November 2014, Volume 11
- 20-39 From Risk Self Assessment to Operational
by Simona Cosma & Luigi Dell’Anna & Gianfausto Salvadori - 40-47 Debt restructuring and non performing loans
by Alessandro Pellegatta - 48-55 The recent changes in taxation of financial revenues in Italy
by Enzo Mignarri - 56-63 Tied agent in Europe and «promotore finanziario» in Italy: a comparative perspective and recent regulatory developments (Crd 4 and MiFid 2)
by Mattia Suardi
October 2014, Volume 10
- 2-14 Consumer credit, an opportunity for economic recovery and for households’ chances
by Stefano Cosma & Umberto Filotto - 15-25 Less is more? Some critical issues in bank branches rationalization
by Mariarosa Borroni & Simone Rossi - 26-40 Financial crowdfunding, a new tool for Smes
by Francesca Querci - 41-60 Financial literacy, low incomes and financial stress in US households
by Brenda Cude & Gianni Nicolini - 61-64 New rules on securitization of trade receivables in Italy
by Vinicio Trombetti - 65-72 Italian fiscal monitoring: taxpayers and intermediaries obligations
by Enzo Mignarri - 73-83 Leasing, factoring and consumer credit in Italy: the impact of financial turmoil
by Pierpaolo Ferrari
September 2014, Volume 9
- 2-6 The road of Italian banks towards Europe
by Giovanni Sabatini - 8-20 Re-securitization, a tool for recovery
by Giuseppe Zadra - 22-36 Financial institutions regulation and systematic risk
by Giuliano Iannotta & George Pennacchi - 37-43 The rise in savings, a consequence or a cause of Italian low growth?
by Paolo Savona - 44-51 Good news, bad news: a proposal to measure banks’ reputation using Twitter
by Vincenzo Farina & Giampaolo Gabbi & Daniele Previati - 52-57 Risk culture and the recent guidance of Fsb
by Diana Capone & Stefano De Polis - 58-68 Evaluating governance: optimal structure, composition and board self-evaluation
by Guido Cutillo & Fausto Orlando - 70-75 Reverse mortgage, an instrument to help retirees
by Claudio Pacella & Angelo Peppetti - 70-86 Financial services distribution: the evolution of business models in Italy
by Paola Musile Tanzi
July 2014, Volume 7
- 2-11 Address by the President of the Italian Banking Association at the Annual Meeting
by Antonio Patuelli - 12-20 Towards a favourable business environment
by Ignazio Visco - 21-26 Growth, the priority for Europe and Italy
by Pier Carlo Padoan - 27-51 The determinants of Mergers and Acquisitions in Italian banks
by Elena Beccalli & Francesca Lenoci - 52-55 Bank ratings and business models: the lessons from the crisis
by Vincenzo D'Apice & Giovanni Ferri & Punziana Lacitignola - 56-63 The new fiscal measures on financial leasing
by Enzo Mignarri - 64-82 Liquidity Transfer Pricing and Liquidity Risk: possible solutions
by Marco Di Antonio & Danilo Drago - 83-97 Bond issuing and Smes: the new Italian experience
by Eleonora Broccardo & Luca Erzegovesi & Maria Mazzuca
June 2014, Volume 6
- 3-15 Loan securitization and mini-bonds, new channels for Smes financing
by Giancarlo Forestieri - 16-27 Profitability and leverage: the positioning of Italian firms in the European arena
by Lorenzo Caprio & Silvia Rigamonti - 28-48 An analysis on the difference between bank index-linked bonds’ prices and their fair-value
by Michele Leonardo Bianchi - 49-64 Italian households and mortgages affordability index
by Vincenzo Chiorazzo & Pierluigi Morelli - 65-73 Consumer over-indebtness, new procedures in Italian regulation
by Alfonso Castiello d`Antonio - 74-80 Higher fiscal rates on financial revenues in Italy
by Enzo Mignarri - 81-91 Interconnectedness and systemic risk: hedge funds, banks, insurance companies
by Monica Billio & Loriana Pelizzon - 92-98 The Active Integrated Regulatory Management model, a new tool for business risk efficiency
by Pasquale Nicastro
Mayl 2014, Volume 5
- 02-02 Board members’ duties and responsibilities in banking
by Antonio Patuelli - 03-10 Banking governance and supervision: the view of the Bank of Italy
by Carmelo Barbagallo - 11-15 Product governance, a key factor in banking and financial markets
by Giuseppe Vegas - 16-22 Markets’ integrity and financial soundness in Italy
by Saverio Capolupo - 23-49 A broader indicator of credit risk in Italian banks, based on total non-performing loans flow
by Vincenzo Chiorazzo & Francesco Masala & Pierluigi Morelli - 50-59 The impact of Solvency 2 on organization and It in the insurance industry
by Simona Cosma & Giampaolo Gabbi & Raoul Pisani - 60-74 Profitability, organization and HR, the challenges for Italian banks
by Giancarlo Durante & Antonio Patuelli & Luigi Prosperetti & Paolo Tosi
April 2014, Volume 4
- 02-25 Bank and regulation: the way to rethink complexity
by Paolo Mottura - 26-38 Information technology, bank credit and relationship banking
by Lucia Dalla Pellegrina & Serena Frazzoni & Zeno Rotondi & Andrea Vezzulli - 40-56 Italian listed banks and compliance with Corporate Governance Code
by Maria Luisa Di Battista & Paola Schwizer & Valeria Stefanelli - 57-66 Over-indebtness of households: recent regulation in Europe, France and Italy
by Pier Francesco Marcucci - 67-80 Liquidity transfer pricing after crisis
by Marco Di Antonio & Danilo Drago - 81-88 Basel 3 and the recent regulation of Pillar III on disclosure
by Vincenzo Dispinzeri - 89-97 The adviser-investor relationship after the crisis
by Vincenzo Pacelli
March 2014, Volume 3
- 02-14 Ownership structure and Corporate Governance of Italian listed companies
by Angela Ciavarella & Nadia Linciano & Valerio Novembre - 15-24 Single Supervisory Mechanism and new policies of risks’ regulation
by Franco Tutino - 26-42 The media effect on investors behaviour: the publication of spin-off news
by Elvira Anna Graziano - 43-58 Ratings communication to investors
by Giacomo De Laurentis - 59-61 Banking contracts and transparency regulation
by Giorgio De Nova - 62-67 Italian criminal discipline on usury: application aspects
by Alberto Lupoi - 68-79 XBRL and Smes: an opportunity to improve financial communication
by Graziano Coller & Luca Erzegovesi & Davide Panizzolo - 80-88 European ETFs: Risks, tracking error and new regulation
by Marco Elia
February 2014, Volume 2
- 02-20 The roads towards a new sustainable banking model
by Paolo Mottura - 22-30 New trends in restructuring European banks
by Giancarlo Durante & Luigi Prosperetti - 32-46 How Do Analysts Value Italian Banks? An Empirical Analysis
by Gianfranco Gianfrate & Roberto Vincenzi - 48-60 The sovereign debt crisis: the impact on the intermediation model of Italian banks
by Stefano Cosma & Elisabetta Gualandri - 61-73 The impact of Solvency 2 on Insurance business: evolution or revolution?
by Giampaolo Gabbi & Raoul Pisani & Simona Cosma - 74-80 The new fiscal treatment of credit losses in Italy
by Enzo Mignarri - 82-92 Anti-money laundering and the new regulation on customer due diligence
by Giovanni Castaldi - 93-106 The application of the principle of proportionality in the new bank’s Internal control system
by Emanuele Diquattro & Sebastiano Mazzù & Giuseppe Vaccarella
January 2014, Volume 1
- 02-24 Banks and local development in Italy. Eight local systems in the crisis and beyond
by Giuseppe De Rita - 25-38 Personal savings in Italy, channeling resources for growth
by Francesca Bartoli & Roberto Larotonda & Zeno Rotondi & Laura Marzorati & Marcello Calabrò - 40-60 Territorial exclusivity and credit cycle in the Italian subsidiary banks
by Simone Rossi - 42-80 Lending organization in Italian banks
by Silvia Del Prete & Marcello Pagnini & Paola Rossi & Valerio Vacca - 81-89 Pre-insolvency agreements and banks’ responsibility
by Alfonso Castiello d`Antonio - 90-101 Relationship banking: new evidence from small business credit in Italy
by Irma Malafronte & Stefano Monferrà & Claudio Porzio & Gabriele Sampagnaro - 102-107 The new Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
by Andrea Meiani & Luigi Rizzi & David Sabatini
December 2013, Volume 12
- 02-15 The road towards Banking Union
by Ignazio Angeloni & Giacomo Caviglia - 16-28 The Single Supervisory Mechanism, a first step against fragmentation
by Luigi Chiarella & Guido Ferrarini - 30-48 Financial education among university students in Italy: the state of the art
by Elisa Bocchialini & Maria Adele Milioli & Lucia Poletti & Beatrice Ronchini - 50-52 Savings, a key factor for growth
by Antonio Patuelli - 54-62 Credit monitoring as a new integrated process
by Aldo Letizia - 63-70 The road to compliance: the new regulation on Internal controls system in Italy
by Rupert N. Limentani & Normanna Tresoldi - 72-75 The credit license, a tool for measuring credit performance
by Rocco D'Acunto & Antonino Del Gatto & Marcello Pallotta - 76-85 A spatial analysis of the liquidity of italian firms
by Carlo Boselli & Francesco G. Truglia & Alessandro Zeli
November 2013, Volume 11
- 34-51 Social and environmental performance and Social Disclosure in Italian local banks
by Domenico Piatti - 54-58 The recent anti-money laundering Italian regulation
by Manlio d'Agostino
October 2013, Volume 10
- 2-18 The new traditional direct bank
by Umberto Filotto & Paolo Mottura - 20-27 High frequency trading. Effects and policy issues
by Nadia Linciano & Isadora Tarola - 28-42 Financial risks in banking: the role of business management studies
by Franco Tutino - 43-53 The role of savings for the Italian economy
by Paolo Savona - 54-71 Building Sme rating: is it necessary for lenders to monitor financial statements of the borrowers?
by Edward I. Altman & Alessandro Giannozzi & Oliviero Roggi & Gabriele Sabato - 72-88 Customer due diligence in recent Italian anti-money laundering rules
by Giovanni Castaldi - 90-96 The rating of Mutual institutions, a new tool for banks
by Lorenzo Gai & Emanuele Giovannini
September 2013, Volume 09
- 3-16 Non-performing loans in Europe: the differences in rules and practices
by Silvia Benzi & Pietro Penza - 17-23 Asset quality assessment and stress test for European banks
by Mario Quagliariello - 24-35 Ipo and Ceo turnover. A study on Italian companies listed
by Donatella Depperu & Enrico Fabrizi & Daniele M. Ghezzi - 36-42 Financial transactions tax, the Italian version
by Enzo Mignarri - 43-48 Cost analysis and processes: can banks adopt the models of other industries?
by Marco Agliati & Generoso Cogliano & Alessandro D’Amuri - 49-55 Resilience, stability and complexity of banks: a quantitative approach to systemic risks
by Jacek Marczyk - 56-64 Under-capitalization of Italian Smes and the role of new financial sources
by Alessandro Pellegatta - 66-81 Banks’ profitability and efficiency as key drivers of job policies
by Giancarlo Durante & Elsa Fornero & Francesco Micheli & Luigi Prosperetti & Tiziano Treu
July 2013, Volume 07
- 2-10 Italian banks and the road towards Banking Union
by Antonio Patuelli - 11-18 The role of banks in the difficult economic transition
by Ignazio Visco - 20-27 A bridge towards recovery
by Fabrizio Saccomanni - 28-34 Investor protection and the new challenges of European regulation
by Vittorio Conti - 35-38 Basel at a crossroads
by Francesco Cannata & Simone Casellina - 40-46 From Universal bank to a separation between commercial and investment banking.The European proposals
by Enrico Bernardi - 48-66 Disclosure: determinants and critical issues for European insurance industry
by Irma Malafronte & Maria Grazia Starita - 68-73 The risks of a heavier taxation for Italian savings
by Laura Zaccaria - 74-78 Framework for Minimum Capital Requirements for Operational Risk in comparison with Operational Risk Losses: analysis of Dipo data
by Dipo Technical Secretariat - 79-85 The role of the Chief Risk Officer and the new regulation on Internal control systems
by Carlo Palego
June 2013, Volume 06
- 2-13 Recent profitability trends of Italian banks
by Direzione Strategie e Mercati finanziari - 14-27 Structural bank regulation initiatives: approaches and implications
by Leonardo Gambacorta & Adrian van Rixtel - 28-41 Governance, performance and credit quality: the case of Italian cooperative banks
by Candida Bussoli - 42-46 The effect of macroeconomic shocks on Italian banks
by Vincenzo D'Apice & Pierluigi Morelli - 47-58 The Eurosystem’s monetary, banking and financial statistics: future steps
by Riccardo De Bonis - 60-72 The new IASB model on the measurement of credit exposures: a missed opportunity
by Carlo Calandrini - 74-93 Italian financial advisory firms profitability and trends
by Patrizia Pia - 94-102 Stock Exchanges mergers: the case for the United Arab Emirates
by Andrea Paltrinieri
May 2013, Volume 05
- 2-18 Financial systems and economic growth: a critical relationship?
by Giancarlo Forestieri - 19-31 The lessons from the crisis of Cajas de Ahorros in Spain
by Roberto Bottiglia - 32-48 Cooperative banking and financial stability. Evidence from the recent financial crisis in some European countries
by Laura Chiaramonte & Federica Poli & Marco Ercole Oriani - 49-57 Basel 3 and Cva: the counterparty risk management and valuation
by Walter Vecchiato & Eugenio Virguti - 58-62 The organization of an Anti money laundering function in Italian banks
by Rupert N. Limentani & Normanna Tresoldi - 63-73 Italian Real Estate Funds’ financial investments
by Claudio Cacciamani & Lara Maini
April 2013, Volume 04
- 2-14 Taxation or regulation in preventing systemic risk? The political distortion
by Donato Masciandaro & Francesco Passarelli - 15-23 Relationship banking and organizational models: a new structure for UniCredit Group in Italy
by Zeno Rotondi - 24-37 Z-Score Models’ application to Italian companies subject to extraordinary administration
by Edward I. Altman & Alessandro Danovi & Alberto Falini - 38-46 Funding costs and mortgage pricing: a new puzzle
by Giuseppe Lombardo - 48-54 Bank accounts and financial assets taxation, the new Italian rules
by Enzo Mignarri - 55-65 Pre-insolvency agreements: recent innovations in Italy
by Alfonso Castiello d`Antonio - 66-76 Business models and strategies of Italian banks
by Anna Omarini - 78-88 Valuation methods for banks: should we take into account more risk?
by Daniele Previtali
March 2013, Volume 03
- 2-20 Securitization, the new road for commercial credit
by Paolo Mottura - 22-36 Basel 3 and the liquidity of corporate and government bonds in Europe
by Giovanni Petrella & Andrea Resti - 37-48 Long run implications of «substantially heightened» bank capital requirements
by Vincenzo Chiorazzo & Pierluigi Morelli & Giovanni Battista Pittaluga - 49-62 The determinants of the ratings of European listed banks. An empirical analysis
by Elisabetta D'Apolito & Vincenzo Pacelli - 63-69 The special stamp tax on declared financial assets
by Enzo Mignarri - 70-76 A regulatory risk appetite framework for small banks
by Marco Corbellini - 77-85 The impact of social networks and mass medias on financial news and investors’ perceptions
by Alessandro Carretta & Vincenzo Farina & Albana Nako
February 2013, Volume 02
- 2-16 Financial regulation, the need of a new approach
by Giovanni Ferri - 17-25 Cost reduction and structural adjustment in European banks
by Giancarlo Durante & Luigi Prosperetti - 26-38 Current identifiable biases in Italian pension fund enrolment decisions
by Andrea Lippi - 39-51 Credit strategies, risk and planning process
by Fabrizio Menghini - 52-63 Bank crisis regulation and the European proposals
by Manuela De Cesare & Riccardo De Lisa & Anna Laura Lombardo & Francesca Pluchino - 64-70 Operational risks management and best practices in a cross-industry perspective
by Vincenzo Ciamillo & Maria Maino & Tommaso Petrillo - 71-75 The value of protecting those who can’t protect
by Eliana Morandi - 76-84 Real estate funds’ performance in the Italian market
by Gianluca Mattarocci
January 2013, Volume 01
- 2-18 SMEs networks, performance and bank-firm relationship
by Francesca Bartoli & Giovanni Ferri & Pierluigi Murro & Zeno Rotondi - 19-27 The global economic scenario and the prospects for the Italian banking industry in 2013-2014
by Vincenzo Chiorazzo & Vincenzo D'Apice & Pierluigi Morelli - 28-39 Credit risk, the case of Italian cooperative banks
by Anna Maria Biscotti & Eugenio D'Amico - 40-44 Finance, compliance and ethics: between regulation and behaviours
by Alessandro Carretta - 46-51 Time deposits and funding policies in Italian banks
by Matteo Mattei Gentili - 52-65 The impact of liquidity regulation in banks’ strategies
by Pierpaolo Ferrari & Roberto Ruozi - 66-74 Ifrs 10, the key issue of accounting and disclosure standards
by Carlo Calandrini - 76-84 Loss given default, a new alternative approach
by Francesco D'Avanzo & Fabio Salis - 85-92 Crisis management and the key role of restructuring agreements
by Alessandro Pellegatta - 93-101 A European framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions
by Francesca Querci
December 2012, Volume 12
- 2-19 Deposit bank and public interest: the reasons for a new regulatory approach
by Paolo Mottura - 20-22 The road for Italian banks
by Alessandro Profumo - 23-28 Banking strategies and business models in the new era
by Giovanni Viani - 29-45 The role of private equity for firms restructuring: the going private strategy
by Vincenzo Capizzi & Stefano Caselli & Renato Giovannini & Valerio Pesic - 46-53 Banking Union, crisis resolution and deposit protection schemes
by Enrico Bernardi - 54-60 The taxation of financial assets held abroad by Italian residents
by Enzo Mignarri - 62-67 Credit rating and new developments in bank-firm relationship
by Michele Modina - 68-76 Project financing bankability for anticyclical infrastructural investments
by Roberto Moro Visconti
November 2012, Volume 11
- 2-17 Bank regulation and competition in the Italian market: a difficult balance
by Umberto Filotto & Massimo Caratelli - 18-27 The Shadow Banking system: a potential new financing channel to be regulated
by Giuseppe Zadra - 28-40 Internationalization, diversification and risk in multinational banks
by Mohamed Azzim Gulamhussen & Carlos Pinheiro & Alberto Franco Pozzolo - 42-50 Credit rating models: merging quantitative variables and qualitative information
by Paola Cerchiello & Paolo Giudici & Enzo Rocca - 51-53 Interlocking directorates in banking and financial sectors
by Valeria Falce - 54-63 Italian Hedge funds’ performance and contractual arrangements
by Alberto Burchi & Maria Debora Braga - 64-72 Human resources trends in Italian banks
by Fabrizio Cirrincione & Amedeo Frattini
October 2012, Volume 10
- 3-25 The bank, between public and private
by Umberto Filotto & Gianluca Mattarocci & Gianluca Mattarocci - 26-41 The management control system is part of the internal control system in banks?
by Marco Di Antonio - 42-65 Are credit ratings and Cds spreads aligned? The implications for regulation and loan pricing
by Alberto Burchi & Danilo Drago - 66-73 The economical and financial crisis and the crisis of economic theory
by Gianluigi Mengarelli - 74-86 Mediation in tax disputes and banking operations
by Pierpaolo Zaccarini - 88-93 Compliance Function in banks and Reputational risk
by Rupert N. Limentani & Normanna Tresoldi - 94-107 Households’ financial vulnerability in the new scenario
by Emanuele Bacchiocchi & Luisa Anderloni & Daniela Vandone - 108-116 E-invoicing and new processes and services in the Italian banking industry
by Liliana Fratini Passi - 117-119 Millennials at work: reshaping the workplace in financial services
by Maria Delli Pizzi & Rodolfo Pesati
September 2012, Volume 09
- 2-13 A new model for tomorrow’s banks
by Roberto Ruozi - 14-22 Consumer protection and investment services: towards a new regulatory approach
by Vittorio Conti - 23-40 The impact of market fragmentation on the liquidity of European Stock Exchanges
by Simone Francesco Fioravanti & Monica Gentile - 41-48 The role of deeply-rooted commercial banks in the Italian economy
by Giampio Bracchi & Donato Masciandaro - 49-53 Savings and investments in Italy: recent trends
by Paolo Savona - 54-67 Asset-backed securitisation and financial stability: the downgrading delay effect
by Mario La Torre & Fabiomassimo Mango - 68-85 A new road for Italian banks’ human resources
by Carlo Dell`Aringa & Giancarlo Durante & Francesco Micheli & Giuseppe Mussari & Luigi Prosperetti - 86-94 The banking products consumer protection after the crisis. The case of the Us Consumer Financial Protection Bure
by Eugenia Palazzetti
August 2012, Volume 07
- 2-15 Italy and the banking industry, in search of stability and growth
by Giuseppe Mussari - 16-22 Bank’s equity and efficiency
by Ignazio Visco - 24-28 A war path for Italy
by Mario Monti - 30-53 The X-efficency level of Italian Asset Management Companies
by Giuliana Borello & Francesca Pampurini - 54-63 A Financial Stability Fund as a tool for reducing interest payments on public debt
by Giuseppe Vegas - 64-74 Retail as a bank business: threats and opportunities to catch up
by Anna Omarini - 76-85 Equity prices, corporate information or random walk?
by Roberto Ruozi - 89-96 Ecb new policy and instruments in the years of the crisis
by Alberto Banfi & Fiorenzo Di Pasquali
June 2012, Volume 06
- 2-21 Infrastructure financing in Europe and the Fiscal Compact approach
by Rainer Masera - 22-33 Wealth management industry in search of new demand-driven models
by Caterina Lucarelli & Simona Maggi - 34-57 The key role of personal experience in Financial Education
by Massimo Caratelli & Alessia Naccarato & Ornella Ricci