2014, Volume 60, Issue 12
- 511-518 Assessment of genetic variability in autochthonous elm populations using ISSR markers
by V. Čurn & M. Dědouchová & B. Kubátová & J. Malá & P. Máchová & H. Cvrčková - 519-525 Timber production and ecological characteristics of trees in coppice forest in the Voskop nature reserve in Český kras - a case study
by L. Šálek & R. Stolariková & L. Jeřábková & P. Karlík & L. Dragoun & A. Jelenecká - 526-533 Impact of forest biomass for energy harvesting on soil compaction - Irish case study
by J. Pohořalý & R. Klvač & T. Kent & M. Kleibl & E. Coates & B. Horgan - 534-539 Potential of natural regeneration of Quercus robur L. in floodplain forests in the southern part of the Czech Republic
by L. Dobrovolný - 540-543 Testing of germination of spruce, pine and larch seed after 10 years from collection
by I. Tomášková & J. Vítámvás & J. Korecký
2014, Volume 60, Issue 11
- 443-450 Biomass allocation of chestnut oak (Quercus castaneifolia C.A. Mey) seedlings: effects of provenance and light gradient
by F. Babaei Sustani & S.G. Jalali & H. Sohrabi & A. Shirvani - 451-455 Analysis of woodchip heating capacity calculated according to technical standards and measurements of calorific value
by M. Lieskovsky & J. Dvořák & P. Natov & J. Chojnacki & K. Rokosz - 456-463 Evaluation of the efficacy duration of different types of pheromone dispensers to lure Ips typographus (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)
by P. Zahradník & M. Zahradníková - 464-471 Use of nonparametric regression methods for developing a local stem form model
by K. Kuželka & R. Marušák - 472-483 Stakeholders' preferences and the assessment of forest ecosystem services: a comparative analysis in Italy
by A. Paletto & G. Giacovelli & G. Grilli & J. Balest & I. De Meo - 484-486 Warmer and wetter might not be better
by A.J. Woods
2014, Volume 60, Issue 10
- 401-405 Attempt to define morphological parameters enabling sex determination of Ips typographus (Linaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) using PCA and CLU
by M. Zahradníková - 406-416 An influence of different thinning methods on qualitative wood production of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) on two eutrophic sites in the Western Carpathians
by I. Štefančík & M. Bošeľa - 417-424 Stand-replacing disturbance does not directly alter the succession of Norway spruce regeneration on dead wood
by J. Červenka & R. Bače & M. Svoboda - 425-430 Tensile strength and cellulose content of Persian ironwood (Parrotia persica) roots as bioengineering material
by E. Abdi & F. Azhdari & A. Abdulkhani & H. Soofi Mariv - 431-441 Forest management and snag characteristics in Northern Iran lowland forests
by F. Tavankar & R. Picchio & A. Lo Monaco & A.E. Bonyad
2014, Volume 60, Issue 9
- 353-362 Modelling and analyzing the surface fire behaviour in Hyrcanian forest of Iran
by H. Aghajani & A. Fallah & S. Fazlollah Emadian - 363-371 Estimation of biomass and carbon storage of tree plantations in northern Iran
by R. Ostadhashemi & T. Rostami Shahraji & H. Roehle & S. Mohammadi Limaei - 372-381 Outlook of logging perspectives in the Czech Republic for the period 2013-2032
by M. Synek & J. Vašíček & M. Zeman - 382-387 Comparison of Trypodendron lineatum, T. domesticum and T. laeve (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) flight activity in Central Europe
by K. Lukášová & J. Holuša - 388-393 Effects of brassinosteroids on prosperity of Scots pine seedlings
by O. Nováková & I. Kuneš & J. Gallo & M. Baláš - 394-399 Results of 20 years old Douglas-fir provenance experiment established on the northern slopes of Rila Mountain in Bulgaria
by E.B. Popov
2014, Volume 60, Issue 8
- 307-317 Proposals for Nothofagus antarctica diameter growth estimation: simple vs. global models
by H. Ivancich & G.J. Martínez Pastur & M.V. Lencinas & J.M. Cellini & P.L. Peri - 318-323 Topography of material made by the application of abrasive water jet technology
by M. Kvietková - 324-329 Influence of forest fragmentation on the distribution of small terrestrial mammals in fir-beech commercial forest
by P. Lešo & A. Lešová & R. Kropil - 330-335 Biotechnical control of tar spot (Rhytisma acerinum) disease on velvet maple (Acer velutinum Boiss) in vitro
by S.M. Karami & M.R. Kavosi & G. Hajizadeh & H. Jalilvand - 336-348 Forest succession after a major anthropogenic disturbance: a case study of the Jewish Forest in the Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
by J. Bednařík & V. Čada & K. Matějka - 349-350 Scobicia chevrieri (Villa & Villa 1835), a new species of the Bostrichidae family for the Slovak Republic
by J. Kollár - 351-352 Climate change, air pollution and global challenges. Understanding and perspectives from forest research
by R. Matyssek & N. Clarke & P. Cudlin & T.N. Mikkelsen & J.P. Tuovinen & G. Wieser & E. Paoletti
2014, Volume 60, Issue 7
- 263-271 Effects of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) on understorey layer species diversity in managed forests
by V. Podrázský & A. Martiník & K. Matějka & J. Viewegh - 272-280 Impact of interspecific relations between native red deer (Cervus elaphus) and introduced sika deer (Cervus nippon) on their rutting season in the Doupovské hory Mts
by Z. Macháček & S. Dvořák & M. Ježek & D. Zahradník - 281-287 Germination and emergence response of specific Douglas fir seed lot to different temperatures and prechilling duration
by A. Martiník & K. Houšková & E. Palátová - 288-296 Investigation of Douglas-fir provenance test in North-Western Bulgaria at the age of 24 years
by K. Petkova & M. Georgieva & M. Uzunov - 297-306 Economic Impact of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) production in the Czech Republic
by K. Pulkrab & M. Sloup & M. Zeman
2014, Volume 60, Issue 6
- 219-225 Quantity and quality of litterfall in young oak stands
by J. Novák & D. Dušek & M. Slodičák - 226-235 Specifics in the introduction of sustainability reporting by companies in the forestry sector
by M. Ševčík & M. Hájek & A. Mikulková - 236-247 Allometric equations for predicting aboveground biomass of beech-hornbeam standsin the Hyrcanian forests of Iran
by A.A. Vahedi & A. Mataji & S. Babayi-Kafaki & J. Eshaghi-Rad & S.M. Hodjati & A. Djomo - 248-253 Operation times in John Deere 1110 E forwarders in regeneration felling
by A. Kabeš & J. Dvořák & P. Natov - 254-261 Economic evaluation of natural forest park using the travel cost method (case study; Masouleh forest park, north of Iran)
by S. Mohammadi Limaei & H. Ghesmati & R. Rashidi & N. Yamini
2014, Volume 60, Issue 5
- 181-189 Impact of risk factor management on the sanitary condition of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) pure stands in Latvia
by J. Ruba & O. Miezite & S. Luguza - 190-197 Comparison of different forest regeneration methods after windthrow
by A. Martiník & L. Dobrovolný & V. Hurt - 198-207 Biomass and carbon stocks in Schima superba dominated subtropical forests of eastern China
by A. Ali & W.J. Ma & X.D. Yang & B.W. Sun & Q.R. Shi & M.S. Xu - 208-211 Effects of vegetation type and horizontal curve radius on the rate of tree pruning to provide line of sight on main access roads
by M. Nasiri & M.R. Pourmajidian - 212-217 Influence of sycamore seed stratification length on their germination capacity
by J. Stejskalová & I. Kupka & O. Nováková
2014, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 133-142 Changes of forest abiotic environment in the Western Carpathians assessed using phytoindication
by W. Żelazny - 143-153 Analysis of coniferous species to identify and distinguish juvenile and mature wood
by M. Nawrot & W. Pazdrowski & R. Walkowiak & M. Szymański & K. Kaźmierczak - 154-165 Spring phenology of cockchafers, Melolontha spp. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), in forests of south-western Germany: results of a 3-year survey on adult emergence, swarming flights, and oogenesis from 2009 to 2011
by E. Wagenhoff & R. Blum & H. Delb - 166-173 Effect of Oriental beech root reinforcement on slope stability (Hyrcanian Forest, Iran)
by E. Abdi - 174-180 An assessment of the applicability of dung count to estimate the wild boar population density in a forest environment
by R. Plhal & J. Kamler & M. Homolka & J. Drimaj
2014, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 89-95 Effect of planting interval and soil type on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of poplar (Populus nigra) plantations in Diwandareh (Kurdistan province, western Iran)
by A. Alijanpour & A.B. Shafiei & R. Latify - 96-108 Phenotype features in juvenile populations of Picea abies and their growth
by K. Matějka & J. Leugner & V. Krpeš - 109-114 Modelling of forest road sediment in the northern forest of Iran (Lomir Watershed)
by P. Dalir & R. Naghdi & V. Gholami - 115-120 Pathogenicity of Fusarium spp. associated with diseases of Aleppo-pine seedlings in Algerian forest nurseries
by F. Lazreg & L. Belabid & J. Sanchez & E. Gallego & B. Bayaa - 121-131 Ca/Al ratio in Norway spruce fine roots on monitoring plots in the Czech Republic
by V. Šrámek & V. Fadrhonsová & L. Jurkovská
2014, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 51-60 Proposal of using GIS for multi-criteria evaluation of environmentally friendly use of skidding technologies in forestry
by M. Synek & M. Klimánek - 61-69 Development and dynamics of mountain spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karsten) stand regeneration
by K. Malík & J. Remeš & S. Vacek & V. Štícha - 70-74 Micropropagation of Shorea robusta: an economically important woody plant
by M. Singh & S. Sonkusale & Ch. Niratker & P. Shukla - 75-83 Long-term influence of applied amphibolite powder on the chemistry of soil supporting Norway spruce plantation
by I. Kuneš & M. Baláš & V. Balcar - 84-88 On the potential policy use of some selected biodiversity indicators: limitations and recommendations for improvements
by Z. Benedek
2014, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-5 Protocol for efficient micropropagation of spring gentian and sand jurinea
by H. Cvrčková & P. Máchová & J. Dostál & J. Malá - 6-11 Effect of insecticide-treated trap logs and lure traps for Ips typographus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) management on nontarget arthropods catching in Norway spruce stands
by J. Lubojacký & J. Holuša - 12-17 Establishing windbreaks: how rapidly do the smaller tree transplants reach the height of the larger ones?
by J. Dostálek & M. Weber & T. Frantík - 18-27 Microsatellite DNA markers in Shorea platyclados (Dipterocarpaceae): genetic diversity, size homoplasy and mother trees
by A.M. Javed & Ch.H. Cannon & R. Wickneswari - 28-34 The impacts of ground-based logging equipment on forest soil
by A. Solgi & A. Najafi - 35-41 Occurrence of frost episodes and their dynamics in height gradient above the ground in the Jizerské hory Mts
by J. Gallo & I. Kuneš & M. Baláš & O. Nováková & M.L. Drury - 42-50 Management of mountain forests in the hydrology of a landscape, the Czech Republic
by F. Šach & V. Švihla & V. Černohous & P. Kantor - v:60:y:2014:i:1:id:7223-jfs List of reviewers - 2013
by editors
2013, Volume 59, Issue 12
- 1-1 Index of volume 59
by editors - 475-478 Determination of correction coefficient of average skidding distance according to the existing road network in Alikia Soltan forest of Iran
by M. Rezaei & F. Shafizade & M.A. Rezaei - 479-486 Selecting the efficient harvesting method using multiple-criteria analysis: A case study in south-west Western Australia
by M.R. Ghaffariyan & M. Brown - 487-492 Analytical hierarchy process to choose the best earthwork machine in northern forests of Iran
by A. Parsakhoo & S.A. Hosseini - 493-502 Attractiveness of Picea pungens to the bark beetle species Ips amitinus (Eichh.) and Pityogenes chalcographus (L.)
by E. Kula & R. Kajfosz & J. Polívka - 503-513 Relation between selected indicators of forest stand diversity and quality of timber production in young stands aged up to 40 years
by J. Merganič & R. Marušák & K. Merganičová & R. Stolariková & L. Tipmann - 514-519 Analysis of the perceived condition of forests in the Czech Republic
by M. Riedl & L. Šišák
2013, Volume 59, Issue 11
- 417-423 Assessing the effect of Alnus roots on hillslope stability in order to use in soil bioengineering
by R. Naghdi & S. Maleki & E. Abdi & R. Mousavi & M. Nikooy - 424-435 Selection of European larch provenances based on productivity and economic values
by J. Kobliha & J. Stejskal & M. Lstibůrek & R. Marušák & M. Slávik - 436-446 Foliage and fine roots in terms of growth efficiency - a comparison between European beech and Norway spruce at early growth stages
by B. Konôpka & J. Pajtík - 447-457 Free European data on forest distribution: overview and evaluation
by J. Trombik & T. Hlásny - 458-473 Application and limitations of growth models for silvicultural purposes in heterogeneously structured forest in Sweden
by L. Drössler & N. Fahlvik & B. Elfving
2013, Volume 59, Issue 10
- 377-387 Analysis of the genetic structure of a model Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seed orchard for development of management strategies
by O. Ivanek & Z. Procházková & K. Matějka - 386-390 In vitro reproduction of rare and endemic species of rowan tree
by P. Máchová & J. Malá & H. Cvrčková & J. Dostál & V. Buriánek - 391-397 On the way to continuous cover forest at middle elevations - the question of forest structure and specific site characteristics
by L. Bílek & J. Remeš & O. Švec & D. Zahradník - 398-404 Production of Douglas-Fir in the Czech Republic based on national forest inventory data
by V. Podrázský & R. Čermák & D. Zahradník & J. Kouba - 405-415 Regional assessment of forest effect on watershed hydrology: Slovakia as a case study
by T. Hlásny & Z. Sitková & I. Barka
2013, Volume 59, Issue 9
- 339-344 Considering the relationship of slope and soil loss on skid trails in the north of Iran (a case study)
by M. Akbarimehr & H. Jalilvand - 345-351 Soil-forming effect of Douglas fir at lower altitudes - a case study
by I. Kupka & V. Podrázský & J. Kubeček - 352-358 Prosperity of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) plantations in relation to the shelter
by D. Sychra & O. Mauer - 359-369 The health and nutritional status of Norway spruce stands in the Krušné hory Mts. 15 years subsequent to the extreme winter of 1995/96
by B. Lomský & V. Šrámek & R. Novotný - 370-375 Partial evaluation of questionnaires monitoring the need of knowledge in forest workers from selected EU countries
by A. Skoupý & J. Vanbelle & J. Zöscher & T. Lampe & F. Esser & V. Turpeinen & P. Caseau & P. Máchal & R. Klvač & V. Nový & T. Embo
2013, Volume 59, Issue 8
- 295-300 The proportion of heartwood in conifer (Pinus sylvestris L., Picea abies [L.] H. Karst.) trunks and its influence on trunk wood moisture -
by M. Millers - 301-305 A comparative analysis of neck muscle tension in a harvester operator compared with chainsaw and horse skidding operator and with normal human activities
by J. Macků & J. Dvořák - 306-318 Effects of fertilisation on growth and nutrition of Norway spruce on a harsh mountain site
by I. Kuneš & M. Baláš & V. Balcar & D. Kacálek & K. Millerová & A. Jančová & O. Nováková & O. Špulák & D. Zahradník & J. Vítámvás & T. Koňasová - 319-327 Long-term response of understorey cover, basal area and diversity to stand density in a mixed oak forest on the Síkfőkút plot in Hungary
by T. Misik & K. Varga & Zs. Veres & I. Kárász & B. Tóthmérész - 328-336 Tree health influences diameter growth along site quality, crown class and age gradients in Nothofagus forests of southern Patagonia
by H. Attis Beltrán & G. Martínez Pastur & H. Ivancich & M.V. Lencinas & L.M. Chauchard - 337-337 Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Herynek, CSc., is celebrating his 80th birthday
by Václav Tlapák
2013, Volume 59, Issue 7
- 261-266 Productivity and cost analysis of skidding with Timberjack 450C in forest plantations in Shafaroud watershed, Iran
by M. Nikooy & A. Esmailnezhad & R. Naghdi - 267-271 Vertical force requirement for stump lifting
by I. Czupy & E. Horváth-Szováti - 272-278 The influence of deforestation on runoff generation and soil erosion (Case study: Kasilian Watershed)
by V. Gholami - 279-287 Spatial-temporal distribution of forest fires and fire weather index calculation from 2000 to 2009 in China
by M.R. Ullah & X.D. Liu & M. Al-Amin - 288-294 Influence of vegetation on phenolic acid contents in soil
by J. Malá & M. Cvikrová & M. Hrubcová & P. Máchová
2013, Volume 59, Issue 6
- 223-229 Earthworm biomass and abundance, soil chemical and physical properties under different poplar plantations in the north of Iran
by A. Salehi & N. Ghorbanzadeh & E. Kahneh - 230-237 The impact of juvenile tree species canopy on properties of new forest floor
by D. Kacálek & D. Dušek & J. Novák & J. Bartoš - 238-252 Ground vegetation as an important factor in the biodiversity of forest ecosystems and its evaluation in regard to nitrogen deposition
by V. Buriánek & R. Novotný & K. Hellebrandová & V. Šrámek - 253-259 Development of target (crop) trees in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stand with delayed initial tending and managed by different thinning methods
by I. Štefančík
2013, Volume 59, Issue 5
- 185-190 Forest visitors' opinion of recreational facilities and trails in forests in the Blaník Protected Landscape Area - a case study
by A. Drábková & L. Šišák - 191-195 Foliar nutrient status of a natural fir forest in Greece
by P. Michopoulos - 196-203 Felling and skidding damage to residual trees following selection cutting in Caspian forests of Iran
by F. Tavankar & B. Majnounian & A.E. Bonyad - 204-210 Comparing productivity-cost of roadside processing system and road side chipping system in Western Australia
by M.R. Ghaffariyan - 211-221 Time consumption and productivity analysis of timber trucking using two kinds of trucks in northern Iran
by R. Mousavi & R. Naghdi
2013, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 137-149 Birch (Betula papyrifera) × white spruce (Picea glauca) interactions in mixedwood stands: implications for management
by Ch.D.B. Hawkins & A. Dhar - 150-158 Growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karsten) from artificial and natural regeneration in the Krkonoše Mts. and air temperature variability
by K. Matějka & J. Leugner - 159-168 Stand structure indices as tools to support forest management: an application in Trentino forests (Italy)
by F. Pastorella & A. Paletto - 169-175 Research on reliability of forest harvester operation used in the company Lesy Slovenskej Republiky
by J. Kováč & J. Krilek & J. Dvořák & P. Natov - 176-184 Phenology of common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) along the altitudinal gradient in Slovakia (Inner Western Carpathians)
by B. Schieber & R. Janík & Z. Snopková
2013, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 93-100 Orthoptera assemblages of beech stand plots during early succession stages after clearcutting -
by A. Sliacka & A. Krištín & L. Naďo - 101-106 Study of briquette properties at their long-time storage
by M. Brožek - 107-116 Norway spruce litterfall and forest floor in the IUFRO thinning experiment CZ 13 - Vítkov
by J. Novák & M. Slodičák & D. Dušek & D. Kacálek - 117-124 Assessment of coarse woody debris following selective logging in Caspian forests: implications for conservation and management
by F.K. Behjou & O.G. Mollabashi - 125-129 Growth of Norway spruce seedlings after transplanting into silty soil amended with biochar: a bioassay in a growth chamber
by J. Heiskanen & P. Tammeorg & R.K. Dumroese - 130-135 First observation of Quercus pedunculiflora C. Koch in the Italian Peninsula
by R. Carella
2013, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 41-53 Forest fires and their causes in the Czech Republic (1992-2004)
by E. Kula & Z. Jankovská - 54-63 Methods of digital photogrammetry in forest management in Slovakia
by M. Kardoš - 64-71 Recent results of Czech-American fir hybridization research
by J. Kobliha & J. Stejskal & P. Škorpík & J. Frampton - 72-86 Evaluation of deposition fluxes in two mountain Norway spruce stands with different densities using the extended Canopy Budget Model
by I. Drápelová - 87-91 GIS modelling for locating the risk zone of soil erosion in a deciduous forest
by M. Nasiri
2013, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-7 Land-use legacies: multi-centuries years-old management control of between-stands variability at the landscape scale in Mediterranean mountain forests, France
by S. Chauchard & F. Guibal & C. Carcaillet - 8-21 Effects of fertilisation on biomass of Norway spruce on a harsh mountain site
by I. Kuneš & D. Zahradník & V. Balcar & O. Špulák & M. Baláš & T. Koňasová & D. Kacálek & J. Vítámvás & A. Jančová & O. Nováková & K. Millerová - 22-27 Financing of forestry from public sources in the Czech Republic
by L. Šišák - 28-33 Wood decomposition activity of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) isolate in situ
by M. Pavlík & Š. Pavlík - 34-40 Rural development policy in the context of actor-centred institutionalism
by Z. Dobšinská & J. Šálka & Z. Sarvašová & J. Lásková - v:59:y:2013:i:1:id:6625-jfs List Of Reviewers - 2012
by editors
2012, Volume 58, Issue 12
- 1-1 Index of volume 58
by editors - 519-529 Changes in the threat of spruce stand disintegration in the Beskid Śląski and Żywiecki Mts. in the years 2007-2010
by S. Małek & J. Barszcz & K. Majsterkiewicz - 530-535 Evaluating productivity, cost, chip quality and biomass recovery for a mobile chipper in Australian roadside chipping operations
by M.R. Ghaffariyan & J. Sessions & M. Brown - 536-544 Steady infiltration rates estimated for a mountain forest catchment based on the distribution of plant species
by L. Jačka & J. Pavlásek & M. Jindrová & P. Bašta & M. Černý & A. Balvín & P. Pech - 545-552 Relationship between rodent density, environmental factors and tree damage caused by rodent species
by J. Suchomel & L. Čepelka & L. Purchart - 553-559 An assessment of hucava mountain stream catchment susceptibility to flooding
by A. Majlingová & M. Závacká & D. Kliment - 560-568 Abundance and diversity of soil arthropods and fungi in shelterbelts integrated with pastures in the central tablelands of New South Wales, Australia
by E.W. Mbuthia & J.H. Shariff & A. Raman & D.S. Hodgkins & H.I. Nicol & S. Mannix
2012, Volume 58, Issue 11
- 473-482 Effect of log length on productivity and cost of Timberjack 450C skidder in the Hyrcanian forest in Iran
by R. Mousavi - 483-491 Analysis of price changes of selected roundwood assortments in some Central Europe countries
by J. Suchomel & M. Gejdoš & L. Ambrušová & R. Šulek - 492-502 Influence of limestone and amphibolite application on growth of Norway spruce plantation under harsh mountain conditions
by T. Koňasová & I. Kuneš & M. Baláš & K. Millerová & V. Balcar & O. Špulák & M. Drury - 503-512 Early-arriving saproxylic beetles developing in Scots pine stumps: effects of felling type and date
by J. Foit - 513-518 Investigating the out-of-roundness and pith-off-centre in stems of three broadleaved species in Hyrcanian forests
by A. Fallah & N. Riahifar & K. Barari & A. Parsakhoo
2012, Volume 58, Issue 10
- 425-435 Financial and socio-economic impacts of nature conservation on forestry in Slovakia
by M. Kovalčík & Z. Sarvašová & M. Schwarz & M. Moravčík & M. Oravec & J. Lásková & J. Tutka - 436-445 Modelling forest dynamics in a nature reserve: a case study from south-central Sweden
by I. Kozak & G. Mikusiński & A. Stępień & H. Kozak & R. Frąk - 446-455 Effects of roads on understory plant communities in a broadleaved forest in Hyrcanian zone
by M. Lotfalian & N. Riahifar & A. Fallah & S. M. Hodjati - 456-464 Development of spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) target (crop) trees in pole-stage stand with different initial spacing and tending regime
by I. Štefančík - 465-471 Toward the rational use of forest biomass: Lithuanian case study
by I. Varnagiryté-Kabašinskiené
2012, Volume 58, Issue 9
- 381-390 Efficiency of adaptive cluster sampling and traditional sampling for coastal mangrove in Hainan of China
by Y. Lei & J. Shi & T. Zhao - 391-399 Effects of nitrogen on growth properties and phenology of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth)
by E. Kula & A. Pešlová & P. Martinek - 400-409 Root system development in Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) on fertile sites
by O. Mauer & E. Palátová - 410-424 Sustainable forestry and iron compounds in karstic soils: qualitative and semi-quantitative results focused on the occurrence of Fe-compounds on mineral particles
by K. Rejšek & M. Mišič & F. Eichler
2012, Volume 58, Issue 8
- 337-344 The effects of Rubus hyrcanus L. and Philonotis marchica (Hedw.) Brid. on soil loss prevention from cutslopes of a forest road
by A. Parsakhoo & M. Lotfalian & A. Kavian & S.A. Hosseini & M. Demir - 345-356 Species diversity across the successional gradient of managed Scots pine stands in oligotrophic sites (SW Poland)
by E. Stefańska-Krzaczek - 357-362 Assessing the relationship of slope and runoff volume on skid trails (Case study: Nav 3 district)
by M. Akbarimehr & R. Naghdi - 363-371 Soil hydrology and soil properties on a partially reforested hillside in the Central Alps
by S. Grashey-Jansen - 372-379 Above- and below-ground carbon stock estimation in a natural forest of Bangladesh
by M.R. Ullah & M. Al-Amin
2012, Volume 58, Issue 7
- 299-307 Effects of wildfire on a pine stand in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park
by J. Trochta & K. Král & P. Šamonil - 308-313 The effect of deforestation on spring water chemistry on Skrzyczne (Silesian Beskid Mountains, Poland)
by S. Małek & K. Krakowian - 314-327 How much birch (Betula papyrifera) is too much for maximizing spruce (Picea glauca) growth: a case study in boreal spruce plantation forests
by Ch.D.B. Hawkins & A. Dhar & B.J. Rogers - 328-336 Winter survival of Phytophthora alni subsp. alni in aerial tissues of black alder
by K. Černý & V. Strnadová
2012, Volume 58, Issue 6
- 245-252 Modelling of tree diameter growth using growth functions parameterised by least squares and Bayesian methods
by R. Sedmák & L. Scheer - 253-264 Aboveground biomass and nutrients in an 18-years-old stand of blue spruce (Picea pungens Engelm.) as a substitute tree species
by O. Špulák - 265-277 Silvicultural strategies for adapting planted forests to climate change: from theory to practice
by W.L. Mason & M. Petr & S. Bathgate - 278-286 Impact of Scots pine admixture in European beech stand on dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen leaching from organic and humic horizons of Dystric Arenosols in Northern Poland
by J. Jonczak & A. Parzych - 287-297 The use of hyperspectral remote sensing for mapping the age composition of forest stands
by O. Skoupý & L. Zejdová & J. Hanuš
2012, Volume 58, Issue 5
- 193-202 Monitoring of defoliation in forest stands of the Czech Republic and its comparison with results of defoliation monitoring in other European countries
by P. Fabiánek & K. Hellebrandová & M. Čapek - 203-212 Social forest functions of reclaimed spoil heaps in the Ostrava-Karvina district
by E. Lacková & P. Kupec & J. Polanská & B. Stalmachová - 213-224 The effect of floodplain forest fragmentation on the bird community
by I. Machar - 225-233 Operational monitoring of the nun moth Lymantria monacha L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) using pheromone-baited traps - a rationalization proposal
by K. Hielscher & A. Engelmann - 234-244 Cultivation of speckled alder under harsh mountain conditions
by I. Kuneš & M. Baláš & T. Koňasová & D. Zahradník & V. Balcar & O. Špulák & D. Kacálek & M. Jakl & J. Jaklová Dytrtová
2012, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 145-151 Variation of wood density in Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna L.) grown in the Czech Republic
by A. Zeidler - 152-164 Belowground biomass and its annual increment in a montane beech forest in Mavrovo National Park, north-west Macedonia
by S. Hristovski & Lj. Melovski & M. Šušlevska & Lj. Grupče - 165-169 Reducing erosion from forest roads and skid trails by management practices
by M. Akbarimehr & R. Naghdi - 170-180 Soil macrofauna in relation to soil and leaf litter properties in tree plantations
by E. Sayad & S.M. Hosseini & V. Hosseini & M.-H. Salehe-Shooshtari - 181-192 Snow damage to birch stands in Northern Moravia
by A. Martiník & O. Mauer
2012, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 101-115 Using linear mixed model and dummy variable model approaches to construct compatible single-tree biomass equations at different scales - A case study for Masson pine in Southern China
by L.Y. Fu & W.S. Zeng & S.Z. Tang & R.P. Sharma & H.K. Li - 116-122 Estimation of leaf area index and assessment of its allometric equations in oak forests: Northern Zagros, Iran
by S. Khosravi & M. Namiranian & H. Ghazanfari & A. Shirvani - 123-130 Factors affecting the development of Phytophthora alni ssp. alni infections in Alnus glutinosa L
by P. Štochlová & K. Novotná & K. Černý - 131-136 Legal framework for payments for forest ecosystem services in the Czech Republic
by K. Ventrubová & P. Dvořák - 137-144 Molecular markers: their use in tree improvement
by R. Mahajan & P. Gupta
2012, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 45-56 Structure of the montane taiga forests of West Khentii, Northern Mongolia
by M. Mühlenberg & J. Appelfelder & H. Hoffmann & E. Ayush & K.J. Wilson - 57-66 Development of chemical soil properties in the western Ore Mts. (Czech Republic) 10 years after liming
by V. Šrámek & V. Fadrhonsová & L. Vortelová & B. Lomský - 67-78 Growth characteristics of oak (Quercus petraea [Mattusch.] Liebl.) stand under different thinning regimes
by I. Štefančík - 79-87 Evaluation of full tree skidding by HSM-904 skidder in patch cutting of aspen plantation in Northern Iran
by R. Mousavi & M. Nikooy & A. E. Nezhad & M. Ershadfar - 88-100 Organic and inorganic nitrogen in precipitation and in forest throughfall at Bílý Kříž site (Beskydy Mts., Czech Republic)
by I. Drápelová
2012, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-7 Relationship between forest road length and village development during three decades in Neka-Zalemrood forest
by S.A. Hosseini & M.E. Khalili & M. Pourmajidian & A. Fallah & A. Parsakhoo - 8-20 Effects of seed origin, growing medium and mini-plug density on early growth and quality of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia [L.]) seedlings
by O. Dini-Papanastasi & P. Kostopoulou & K. Radoglou - 21-26 Productivity and cost of farm tractor skidding
by N. Gilanipoor & A. Najafi & S.M. Heshmat Alvaezin - 27-34 Needle longevity as a criterion of response to a climatic fluctuation (so called heat wave) in Scots pine populations at early phases of ontogeny
by V. Nárovec & J. Nárovcová - 35-44 Sulphate concentration and S-SO42 - flux in soil solutions in the West Carpathians Mountains on an example of submontane beech forest stand
by R. Janík & E. Bublinec & M. Dubová
2011, Volume 57, Issue 12
- 1-1 Index Volume 57
by editors - 523-535 Structure and origin of mountain Norway spruce in the Bohemian Forest
by V. Čada & M. Svoboda - 536-546 Gross value yield potential of coppice, high forest and model conversion of high forest to coppice on best sites
by M. Kneifl & J. Kadavý & R. Knott - 547-554 Drought and aluminium as stress factors in Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedlings
by K. Slugeňová & Ľ. Ditmarová & D. Kurjak & J. Váľka - 555-564 Testing of microbial additives in the rooting of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) stem cuttings
by I. Repáč & J. Vencurik & M. Balanda - 565-573 Economics of a hydraulic hammer for forest road construction in a mountainous area
by A. Parsakhoo & S. A. Hosseini & M. R. Ghaffariyan - 574-579 Possibilities of homogenization of the kerf width created by the technology of abrasive water-jet cutting
by R. Kminiak & Š. Barcík