- 22 Contagious speculative attacks
by Stefan Gerlach & Frank Smets - 21 German unification and the demand for German M3
by Stefan Gerlach - 20 Household saving and real house prices: an international perspective
by Palle S. Andersen & Neale Kennedy
- 18 European integration and the demand for broad money
by Carlo Monticelli & Marc-Olivier Strauss-Kahn
- 17 Energy shocks and the demand for energy
by Palle S. Andersen & Henri Bernard - 16 Labour market developments in developing countries
by Palle S. Andersen
- 15 Financial arrangements, 'soft' budget constraints and inflation: lessons from the Yugoslav experience
by Claudio E. V. Borio - 14 The steady-state budget constraint and the integration of european financial markets: an arithmetical exercise
by José Ramalho - 13 Manufacturing sector resiliency to energy booms: Empirical evidence from Norway, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
by Michael M Hutchison
- 12 Profit shares, investment and output capacity
by Palle S. Andersen
- 11 The external balance of the smaller industrial countries: international developments and national policies since 1968
by Jonathan M Hoffman - 10 The measurement of effective exchange rates
by Elmar B Koch - 9 Real wages, inflation and unemployment
by Palle S. Andersen
- 8 The productivity slowdown and its policy implications
by Palle S. Andersen
- 7 The evolution of the external debt and balance of payments of eastern europe and the USSR since 1970
by Richard Allen - 6 A survey of the international use of yen
by Hiroo Taguchi
- 5 Intermediation and pure liquidity creation in banking systems
by William A Allen
- 4 Factors determining exchange rates: the roles of relative price levels, balances of payments, interest rates and risk
by Peter Isard - 3 Exchange rates and balance-of-payments adjustment - General principles and some recent examples
by William A Allen - 2 International currency substitution and the apparent instability of velocity in some western European economies and in the United States
by Bruce Brittain - 1 Determinants of Market Condtions in the Euro-Currency Market - Why a 'Borrowers' Market'
by Kengo Inoue
- 1240 The granular origins of inflation
by Santiago Alvarez-Blaser & Raphael Auer & Sarah M Lein & Andrei A Levchenko - 1239 The use and disuse of FinTech credit: When buy-now-pay-later meets credit reporting
by Yanfei Dong & Jiayin Hu & Yiping Huang & Han Qiu & Yingguang Zhang - 1238 Fiscal stimulus plans and households' expectations
by Fiorella De Fiore & Marco Jacopo Lombardi & Albert Pierres Tejada - 1237 The macroeconomics of green transitions
by Gregor Boehl & Flora Budianto & Elod Takats - 1236 Savings-and-credit contracts
by Bernardus F Nazar Van Doornik & Armando Gomes & David Schoenherr & Janis Skrastins - 1235 Aggregate debt servicing and the limit on private credit
by Mathias Drehmann & Mikael Juselius & Sarah Quincy - 1234 Targeted Taylor rules: some evidence and theory
by Boris Hofmann & Cristina Manea & Benoit Mojon - 1233 Fire sales of safe assets
by Gabor Pinter & Emil Siriwardane & Danny Walker - 1232 Bond supply, yield drifts and liquidity provision before macroeconomic announcements
by Dong Lou & Gabor Pinter & Semih Uslu & Danny Walker - 1231 Monetary policy in the news: communication pass-through and inflation expectations
by Fiorella De Fiore & Alexis Maurin & Andrej Mijakovic & Damiano Sandri - 1230 Whither inflation targeting as a global monetary standard?
by Claudio Borio - 1229 Through stormy seas: how fragile is liquidity across asset classes and time?
by Nihad Aliyev & Matteo Aquilina & Khaladdin Rzayev & Sonya Zhu - 1228 Retail fast payment systems as a catalyst for digital finance
by Giulio Cornelli & Jon Frost & Jonathan Warren & Clair Yang & Carolina Velásquez - 1227 Decentralised dealers? examining liquidity provision in decentralised exchanges
by Matteo Aquilina & Sean Foley & Leonardo Gambacorta & William Krekel - 1226 How does fiscal policy affect the transmission of monetary policy into cross-border bank lending? Cross-country evidence
by Swapan-Kumar Pradhan & Elod Takats & Judit Temesvary - 1225 Trade fragmentation, inflationary pressures and monetary policy
by Silvana Tenreyro & Ludovica Ambrosino & Jenny Chan - 1224 A theory of economic coercion and fragmentation
by Matteo Maggiori & Chris Clayton & Jesse Schreger - 1223 Carbon prices and reforestation in tropical forest
by Jose A Scheinkman - 1222 Artificial intelligence and big holdings data: Opportunities for central banks
by Xavier Gabaix & Ralph S J Koijen & Robert Richmond & Motohiro Yogo - 1221 Bank geographic diversification and funding stability
by Sebastian Doerr - 1220 The road to net zero: a fund flow investigation
by Louisa Chen & Koji Takahashi - 1219 Stablecoins, money market funds and monetary policy
by Inaki Aldasoro & Giulio Cornelli & Massimo Ferrari Minesso & Leonardo Gambacorta & Maurizio Michael Habib - 1218 Bank specialisation and corporate innovation
by Hans Degryse & Olivier De Jonghe & Leonardo Gambacorta & Cedric Huylebroek - 1217 Global inflation, inflation expectations and central banks in emerging markets
by Ana Aguilar & Rafael Guerra & Berenice Martinez - 1216 Trade credit and exchange rate risk pass through
by Bryan Hardy & Felipe Saffie & Ina Simonovska - 1215 CB-LMs: language models for central banking
by Leonardo Gambacorta & Byeungchun Kwon & Taejin Park & Pietro Patelli & Sonya Zhu - 1214 The impact of financial crises on industrial growth: lessons from the last 40 years
by Carlos Madeira