September 2017, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 211-235 Increasing the Size of the Pie: The Impact of Crowding on Nonprofit Sector Resources
by Beaton Erynn & Hwang Hyunseok - 237-273 Do Government and Foreign Funding Influence Individual Donations to Religious Nonprofits? A Survey Experiment in Pakistan
by Wasif Rafeel & Prakash Aseem - 275-298 Muddy Waters: Cross Currents in Fundraising and Its Control – 1907–1954
by Barber Putnam - 299-319 Legislators’ Need for Civil Society Expertise: Tunisian Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Opportunity
by Abdel-Samad Mounah - 321-336 Repression of the Spanish Protest Movement – Mechanisms and Consequences
by Simsa Ruth - 337-340 Herrington J. Bryce: Nonprofits as Policy Solutions to the Burden of Government
by Horne Christopher S.
September 2017, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 115-116 Editor’s Note
by Young Dennis R. - 117-120 Nonprofits in a Time of Turbulence: Challenges and Opportunities
by Laforest Rachel & Smith Steven Rathgeb - 121-132 Smart Partnership in Contracting: Thriving in a Period of Intense Policy Uncertainty
by Saidel Judith - 133-145 Using Network Analysis to Identify Key Actors in Collaborative Governance Processes
by Carboni Julia L. & Siddiki Saba & Koski Chris & Sadiq Abdul-Akeem - 147-164 Moving to Need: The Effect of Federal Contracts on Service Provider Location
by Never Brent & Westberg Drew - 165-181 Two-Legged Stool: New Findings from California on Nonprofits and Overhead
by Berlin Nancy & Masaoka Jan & Schumann Mary Jo - 183-204 Exploring the Relationship between State Charitable Solicitation Regulations and Fundraising Performance
by Dietz Nathan & Barber Putnam & Lott Cindy & Shelly Mary - 205-207 Young, Dennis R., Elizabeth A. M. Searing, and Cassidy V. Brewer: The Social Enterprise Zoo
by Gidron Benjamin
January 2017, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editor’s Note for Issue 8(1)
by Young Dennis R - 3-24 How do Civic Associations Foster Political Participation? The Role of Scope and Intensity of Organizational Involvement
by Li Hui & Zhang Jiasheng - 25-44 Bowling Together: Mobilization of Collective Action by Environmental NGOs
by Dolšak Nives - 45-70 The Multi-Functionality of Professional and Business Associations in a Transitional Context: Empirical Evidence from Russia
by Ivanova Ekaterina & Neumayr Michaela - 71-90 Entry Barriers and Nonprofit Founding Rates: An Examination of the Milwaukee Voucher School Population
by Andersson Fredrik O. & Ford Michael - 91-110 Measuring Latent Constructs in Nonprofit Surveys with Item Response Theory: The Example of Political Ideology
by Mason Dyana P. - 111-113 Megan Tompkins-Stange, Policy Patrons: Philanthropy, Education Reform, and the Politics of Influence
by Tyler John - 114-114 Corrigendum to: Editor’s Note for Issue 8(1)
by Young Dennis R
December 2016, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 413-414 Editor’s Note: Issue 7(4)
by Young Dennis R. - 415-433 Public Policies and Work Integration Social Enterprises: The Challenge of Institutionalization in a Neoliberal Era
by Cooney Kate & Nyssens Marthe & O’Shaughnessy Mary & Defourny Jacques - 435-460 Work Integration Social Enterprises in the United States: Operating at the Nexus of Public Policy, Markets, and Community
by Cooney Kate - 461-485 Social Enterprise in Ireland – Why Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) Dominate the Discourse
by O’Shaughnessy Mary & O’Hara Patricia - 487-507 Work Integration Social Enterprises for People with Disabilities in Japan
by Laratta Rosario & Nakagawa Sachiko - 509-539 Work Integration Social Enterprises in Switzerland
by Adam Stefan & Avilés Gregorio & Ferrari Domenico & Amstutz Jeremias & Crivelli Luca & Enrico Cavedon & Gafner Anja & Greppi Spartaco & Schmitz Daniela & Wüthrich Bernadette & Zoebeli Daniel - 541-564 Work Integration Social Enterprises in Austria – Characteristics, Evolution and Perspectives
by Anastasiadis Maria - 565-571 Prospects for Nonprofits and Philanthropy in the Trump Presidency
by Abramson Alan J. & Salamon Lester M. - 573-579 The 2016 Elections: Impact on the Work of Charitable Nonprofits
by Delaney Tim & Thompson David L. - 581-584 Will the Nonprofit Sector Strengthen Itself? Or Merely Engage in Defensive Efforts?
by Steuerle Eugene
September 2016, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 287-288 Editor’s Note
by Young Dennis R. - 289-309 Quasi-Governmental Organizations at the Local Level: Publicly-Appointed Directors Leading Nonprofit Organizations
by Mead Joseph & Warren Katherine - 311-338 Charitable Solicitations Regulation and the Principles of Regulatory Disclosure
by Barber Putnam & Farwell Megan M. - 339-367 Governmental Influences on Organizational Capacity: The Case of Child Welfare Nonprofits
by Murphy Haley & Robichau Robbie Waters - 369-388 Place Matters: The Spatial Effects of Human Service Expenditures
by Never Brent & Westberg Drew - 389-407 Competing Rather than Collaborating: Egyptian Nongovernmental Organizations in Turbulence
by Herrold Catherine & Atia Mona - 409-412 Péter Krasztev & Jon van Til: The Hungarian Patient
by Meyer Michael
June 2016, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 85-93 Special issue of Nonprofit Policy Forum on “Policy towards Nonprofits in International Perspective: Current Trends and Their Implications for Theory and Practice”
by Almog-Bar Michal & Young Dennis R. - 95-116 From Partnership to the Big Society: The Third Sector Policy Regime in the UK
by Alcock Pete - 117-135 Government and the Nonprofit Sector in Latin America
by Appe Susan M. & Layton Michael Dennis - 137-170 Governing Civil Society in Nigeria and Zimbabwe: A Question of Policy Process and Non-State Actors’ Involvement
by Chikoto-Schultz Grace & Uzochukwu Kelechi - 171-188 Current Trends in Australian Nonprofit Policy
by Onyx Jenny & Cham Liz & Dalton Bronwen - 189-212 NGO Policy in Pre- and Post-Mubarak Egypt: Effects on NGOs’ Roles in Democracy Promotion
by Herrold Catherine E. - 213-236 Fundraising Policy Reform and its Impact on Nonprofits in China: A View from the Trenches
by Hu Ming & Guo Chao - 237-256 Policy Initiatives towards the Nonprofit Sector: Insights from the Israeli Case
by Almog-Bar Michal - 257-284 Making Public Policy toward the Nonprofit Sector in the U.S.: How and Why Broad, “Sector” Interests Are Advanced – Or Not – in Federal Policymaking
by Abramson Alan J. - 285-286 Myles McGregor-Lowndes: The Nonprofit World – Civil Society and the Rise of the Nonprofit Sector by John Casey, Kumarian Press, 2016
by Myles McGregor-Lowndes
January 2016, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editors’ Note: Issue 7:1: Introduction to the ARNOVA Fourth Symposium on Public Policy for Nonprofits Special Issue
by Guo Chao & Young Dennis R. - 7-14 Local Government Interest in and Justifications for Collecting Payments-in-Lieu of (Property) Taxes from Charities
by Grønbjerg Kirsten & McGiverin-Bohan Kellie - 15-21 Re-examining the Policies in the Humanitarian Aid Sector – A Call for Greater “Value Rationality”
by Khan Sabith - 23-27 Law and the Volunteer: The Uncertain Employment and Tort Law Implications of the Altruistic Worker
by Mead Joseph - 29-37 Tsars, Task Forces and Standards: The New “IRS”?
by Casey John - 39-47 Policy Brief: The Case for Using Robust Measures to Evaluate Nonprofit Organizations
by R. Cooper Katherine & Shumate Michelle - 49-55 Researching Policy for Nonprofit Organizations: A Brief Observation on Dilemmas Created by Conflicting Values
by Hammack David C. - 57-61 A Commentary on David Hammack’s Policy for Nonprofit Organizations: The Values Dilemma
by Tyler John - 63-76 The Changing and Challenging Environment of Nonprofit Human Services: Implications for Governance and Program Implementation
by Smith Steven Rathgeb & Phillips Susan D. - 77-83 Nonprofit Organizations’ Involvement in Participatory Processes: The Need for Democratic Accountability
by Mosley Jennifer E.
November 2015, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 269-270 Editor’s Note: Issue 6(3)
by Young Dennis R. - 271-295 Multi-organizational Alliances and Policy Change: Understanding the Mobilization and Impact of Grassroots Coalitions
by Post Margaret A. - 297-324 Advocacy in Nonprofit Organizations: A Leadership Perspective
by Mason Dyana P. - 325-352 Countering Terrorist Financing via Non-Profit Organisations: Assessing why few States Comply with the International Recommendations
by Shillito Matthew Robert - 353-370 The Use of Offshore Blocker Corporations by U.S. Nonprofits: Should Blockers Be Blocked?
by Silber Norman I. & Wei John C. - 371-393 US Foundations in Brazil and the Funding of the Human Rights Field – Data and Trends from 2003 to 2012
by Nogueira Fernando do Amaral & Alves Mario Aquino & de Mendonça Patricia Maria Emerenciano - 395-423 Moral Resources, Political Capital and the Development of Environmental Protection Organizations in China: A Case Study of City J
by Xu Ying & Wong-Kim Evaon C. - 425-427 Julie Fisher: Importing Democracy: The Role of NGOs in South Africa, Tajikistan, and Argentina
by Kerlin Janelle A. - 429-431 Laurie Mook, John R. Whitman, Jack Quarter and Ann Armstrong: Understanding the Social Economy of the United States
by Young Dennis R.
August 2015, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 137-138 Editor’s Note: Issue 6:2
by Young Dennis R. - 139-144 Introduction to the Symposium on Central and Eastern Europe
by Van Til Jon - 145-165 Methodological Issues in Studies of Cultural Legacies in Post-Socialist Russia’s Civil Society
by Leskinen Anna - 167-186 Contra Spem Spero: The Third Sector’s Resilience in the Face of Political Turbulence and Legislative Change in Ukraine
by Krasynska Svitlana - 187-212 Captured by State and Church: Concerns about Civil Society in Democratic Hungary
by Kover Agnes - 213-241 New Paths for Third-Sector Institutions in a Welfare State in Crisis: The Case of Portugal
by Ferreira Sílvia - 243-262 Exploring the Dimensions of Nonprofit Competition through its Supplementary, Complementary, and Adversarial Relationships with Government
by Derrick-Mills Teresa Marie - 263-268 Roger A. Lohmann: Voluntary Action in New Commons: Democracy in the Life World Beyond Market, State and Household
by Sievers Bruce
April 2015, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editor’s Note
by Young Dennis R. - 3-24 When Good Intentions Go Wrong: Immunity under the Volunteer Protection Act
by Groble Patricia & Brudney Jeffrey L. - 25-44 Charitable Incorporated Organisations: An Analysis of the Three UK Jurisdictions
by Morgan Gareth G. - 45-57 Dimensions of Sales Tax Exemption Policy: The Arizona Model
by Hager Mark A. & McArdle Susanne - 59-90 Steering International NGOs through Time: The Influence of Temporal Structuring in Government Accountability Requirements
by Chikoto Grace - 91-109 The Perpetual Uncertainty of Civil Society: Case Study of an Anti-Hunger Organization in South Africa
by Warshawsky Daniel N. - 111-120 The Property Tax Exemption in Pennsylvania: The Saga Continues
by Kearns Kevin - 121-123 Patricia L. Rosenfield: A World of Giving: Carnegie Corporation of New York: A Century of International Philanthropy
by Burlingame Dwight - 125-131 Rafael Chaves and Danièle Demoustier: The Emergence of the Social Economy in Public Policy: An International Analysis
by Eynaud Philippe - 133-136 Susan L. Robertson, Karen Mundy, Antoni Verger, Francine Menashy, Edward Elger: Public Private Partnerships in Education: New Actors and Modes of Governance in a Globalizing World
by Sjoquist David L.
October 2014, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 207-210 Editors’ Note to Special Symposium Issue on Nonprofit Competition
by Ashley Shena & Young Dennis R. - 211-212 Thank You to Reviewers
by Young Dennis R. - 213-229 Too Many Nonprofits? An Empirical Approach to Estimating Trends in Nonprofit Demand Density
by Harrison Teresa & Thornton Jeremy - 231-259 Measuring Concentration and Competition in the U.S. Nonprofit Sector: Implications for Research and Public Policy
by Seaman Bruce A. & Wilsker Amanda L. & Young Dennis R. - 261-288 Charitable (Anti)Trust: The Role of Antitrust Regulation in the Nonprofit Sector
by Searing Elizabeth A. M. - 289-305 The Impact of Government Funding on Competition in the Nonprofit Sector: An Integrative Model and Review of Empirical Research
by Ashley Shena - 307-333 How Competition and Specialization Shape Nonprofit Engagement in Policy Advocacy
by MacIndoe Heather - 335-365 Overcoming the Cause of Failure and the Role of Issue Salience: Toward a Comprehensive Theory for Nonprofit Activity and Competition in a Three-Sector Economy
by Faulk Lewis - 367-393 Measuring the Social Returns of Nonprofits and Social Enterprises: The Promise and Perils of the SROI
by Cooney Kate & Lynch-Cerullo Kristen - 395-401 David Billis: Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector: Challenges for Practice, Theory and Policy
by Bassi Andrea - 403-405 Lucia Boccacin: Third Sector, Partnerships and Social Outcome: The cases of Italy and Ireland
by Mendel Stuart C.
February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editor’s Note: Volume 5, Issue 1
by Young Dennis R. - 195-205 A Versatile American Institution: The Changing Ideals and Realities of Philanthropic Foundations, David C. Hammack and Helmut K. Anheier. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2013, 273 p, $26.95. ISBN: 0815721943
by Rosenfield Patricia L. & Wimpee Rachel
November 2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
August 2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
October 2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 45-65 Assembling the Puzzle of the Nonprofit-Economic Development Linkage
by Brennan John F. & Paarlberg Laurie & Hoyman Michele - 67-84 Divergent Patterns of Nonprofit Financial Distress
by Never Brent
December 2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 169-193 The Impact of Governmental Policy on the Effective Operation of CSOs: A French Case Study
by Mourey Damien & Eynaud Philippe & Cordery Carolyn
September 2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
2013, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editor’s Notes: Volume 4 (2013) Issue 1
by Young Dennis R. - 99-103 A Once Charitable Enterprise: Hospitals and Health Care in Brooklyn and New York, 1885–1915, David Rosner. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1982, 1992, 2004; Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1986
by Fox Daniel M.
July 2013, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 81-97 Caribbean Civil Society: Development Role and Policy Implications
by Bowen Glenn A. - 105-114 An Interview with Robert K. Ross, M.D
by Ferris James M.
May 2013, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-28 Citizens, Nonprofits and Climate Change Policy
by Bies Angela L. & Lee Deanna G. & Lindsey Charles & Stoutenborough James W. & Vedlitz Arnold - 29-45 Our Common Commons: Policies for Sustaining Volunteer Energy
by Brudney Jeffrey L. & Meijs Lucas C.P.M. - 47-63 Lobbying in the Virtual World: Perceptions in the Nonprofit Sector
by Miller-Stevens Katrina & Gable Matthew J. - 65-80 Government–Third Sector Relations in European Rural Development: A Critical Perspective
by Iliopoulos Constantine N. & Valentinov Vladislav & Kvartiuk Vasyl & Bartkowski Bartosz
October 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-4 Editor-in-Chief's Introductory Note
by Young Dennis R. - 1-5 On the Dialogue between the Swedish Government and Civil Society Organizations
by Orn Peter - 1-6 Government-Voluntary Sector Compacts Reconsidered
by Smith Steven Rathgeb - 1-17 From a 'Liberal' to a 'Social democratic' welfare state: the translation of the English Compact into a Swedish context
by Johansson Håkan & Johansson Mairon - 1-24 Surviving Over Time and Space? The Experience of the English Compact
by Taylor Marilyn - 1-24 Policy Tools or Mirrors of Politics. Government-Voluntary Sector Compacts in the Post-Welfare State Age
by Reuter Marta & Wijkström Filip & von Essen Johan - 1-33 Canada's Voluntary Sector Initiative and Sub-National Voluntary Sector-Government Relations: A Third Wave
by Elson Peter R. - 1-44 An Australian National Compact - Something old, something new?
by Butcher John & Casey John & Dalton Bronwen
June 2012, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editor's Note
by Young Dennis R. - 1-16 Debating Future Harmonization of European Union VAT Regulations: Protests Among Swedish Nonprofit Organizations
by Wallman Lundasen Susanne - 1-17 Nonprofit-Public Partnerships for Local Development: Social Inputs in Policy Implementation
by Natal Alejandro & Brichter William - 1-21 Nonprofit-State Relations in Ireland: Contexts, Issues and Alternatives
by Donnelly-Cox Gemma & Reid Caroline & Begley Ciara & Finn Jennifer & Harmon Declan - 1-24 The Nonprofitization of Public Education: Implications of Requiring Charter Schools to be Nonprofits in New York
by Silverman Robert Mark - 1-24 Is Federal Tax-Exemption Policy for Nonprofit Hospitals Moving to a Clearer Quid pro Quo Basis?
by Longest Beaufort B. - 1-25 Making Policy Without Parameters: Obtaining Data on the Nonprofit Sector in a Local Community
by Roudebush Margaret M. & Brudney Jeffrey L.
November 2011, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-4 Editor's Note
by Young Dennis R. - 1-7 Interview with Stefano Zamagni: The Italian Third Sector
by Bassi Andrea - 1-9 Can Nonprofits Regulate Themselves? The Effectiveness of Accountability Clubs. A Review of Voluntary Regulation of NGOs and Nonprofits by Mary Kay Gugerty and Aseem Prakash
by Stone Melissa M. - 1-20 Civil Society under the Treaty of Lisbon: Relationship between National Public Benefit Organizations and European Union Policy?
by Versteegh Lia C.R.M. - 1-22 Open Source Platforms for Citizen Engagement: Examining Ashoka's Design and Implementation
by Liu Helen & Sandfort Jodi - 1-22 Processes of Cross-Sector Collaboration: A Case Study of the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program
by McNamara Madeleine W. - 1-27 Immigrant Nonprofit Organizations and the Fight for Comprehensive Immigration Reform
by Wilson Catherine E. - 1-28 A New Way Forward: Native Nations, Nonprofitization, Community Land Trusts, and the Indigenous Shadow State
by Rose Samuel W.
May 2011, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editor's Note
by Young Dennis R - 1-7 ARNOVA's Symposium on Public Policy for Nonprofits
by Jeavons Thomas - 1-8 It's Civil Society, Stupid! A Review of Small Change: Why Business Won't Save the World by Michael Edwards
by Meyer Michael - 1-17 The Importance of Corporation Law to Civil Society
by Bowman Woods - 1-23 A New Era of Collaborative Government-Nonprofit Relations in the U.S.?
by Casey John - 1-26 Tax Exemptions for Nonprofit Hospitals: Toward Transparency and Accountability
by Waymire Tammy R. & Christensen Douglas J. - 1-26 Building Microfinance Associations: Goals, Implementation and Policy Implications
by Hudak Kristen - 1-32 What Makes a Successful Policy Research Organization in Transition and Developing Countries?
by Struyk Raymond J & Haddaway Samuel R
November 2010, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editor's Note
by Young Dennis R - 1-12 An Interview with Ambassador Andrew Young
by Young Dennis R - 1-22 Policy Challenges in Light of the Emerging Phenomenon of Social Businesses
by Gidron Benjamin - 1-23 Public Private Partnership between Local Governments and Nonprofits in Japan
by Okuyama Naoko & Ishida Yu & Yamauchi Naoto - 1-24 Foundation Strategy for Social Impact: A System Change Perspective
by Ferris James M. & Williams Nicolas - 1-25 A Journal of Nonprofit Policy
by Young Dennis R - 1-27 Voice-In, Voice-Out: Constituent Participation and Nonprofit Advocacy
by Guo Chao & Saxton Gregory D.