December 2021, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 425-443 A qualitative investigation into crowdfunding framework as a source of financing for waqf land development
by Meri Indri Hapsari & Mohamed Asmy Bin Mohd Thas Thaker & Mustafa Omar Mohammed & Jarita Duasa - 444-463 Implementing Islamic principles and values in public budgeting: a battle of mindset
by Intan Farhana & Clare Markham & Hasan Basri - 464-485 Constraints and strategies for municipal Sukuk issuance in Indonesia
by Imron Mawardi & Tika Widiastuti & Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa - 486-513 Investigating the level and determinants of hibah knowledge: a study among Muslims in Kedah, Malaysia
by Nur Syaedah Kamis & Norazlina Abd. Wahab
October 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 197-219 Apartment purchase under Shirkah-ul Milk and shariah compliance in Islamic banks: the perception of bankers and clients in Bangladesh
by Mohammad Nazim Uddin - 220-241 The effect of motivating language and management effectiveness: empirical evidence fromWaqfinstitutions in Malaysia
by Sharfizie Mohd Sharip & Marinah Awang & Ramlee Ismail - 242-263 Does Islamic values matter for Indonesian students’ entrepreneurial intention? The mediating role of entrepreneurial inspiration and attitude
by Agus Wibowo & Sri Umi Mintarti Widjaja & Sugeng Hadi Utomo & Djoko Dwi Kusumojanto & Cipto Wardoyo & Ludi Wishnu Wardana & Bagus Shandy Narmaditya - 264-276 Assessing the possibility of financing social health insurance from zakat, case of Sudan: ARDL bounds approach
by Fawzia Mohammed Idris & Mehdi Seraj & Huseyin Ozdeser
December 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 277-296 Does the IFRS improve earnings quality? A comparison of Turkish GAAP and IFRS
by Aydın Karapınar & Figen Zaif - 297-337 Regulation, banking competition and risk-taking behavior in the MENA region: policy implications for Islamic banks
by Miroslav Mateev & Syed Moudud-Ul-Huq & Ahmad Sahyouni - 338-363 Economics of savings-based finance: an interest-free model of rotating savings and credit association in Turkey
by Yusuf Dinç & Rashed Jahangir & Ruslan Nagayev & Fahrettin Çakır - 364-389 A proposed centralized Shariah governance framework for Islamic banks in Bangladesh
by Md. Kausar Alam
December 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 16-31 Can corporate governance mechanisms reduce earnings-management practices in Islamic banks?
by Virasty Fitri & Dodik Siswantoro - 98-113 Volatility transmission within financial markets during the COVID-19 pandemic: are faith-based investors well off in Tunisia?
by Mustapha Ishaq Akinlaso & Aroua Robbana & Nura Mohamed
October 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 114-140 Market discipline in the behavioral finance perspective: a case of Sharia mutual funds in Indonesia
by Umi Widyastuti & Erie Febrian & Sutisna Sutisna & Tettet Fitrijanti - 141-156 State ownership and bank performance: conventional vs Islamic banks
by Turki Alshammari - 157-176 Ethico-religious green supply chain management (GSCM): embedding Islamic ethics’ codes for improving environmental concerns
by Md Shamimul Islam & Noorliza Karia & Fauziah Md Taib & Husna Ara & Soroush Moeinzadeh - 177-193 A systematic literature review on the socio-economic roles ofwaqf: evidence from organization of the Islamic cooperation (OIC) countries
by Fahmi Medias & Asmak Ab Rahman & Akhmad Akbar Susamto & Zulfikar Bagus Pambuko
September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-15 Application of blockchain information technology in Ṣukūk trade
by Saheed Abdullahi Busari & Sikiru Olanrewaju Aminu - 32-53 Can religious values reinvigorate the links between development and falāh?
by Wahyu Jatmiko & A. Azizon - 54-72 Risk disclosure and financial performance: the case of Islamic and conventional banks in the GCC
by Ayman E. Haddad & Hussain Alali - 73-97 Corporate social responsibility disclosure and Islamic banks: a case study of Pakistan
by Muhammad Bilal Zafar & Ahmad Azam Sulaiman
October 2021, Volume 12, Issue 8
- 1105-1123 Risk sharing vs risk shifting: a comparative study of Islamic banks
by Sunil Khandelwal & Khaled Aljifri - 1124-1145 “Sub-debt trap”: a real effect of an ill-design adoption of basel accord in the Bangladeshi banking industry
by A.K.M. Kamrul Hasan & Yasushi Suzuki - 1181-1199 Can Islamic work ethics encourage knowledge-sharing behaviors? The role of job embeddedness and organizational identification
by Suryani Suryani & Budi Sudrajat & Hendryadi Hendryadi & Amelia Oktrivina & Hafifuddin Hafifuddin & Zulfikar Ali Buto
September 2021, Volume 12, Issue 8
- 1200-1223 Corporate social responsibility in Islamic banks: to which extent does Abu Dhabi Islamic bank comply with the global reporting initiative standards?
by Elias Abu Al-Haija & Mohamed Chakib Kolsi & Mohamed Chakib Chakib Kolsi
August 2021, Volume 12, Issue 8
- 1077-1104 The role of financial factors and non-financial factors on corporate bond and sukuk rating Indonesia
by Nisful Laila & Sylva Alif Rusmita & Eko Fajar Cahyono & W.N.W. Azman-Saini - 1146-1164 Sharīʿah non-compliant income disclosures and the moral legitimacy strategies of Islamic banks
by Anna Che Azmi & Romzie Rosman & Normah Omar - 1165-1180 Islamic finance and economic growth nexus: an empirical evidence from Southeast Asia using dynamic panel one-step system GMM analysis
by Mohammed Ayoub Ledhem & Mohammed Mekidiche
August 2021, Volume 12, Issue 7
- 941-964 Stage-I Shariah compliant Macaulay’s duration model testing
by Syed Alamdar Ali Shah & Raditya Sukmana & Bayu Arie Fianto - 965-978 Prepayment rebate in Islamic microfinance cost-plus sale: a descending rebate proposed approach
by Islam Mohamed Kamal - 979-999 Dynamic diversification benefits of Sukuk and conventional bonds for the financial performance of MENA region companies: empirical evidence from COVID-19 pandemic period
by Mahdi Ghaemi Asl & Muhammad Mahdi Rashidi - 1000-1014 Can country risks predict Islamic stock index? Evidence from Indonesia
by Masrizal & Raditya Sukmana & Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa & Sri Herianingrum - 1015-1035 Sukuk and monetary policy transmission in Indonesia: the role of asset price and exchange rate channels
by Suriani Suriani & M. Shabri Abd. Majid & Raja Masbar & Nazaruddin A. Wahid & Abdul Ghafar Ismail - 1036-1054 The impact of COVID-19 on Islamic banks in Bangladesh: a perspective of Marxian “circuit of merchant’s capital”
by Mohammad Dulal Miah & Yasushi Suzuki & S. M. Sohrab Uddin - 1055-1076 Spillovers and bivariate portfolios of gold-backed cryptocurrencies and gold during the COVID-19 outbreak
by Bayu Adi Nugroho
July 2021, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 793-813 Entrepreneurial initiative in Islamic economics – the role of gender. A multi-country analysis
by Joana Costa & Mariana Pita - 904-918 Islamic real estate investment trust: comparative study between emirates Islamic REIT UAE and Al Salam Islamic REIT Malaysia
by Elias Abu Al-Haija & Mehveen Syed
August 2021, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 814-830 Governance of profit and loss sharing financing in achieving socio-economic justice
by Rizal Yaya & Ilham Maulana Saud & M. Kabir Hassan & Mamunur Rashid - 831-848 Can the sense of ta’awun behavior reduce voluntarily job turnover in Indonesia?
by Ken Sudarti & Olivia Fachrunnisa & Alifah Ratnawati - 849-871 Revisiting the corporate image through service quality and relationship marketing: an empirical evidence from Malaysian and Saudi Arabian Takaful customers
by Mohsin Abdur Rehman & Sadaf Khan & Ismah Osman & Khurram Aziz & Ghazal Shams - 872-886 The substance and form of Islamic Finance instruments: an accounting perspective
by Ahmed Ebrahim & Tarek Abdelfattah - 887-903 ICT-based collaborative framework for improving the performance of zakat management organisations in Indonesia
by Mutamimah Mutamimah & Suryani Alifah & Gunawan Gunawan & Made Dwi Adnjani - 919-938 The awareness and attitude of Muslim consumer preference: the role of religiosity
by Junaidi Junaidi
July 2021, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 625-645 Testing the weak form of efficient market hypothesis for socially responsible and Shariah indexes in the USA
by Abbas Khan & Muhammad Yar Khan & Abdul Qayyum Khan & Majid Jamal Khan & Zia Ur Rahman - 646-660 The impact of the board of directors and the Shariah board on the financial soundness of Islamic banks
by Afef Khalil - 661-679 COVID-19: it’s impact in Hajj and Umrah and a future direction
by Aishath Muneeza & Zakariya Mustapha - 680-706 On being Sharīʿah compliant in equity investments: impact of investment horizon andmarket volatility
by Khaliq Lubza Nihar & Kameshwar Rao Venkata Surya Modekurti - 707-728 Islamic social finance: a literature review and future research directions
by Laura Aibolovna Kuanova & Rimma Sagiyeva & Nasim Shah Shirazi - 729-747 Enhancing Islamic financial literacy through community-based workshops: a transtheoretical model
by Miranti Kartika Dewi & Ilham Reza Ferdian - 748-767 Mappingwaqfresearch: a thirty-year bibliometric analysis
by Burhan Uluyol & Silvana Secinaro & Davide Calandra & Federico Lanzalonga - 768-790 Does trust in zakat institution enhance entrepreneurs’ zakat compliance?
by Saeed Awadh Bin-Nashwan & Hijattulah Abdul-Jabbar & Saliza Abdul Aziz
May 2021, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 473-487 Financial health of Syariah and non-Syariah banks: a comparative analysis
by Elok Heniwati & Nella Yantiana & Gita Desyana - 509-523 Executives’ observance of zakat among Islamic financial institutions: evidence from Bahrain and Malaysia
by Jessie P.H. Poon & Yew Wah Chow & Michael Ewers & Trina Hamilton
June 2021, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 457-472 What drives the banking competition in Islamic finance oriented countries? Islamic vs conventional banks
by Alimshan Faizulayev & Isah Wada & Asset Sadvakasovna Kyzdarbekova & Indira Parmankulova - 488-508 Islamic banks’ brand personality and customer satisfaction: an empirical investigation through SEM
by Muhammad Tahir Jan & Ali Shafiq - 524-543 Islamic influence on customer satisfaction: evidence from Takaful and conventional insurance industry
by Waheed Akhter & Hassan Jamil & Kim-Shyan Fam - 544-563 What do we know about zakat literature? A bibliometric review
by Muneer M. Alshater & Ram Al Jaffri Saad & Norazlina Abd. Wahab & Irum Saba - 564-592 Risk, efficiency and financial performance in the GCC banking industry: Islamic versus conventional banks
by Sutan Emir Hidayat & Muhammad Rizky Prima Sakti & Raqiya Ali Abdullah Al-Balushi - 593-622 Voluntary adoption of AAOIFI disclosure standards fortakafuloperators: the role of governance
by Fahru Azwa Mohd Zain & Wan Amalina Wan Abdullah & Majella Percy
February 2021, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 301-319 Optimizing zakat governance in East Java using analytical network process (ANP): the role of zakat technology (ZakaTech)
by Tika Widiastuti & Eko Fajar Cahyono & Siti Zulaikha & Imron Mawardi & Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa
March 2021, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 320-339 The ancestral Andalusian water courts: a resilient model for contemporary Islamic banking and finance
by Pedro Antonio Martín-Cervantes & Salvador Cruz Rambaud & María del Carmen Valls Martínez
April 2021, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 340-361 Exploration of the equilibrium level of Musharaka financing in full-fledged Islamic banks
by Noman Arshed & Rukhsana Kalim - 362-379 Determinants of digital zakat payments: lessons from Indonesian experience
by Rahmatina Awaliah Kasri & Adela Miranti Yuniar
May 2021, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 380-400 Islamic index market sentiment: evidence from the ASEAN market
by Nevi Danila & Kamilah Kamaludin & Sheela Sundarasen & Bunyamin Bunyamin - 401-417 Do academic and professional institutions promote the awareness and knowledge of Islamic banking and finance in Nigeria?
by Umar Habibu Umar & Mustapha AbuBakar & Abubakar Jamilu Baita & Tasiu Tijjani Kademi & Md Harashid Haron - 418-438 Rationality of fourth party in legitimacy theory: Shariah governance of Islamic financial institutions
by Md. Kausar Alam - 439-456 Impacts of spirituality, intrinsic religiosity and Islamic work ethics on employee performance in Morocco: the mediating role of intrinsic motivation
by Abderrahman Hassi & Mohammed Amine Balambo & Mohammed Aboramadan
January 2021, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 149-168 Governance mechanisms and the Takaful insurance performance: the moderating role of the leader’s seniority
by Nourhen Sallemi & Rim Zouari Hadiji & Ghazi Zouari - 276-300 Testing dividend life-cycle theory in the Islamic and conventional banking sectors of GCC countries
by Ibrahim Yousef & Sailesh Tanna & Sudip Patra
February 2021, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 218-238 Determinants of technical efficiency of Islamic banks in GCC countries
by Ezzeddine Ben Mohamed & Neama Meshabet & Bilel Jarraya - 239-257 Issues and challenges of IFRS 9 in Malaysian Islamic financial institutions: recognition criteria perspective
by Marziana Madah Marzuki & Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman & Ainulashikin Marzuki & Nathasa Mazna Ramli & Wan Amalina Wan Abdullah - 258-275 Shariah supervisory boards of Islamic banks in Bangladesh: expected duties and performed roles and functions
by Md. Kausar Alam & Suhaimi Ab Rahman & Mosab I. Tabash & Oli Ahad Thakur & Sharif Hosen
December 2020, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 169-185 Knowledge and attitudes towards Islamic banking in the Philippines
by Sahraman D. Hadji Latif - 186-203 Using Fintech in scaling up Islamic microfinance
by Salman Ahmed Shaikh - 204-217 Determinants of SMEs intention to adopt Islamic crowdfunding model in Northwestern Nigeria
by Mansur Ahmed Kazaure & Abdul Rashid Abdullah & Dahlia Binti Zawawi & Amer Hamzah
December 2020, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-20 Investigating the determinants of onlineinfaqintention during the COVID-19 pandemic: an insight from Indonesia
by Hendy Mustiko Aji & Albari Albari & Muchsin Muthohar & Sumadi Sumadi & Murwanto Sigit & Istyakara Muslichah & Anas Hidayat - 21-43 The effect of Islamic banks’ specific corporate governance mechanisms on compliance with AAOIFI governance standards
by Yosra Mnif & Marwa Tahari - 78-96 Can store image moderate the influence of religiosity level on shopping orientation and customers’ behavior in Indonesia?
by Ririn Tri Ratnasari & Ulfa Fadilatul Ula & Raditya Sukmana - 97-111 What drives Muslim Malaysian consumers’ general attitude towards religious advertising?
by Muhammad Waqas - 112-130 Reconciling selection criteria of Islamic banking services: a survey on perception of Islamic bankers, institutional clients and retail customers in UAE
by Shinaj Valangattil Shamsudheen & Ziyaad Mahomed & Shamsher Mohamad - 131-147 The determinants of capital structure of Islamic and conventional banks: an autoregressive distributed lag approach
by Moncef Guizani
November 2020, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 44-59 Determinants and market performance of Fortune 100 best companies: evidence from Islamic perspective
by Rajesh Kumar Bhaskaran & Irene Wei Kiong Ting & Noor Azlinna Azizan & Kranthi Vidhatha Yelubolu - 60-77 Level of Maqāsid ul-Shari’āh’s in financial reporting standards for Islamic financial institutions
by Murniati Mukhlisin
June 2020, Volume 11, Issue 10
- 1847-1870 Influence of adoption AAOIFI accounting standards on earning management: evidence from Islamic banks
by Sherif El-Halaby & Hesham Albarrak & Rihab Grassa - 1871-1888 Motivating factors for consumers to participate intakāful: a survey by Indian insurance policyholders
by Syed Ahmed Salman & Rusni Hassan
July 2020, Volume 11, Issue 10
- 1791-1806 Profit- and loss-sharing impact on Islamic bank liquidity in GCC countries
by Khoutem Ben Jedidia - 1807-1825 The impact of the Shariah Board’s characteristics on the financial soundness of Islamic banks
by Afef Khalil & Neila Boulila Taktak - 1889-1905 Screening ofMurabahabusiness process through Quran and hadith: a text mining analysis
by Issam Tlemsani & Farhi Marir & Munir Majdalawieh
September 2020, Volume 11, Issue 10
- 1907-1920 Instruments for investment protection when structuring Islamic venture capital
by Abdul-Jalil Ibrahim & Monzer Kahf
May 2020, Volume 11, Issue 10
- 1757-1770 Investment account holders’ market discipline in GCC countries
by Imene Guermazi - 1771-1789 Competition between conventional and Islamic banks in Malaysia revisited
by Rafik Harkati & Syed Musa Alhabshi & Salina Kassim
October 2020, Volume 11, Issue 10
- 2035-2052 Time value of money in Islamic accounting practice: a critical analysis from maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah
by Ahmad Baehaqi & M. Nur A. Birton & Fahmi Ali Hudaefi - 2053-2067 Toward new strategies of Islamic financial products development
by Walid Mansour - 2069-2086 The bibliometric analysis of Islamic banking and finance
by Paolo Pietro Biancone & Buerhan Saiti & Denisa Petricean & Federico Chmet
November 2020, Volume 11, Issue 10
- 2087-2112 A meta-crisis banking efficiency study in the MENA region
by Ioannis Anagnostopoulos & Emmanouil Noikokyris & George Giannopoulos - 2113-2135 Lending cyclicality in dual banking system: empirical evidence from GCC countries
by Zied Saadaoui & Hichem Hamza - 2137-2154 The role ofmaqasid al-Shariʿahin applyingfiqh muamalatinto modern Islamic banking in Malaysia
by Muhammad Shahrul Ifwat Ishak & Fathullah Asni - 2155-2168 Effects of focus versus diversification on bank risk and return: evidence from Islamic banks’ loan portfolios
by Lama Tarek Al-kayed & Khaoula Chaffai Aliani - 2169-2182 The (mis)use of al-Hilah (legal trick) and al-Makhraj (legal exit) in Islamic finance
by Edib Smolo & Abubakar Muhammad Musa
August 2020, Volume 11, Issue 10
- 1827-1845 Alternative measures for predicting financial distress in the case of Malaysian Islamic banks: assessing the impact of global financial crisis
by Mehmet Asutay & Jaizah Othman - 1921-1939 Risk management and corporate governance failures in Islamic banks: a case study
by Salah Alhammadi & Simon Archer & Mehmet Asutay - 1941-1952 Developing a sustainable model of Waqf-based Takaful for flood victims in Malaysia
by Marhanum Che Mohd Salleh & Siti Salwani Razali & Nan Nuhidayu Megat Laksana & Nor Azizan Che Embi & Nurdianawati Irwani Abdullah - 1953-1967 The effects of regulation and supervision on the risk-taking behaviour of Islamic banks
by Mehmet Asutay & Yusuf Ayturk & Ercument Aksak - 1969-1987 Stock market volatility and exchange rate movements in the Gulf Arab countries: a Markov-state switching model
by Ngo Thai Hung - 1989-2015 Does capital adequacy ratio influence risk-taking behaviour of conventional and Islamic banks differently? Empirical evidence from dual banking system of Malaysia
by Rafik Harkati & Syed Musa Alhabshi & Salina Kassim - 2017-2033 Strategic pricing by Islamic banks and the impact on customer satisfaction and behavioral intention
by Ali Rama
February 2020, Volume 11, Issue 9
- 1649-1664 Takaful operators: analysing segregated accounts between operator/participants
by Ahmed Mansoor Alkhan & M. Kabir Hassan
April 2020, Volume 11, Issue 9
- 1677-1688 How do takaful operators choose which model to adopt? A case study from the Kingdom of Bahrain
by Ahmed Mansoor Alkhan & M. Kabir Hassan - 1689-1708 Selection of Value-at-Risk models for MENA Islamic indices
by Wassim Ben Ayed & Ibrahim Fatnassi & Abderrazak Ben Maatoug - 1709-1723 Corporate governance mechanism and the risk exposure of Islamic mutual funds: evidence from Islamic countries
by Farrukh Naveed & Syed Zain Ul Abdin - 1725-1738 An institutional analysis of the emergence and institutionalisation of Islamic banking practices in Indonesia
by A.K. Siti-Nabiha & Noval Adib
July 2020, Volume 11, Issue 9
- 1739-1755 Does the Shariah committee influence risk-taking and performance of Islamic banks in Malaysia?
by Mansor Isa & Siew-Peng Lee
March 2020, Volume 11, Issue 9
- 1633-1647 The influences of board of directors and management inShariahgovernance guidelines of the Islamic banks in Bangladesh
by Md. Kausar Alam & Muhammad Shahin Miah & Md. Naim Siddiquii & Mohammad Imtiaz Hossain - 1665-1676 Product development in Islamic finance and banking in secular economies
by Yusuf Dinc
February 2020, Volume 11, Issue 8
- 1619-1632 Determinates of Islamic banks liquidity
by Ahmad Al-Harbi
January 2020, Volume 11, Issue 8
- 1481-1496 Performance measurement of Islamic mutual funds using DEA method
by Abul Hassan & Abdelkader Chachi & Mahfuzur Rahman Munshi - 1497-1514 Salamfor import operations: mitigating commodity macro risk
by Zaheer Anwer - 1515-1529 Financial literacy among Malaysian Muslim undergraduates
by Ana Shakirah Md.Sapir @ Md.Shafik & Wan Marhaini Wan Ahmad - 1531-1553 Depositor discipline, financial crisis and macroprudential policies
by Saibal Ghosh - 1555-1581 Risk and risk management practices
by Adel Elgharbawy - 1583-1597 Shariah compliance and information transmission: evidence from an emerging market
by Omar Farooq & Zakir Pashayev - 1599-1617 Modified integrated Islamic CSRD index and financial performance of Malaysian Islamic banks
by Fatimah Noor Rashidah Mohd Sofian & Rusnah Muhamad
February 2020, Volume 11, Issue 7
- 1343-1362 Socio-economics and management of Muslim cemeterywaqfusing istibdal and GIS method in Penang state
by Fathullah Asni & Mohd Amirul Mahamud & Jasni Sulong - 1427-1452 Social disclosure: compliance of Islamic banks to governance standards No. 7 of AAOIFI (2010)
by Nouha Ben Brahim & Mounira Ben Arab
January 2020, Volume 11, Issue 7
- 1325-1342 Indirect effect of workplace bullying on emotional exhaustion through job insecurity among Malaysian workers
by Alireza Jalali & Mastura Jaafar & Nur Izzati Hidzir - 1363-1378 Murabahasyndrome of Islamic banks: a paradox or product of the system?
by Mohammad Dulal Miah & Yasushi Suzuki - 1379-1402 Examining the influence of factors critical for the consumer to accept the offered Islamic home financing
by Hanudin Amin - 1403-1416 Performance analysis of Turkey’s participation and conventional indices using TOPSIS method
by Selim Baha Yildiz - 1417-1425 Weights and measures in the Hijaz during the Abbasid period 132-334H/749-945 A.D
by Hessa Aljabr - 1453-1478 Unified theory of firm: an empirical analysis
by Jarita Duasa & Suhaimi Mhd Sarif & Nur Arfifah Abdul Sabian
January 2020, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 1161-1174 Trust in takaful agents: antecedents and consequences
by Syadiyah Abdul Shukor - 1175-1190 The role of related party transactions on sukuk financing
by Norakma Abd Majid & Akmalia Mohamad Ariff & Nor Raihan Mohamad - 1191-1210 The impact of situational factors on ethical choice
by Shinaj Valangattil Shamsudheen & Saiful Azhar Rosly - 1211-1226 The impact ofShariahfinance compliance level on the cost of debt
by Harit Satt & Fatima Zahra Bendriouch & Sarah Nechbaoui - 1227-1244 Relative performance of religious and ethical investment funds
by Esther Castro & M. Kabir Hassan & Jose Francisco Rubio & Zairihan Abdul Halim - 1245-1256 Comparative analysis between global sukuk and bond indices: value-at-risk approach
by Rubaiyat Ahsan Bhuiyan & Maya Puspa & Buerhan Saiti & Gairuzazmi Mat Ghani - 1257-1300 Risk management with a duration gap approach
by Jamshaid Anwar Chattha & Syed Musa Alhabshi & Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera - 1301-1322 What drives the financial performance of general takaful companies?
by Mazhar Hallak Kantakji & Baharom Abdul Hamid & Syed Othman Alhabshi
February 2020, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 1145-1158 Compliance behaviour from the holistic human nature perspective
by Fidiana Fidiana
March 2020, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 945-972 Shariah monitoring, agency cost and fund performance in Malaysian mutual funds
by Mohd Fikri Sofi & M.H. Yahya
January 2020, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 973-988 Understanding self-efficacy and performance of salespersons in Islamic banking
by AbdulKader Kaakeh & M. Kabir Hassan & Stefan Van-Hemmen & Ishrat Hossain - 989-1007 Adoption of Islamic banking in a non-Islamic country: evidence from Uganda
by Juma Bananuka & David Katamba & Irene Nalukenge & Frank Kabuye & Kasimu Sendawula - 1009-1031 Islamic business ethics and practices of Islamic banks
by Muhammad Adli Musa & Mohd Edil Abd Sukor & Mohd Nazari Ismail & Muhd Ramadhan Fitri Elias - 1033-1053 The relationships between time deposit rates, real rates, inflation and risk premium
by Siew-Peng Lee & Mansor Isa & Noor Azryani Auzairy - 1055-1081 Credit risk in Islamic banking: evidence from the GCC
by Trevor Chamberlain & Sutan Hidayat & Abdul Rahman Khokhar - 1083-1099 Exploring the development of Islamic banking in Nigeria using an actor-network theory perspective
by Hadiza Sa’id - 1101-1120 Assessing the impact of entrepreneurial skills development on self-employment practices amongst Egyptian and Bahraini accounting students in public and private universities
by Sameh Reyad & Sherine Badawi & Allam Hamdan - 1121-1143 Elimination of poverty by Islamic value based cooperative model
by Mohammad Selim & Mohammad Omar Farooq
January 2020, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 793-809 Pricing efficiency of Saudi exchange traded funds (ETFs)
by Fahad Almudhaf & Bader Alhashel - 811-825 Integration of Islamic capital market in ASEAN-5 countries
by Ibnu Qizam & Misnen Ardiansyah & Abdul Qoyum - 845-868 Shari’acorporate governance disclosure of Malaysian IFIS
by Nurul Ain Shahar & Anuar Nawawi & Ahmad Saiful Azlin Puteh Salin - 869-888 Information content and informativeness of the analyst report in Malaysia
by Hassanudin Mohd Thas Thaker & Azhar Mohamad & Nazrol Kamil Mustaffa Kamil & Jarita Duasa - 889-904 Corporate social responsibility of Islamic banks: Malaysian practitioners’ outlook
by Wan Noor Hazlina Wan Jusoh & Uzaimah Ibrahim - 905-928 Portfolio selection in Asia/Pacific region-Islamic markets
by Muhammad Hanif - 929-944 Education strategy misfit, board effectiveness and Indonesian Islamic bank performance
by Rahma Wijayanti & Vera Diyanty & Sugiyarti Fatma Laela
March 2020, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 741-743 Accounting for corruption within Islamic countries
by Mohammad Hudaib - 745-764 The capital structure decisions of Islamic banks in the GCC
by Sayed Hashem Al-Hunnayan - 765-791 Foreign directors and corporate governance in Islamic banks
by Ali R. Almutairi & Majdi Anwar Quttainah
February 2020, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 827-844 The application of venture capital strategies tomusharakahfinancing
by Aisyah Abdul Rahman & Shifa Mohd Nor & Mohd Fadzli Salmat
January 2020, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 533-554 Privileging downward accountability inWaqfmanagement
by Ahmad Zamri Osman & Gloria Agyemang - 555-572 Enhancing socio-economic justice and financial inclusion in Nigeria
by Nurudeen Abubakar Zauro & Nurudeen Abubakar Zauro & Ram Al Jaffri Saad & Norfaiezah Sawandi - 573-587 The performance ofShariah-compliant companies during and after the recession period – evidence from companies listed on the FTSE All World Index
by Muhammad Tahir & Salma Ibrahim - 588-609 Push and pull model of women entrepreneurship: empirical evidence from the UAE
by Huda Al Matroushi & Fauzia Jabeen & Ayesha Matloub & Muhammad Tehsin - 610-628 The intention to adopt Islamic financing in emerging economies: evidence from Uganda
by Juma Bananuka & Veronica Mukyala & Zainabu Tumwebaze & Johnson Ssekakubo & Musa Kasera & Mariam Ssemakula Najjuma - 629-646 Stock returns in Islamic and conventional banks
by Ben Ltaifa Monia - 647-673 The Islamic harmonization of consolidated auditors’ reports
by Mondher Fakhfakh - 674-693 Sharīʿahcompliant working capital financing_ a case-study of Indian sugar industry
by Abuzar Nomani & Mohammad Khalid Azam - 694-707 An exploratory study on social entrepreneurship in Egypt
by Rebecca Fakoussa & Simon O'Leary & Suzan Salem - 708-720 The effect of managerial overconfidence on the conditional conservatism and real earnings management
by Mahdi Salehi & Mahmoud Lari DashtBayaz & Somayeh Hassanpour & Hossein Tarighi
February 2020, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 721-740 Competition and market structure of the Malaysian Islamic banking industry
by Mohd Faizal Basri
January 2020, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 273-287 Incentives for conventional banks for the conversion into Islamic banks: evidence from Bangladesh
by Yasushi Suzuki & S.M. Sohrab Uddin & A.K.M. Ramizul Islam - 288-308 Paradigmatic foundation and moral axioms of ihsan ethics in Islamic economics and business
by Necati Aydin - 309-325 Shariahgovernance practices at Islamic fund management companies
by Amiratul Nadiah Hasan & Aisyah Abdul-Rahman & Zaleha Yazid - 326-345 Qard-al-Hasan-based monetary policy and the role of the central bank as the lender of last resort
by Mohammad Selim & M. Kabir Hassan - 346-360 Barriers to financial product innovation in Islamic banks in Pakistan
by Naveed Iqbal Chaudhry & Muhammad Azam Roomi & Sidra Dar - 361-376 An analysis of the religious, social factors and income’s influence on the decision making in Islamic microfinance schemes
by Shaheen Mansori & Meysam Safari & Zarina Mizam Mohd Ismail - 377-399 Competency model forShari’ahauditors in Islamic banks
by Nor Aishah Mohd Ali & Zurina Shafii & Shahida Shahimi - 400-427 An institutional perspective for research inwaqfaccounting and reporting
by Nori Yani Abu Talib & Radziah Abdul Latiff & Aini Aman - 428-439 Short-termSharīʿah-compliant Islamic liquidity management instruments to sustain Islamic banking
by Aishath Muneeza - 440-456 Exploring novel Islamic monetary system
by Ahmet Suayb Gundogdu - 457-471 Islamic legal maxim forShari’ahaudit in Islamic bank
by Nurulhuda Abd Rahman & Nor’azam Mastuki & Muhamad Rahimi Osman & Nawal Kasim - 472-497 The influence of religion on the determinants of capital structure: the case of Saudi Arabia
by Somaiyah Alalmai & Abdullah M. Al-Awadhi & M. Kabir Hassan & Arja Turunen-Red - 498-510 Zakat management
by Musa Yusuf Owoyemi - 511-530 Business zakat compliance behavioral intention in a developing country
by Ram Al Jaffri Saad & Abubakar Umar Farouk & Dzarfan Abdul Kadir
January 2020, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-11 Volatility of Malaysian conventional and Islamic indices: does financial crisis matter?
by Muhamad Abduh - 12-26 The effect of religiosity on trainees’ reaction and motivation to transfer
by Abdul Rahim Zumrah & Muhammad Yusuf Khalid & Kalsom Ali & Ahmad Najaa' Mokhtar - 27-48 A real asset management approach for Islamic investment in containerships
by Adam Abdullah & Rusni Hassan & Salina Kassim - 49-69 The effect of managerial ability on product market competition and corporate investment decisions
by Mahdi Salehi & Ali Daemi & Farzana Akbari - 70-89 The extent of audit report lag and governance mechanisms
by Mohamed Ahmed Kaaroud & Noraini Mohd Ariffin & Maslina Ahmad - 90-109 Mathematical modelling of ashariah-compliant capital asset pricing model
by Mohamad Hafiz Hazny & Haslifah Mohamad Hasim & Aida Yuzy Yusof - 110-129 Shari’ahsupervisory board’s size impact on performance in the Islamic banking industry
by Naji Mansour Nomran & Razali Haron - 130-151 Toward Islamic deposit insurance model
by Usama Adnan Fendi - 152-167 Corporate governance, SSB strength and the use of internal audit function by Islamic banks
by Saed Ahmed Sulub & Zalailah Salleh & Hafiza Aishah Hashim - 168-178 House financing: contracts used by Islamic banks for finished properties in Malaysia
by Aishath Muneeza & Muhammad Fahmi Fauzi & Muhammad Faisal Bin Mat Nor & Mohamed Abideen & Muhammed Maher Ajroudi - 179-200 Towards a core Islamic work value
by Mastura Ab. Wahab & Tajul Ariffin Masron - 201-215 MurabahaandMusharakah Moutanaquissahpricing: an interest-free approach
by Rida Ahroum & Othmane Touri & Boujemâa Achchab - 216-232 Effects of spiritual intelligence from Islamic perspective on emotional intelligence
by Md. Aftab Anwar & AAhad M. Osman Gani & Muhammad Sabbir Rahman