September 1983, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 325-352 Current Issues and Progress in European Shipping Policy
by Hans Böhme - 353-356 Consideration in the European Community of Trade and Finance Issues
by Peter Rees - 357-361 American Trade Law and the Steel Pact between Brussels and Washington
by Gary N. Horlick - 363-363 Weaving a Web around Multinational Enterprises
by Simon Webley
June 1983, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 101-126 The Way Back to Sustained Economic Growth
by Jan Tumlir & Martin Wolf - 127-136 Joining Hands to Overcome Economic Turmoil
by Emil Salim - 137-145 Why There is No Mileage Left in Global Negotiations
by Jagdish N. Bhagwati - 147-157 Industrial Adjustment in East Asia's Resource‐poor Economies
by Sueo Sekiguchi - 159-182 The Economics and Politics of Countertrade
by Gary Banks - 183-194 Going against the Grain: Lessons of the 1980 Embargo
by Animesh Ghoshal - 195-214 Protectionist Threat to Trade and Investment in Services
by Jeffrey J. Schott - 215-218 Outward versus Inward Orientation Once Again
by Bela Balassa - 219-219 Trade and Employment in the Third World
by Alasdair I. MacBean
March 1983, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-26 Failure of Economic Liberalism in the Cone of Latin America
by Larry A. Sjaastad - 27-38 An Appraisal of Japanese Financial Policies
by Masaru Yoshitomi - 39-58 What is Different about European Agricultural Protectionism?
by Stefan Tangermann - 59-72 Financial Implications of a Sweeping CAP Reform
by Hugo Dicke & Horst Rodemer - 73-88 Stakes and Risks in Economic Sanctions
by Thomas O. Bayard & Joseph Pelzman & Jorge Perez‐Lopez - 89-90 More Aspects of the Manioc Agreement between Brussels and Bangkok
by Ammar Siamwalla - 90-92 Barriers to be Overcome in Liberalising International Civil Aviation
by Knut Hammarskjöld - 93-93 More Evidence from Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz
by T. G. Congdon
December 1982, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 341-360 Is it Time to Re‐regulate the Airline Industry?
by Alfred E. Kahn - 361-366 Protectionism and the Financial Structure of the World Economy
by Kenneth Durham - 367-378 Incorporating the Gains from Trade into Policy
by J. M. Finger - 379-406 The 1980s: Twilight of the Open Trading System?
by C. Michael Aho & Thomas O. Bayard - 407-414 The Soviet Gas Pipeline: a Bad Idea Made Worse
by Gordon Crovitz - 415-417 Trade as the Engine, Handmaiden, Brake or Offspring of Growth?
by Paul Streeten - 417-422 Prospects for Liberalisation of Civil Aviation
by Lord Marsh - 423-425 Saudi Arabia's Confidence in Tackling Real Problems
by Sir John Wilton
November 1982, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 229-240 A Simple Plan for Negotiating on Trade in Services
by William E. Brock - 241-258 Critical Issues in the Talks on Emergency Protection
by Prem Kumar - 259-278 Perils in the Brussels‐Washington Steel Pact of 1982
by Hans Mueller & Hans van Der Ven - 279-290 Rescheduling Sovereign Debt: Is There a Better Approach?
by Jeffrey E. Garten - 291-302 Trade Policies and ‘Strategies’— Case for a Liberal Approach
by P. D. Henderson - 303-320 Diversification of Reserves and Monetary Stability
by J. A. H. de Beaufort Wijnholds - 321-324 Japan's Approach to the GATT Ministerial Meeting
by Nobuo Matsunaga - 325-335 India: the Land of Unfulfilled Promise
by Deepak Lal
September 1982, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 133-148 Apertura Policies in the Cone of Latin America
by T. G. Congdon - 149-158 Why a £9,000 Car in Britain Costs £6,000 in Belgium
by Brian Hindley - 159-170 A Cool Look at ‘Outward‐looking’ Strategies for Development
by Paul Streeten - 171-186 Newly Industrialising Countries in an Interdependent World
by Colin I. Bradford - 187-200 Development of Hong Kong's Place in International Trade
by Lee Kam‐Hon - 201-205 Time for Businessmen to Speak Out on Policy‐induced Uncertainty
by Otto Wolff von Amerongen - 205-212 American Banking System in Transition at Home and Abroad
by Norman Barker - 213-216 Realities and Double Standards in Relations with Japan
by Jean‐Pierre Lehmann
March 1982, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-18 North‐South Mutual Interest in Greater Reliance on Markets
by Jonkheer Emile van Lennep - 19-28 Mr John Biffen M. P. at the Pearly Gates
by Deepak Lal - 29-42 International Economic Order—Can the Trend be Reversed?
by Jan Tumlir - 43-60 A View from the Dress Circle in the Theatre of Trade Disputes
by C. F. Teese - 61-84 Economic Development, Cancun and the Western Democracies
by Karl Brunner - 85-104 Why Developing Countries Should Participate in the GATT System
by T. N. Srinivasan - 105-112 Employment and Income Effects of Re‐locating Textile Industries
by Hans‐Hinrich Glismann & Dean Spinanger - 113-119 On Economic Freedom and Democracy
by Martin Wolf
December 1981, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 357-374 The Twilight of Domestic Economic Policies
by Richard Blackhurst - 375-390 The Japanese Challenge to Western Europe'sNew Crisis Industries
by Geoffrey Shepherd - 391-406 Industrial Policy as an Issue in the Economic Environment
by Assar Lindbeck - 407-418 Peace Making and Economic Interdependence
by Seev Hirsch - 419-428 SDR Distribution, Interest Rates and Aid Flows
by Graham Bird - 429-434 Need for a Rule‐oriented Trading System
by William Alberger - 435-445 Divergent Oil Interests of the First and Third Worlds
by Edith Penrose
June 1981, Volume 4, Issue 2‐3
- 117-126 Questions for Those Interested in World Economic Recovery
by Arthur Dunkel - 127-148 Can Developing‐country Exports Keep Growing in the 1980s?
by Helen Hughes & Jean Waelbroeck - 149-174 US‐Chinese Economic Relations in the Asian‐Pacific Context
by Hugh Patrick - 175-186 OECD versus the GATT on the Source of Inflation
by Paul de Grauwe - 187-198 Velocity, Cash Management and Monetary Policy
by Paul F. Smith - 199-208 Labour Costs in the American Steel and Auto Industries
by Richard G. Anderson & Mordechai E. Kreinin - 209-212 Open Letters to Governments — British arid German Style
by Eri Nicolaides - 213-223 Countries in the Economic Middle
by Dick Wilson - 229-250 Japanese Steel in the American Market: Conflict and Causes
by Kiyoshi Kawahito - 251-262 Neo‐protectionism, the MFA and the European Community
by Gerard Curzon - 263-270 How to Assure the Stability of the Financial System
by Helen B. Junz - 271-282 Loans to Assist the Transition to Outward‐looking Policies
by Anne O. Krueger - 283-289 British Government Inaction over the Exchange Rate
by Roger Bootie - 291-314 Energy in the Soviet Union: Problems for Comecon?
by Jeremy Russell - 315-332 European Community'sBudgetary Problems: a Danish View
by Jorgen Orstrom Moller - 333-336 Prohibitively High Textile Tariffs of Developing Countries
by Konrad Neundörfer - 337-351 The Cancun Summit and the NIEO Proposals
by Juergen B. Donges & Herbert G. Grubel
March 1981, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-16 Market Forces and ‘Those Who Foretell the Future …’
by Lord McFadzean of Kelvinside - 17-28 International Economic Relations in Transition
by Raymond Vernon - 29-48 Private Initiative to Thwart the Trade in Counterfeit Goods
by William N. Walker - 49-56 New Thoughts on the Recycling of Petro‐dollars
by Wolfgang Stützel - 57-68 One Course of Recovery for the Ailing European Community
by Hugh Corbet - 69-78 Economic Sanctions as a Tool of Policy against Rhodesia
by E.G. Cross - 79-102 Questions on International Trade in Textiles and Clothing
by Donald B. Keesing & Martin Wolf - 103-111 Topsy‐turvy Uranium World
by Yugo Kovach
November 1980, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 275-284 How to Avoid a New International Economic Disorder
by Staffan Burenstam‐Linder - 285-302 Interaction of Financial and Commercial Markets: Challenge for Policy Makers
by Harald B. Malmgren - 303-311 Micro‐processors, Luddites and their Economic Consequences
by Sir Ieuan Maddock - 313-342 Voluntary Export Restraints and the GATT's Main Escape Clause
by Brian Hindley - 343-358 Is an Olive Oil Lake to Join the Butter Mountain?
by Alfred S. Friedeberg - 359-376 American Trade Adjustment Assistance after Five Years
by C. Michael Aho & Thomas O. Bayard - 377-379 Case For Small Farms In Developing Countries
by Michael Lipton
September 1980, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 151-160 Politicians, Economists and Protection ‐the Deaf' Meet the Blind
by Deepak Lal - 161-166 There is Nothing New under the Sun
by M.C. O'Dowd - 167-184 Relationships between Macro‐economic and Industrial Policies
by W. M. Corden - 185-204 Industrial Policies in West Germany's Not so Market‐oriented Economy
by Juergen B. Donges - 205-216 Alternatives to Delayed Structural Adjustment in 'Workshop Europe'
by Victoria Curzon Price - 217-234 Mixed Blessings for the Third World in Codes on Non‐tariff Measures
by Peter J. Ginman & Thomas A. Pugel & Ingo Walter - 235-264 Problems for the European Currency Unit in the Private Sector
by Niels Thygesen
June 1980, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-12 Forthcoming Negotiations on the Multi‐fibre Arrangement
by Lalith Athulathmudali - 13-52 Effects of the World Economic Crisis on the East European Economies
by Richard Portes - 53-70 United States Congress and the Tokyo Round Lessons of a Success Story
by I. M. Destler & Thomas R. Graham - 71-86 Issues Posed by Fiscal Transfers in the European Community
by Thomas Wilson - 87-118 Survival, Development and the Report of the Brandt Commission
by P. D. Henderson - 119-134 Productivity in the United States and its International Implications
by Danny M. Leipziger
February 1980, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 415-425 Goals for the 1980s — Competition, Price Stability and Adjustment
by Count Lambsdorff - 427-440 Recent Changes in American Law on Regulatory Trade Measures
by Matthew J. Marks - 441-451 … Meanwhile Japan is Becoming a Major Exporter of Capital
by Toshihiko Yoshino - 453-465 What Life is Left in the North-South Dialogue?
by Sidney Weintraub - 467-480 Whither Japan's Foreign Economic Policy? Straws in the Wind
by Kazuo Nukazawa - 481-495 Tower of Babel: Conflicting Ideologies of Adjustment
by Martin Wolf - 497-511 Prices of Money and Goods across Frontiers: the £ and $ over a Century
by Milton Friedman - 512-515 Book of Intdernational Economics Affairs: MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISES — A CONTINUING SAGA
by V. N. Balasubramanyam
September 1979, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 289-303 On the Future of the World Economy—an Optimist's View
by Herbert Giersch - 305-318 Surplus Capacity and What the Tokyo Round Failed to Settle
by Victoria Curzon Price - 319-341 Importance of Being Earnest about Further GATT Negotiations
by Hugh Corbet - 342-342 Adjustment to Change
by Martin Van Buren - 343-361 Questions for Farm Policy in an Enlarged European Community
by T. E. Josling - 363-386 Growth of External Investments by the Comecon Countries
by Carl H. McMillan - 387-397 Limited Scope for Coal Trade in Spite of the Oil Crisis
by Michael Folie & Gregory McColl - 398-404 Books on International Economic Affairs: THE POLITICS OF AGRICULTURAL TRADE
by John Ashton - 403-407 Competition Versus Stability In Banking
by Peter Oppenheimer
May 1979, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 139-154 Forgetfulness of Things Past: Europe and the Steel Cartel
by Kent Jones - 155-187 Protection of Industries in Trouble—the Case of Iron and Steel
by Ingo Walter - 189-198 The Wistful Liberalism of Deepak Lal
by Edmund Dell - 199-211 Germany and the Further Enlargement of the European Community
by Beate Kohler - 213-228 Competitiveness and Growth Prospects in an Enlarged European Community
by Juergen B. Donges & Klaus‐Werner Schatz - 229-241 Cooperation between Public and Private Lenders to the Third World
by Jessica P. Einhorn - 243-275 Exchange Rates, International Liquidity and Economic Development
by Vijay Joshi - 276-280 Books on International Economic Affairs: THEORY AND POLICY IN FOREIGN‐EXCHANGE MARKETS
by Geoffrey Wood
January 1979, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-30 EMS: a Compromise that Could be Worse than Either Extreme
by Samuel Brittan - 31-50 Industrial Policies in Western Europe ‐Solution or Problem?
by Lawrence G. Franko - 51-64 Structure of OPEC and the Outlook for International Oil Prices
by Thomas D. Willett - 65-78 Security and Stability in Minerals Markets the Role of Long‐term Contracts
by Ben Smith - 79-90 Recent Publications of the Trade Policy Research Centre
by Nobuyuki Yamamura - 91-98 Changes in the American Climate Affecting the NIEO Proposals
by Nathaniel H. Leff - 99-123 Identifying the Least Developed in the International ‘Line up’
by Alasdair L. MacBean - 124-126 Books on International Economic Affairs OIL, OIL MONEY AND OIL MONEY'S MONEY
by Christopher Rowland
October 1978, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 355-368 Dangers of Ignoring the Trade Interests of ‘Small Powers’
by Victor Garland - 369-384 Impact of Market Instability for Mineral Materials
by John E. Tilton - 385-396 Salvation Through Cartels? On the Revival of a Myth
by Jan Tumlir - 397-406 Contradictions Over Competition in the Leading Industrial Countries
by Kurt Stockman - 407-418 Japan: Communication Problems of the Nouveau Riche
by Koichi Hamada - 419-426 Don't Surplus Countries Have Obligations?
by John Williamson - 427-436 On the Response of Trade to Changes in Exchange Rates
by Reinhard Fürstenberg - 437-451 Towards a Code on Subsidies and Countervailing Duties
by Seamus O'Cleireacain - 452-453 Books on International Economic Affairs
by Stuart Harris
June 1978, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 251-262 International Trade under Threat: a Constructive Response
by Olivier Long - 263-278 The Wistful Mercantilism of Mr Dell
by Deepak Lal - 279-288 The Economics of an Accord on Public Procurement Policies
by Brian Hindley - 289-300 Limitations of Grain Reserves in the Quest for Stable Prices
by D. Gale Johnson - 301-318 Protectionist and Inflationary Risks in the World Economic Outlook
by Norbert Walter - 319-326 Japan's System of Distribution under Scrutiny
by Naohiro Amaya - 327-339 Combined Defence and International Economic Cooperation
by Keith Hartley & Alan Peacock - 340-343 Books on International Economic Affairs
by Anne Howarth
January 1978, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 121-134 Expansion of the World Economy and the Duties of Surplus Countries
by W. M. Corden - 135-148 Japan's Changing Perceptions of her Role in the World Economy
by Takashi Hosomi - 149-161 How to Repair the ‘Safety Net’ of the International Trading System
by Alasdair I. MacBean - 163-176 Brazil's Proposals for the Reform of the GATT System
by George Alvares Maciel - 177-194 What Chance has Agriculture in the Tokyo Round?
by T. K. Warley - 195-204 Commodity‐Price Stabilisation and the Ratchet Effect
by Michael Finger & Dean DeRosa - 205-222 Problems of Raw‐material Supply in Eastern Europe
by Istvan Dobozi - 223-237 Remedies to ‘Unfair’ Trade: American Action against Steel Imports
by Matthew J. Marks - 238-242 Books on International Economic Affairs
by Eri Charalambidou
October 1977, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-2 Purpose and Role Envisaged for The World Economy
by Hugh Corbet - 3-20 Can the International Economic Order be Saved?
by Jan Tumlir & HARRY G. JOHNSON - 21-34 Significance of Trade Policies in the World Economic Outlook
by Harald B. Malmgren - 35-46 Waiting for the Revival of Capital Formation
by Lawrence R. Klein - 47-54 Oil and Debt: the Risks of International Lending
by Henry C. Wallich - 55-68 Special or Free and Secure Access to Markets for Developing Countries?
by Sidney Golt - 69-80 Transfer of Technology: the UNCTAD Arguments in Perspective
by V. N. Balasubramanyam - 81-92 Western Technology in the Political Economy of Eastern Europe
by Jack Baranson & Anne Harrington - 93-102 Agriculture's Place in General Economic Policy
by T. E. Josling - 103-106 Books on International Economic Affairs: THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY REGIME: QUO VADIS?
by Brian Hindley