March 2018, Volume 66, Issue 1
- 30-65 Is a Big Entrant a Threat to Incumbents? The Role of Demand Substitutability in Competition Among the Big and the Small
by Lijun Pan & Makoto Hanazono - 66-94 One†Stop Shopping Behavior, Buyer Power and Upstream Merger Incentives
by Irina Baye & Vanessa von Schlippenbach & Christian Wey - 95-125 Do Merger Efficiencies Always Mitigate Price Increases?
by Zhiqi Chen & Gang Li - 126-171 Firm Productivity Differences From Factor Markets
by Wenya Cheng & John Morrow - 172-204 Net Neutrality, Network Capacity, and Innovation at the Edges
by Jay Pil Choi & Doh†Shin Jeon & Byung†Cheol Kim - 205-238 The Unequal Effect of India's Industrial Liberalization on Firms’ Decision to Innovate: Do Business Conditions Matter?
by Maria Bas & Caroline Paunov
December 2017, Volume 65, Issue 4
- 683-718 Digging Deep to Compete: Vertical Integration, Product Market Competition and Prices
by Danny McGowan - 719-738 Do Low†Price Guarantees Guarantee Low Prices? Evidence from Competition between Amazon and Big†Box Stores
by Ran Zhuo - 739-766 Sufficient Decisions in Multi†Sided and Multiproduct Markets
by Alexei Alexandrov & Daniel F. Spulber - 767-803 Asymmetric Price Effects of Competition
by Saul Lach & José L. Moraga†González - 804-832 Payment Evasion
by Stefan Buehler & Daniel Halbheer & Michael Lechner - 833-841 A Note on Quality Disclosure and Competition
by Jos Jansen - 842-871 Opportunity Cost Pass†Through from Fossil Fuel Market Prices to Procurement Costs of the U.S. Power Producers
by Yin Chu & J. Scott Holladay & Jacob LaRiviere - 872-886 Tying in Two†Sided Markets with Multi†Homing: Corrigendum and Comment
by Jay Pil Choi & Bruno Jullien & Yassine Lefouili - 887-889 Erratum
by Tore Nilssen
September 2017, Volume 65, Issue 3
- 469-509 Retail Mergers and Food Prices: Evidence from France
by Marie-Laure Allain & Claire Chambolle & Stéphane Turolla & Sofia B. Villas-Boas - 510-558 Barriers to Entry and Competitive Behavior: Evidence from Reforms of Cable Franchising Regulations
by Sutirtha Bagchi & Jagadeesh Sivadasan - 559-584 Group Consumption and Product Diversity: The Case of Smoking Bans
by Renaud Foucart - 585-596 Differential Pricing in Intermediate Good Markets
by Youping Li - 597-622 Effects of Minimum Bid Increments in Internet Auctions: Evidence from a Field Experiment
by Janne Tukiainen - 623-653 The Value of Collusion with Endogenous Capacity and Demand Uncertainty
by Johannes Paha - 654-682 Collusion Under Imperfect Monitoring with Asymmetric Firms
by Luke Garrod & Matthew Olczak
June 2017, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 235-274 Who Loses when Prices are Negotiated? An Analysis of the New Car Market
by Ambarish Chandra & Sumeet Gulati & James M. Sallee - 275-308 Do Multi-Plant Firms Reduce Misallocation? Evidence from Canadian Manufacturing
by Pavel Ševčík - 309-335 The Value of Delegated Quality Control
by Alexander E. Saak - 336-362 The Impact of Mergers on Quality Provision: Evidence from the Airline Industry
by Jeffrey T. Prince & Daniel H. Simon - 363-396 Common Values and Low Reserve Prices
by Daniel Quint - 397-438 Productivity Dynamics and the Role of ‘Big-Box’ Entrants in Retailing
by Florin Maican & Matilda Orth - 439-468 Prices, Locations and Welfare When an Online Retailer Competes with Heterogeneous Brick-and-Mortar Retailers
by Wen-Chung Guo & Fu-Chuan Lai
March 2017, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 1-38 Economic Efficiency and Political Capture in Public Service Contracts
by Philippe Gagnepain & Marc Ivaldi - 39-72 Payment Card Interchange Fees and Price Discrimination
by Rong Ding & Julian Wright - 73-104 Market Structure and Broadband Internet Quality
by Gabor Molnar & Scott J. Savage - 105-135 The Benefits of Diverse Preferences in Library Consortia
by Doh-Shin Jeon & Domenico Menicucci - 136-182 Switching Costs in Two-Sided Markets
by Wing Man Wynne Lam - 183-193 Consumer Search in Retail Gasoline Markets
by David P. Byrne & Nicolas de Roos - 194-213 Welfare Changes in the Cournot Setting with an Empirical Application to the Telecommunications Industry
by Pedro Ferreira - 214-219 Profit Raising Entry
by Arijit Mukherjee & Laixun Zhao - 220-234 Patent Protection and R&D with Endogenous Market Structure
by Arijit Mukherjee
December 2016, Volume 64, Issue 4
- 589-620 Horizontal Product Differentiation: Disclosure and Competition
by Maarten C.W. Janssen & Mariya Teteryatnikova - 621-655 Competition in a Dynamic Auction Market: Identification, Structural Estimation, and Market Efficiency
by Anna Adachi - 656-682 Regulation and Contract Design: The Impact of Relationship Specific Investment
by Kanishka Kacker - 683-709 Pass-Through and the Prediction of Merger Price Effects
by Nathan H. Miller & Marc Remer & Conor Ryan & Gloria Sheu - 710-754 Dynamic Spatial Competition Between Multi-Store Retailers
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Gustavo Vicentini - 755-772 Cinematic Explosion: New Products, Unpredictabilty and Realized Quality in the Digital Era
by Joel Waldfogel - 773-807 Price Discrimination with Demarketing
by Jaesoo Kim & Dongsoo Shin - 808-834 Collusion Under Risk Aversion and Fixed Costs
by Dan Bernhardt & Mahdi Rastad - 835-874 Heterogeneous Firms and Asymmetric Product Differentiation
by Carlo Altomonte & Italo Colantone & Enrico Pennings - 875-907 Production Theory: Accounting for Firm Heterogeneity and Technical Change
by Giovanni Dosi & Marco Grazzi & Luigi Marengo & Simona Settepanella
September 2016, Volume 64, Issue 3
- 367-374 Introduction to the Symposium on Market Structure, Competition and Economic Outputs
by Heski Bar-Isaac - 375-410 Diagnosing Foreclosure due to Exclusive Dealing
by John Asker - 411-435 Does Exclusive Dealing Matter? Evidence from Distribution Contract Changes in The U.S. Beer Industry
by Chia-Wen Chen & Shiou Shieh - 436-465 Foreclosing Competition Through High Access Charges and Price Discrimination
by Ángel L. López & Patrick Rey - 466-493 Fixed Costs and the Product Market Treatment of Preference Minorities
by Steven Berry & Alon Eizenberg & Joel Waldfogel - 494-519 Endogenous Entry in Markets with Unobserved Quality
by Anthony Creane & Thomas D. Jeitschko - 520-556 Entry and Product Variety with Competing Supply Chains
by Marco Pagnozzi & Salvatore Piccolo & Matteo Bassi - 557-588 Entry Models Applied to Churches: Could Protestants use a Catholic Bishop to Solve Excess Entry?
by Michael W. Walrath
June 2016, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 201-225 Auction Platform Design and the Linkage Principle
by Wataru Tamura - 226-254 How Do Switching Costs Affect Market Concentration and Prices in Network Industries?
by Jiawei Chen-super-† - 255-276 Interfirm Bundled Discounts as a Collusive Device
by Jong-Hee Hahn & Sang-Hyun Kim - 277-294 Box-Office Demand: The Importance of Being #1
by Luís Cabral & Gabriel Natividad - 295-335 Spillovers in Space: Does Geography Matter?
by Sergey Lychagin & Joris Pinkse & Margaret E. Slade & John Van Reenen - 336-363 Incorporating Prior Information into A GMM Objective For Mixed Logit Demand Systems
by Charles J. Romeo
March 2016, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 1-26 Dynamic Product Diversity
by Ramon Caminal - 27-63 Early Settlement in European Merger Control
by Luke Garrod & Bruce Lyons - 64-108 Competitive Nonlinear Pricing and Contract Variety
by Jian Shen & Huanxing Yang & Lixin Ye - 109-134 The Economics of Retailing Formats: Competition Versus Bargaining
by Bjørn Olav Johansen & Tore Nilssen - 135-169 Competition, prices and quality in the market for physician consultations
by Hugh Gravelle & Anthony Scott & Peter Sivey & Jongsay Yong - 170-200 Ex post Merger Evaluation in the U.K. Retail Market for Books
by Luca Aguzzoni & Elena Argentesi & Lorenzo Ciari & Tomaso Duso & Massimo Tognoni
December 2015, Volume 63, Issue 4
- 549-568 Prices, Profits, and Preference Dependence
by Yongmin Chen & Michael H. Riordan - 569-597 First Degree Price Discrimination Goes to School
by Joel Waldfogel - 598-624 Using Forward Contracts to Reduce Regulatory Capture
by Felix Höffler & Sebastian Kranz - 625-641 Search Costs and Investment in Quality
by Arthur Fishman & Nadav Levy - 642-672 Do International Roaming Alliances Harm Consumers?
by Benno Buehler - 673-703 Welfare Analysis of Regulating Mobile Termination Rates in the U.K
by David Harbord & Steffen Hoernig - 704-735 Platform Pricing at Sports Card Conventions
by Ginger Zhe Jin & Marc Rysman - 736-762 The Informational Role of Product Trade-Ins for Pricing Durable Goods
by Ohjin Kwon & Anthony J. Dukes & S. Siddarth & Jorge M. Silva-Risso - 763-793 The Intergenerational Transmission of Automobile Brand Preferences
by Soren T. Anderson & Ryan Kellogg & Ashley Langer & James M. Sallee
September 2015, Volume 63, Issue 3
- 397-421 Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Under Mandatory Time-of-Use Electricity Pricing
by Katrina Jessoe & David Rapson - 422-457 Competitive Pressure and Innovation at the Firm Level
by Pilar Beneito & Paz Coscollá-Girona & María Engracia Rochina-Barrachina & Amparo Sanchis - 458-494 Sunk Costs, Extensive R&D Subsidies and Permanent Inducement Effects
by Pere Arqué-Castells & Pierre Mohnen - 495-521 Strategic Investment under Open Access: Theory and Evidence
by Tilman Klumpp & Xuejuan Su - 522-548 Competition and Price Discrimination: Evidence from the Parking Garage Industry
by Haizhen Lin & Isabelle Yijia Wang
June 2015, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 225-248 Market Power in International Commodity Trade: The Case of Coffee
by Mitsuru Igami - 249-278 Does Energy Consumption Respond to Price Shocks? Evidence from a Regression-Discontinuity Design
by Paulo Bastos & Lucio Castro & Julian Cristia & Carlos Scartascini - 279-312 The Relationship between Delegation and Incentives Across Occupations: Evidence and Theory
by Jed De Varo & Suraj Prasad - 313-338 Prosecution and Leniency Programs: The Role of Bluffing in Opening Investigations
by Julien Sauvagnat - 339-370 Change at the Checkout: Tracing the Impact of a Process Innovation
by Emek Basker - 371-393 Health Care Competition and Antibiotic Use in Taiwan
by Daniel Bennett & Che-Lun Hung & Tsai-Ling Lauderdale
March 2015, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-29 Cross Sectoral Variation in the Volatility of Plant Level Idiosyncratic Shocks
by Rui Castro & Gian Luca Clementi & Yoonsoo Lee - 30-73 Net Neutrality with Competing Internet Platforms
by Marc Bourreau & Frago Kourandi & Tommaso Valletti - 74-99 Anti-Competitive Interconnection: the effects of the elasticity of consumers' expectations and the shape of the network effects function
by Alexei Alexandrov - 100-128 Sourcing from the Enemy: Horizontal Subcontracting in Highway Procurement
by Justin Marion - 129-151 Choosing between Order-of-Entry Assumptions in Empirical Entry Models: Evidence from Competition between Burger King and McDonald's Restaurant Outlets
by Philip G. Gayle & Zijun Luo - 152-198 Price Controls and Market Structure: Evidence from Gasoline Retail Markets
by Juan Esteban Carranza & Robert Clark & Jean-François Houde - 199-222 Seasonality and the Effect of Advertising on Price
by David Genesove & Avi Simhon
December 2014, Volume 62, Issue 4
- 555-590 Estimation of Search Frictions in the British Electricity Market
by Monica Giulietti & Michael Waterson & Matthijs Wildenbeest - 591-631 Measuring Welfare from Ambulatory Surgery Centers: A Spatial Analysis of Demand for Healthcare Facilities
by Ellerie Weber - 632-660 Strategic Obfuscation and Consumer Protection Policy
by Yiquan Gu & Tobias Wenzel - 661-681 Finite Optimal Penalties for False Advertising
by Kenneth S. Corts - 682-708 Imperfect Patent Protection and Innovation
by Silvana Krasteva - 709-755 Indirect Taxation in Vertical Oligopoly
by Martin Peitz & Markus Reisinger - 756-788 Bilateral Bargaining with Externalities
by Catherine C. Fontenay & Joshua S. Gans
September 2014, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 377-416 Price Dispersion in Mortgage Markets
by Jason Allen & Robert Clark & Jean-François Houde - 417-435 Product Line Rivalry and Firm Asymmetry
by Zhihong Chen & Zhiqi Chen - 436-466 Merger Incentives and the Failing Firm Defense
by Jan Bouckaert & Peter M. Kort - 467-502 Do Auctions and Forced Divestitures Increase Competition? Evidence for Retail Gasoline Markets
by Adriaan R. Soetevent & Marco A. Haan & Pim Heijnen - 503-540 Patent Quality and a Two-Tiered Patent System
by Vidya Atal & Talia Bar - 541-553 The Effect of Graduated Response Anti-Piracy Laws on Music Sales: Evidence from an Event Study in France
by Brett Danaher & Michael D. Smith & Rahul Telang & Siwen Chen - 554-554 A Note on Third Degree Price Discrimination in Intermediate Good Markets
by Youping Li
June 2014, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 191-228 The Effect of Explicit Communication on pricing: Evidence from the Collapse of a Gasoline Cartel
by Robert Clark & Jean-François Houde - 229-257 Cross-Border Mergers and Market Segmentation
by Amrita Ray Chaudhuri - 258-285 Competition & Innovation: Evidence from U.S. Patent and Productivity Data
by Juan A. Correa & Carmine Ornaghi - 286-308 Reverse Price Discrimination with Bayesian Buyers
by Se Hoon Bang & Jaesoo Kim & Young-Ro Yoon - 309-345 Motivating a Supplier to Test Product Quality
by Yaron Yehezkel - 346-375 Is the ‘Linkage Principle’ Valid? Evidence from the Field
by Sung-Jin Cho & Harry J. Paarsch & John Rust - 376-376 Differentiated Standards and Patent Pools
by Aaron Schiff & Reiko Aoki
March 2014, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-40 Collusion or Competition? Interfirm Relationships in the Chinese Auto Industry
by Wei-Min Hu & Junji Xiao & Xiaolan Zhou - 41-76 Effects of Deregulation and Vertical Unbundling on the Performance of China's Electricity Generation Sector
by Hang Gao & Johannes Van Biesebroeck - 77-112 Price Adjustment Policies in Procurement Contracting: An Analysis of Bidding Behavior
by Georgia Kosmopoulou & Xueqi Zhou - 113-136 Information Unraveling Revisited: Disclosure of Horizontal Attributes
by Levent Celik - 137-166 Naked Exclusion in the Lab: The Case of Sequential Contracting
by Jan Boone & Wieland Müller & Sigrid Suetens - 167-190 On Welfare Losses Due to Imperfect Competition
by Robert A. Ritz
December 2013, Volume 61, Issue 4
- 845-876 Too Much Information Sharing? Welfare Effects of Sharing Acquired Cost Information in Oligopoly
by Juan-José Ganuza & Jos Jansen - 877-912 A Model of Technological Progress in the Microprocessor Industry
by Unni Pillai - 913-937 ‘Essential’ Patents, FRAND Royalties and Technological Standards
by Mathias Dewatripont & Patrick Legros - 938-986 A Model of Market Power in Customer Markets
by Paulo Somaini & Liran Einav - 987-1022 Multi-Market Collusion with Demand Linkages and Antitrust Enforcement
by Jay Pil Choi & Heiko Gerlach
September 2013, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 469-470 Foreword
by Stuart Graham - 471-480 Introduction
by Mark Schankerman - 481-520 Strategic Patenting and Software Innovation
by Michael Noel & Mark Schankerman - 521-563 Incidence and Growth of Patent Thickets: The Impact of Technological Opportunities and Complexity
by Georg Graevenitz & Stefan Wagner & Dietmar Harhoff - 564-591 Control Rights Over Intellectual Property
by Sudipto Bhattacharya & Sergei Guriev - 592-622 Patents as Signals for Startup Financing
by Annamaria Conti & Jerry Thursby & Marie Thursby - 623-659 Venture Capitalists and the Patenting of Innovations
by Simona Fabrizi & Steffen Lippert & Pehr-Johan Norbäck & Lars Persson - 660-699 Inventors and Impostors: An Analysis of Patent Examination with Self-Selection of Firms into R&D
by Florian Schuett - 700-732 Non-Obviousness and Screening
by Zonglai Kou & Patrick Rey & Tong Wang - 733-762 Intellectual Property Protection and the Geography of Trade
by Mercedes Delgado & Margaret Kyle & Anita M. McGahan - 763-788 Prizes, Publicity and Patents: Non-Monetary Awards as a Mechanism to Encourage Innovation
by Petra Moser & Tom Nicholas - 789-816 Innovation Incentives under Transferable Fast-Track Regulatory Review
by Joshua S. Gans & David B. Ridley - 817-844 Patents in the University: Priming the Pump and Crowding Out
by Suzanne Scotchmer
June 2013, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 243-289 A Structural Approach to Market Definition With an Application to the Hospital Industry
by Martin S. Gaynor & Samuel A. Kleiner & William B. Vogt - 290-338 The Effect of EU Antitrust Investigations and Fines on a Firm's Valuation
by Luca Aguzzoni & Gregor Langus & Massimo Motta - 339-392 Entry in the ADHD drugs market: Welfare impact of generics and me-too's
by Farasat A. S. Bokhari & Gary M. Fournier - 393-429 A Dynamic Model of Auctions with Buy-It-Now: Theory and Evidence
by Jong-Rong Chen & Kong-Pin Chen & Chien-Fu Chou & Ching-I Huang - 430-467 Are Losers Picked? An Empirical Analysis of Capacity Divestment and Production Reallocation in the Japanese Cement Industry
by Masato Nishiwaki & Hyoeg Ug Kwon
March 2013, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-27 Corporate Leniency Programs when Firms have Private Information: The Push of Prosecution and the Pull of Pre-emption
by Joseph E. Harrington Jr - 28-61 Who Posts the Reputational Bond? Advertising and Cobranding in Vertical Relationships
by Justin P. Johnson - 62-83 Bertrand Competition with an Asymmetric No-discrimination Constraint
by Jan Bouckaert & Hans Degryse & Theon Dijk - 84-107 Delegation, Ownership Concentration and R & D Spending: Evidence From I taly
by Jakub Kastl & David Martimort & Salvatore Piccolo - 108-137 When Do Large Buyers Pay Less? Experimental Evidence
by Bradley J. Ruffle - 138-165 Waterfall Versus Sprinkler Product Launch Strategy: Influencing the Herd
by Manaswini Bhalla - 166-201 The Impact of Market Structure and Learning on the Tradeoff between R&D Competition and Cooperation
by David Besanko & Jianjun Wu - 202-242 Empirical Evidence on the Impact of Reserve Prices in E nglish Auctions
by Ricardo Gonçalves
December 2012, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 537-577 Successive Oligopolies with Differentiated Firms and Endogeneous Entry
by Markus Reisinger & Monika Schnitzer - 578-598 Upstream Capacity Constraint and the Preservation of Monopoly Power in Private Bilateral Contracting
by Eric Avenel - 599-608 Exclusive Dealing: Investment Promotion May Facilitate Inefficient Foreclosure
by Chiara Fumagalli & Massimo Motta & Thomas Rønde - 609-630 Exclusivity Contracts, Insurance and Financial Market Foreclosure
by Cédric Argenton & Bert Willems - 631-656 A Treatment Effect Method for Merger Analysis with an Application to Parking Prices in P aris
by Philippe Choné & Laurent Linnemer - 657-696 Inducement Prizes and Innovation
by Liam Brunt & Josh Lerner & Tom Nicholas - 697-724 Dynamic Pricing, Advance Sales and Aggregate Demand Learning in Airlines
by Diego Escobari
September 2012, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 347-373 Price Dispersion Over the Business Cycle: Evidence from the Airline Industry
by Marco Cornia & Kristopher S. Gerardi & Adam Hale Shapiro - 374-405 First Versus Second Mover Advantage with Information Asymmetry about the Profitability of New Markets
by Eric Rasmusen & Young-Ro Yoon - 406-433 Agency Problems and Reputation in Expert Services: Evidence from Auto Repair
by Henry S. Schneider - 434-467 Vertical and Horizontal Scope Economies in the Regulated U . S . Electric Power Industry
by Pablo Arocena & David S. Saal & Tim Coelli - 468-498 Analyzing the Welfare Impacts of Full-line Forcing Contracts
by Justin Ho & Katherine Ho & Julie Holland Mortimer - 499-516 Patent Races with Secrecy
by Illoong Kwon - 517-535 Second Mover Advantage and Entry Timing
by Vinh Du Tran & David S. Sibley & Simon Wilkie
June 2012, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 187-219 Using Revenue Sharing to Implement Flexible Prices: Evidence from Movie Exhibition Contracts
by Ricard Gil & Francine Lafontaine - 220-248 Career Concerns, Inaction and Market Inefficiency: Evidence From Utility Regulation
by Severin Borenstein & Meghan R. Busse & Ryan Kellogg - 249-273 Patent Hold-Up and Antitrust: How A Well-Intentioned Rule Could Retard Innovation
by Bernhard Ganglmair & Luke M. Froeb & Gregory J. Werden - 274-298 Resale and Collusion in A Dynamic Market for Semidurable Goods
by Pasquale Schiraldi & Francesco Nava - 299-332 Oust the Louse: Does Political Pressure Discipline Regulators?
by Janice A. Hauge & Mark A. Jamison & James E. Prieger - 333-345 Third-Degree Price Discrimination and Consumer Surplus
by Simon Cowan
March 2012, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-45 Firm Heterogeneity, New Investment and Acquisitions
by Alan C. Spearot - 46-74 Localized Competition, Heterogeneous Firms and Vertical Relations
by Marco Alderighi & Claudio A. Piga - 75-103 Exclusionary Pricing When Scale Matters
by Liliane Karlinger & Massimo Motta - 104-135 Dynamic Informative Advertising of New Experience Goods
by Alexander E. Saak - 136-161 Competition and Managerial Incentives: Board Independence, Information and Predation
by George Kanatas & Jianping Qi - 162-185 Information Gathering Externalities for a Multi‐Attribute Good
by Heski Bar‐Isaac & Guillermo Caruana & Vicente Cuñat
December 2011, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 529-551 Endogenous Network Formation in Patent Contests And Its Role as A Barrier to Entry
by Marco Marinucci & Wouter Vergote - 552-577 Airline Market Power and Intertemporal Price Dispersion
by Alberto A. Gaggero & Claudio A. Piga - 578-608 How Costly is Hospital Quality? A Revealed‐Preference Approach
by John A. Romley & Dana P. Goldman - 609-629 Long‐Lived Consumers, Intertemporal Bundling and Collusion
by James D. Dana Jr & Yuk‐Fai Fong - 630-660 Music for a Song: An Empirical Look at Uniform Pricing and Its Alternatives
by Ben Shiller & Joel Waldfogel - 661-676 Spatial Price Discrimination with Heterogeneous Firms
by Jonathan Vogel - 677-713 Upstream Competition between Vertically Integrated Firms
by Marc Bourreau & Johan Hombert & Jerome Pouyet & Nicolas Schutz - 714-745 The Economic Impact of Wireless Number Portability
by Minjung Park
September 2011, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 343-371 The Effect Of Most‐Favored Customer Clauses On Prices
by Jihui Chen & Qihong Liu - 372-395 Assessing The Impact Of Retailer Store Brand Presence On Manufacturer Brands In An Equilibrium Framework
by Michael A. Cohen & Ronald W. Cotterill - 396-421 Negative Externalities, Competition And Consumer Choice
by Qin Lei - 457-483 When Do Consumers Search?
by Matthew S. Lewis & Howard P. Marvel - 484-505 Market Competition, R&D And Firm Profits In Asymmetric Oligopoly
by Junichiro Ishida & Toshihiro Matsumura & Noriaki Matsushima - 506-527 Vertical Mergers, Foreclosure And Raising Rivals' Costs – Experimental Evidence
by Hans Theo Normann
June 2011, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 177-198 Learning‐By‐Doing And Market Structure
by Natarajan Balasubramanian & Marvin B. Lieberman - 199-224 Persistence Of Technological Leadership: Emerging Technologies And Incremental Innovation
by Christopher J. Metcalf - 225-253 Is Multimedia Convergence To Be Welcomed?
by John Thanassoulis - 254-281 License Auctions When Winning Bids Are Financed Through Debt
by Marco A. Haan & Linda A. Toolsema