April 2001, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 513-542 The German Perspective on Eastern EU Enlargement
by Christian Keuschnigg & Mirela Keuschnigg & Wilhelm Kohler - 543-565 Grappling with Globalisation: Challenges for Economic Governance
by Aseem Prakash - 567-589 What Can Countries Do to Avoid a Financial Crisis?
by Sahoko Kaji
March 2001, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 279-315 The Foreign Exchange Origins of Japan's Economic Slump and Low Interest Liquidity Trap
by Ronald McKinnon & Kenichi Ohno - 317-332 Upping the Ante for Political Economy Analysis of the International Financial Institutions
by Thomas D. Willett - 333-358 International Organisations in a World of Regional Trade Agreements: Lessons from Club Theory
by Michele Fratianni & John Pattison - 359-378 An Explanation of the International Variation in the Prevalence of Child Labour
by Robert C. Shelburne - 379-398 Reforming the WTO to Defuse Potential Trade Conflicts in Genetically Modified Goods
by Nicholas Perdikis & William A. Kerr Shelburne & Jill E. Hobbs - 399-424 Private Foreign Investment in India: Pain or Panacea?
by Suma Athreye & Sandeep Kapur
February 2001, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 127-157 Assessing the Impacts of US‐Japan Bilateral Trade Agreements, 1980–1995
by Theresa M. Greaney - 159-183 India's Trade Policy Reforms and Industry Competitiveness in the 1980s
by Eckhardt Siggel - 185-200 The International Competitiveness of CEEC Agriculture
by Matthew Gorton & Sophia Davidova - 201-220 Rules of Origin with Multistage Production
by Peter L. Rodriguez - 221-248 Infrastructure Development and Regulatory Reform in Sub‐Saharan Africa: The Case of Air Transport
by Andrea Goldstein - 249-271 Prolonged Stagnation, Hesitant Recovery: Japan from an ‘Austrian’ Perspective
by P. N. Snowden
January 2001, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-13 Fifty Years of Trade Policy: The Policy Lessons
by C. Fred Bergsten - 15-30 Tariffs and Growth in Late Nineteenth Century America
by Douglas A. Irwin - 31-50 Purchasing Power Parity and the Yen/Dollar Exchange Rate
by Gunther Schnabl - 51-79 What is the Cause of Growth in Regional Trade: Trade Liberalisation or RTAs? The Case of Agriculture
by Xinshen Diao & Terry Roe & Agapi Somwaru - 81-98 Catalysis or Direct Borrowing: The Role of the IMF in Mobilising Private Capital
by Graham Bird & Dane Rowlands - 99-118 The ‘Commonwealth Effect’ and the Process of Internationalisation
by Sarianna M. Lundan & Geoffrey Jones
October 2000, Volume 23, Issue 10
- 1303-1309 Another Europe?
by P.K.M. Tharakan - 1311-1321 Reunification of Europe: A Societal Project for the Twenty‐first Century
by Jean‐Luc Dehaene - 1323-1334 A Proposal for a Flexible Europe
by Bruno S. Frey & Reiner Eichenberger - 1335-1365 Converging European Transitions
by Jorge Braga de Macedo - 1367-1377 How Fit are the Candidates for EMU?
by Daniel Gros - 1379-1394 Convergence is not Automatic: Lessons from Ireland for Central and Eastern Europe
by Frank Barry - 1395-1408 Portugal in the European Union: What Can We Tell the Central and Eastern European Countries?
by Maria Antonina Lima - 1409-1422 European Union Enlargement and Pollution: Why Caution is Necessary
by M. Ögür Kayalıca & Sajal Lahiri
September 2000, Volume 23, Issue 9
- 1091-1096 Editorial Introduction
by Peter Lloyd & Chris Milner - 1097-1117 The World Trade Organisation After Seattle
by Gary P. Sampson - 1119-1134 Civil Society and the WTO
by David Robertson - 1135-1148 EC Regionalism at the Turn of the Millennium: Toward a New Paridigm?
by André Sapir - 1149-1160 Regional Agreements in the Indian Ocean
by Beelasingh Dabee & Mahinder Reddy - 1161-1194 The State of and Prospects for the Deepening and Widening of Caribbean Integration
by Shelton Nicholls & Anthony Birchwood & Philip Colthrust & Earl Boodoo - 1195-1213 The WTO Trade Policy Review of Argentina, 1999
by Julio Berlinski - 1215-1236 Thailand’s Post‐crisis Trade Policies: The 1999 WTO Review
by Peter G. Warr - 1237-1267 The Integration of Intellectual Property Rights into the WTO System
by Klaus Stegemann - 1269-1284 Parallel Imports
by Keith E. Maskus - 1285-1302 Special and Differential Treatment in the Millennium: Special for Whom and How Different?
by Mari Pangestu
August 2000, Volume 23, Issue 8
- 959-978 E‐Commerce, WTO and Developing Countries
by Arvind Panagariya - 979-1003 Trade and Financial Reform in China: Impacts on the World Economy
by Warwick J. McKibbin & K. K. Tang - 1005-1029 Canadian Trade and Wages: Lessons from the Past, Prospects for the Future
by Michael A. Anderson & Stephen L. S. Smith - 1031-1056 Instability and Volatility of Capital Flows to Developing Countries
by Alberto Gabriele & Korkut Baratav & Ashok Parikh - 1057-1081 Exchange Rate Reform in China: An Experiment in the Real Targets Approach
by Zhichao Zhang
July 2000, Volume 23, Issue 7
- 873-900 Contagion
by Sebastian Edwards - 901-922 Trade Liberalisation and the Migration of Skilled Professionals and Managers: The North American Experience
by Steven Globerman - 923-937 Market Structure Issues and the Evaluation of the Reform of the EU Banana Regime
by Steve McCorriston - 939-950 Towards a New International Monetary Order: The World Currency Unit and the Global Indexed Bond
by Lok Sang Ho
June 2000, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 761-775 NAFTA's Effects: A Preliminary Assessment
by Anne O. Krueger - 777-797 Domestic Reform, Trade and Investment Liberalisation, Financial Crisis, and Foreign Direct Investment into Mexico
by Edward M. Graham & Erika Wada - 799-825 Welfare Effects of Regional Trade Integration of Central American and Caribbean Natios with NAFTA and MERCOSUR
by Thomas F. Rutherford & Josefina Martinez - 827-849 Trade Liberalisation and Wage Inequality: Lessons from the Mexican Experience
by Raymond Robertson - 851-872 Reforming the Intellectual Property Rights System in Latin America
by Carlos M. Correa
May 2000, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 613-634 Globalisation, Economic Policy and Convergence
by Paul Mosley - 635-647 The Impact of Host Country Government Policy on US Multinational Investment Decisions
by Christopher T. Taylor - 649-672 Trade in Financial Services, Capital Flows, and the Value‐at‐Risk of Countries
by Peter K. Cornelius - 673-700 US Plans for a New WTO Round: Negotiating More Agreements with Less Authority
by Craig VanGrasstek - 701-720 UK FDI and the Comparative Advantage of the UK
by L. Nachum & J. H. Dunning & G. G. Jones - 721-732 The United States’ Anti‐dumping Decisions Against the Northeast Asian Dynamic Economies
by Jai S. Mah - 733-752 Pharmaceutical Patents, Prices and Welfare Losses: Policy Options for India Under the WTO TRIPS Agreement
by Jayashree Watal
April 2000, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 431-436 Developing Countries and the Next Round of WTO Negotiations
by Rajesh Chadha & Bernard Hoekman & Will Martin & Ademola Oyejide & Mari Pangestu & Diana Tussie & Jamel Zarrouk - 437-454 Two Principles for the Next Round or, How to Bring Developing Countries in from the Cold
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 455-469 Liberalising Agriculture and Manufactures in a Millennium Round:Implications for Developing Countries
by Thomas W. Hertel & Will Martin - 471-489 Developing Countries in the New Round of GATS Negotiations: Towards a Pro‐Active Role
by Aaditya Mattoo - 491-510 Options for Improving Africa’s Participation in the WTO
by Richard Blackhurst & Bill Lyakurwa & Ademola Oyejide - 511-525 Implementation of Urugauy Round Commitments: The Development Challenge
by J. Michael Finger & Philip Schuler - 527-542 WTO Dispute Settlement, Transparency and Surveillance
by Bernard M. Hoekman & Petros C. Mavroidis - 543-559 Industrial Policy and the WTO
by Bijit Bora & Peter J. Lloyd & Mari Pengestu - 561-576 Subsidiarity and Governance Challenges for the WTO: Environmental and Labour Standards
by Jim Rollo & L. Alan Winters - 577-593 Trade Facilitation: Technical Regulations and Customs Procedures
by Patrick A. Messerlin & Jamel Zarrouk - 595-611 Competition Policy and Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries
by Keith E. Maskus & Mohamed Lahouel
March 2000, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 283-307 A Positive Analysis of Fairness with Applications to International Trade
by Steven M. Suranovic - 309-329 Expanding ‘Fortress Europe’: Agricultural Trade and Welfare Implications of European Enlargement for Non‐member Regions
by S. E. Frandsen & H. G. Jensen & D. M. Vanzetti - 331-349 Exchange Rate Regimes and Export Performance of Developing Countries
by Kristian Nilsson & Lars Nilsson - 351-386 Financial Services and the WTO: Liberalisation Commitments of the Developing and Transition Economies
by Aadtya Mattoo - 387-404 Trade Policy Reforms and Industrial Adjustment in Sri Lanka
by Prema‐chandra Athukorala & Sisira Jayasuriya - 405-421 European Integration and Peripherality: Lessons from the Irish Experience
by Holger Görg & Frances Ruane
February 2000, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 145-174 Computational Analysis of the Accession of Chile to the NAFTA and Western Hemisphere Integration
by Drusilla K. Brown & Alan V. Deardorff & Robert M. Stern - 175-197 Measuring the Gains from APEC Trade Liberalisation: An Overview of CGE Assessments
by Robert Scollay & John Gilbert - 199-220 Organisation and Management of a Complex, International, Economic Negotiation
by Alonzo L. McDonald - 221-233 The CFA Franc Zone After EMU: Status Quo, Reform, or Dissolution?
by Seraphin Fouda & David Stasavage - 235-255 How Open is Malaysia? An Analysis of Trade, Capital and Labour Flows
by Jayant Menon - 257-273 Agri‐environmental Pelationships and the Choice of Policy Mechanism
by Ian Hodge
January 2000, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-23 Foreign Direct Investment in China: A Spatial Econometric Study
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Eran Segev - 25-55 Give Us Virtue, But Not Yet: Safegaurd Actions Under the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing
by Kenneth A. Reinert - 57-76 Discriminatory Public Procurement and International Trade
by Federico Trionfetti - 77-91 North American Free Trade, Canada, and US Trade Remedies: An Assessment After Ten Years
by Gilbert Gagné - 93-117 Costs of Economic Sanctions to the Sender
by Richard D. Farmer - 119-144 Is the Case for Economic and Monetary Union in the Caribbean Realistic?
by Myrvin L. Anthony & Andrew Hughes Hallett
December 1999, Volume 22, Issue 9
- 1145-1153 Towards the Millennium Round
by P. K. M. Tharakan - 1155-1178 Europe's Agricultural Policies and the Millennium Round
by Stefan Tangermann - 1179-1200 Regional Trade Agreements: Dangerous Liaisons?
by Sam Laird - 1201-1220 The Challenge Raised by Metropolitisation and Fiscal Competition in Economic Development
by Jacques‐François Thisse & Tanguy Van Ypersele - 1221-1232 How Strong is the Case for Free Trade in Financial Services? Walking the Tightrope between Domestic Stability and International Shocks
by Alfred Steinherr & Eric Perée - 1233-1249 An International Competition Policy: Do We Need It? Is It Feasible?
by Roderick Meicklejohn - 1251-1270 The Question of Contingent Protection
by Patrick A. Messerlin & P. K. M. Tharakan
November 1999, Volume 22, Issue 8
- 1047-1064 Developing Countries in the World Trading System: From GATT, 1947, to the Third Ministerial Meeting of WTO, 1999
by T.N. Srinivasan - 1065-1093 Special and Differential Treatment in the Millennium Round
by John Whalley - 1095-1117 The Labour Market Impact of Trade in Middle‐income Countries: A Factor Content Analysis of Spain
by Asier Minondo - 1119-1139 Outward Orientation and Economic Development in Malaysia
by Prema‐chandra Athukorala & Jayant Menon
September 1999, Volume 22, Issue 7
- 909-932 The Developing Countries and the Next Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
by Anne Krueger - 933-953 The Future of the Readymade Clothing Industry of Bangladesh in the Post‐Uruguay Round World
by C. A. F. Dowlah - 955-975 Crisis Averter, Crisis Lender, Crisis Manager: The IMF in Search of a Systemic Role
by Graham Bird - 981-993 Why Can Mauritius Export Manufactures and Ghana Not?
by Francis Teal - 995-1011 Exporting, Ownership and Confidence in Tanzanian Enterprises
by Louise Grenier & Andrew McKay & Oliver Morrissey - 1013-1037 Exporting and Restructuring in Privatised Firms from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
by Igor Filatotchev & Mike Wright & Trevor Buck & Natalya Dyomina
August 1999, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 709-715 Editorial Introduction
by Peter Lloyd & Chris Milner - 717-740 The World Bank Policies Towards Trade and Trade Policy Reform
by Anne O. Krueger & Sarath Rajapatirana - 741-764 The WTO’s Trade Policy Review Mechanism – From Through the Looking Glass
by Sam Laird - 765-782 Whither the Free Trade Area of the Americas?
by Jeffrey J. Schott & Gary C. Hufbauer - 783-797 The Free Trade Area of the Americas: A Latin American Perspective
by José M. Salazar‐Xirinachs & José Tavares de Araujo Jr - 799-824 The WTO Trade Policy Review of India, 1998
by Arvind Panagariya - 825-836 Beyond Transparency: An Analysis of the Trade Policy Review of the European Union
by P. K. M. Tharakan - 837-873 WTO Accession Issues
by Rolf J. Langhammer & Matthias Lücke - 875-893 Competition Policy, Developing Countries and the WTO
by Bernard Hoekman & Peter Holmes - 895-907 Trade and Competition: An Industrial Economist’s Perspective
by Stephen Martin
July 1999, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 609-629 Globalisation and Wages: A Tale of Two Perspectives
by Matthew J. Slaughter - 631-650 What Happened to Thailand?
by Peter G. Warr - 651-668 Indonesian Economic Policies and Performance, 1960–98
by George Fane - 669-682 Reforming Stabex
by Paul Collier & P. Guillaumont & S. Guillaumont Jeanneney & Jan Willem Gunning - 683-700 Should Finland and Sweden Form a Monetary Union?
by Lars Jonung & Fredrik Sjöholm
June 1999, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 455-476 The Regionalism Debate: An Overview
by Arvind Panagariya - 455-476 Textiles Beyond the MFA Phase‐Out
by Dean Spinanger - 513-534 Completing the WTO Accession Negotiations: Open Loops in the Developing World
by Yongzheng Yang - 535-545 The Environment and International Trade Negotiations: Open Loops in the Developing World
by Diana Tussie - 547-584 The International Use of the Japanese Yen: The Case of Japan's Trade with East Asia
by Kiyotaka Sato - 585-601 Does the Opening of Central and Eastern Europe Threaten Employment in the West?
by Filip Abraham & Josef Konings
May 1999, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 295-352 Globalisation of the Economy and the Nation State
by Günther G. Schulze & Heinrich W. Ursprung - 353-378 Trade Policy in South Asia: Recent Liberalisation and Future Agenda
by Arvind Panagariya - 379-405 The Impact of China’s WTO Entry on the World Labour‐intensive Export Market: A Recursive Dynamic CGE Analysis
by Zhi Wang - 407-419 The Great East Asian Capital Flow Reversal: Reasons, Responses and Ramifications
by Tony Makin - 421-444 The Problem of Capital Flight from Russia
by A. Abalkin & J. Whalley
March 1999, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 155-177 Asian Currency and Financial Crises: Lessons from Vulnerability, Crisis and Collapse
by Jenny Corbett & David Vines - 179-206 Is Anti‐Dumping Here to Stay?
by P.K.M. Tharakan - 207-221 Is There Competition for US Direct Investment? A Perspective on NAFTA
by James H. Love & Francisco Lage‐Hidalgo - 223-243 Foreign Direct Investment in China: Recent Trends and Current Policy Issues
by John Henley & Colin Kirkpatrick & Georgina Wilde - 245-259 International Trade in Transgenic Food Products: A New Focus for Agricultural Trade Disputes
by William A. Kerr - 261-290 Towards an Evaluation of Regional Integration in Latin America in the 1990s
by Robert Devlin & Ricardo Ffrench‐Davis
January 1999, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-23 Key Currencies After the Euro
by Richard N. Cooper - 25-39 Trade‐Environment Linkages in the Resolution of Transboundary Externalities
by Grant Hauer & C. Ford Runge - 41-54 EU Agricultural, Agenda 2000 and the WTO Commitments
by Alan Swinbank - 55-86 Crises and Bail Outs of Banks and Countries: Linkages, Analogies, and Differences
by Riccardo De Bonis & Alessandro Giustiniani & Giorgio Gomel - 87-115 The Effects of the Urugauy Round Tariff Reductions on the Forest Product Trade: A Partial Equilbrium Analysis
by Edward B. Barbier - 117-143 The Developing Countries in the WTO
by Constantine Michalopoulos
November 1998, Volume 21, Issue 8
- 997-1002 Competition Policy in a Changing Economic Environment: An Overview
by P.K.M. Tharakan & P.J. Lloyd - 1003-1019 Anti‐dumping Duty versus Price Negotiations
by Arvind Panagariya & Poonam Gupta - 1021-1033 Cumulation and Anti‐dumping: A Challenge to Competition
by Thomas J. Prusa - 1035-1060 Interface Between Anti‐dumping Policy and Competition Policy: A Case Study
by P.K.M. Tharakan & Edwin Vermulst & Joe Tharakan - 1061-1076 Mergers in Open Economies
by Rod Falvey - 1077-1093 Cross‐border Mergers and EC Competition Policy
by Leo Sleuwaegen - 1095-1108 Competition and Trade in Services: The Airlines' Global Alliances
by Renato G. Flôres Jr. - 1109-1128 Conditions of Competition and Multilateral Surveillance
by Simeon Djankov & Bernard Hoekman - 1129-1149 Multilateral Rules for International Competition Law?
by Peter J. Lloyd - 1151-1177 Globalisation and the Effects of National Versus International Competition on the Labour Market: Theory and Evidence from Belgian Firm Level Data
by Hylke Vandenbussche & Jozef Konings - 1179-1183 Competition Policy in an International Setting: The Way Ahead
by Alexis Jacquemin & Peter J. Lloyd & P.K.M. Tharakan & Jean Waelbroeck
September 1998, Volume 21, Issue 7
- 851-853 Symposium on Liberalism in Asia Introduction
by Mark McGillivray & Oliver Morrissey - 855-879 East Asian Economic Performance: Miracle or Just a Pleasant Surprise?
by Oliver Morrissey & Doug Nelson - 881-896 Trade Policy Reforms in South Asia
by Jayatilleke S. Bandara & Mark McGillivray - 897-911 Why are Prices so Low in Asia?
by Rod Falvey & Norman Gemmell - 913-930 From Crisis to Cataclysm? The Mismanagement of Indonesia’s Economic Ailments
by Ross H. McLeod - 931-952 Long‐run Effects of APEC Trade Liberalisation: An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis
by Philip D. Adams - 953-962 Trade Liberalisation and the Location of Manufacturing Firms
by Mary Amiti - 963-979 The Globalisation and Liberalisation of Asian Labour Markets
by Stuart Rosewarne - 981-995 Aid and Trade Relationships in East Asia
by Mark McGillivray & Oliver Morrissey
August 1998, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 705-705 Editorial Introduction
by David Greenaway - 707-731 Agglomeration in the Global Economy: A Survey of the ‘New Economic Geography’
by Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano & Diego Puga - 733-756 Multinational Firms, Location and Trade
by James R. Markusen - 757-774 Can Regional Policies Affect Growth and Geography in Europe?
by Philippe Martin - 775-801 Economic Geography, Industry Location and Trade: The Evidence
by Marius Brülhart - 803-826 Credibility and Discipline Effects of Exchange Rates as Nominal Anchors: The Need to Distinguish Temporary from Permanent Pegs
by Thomas D. Willett - 827-843 Managing Economic Change: Lessons from New Zealand
by John McMillan
July 1998, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 587-587 Editorial Introduction
by John Whalley - 589-602 Capital Flight and Foreign Investment: Two Tales From China and Russia
by Terry Sicular - 603-611 Estimation of Capital Flight from Russia: Balance of Payments Approach
by Konstantin Loukine - 603-611 Privatisation, the Market for Corporate Control, and Capital Flight from Russia
by Ronald Wintrobe - 629-638 Punishment Schedules for Capital Flight
by Uzi Segal & Daniel R. Vincent - 639-657 The Euro: Why? How? Significance?
by Ali M. El‐Agraa - 659-674 Mexican Agriculture: Distribution and Efficiency Effects of Eliminating Price Distortions
by José Romero - 675-694 Macroeconomic Impact of Direct Foreign Investment in China: 1979–96
by Haishun Sun
June 1998, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 411-419 Editorial Introduction
by Peter Lloyd & Chris Milner - 421-443 Lomé Versus Free Trade Agreements: The Dilemma Facing the ACP Countries
by Matthew McQueen - 445-456 Competition Policy and International Trade in Air Transport and Telecommunications Services
by Tony Warren & Christopher Findlay - 457-469 Southern African Economic Integration
by Merle Holden - 471-481 World Trade, the Middle East, and the Stability of World Oil Supplies
by Richard N. Cooper - 483-514 The WTO Trade Policy Review of the United States, 1996
by Robert M. Stern - 515-527 Colombian Trade Policies and the 1996 WTO Trade Policy Review
by Sarath Rajapatirana - 529-547 New Zealand Trade Policy and the 1996 WTO Review
by Martin Richardson - 549-561 On Investment Measures and Trade
by Eden S.H. Yu & Chi‐Chur Chao - 563-585 Trade and Growth in Small States: The Impact of Global Trade Liberalisation
by Harvey W. Armstrong & Robert Read
May 1998, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 285-304 Is There Any Potential in Trade in Sensitive Industrial Products Between the CEECs and the EU?
by Paul Brenton & Francesca Di Mauro - 305-335 Does Membership in a Regional Preferential Trade Arrangement Make a Country More or Less Protectionist?
by Faezeh Foroutan - 337-347 Trade Liberalisation and the Environment: The Case of the Uruguay Round
by M.A. Cole & A.J. Rayner & J.M. Bates - 349-368 The World Trade Organisation: Institution‐Building in the Multilateral Trade System
by Gilbert R. Winham - 369-396 Argentina’s Banking Sector in the Nineties: From Financial Deepening to Systemic Crisis
by Guillermo Rozenwurcel & Leonardo Bleger - 397-401 The Gravity Model: Some Econometric Considerations
by László Mátyás
March 1998, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 143-158 Globalisation, Social Conflict and Economic Growth
by Dani Rodrik - 159-187 The Economic Impact of the European Union Regime on Public Procurement: Lessons for the WTO
by Harvey Gordon & Shane Rimmer & Sue Arrowsmith