March 1998, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 189-205 Europe’s Structural and Competitiveness Problems and the Euro
by Dominick Salvatore - 207-234 The Impact of the Uruguay Round on Tariff and Non‐Tariff Barriers to Trade in the ‘Quad’
by Michael Daly & Hiroaki Kuwahara - 235-259 Analysis of India’s Policy Reforms
by Rajesh Chadha & Sanjib Pohit & Alan V. Deardorff & Robert M. Stern - 261-279 Trends in Agricultural Price and Trade Policy Instruments Since 1990 in Central European Countries
by Jason G. Hartell & Johan F.M. Swinnen
January 1998, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-30 The Mexican Peso Crisis: How Much Did We Know? When Did We Know It?
by Sebastian Edwards - 31-55 Déjà Vu All Over Again: Explaining Mexico’s 1994 Financial Crisis
by Michael James Blaine - 57-73 Labour Standards and Trade Flows of OECD Countries
by Cees Van Beers - 75-94 Oligopoly and Quality Leapfrogging
by Iñigo Herguera & Stefan Lutz - 95-119 Russia’s Foreign Trade: New Directions and Western Policies
by Paul Hare & Saul Estrin & Mikhail Lugachyov & Lina Takla - 121-140 Changing Comparative Advantage and the Changing Composition of Asian Exports
by Dilip K. Das
November 1997, Volume 20, Issue 7
- 865-888 The Causes of Regionalism
by Richard E. Baldwin - 889-912 What Can European Experience Teach Developing Countries About Integration?
by L. Alan Winters - 913-934 How Should China Feed Itself?
by Yongzheng Yang & Yiping Huang - 935-950 NAFTA and the Dispute Settlement Mechanisms: A Transaction Costs Approach
by Alan M. Rugman & Andrew D.M. Anderson - 951-966 Offshore Assembly and the Dominican Republic
by James M. DeVault - 967-991 The Catalytic Effect of Lending by the International Financial Institutions
by Graham Bird & Dane Rowlands
September 1997, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 709-747 The International Use of the US Dollar: An Optimum Currency Area Perspective
by George S. Tavlas - 749-772 On the Complexities of China's WTO Accession
by Kym Anderson - 773-785 Core Labour Standards and Export Performance in Developing Countries
by Jai S. Mah - 787-808 Some Taxing Questions for the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI)
by Michael Daly - 809-827 The Economic Desirability of Middle‐Eastern Monetary Cooperation
by Tal Sadeh - 829-843 International Trade In Services: The Case of India's Computer Software
by V. N. Balasubramanyam & Ahalya Balasubramanyam - 845-858 Cyprus and the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture
by Charalambos A. Pattichis
August 1997, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 517-525 Editorial Introduction
by Sven Arndt & Chris Milner - 545-565 Open Regionalism
by C. Fred Bergsten - 567-583 TAFTA: Assuring its Compatibility with Global Free Trade
by Juergen B. Donges & Andreas Freytag & Ralf Zimmermann - 585-603 Mercosur: Integration and Industrial Policy
by Danny M. Leipziger & Claudio Frischtak & Homi Kharas & John F. Normand - 605-614 NAFTA: Setting the Record Straight
by Nora C. Lustig - 615-631 Brazilian Trade Policy and the WTO 1996 Review
by Renato G. Flôres Jr - 633-648 The Trade Policy Review of Sri Lanka
by A. G. (Sandy) Cuthbertson - 649-664 The Trade Policy Review of Uganda
by Paul Collier - 665-679 Swiss Trade Policy and the 1996 WTO Review
by Heinz Hauser & Robert Straw - 681-694 Implications of regional and Multilateral Agreements for Intellectual Property Rights
by Keith E. Maskus - 695-707 Glogalisation and Trade: A Symposium
by Sven W. Arndt
September 1997, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 527-544 The WTO and the Global Economy
by Richard Blackhurst
July 1997, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 383-406 Competition Policy and the Global Trading System
by Bernard Hoekman - 407-434 Of Tyre Cords, Ties and Tents: Window‐Dressing in the ATC?
by Laura Baughman & Rolf Mirus & Morris E. Morkre & Dean Spinanger - 435-456 Effects of Trade Liberalisation on the Environment in the Manufacturing Sector
by John Beghin & Michel Potier - 457-476 Strategic Trade and Investment Policies: Implications for the Study of International Political Economy
by Jeffrey A. Hart & Aseem Prakash - 477-496 NAFTA Expansion: US Imports Upon Chilean, Andean Pact, and MERCOSUR Accession
by Michael A. Anderson & Stephen L. S. Smith - 497-510 Review Article — Privatisation and Corporate Governance in Transitional Economies
by Igor Filatotchev
May 1997, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 259-283 The Global Age: From a Sceptical South to a Fearful North
by Jagdish Bhagwati - 285-305 The Future of Lome: Europe’s Role in African Growth
by Paul Collier & Patrick Guillaumont & Sylviane Guillaumont & Jan Willem Gunning - 307-338 Political Economy of Trade Reforms, 1965–1994: Latin American Style
by Sarath Rajapatirana & Luz Maria De La Mora & Ravindra A. Yatawara - 339-361 The Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment in China
by Harry G. Broadman & Xiaolun Sun - 363-368 Proper Econometric Specification of the Gravity Model
by Laszlo Matyas - 369-376 ‘Fair’ Trade and Domestic Policy Harmonisation
by Alice Enders
March 1997, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 137-158 Is there a Special Case for Import Protection for the Textile and Apparel Sectors Based on Labour Adjustment?
by Alfred J. Field & Edward M. Graham - 159-174 AFTA and the Investment‐Trade Nexus in ASEAN
by Prema‐Chandra Athukorala & Jayant Menon - 175-198 Investment Incentives and the International Agenda
by Thomas L. Brewer & Stephen Young - 199-220 Privatisation in the Visegrad Countries: A Comparative Assessment
by Michael Borish & Michel Noêl - 221-238 Exchange Rate Policy and Disinflation: The Spanish Experience in the ERM
by Philippe Bacchetta - 239-252 Regional Trade Agreements: Their Role and the Economic Impact on Trade Flows
by Michelle A. Sager
January 1997, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-20 Capital Market Integration in Developing Asia
by James Riedel - 21-42 Labour Migration and Labour Market Integration in Asia
by M.G. Quibria - 43-72 International Trade, Environmental Quality and Public Policy
by Michael J. Ferrantino - 73-86 An Essay on Economic Efficiency and Core Labour Standards
by Kenneth A. Swinnerton - 87-102 Latin America and Present US Trade Policy
by Patricia Gray Rich - 103-126 A Currency Reform Index for Western and Central Africa
by Célestin Monga - 127-129 Reviews
by Carolyn Jenkins & A.J. Rayner & David Fielding
November 1996, Volume 19, Issue Supplement 1
- 1-9 Editorial Introduction
by Sven Arndt & Chris Milner - 11-28 The Role of the OECD in Liberalising International Trade and Capital Flows
by David Henderson - 29-44 Central Europe Looks West
by Henryk Kierzkowski - 45-66 Regionalism and the Bias Against Agriculture in Less Developed Countries
by Dean A. DeRosa - 67-80 Canadian Trade Policy: The GATT's 1995 Review
by Ronald J. Wonnacott - 81-100 The Trade Policy Review of the European Union
by Jacques Pelkmans & Antonia Giulia Carzaniga - 101-117 The Trade Policy Review of Indonesia
by George Fane - 119-132 Israel's Trade Policy Review
by Mordechai E. Kreinin - 133-155 The Trade Policy Review of Japan
by Robert M. Stern - 157-166 The Trade Policy Review of Zimbabwe
by Jan Willem Gunning - 167-181 The Scope, Implication and Economic Rationale of a Competition-Oriented Approach to Future Multilateral Trade Negotiations
by Geza Feketekuty & Robert A. Rogowsky - 183-194 Trade Policy and Environmental Protection
by Horst Siebert
November 1996, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 621-633 Passing Through Regionalism: The Transition to Global Markets
by Raymond Vernon - 635-659 Investment Creation and Diversion in Europe
by Richard E. Baldwin & Rikard Forslid & Jan I. Haaland - 661-682 China's WTO Membership: What's at Stake?
by Yongzheng Yang - 683-694 Europe and the Maastricht Challenge
by Michel Aglietta & Merih Uctum - 695-720 The Government Procurement Agreement: Implications of Economic Theory
by Aaditya Mattoo - 721-745 The Stability of Trade Policy in the Countries in Transition and their Integration into the Multilateral Trading System
by Zdenek Drabek - 747-757 Gifts and Debt Buy-Backs
by Dominick Egli - 759-764 Why Small Countries Worry: Neglected Issues in Current Analyses of the Benefits and Costs for Small Countries of Integrating with Large Ones
by G. K. Helleiner - 765-779 Review Article – The Bretton Woods Institutions in Developing Countries: Bétes Noires or Toothless Tigers?
by Jane Harrigan
September 1996, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 485-515 The Free Trade Area of the Americas: Good for Latin America?
by Arvind Panagariya - 517-532 Discovering the Truth About Protection Rackets
by Chris Milner - 533-543 Is APEC a Natural Regional Trading Bloc? A Critique of the ‘Gravity Model’of International Trade
by Jacques J. Polak - 545-553 Protecting Jobs or Protecting Rents? Back-of-the-Envelope Arithmetic on Egypt's Car Industry
by Marcelo M. Giugale & Mette J. Knudsen - 555-574 The Economics of the Middle East Peace Process: Are There Prospects for Trade and Growth?
by Karolina Ekholm & Johan Torstensson & Rasha Torstensson - 575-593 Trade in Insurance in the Central-America Common Market
by François Outreville - 595-608 A Comment on ‘Review — Debt, Adjustment and Recovery’
by I. M. D. Little - 609-613 The Aspects of Dynamic Interactions in the Decision-Making Process: The Hyundai's Anti-Dumping Case
by Gi-Heon Kwon
July 1996, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 387-405 The European Union's Mediterranean Free Trade Initiative
by Bernard Hoekman & Simeon Djankov - 407-423 Proposals to Ensure a Smooth Transition to European Monetary Union by 1999
by Paul Mizen & Brian Tew - 425-446 Tariffication in the Uruguay Round: How Much Liberalisation?
by Merlinda D. Ingco - 447-463 Integration of Central Europe in the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union
by Štefan Bojnec - 465-475 Primary Exports and Economic Growth in Developing Countries
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu
May 1996, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 237-252 Trade and Investment in a Hub-and-Spoke System Versus a Free Trade Area
by Ronald J. Wonnacott - 253-272 The Liberalisation of East-West European Trade: Hubs, Spokes and Further Complications
by Alice Enders & Ronald J. Wonnacott - 273-286 How Domestic Demand Shapes the Pattern of International Trade
by Rolf Weder - 287-305 Sub-Saharan African Own Commitments in the Uruguay Round - Myth or Reality?
by Piritta Sorsa - 307-332 The Scope and Depth of GATS Commitments
by Laura Altinger & Alice Enders - 333-343 Onwards to Singapore: The International Contestability of Markets and the New Trade Agenda
by Americo Beviglia Zampetti & Pierre Sauvé - 345-365 Peripherality in Economic Geography and Modern Growth Theory: Evidence from Ireland's Adjustment to Free Trade
by Frank Barry - 367-378 Review - Debt, Adjustment and Recovery
by Michael Bleaney
March 1996, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 143-148 The Bretton Woods Institutions and the Political Economy of International Monetary Reform
by Graham Bird - 149-172 From Bretton Woods to Halifax and Beyond: The Political Economy of International Monetary Reform
by Graham Bird - 173-193 Political Economy of the Bretton Woods Institutions: Adapting to Financial Change
by C. Randall Henning - 195-210 Bureaucracy at the IMF and the World Bank: A Comparison of the Evidence
by Roland Vaubel - 211-229 Principals, Agents and the Limitations of BWI Conditionality
by Tony Killick
January 1996, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-12 Who Voted Against the NAFTA? Trade Unions Versus Free Trade
by John A. C. Conybeare & Mark Zinkula - 13-37 Brazilian Inflation and the Plano Real
by Jeffrey Sachs & Alvaro A. Zini Jr. - 39-62 Lessons from Bank and Enterprise Restructuring in the Transition Economies of Europe and Central Asia
by Michael S. Borish & Millard F. Long & Michel Noël - 63-87 The Polluter-Pays Principle in the Context of Agriculture and the Environment
by James A. Tobey & Henri Smets - 89-112 The Automotive Industry in Southeast Asia: Can Protection Be Made Less Costly?
by Paul Wonnacott - 113-134 The Potential For Trade Between Israel, The Palestinians and Jordan
by Arie Arnon & Avia Spivak & J. Weinblatt
November 1995, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 741-744 Introduction
by André Sapir - 745-759 Trade Liberalisation and ‘Fair Trade’ Demands: Addressing the Environmental and Labour Standards Issues
by Jagdish Bhagwati - 761-767 How to Make Trade Liberalisation Popular
by Sir Leon Brittan - 769-779 Trade and Environment in the World Trade Organisation
by Richard Eglin - 781-789 Towards an Internationalisation of Competition Policy
by Alexis Jacquemin - 791-803 The Interaction Between Labour Standards and International Trade Policy
by André Sapir - 805-816 Transnational Coalitions Among Societal, State and International Actors: GM, Ford and Hyundai in the Canadian Anti-Dumping Case
by Gi-Heon Kwon
September 1995, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 635-664 Why Liberalisation Needs Centralisation: Subsidiarity and EU Telecoms
by Jeanne-Mey Sun & Jacques Pelkmans - 665-680 Prosperity For All? Reflecting on the MFA Complex
by Dean Spinanger - 681-705 Competition and Trade Policy: Identifying the Issues After the Uruguay Round
by Peter Lloyd & Gary Sampson - 707-728 Ex-Post Evaluation of the Uruguay Round Agriculture Agreement
by K.A. Ingersent & A.J. Rayner & R.C. Hine - 729-735 Review Article: Adjustment in Africa: Reforms, Results and the Road Ahead
by Christopher Adam
July 1995, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 519-541 Currency Appreciation and ‘Deindustrialisation’: A European Perspective
by John A. Tatom - 543-564 Foreign Direct Investment and Manufacturing for Export in a New Exporting Country: The Case of Sri Lanka
by Premachandra Athukorala - 565-581 A Transition Proposal for Lomé Convention Trade Preferences: The Case of the EU Banana Regime
by David G. Raboy & Teri L. Simpson & Bing Xu - 583-602 The Competitive Position of Asian Producers of Textiles and Clothing in the US Market
by Lynden Moore - 603-616 Can the IMF Help Low-Income Countries? Experiences with its Structural Adjustment Facilities
by Tony Killick - 617-625 Can the IMF Help Low-Income Countries: A Reply
by Susan Schadler
May 1995, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 345-365 The EC-Japan Consensus on Cars: Interaction Between Trade and Competition Policy
by Aaditya Mattoo & Petros C. Mavroidis - 367-385 The New Trade Theory and its Relevance to the Trade Policies of Developing Countries
by Asad Alam - 387-410 Trade Policy and Regional Integration: Implications for the Relations between Europe and Africa
by Paul Collier & Jan Willem Gunning - 411-442 The Linkages between the Timber Trade and Tropical Deforestation—Indonesia
by Edward B. Barbier & Nancy Bockstael & Joanne C. Burgess & Ivar Strand - 443-455 The Impact of Economic Sanctions in the 1990s
by Peter A. G. van Bergeijk - 457-488 A CGE Approach to Modelling Carbon Dioxide Emissions Control in Canada and the United States
by Louis Beuuséjour & Gordon Lenjosek & Michael Smart - 489-503 Some Lessons From ‘Developing’ Countries' Trade Policy Reviews in the GATT Framework: An Enforcement Perspective
by Asif H. Qureshi - 513-517 News And Events
by Colleen Hamilton
March 1995, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 181-191 Japan's Trade Policy: A Mini-Symposium Editorial Introduction
by Ali M. El-Agraa - 193-217 Economic Growth, Foreign Trade, and Trade Policy in Japan
by Kazuo Sato - 219-235 VERs as a Prominent Feature of Japanese Trade Policy: Their Rationale, Costs and Benefits
by Ali M. El-Agraa - 237-267 US-Japan Trade Friction and its Dilemmas for US policy
by Marcus Noland - 269-294 Behind the US/Japan Trade Conflict
by Koichi Hamada - 295-313 The Road Most Taken: the Rise of Title VII Protection
by Wendy L. Hansen & Thomas J. Prusa - 315-328 Comparative Advantage and the Location of Inward Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from the UK and South Korea
by Keith E. Maskus & Allan Webster - 341-344 News And Events
by Colleen Hamilton
January 1995, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-23 Evaluating the Uruguay Round
by William R. Cline - 25-30 A Uruguay Round Success?
by Trien Nguyen & Carlo Perroni & Randall Wigle - 31-49 Evaluating the Impact of the Uruguay Round Results on Developing Countries
by Colleen Hamilton & John Whalley - 51-70 Nontariff Measures and Developing Countries: Has the Uruguay Round Leveled, the Playing Field?
by Patrick Low & Alexander Yeats - 71-86 Trade Rules and Environmental Controversies During the Uruguay Round and Beyond
by Peter P. Uimonen - 87-112 The Role of Tax Expenditure Reporting in a Global Economy
by Michael Daly - 113-135 A Primer on the MFA Maze
by Riccardo Faini & Jaime Melo & Wendy Takacs - 137-159 Simple Rules, Robustness and Alternative Assignments for G3 Policy Cooperation
by Nicos Christodoulakis & Anthony Garratt & Paul Levine - 173-180 News And Events
by Colleen Hamilton
November 1994, Volume 17, Issue 6
- 795-815 Currency Policies for Inflation Control in the Formerly Centrally Planned Economies
by Thomas D. Willett & Fahim Al-Marhubi - 817-839 East Asia and the New Regionalism in World Trade
by Arvind Panagariya - 841-853 Thrift as a Trade Problem: The External Surpluses of Japan
by P.N. Snowden - 855-867 The New Zealand Monetary Policy Experiment—A Preliminary Assessment
by Kevin Dowd & Simon Baker - 869-884 Integrating Poland in the World Economy: An Assessment of the Impact of Trade Liberalisation and Growth
by Margarida Ponte Ferreira
September 1994, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 639-641 Symposium: The Accession of the Nordic Countries to the European Union
by Magnus Blomström & Robert E. Lipsey - 643-649 The Historical Relations Between the Nordic Countries and the European Community
by Bo Södersten - 651-661 EMU—Economic Substance or Political Symbolism?
by Clas Wihlborg - 663-666 EMU - Economic Substance or Political Symbolism: A Comment
by Anders Vredin - 667-677 Sweden: Effects of EU Membership on Investment and Growth
by Ari Kokko - 679-681 Sweden: Effects of EU Membership on Investment and Growth: A Comment
by André Sapir - 683-695 Norway: The Trade Effects of European Integration
by Jan I. Haaland - 697-700 Norway: The Trade Effects of European Integration: A Comment
by Carsten Kowalczyk - 701-709 Finland: Economics and Politics of EU Accession
by Kari Alho & Mika Widgrén - 711-714 Finland: Economics and Politics of EU Accession: A Comment
by Robert E. Baldwin - 715-718 Finland: Economics and Politics of EU Accession: A Comment
by Lars Lundberg - 719-735 Offshore Production and the Base of Import Taxation
by P.J. Lloyd - 737-757 Macro and Industry Implications of Voluntary Export Restraints on US-Japan Trade
by F. Gerard Adams & Byron Gangnes & Shuntaro Shishido - 759-778 The Myths and Realities of IMF Lending
by Graham Bird
July 1994, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 429-431 Liberalisation and Adjustment in Latin America and Eastern Europe: Editorial Introduction
by J. Richard Aronson & Arthur E. King & Geraldo M. Vasconcellos - 433-450 Macroeconomic Stabilisation and Trade Liberalisation: Brazilian Experience and Choices
by Donald V. Coes - 451-466 The Role of Macroeconomic Policy in the Process of Economic Stabilisation in Central Europe
by Ivan Sujan - 467-496 Economic Policies and Performance Under Alternative Trade Regimes: Latin America During the 1980s
by Julio Nogues & Sunil Gulati - 497-508 Economic Liberalisation in Eastern Europe: Problems and Prospects
by Michael Bleaney - 509-528 Privatisation in Latin America
by Werner Baer - 529-550 The Privatisation Experience in Eastern Europe
by Thomas J. Hyclak & Arthur E. King - 551-576 Privatisation in Latin America and Eastern Europe in the Context of Political and Economic Reform
by Ira W. Lieberman - 577-602 Regional Integration in the Americas: Déjà Vu All Over Again?
by C.A. Primo Braga & Raed Safadi & Alexander Yeats - 603-618 Regional Integration versus Integration into the World Economy: The Choices for Central and Eastern Europe
by Josef C. Brada - 631-637 News And Events
by By Colleen Hamilton
May 1994, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 249-280 Single Market, Exchange Rates and Monetary Unification
by Rainer S. Masera - 281-292 GATS: The Uruguay Round Accord on International Trade and Investment in Services
by Harry G. Broadman - 293-322 Departures from the Ruble Zone: The Implications of Adopting Independent Currencies
by Linda S. Goldberg & Barry W. Ickes & Randi Ryterman - 323-345 Shifting Comparative Advantage and the Employment Effects of US—Japan Trade
by Hiro Lee & David Roland-Holst - 347-364 Trade in Financial Services
by Fariborz Moshirian - 395-412 NAFTA and the Environment: Some Lessons for the Next Round of GATT Negotiations
by Derrick G. Wilkinson - 423-427 News And Events
by Colleen Hamilton
March 1994, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 121-150 Competition, Competition Policy and the GATT
by Bernard M. Hoekman & Petros C. Mavroidis - 151-170 Industrial Countries™ Protectionism with Respect to Eastern Europe: The Impact of the Association Agreements Concluded with the EC on the Exports of Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary
by Cristina Mastropasqua & Valeria Rolli - 171-189 Exchange Rate Based Stabilisation: Lessons from a Radical Implementation in Argentina
by Rainer Schweickert - 191-202 Regionalisation, Regionalism and East Asian Economic Cooperation
by Colin Kirkpatrick - 203-218 Engines of Growth—The Export and Government Sectors
by Jim Love