May 2000, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 309-330 European emigration in the late nineteenth century: the paradoxical case of Spain
by Blanca Sánchez-Alonso - 331-353 Responding to relative decline: the creation of the National Economic Development Council
by Astrid Ringe & Neil Rollings
February 2000, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-28 A critical survey of recent research in Chinese economic history
by Kent G. Deng - 29-59 Technological innovation and economic progress in the ancient world: M. I. Finley re-considered
by Kevin Greene - 60-83 Early Elizabethan investigations into exchange and the value of sterling, 1558-1568
by T. H. Lloyd - 84-106 The census and the servant: a reassessment of the decline and distribution of farm service in early nineteenth-century England
by A. J. Gritt - 107-126 Russian railway construction and the Urals charcoal iron and steel industry, 1851-1914
by Ian Blanchard
November 1999, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 617-637 Change and continuities in rural society from the later middle ages to the sixteenth century: the contribution of west Berkshire
by Margaret Yates - 638-668 Real incomes of the British middle class, 1760-1850: the experience of clerks at the East India Company
by H. M. Boot - 669-691 Foreign banks, Africans, and credit in colonial Nigeria, c. 1890-1912
by Chibuike Ugochukwu Uche - 692-713 In search of the ‘traditional’ working class: social mobility and occupational continuity in interwar London
by Dudley Baines & Paul Johnson - 714-729 Withering heights: did indentured servants shrink from an encounter with Malthus? A comment on Komlos
by Farley Grubb - 730-748 On the nature of the Malthusian threat in the eighteenth century
by John Komlos - 749-755 Factory costs, market prices, and Indian calicos: cotton textile prices revisited, 1779-1831
by Javier Cuenca Esteban - 756-765 Cotton textile prices revisited: a response to Cuenca Esteban
by C. Knick Harley - 766-802 List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 1998
by Matthew Hale & Richard Hawkins & Michael Partridge
August 1999, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 405-435 New perspectives on the history of products, firms, marketing, and consumers in Britain and the United States since the mid-nineteenth century 1
by Roy Church - 436-468 How much did the English country house cost to build, 1660-1880?
by R. G Wilson & A. L Mackley - 469-493 Continuity, change, and specialization within metropolitan London: the economy of Westminster, 1750-1820
by Charles Harvey & Edmund M. Green & Penelope J. Corfield - 494-522 Crust or crumb?: Intrahousehold resource allocation and male breadwinning in late Victorian Britain
by Sara Horrell & Deborah Oxley - 522-562 Household appliances and the use of time: the United States and Britain since the 1920s: a comment
by Ben Fine - 523-543 Weimar’s statistical economics: Ernst Wagemann, the Reich’s Statistical Office, and the Institute for Business-Cycle Research, 1925-1933
by J. Adam Tooze - 544-551 Art and its markets
by David OrmrodR - 563-567 Household appliances and ‘systems of provision’: a reply
by Sue Bowden & Avner Offer
May 1999, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 209-235 Tracking the agricultural revolution in England
by Robert C. Allen - 236-256 English servants and their employers during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
by Leonard Schwarz - 257-283 British incomes circa 1800
by T. V Jackson - 284-306 Principals and agents: the activities of the Crown Agents for the colonies, 1880-1914
by David Sunderland - 307-333 The rise of interlocking directorates in imperial Germany
by Caroline Fohlin - 334-354 Agricultural support policies in a small open economy: New Zealand in the 1920s
by G. A Fleming - 355-361 British government borrowing in wartime, 1750-1815
by J. F. Wright
February 1999, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-26 Growth and recession in the fifteenth-century economy: the Wiltshire textile industry and the countryside
by J. N. Hare - 27-44 Businessmen and land ownership in the late nineteenth century
by Tom Nicholas - 45-68 Profitability and capital accumulation in British industry during the transwar period, 1913–1924
by A. J. Arnold - 69-86 From fascism to communism: continuity and development of collectivist economic policy in North Korea
by Mitsuhiko Kimura - 87-103 The South African economy, 1652–1997
by John Iliffe - 104-143 Review of periodical literature published in 1997
by R.H. Britnell & Nigel Goose & Robin Pearson & Jim Tomlinson
November 1998, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 649-975 Taxation and the mid-Tudor crisis
by R. W. Hoyle - 676-708 The market for manufactures in the thirteen continental colonies, 1698-1776
by S. D. Smith - 709-733 Segmented capital markets and patterns of investment in late Victorian Britain: evidence from the non-ferrous mining industry
by Roger Burt - 734-762 Institutions, externalities, and economic growth in southern Italy: evidence from the cotton textile industry, 1861-1914
by Brian A’hearn - 763-785 Performance, revenue, and cross subsidization in the Football League, 1927-1994
by Stephen Dobson & John Goddard - 786-822 List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 1997
by Matthew Hale & Richard Hawkins & Frank Jones & Michael Partridge
August 1998, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 435-464 Explaining the rise in marital fertility in England in the ‘long’ eighteenth century
by E. A. Wrigley - 465-488 Landed interest, local government, and the labour market in England, 1750-1850
by Byung Khun Song - 489-511 The growth and distribution of English friendly societies in the early nineteenth century
by Martin Gorsky - 512-541 Deindustrialization in Ireland to 1851: some evidence from the census
by Frank Geary - 542-568 Market intervention in a backward economy: railway subsidy in Brazil, 1854-1913
by William R. Summerhill - 569-590 Rationing crime: the political economy of criminal statistics since the 1850s
by Howard Taylor - 591-596 Markets, institutions, and the development of national collective bargaining in Britain: a comment on Adams
by Howard Gospel - 597-605 Employers, labour, and the state in industrial relations history: a reply to Gospel
by Tony Adams
May 1998, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 223-251 Peasant Welfare in England, 1290-1348
by Mark Bailey - 252-267 Europe’s Golden Age, 1950-1973: Speculations from a Long-run Perspective
by Gianni Toniolo - 268-293 An Alarming Commercial Crisis in Eighteenth-century Angouleme: Sentiments in Economic History
by Emma Rothschild - 294-318 A Tale of Two Dominions: Comparing the Macroeconomic Records of Australia and Canada Since 1870
by David Greasley & Les Oxley - 319-343 Short-time Working and Price Maintenance: Collusive Tendencies in the Cotton-Spining Industry, 1919-1939
by Sue Bowden & David M. Higgins - 344-350 Work Efficiency and Endogenous Growth
by H. Freudenberger - 351-359 Did Smallpox Reduce Height?
by Peter Razzell - 360-371 Smallpox and Nutritional Status in England, 1770-1873: On the Difficulties of Estimating Historical Heights
by Markus Heintel & Jeorg Baten - 372-381 Smallpox Did Reduce Height: A Reply to Our Critics
by Timothy Leunig & Hans-Joachim Voth - 382-397 Annual Review of Information Technology Developments for Economic and Social Historians, 1997
by James E. Everett
February 1998, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-24 English Bank Development within a European Context, 1870–1939
by Michael Collins - 25-48 The Penetration of New Wealth into the English Governing Class from the Middle Ages to the First World War
by E.A. Wasson - 49-83 Cotton Textile Prices and the Industrial Revolution
by C. Knick Harley - 84-112 Urbanization, Mortality, and the Standard of Living Debate: New Estimates of the Expectation of Life at Birth in Nineteenth-century British Cities
by Simon Szreter & Graham Mooney - 113-132 King Cotton: Monarch or Pretender? The State of the Market for Raw Cotton on the Eve of the American Civil War
by David G. Surdam - 133-154 Arms Exports from the Third Reich, 1933–1939: the Example of Krupp
by C.M. Leitz
November 1997, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 617-639 Some Dimensions of the ‘Quality of Life’ During the British Industrial Revolution
by N. F. R. Crafts - 640-656 The Productivity of Hired and Customary Labour: Evidence from Wisbech Barton in the Fourteenth Century
by David Stone - 657-674 The Contribution of Overseas Savings to the Funded National Debt of Great Britain, 1750–1815
by J. F. Wright - 675-696 Political Economy, Interest Groups, Legal Institutions, and the Repeal of the Bubble Act in 1825
by Ron Harris - 697-734 Migration and Labour Market Integration in Late Nineteenth-Century England and Wales
by George R. Boyer & Timothy J. Hatton - 735-763 Central Bank Cooperation in Historical Perspective: A Sceptical View
by Marc Flandreau - 764-791 Trade Unions and the Provision of Welfare in the Netherlands, 1910–1960
by Marco H. D. Van Leeuwen - 792-832 List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 1996
by Matthew Hale & Richard Hawkins & Michael Partridge
August 1997, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 407-429 The rise of the professional accountant in British management
by Derek Matthews & Malcolm Anderson & John Richard Edwards - 430-449 Early beginnings of the quantity theory of money and their context in Polish and Prussian monetary policies, c. 1520–1550
by Oliver Volckart - 450-476 Between the gift and the market: the economy of regard
by Avner Offer - 477-505 Prices and structural response in English agriculture, 1873–1896
by E.H. Hunt & S.J. Pam - 506-530 Market and institutional forces in industrial relations: the development of national collective bargaining, 1910–1920
by Tony Adams - 531-537 Short stature among coal-mining children: a comment
by Jane Humphries - 538-542 Short stature among coal-mining children: a
by Peter Kirby - 543-555 Annual review of information technology developments for economic and social historians 1996
by James E. Everett
May 1997, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 209-234 The 1940s Nationalizations in Britain: Means to an End or the Means of Production?
by Robert Millward - 235-256 Towards an Historical Model of Services Innovation: The Case of the Insurance Industry, 1700–1914
by Robin Pearson - 257-281 An Investigation of the Female–Male Wage Gap During the Industrial Revolution in Britain
by Joyce Burnette - 282-304 The Machine–Building Industry and Austria’s Great Depression after 1873
by Max-Stephan Schulze - 305-326 Before the National Health Service: Financing theVoluntary Hospitals, 1900–1939
by Steven Cherry - 327-347 Britain, Butter, and European Integration, 1957–1964
by John Singleton & Paul L. Robertson - 348-359 Economic Development in Spain, 1850–1936
by James Simpson - 360-368 Poor Relief and English Economic Development Reappraised
by Steve King - 369-374 Poor Relief and English Economic Development: A Renewed Plea for Comparative History
by Peter M. Solar
February 1997, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-20 Migration as a Strategy of Accumulation: Social and Economic Change in Eighteenth-Century Savoy
by D.J. Siddle - 21-36 The Nineteenth-Century Allotment: Half an Acre and a Row
by John E. Archer - 37-56 The Mercantile Laws Commission of 1854 and the Political Economy of Limited Liability
by R.A. Bryer - 57-81 The Agricultural Depression, Collegiate Finances, and Provision for Education at Oxford, 1871–1913
by Michael John Jones - 82-103 The Origins and Early Impact of the Minimum Wage in Agriculture
by Robin Gowers & Timothy J. Hatton - 104-109 Emigration and Marriage Break-up in Mid-Victorian England
by Olive Anderson - 110-128 The Balance of Payments and Foreign Capital Flows in Eighteenth-Century England: A Comment
by R.C. Nash - 129-132 Did Foreign Capital Flows Finance the Industrial Revolution? A Reply
by Elise S. Brezis
November 1996, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 635-666 Constraints and room for manoeuvre in the German inflation of the early 1920s
by Niall Ferguson - 667-691 Credit in the pre-industrial English woollen industry
by Michael Zell - 692-714 The seven lean years, elasticity traps, and intervention in grain markets in pre-industrial Europe
by KARL GUNNAR PERSSONfn - 715-730 The origin of the poverty line
by Alan Gillie - 731-757 Inventing‘decline’: the falling behind of the British economy in the postwar years
by Jim Tomlinson - 758-763 Manorial court rolls and local population: an East Anglian case study
by Z. Razi - 764-786 Italy, 1860-1940: a little-known success story
by Giovanni Federico - 787-827 List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 1995
by Matthew Hale & Richard Hawkins & Michael Partridge
August 1996, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 427-446 Universal banks and German industrialization: a reappraisal
by Jeremy Edwards & Sheilagh Ogilvie - 447-472 Fuelling the city: production and distribution of firewood and fuel in London's region, 1290-1400
by James A. Galloway & Derek Keene & Margaret Murphy - 473-490 Gold, silver, and the Glorious Revolution: arbitrage between bills of exchange and bullion
by Stephen Quinn - 491-515 Productivity change in road transport before and after turnpiking, 1690-1840
by Dorian Gerhold - 516-540 Political arithmetic in eighteenth-century England
by Julian Hoppit - 541-560 Did smallpox reduce height? Stature and the standard of living in London, 1770-1873
by Hans-Joachim Voth & Timothy Leunig - 561-583 Deconstructing Nuffield: the evolution of managerial culture in the British motor industry
by Roy Church - 584-590 The heights of rural-born English female convicts transported to New South Wales
by R. V. Jackson - 591-599 Living standards of women in England and Wales, 1785-1815: new evidence from Newgate prison records
by Stephen Nicholas & Deborah Oxley
May 1996, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 213-249 Path dependency, or why Britain became an industrialized and urbanized economy long before France
by Patrick Karl O'Brien - 250-267 Tenurial developments and the availability of customary land in a later medieval community
by Phillipp R. Schofield - 268-290 Wage labour in seventeenth-century London
by Jeremy Boulton - 291-313 The decline of the Royal African Company: fringe firms and the role of the charter
by Ann M. Carlos & Jamie Brown Kruse - 314-335 Commercial banking in a market-oriented financial system: Britain between the wars
by Duncan M. Ross - 336-357 Gentlemanly imperialism at work: the Bank of England, Canada, and the sterling area, 1932-1936
by P. J. Cain - 358-360 Silver, not sterling: a comment on Mayhew's velocity
by Harry A. Miskimin - 361-361 Silver, not sterling: a reply to Prof. Miskimin
by N. J. Mayhew - 362-369 Can we tell whether Arch raised wages?
by J. P. D. Dunbabin - 370-376 Did Joseph Arch raise agricultural wages? A reply
by George R. Boyer & Timothy J. Hatton - 377-381 Annual review of information technology developments for economic and social historians, 7995
by James E. Everett
February 1996, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-19 Demographic decline in late medieval England: some thoughts on recent research
by Mark Bailey - 20-34 The impact of water transport facilities on the economies of English river ports, C.1660-C.1760
by Malcolm Wanklyn - 35-57 A good time to wed?: marriage and economic distress in England and Wales, 1839-1914
by Humphrey Southall & David Gilbert - 58-81 Banks and industrial finance: the experience of brewers, 1880-1913
by Katherine Watson - 82-100 Discontinuities in competitiveness: the impact of the First World War on British industry
by By DAVID GREASLEY & LES OXLEY - 101-115 UK national income, 1920-1938: the implications of balanced estimates
by Solomos Solomou & Martin Weale - 116-136 Science, technology, and the economy: plant breeding in Great Britain, 1920-1970
by Paolo Palladino - 137-153 Undervaluing the franc Poincaré
by Kenneth Mouré - 154-186 Review of periodical literature published in 1994
by R. H. Britnell
November 1995, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 643-664 Tracing the beginning of the Kuznets curve: western Europe during the early modern period
by J. L. Van Zanden - 665-686 Hunting for rents: the economics of slaving in pre-colonial Africa
by E. W. Evans & David Richardson - 687-699 Causes of short stature among coal-mining children, 1823–1850
by Peter Kirby - 700-716 Occupational censuses and the agricultural workforce in Victorian England and Wales
by Edward Higgs - 717-736 The persistence of bimetallism in nineteenth-century France
by Angela Redish - 737-753 The‘Koreaboom’in West Germany: fact or fiction?
by Peter Temin - 754-768 1492–1494: Columbus and the discovery of America
by Wendy R. Childs - 769-773 Food rations in France in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries: a comment
by J-C. Toutain - 774-777 Food rations in France in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries: a reply
by George W. Grantham - 778-817 List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 1994
by Matthew Hale & Richard Hawkins & Michael Partridge
August 1995, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 429-447 The golden age of economic growth in Western Europe, 1950-1973
by N. F. R. Crafts - 448-469 A model of early modern urban demography
by Chris Galley - 470-481 Male and female living standards in England and Wales, 1812-1867: evidence from criminal height records
by Paul Johnson & Stephen Nicholas - 482-500 Allotments, enclosure, and proletarianization in early nineteenth-century southern England
by Boaz Moselle - 501-535 The urban fiscal problem, 1870-1914: government expenditure and finance in England and Wales
by Robert Millward & Sally Sheard - 536-554 The French provincial banks, the Banque de France, and bill finance, 1890-1913
by Shizuya Nishimura - 555-574 The economics of Japanese imperialism in Korea, 1910-1939
by Mitsuhiko Kimura - 575-590 Prices and the value of English exports in the eighteenth century: evidence from the North American colonial trade
by S. D. Smith - 591-598 Macroinventions, economic growth, and‘industrial revolution’in Britain and France
by N. F. R. Crafts - 599-601 Some further thoughts on accident in history: a reply to Professor Crafts
by David S. Landes - 602-611 Meta-economic history: a survey of the Eleventh International Economic History Congress
by Paola Subacchi
May 1995, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 215-237 A British food puzzle, 1770–1850
by Gregory Clark & Michael Huberman & Peter H. Lindert - 238-257 Population, money supply, and the velocity of circulation in England, 1300–1700
by N. J. Mayhew - 258-282 Regional prices and market regions: the evolution of the early modern Scottish grain market
by A. J. S. Gibson & T. C. Smout - 283-303 How skilled were Lancashire cotton factory workers in 1833?
by H. M. Boot - 304-328 Outcrop and deep level mining in South Africa before the Anglo-Boer War: re-examining the Blainey thesis
by Elaine N. Katz - 329-352 Soviet commodity markets during NEP
by Vincent Barnett - 353-369 Continuity and change: women's history and economic history in Britain
by Pamela Sharpe - 370-395 Annual review of information technology developments for economic and social historians, 1994
by Roger Middleton
February 1995, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-22 Poor relief and English economic development before the industrial revolution
by Peter M. Solar - 23-45 The transformation of the nonferrous metals industries in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
by Roger Burt - 46-67 Foreign capital flows in the century of Britain's industrial revolution: new estimates, controlled conjectures
by Elise S. Brezis - 68-88 The Act of Union, British-Irish trade, and pre-Famine deindustrialization
by Frank Geary - 89-117 Women's labour force participation and the transition to the male-breadwinner family, 1790-1865
by Sara Horrell & Jane Humphries - 118-133 Price movements in early twentieth-century India
by Tirthankar Roy - 134-144 Cotton textiles and industrial output growth during the industrial revolution
by C. K. Harley & N. F. R. Crafts - 145-150 Further evidence of falling prices of cotton cloth, 1768-1816
by Javier Cuenca Esteban
November 1994, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 637-656 What room for accident in history?: explaining big changes by small events
by David S. Landes - 657-678 Demesne resources and labour rent on the manors of St Paul's Cathedral, 1066-1222
by Rosamond Faith - 679-702 ‘Domestic bubbling’: eighteenth-century London merchants and individual investment in the Funds
by David Hancock - 703-724 Accounting for profitability at the Consett Iron Company before 1914: measurement, sources, and uses
by Roy Church & Trevor Baldwin & Bob Berry - 725-748 Household appliances and the use of time: the United States and Britain since the 1920s
by Sue Bowden & Avner Offer - 749-753 Innovation, diffusion, and mechanical engineers in Britain, 1780-1850
by Gillian Cookson - 754-759 The peculiarities of Yorkshire inventors: a reply
by Christine Macleod - 760-768 Rehabilitation sustained: the industrial revolution as a macroeconomic epoch
by David Greasley & Les Oxley - 769-775 The industrial revolution as a macroeconomic epoch: an alternative view
by N. F. R. Crafts & T. C. Mills - 776-815 List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 1993
by Matthew Hale & Richard Hawkins & Michael Partridge
August 1994, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 441-458 Fear of failing: economic history and the decline of Britain
by Barry Supple - 459-482 Regional fairs, institutional innovation, and economic growth in late medieval Europe
by S. R. Epstein - 483-507 The decline of textile prices in England and British America prior to industrialization
by Carole Shammas - 508-524 Inequality of incomes and lifespans in England since 1688
by R. V. Jackson - 525-544 European emigration, 1815-1930: looking at the emigration decision again
by Dudley Baines - 545-566 An input-output table for 1841
by Sara Horrell & Jane Humphries & Martin Weale - 567-584 ‘Disseminating impure literature’: the ‘penny dreadful’ publishing business since 1860
by John Springhall - 585-600 The economics of tenancy in early twentieth-century southern Italy
by Francesco L. Galassi & Jon S. Cohen - 601-618 The cotton industry and the British war effort, 1914–1918
by John Singleton
May 1994, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 213-238 British industrial research and development before 1945
by D.E.H. Edgerton & S.M. Horrocks - 239-261 London and the colonial consumer in the late seventeenth century
by Nuala Zahedieh - 262-287 Tired pioneers and dynamic newcomers? A comparative essay on English and German entrepreneurial history, 1870-1914
by H. Berghoff & R. Möller - 288-309 The supply of gold under the pre-1914 gold standard
by BARRY EICHENGREEN & IAN W. McLEAN - 310-334 Did Joseph Arch raise agricultural wages?: rural trade unions and the labour market in late nineteenth-century England
by George R. Boyer & Timothy J. Hatton