May 1994, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 335-353 Closing the Hong Kong Gap: the Hong Kong free dollar market in the 1950s
by Catherine R. Schenk - 354-358 Fisher's‘flu and Moore's probates: quantifying the mortality crisis of 1556-1560
by Michael Zell - 359-361 Jack Fisher's' flu’: a virus still virulent
by John S. Moore - 362-373 The origins and early development of medieval towns in northern Europe
by Adriaan Verhulst - 374-407 Annual review of information technology developments for economic and social historians, 1993
by Roger Middleton & Peter Wardley
February 1994, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-21 Patterns of economic retardation and recovery in south-western Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
by Gabriel Tortella - 22-43 The determination of wage rates in the early modern north of England
by Donald Woodward - 44-65 The industrial revolution and British imperialism, 1750–1850
by J. R. Ward - 66-105 British textile prices, 1770-1831: are British growth rates worth revising once again?
by Javier Cuenca Esteban - 106-128 The employment and retirement of older men in England and Wales, 1881–1981
by Paul Johnson - 129-146 The Australian role in Britain's return to the gold standard
by Kosmas Tsokhas - 147-149 Growth and change: a comment on the Crafts-Harley view of the industrial revolution
by Maxine Berg & Pat Hudson - 150-164 Proto-industrialization in France
by Gwynne Lewis
November 1993, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 635-657 History, economic crises, and revolution. understanding eighteenth-century France
by L. M. Cullen - 658-678 Transaction costs, institutional change, and the emergence of a market economy in later Anglo-Saxon England
by S. R. H. Jones - 679-701 Strategies of farming in the western highlands and islands of Scotland prior to crofting and the clearances
by Robert A. Dodgshon - 702-722 The growth of specialization in English shipowning, 1750-1850
by Simon Ville - 723-749 The living standards of women during the industrial revolution, 1795-1820
by Stephen Nicholas & Deborah Oxley - 750-767 The macroeconomics of NEP
by Simon Johnson & Peter Temin - 768-782 A Malthusian episode revisited: the height of British and Irish servants in colonial America
by John Komlos
August 1993, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 425-452 The Russian and Soviet economies in two world wars: a comparative view
by Peter Gatrell & Mark Harrison - 453-477 Town and country: economy and institutions in late medieval Italy
by S. R. Epstein - 478-502 Divisions of labour: agricultural productivity and occupational specialization in pre-industrial France
by G. W. Grantham - 503-517 Cost accounting during the industrial revolution. the present state of historical knowledge
by Richard K. Fleischman & Thomas N. Tyson - 518-542 Medical care for pauper mothers and their infants. poor law provision and local demand in east London, 1870-1929
by Lara Marks - 543-557 Appliance trading activities of British gas utilities, 1875-1935
by Francis Goodall - 558-574 The Scottish agricultural labour market, 1900-1939: a case of institutional intervention
by Richard Anthony - 575-591 Britain's liquidity crisis and India, 1919-1920
by G. Balachandran - 592-606 The collapse of the British toy industry, 1979-1984
by Kenneth D. Brown - 607-609 The English coastal coal trade, 1890-1910: why calculate figures when you can collect them?
by John Armstrong - 610-612 Freight rates and shipping costs in the English coastal coal trade: a reply
by William J. Hausman
May 1993, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 215-238 The British empire, 1870-1914: a waste of money?
by Avner Offer - 239-265 Sterling, the‘minor’territories, and the end of formal empire, 1939-1958
by Gerold Krozewski - 266-279 Transport costs in medieval England
by James Masschaele - 280-307 ‘Jack Fisher's' flu’: a visitation revisited
by John S. Moore - 308-323 Fluctuations in sex and age ratios in the transatlantic slave trade, 1663-1864
by David Eltis & Stanley L. Engerman - 324-341 Long-term changes in US agricultural output per worker, 1800-1800
by Thomas Weiss - 342-362 Rings, mules, and structural constraints in the Lancashire textile industry, c.1945-c.1965
by D. M. Higgins - 363-366 Further thoughts on the nutritional status of the British population
by John Komlos - 367-368 Further thoughts on the nutritional status of the British population
by Roderick Floud & Kenneth W. Wachter & Annabel Gregory - 369-378 The role of marital fertility in Irish population history, 1750-1840
by Jona Schellekens - 379-409 Annual review of information technology developments for economic and social historians, 1992
by David Dunn & Roger Middleton & Peter Wardley
February 1993, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-22 Mr Attlee's supply-side socialism
by Jim Tomlinson - 23-38 Credit and the courts: debt litigation in a seventeenth-century urban community
by Craig Muldrew - 39-64 Taking risks and containing competition: diversification and oligopoly in the fire insurance markets of the north of England during the early nineteenth century
by Robin Pearson - 65-87 Small debts and economic distress in England and Wales, 1857-1913
by Paul Johnson - 88-104 Booth, Rowntree, and Llewelyn Smith: a reassessment of interwar poverty
by Colin A. Linsley & Christine L. Linsley - 105-114 Was there a productivity gap between fourteenth-century Italy and England?
by Karl Gunnar Persson - 115-144 The secular trend in the biological standard of living in the United Kingdom, 1730-1860
by John Komlos - 145-154 Measuring historical heights-shortcuts or the long way round: a reply to Komlos
by Roderick Floud & Kenneth W. Wachter & Annabel Gregory - 155-159 Economies of scale in British coalmining between the wars
by David Greasley - 160-162 Is small beautiful? Mine size in the British interwar coal industry
by Ben Fine
November 1992, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 637-660 Institutional rigidities and economic decline: reflections on the British experience
by M. W. Kirby - 661-676 The economic and social roots of medieval popular rebellion: Sussexin 1450-1451
by Mavis Mate - 677-702 South Carolina and the Atlantic economy in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
by R. C. Nash - 703-730 Output growth and the British industrial revolution: a restatement of the Crafts-Harley view
by N. F. R. Crafts & C. K. Harley - 731-738 The emergence of mass unemployment: some questions of precision
by Seán Glynn & Alan Booth - 739-742 The emergence of mass unemployment: a reply
by S. N. Broadberry - 743-754 Russian and Soviet economic history
by Peter Gatrell & Robert Lewis
August 1992, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 457-478 Consequences of the price revolution in eighteenth-century Russia
by Boris N. Mironov - 479-493 Scandinavian shipping in the late eighteenth century in a European perspective
by Hans Chr. Johansen - 494-513 Eating, working, and saving in an unstable world: consumers in nineteenth-century France
by Gilles Postel-Vinay & Jean-Marc Robin - 514-536 Agricultural productivity and European industrialization, 1890-1980
by Patrick K. O'Brien & Leandro Prados De La Escosura - 537-563 Catching up or falling behind? Italy's economic growth, 1895-1947
by Nicola Rossi & Gianni Toniolo - 564-593 The outbreak of war and the urban economy: Paris, Berlin, and London in 1914
by Jon Lawrence & Martin Dean & Jean-Lous Robert - 594-613 Financial flows across frontiers during the interwar depression
by Harold James
May 1992, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 213-239 The origins and nature of the Great Slump revisited
by Barry Eichengreen - 240-261 Bridges and economic development, 1300-1800
by D. F. Harrison - 262-284 The Navigation Acts revisited
by Larry Sawers - 285-307 Strategies for innovation: the diffusion of new technology in nineteenth-century British industry
by Christine Macleod - 308-329 The first women economic historians
by Maxine Berg - 330-349 Technological choice and the organization of work in capitalist firms
by Paul L. Robertson & Lee J. Alston - 350-361 Cutting up rich: a reply to F. M. L. Thompson
by W. D. Rubinstein - 362-375 Stitching it together again
by F. M. L. Thompson - 376-377 Munitions output of the United Kingdom, 1939-1944: a comment
by Austin Robinson - 378-412 Annual review of information technology developments for economic and social historians, 1991
by Jean Colson & Roger Middleton & Peter Wardley
February 1992, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-23 Rates of industrial growth during the industrial revolution
by By R.V. JACKSON - 24-50 Rehabilitating the industrial revolution
by Maxine Berg & Pat Hudson - 51-73 Social mobility, demographic change, and landed society in late medieval England
by S.J. Payling - 74-96 Adam Smith and conservative economics
by Emma Rothschild - 97-119 Peasants’choices? Indian agriculture and the limits of commercialization in nineteenth-century Bihar
by Peter Robb - 120-136 The Bank of England, industrial regeneration, and hire purchase between the wars
by Sue Bowden & Michael Collins - 137-144 The banking crisis of 1878. some remarks
by Dieter Ziegler - 145-153 The Bank of England as lender of last resort, 1857-1878
by Michael Collins
November 1991, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 573-593 Soviet and Nazi economic planning in the 1930s
by Peter Temin - 594-607 Devaluation and the balance of payments in eleventh-century England: an exercise in dark age economics
by S.R.H. Jones - 608-628 Women's work, gender conflict, and labour markets in Europe, 1500-1900
by Katrina Honeyman & Jordan Goodman - 629-653 Salaries and career earnings in the Bank of Scotland, 1730-1880
by H. M. Boot - 654-664 The macroeconomic effects of overseas investment on the UK balance of trade, 1870-1913
by R. E. Rowthorn & S. N. Solomou - 665-682 Deconstructing unemployment: developments in Britain in the interwar years
by Noel Whiteside & James A. Gillespie
August 1991, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 395-423 Political components of the industrial revolution: Parliament and the English cotton textile industry, 1660-1774
by Patrick O'Brien & Trevor Griffiths & Philip Hunt - 424-444 Water-mills and windmills in the west midlands, 1086-1500
by John Langdon - 445-460 Yields per acre in English agriculture, 1250-1860: evidence from labour inputs
by Gregory Clark - 461-476 Customary rights and women's earnings: the importance of gleaning to the rural labouring poor, 1750-1850
by Peter King - 477-499 Farm succession in modern Ireland: elements of a theory of inheritance
by Liam Kennedy - 500-514 ESSAYS IN BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM Scale and scope: Alfred Chandler and the dynamics of industrial capitalism
by Barry Supple - 515-522 Wealth effects and fiscal policy in the 1930s
by Paul Turner - 523-526 Planning for cotton, 1945-1951
by Jim Tomlinson - 527-530 The crisis in postwar Lancashire: a rejoinder
by John Singleton
May 1991, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 215-239 The first green revolution: the growth of production and productivity in European agriculture, 1870-1914
by J. L. Van Zanden - 240-248 The meaning of waste in the early pipe rolls of Henry II
by Emilie M. Amt - 249-271 The international diffusion of technology in the early modern period: the case of the British nonferrous mining industry
by Roger Burt - 272-296 The tramping artisan revisits: labour mobility and economic distress in early Victorian England
by Humphrey R. Southall - 297-318 Is there a ‘Hobson-Lenin is’on late nineteenth-century colonial expansion?
by A. M. Eckstein - 319-327 Personal wealth in late eighteenth-century Britain
by T. V. Jackson - 328-338 Effective protection and economic recovery in the United Kingdom during the 1930s
by Michael Kitson & Solomos Solomou & Martin Weale - 339-342 Effective protection and economic recovery in Britain, 1932-1937
by Forrest Capie
February 1991, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-20 Farm tenure and land values in England, c. 1750-1950
by Avner Offer - 21-35 The towns of England and northern Italy in the early fourteenth century
by R. H. Britnell - 36-45 Anachronistic economics: grain storage in medieval England
by John Komlos & Richard Landes - 46-65 Literally spinsters: a new interpretation of local economy and demography in Colyton in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
by Pamela Sharpe - 66-85 Businessmen, the urban middle classes, and the ‘dominance’of manufacturers in nineteenth-centuy Britain
by Stana Nenadic - 86-101 Babies at risk on immigrant voyages to Australia in the nineteenth century
by RALPH SHLOMOWITZ & JOHN McDONALD - 102-127 The market behaviour of local utilities in pre-World War I Britain: the case of gas
by Robert Millward - 128-132 Conditional economic history: a reply to Komlos and Landes
by DONALD N. McCLOSKEY - 133-136 Alice to the Red Queen: imperious econometrics
by John Komlos & Richard Landes
November 1990, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 533-559 Staples and regions of Pax Britannica
by C.B. Schedvin - 560-575 Monetary contraction and mercantile credit in later medieval England
by Pamela Nightingale - 576-594 The demand for British exports, 1870-1913
by T.J. Hatton - 595-632 New estimates of average earnings in the United Kingdom, 1880-19131
by Charles Feinstein - 633-645 Deflation-induced increases in post-Civil War US tariffs
by ROBERT A. McGUIRE - 646-656 Sharecropping and productivity:‘feudal residues’in Italian agriculture, 1911
by Jon S. Cohen & Francesco L. Galassi - 657-666 A volume index of the total munitions output of the United Kingdom, 1939-1944
by Mark Harrison - 667-696 Information technology in economic and social history: the computer as philosopher's stone or Pandora's box?
by Roger Middleton & Peter Wardley - 697-734 List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland
by Matthew Hale & Richard Hawkins & Michael Partridge
August 1990, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 329-355 What really happened to real wages?: trends in wages, prices, and productivity in the United Kingdom, 1880-1913
by Charles Feinstein - 356-376 Wages and earnings in late medieval England: evidence from the enforcement of the labour laws
by Simon A.C. Penn & Christopher Dyer - 377-403 Taxation and economic growth in eighteenth-century England
by J.V. Beckett & Michael Turner - 404-419 The political economy of trade liberalization: the East India Company Charter Act of 1813
by Anthony Webster - 420-437 Structural change and market growth in the food industry: flour milling in Britain, Europe, and America, 1850-1914
by By RICHARD PERREN - 438-449 Economies of scale and a featherbedding cartel?: a reconsideration of the interwar British coal industry
by Ben Fine - 450-469 Brazil as a creditor: sterling balances, 1940-1952
by Marcelo De Paiva Abreu - 470-476 Australia: an economical prison?
by Stephen Nicholas - 477-482 Australia: an economical prison? A reply
by Frank D. Lewis
May 1990, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 173-193 Counting the industrial revolution
by Julian Hoppit - 194-216 Urban identity and the poll taxes of 1377, 1379, and 1381
by P.J.P. Goldberg - 217-235 Government expenditure and British economic growth in the eighteenth century: some problems of measurement
by By R.V. JACKSON - 236-254 Thrift or dissipation? The business of life assurance in the early nineteenth century
by Robin Pearson - 255-270 After Tsushima: economic and administrative aspects of Russian naval rearmament, 1905-1913
by Peter Gatrell - 271-282 The emergence of mass unemployment: explaining macroeconomic trends in Britain during the trans-World War I period
by S.N. Broadberry - 283-287 Accounting for entrepreneurship in late Victorian Britain
by Frank Geary - 288-295 Britain's overseas investments in 1913
by Charles Feinstein
February 1990, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-20 Tenure and the land market in early modern England: or a late contribution to the Brenner debate
by R. W. Hoyle - 21-39 Common law versus common practice: the use of marriage settlements in early modern England
by Amy Louise Erickson - 40-61 Life after death: how successful nineteenth-century businessmen disposed of their fortunes
by F. M. L. Thompson - 62-78 Planning for cotton 1945-1951
by John Singleton - 79-89 The economic history of Spain since 1800
by Joseph Harrison - 90-98 Trends in real wage rates, 1750-1790: a reply to Hunt and Botham
by L. D. Schwarz - 99-103 Gregory King's notebook and the Phelps Brown-Hopkins price index
by Henry Phelps Brown
November 1989, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 439-464 The British experience of profit-sharing
by Derek Matthews - 465-483 The medieval origins of the great landed estates of the Guadalquivir valley
by E. Cabrera - 484-503 The structure of capital during the industrial revolution revisited: two case studies from the cotton textile industry
by Philip Richardson - 504-527 The banking crisis of 1878
by Michael Collins - 528-537 Models in history: a micro-study of late nineteenth-century British entrepreneurship
by Kenneth D. Brown - 538-543 Britain in the 1930s: a managed economy? A comment
by G.C. Peden - 544-547 Britain in the 1930s: a managed economy? A comment
by Roger Middleton - 548-556 Britain in the 1930s: a managed economy? A reply to Peden and Middleton
by Alan Booth
August 1989, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 305-327 The consumer and the market in the later middle ages
by Christopher Dyer - 328-353 The female labour market in London in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries
by Peter Earle - 354-374 Foreign investment and imperial exploitation: balance of payments reconstruction for nineteenth-century Britain and India
by James Foreman-Peck - 375-395 Rationalization and diversification in the Scotch whisky industry, 1900-1939: another look at‘old’and‘new’industries
by Ron Weir - 396-400 A comment on‘The origins of cheaper money
by Geoffrey E. Wood - 401-405 Cheap money versus cheaper money: a reply to Professor Wood
by Susan Howson
May 1989, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 173-185 In praise of economic history
by A. K. Cairncross - 186-206 Investment and empire in the later eighteenth century: East India stockholding, 1756-1791
by H. V. Bowen - 207-221 The cost of living for urban workers in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain
by Ian Gazeley - 222-244 War finance and inflation in Britain and Germany, 1914-1918
by T. Balderston - 245-259 ESSAYS IN BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM. Colonial America, 1607-1776
by J. Mcallister - 260-264 Capital exports, 1870-1914
by V. N. Balasubramanyam - 265-266 Capital exports, 1870-1914: a reply
by Peter Temin
February 1989, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-17 The concept of the margin in the medieval English economy
by Mark Bailey - 18-42 Tawney revisited: custom and the emergence of capitalist class relations in north-east Cumbria, 1600-1830
by Nicky Gregson - 43-63 The rich and the destitute in Sweden, 1805-1855: a test of Tocqueville's inequality hypotheses
by Lee Soltow - 64-86 Overseas investment and the professional advance of British metal mining engineers, 1851-1914
by Charles Harvey & Jon Press - 87-89 Was sterling overvalued in 1925? A comment
by J. Redmond - 90-96 Was sterling overvalued in 1925? A reply and further evidence
by K.G.P. Matthews
November 1988, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 507-524 The cost of convict transportation from Britain to Australia, 1796-1810
by Frank Lewis - 525-542 Five hides in ten counties: a contribution to the Domesday regression debate
by R. A. Leaver - 543-565 Personal wealth distribution in late eighteenth-century Britain
by John A. James - 566-591 The political economy of demoralization: the state and the coalmining industry in America and Britain between the wars
by Barry Supple - 592-602 ESSAYS IN BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM. Eastern Europe in an age of turbulence, 1919-1950
by Derek H. Aldcroft
August 1988, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 346-367 Economic development and the state in nineteenth-century Germany
by W.R. Lee - 368-391 Wool yields in the medieval economy
by M. J. Stephenson - 392-410 The growth of the London carrying trade, 1681-1838
by Dorian Gerhold - 411-428 Running from ruin?: the emigration of British farmers to the U.S.A. in the wake of the repeal of the Corn Laws
by William E. Van Vugt - 429-453 Foreign multinationals and British industry before 1945
by Geoffrey Jones - 454-460 The strict settlement: its role in family history
by Eileen Spring - 461-466 Strict settlement and the family: a differing view
by Lloyd Bonfield
May 1988, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 171-192 Resource mobilization for World War II: the U.S.A., U.K., U.S.S.R., and Germany, 1938-1945′
by Mark Harrison - 193-208 The diffusion of vetches in medieval England
by Bruce M. S. Campbell - 209-235 Poor and getting poorer? Living standards in Ireland before the Famine
by Joel Mokyr & Cormac Ó Gráda - 236-258 The origins of the depressed areas: unemployment growth, and regional economic structure in Britain before 1914
by Humphrey R. Southall - 259-282 The free-standing company, 1870-1914: an important type of British foreign direct investment
by Mira Wilkins - 283-298 British budgetary policy 1945-1954: a‘Keynesian revolution’?
by Neil Rollings - 299-301 The measurement of urban poverty: a missing dimension
by Roger Davidson
February 1988, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-32 The political economy of British taxation, 1660-1815
by Patrick K. O'Brien - 33-50 The price of freehold land and the interest rate in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
by Robert C. Allen - 51-73 Nineteenth-century scandal or twentieth-century model? A new look at‘open’and‘close’parishes
by Sarah Banks