- wp392 Publication Productivity of Czech Sociology in Scientific Journals Within the Last Decade
by Josef Basl & Daniel Munich & Oleg Sidorkin - wp391 Size and Value Efects in the Visegrad Countries
by Magdalena Morgese Borys & Petr Zemcik - wp390 Housing Markets in Central and Eastern Europe: Is There a Bubble in the Czech Republic?
by Petr Zemcik - wp389 Foreign Ownership and Corporate Performance: The Czech Republic at EU Entry
by Stepan Jurajda & Juraj Stancik - wp388 Paying for Banking Services: What Determines the Fees?
by Pavel Dvorak & Jan Hanousek - wp387 Expatriates and Trade
by Tomas Konecny - wp386 Information and Communication Technologies in a Multi-sector Endogenous Growth Model
by Evangelia Vourvachaki - wp385 How Certain Is the Uncertainty Effect?
by Ondrej Rydval & Andreas Ortmann & Sasha Prokosheva & Ralph Hertwig - wp384 Revenue and Efficiency in Multi-Unit Uniform-Price Auctions
by Michal Bresky - wp383 Can Optimism about Technology Stocks Be Good for Welfare? Positive Spillovers vs. Equity Market Losses
by Katrin Tinn & Evangelia Vourvachaki - wp382 Intraday Price Discovery in Emerging European Stock Markets
by Jan Hanousek & Evzen Kocenda - wp381 Social Security Reform in a Dynastic Life-Cycle Model with Endogenous Fertility
by Radim Bohacek & Volha Belush
- wp380 The Implications of Structural Asymmetries for Monetary Policy and Welfare in a Small Open Economy: A Linear Quadratic Framework
by Yuliya Rychalovska - wp379 Optimal Monetary Policy Rules: The Problem of Stability Under Heterogeneous Learning
by Anna Bogomolova & Dmitri Kolyuzhnov - wp378 Economic Dynamics Under Heterogeneous Learning: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Stability
by Dmitri Kolyuzhnov - wp377 The Effect of Credit Rationing on the Shape of the Competition-Innovation Relationship
by Jan Bena - wp376 Pure Equilibrium Strategies in Multi-unit Auctions with Private Value Bidders
by Michal Bresky - wp375 Competition Policy and Market Leaders
by Ilir Maçi & Kresimir Zigic - wp374 Reversibility in Dynamic Coordination Problems
by Eugen Kovac & Jakub Steiner - wp373 Are the Unskilled Really That Unaware? Understanding Seemingly Biased Self-Assessments
by Marian Krajc - wp372 Testing Leniency Programs Experimentally: The Impact of “Natural” Framing
by Jana Krajcova & Andreas Ortmann - wp371 Gender Gap in Admission Performance under Competitive Pressure
by Stepan Jurajda & Daniel Munich - wp370 Testing Leniency Programs Experimentally: The Impact of Change in Parameterization
by Jana Krajcova - wp369 Stackelberg Leadership with Product Differentiation and Endogenous Entry: Some Comparative Static and Limiting Results
by Kresimir Zigic - wp368 Macroeconomic Stability: Transition Towards the Nominal Exchange Rate Stability
by Frantisek Brazdik & Juraj Antal - wp367 Fair Trade - Is It Really Fair?
by Tomas Konecny & Jan Myslivecek - wp366 Dollarization in Transition Economies: New Evidence from Georgia
by Olga Aslanidi - wp365 Source of Information-Driven Trading on the Prague Stock Exchange
by Frantisek Kopriva - wp364 How to Price Imperfect Certification
by Jan Myslivecek - wp363 Viewer Sampling and Quality Signaling in a Television Market
by Levent Çelik - wp362 Monopoly Provision of Tune-ins
by Levent Çelik - wp361 Comparing Certification and Self-regulation
by Jan Myslivecek - wp360 Tax Evasion Dynamics in the Czech Republic: First Evidence of an Evasional Kuznets Curve
by Jan Hanousek & Filip Palda - wp359 Strategic Informative Advertising in a Horizontally Differentiated Duopoly
by Levent Çelik - wp358 Learning-by-Exporting or Managerial Quality? Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Branislav Saxa - wp357 The Effect of Mortgage Origination Fees on the Housing Price Dynamics
by Ashot Tsharakyan - wp356 Inequality in Belarus from 1995 to 2005
by Maksim Yemelyanau - wp355 (The Evolution of) Post-Secondary Education: A Computational Model and Experiments
by Andreas Ortmann & Sergey Slobodyan - wp354 Properties of Equilibrium Strategies in Multiple-Unit, Uniform-Price Auctions
by Michal Bresky - wp353 Assessing Inflation Persistence: Micro Evidence on an Inflation Targeting Economy
by Jan Babecky & Fabrizio Coricelli & Roman Horvath - wp352 Sequential Cheap Talk from Advisors with Reputation
by Junghun Cho - wp351 Labor Supply after Transition: Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Alena Bicakova & Jiri Slacalek & Michal Slavik - wp350 Unequal Access to Higher Education in the Czech Republic: The Role of Spatial Distribution of Universities
by Michal Franta & Martin Guzi - wp349 The Reaction of Asset Prices to Macroeconomic Announcements in New EU Markets: Evidence from Intraday Data
by Jan Hanousek & Evzen Kocenda & Ali M. Kutan - wp348 The Impact of Territorially Concentraced FDI on Local Labor Markets: Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Marian Dinga - wp347 Three Very Simple Games and What It Takes to Solve Them
by Ondrej Rydval, & Andreas Ortmann & Michal Ostatnicky
- wp346 Legally Separated Joint Ownership of Bidder and Auctioneer: Illustrated by the Partial Deregulation of the EU Electricity Markets
by Silvester van Koten - wp345 Regional Unemployment and Human Capital in Transition Economies
by Stepan Jurajda & Katherine Terrell - wp343 Self-Reputation and Perception of Reputation
by Jung Hun Cho - wp342 Understanding the Lack of Competition in Natural Gas Markets: The Impact of Storage Ownership and Upstream Competition
by Michal Mravec - wp341 Determinants of Secondary School Choice in the Czech Republic
by Lenka Drnakova - wp340 Horizontal and Vertical FDI Spillovers: Recent Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Juraj Stancik - wp339 The Effects of Monetary Policy in the Czech Republic: An Empirical Study
by Magdalena Morgese Borys & Roman Horvath - wp338 Testing for Bubbles in Housing Markets: A Panel Data Approach
by Vyacheslav Mikhed & Petr Zemcik - wp337 Do House Prices Reflect Fundamentals? Aggregate and Panel Data Evidence
by Vyacheslav Mikhed & Petr Zemcik - wp336 International Competition in Vertically Differentiated Markets with Innovation and Imitation: Trade Policy versus Free Trade
by Eugen Kovac & Kresimir Zigic - wp335 Can the Market Fix a Wrong Administrative Decision? Massive Delisting on the Prague Stock Exchange
by Zuzana Fungacova - wp334 Valuing a Risky Prospect Less than Its Worst Outcome: Uncertainty Effect or Task Ambiguity?
by Andreas Ortmann & Sasha Prokosheva & Ondrej Rydval & Ralph Hertwig - wp333 Welfare Effects of Housing Price Appreciation in an Economy With Binding Credit Constraints
by Ashot Tsharakyan - wp332 Informative Advertising and Consumer Search in a Differentiated-Products Duopoly
by Levent Celik - wp331 Corporate Governance and Executive Pay: Evidence from a Recent Reform
by Teodora Paligorova - wp330 Which Firms Benefit More from Financial Development?
by Jan Bena & Stepan Jurajda - wp329 Can Immigrants Hurt Trade?
by Tomas Konecny - wp328 The Unbundling Regime for Electricity Utilities in the EU: A Case of Legislative and Regulatory Capture?
by Silvester van Koten & Andreas Ortmann - wp327 Classic Coordination Failures Revisited: The Effects of Deviation Costs and Loss Avoidance
by Giovanna Devetag & Andreas Ortmann - wp326 The Demographic Challenge of the Interconnected Education and Pension System in the Czech Republic
by Sergey Slobodyan & Viatcheslav Vinogradov - wp325 Are the Unskilled Really That Unaware? An alternative explanation
by Marian Krajc & Andreas Ortmann - wp324 Learning by Similarity in Coordination Problems
by Jakub Steiner & Colin Stewart - wp323 Testing Multi-Factor Asset Pricing Models in the Visegrad Countries
by Magdalena Morgese Borys - wp322 Does Reform Work? An Econometric Examination of the Reform-Growth Puzzle
by Ian Babetskii & Nauro F. Campos - wp321 Natural Resources: Are They Really a Curse?
by Alexandr Cerny & Randall K. Filer - wp320 Prompted to Be Good: The Impact of Certification on the Quality of Charities
by Katarina Svitkova - wp319 Government’s (In)ability to Precommit, and Strategic Trade Policy: The “Third Market” versus the “Home Market” Setup
by Kresimir Zigic - wp318 Political Risk of Social Security: The Case of the Indexation of Benefits in the Czech Republic
by Libor Dusek - wp317 Financial Development and Growth in Direct Firm-Level Comparisons
by Jan Bena, & Stepan Jurajda - wp316 Persistence of Monopoly, Innovation, and R&D Spillovers: Static versus Dynamic Analysis
by Eugen Kovac & Viatcheslav Vinogradov & Kresimir Zigic
- wp315 The Role of Policy Rule Misspecification in Monetary Policy Inertia Debate
by Jiri Podpiera - wp314 Multiple Advisors with Reputation
by Junghun Cho - wp313 Bidding Behavior when One Bidder and the Auctioneer Are Vertically Integrated Implications for the Partial Deregulation of EU Electricity Markets
by Silvester van Koten - wp312 Corporate Philanthropy in the Czech and Slovak Republics
by Katarina Svitkova - wp311 Trade Policy, Market Leaders and Endogenous Competition Intensity
by Jan Boone & Delia Ionascu & Kresimir Zigic - wp310 Mixed Competition and Welfare under Various Nonprofit Objectives Mixed Competition under Various Cost Configurations
by Petra Brhlikova - wp309 Stochastic Gradient versus Recursive Least Squares Learning
by Sergey Slobodyan & Anna Bogomolova, & Dmitri Kolyuzhnov - wp308 How Big is Big Enough? Justifying Results of the iid Test Based on the Correlation Integral in the Non-Normal World
by Lubos Briatka - wp307 Monetary Incentives: Usually Neither Necessary Nor Sufficient?
by Andreas Ortmann & Ralph Hertwig - wp306 Sources of Capital Structure: Evidence from Transition Countries
by Karin Joeveer - wp305 Trust and Trustworthiness in an Economy with Heterogeneous Individuals
by Peter Katuscak & Joel Slemrod - wp304 Should the Average Tax Rate Be Marginalized?
by Naomi E. Feldman & Peter Katuscak - wp303 Three Prominent Tournament Formats: Predictive Power and Costs
by Dmitry Ryvkin & Andreas Ortmann - wp302 When and Why? A Critical Survey on Coordination Failure in the Laboratory
by Giovanna Devetag & Andreas Ortmann - wp301 Information Asymmetry, Share Mispricing and the Coordination Problem: Investor Portfolio Choice in Czech Voucher Privatization
by Elena Yusupova - wp300 Measuring Economics Research in the Czech Republic: A Comment
by Daniel Munich - wp299 The Impact of the Non-distribution Constraint and Its Enforcement on Entrepreneurial Choice, Price, and Quality
by Petra Brhlikova & Andeas Ortmann - wp298 Choice of Corporate Risk Management Tools under Moral Hazard
by Jan Bena - wp297 Foreign Exchange Risk Premium Determinants: Case of Armenia
by Tigran Poghosyan & Evzen Kocenda - wp296 Female Managers and Their Wages in Central Europe
by Stepan Jurajda & Teodora Paligorova - wp295 Coordination in a Mobile World
by Jakub Steiner - wp294 What Makes Firms in Emerging Markets Attractive to Foreign Investors? Micro-evidence from the Czech Republic
by Peter Toth & Petr Zemcik - wp293 One Sector Models, Indeterminacy, and Productive Public Spending
by Sergey Slobodyan - wp292 Pollution Haven Hypothesis or Factor Endowment Hypothesis: Theory and Empirical Examination for the US and China
by Umed Temurshoev - wp291 Rent Extraction by Large Shareholders: Evidence Using Dividend Policy in the Czech Republic
by Jan Bena & Jan Hanousek - wp290 Bankruptcy Regimes and Gambling on Resurrection
by Ondrej Knot & Ondrej Vychodil - wp289 Productivity Differences and Agglomeration Across Districts of Great Britain
by Lubomira Anastassova - wp288 Certification as a Viable Quality Assurance Mechanism: Theory and Suggestive Evidence
by Katarina Svitkova & Andreas Ortmann - wp287 Proprietary Policy and Production
by Byeongju Jeong - wp286 Non-Parametric Analysis of Technical Efficiency: Factors Affecting Efficiency of West Java Rice Farms
by Frantisek Brazdik - wp285 Escape Dynamics: A Continuous—Time Approximation
by Dmitri Kolyuzhnov & Anna Bogomolova & Sergey Slobodyan - wp284 Indeterminacy and Stability in a Modified Romer Model: A General Case
by Sergey Slobodyan
- wp283 What Do We Know about the Capital Structure of Small Firms?
by Karin Joeveer - wp282 Admission to Selective Schools, Alphabetically
by Stepan Jurajda & Daniel Munich - wp281 Provincial Interests and Political Integration: Voting in the French Maastricht Referendum
by Andrew Austin - wp280 Can a Cartel Fuel the Engine of Economic Development? OPEC and the macroeconomics of oil
by Jose Noguera & Rowena A. Pecchenino - wp279 Pilgrims to the Eurozone: How Far, How Fast?
by Evzen Kocenda & Ali M. Kutan & Taner M. Yigit - wp278 Believe but Verify? Russian Views and the Market
by Andrew Austin & Tatyana Kosyaeva & Nathaniel Wilcox - wp277 Should Private Expectations Concern Central Bankers?
by Martin Fukac - wp276 Speculation and Survival in Financial Markets
by Eugen Kovac - wp275 Why Can’t a Woman Bid More Like a Man?
by Yan Chen & Peter Katuscak & Emre Ozdenoren - wp274 Coordination Cycles
by Jakub Steiner - wp273 Too Large or Too Small? Returns to Scale in a Retail Network
by Frantisek Brazdik & Viliam Druska - wp272 Optimal Government Policies in Models with Heterogeneous Agents
by Radim Bohacek & Michal Kejak - wp271 Oriented stochastic data envelopment models: Ranking comparison to stochastic frontier approach
by Frantisek Brazdik - wp269 Sealed Bid Auctions with Ambiguity: An Experimental Study
by Yan Chen & Peter Katuscak & Emre Ozdenoren - wp268 Between-Firm Redistribution of Profit in Competitive Industries: Why Labor Market Policies May Not Work
by Galina Vereshchagina - wp267 Equilibrium Exchange Rate in the Czech Republic: How Good is the Czech BEER?
by Ian Babetskii & Balazs Egert - wp266 Tying and entry deterrence in vertically differentiated markets
by Eugen Kovac - wp265 Globalization, Increasing Returns in Component Production, and the Pattern of Trade
by Anu Kovarikova Arro - wp264 Capital and Labor Effects in a Recall Task: More Evidence in Support of Camerer and Hogarth (1999)
by Ondrej Rydval - wp263 Why Immigrants Manage to Grab More SocialBenefits? Empirical Cross - Country Analysis
by Lubomira Anastassova & Teodora Paligorova - wp262 Czech Managerial Compensations: Why Does It Pay Off to Climb the Corporate Ladder?
by Teodora Paligorova - wp261 Finding Optimal Measures of Core Inflation in the Kyrgyz Republic
by Ainura Uzagalieva - wp260 Crime, Deterrence, and Democracy
by Libor Dusek - wp259 Origin and Concentration: Corporate Ownership, Control and Performance
by Jan Hanousek & Evzen Kocenda & Jan Svejnar - wp258 Projection Methods for Economies with Heterogeneous Agents
by Radim Bohacek & Michal Kejak - wp257 Wages in a Growing Russia: When is a Ten Percent Rise in the Gender Pay Gap Good News?
by Elena Kazakova - wp256 Building a Castle on Sand: Effects of Mass Privatization on Capital Market Creation in Transition Economies
by Zuzana Fungacova - wp255 Optimal Severance Payment: Theory and Practice
by Byeongju Jeong - wp254 Fiscal Consequences of Monetary Integration within the Common Economic Area: the Case of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia
by Ainura Uzagalieva - wp253 Inflation Expectations in the Czech Interbank Market
by Martin Fukac - wp252 The Predictive Power of Noisy Elimination Tournaments
by Dmitry Ryvkin - wp251 City and Suburban Competition
by Andrew Austin - wp250 All in the Family: A Dynasty Approach to Household Migration Evidence from the 19th Century Austro-Hungarian Empire
by Alexander Klein - wp249 Strategic Tariff Protection, Market Conduct, and Government Commitment Levels in Developing Economies
by Delia Ionaºcu & Kresimir Zigic - wp248 Changing Composition of Human Capital: The Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland
by Byeongju Jeong & Michal Kejak & Viatcheslav Vinogradov - wp247 Learning by Bidding: Evidence from a Large-Scale Natural Experiment
by Jan Hanousek & Evzen Kocenda - wp246 A Trace of Anger is Enough: On the Enforcement of Social Norms
by Jakub Steiner
- wp245 Loss avoidance as selection principle: evidence from simple stag-hunt games
by Ondrej Rydval & Andreas Ortmann - wp244 Credit markets and the propagation of monetary policy shocks
by Radim Bohacek & Hugo Rodriguez Mendizabal - wp243 The transmission mechanism to barter
by Jose Noguera - wp242 Stock market integration and the speed of information transmission
by Alexandr Cerny - wp241 Coase’s conjecture in finite horizon
by Michal Ostatnicky - wp240 Models of competition between one for-profit and one nonprofit firm
by Petra Brhlikova - wp239 Is Barter a Hobson’s Choice? A theory of barter and credit rationing
by Jose Noguera - wp238 Believing in Economic Theory: Sex, Lies, Evidence, Trust and Ideology
by Andrew Austin & Nathaniel T. Wilcox - wp237 Calibration of Interest Rate Models - Transition Market Case
by Martin Vojtek - wp236 The Predictive Power of Noisy Round-Robin Tournaments
by Dmitry Ryvkin & Andreas Ortmann - wp235 Advancing the iid Test Based on Integration across the Correlation Integral: Ranges, Competition, and Power
by Evzen Kocenda & Lubos Briatka - wp234 Efficiency Defense and Administrative Fuzziness in Merger Regulation
by Andrei Medvedev - wp233 The False Consensus Effect: Deconstruction and Reconstruction of an Anomaly
by Dirk Engelmann & Martin Strobel - wp232 Sequencing of Club Enlargement: "big bang," "gradualism," and internal reform
by Michael Kunin - wp231 Why do Software Manufacturers Tolerate Piracy in Transition and Less Developed Countries? A theoretical model
by Michael Kunin - wp230 Strategic Trade Policy and Vertical Product Differentiation: intra-industry trade between developed and developing countries
by Michael Kunin & Kresimir Zigic - wp229 Structural remedies in merger regulation in a Cournot framework
by Andrei Medvedev - wp227 Back to the St. Petersburg Paradox?
by Pavlo Blavatskyy - wp226 Axiomatization of a Preference for Most Probably Winner
by Pavlo Blavatskyy - wp225 Tying by a Non-monopolist
by Eugen Kovac - wp224 Does bank failure affect client firms? Micro evidence from Estonia
by Karin Joeveer - wp223 Who's Afraid of Reduced-Rank Parameterizations of Multivariate Models? Theory and Example
by Scott Gilbert & Petr Zemcik - wp222 The Mirage of Convergence: Why Poor Countries May Only Seem to Be Closing the Income Gap
by Jan Hanousek & Dana Hajkova & Randall K. Filer - wp221 How financial incentives and cognitive abilities affect task performance in laboratory settings: An illustration
by Ondrej Rydval & Andreas Ortmann - wp220 Factor Accumulation Story: Any Unfinished Business?
by Michal Kejak & David Vavra - wp219 Accession Trajectories and Convergence: Endogenous Growth Perspective
by Michal Kejak & Stephan Seiter & David Vavra
- wp218 Note on "Small Feedback-based Decisions and Their Limited Correspondence to Description-based Decisions"
by Pavlo Blavatsky - wp217 Fairness Under Risk: Insights from Dictator Games
by Vitezslav Babicky - wp216 Effect of Enterpise Break-Ups on Performance: Case of Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
by Polona Domadenik & Lubomir Lizal & Marko Pahor - wp215 Indirect Reciprocity and Strategic Reputation Building in an Experimental Helping Game
by Dirk Engelmann & Urs Fischbacher - wp214 Does CPI Approximate Cost-of-Living?: Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Jiri Podpiera - wp213 Does the Short Supply of College Education Bite?
by Stepan Jurajda - wp212 An Experimental Test of Strategic Trade Policy
by Dirk Engelmann & Hans-Theo Normann - wp211 Risk Aversion Pays in the Class of 2 x 2 Games with No Pure Equilibrium
by Dirk Engelmann - wp210 Bidding Behavior in Multi-Unit Auctions - An Experimental Investigation and some Theoretical Insights
by Dirk Engelmann & Veronika Grimm - wp209 Ownership and Firm Performance after Large-Scale Privatization
by Evzen Kocenda & Jan Svejnar - wp208 (The Evolution of) Post-Secondary Education: A Computational Model and Experiments
by Andreas Ortmann & Sergey Slobodyan & Samuel S. Nordberg - wp207 A Theoretical Model of Barter in Russia
by Jose Noguera & Susan Linz - wp206 Exchange Rate Regimes and Supply Shocks Asymmetry: the Case of the Accession Countries
by Jan Babetski & Laurence Boone & Mathilde Maurel
- wp205 Indeterminacy and Stability in a Modified Romer Model
by Sergey Slobodyan - wp204 Welfare Implications of Sunspot Fluctuations
by Sergey Slobodyan - wp203 Effects of Ownership and Financial Status on Corporate Environmental Performance
by Dietrich Earnhart & Lubomir Lizal - wp202 Sex Segregation and Wage Gaps in East and West Germany
by Stepan Jurajda & Heike Harmgart - wp201 Job Growth in Early Transition: Comparing Two Paths
by Stepan Jurajda & Katherine Terrell - wp200 Distributions Implied by Exchange Traded Options: A Ghost’s Smile?
by Martin Cincibuch - wp199 Strategic Interactions, Social Optimality and Growth
by David Vavra - wp198 Financial Intermediation and Entrepreneurial Activity
by Radim Bohacek - wp197 Price Setting in Transition: The Effect of Takeover on a Petroleum Firm
by Juraj Valachy - wp196 Bertrand Price Undercutting: A Brief Classroom Demonstration
by Andreas Ortmann - wp195 Optimal Timing of TV Commercials: Symmetrical Model
by Tomas Kadlec - wp194 What Students Expect and What They See: Ideology, Identity and the Double Auction Classroom Experiment
by Andrew Austin & Nathaniel T. Wilcox - wp193 A Market-Clearing Classroom Experiment
by Radim Bohacek
- wp192 Banking Passivity and Regulatory Failure in Emerging Markets: Theory and Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Jan Hanousek & Gerard Roland