January - June 2023, Volume 6
- 1 Service Dominant Logic Centered Brand Management
by Besjon Zenelaj - 1 The Impact of Standardization of Livestock Products on the Economy of Farmers and the Local Economy
by Eduina Guga & Veizi Zamira - 1 A Study on Key Retailing Strategies of Carrefour and Its Intervention Plan During the Pandemic (Covid-19): UAE
by Reema Bhalla & Bhalla Vivek
July-December 2023, Volume 6
- 2 The Public Expenditures and Economic Growth: DSGE model for Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Nikolina Bošnjak - 2 Organizational Conflict Management Challenges
by Natalia Kharadze & Gulia Ekaterine - 2 Tracking the New Demand for Justice in the Big Data Ecosystem
by Carmen Vargas Pérez & Figueroa Juan Luis Peñaloza - 2 Impact Evaluation of Indonesia Conditional Cash Transfer Program (BSM) on Student Achievement
by Rosinta Hotmaida Febrianti Purba - 2 Identifying Resilient and Non-Resilient Labour Conditions in Europe Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis
by Sandra Martínez Molina & Pavia Paula Sabater & Jorge Garcés Ferrer - 2 Purchasing Behavior: Empirical Analysis of Brand Factors Influencing Consumers of Bottled Water In Albania
by Kejsi Sulaj & Pfoertsch Waldemar - 2 Introducing New Modes of Organizational Collaboration: A Change Management Perspective
by Jan Graevenstein
January - June 2022, Volume 6
- 1 Challenges for the Bulgarian Companies in the Implementation of Sustainability Practices
by Ivan Dimitrov - 1 The Implementation of Accounting Information Systems for its Role in Marketing and Management Processes
by Brisejda Zenuni Ramaj & Pjero Elenica - 1 Diaspora Impact on Foreign Direct Investment: State Institutions on Diaspora Engagement
by Florenca Gjorduni - 1 Impact of Sustainability on the Strategic Direction of Luxury Companies
by Arno Böhnert & Blaschke Florian & Marcel Biewendt - 1 Marketing Study of Customer Loyalty in Georgia and Its Impact on Hospitality Business: Case of Imereti Region
by Maia Akhvlediani & Mushkudiani Zurab & Sopiko Mikabadze
April 2022, Volume 5
- 1 Navigating the World: Challenges within the Relocation Process - An Empirical Investigation
by J. Pretsch & Saretzki J. & A. Jernigan & D. Cantor - 1 Investment Strategy of Georgia as a Country of Transition Economy: Trends, Problems, Prospects
by Besik Bolkvadze - 1 How to Incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility into DNA of the Companies?
by Ayse Şahin - 1 Decision-Making Process in Foreign Investment Choices
by Marwan Al Quran
July - December 2022, Volume 5
- 2 Development of Internal Controls in Small and Medium Enterprises - Case of Albania
by Nertila Çika - 2 The Priorities of Georgian Economic Development in Conditions of Globalization
by Maia Chania & Putkaradze Ramaz - 2 Contribution of the Cointegration Theory to the Study of the Volatility of Financial Markets: Case of the Casablanca Stock Exchange
by Nabil Sifouh & Oubal Khadija & Sara Bayoud - 2 A Study on the Dynamic Relationship between Wealth Gap and Economic Growth in China
by Yugang He - 2 Communication Strategies Used in Corporate Facebook Pages and Motivations of Consumers for Following These Pages
by Gülçin İpek Emeksiz & Şimşek Ali - 2 Analysis on the Legal Mechanisms for Consumer Protection in the Comparative Right, the Role and Importance of these Legal Mechanisms in Kosovo
by Prof Dr Adnan Jashari & Vokshi Krenare - 2 Digital Strategies for Marketing Relationships with Customers
by Ralitsa Yaneva - 2 Interim Management and Organizational Support: Applications for the Human Resource Professional
by Robert S. Sterneck - 2 Measuring Sustainability of a Tourist Destination: Applying the Delphi Method to Build a System of Indicators
by Elgraini Mina & Charrass Abdelmajid - 2 A Survey on Loanwords and Borrowings and Their Role in the Reflection of Cultural Values and Democracy Development: the Armenian Paradigm
by Elina Stepanyan
July-December 2021, Volume 6
- 2 Introduction of a Systemic Innovation Management Model for Facilitating Process Innovation
by Marianne Schoorl & Kievit Pieter & Jeanette Oomes & Piet CM Bartels - 2 Career Options and Entrepreneurial Potential among Female Graduates: Motivations, Obstacles and Realities
by Ana Paula Marques - 2 Labour Resilience and Vulnerable Groups in Times of Crisis: A Comparative Study in Eleven European Countries
by Sandra Martínez Molina & Cotanda Elisa Valia & Jorge Garcés Ferrer - 2 Intergenerational Management Succession: Specificities of the Portuguese Family Business
by Ana Paula Marques & Couto Ana Isabel
April 2021, Volume 5
- 1 Initiating Financial Technology (Fintech) as an Innovation of Communication Technology on Credit Cooperatives in Indonesia
by Sugiyanto Sugiyanto & Setiawan Wawan Lulus - 1 Managing Workplace Anxiety during the Pandemic: A Pilot Study of Natural Imagery through 4 K Video and Virtual Reality
by Srini Pillay & Candela Patrick & Erik Christensen - 1 Outsourcing and the strategy of organizations in Mexico
by Luis Fernando Muñoz González & Arriaga Ana María Paredes - 1 Sustainability in the Companies Practices
by Stela Zhivkova - 1 Impacts of Workplace Factors on Employee Engagement in the Public Sector
by Yousef M. Alwahabi Alnuaimi - 1 Manufacturing Sino -Egyptian Commune as Smart Hackathon Project of Advertisement and Distributing Animation Products for Graduated Youth
by Dina Ali Mohamed El-Besomey
January - June 2021, Volume 4
- 1 Econometric Analysis of Local Community’s Perception Towards Protected Area Management: The Case of Borena-Saynt National Park, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia
by Temesgen Tessema Afirie & Assegu Mekonnen Getahun & Alemu Jemberu Ayalew - 1 Organizational Support to HRM in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis
by Iza Gigauri - 1 The Improvement of Retargeting by Big Data: a Decision Support that Threatens the Brand Image?
by Mercanti-Maria Guérin - 1 Economic Growth Model and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Albania
by Bezo (Balili) Lorena & Lleshaj Llesh - 1 Evolution of Public Debt in Albania during 1990-2017 and its impact on the Economic Growth
by Amarda Cano - 1 The Repercussions of the Digital Twin in the Automotive Industry on the New Marketing Logic
by M B & A B & Florian Blaschke - 1 Rebooting and Rejuvenating India’s External Sector Post-Pandemic
by M G & Annachhatre Meenal - 1 The Adversarial Proceedings Principle in the Civil Process
by Luan Hasneziri - 1 Population Stress Reactions in North-East Hungary during the Pandemic
by C L & Rucska Andrea - 1 Accounting Data and the Balanced Scorecard - Goals and Indicators
by S B & Zoltán Musinszki
July -December 2021, Volume 4
- 2 The Third-Party Funding in Arbitration: A Challenge in Times of Crisis
by Joana Lourenço Pinto & Mimoso Maria João - 2 Threats to Established Companies from Increasing Digitalization
by Marco Pister - 2 What Customer Wants to Read in Your Proposal
by Vijay Kumar - 2 Smart City EU - Lighthouse Projects – Investigation of Economic Benefits
by Aik Wirsbinna - 2 Leadership and Innovation - How Can Leaders Create Innovation-Promoting Environments in Their Organisations?
by Marco Pister - 2 A Demographic Study of the Multidimensional Poverty of Women in India
by Ramya S. Rachel - 2 Towards Unified Literature Representations: Applications in Information Systems and Entrepreneurship Research
by Massimo Albanese - 2 Emergence of Non-Traditional Financial Service Providers in the Market - A Threat or An Opportunity for the Georgian Banking Industry
by Tea Kasradze - 2 For An Ecological Awareness of Responsible Living
by Vereno Brugiatelli - 2 Old-New Challenges? Poverty and Menstruation: Young Girls and Women in the Mirror of Disadvantaged Situation
by Andrea Rucksa & Perge Anna
July -December 2021, Volume 3
- 2 Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Sectoral Performance of the Nigerian Economy (1980- 2016)
by Afolabi Adejumo - 2 Digitalization of Financial Services in Albania Under Restricted Measures Covid-19
by Rezana Balla - 2 A New Public Policy and Economic Approach to Cultural Sustainable Tourism in the Andes
by C C & T S & Moreno Vallejo Jaime Rodrigo & M R - 2 Challenges Facing Financial Inclusion Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Tea Kasradze - 2 International Marketing in the Digital Era. Collaboration of Sustainable and Contemporary Knowledge
by Christian Zhelev - 2 Epidemics in Modern and Contemporary Age in a Backward Area of Europe: The Role of Institutions and Socio-Economic Effects in Southern Italy
by M I & S V & Vittoria Ferrandino - 2 Measures and Possible Support Solutions of the Sustainable European Economy in the Context of Actual Crises
by Otilia Manta - 2 The Impact of Group Size on Decision Effectiveness
by Juliana Osmani - 2 Relationship of Pay and Job Satisfaction
by Martin Serreqi - 2 Smart Retailing in COVID-19 World: Insights from Egypt
by R A & Kotb Ismail
January - June 2021, Volume 3
- 1 Model for Economic Security Assessment
by Yuri Tsenkov - 1 Islamic Microfinance Model and the Hypothesis of Poverty Alleviation
by R Ś & Edaich Said - 1 VECM Analysis to House Price Index. Case of Tirana
by L L & L A & Egerta Marku - 1 Financing and Fiscality in the Context of Artificial Intelligence at the Global Level
by Otilia Manta - 1 Multiple Regression Analysis used in Analysis of Private Consumption and Public Final Consumption Evolution, case of Albanian Economy
by B S & S K & Ilva Isa - 1 Corporate Governance Issues: Disclosure and Transparency. An Interdisciplinary Approach
by Christian Zhelev - 1 Qualitative Analysis Concerning Universal Basic Income - Perceptions in Portugal
by A C & R J & Diamantino Ribeiro - 1 Regional Features of Social Entrepreneurship Development and Georgia
by Nino Janelidze - 1 Establishment of a Subsidiary European Company
by Asen Vodenicharov - 1 Mexican Airlines in the Current Situation of COVID 19. Evolution and Prospects
by L G & Tepexpa Mtro. Sergio Solís
EJME May August 2019 2021, Volume 2
- 2 The Euro in Historical Comparison to the Ruble and the Influence of Overconfidence
by Sebastian Hoffmann - 2 Financial Determinants of Public Investment Strategic Management
by Benedykt Opałka & Jarosiński Krzysztof - 2 Literature Review of Renewable Energy Policies and Impacts
by Tarek Safwat Kabel & Bassim Mohga - 2 The Risk of Long-Term Financing of Public Investments
by Krzysztof Jarosiński & Opałka Benedykt
EJME September -December 2019 2021, Volume 2
- 3 The Positive Impact of a Portuguese State-Owned Company that Invested on Consumers Nutritional Education – The Case of Fish and Docapesca
by Ana Oliveira Madsen & Chkoniya Valentina - 3 Credit Worthiness and Repayment Performance Among Small – Holder Farmers in Sri Lanka: Application of Probit Model
by B. Sivatharshika & Thayaparan A. - 3 Strategic Management as Key Influencer on the Development of Textile Industry in the Country of Kosovo
by Rrezarta Gashi - 3 Interpretive Theorizing on the Development of Management Accounting in Russia: Constructivist Grounded Theory Approach
by Pavel Lebedev - 3 Networking and Support: Determinants of the International Performance of Enterprises
by Silviya Georgieva & Vasilska Maria
EJME January April 2019 2021, Volume 2
- 1 The Impact of Europe's Individualism/Collectivism on the International Trade
by Aurelia Ilieș & Zahid R. M. Ammar - 1 The Salesperson with a Speech Impediment: An Objective Research and Analysis on the Importance of Clarity, Structure and Logic of Arguments
by Martin D Chekuri - 1 Consumer Perception: Animosity, Ethnocentrism and Willingness to Buy Chinese Products
by Peter N. Kiriri - 1 Knowledge Management Process as a Predictor on Organizational Performance in Dubai Government Departments
by Nek Kamal Bin Yeop Yunus & Rashid Mohamed Saif - 1 Project Implementation Factors and Performance of Jua-kali Empowerment Programmes in Nairobi, Kenya
by Nicasio Gicovi Njue & Mulwa Angeline Sabina & Dorothy Ndunge Kyalo & John Mwaura Mbugua - 1 Towards Which Model of Capitalism Are the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe Going to? Comparative Analysis of this Trajectory and Its Post-Transition Issues
by Oriola Musa - 1 Impact of Strategy and Environmental Predictability on Financial Performance in Non-Governmental Organizations
by Hasan Metin & Metin Esra
2021, Volume 1
- 3 Financing of Social Services for Children in Macedonia
by Natasha Bogoevska & Trbojevik Svetlana & Sofija Georgievska - 3 Ethics in Banks’ Publicly Accessible Documents: The Case of Slovenia
by Maja Tihole & Beloglavec Sabina Taškar - 3 Tourism Clusters, Characteristics, Principles and Developing Theory
by Xhevahir Doçaj & Domi Shpresim & Arben Terpollari & Edmond KADIU - 3 Fiscal Expenditure and Education Quality in China: A Regional Heterogeneity Analysis
by Yiyang Chen & Zhang Fuxin - 3 Factors Affecting Customer Switching Behavior towards Hybrid Electrical Vehicles (HEV’s) from a Customer Perspective in Jordan
by Bushra Mahadin - 3 Affiliate marketing. Can online news portals use successfully affiliated marketing in Albania?
by Brunilda Beleraj - 3 Promotion on Marketing Decision-Making: “Case Study Albtelecom Eagle Mobile”
by Servet Gura & Gura Kriselda - 3 An Empirical Examination of the Export-Led Growth Theory Regarding Georgia
by Davit Belkania & Karimov Mehman - 3 A Case Study of Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth Relationship in Turkey
by Mehman Karimov & Belkania Davit - 3 Development of Value Added Tax in Kosovo – Comparative and Research Aspects 2006-2017
by Azem Duraku - 3 The Connection betweeen Unemployment and Migration at the Level of Hunedoara County and Town
by Tiberiu Dîscă
EJME January April 2018 2021, Volume 1
- 1 The Impact of Institutional Obstacles and Facilitators on Innovative Firms in Kosovo
by Albulena Kadriu - 1 Impact of Unemployment on Economic Growth: Evidence from Western Balkans
by Diellza Kukaj - 1 Social Enterprises like the Right Step for Economic Development for Kosovo
by Afrim Loku & Gogiqi Fatlum & Vesë Qehaja - 1 Mongolian Tax Policy for Development SMEs
by Enkhtuya Dandar & Gurbazar Battuvshin - 1 Investigating the Nexus between Financial Development and Economic Growth in SEE 10 Economies
by Arlind Rama - 1 Human Resource Motivation, a Necessity Dictated by the Actual Condition of the Market and the Future: A study Performed in the Albanian Banking Sector
by PhD. Albana Kacollja & Balliu PhD. Teuta & Imelda Sejdini - 1 Fiscal Decentralization as an Instrument for Economic Development of Local Government in Albania
by PhD Cand. & Koxhaj Andrea - 1 Determining Factors in Measuring Consumators Trends for Consumption
by PhD. Eriona Deda & Brajshori Behxhet
EJME May August 2018 2021, Volume 1
- 2 The Dynamics of Crowdfunding in a Frontier Market: An Exploratory Research on Romania
by Raluca Andreea Vidrascu - 2 Public Revenues and Expenditures in Kosovo
by Azem Duraku - 2 Economic Growth in Kosovo as a Challenge to Environmental Preservation in the Republic of Kosovo
by Ruzhdi Matoshi & Veseli Besa - 2 Real Estate Market in Tirana
by Luciana Koprencka & Gjini Valbona & Redian Hysi - 2 National Financial Inclusion Strategy for Fighting Against Poverty and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development in Albania
by Fitim Mexhuani & Ribaj Artur - 2 Material Management, Information Technology, and Marketing Performance: Implications for Sustainable Business Development in Africa
by Adegbuyi Omotayo & Kehinde O.J. & Adegbuyi Abimbola Abidemi & Michael Olayinka - 2 The Impact of Using Mathematical Models in the Growth of Regional Economic Indicators, Strengthening the Role of the State
by Miftar Ramosacaj & Hasani Vjollca & Alba Robert Dumi - 2 International Instruments Related to Industrial Property: An Empirical Analysis and a Case Study
by Drita Bejtullahi & Dumi Alba Robert - 2 The Relationship between Exchange Rate and Inflation, the Consumer Contracts and Auditing for Development of the Albanian Economy
by Hava Mucollari & Dumi Shejla & Arlind Mucollari & Alba Dumi - 2 The Determinants of Capital Structure: The Case of Moroccan Firms
by Réda Louziri - 2 Remittance Analysis and their Economic Aspect, Kosovo Case
by Ylber Prekazi - 2 Understanding the Foreign Direct Investment in Order to Benefit from Them: A Theoretical and Empirical Review
by Lorena Çakërri & Madani Filloreta - 2 Measuring the Impact of Exchange Rate on Industrial Output in Nigeria
by Ogunmuyiwa Micheal Segun & Adedayo Adelowokan Oluwaseyi
EJME May August 2019 2019, Volume 2
- 2 Financial Institutions Involved in the Bankruptcy and Liquidation Process in Kosovo
by Naim Spahiu - 2 The Concept of Trust in Socio-Economic Life
by Ercan Özen
2018, Volume 1
- 3 The Impact of Economic and Demographic Factors on Retirement Risks in Albania
by Olgerta Idrizi & Shahini Besa - 3 Non-Performing Loans Increase in the Albanian Banking Sector during the Last Global Economic Crisis - An Analysis Based on the Client Groups
by Turan Şan - 3 Some Factors for Growing Savings in Kosovo
by Fitim Mexhuani & Ribaj Artur
EJME May August 2018 2018, Volume 1
- 2 The Dynamics of Foreign Direct Investment in Albania. Comparison with the Western Balkan Region
by Lorena Çakërri & Madani Filloreta