June 2012, Volume 06
- 58-66 Real estate investment funds’ taxation in Italy
by Enzo Mignarri - 67-73 The key role of the President and the Secretary of Corporate bodies in the financial sector
by Massimo Paolo Gentili & Orietta Nava - 74-78 Internal controls system in small banks
by Sabrina Galmarini & Paolo Pogliaghi & Walter Vandali - 79-83 A survey on the Compliance Function in Italian banks
by Sabrina Galmarini - 84-89 Leveraging on cost management to recover from economic downturn: a new structural approach to the topic
by Domenico Lofano & Cristian Reginato & Fabrizio Sarrocco - 90-93 The difficult equilibrium of the Labour reform
by Marco Marazza
May 2012, Volume 05
- 2-14 New regulation and responsibilities in the banking and financial markets
by Vittorio Conti - 15-23 A new challenge in corporate lending
by Cesare Bisoni & Andrea Ferrari - 22-44 Eurobond, yes we can!
by Francesco Marchionne - 46-54 Credit quality in Italy: a survival analysis
by Pierluigi Morelli - 56-62 Digital Agenda and innovation in public payments in Italy
by Bruno D’Offizi & Pasquale Ferro
April 2012, Volume 04
- 02-20 Bank performance and profitability after the crisis: the need for new multidimensional measures
by Marco Di Antonio - 21-34 Wealth and individual behaviors among financial need, bias and misbelief
by Caterina Lucarelli & Simona Maggi - 35-44 The mutual guarantee institutions: the Italian experience in the recent scenario
by Paola De Vincentiis - 46-52 Foreign insurance policies: fiscal treatment in Italy
by Enzo Mignarri - 54-56 The new threshold of the Italian usury law
by Matteo Mattei Gentili - 58-65 Trade finance treatment under the Basel framework
by Annarita Tonet - 66-81 Asset management and Ucits IV Directive: the drive for internationalization
by Andrea Dossi & Paola Musile Tanzi - 82-90 The regulation of certificates of deposit
by Abi - 92-102 The new approach to banking regulation in Uk: what it says on the future of supervision
by Alessandra de Petris & Lorenzo Esposito
March 2012, Volume 03
- 02-15 The challenge of relationship capital: governance and corporate relations within the banking system
by Stefano Caselli - 16-23 Risk management and its stakeholders
by Giampaolo Gabbi - 24-36 The advantages of board diversity: an empirical analysis on the Italian market
by Paola Schwizer & Maria-Gaia Soana & Doriana Cucinelli - 38-50 The economic effects of central bank bond purchase programmes
by Leonardo Gambacorta & Boris Hofmann - 51-58 Banking and fiscal burdens in Italian bankruptcy law
by Alessandro Pellegatta - 59-62 Italian regulation implementing the European Directive on mediation
by Paolo Porreca - 63-73 Safety and robbery indicators in the Italian banking network
by Giovanni Gioia & Marco Iaconis & Matteo Mazziotta & Adriano Pareto - 74-80 Bank of Italy’s statistics and banks’ information needs
by Antonio Santomartino
February 2012, Volume 02
- 02-10 Basel 3 and Eba recommendations: impacts on growth and SMEs
by Giuseppe Mussari - 11-16 European banks restructuring: a focus on Spain and Great Britain
by Giancarlo Durante & Luigi Prosperetti - 17-29 The long-run performance of Italian Ipos: the case of banking firms
by Gino Gandolfi & Massimo Regalli & Maria Cristina Arcuri - 30-31 Green economy, European strategy and growth
by Franco Bassanini - 32-35 Sustainable development in the Italian economy: the role of banks
by Giovanni Sabatini - 36-47 Pre-insolvency workout agreements with creditors and corporate crisis management
by Alfonso Castiello d’Antonio - 48-57 Antitrust authorities in Italy and in Europe in a new framework
by Pier Luigi Parcu - 58-67 Gaming industry and financial intermediaries: risks and possible corrective measures
by Corrado Baldinelli & Salvatore Leanza - 68-72 Financial transactions traceability in the public sector: new regulation and practice
by Carla Ottanelli - 73-86 E-invoicing, new trends in Italy and worldwide
by Liliana Fratini Passi - 87-100 Kiid and investors’ information
by Riccardo Ferretti & Enrico Rubaltelli
January 2012, Volume 01
- 02-29 Basel standards, solution or cause of financial instability?
by Rainer Masera - 30-46 Which banks after the crisis? From an unique business model towards a new banking plurality
by Marco Di Antonio - 47-63 Creditworthiness and scoring analysis of the Italian Smes using multiple informative sources during the financia
by Marco Corazza & Stefania Funari & Riccardo Gusso - 64-66 The Banks and Italy, a long term relationship
by Giovanni Sabatini - 67-72 Italy and the banks’ role from 1861 to 2011
by Salvatore La Francesca - 74-77 From poverty to soundness: the long path of Italian banks
by Marco Onado - 78-81 The moving balance between banking industry and State in Italian history
by Leandro Conte - 82-90 The revision of IAS 39: which model?
by Carlo Calandrini - 91-94 Unfair commercial practices Directive and banking issues
by Teresa Broggiato - 95-97 Codes of conduct and unfair commercial practices
by Valeria Falce - 98-101 Judicial protection and unfair commercial practices
by Piero Fattori - 102-104 Banking and Financial Ombudsman and unfair commercial practices
by Federico Ferro-Luzzi
December 2011, Volume 12
- 00 Italian banks’ trend in the first half of 2011
by Maria Luisa Giachetti - 02-25 Cooperative banking after the crisis: the necessity of a reform
by Paolo Mottura - 26-30 Multiple banking relationships and Smes
by Matteo Mattei Gentili - 31-53 Business models, corporate governance and bank performances: an international comparison
by Valerio Pesic - 54-65 Unfair practices in consumer credit
by Fausto Caronna - 66-75 Unfair practices and their influence on Italian commercial law
by Giovanni De Cristofaro
November 2011, Volume 11
- 03-12 Italian banks scenario: profitability, distribution and regulation
by Giancarlo Forestieri - 14-23 Banks’ capital and liquidity in the Basel 3 framework
by Andrea Resti - 24-36 Basel 3 impacts on banking business, profitability and capital management
by Pietro Penza - 38-54 Capital adequacy, corporate governance and organization in the support of the bank-firm relationship
by Marina Brogi - 55-61 Capital levels, controls and governance.Towards a new balanced risk management
by Marco Berlanda - 62-81 Corporate governance and risk management towards Basel 3
by Renato Maino & Francesco Zaini - 82-98 Are Cds spreads a good proxy of bank risk? Evidence from the recent financial crisis
by Barbara Casu & Laura Chiaramonte - 100-101 The Banks and Italy. Economic growth and society. 1861-2011
by Giuseppe Mussari - 102-104 Italian banks and the economy at stake
by Giovanni Bazoli - 105-106 The roots of Italian banks’ culture
by Antonio Patuelli - 107-109 The role of Italian Banking Foundations and banks for stability and recovery
by Giuseppe Guzzetti - 110-111 Italian banks, a challenge in Europe
by Federico Ghizzoni
October 2011, Volume 10
- 02-13 Central bank communication, regulatory framework and bank supervision
by Alessandro Carretta & Vincenzo Farina & Elvira Anna Graziano - 14-24 Defining Green Finance and Green intermediaries
by Michele Bagella & Francesco Busato - 26-55 Corporate relationship banking: between theory and practice in the Italian market
by Maurizio Baravelli & Francesco Minnetti - 56-71 Financial crisis and prudential regulation in Europe
by Michele Lanotte - 72-79 The new fiscal framework and the impact on Italian financial markets
by Enzo Mignarri - 80-86 Consumer protection in Italy and Antritrust Authority’s action
by Mario Siragusa & Fausto Caronna
September 2011, Volume 09
- 02-22 Italian banks’ profitability: improvement strategies, business models, constraints
by Roberto Nicastro & Franco Tutino - 24-29 The decline of Italian household savings
by Paolo Savona - 30-45 Top managers compensation, incentives and risk: behind the Otd model in Us banks
by Brunella Bruno & Alberto Falduto - 46-58 Mutual funds and pension funds taxation differences in the Italian market
by Stefania Celebrini & Andrea Nobili - 59-65 Corporate responsibility in cross-border banking
by Enrico Gagliardi - 66-76 Securitization retention as a tool for incentives’ alignment
by Samuel Faccenda & Giacomo Manzelli - 78-88 The evolution of the retail payment system: impacts on banks
by Paolo Agnese
May 2011, Volume 05
- 02-20 Corporate restructuring: new trends and solutions
by Giancarlo Forestieri - 21-40 Measuring the Compliance Function performance: towards an integrated system
by Marco Di Antonio - 42-51 Financial markets’ authorities and the role of the Bank of Italy
by Francesco Capriglione - 52-61 Class action regulation in the Italian financial market
by Francesco De Santis - 62-70 Tranched cover structures and Sme financing
by Claudio D'Auria - 72-91 Fastering productivity and cost reduction: a must for Italian banks
by Giancarlo Durante & Giuseppe Mussari & Luigi Prosperetti & Roberto Santarelli & Pietro Sella
April 2011, Volume 04
- 02-16 A turnaround in banking globalization?
by Pierpaolo Ferrari & Roberto Ruozi - 17-24 Internal controls and Risk Management after the crisis: the Pillar 2 implications
by Elisabetta Gualandri - 25-43 Pricing models and customer behaviour in banks
by Elisa Bocchialini & Federica Ielasi & Monica Rossolini - 44-48 The stabilizing Roa in the new Basel 3 scenario
by Pierluigi Morelli - 49-55 Etc fiscal treatment in the Italian market
by Enzo Mignarri - 56-63 Risk Management perspectives in a Italian banking group
by Ennio La Monica - 64-76 Internal rating stress testing methods and implications
by Pasquale Costa & Fabio Salis - 77-85 Unfair practices regulation trends in the Italian financial sector
by Teresa Broggiato - 86-92 Credit Guarantee Consortia in the new framework
by Corrado Baldinelli - 93-100 The contradictory analyses of Us Crisis Commission
by Giorgio Szego
March 2011, Volume 03
- 02-10 Towards Basel 3: ten years of limits to credit growth?
by Giuseppe Lusignani & Lea Zicchino - 11-19 Lending policies in Italian banks during the financial crisis
by Maria Luisa Di Battista & Laura Nieri - 20-38 Measuring corporate governance: objectives and solutions by comparison
by Federica Ielasi & Massimo Regalli & Maria Gaia Soana - 39-43 Bonds issues and new fiscal decisions in the Italian market
by Paola Monica Giachetto & Simona Ricci - 44-53 A recent case-law on the matter of interest capitalization
by Giorgio Tarzia - 54-61 The performance of Italian public funds for Smes: a comparative analysis
by Salvatore Sacco & Giuseppe Sapienza - 62-77 Structured Etfs: opportunities and risks for the investors
by Maria Debora Braga - 78-92 Real Estate asset management companies in the Italian market: structures and trends
by Guido Abate - 93-102 The Chinese banking system: a comparison with Italian case
by Manuela Gallo & Valeria Vannoni
February 2011, Volume 02
- 3-12 The limited weight of the Italian equity market: towards an action plan
by Giuseppe Mussari - 14-19 A new round of cost cutting in European banks after the crisis
by Giancarlo Durante & Luigi Prosperetti - 20-32 Bank credit to medium-sized enterprises in Italy: the trends before and during the crisis
by Ivan Lorenzon & Marcella Lucchetta & Loriana Pelizzon - 33-38 The future of bank branches: developing the customer experience
by Claudio Scardovi - 39-43 The proposals of ABI and Confindustria to modify the legislative decree n. 231/2001
by Chiara Mancini & Marcella Panucci - 44-55 Compliance Function and Internal Auditing: the options of Service Agreements
by Gruppo di Lavoro ABI sulla Funzione Compliance - 56-70 The technology of microcredit. State of the art and prospects of development in Italy
by Antonio Andreoni - 71-80 Firm dimension and credit to Smes
by Giorgio Skonieczny & Felice Tisa & Benedetto Torrisi - 81-95 cological finance and ethic/environmental mutual funds
by Rosa Adamo & Domenica Federico & Antonella Notte - 96-98 Two great crises, teachings from the Thirties
by Francesco Cesarini
January 2011, Volume 01
- 2-14 The risks of a prolonged period of very low interest rates
by Leonardo Gambacorta - 15-17 Euro and the nearly-sovereign debt
by Matteo Mattei Gentili - 18-31 A robust risk-based approach in portfolio management
by Riccardo Cesari & Anna Grazia Quaranta - 32-38 Capital losses treatment in financial assets allocation
by Enzo Mignarri - 39-44 Recent case-law trends in credit questions
by Emanuele D'Innella & Stefano Saponaro - 45-62 Otc derivatives and counterparty risk management
by Francesco Germini & Pasqualina Porretta & Massimo Proietti - 63-75 New trends in debt restructuring and company recovery plans
by Alessandro Pellegatta - 76-89 Board performance self evaluation: a key tool for listed banks
by Concetta Brescia Morra & Giuseppe Crisci - 90-102 The Exchange Traded Funds in Italy
by Michele Leonardo Bianchi & Mariano Loddo & Maria Grazia Miele - 103-111 New models and best practice in Italian banks’ remuneration systems
by Fausto Orlando & Enor Signorotto - 112-126 Guarantee institutions and credit to Smes:mutual guarantee societies in Argentina
by Paolo Agnese & Gianfranco A. Vento
December 2010, Volume 12
- 2-18 Capital adequacy and dividend policy in Italian banks
by Marina Brogi - 19-22 Basel 3 after Seul and the proposals of banking levies
by Laura Zaccaria - 23-42 Premiums and arbitrage of Asian Exchange Traded Funds
by Marco Elia - 43-58 Internal rating and economic cycle: a structural approach towards Basel 3 regulation
by Silvio Cuneo & Renato Maino - 59-75 Liquidity risk stress test: new trends and methods
by Pasquale La Ganga & Gianluca Trevisan - 76-86 Debt restructuring and improper granting of credit in Italian law
by Alfonso Castiello d’Antonio - 87-94 The new anti-money laundering body in a polycentric controls’ system
by Elisa Dellarosa - 95-102 Profitability and banks’ financial statements: new data flows and interpretation methods
by Franco Tutino & Guido Bastianini - 103-115 Customer loyalty and retail banks, backing on demand trends
by Anna Omarini - 116-127 New capital for recovery: public-private experiences
by Anna Gervasoni
November 2010, Volume 11
- 2-14 Compensation systems in the banking industry: new trends in a stakeholder perspective
by Marco Di Antonio & Daniele Previati - 15-22 Estimating money laundering in Italy, Eurozone and North America
by Michele Bagella & Francesco Busato & Amedeo Argentiero - 23-35 Shareholder value creation and risks in European banks
by Franco Fiordelisi - 36-47 The risk of households mortgages in Italy: evidences from one million contracts
by Emilia Bonaccorsi di Patti & Roberto Felici - 48-57 Alternative dispute resolution and new clauses in banking and financial issues
by Michele Tamponi - 58-64 Reputational crisis management: a proposal
by A cura del Gruppo di Lavoro ABI sulla Funzione Compliance - 65-75 Hedge funds regulation towards new challenges
by Alberto Burchi - 76-86 Paolo Baffi, an economist at the Bank of Italy
by Alfredo Gigliobianco & Riccardo Massaro
May 2010, Volume 05
- 2-21 The reorganization of banking business after the crisis
by Corrado Faissola & Marco Onado & Luigi Prosperetti & Giancarlo Durante & Roberto Pessi - 22-27 New banking regulation and tax issues: the consequences for Italy
by Laura Zaccaria - 28-38 Opportunities, risks and trends of Italian banks in Europe: a recent survey
by Francesco Masala & Matteo Ramenghi - 39-43 Temporary overdrafts pricing in a competitive credit scenario
by Abi - 44-49 The correct timing of return obligation
by Giorgio Tarzia - 50-60 The review of European budget and its application
by Loredana Strianese - 61-68 Book or paper, the trends in financial research
by Giulio Tagliavini
February 2010, Volume 02
- 2-12 The questions arising from the enforcement of Basel 2
by Corrado Faissola - 14-21 The regulatory reform proposed by the Basel Committee
by Francesco Cannata & Mario Quagliariello - 22-27 Structural adjustment and human resources in large European banks
by Giancarlo Durante & Luigi Prosperetti - 28-41 The patent securitization in the pharmaceutical sector: a fuzzy-based analysis
by Cristina Odasso & Elisa Ughetto - 42-48 The taxation of dividends paid to Italian and European residents
by Enzo Mignarri - 50-67 Bank’s internal control systems: evolution or decline
by Marco Di Antonio - 68-75 Advanced approaches for measuring total banking capital
by Annalisa Di Clemente - 76-79 Specialized investment funds, alternative investments
by Massimo Paolo Gentili & Marina Mastrangelo & Sante Jannoni - 80-85 Islamic banking in Europe and in Italy
by Rino Lombardi - 86-93 Management fee and italian retail Reits
by Silvia Asdrubali - 94-104 Giovanni Goria and the dilemmas in managing public finances
by Mario Sarcinelli
January 2010, Volume 01
- 2-16 Cross-border financial groups and supervision in Europe after the crisis
by Elisabetta Gualandri & Simonetta Cotterli - 17-30 Internal rating during and after the crisis
by Giacomo De Laurentis & Renato Maino - 31-45 Italian real estate funds and regulatory structure: effects on Nav discount
by Massimo Biasin & Anna Grazia Quaranta & Emanuela Giacomini - 46-50 Ethics failure, beyond the crisis
by Stefano Gatti & Claudio Scardovi - 51-55 The European Regulation on credit rating agencies
by Nicola Brutti - 56-65 Money laundering regulation and the new internal control system
by Ranieri Razzante & Elisa Dellarosa - 66-74 The local matrix as a tool for credit relationship with Smes
by Giuliano Triscari - 75-80 The impact of the availability payment on Project finance
by Roberto Moro Visconti - 81-93 Prudential regulation on Ucits shares and bank’s investments
by Michele Lanotte - 94-103 To fee or not to fee: pricing models in financial counselling
by Gianni Nicolini & Camilla Mazzoli
December 2009, Volume 12
- 2-11 Italian banks’ trends after the financial crisis
by Marcello Messori - 12-20 Remuneration systems, incentives and corporate governance
by Vittorio Conti - 22-26 The relevance of «commons» and the Nobel prize to Elinor Ostrom
by Sergio Ristuccia - 28-47 Estimating Exposure at Default under the Internal Ratings-Based Approach
by Elisa Alghisi Manganello & Massimiliano Cecconi & Andrea Resti - 48-65 The Italian Asset management industry from the fund managers’ perspective
by Enrica Bolognesi - 66-74 Cost and yield of the new special banking bonds
by Pietro Scabellone & Laura Santariello - 75-80 Solvency II, the new insurance supervisory framework
by Giovanni Cucinotta - 81-87 Definitions and possible synergies in the field of Operational Risk and Compliance Risk
by Gruppo interbancario sulla Funzione Compliance dell’ABI e del Comitato Tecnico Criteri dell’Osservatorio DIPO - 88-103 Neuroscience and risk tolerance in financial decision-making processes
by Caterina Lucarelli & Gianni Brighetti - 104-111 Productivity measurement and incentives in Italian banks
by Cristiana Minguzzi & Fabrizio Cirrincione
November 2009, Volume 11
- 2-16 Towards a new banks’ role: after the dominance of finance, a difficult comeback to risk monitoring
by Francesco Cesarini - 17-23 Business models in banking: is there a best practice?
by Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell - 24-26 The essays in honour of Tancredi Bianchi: the relevance of the thought of a Master
by Mario Masini - 27-47 Concentration risk and Basel Pillar II. Add-On or Portfolio Model? Some proposals
by Michele Bonollo & Paola Mosconi & Marta Pegorin - 48-69 A valuation method for the facilitated impact of State aid in the form of loan guarantee schemes
by Eleonora Broccardo - 70-83 Asymmetric information, market failures and bad banks: international experiences and proposals for Italy
by Claudio Scardovi - 143-145 Compliance Tests in Italian banks
by Claudia Pasquini
October 2009, Volume 10
- 2-7 Savings and the economy: trust starts from the territories
by Corrado Faissola - 8-22 European financial supervision after the de Larosière Report: are we on the right track?
by Marco Onado - 23-32 Knowing makes free. Thoughts about financial education
by Umberto Filotto - 33-46 Initial public offerings and listing costs: is there a difference between venture and non venture capital Ipos?
by Antonio Meles - 47-63 The risk exposure of property cash flows: evidence from the italian market
by Claudio Giannotti & Gianluca Mattarocci - 64-72 Local public entities financial trends
by Fabio Vittorini - 73-78 Exchange Traded Commodities: characteristics and fiscal regime
by Enzo Mignarri