August 2007, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 626-627 The city, the duke and their banker: the Rapondi family and the formation of the Burgundian state (1384–1430) – By Bart Lambert
by Graeme Small - 627-628 The political economy of virtue: luxury, patriotism and the origins of the French Revolution – By John Shovlin
by William Doyle - 628-630 Planning ahead and falling behind: the East German economy in comparison with West Germany, 1936–2002 – By Jaap Sleifer
by Mathieu Denis - 630-631 Civil society, associations and urban places: class, nation and culture in nineteenth‐century Europe – Edited by Graeme Morton, Boudien de Vries, and Robert J. Morris
by Philip Nord - 632-633 The economy of east central Europe, 1815–1989 – By David Turnock
by Max‐stephan Schulze - 633-634 The road to prosperity: an economic history of Finland – Edited by Jari Ojala, Jari Eloranta, and Jukka Jalava
by Ola Honningdal Grytten - 635-636 A history of Russian economic thought – By Vincent Barnett
by Yuri Tulupenko - 636-638 Historical statistics of the United States – Edited by Susan B. Carter, Scott Sigmund Gartner, Michael R. Haines, Alan L. Olmstead, Richard Sutch, and Gavin Wright
by Kenneth Morgan - 638-639 The world's newest profession: management consulting in the twentieth century – By Christopher D. McKenna
by M. w. Kirby - 639-640 Plantation Jamaica, 1750–1850: capital and control in a colonial economy – By Barry W. Higman
by Gad Heuman - 641-642 The role of tradition in Japan's industrialization: another path to industrialization – Edited by Masayuki Tanimoto
by Alan Booth - 642-643 Globalization and the poor periphery before 1950 – By Jeffrey G. Williamson
by Edward Anderson - 644-645 Eli Heckscher, international trade and economic history – Edited by Ronald Findlay, Rolf G. H. Henriksson, Håkan Lindgren, and Mats Lundahl
by John J. Mccusker - 645-646 Global imbalances and the lessons of Bretton Woods – By Barry Eichengreen
by Bernard J. Foley - 646-648 Global labour history: a state of the art – Edited by Jan Lucassen
by Chris Wrigley
May 2007, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 241-266 Night watchman, extractive, or developmental states? Some evidence from late colonial south‐east Asia1
by Anne Booth - 267-312 China and the world financial markets 1870–1939: Modern lessons from historical globalization1
by William N. Goetzmann & Andrey D. Ukhov & Ning Zhu - 313-332 The organization of the grain trade in the early Roman Empire
by David Kessler & Peter Temin - 333-372 Where there’s muck, there’s brass:1 the market for manure in the industrial revolution2
by Liam Brunt - 373-399 Ancient and early modern mortality: experience and understanding1
by Robert Woods - 400-401 Food in medieval England: diet and nutrition – Edited by Christopher M. Woolgar, Dale Serjeantson, and Tony Waldron
by John Langdon - 401-402 The business of everyday life: gender, practice and social politics in England, c.1600–1900 – By Beverly Lemire
by Lynn Abrams - 403-404 Slavery, family and gentry capitalism in the British Atlantic: the world of the Lascelles, 1648–1834 – By Simon D. Smith
by William J. Ashworth - 405-406 A foot in the past: consumers, producers and footwear in the long eighteenth century – By Giorgio Riello
by Nancy Cox - 406-407 China trade and empire: Jardine, Matheson & Co. and the origins of British rule in Hong Kong, 1827–1843 – Edited by Alain Le Pichon
by Paul A. Van Dyke - 407-409 The English rural poor, 1850–1914 – Edited by Mark Freeman
by Steven King - 409-411 Charles Knight: educator, publisher, writer – By Valerie Gray
by James Thompson - 411-412 Writers, readers and reputations: literary life in Britain, 1870–1918 – By Philip J. Waller
by James Thompson - 412-414 The debate on the rise of the British empire – By Anthony Webster
by Stephen Howe - 414-415 The Labour governments, 1964–1970 – Edited by Peter Dorey
by Jim Tomlinson - 415-417 Age discrimination: an historical and contemporary discussion – By John Macnicol
by Robin Blackburn - 417-419 Craft guilds in the early modern Low Countries: work, power and representation – Edited by Maarten Prak, Catharina Lis, Jan Lucassen, and Hugo Soly
by James R. Farr - 419-421 The emergence of modern business enterprise in France, 1800–1930 – By Michael Stephan Smith
by Peter Wardley - 421-422 The wages of destruction: the making and breaking of the Nazi economy – By Adam Tooze
by Ray Stokes - 422-424 Überholen ohne einzuholen: Die DDR‐Wirtschaft als Fußnote der deutschen Geschichte? – Edited by André Steiner
by Jeremy Leaman - 424-425 Evolution of Italian enterprises in the 20th century – Edited by Renato Gianetti and Michelangelo Vasta
by Paolo Di Martino - 425-427 An anatomy of trade in medieval writing: value, consent and community – By Lianna Farber
by James Davis - 427-428 Cultures of selling: perspectives on consumption and society since 1700 – Edited by John Benson and Laura Ugolini
by Lesley Whitworth - 429-430 An economic history of Europe: from expansion to development – Edited by Antonio Di Vittorio
by Herman Van Der Wee - 430-432 Monetary circulation in Central Europe at the beginning of the early modern period: attempts to establish a shared currency as an aspect of the political culture of the 16th century (1524–1573) – By Petr Vorel
by Ian Blanchard - 432-434 The Palestinian peasant economy under the Mandate: a story of colonial bungling – By Amos Nadan
by Jacob Metzer - 434-435 Chinese medicine men: consumer culture in China and Southeast Asia – By Sherman Cochran
by Matthew Hilton - 435-437 Technology gatekeepers for war and peace: the British ship revolution and Japanese industrialization – By Miwao Matsumoto
by Janet Hunter - 437-438 Lever of empire: the international gold standard and the crisis of liberalism in prewar Japan – By Mark Metzler
by Arturo Giraldez - 438-440 Japan, China, and the growth of the Asian international economy, 1850–1949 – Edited by Kaoru Sugihara
by Pierre Van Der Eng - 440-441 Barbed wire: an ecology of modernity – By Reviel Netz
by Avner Offer - 441-443 Creating the twentieth century: technical innovations of 1867–1914 and their lasting impact – By Vaclav Smil Transforming the twentieth century: technical innovations and their consequences – By Vaclav Smil
by Richard G. Lipsey - 444-445 The role of government in the history of economic thought – Edited by Steven Medema and Peter Boettke
by Michael J. Oliver - 445-446 Global migration and the world economy: two centuries of policy and performance – By Timothy J. Hatton and Jeffrey G. Williamson
by Dudley Baines - 446-448 Historicizing lifestyle: mediating taste, consumption and identity from the 1900s to the 1970s – Edited by David Bell, and Joanne Hollows
by Sean Nixon - 448-449 The expert consumer: associations and professionals in consumer society – Edited by Alain Chatriot, Marie‐Emanuelle Chessel, and Matthew Hilton
by Stefan Schwarzkopf - 449-450 The social sources of financial power: domestic legitimacy and international financial orders – By Leonard Seabrooke
by Margaret Levi - 451-452 The global economy in the 1990s: a long run perspective – Edited by Paul W. Rhode and Gianni Toniolo
by Mary O'mahony - 452-453 The bourgeois virtues: ethics for an age of commerce – By Deirdre N. McCloskey
by Jere Cohen - 454-455 Announcing web‐based submission process: Manuscript Central
by Jane Humphries - 456-456 Erratum: English county populations in the later eighteenth century
by E. A. Wrigley
February 2007, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-34 Towards a new Bradshaw? Economic statistics and the British state in the 1950s and 1960s
by Glen O’Hara - 35-69 English county populations in the later eighteenth century1
by E. A. Wrigley - 70-96 The causes and consequences of rent‐seeking in Northern Ireland, 1945–721
by Graham Brownlow - 97-135 The long march of history: Farm wages, population, and economic growth, England 1209–18691
by Gregory Clark - 190-191 Trade and economic developments, 1450–1550: the experience of Kent, Surrey and Sussex – Mavis E. Mate
by R. w. Hoyle - 191-192 Immigrants and the industries of London, 1500–1700 – Lien Bich Luu
by Andrew Spicer - 192-193 The social life of money in the English past – Deborah Valenze
by Julian Hoppit - 193-195 County Durham hearth tax assessment Lady Day 1666 – Edited by Adrian Green, Elizabeth Parkinson and Margaret Spufford
by Tom Arkell - 195-196 Nathan Mayer Rothschild and the creation of a dynasty: the critical years, 1806–1816 – Herbert H. Kaplan
by Stanley Chapman - 196-197 The popularization of Malthus in early nineteenth century England: Martineau, Cobbett and the pauper press – James P. Huzel
by John Pullen - 197-199 Imagined orphans: poor families, child welfare and contested citizenship in London – Lydia Murdoch
by Harry Hendrick - 199-201 Rebel girls: their fight for the vote – Jill Liddington
by Harold L. Smith - 201-202 A history of auditing: the changing audit process in Britain from the nineteenth century to the present day – Derek Matthews
by Christopher J. Napier - 202-204 The re‐emergence of global finance – Gary Burn
by Catherine R. Schenk - 204-205 The making of modern management: British management in historical perspective – John F. Wilson and Andrew Thomson
by M. w. Kirby - 205-207 A history of leisure – Peter Borsay
by Brad Beaven - 207-208 W. Arthur Lewis and the birth of development economics – Robert L. Tignor
by Jim Tomlinson - 208-209 The official history of Britain and the Channel Tunnel – Terry Gourvish
by Richard S. Grayson - 210-211 The challenge of affluence: self‐control and well‐being in the United States and Britain since 1950 – Avner Offer
by M. j. Daunton - 212-213 Les banques du grand Sud‐Ouest, Système bancaire et gestion des risques (des années 1900 à nos jours) – Hubert Bonin and Christophe Lastacouères
by Jean‐pierre Dormois - 214-215 Gilding the market: luxury and fashion in fourteenth‐century Italy – Susan Mosher Stuard
by Sharon Farmer - 215-216 Trade, diplomacy and cultural exchange: continuity and change in the North Sea area and the Baltic, c.1350–1750 – Edited by Hanno Brand
by Herman Van Der Wee - 216-217 The grammar of profit: the price revolution in intellectual context – Andrea Finkelstein
by Ian Blanchard - 217-219 The justice of Venice: authorities and liberties in the urban economy – James E. Shaw
by Liz Horodowich - 219-220 The soul of commerce: credit, property and politics in Leipzig, 1750–1840 – Robert Beachy
by Victoria Harris - 220-222 Sozial‐ und Wirtschaftsgeschichte: Arbeitsgebiete–Probleme–Perspektiven – Edited by Günther Schulz, Christoph Buchheim, Gerhard Fouquet, Rainer Gömmel, Friedrich‐Wilhelm Henning, Karl Heinrich Kaufhold and Hans Pohl
by Carsten Burhop - 222-224 Momente deutsch‐deutscher Wirtschafts‐ und Sozialgeschichte 1945 bis 1990: Eine Analyse auf gleicher Augenhöhe – Jörg Roesler
by Gareth Dale - 224-225 Norwegian catch‐up: development and globalization before Word War II – Jonathon W. Moses
by Jan Tore Klovland - 225-226 Consuming cultures: global perspectives, historical trajectories, transnational exchanges – Edited by John Brewer and Frank Trentmann
by Richard Sheldon - 227-228 An economic history of twentieth‐century Europe: economic regimes from laissez‐faire to globalization – Ivan T. Berend
by Bernard J. Foley - 228-229 Corruption and reform: lessons from America’s economic history – Edited by Edward L. Glaeser and Claudia Goldin
by Susan Rose‐ackerman - 230-231 The Canton trade: life and enterprise on the China coast, 1700‐1845 – Paul A. Van Dyke
by H. v. Bowen - 231-232 China and capitalism: a history of business enterprise in modern China – David Faure
by Catherine R. Schenk - 232-233 Rural economic development in Japan: from the nineteenth century to the Pacific war – Penelope Francks
by Richard J. Smethurst - 234-235 Taste, trade and technology: the development of the international meat industry since 1840 – Richard Perren
by P. j. Atkins - 235-236 Global capitalism: its fall and rise in the twentieth century – Jeffrey Frieden
by Scott Newton - 236-237 International economic integration in historical perspective – Dennis M. P. McCarthy
by Pilar Nogués Marco - 238-239 The economics of World War I – Edited by Stephen Broadberry and Mark Harrison
by Theo Balderston - 239-240 The ‘vanity of the philosopher’: from equality to hierarchy in postclassical economics – Sandra J. Peart and David M. Levy
by Roger E. Backhouse
January 2007, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 136-189 Review of periodical literature published in 2005
by David Pratt & P. R. Schofield & Henry French & Peter Kirby & Mark Freeman & Julian Greaves & Hugh Pemberton
November 2006, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 667-687 Monastic mortality: Durham Priory, 1395–15291
by John Hatcher & A. J. Piper & David Stone - 688-716 How skilled were English agricultural labourers in the early nineteenth century?1
by Joyce Burnette - 717-742 Shipping and economic development in nineteenth‐century Ireland1
by Peter M. Solar - 743-764 The strategies and limits of gentlemanly capitalism: the London East India agency houses, provincial commercial interests, and the evolution of British economic policy in South and South East Asia 1800–50
by Anthony Webster - 765-787 Brazil as a debtor, 1824–19311
by MARCELO De PAIVA ABREU - 788-838 List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 2005
by Matthew Hale & Richard Hawkins & Catherine Wright - 839-840 The overseas trade of Boston in the reign of Richard II – Edited by Steven H. Rigby
by Pamela Nightingale - 840-841 Decision‐making in medieval agriculture – David Stone
by Chris Briggs - 841-843 Gentry culture in late‐medieval England – Edited by Raluca Radulescu and Alison Truelove
by Philip Morgan - 843-844 Cambridge and its economic region, 1450–1560 – John S. Lee
by Margaret Yates - 844-846 Towns and local communities in medieval and early modern England – David M. Palliser
by John S. Moore - 846-847 A market town and its surrounding villages. Cranbrook, Kent in the later seventeenth century – Anthony Poole
by Nigel Goose - 847-849 ‘Unfortunate objects’: lone mothers in eighteenth‐century London – Tanya Evans
by Leonard Schwarz - 849-850 Women in business, 1700–1850 – Nicola Phillips
by Hannah Barker - 850-851 A mad, bad and dangerous people? England, 1783–1846 – Boyd Hilton
by Richard Sheldon - 852-853 The politics of madness in England: the state, insanity and society in England, 1845–1914 – Joe Melling and Bill Forsythe
by R. A. Houston - 853-854 What price the poor? William Booth, Karl Marx and the London residuum – Ann M. Woodall
by Bernhard Kleeberg - 854-856 Farming in Lincolnshire, 1850–1945 – Jonathan Brown
by Paul Brassley - 856-857 Merchant families, banking and money in medieval Lucca – Thomas W. Blomquist
by Peter Coss - 857-859 The Routledge history of women in Europe since 1700 – Edited by Deborah Simonton
by June Purvis - 859-860 Women, business and finance in nineteenth‐century Europe: rethinking separate spheres – Edited by Robert Beachy, Béatrice Craig and Alastair Owens
by Pat Hudson - 861-862 Europe’s third world: the European periphery in the interwar years – Derek H. Aldcroft
by John R. Lampe - 862-863 Europe’s advantage: banks and small firms in Britain, France, Germany and Italy since 1918 – Francesca Carnevali
by Duncan M. Ross - 863-865 The merchants of Zigong: industrial entrepreneurship in early modern China – Madeleine Zelin
by Elisabeth Köll - 865-866 Intra‐Asian trade and the world market – Edited by A. J. H. Latham and Heita Kawakatsu
by Anne Booth - 867-868 Chimneys in the desert: industrialization in Argentina during the export boom years, 1870–1930 – Fernando Rocchi
by Colin M. Lewis - 868-869 La economía política del Uruguay contemporáneo. 1870–2000 – Henry Finch
by James Dunkerley - 869-870 The democratisation of invention: patents and copyrights in American economic development, 1790–1920 – B. Zorina Khan
by Ian Inkster - 870-872 Making Silicon Valley: innovation and the growth of high tech, 1930–1970 – Christophe Lécuyer
by James Sumner - 872-873 A history of national accounting – André Vanoli
by Frits Bos - 873-874 Cultures merging: an historical and economic critique of culture – Eric L. Jones
by Peter Temin - 875-876 The natural origins of economics – Margaret Schabas
by Keith Tribe - 876-878 Economists in Parliament in the liberal age (1848–1920) – Edited by Massimo M. Augello and Marco E. L. Guidi
by William J. Barber - 878-879 Schumpeter on the economics of innovation and the development of capitalism – Arnold Heertje
by D. A. Reisman - 880-881 A history of corporate governance around the world: family business groups to professional managers – Edited by Randall K. Morck
by Sue Bowden - 881-882 Economic transformations: general purpose technologies and long‐term economic growth – Richard G. Lipsey, Kenneth I. Carlaw and Clifford T. Bekar
by Stephen Broadberry
August 2006, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 435-480 The transition to an advanced organic economy: half a millennium of English agriculture1
by E. A. Wrigley - 481-497 Manorial economy and corvée labour in southern Sweden 1650–1850
by Mats Olsson - 498-538 The micro‐foundations of the early London capital market: Bank of England shareholders during and after the South Sea Bubble, 1720–251
by Ann M. Carlos & Larry Neal - 539-577 ‘Lines of credit, debts of obligation’: migrant remittances to Britain, c.1875–19131
by Gary B. Magee & Andrew S. Thompson - 578-606 The concept of the unemployable
by John Welshman - 607-616 Comment on ‘Seat of Death and Terror’1
by Timothy Leunig & Hans‐Joachim Voth - 617-635 ‘Pitted but not pitied’ or, does smallpox make you small?1
by Deborah Oxley - 636-637 The mercery of London: trade, goods and people, 1130–1578 – Anne F. Sutton
by Ian W. Archer - 638-639 Edward de Vere (1550–1604): the crisis and consequences of wardship – Daphne Pearson
by Lloyd Bowen - 639-640 Consuming splendour: society and culture in seventeenth‐century England – Linda Levy Peck
by Joan Thirsk - 640-641 The social life of coffee: the emergence of the British coffeehouse – Brian Cowan
by S. D. Smith - 642-643 The business of empire: the East India Company and imperial Britain 1756–1833 – Huw V. Bowen
by Anthony Webster - 643-644 Swing unmasked: the agricultural riots of 1830 to 1832 and their wider implications – Edited by Michael Holland
by John E. Archer - 644-646 Famine and disease in Ireland – Edited by Leslie Clarkson and E. Margaret Crawford
by Brenda Collins - 646-647 The bovine scourge: meat, tuberculosis and public health, 1850–1914 – Keir Waddington
by Jim Phillips - 648-649 Health and wealth: studies in history and policy – Simon Szreter
by Bernard Harris - 649-650 Warfare state: Britain, 1920–1970 – David Edgerton
by Rodney Lowe - 651-652 Renewing Unilever: transformation and tradition – Geoffrey Jones
by Peter Wardley - 652-653 Before the European miracles: four essays on Swedish preconditions for conquest, growth and voice – Erik Örjan Emilsson
by Lars Magnusson - 654-655 Making, moving and managing: the new world of ancient economies, 323–31 BC – Edited by Zofia H. Archibald, John K. Davies and Vincent Gabrielsen
by Neville Morley - 655-656 Russia’s foreign trade and economic expansion in the seventeenth century: windows on the world – Jamo T. Kotilaine
by Ian Blanchard - 656-657 Cultural continuity in advanced economies: Britain and the US versus continental Europe – Gustav Schachter and Saul Engelbourg
by Neil Rollings - 657-658 The German economy during the nineteenth century – Toni Pierenkemper and Richard Tilly
by Robert Lee - 659-660 ‘If the workers took a notion’: the right to strike and American political development – Josiah B. Lambert
by Howell John Harris - 660-661 The face of decline: the Pennsylvania anthracite region in the twentieth century – Thomas Dublin and Walter Licht
by Ken Fones‐wolf - 661-663 Feeding the world: an economic history of agriculture, 1800–2000 – Giovanni Federico
by Michael Turner - 663-664 The making of the consumer: knowledge, power and identity in the modern world – Edited by Frank Trentmann
by Matthew Hilton - 664-665 Global capital markets: integration, crisis and growth – Maurice Obstfeld and Alan M. Taylor
by Bernard Foley
May 2006, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 265-288 English and Scottish overseas trade, 1300–16001
by Martin Rorke - 289-319 Subsistence and sales: the peasant economy of Württemberg in the early seventeenth century
by Paul Warde - 320-346 The impact of limited liability on ownership and control: Irish banking, 1877–19141
by Graeme G. Acheson & John D. Turner - 347-373 Technological and geographical knowledge spillover in the German empire 1877–1918
by Jochen Streb & Jörg Baten & Shuxi Yin - 374-395 ‘Voice’ and ‘exit’ in Japanese firms during the Second World War: Sanpo revisited
by Tetsuji Okazaki - 396-396 A frontier landscape: the north west in the middle ages – N. J. Higham
by Bruce M. S. Campbell - 397-398 Town and country in the middle ages: contrasts, contacts and interconnections, 1100–1500 – Kate Giles and Christopher Dyer
by James Davis - 399-400 Plantagenet England, 1225–1360 – Michael Prestwich
by Peter Coss - 400-401 Network north: Scottish kin, commercial and covert associations in northern Europe, 1603–1746 – Steve Murdoch
by R. A. Houston - 401-403 Immigrants in Tudor and early Stuart England – Nigel Goose and Lien Luu
by Kevin Stagg - 403-404 Consuming splendour: society and culture in seventeenth‐century England – Linda Levy Peck
by Joan Thirsk - 404-406 Luxury and pleasure in eighteenth‐century Britain – Maxine Berg
by Michael North - 406-407 Down and out in eighteenth‐century London – Tim Hitchcock
by Peter King - 407-408 The making and unmaking of empires: Britain, India, and America c.1750–1783 – P.J. Marshall
by S. D. Smith - 408-409 On Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: a philosophical companion – Samuel Fleischacker
by Richard Sheldon - 409-410 City status in the British Isles, 1830–2002 – John Beckett
by Jon Stobart - 410-411 Industrial reorganization and government policy in interwar Britain – Julian Greaves
by Alan Booth - 411-413 Leisure, citizenship and working‐class men in Britain, 1850–1945 – Brad Beaven
by Andrew Davies - 413-414 Young women, work and family in England 1918–1950 – Selina Todd
by Annmarie Hughes - 414-415 A history of the Royal College of Physicians of London. Volume IV: 1948–1983 – Asa Briggs
by Keir Waddington - 416-417 Between East and West: the Moluccas and the traffic in spices up to the arrival of Europeans – R. A. Donkin
by Andrew Sherratt - 417-419 Framing the early middle ages. Europe and the Mediterranean, 400–800 – Chris Wickham
by Marios Costambeys - 419-420 Migration and inequality in Germany 1870–1913 – Oliver Grant
by Ray Stokes - 420-422 The pursuit of pleasure: drugs and stimulants in Iranian history, 1500–1900 – Rudi Matthee
by James H. Mills - 422-423 Politics and economics in the history of the European Union – Alan S. Milward
by Bernard J. Foley - 423-424 The American West: visions and revisions – Margaret Walsh
by John M. Findlay - 424-426 Old Dominion, industrial commonwealth: coal politics and economy in antebellum America – Sean Patrick Adams
by Neville Kirk - 426-427 Irresistible empire: America's advance through twentieth‐century Europe – Victoria de Grazia
by Stefan Schwarzkopf - 427-429 Creole economics: Caribbean cunning under the French flag – Kathleen E. Browne
by David Howard - 429-430 Living standards in the past: new perspectives on well‐being in Asia and Europe – Robert C. Allen, Tommy Bengtsson, and Martin Dribe
by Hans‐joachim Voth - 430-432 Central bank co‐operation at the Bank for International Settlements, 1930–1973 – Gianni Toniolo
by Bernard J. Foley - 432-433 The science‐industry nexus: history, policy, implications – Karl Grandin, Nina Wormbs, and Sven Widmalm
by Jon Agar
February 2006, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 2-31 The early modern great divergence: wages, prices and economic development in Europe and Asia, 1500–1800
by Stephen Broadberry & Bishnupriya Gupta - 32-69 Illuminations and distortions: Gregory King's Scheme calculated for the year 1688 and the social structure of later Stuart England
by Tom Arkell - 70-112 Political risk and the international bond market between the 1848 revolution and the outbreak of the First World War
by Niall Ferguson - 113-142 Quality, experience, and monopoly: the Soviet market for weapons under Stalin
by Andrei Markevich & Mark Harrison - 143-167 The marginalist approach and the making of fuel policy in France and Britain, 1945–72
by Martin Chick