets (in English)
by Yeliz Yalcin & Eray M. Yycel
March 2006, Volume 56, Issue 3-4
- 102-126 Is One Watchdog Better than Three? International Experience with Integrated Financial-Sector Supervision (in English)
by Martin Èihák & Richard Podpiera - 127-151 Estimating the Evolution of Tax Evasion: A Markov Chain Analysis Applied to the Czech Republic (in Czech)
by Jan Hanousek & Filip Palda - 152-167 Credit-Scoring Methods (in English)
by Martin Vojtek & Evžen Koèenda - 168-177 A Behavioural Finance Explanation of a Gearing-ß Inverse Association Referencing Weill’s Liquidity Result (in English)
by Edward J. Lusk & Michael HALPERIN & Li Yue
January 2006, Volume 56, Issue 1-2
- 2-17 Income Taxes and Social Benefits among Czech Employees - Changes since 1989 and a Cross-national Comparison (in English)
by Jiøí Veèerník - 18-39 Political Pressure on Central Banks: The Case of the Czech National Bank (in English)
by Adam Geršl - 40-57 Exchange-Rate Regimes in Slovakia and the New EU Member States (in Slovak)
by Jarko Fidrmuc & Matúš Senaj - 58-68 Implications of Dividend Announcements for the Stock Prices and Trading Volumes of DAX Companies (in English)
by Henryk Gurgul & Pawe³ Majdosz & Roland Mestel - 69-79 Seasonality and Non-Trading Effect on Central European Stock Markets (in English)
by Filip Žikeš & Vít Bubák
November 2005, Volume 55, Issue 11-12
- 518-530 The World is Watching: Rankings of Czech and Slovak Economics Departments (in English)
by Martin Gregor & Ondrej Schneider - 531-545 Institutional Research Capital and Individual Performance of Economists in the CR (in Czech)
by František Turnovec - 546-562 The State of Economic Research in Slovakia (in Slovak)
by Pavel Ciaian & Ján Pokrivèák & Miroslava Rajcaniová - 563-577 Publish or Perish? On the Importance of Publishing on the Economic Sciences Tenure-track in the CR (in Czech)
by Martin Macháèek & Eva Kolcunová - 578-594 What the GDP Indicator Does Not Reveal in Economic Analyses (in English)
by Rùžena Vintrová
September 2005, Volume 55, Issue 9-10
- 418-440 Stress Testing of Banking Systems (in English)
by Martin Èihák - 441-459 Shareholder Democracy in the Czech Republic (in Czech)
by Jiøí Havel - 460-470 Skewness in Financial Returns: Evidence from the Portuguese Stock Market (in English)
by Carlos MACHADO-SANTOS & Ana Cristina FERNANDES - 471-482 Information Efficiency of Central Europe Stock Exchanges (in Czech)
by Karel Diviš & Petr Teplý - 483-505 Exchange-Rate Convergence and Entrance to the Eurozone III - Selected Problems of New Member States (in Czech)
by Zdenìk Èech & Roman Horváth & Luboš Komárek
July 2005, Volume 55, Issue 7-8
- 314-315 : Inflation Targeting, Expectations and Uncertainty in Monetary Policy (Guest editor’s summary) (in English)
by Jan Frait - 316-332 How Inflation Targeters (Can) Deal with Uncertainty
by Kateøina Šmídková - 333-343 Is the CNB Predictable?
by David Navrátil & Viktor Kotlán - 344-362 Do the Measurements of Financial Market Inflation Expectations Yield Relevant Macroeconomic Information?
by Martin Fukaè - 363-379 Determinants of Long-term Interest Rates in the Czech Republic
by Tomáš Holinka - 380-394 Inflation Expectations and Monetary Policy
by Jan Filáèek
May 2005, Volume 55, Issue 5-6
- 206-231 Liberalized Markets Have More Stable Exchange Rates: Short-Run Evidence from Four Transition Countries
by Aleš Bulíø - 232-252 Equilibrium Exchange Rate in the Czech Republic: How Good is the Czech BEER?
by Ian Babetskii & Balázs Égert - 253-266 Real Exchange Rates and Optimum Currency Areas: Evidence from Developed Economies
by Roman Horváth & Zuzana Kuèerová - 267-282 On the Empirics of the Non-neutrality of Money: Evidence from Developed Countries
by Petr Duczynski - 283-301 The Czech Equity Market - Its Effectiveness and Macroeconomic Consequences
by Helena Horská
March 2005, Volume 55, Issue 3-4
- 110-123 What Drives the Optimal Bankruptcy Law Design? (in English)
by Ondøej Knot & Ondøej Vychodil - 124-140 Why heavily indebted poor countries have failed to pay back their debt? An empirical investigation (in English)
by Menbere Workie Tiruneh - 141-161 Stock Prices and Exchange Rates in the EU and the United States: Evidence on their Mutual Interactions (in English)
by Daniel Stavárek - 162-187 Evaluation of Tax-Revenue Forecasts in the Czech Republic (in Czech)
by Jiøí Špalek & Dalibor Moravanský
January 2005, Volume 55, Issue 1-2
- 2-4 The Czech Labour Market: From “Success Story” to Painful Reality (in English)
by Vladislav FLEK - 5-24 The Labor Market in the Czech Republic: Trends, Policies, and Attitudes (in English)
by Vladislav Flek & Jiøí Veèerník - 25-40 Labor-Market Performance and Macroeconomic Policy: Time-Varying NAIRU in the Czech Republic (in English)
by Jaromír Hurník & David Navrátil - 41-53 Czech Labor Market Flows 1993-2003 (in English)
by Jaromír Gottvald - 54-67 Unemployment, Labour Marginalisation, and Deprivation (in English)
by Petr Mareš & Tomáš Sirovátka - 68-82 Regional Wage Adjustments and Unemployment: Estimating the Time-Varying Wage Curve (in English)
by Kamil Galušèák & Daniel Münich - 83-95 Czech Relative Wages and Returns to Schooling: Does the Short Supply of College Education Bite? (in English)
by Štìpán Jurajda
November 2004, Volume 54, Issue 11-12
- 478-499 Fully-Funded Pension System in a Converging Economy
by Jan Kubíèek - 500-519 The New Basel Capital Accord and Czech Banks
by Jaroslava Bauerová - 520-540 Credit and Household Consumption
by Renata Pašalièová & Vladimír Stiller - 541-559 An Analysis of Financial Performance Using the EVA Method
by Dana Dluhošová - 560-563 Privatization without the Capital (K. Kouba - O. Vychodil - J. Roberts) (in Czech)
by Lubomír Mlèoch - 564-567 The Evolutionary Analysis of Economic Policy (P. Pelikan - G. Wegner) (in Czech)
by Karek Kouba
September 2004, Volume 54, Issue 9-10
- 378-381 Economic Reforms in Slovakia
by Anton Marcinèin - 382-390 Tax Reform in Slovakia
by Radovan Chalupka - 391-404 Pension Reform in Slovakia: Fiscal Debt and Pension Levels
by Igor Melicherèík & Cyril Ungvarský - 405-419 Slovak Health-care Reform: Greater Privatization
by Anton Marcinèin & Peter Pažitný & Rudolf Zajac - 420-435 Agricultural Reform in Slovakia
by Pavel Ciaian & Jan Pokryvcak - 436-455 Firm Growth in Advanced Stages of Economic Transition: Evidence from Slovak Industry
by Ivana Studená - 456-472 The EU Factor and Slovak International Integration: the Role of Foreign Direct Investment
by Beata S. Javorcik & Bartolomiej Kaminski
July 2004, Volume 54, Issue 7-8
- 286-304 An Interpretation of Czech FX Options
by Pavel Bouc & Martin Cincibuch - 305-324 Replication Methods in the Pricing and Hedging of Barrier Options
by Tichý Tomáš - 325-334 Defection of Traditional Standard Deviation Scaling of Capital Asset Returns
by Vladimír Gazda & Karel Koøený & Tomáš Výrost - 335-354 Contributions to Inflation and Deflation in Today?s Market Economy
by Zbynìk Revenda - 355-356 The Nobel Prize Laureates, 2003
by Luboš Komárek - 357-360 Institutions and Responsibility. On the Philosophy of Economic Science (V. Klusoò) (in Czech)
by Lubomír Mlèoch
May 2004, Volume 54, Issue 5-6
- 190-201 The Impact of the Regime-Shift Premium on Forward Interest Rates and Inflation Expectations in the Czech Republic (in Czech)
by Tomáš Holinka & Vladimír Stiller - 202-233 Demand for Fuel and its Consequences for Indirect Taxation: A Microeconomic View
by Michal Slavík - 234-242 What Determines Leverage in Transition Countries?
by Laurent Weill - 243-251 On the Desirability of Coordinated Supply-side Intervention: Does a Monetary Union Matter?
by Carmen Díaz-Roldán - 252-266 Is Dollarization the Right Option? Financial Fragility, Original Sin and Fear of Floating
by Roman Horváth - 267-269 Exchange Rate Regimes: Choices and Consequences (A. R. Ghosh ? A.-M. Gulde ? H. C. Wolf)
by Aleš Bulíø
March 2004, Volume 54, Issue 3-4
- 94-116 Foreign Exchange Intervention: The Theoretical Debate and the Czech Koruna Episode
by Adam Geršl - 117-137 The New ECB Governing Council Voting-Modalities Scheme: An Outside View
by Petr Procházka - 138-154 Economic Irrationality of the Donator Arising from his Low Confidence in Donation Recipient
by Jiøí Hlaváèek & Michal Hlaváèek - 155-170 A Brief History of the Czech Bond Market
by Anna Dvoøáková - 171-173 The Applied Econometrics: Theory and Praxis (Roman Hušek and Jan Pelikán) (in Czech)
by Jan Kodera
January 2004, Volume 54, Issue 1-2
- 2-21 Determinants of Capital Structure: Empirical Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Patrik Bauer - 22-49 Open-Ending of Closed-End Funds in the CR: Price and Discount Reaction - Empirical Evidence
by Jana Fajtová - 50-63 Hedging Strategies and Financial Risks
by Zdenìk Zmeškal - 64-67 Monetary Policy during Very Low Inflation
by Luboš Komárek - 68-71 World Finance and Economic Stability (J. Tobin) (in Czech)
by Martin Èihák - 72-74 Nothing Is Sacred: Economic Ideas for the New Millenium (R. J. Barro)
by Aleš Bulíø
December 2003, Volume 53, Issue 11-12
- 462-476 Fiscal Policy: Too Political?
by Petr Hedbávný & Ondøej Schneider - 477-509 Cyclically Adjusted Fiscal Balance: OECD and ESCB Methods
by Vladimír Bezdìk & Kamil Dybzcak & Aleš Kreidl - 510-538 A Microanalysis of Pension Reform: To Switch or Not to Switch in the Czech Republic?
by Michal Ježek - 539-561 Labor and Capital Taxation: Theory and Application in the Czech Republic (in Czech)
by Martin Salí & Ondrøej Schneider & Jan Zápal - 562-591 Fiscal Implications of Population Ageing
by Vladimír Bezdìk & Kamil Dybzcak & Aleš Kreidl
September 2003, Volume 53, Issue 9-10
- 371-373 Joining the EU - The Experience of Selected Current Members (in English)
by Jan Frait & Luboš Komárek - 374-393 East Germany, Central Europe, and the Risk of Real Convergence Overshooting
by Philipp Rother & Ralph Süppel - 394-412 Irish Economic Development over Three Decades of EU Membership
by Frank Berry - 413-429 The Path towards Economic and Monetary Integration: The Portuguese Experience
by Joao Amador - 430-448 Finnish Monetary and Foreign Exchange Policy on the Way towards the Euro
by Tapio Korhonen - 449-451 Banking System Stability
by Luboš Komárek
July 2003, Volume 53, Issue 7-8
- 282-213 Management and Regulation of Foreign Exchange Risk (in Czech)
by Zuzana Silberová - 316-333 Interest and Noninterest Profits and Profitability in the Czech Banking Sector (in Czech)
by Jaroslav Heømánek & Jiøí Podpiera - 334-355 Price Convergence: What Can the Balassa-Samuelson Model Tell Us? (in English)
by Martin Èihák & Tomáš Holub
May 2003, Volume 53, Issue 5-6
- 190-219 Public Debt Policy: Credibility and Institutions
by Petr Pavelek - 220-242 Inflation Targeting as a Stabilization Tool: Its Design and Performance in the Czech Republic
by Viktor Kotlán & David Navrátil - 243-260 Which Exchange-Rate Regime in the EMU Accession Period: An Empirical Analysis
by Ray Barrel & Dawn Holland & Kateøina Šmídková - 265-266 Exhaustion of Resources: 150 Years of One Economics Discussion
by Luboš Komárek - 267-269 The Nobel Memorial Prize Laureats 2002
by Luboš Komárek
March 2003, Volume 53, Issue 3-4
- 98-112 When to Join the Eurozone: An Empirical Analysis
by Ray Barrel & Dawn Holland & Kateøina Šmídková - 113-129 The Monetary Model of the Exchange Rate under High Inflation -The case of the Turkish Lira/US Dollar
by Irfan Civcir - 130-153 Sectoral Productivity and Real Exchange Rate Appreciation: Much Ado about Nothing?
by Vladislav Flek & Lenka Marková & Jiøí Podpiera - 154-168 Individual Decision-Making to Commit a Crime: A Survey of Early Models
by Roman Horváth & Eva Kolomazníková - 169-171 The Frontiers of New Institutional Economics (Eds.: John N. Drobak and John V. C. Nye) (in English)
by Aleš Bulíø - 172-173 2nd Annual Conference of the Czech Economic Association (in Czech)
by Luboš Komárek
January 2003, Volume 53, Issue 1-2
- 2-10 Exposé to the 2003 State Budget Discussion in the Czech Parliament
by Bohuslav Sobotka - 11-30 Understanding Long-Term Unemployment in the Czech Republic
by štìpán Jurajda & Daniel Münich - 31-59 Equilibrium Rent and Housing Policy Implications
by Martin Lux & Petr Sunega - 60-74 Structure of the Environmental Public Expenditure in the CR
by Miroslav Hájek - 75-84 Administrative Costs of Taxation in a Transition Country: The Case of Slovenia
by Maja Klun
December 2002, Volume 52, Issue 12
- 674-697 Mìøení kvality podnikatelského prostøedí ve støední Evropì
by Pavel Körner & Zdenìk Kudrna & Ondøej Vychodil - 698-718 Regulatornì stanovené postupy pro odhad oèekávaných ztrát v ÈR (a jejich vztah k regulatornì stanoveným postupùm pro odhad ztrát neoèekávaných)
by Lucie Kobzová - 719-739 Reálna a nominálna konvergencia slovenskej ekonomiky k priemeru EU
by Ivan Šujan & Milota Šujanová
October 2002, Volume 52, Issue 10
- 522-538 Exchange Rate Convergence and Entry to the Eurozone (II): A Comparison of Experiences from Member States of the European Union
by Zdenìk Èech & Luboš Komárek - 539-549 Deflace - definièní znak zdravé ekonomiky
by Josef Šíma - 550-569 Daòové zatížení jako konkurenèní faktor v mezinárodní soutìži ? Model asymetrických zemí v podmínkách monopolu
by Milan Sedmihradský - 566-569 Cílování inflace ? pouèení z mezinárodní zkušenosti
by Luboš Komárek - 570-572 Argentina - vzestupy a pády
by Roman Horváth & Luboš Komárek
September 2002, Volume 52, Issue 9
- 458-477 K pøíèinám mìnových krizí - empirie a teorie
by Mojmír Helísek - 478-501 Analýza diskrepancí v poptávce po penìzích domácností a firem v ÈR 1994?2000 ? èást II: firmy
by Martin Melecký - 502-514 Porovnání pøežívajících a zanikajících podnikù v èeské ekonomice na konci 90. let
by Jiøí Hlaváèek & Michal Hlaváèek
July 2002, Volume 52, Issue 7-8
- 386-407 Teorie optimálních mìnových zón: rámec k diskuzím o monetární integraci
by Roman Horváth & Luboš Komárek - 408-427 Hypotéza permanentního dùchodu a kupónová privatizace v ÈR
by Jan Hanousek & Zdenìk Tùma - 428-449 Analýza diskrepancí v poptávce po penìzích domácností a firem v ÈR 1994-2000 (èást I: domácnosti)
by Martin Melecký
June 2002, Volume 52, Issue 6
- 322-337 Kurzová konvergence a vstup do eurozóny (I) - komparace zkušeností kandidátských a èlenských zemí EU
by Zdenìk Èech & Luboš Komárek - 338-354 Vliv mìnové politiky na vývoj bankovních úvìrù
by Renata Pašalièová & Vladimír Stiller - 355-370 Vnitroodvìtvový obchod a vliv rozdílù ve velikosti zemí ? na pøípadu Slovinska a ÈR
by Stanislav Èernoša - 371-379 Teoretická analýza pøínosù environmentálních daní
by Jana Szomolányiová
May 2002, Volume 52, Issue 5
- 258-274 Makroekonomický model produktu neakcelerujícího inflaci
by Martin Fukaè & Osvald Vašíèek - 275-286 Odhad parametrù modelù ve stavovém tvaru
by Jan Vlèek - 287-306 Transmisní mechanizmus mìnové politiky na poèátku 3. tisíciletí
by Kateøina Šmídková - 307-309 Dlouhodobá nezamìstnanost a vstup ÈR do EU: Mùžeme se pouèit ze zkušeností Španìlska a Švédska?
by Luboš Komárek
April 2002, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 190-196 Èeská ekonomika v makroekonomických modelech
by Jan Frait & Luboš Komárek - 197-231 Støednìdobá makroekonomická predikce makroekonomické modely v analytickém systému ÈNB
by Jaromír Beneš & David Vávra & Jan Vlèek - 232-254 Èasová struktura úrokových sazeb a mìnová politika v malém makroekonomickém modelu
by Viktor Kotlán
March 2002, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 62-75 Z expozé ministra financí ÈR k návrhu státního rozpoètu ÈR na rok 2002
by Jiøí Rusnok - 76-89 Poptávka po penìzích v Èeské republice (M1)
by Mrtin Melecký - 90-101 Možný vliv èinnosti krajù na veøejné rozpoèty - Odhad zadlužení novì vzniklého stupnì samosprávy na základì francouzských dat a zkušeností
by Jaroslava Kypertová - 102-104 Morální hazard a výstup z bankovního sektoru
by Jan Frait - 106-114 Transformace a morální hazard
by Joseph E. Stiglitz
February 2002, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 23-35 Legitimita redistribuce: Èeská republika v mezinárodním srovnání
by Tomáš Sirovátka & Marie Valentová - 36-50 Využití mikrosimulaèního modelování v hodnocení redistribuèní funkce daní a sociálních dávek
by Petra Štìpánková
January 2002, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 2-3 Legitimita pøerozdìlování a jeho modelování (úvod)
by Jiøí Veèerník - 4-22 Pøerozdìlování pøíjmù danìmi a dávkami v ÈR: jeho promìny a reflexe po r. 1989 (plné znìní)
by Jiøí Veèerník
December 2001, Volume 51, Issue 12
- 614-617 Income Redistribution Via Taxes and Benefits (an introduction)
by Jiøí Veèerník - 618-638 The Tax System in the Czech Republic
by Chiara Bronchi & Andrew Burns - 639-657 Czech Social Security and Tax System and Their Impact on the Income Distribution
by Tomáš Jelínek & Ondøej Schneider - 658-675 Social Security and the Tax System in the CR: Recent History and Outlook
by Ladislav Prùša
November 2001, Volume 51, Issue 11
- 574-590 Value of Monetary Income in a Transition Economy
by Martin Cincibuch & David Vávra
October 2001, Volume 51, Issue 10
- 522-538 Exchange Rate Convergence and Entry to the Eurozone (II) A Comparison of Experiences from Member Stes of the European Union
by Zdenìk Èech & Luboš Komárek - 539-549 Deflation: An Underlying Feature of a Healthy Economy
by Josef Šíma - 550-565 Tax Burden and the Allocation of Investment in International Framework with Monopolistic Firms
by Milan Sedmihradský - 591-607 Interest Rates Time Structure and Domestic Bond Prices
by Michal Slavík
September 2001, Volume 51, Issue 9
- 450-471 Earnings Disparities in the CR: Evidence from the Nineties and a Cross-National Comparison
by Jiøí Veèerník - 472-487 Monetary Policy in the Czech Republic and EMU Accession
by Jiøí Jonáš - 488-506 The Role of Asset Prices in the Monetary Transmission Mechanism
by Michaela Skolková & Vladimír Stiller & Jan Syrovátka
July 2001, Volume 51, Issue 7
- 390-404 Industrial Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe
by Libor Krkoška - 405-416 How Widespread Is Informed Trading on the Czech Financial Market?
by Jan Hanousek & Richard Podpiera - 417-429 Cointegration Analysis of Foreign Trade in the Czech Republic, 1993-98
by Vladimír Tomšík - 430-432 The State of the Phillips Curve
by Luboš Komárek - 433-436 Economics of Communist and Capitalist Dictatorships (M. Olson)
by Aleš Bulíø - 437-439 The Conference ""Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance"" 2001
by David Trytko
June 2001, Volume 51, Issue 6
- 330-347 On the Way to European Union: Nominal and Real Convergence in Transition Countries
by Jan Frait & Luboš Komárek