2025, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-20 Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on physical activity and performance in K-12 physical education: A systematic review
by Carlos Merino-Campos & Hector Del-Castillo - 21-30 The effect of metaverse technology on multicultural learning: Strengthening the social attitudes, cultural awareness and critical thinking skills of secondary school students
by Prisana Mutchima & Yutthapong Leelakitpaisarn & Bunpod Pijitkamnerd & Nattha Phiwma & Saisuda Pantrakool - 31-41 Exploring the implications of generative-AI tools in teaching and learning practices
by Maimoona Al Abri & Abdullah Al Mamari & Zakria Al Marzouqi - 42-51 The effect of SPADA-integrated electronic civic education teaching materials on improving students' STEM and communication skills
by Lalu Sumardi & Adi Fadli & Ahmad Fauzan - 52-63 The effect of field independence on self-control and self-management skills in distance education of freshman college students to the strategy for ADHD students
by Sovaritthon Chansaengsee - 64-81 Research engagement and its predictors among university academics: A comparison of two Arabian Gulf countries
by Khulod Aljehani & Laila Mohebi - 82-93 Educational quality in developing quality culture: The students' perspectives in Vietnamese public secondary schools
by Dinh-Thai Do & Chi-Lan Le & Tu Thi Nguyen & Y Van Nguyen & Lanh Huu Nguyen - 94-103 Online learning’s potential to improve access and quality in higher education in Mexico: Perspectives of higher education stakeholders
by Rachael H Merola - 104-114 Acceptance and use of technology in online learning in higher education: A student perspective
by Miftah Arifin & Anas Ma'ruf Annizar & Moh Khusnuridlo & Abd Halim Soebahar & Agus Yudiawan
2024, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 646-654 The educational space and its impact on pedagogical dynamics: Teachers' perception of their working environment
by Marta Maria Poyato-Nunez & Maria del Carmen Olmos-Gomez & Maria Elena Parra-Gonzalez - 655-666 The impact of teacher empowerment on school effectiveness: A mixed-methods study
by Indra Prasetia & Akrim - 667-675 Evaluation of the application of the ACEP cycle to student writing learning outcome
by Ryan Hidayat & Andayani & Atikah Anindyarini - 676-687 Exploratory study of factors affecting problem-solving competence among school administrators in Vietnam during the digital era
by Huyen Thi Thu Vu & Chai Ching Tan & Hao Thi Tran & Trinh Duy Thuyen - 688-697 Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the questionnaire assessing reasons for school non-attendance
by Javier Martinez-Torres & Maria Perez-Marco & Andrea Fuster-Rico & Carolina Gonzalvez - 698-707 Teachers’ digital competencies for effective AI integration in higher education in Oman
by Hanan Khalil & Said Alsenaidi - 708-718 Promoting innovation in Saudi public education schools: The perspective of school employees
by Mashal Saad El Sleemi & Abdullah Mohammed Al Jughaiman & Sarah Khaled Al Fawzan - 719-726 The attitude of gifted college students towards self-regulated mobile learning and student satisfaction: The mediation role of teacher's support and moderator role of gender
by Manar Mohammed Haneefa - 727-736 Transformational teacher leadership: Self-perception of primary education teachers in Indonesia
by Hasan Hariri & Hamid Mukhlis & Muhammad Nurwahidin & Atik Rusdiani & Ridwan - 737-746 Challenges of learning speaking skills in online learning environments: A study of Jordanian EFL teachers’ perceptions
by Mohammad Husam Alhumsi
2024, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 456-463 Application of the collaborative learning model to improve 21st-century civic skills
by Suyato & Yayuk Hidayah & Lutfia Septiningrum & Iqbal Arpannudin - 464-472 Psychosocial barriers to promoting self-directed and autonomous learning: The perception of students and lecturers in Malaysia
by Ahmad Azmi Abdel Hamid Esmaeil & Dg Norizah Binti Ag Kiflee @ Dzulkifli & Ismail Maakip & Murnizam Halik & Sanen Marshall - 473-480 Teachers’ perceptions, attitudes and knowledge of online learning for students with disabilities in Saudi Arabia
by Ahmed Aldousari & Weili Yuan - 481-489 Developing a model for life skills training through the enhancement of academic, personal, social, and career competencies for middle school students
by Anne Hafina & Nandang Rusmana & Rifqy Muhammad Hamzah & Tb Moh Irma Ari Irawan & Srie Mulyati - 490-498 Adopting e-learning technology as a mode of instruction: How prepared are tertiary institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria?
by Basil Azubuike Akuegwu & Mercy Nkiruka Godwin Akeke & Garieth Omorobi Omorobi & Chika Christiana Uchendu - 499-519 Reliability and separation index analysis of mathematics questions integrated with the cultural architecture framework using the Rasch model
by Muh Fitrah & Anastasia Sofroniou & Ofianto & Loso Judijanto & Widihastuti - 510-518 The Influence of Social Identity, Self-Concept and Learning Motivation on the Motor Ability of Elementary School Students
by Ahadin & Intan Safiah & Muhammad Yunus & Razali & Masri - 519-526 Effects of interactive learning module technology on Kazakh as a second language learners’ achievement and communication skills
by Gulmira Yermekbayeva & Gulzhana Kuzembayeva & Zhumagul Maydangalieva & Diana Spulber - 527-538 Saudi faculty online assessment experience: Evidence from the COVID-19 era
by Taghreed Abdulaziz Almuqayteeb & Wessam Mohamed - 539-547 Social skills in primary education: Influential variables in intercultural contexts
by Eva Maria Aranda Vega & Maria Tome Fernandez & Jose Manuel Ortiz Marcos - 548-556 Contexts proposed by teachers in Papua for developing mathematics hots assessment instruments: A phenomenological study
by Raoda Ismail & Heri Retnawati & Sugiman & Novita Intan Arovah & Okky Riswandha Imawan - 557-567 Evidence of the need for developing an integrated model of mathematics teachers' readiness as agents of change
by Sharida Abu Talib & Nurfaradilla Mohamad Nasri & Muhammad Sofwan Mahmud - 568-577 Undergraduates’ challenges as predictors of their readiness for online learning during COVID-19 in Botswana
by Bright Samohembo & Som Pal Baliyan - 578-587 Aspects of mobile phone use and behavioural intentions for learning in rural South African schools
by Mc Donald Van Der Merwe & Tariro Bonyongwa - 588-596 Feasibility of a problem-based social constructivism learning model to improve higher-order thinking skills among primary school students
by Sarnoko & Asrowi & Gunarhadi & Budi Usodo - 597-605 The effectiveness of science encyclopedia-assisted project-based learning integrated with the STEM approach in enhancing pre-service elementary teachers’ scientific literacy
by Amiruddin Badaruddin & Agus Setyo Budi & Mohamad Syarif Sumantri - 606-613 Teachers' perspectives on applying online learning tools through learning management system: The need for an online Malay language teaching module
by M. Badrul Hisyam Sulong & M. Khalid M Nasir & Wan Muna Ruzanna Wan Mohamad - 614-621 Perceived usefulness of a machine learning-assisted recommendation system for generic competency development
by Simon Wong & Ka Lok Wong & Yui-Yip Lau & Kia Tsang & Ada Chan - 622-631 Childhood trauma and malevolent creativity in Chinese college students: The chain mediation role of positive parenting and resilience
by Guyu Li & Jingyao Zhu - 632-645 Understanding student's intention to pursue a career: Implications for the accounting profession
by Jullie Jeanette Sondakh & Joy Elly Tulung
2024, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 239-252 Student learning independence to improve communication and collaboration skills in view of gender
by Nurhayati & Bahtiar - 253-262 Organizing activities for students of chemistry pedagogy to research according to the CDIO approach in Vietnam
by Cao Cu Giac & Dang Thi Thuan An & Le Thi Thu Hiep & Ly Huy Hoang & Nguyen Mau Duc - 263-271 Assessing the psychometric properties of the intrinsic motivation inventory in blended learning environments
by Chantelle Bosch - 272-282 Task-oriented training effect on promoting motor skills and daily physical activities in learners with musculoskeletal impairment
by Adilbek Baygaliev & Laura Butabayeva & Akbota Autayeva & Zhaisan Eszhanov & Sabira Nishanbayeva - 283-291 Reducing stereotypical behaviors using augmented reality in children with autism spectrum disorder
by Sherif Adel Gaber - 292-301 Elements affecting primary school teachers' digital competency in Vietnam’s northern mountainous areas
by Chuyen Thi Hong Nguyen & Huong Le Thi Thu & Duong Lam Thuy & Ha Nguyen Thi Thu & Thai Doan Thi Minh - 302-310 Students' perspectives of a hybrid learning system in Kazakhstani higher education: A case study
by Amina Amirova & Aziya Zhumabayeva & Aziza Zhunusbekova & Assyl Arenova & Nurbanu Nygymanova - 311-321 Student engagement, brand image and loyalty relationships: The mediating role of student satisfaction
by Abu Rashed Osman & Mohd Hasanur Raihan Joarder & Md. Kazimul Hoque & Jakowan - 322-331 Developing the professional capacity of preschool teachers through pedagogical training activities
by Van-Thong Ho & Thi-Kim Anh Le & Van-De Nguyen & Trong-Nam Phan & Van-Dat Tran - 332-344 Implementing blended learning to enhance the teaching of 3-dimensional trigonometry
by Joseph Baidoo & Kakoma Luneta - 345-356 Determinants of well-being factors mediated by teacher commitment
by Rahmatullah & Inanna & Syamsu Rijal & Sahade & Ashwani Kumar Aggarwal - 357-365 Development of future elementary school teachers' professional self-education readiness through interactive teaching methods
by Saltanat Kenesbekova & Aigul Mukhametzhanova & Marzhangul Kussainova & Sayan Zhanbyrbayeva & Laura Alipbayeva - 366-376 Factors affecting parents’ satisfaction with online learning during COVID-19: A study on parents of young children
by Lamees Abdulrahman Alaulamie - 377-383 Assessing the efficacy of online applications in enhancing classroom teaching: A comprehensive evaluation of execution and effectiveness
by Thang Van Le & Tu Thi Cam Tran & Hung Thanh Nguyen & Tuan Van Nguyen & Chinh Danh Cao - 384-393 Building a culture of safety: Teacher and peer impact on safety behaviors among vocational high school students
by Darmawang & Amiruddin Amiruddin & Jumadin Jumadin & Wirawan Setialaksana - 394-403 Examining the role of motivation in shaping future primary school teachers' professional competence in Kazakhstan
by Anar Kereibaeva & Manat Zhailauova & Zhuldyzai Baimaganbetova & Ainagul Abuova & Zhetkergen Utegenov - 404-412 Workload doesn’t mean exhaustion: Antecedents of teacher burnout
by Vu Dung & Vu Thu Trang & Nguyen Thi Mai Lan - 413-421 Principals’ leadership skills to meet the national strategy for education in basic schools
by Hadi Rashed Al Ajmi - 422-434 Facilitating flexible learning: A study of students’ perceptions of synchronous and asynchronous blended learning
by Enny Susiyawati & Erman Erman & Dyah Astriani & Dwi Anggoro Rahayu - 435-455 Overcoming cultural and language barriers: Explore the experiences of Lao students at universities of education in Vietnam
by Linh Nguyen Quang & Hang Nguyen Thi Thu
2024, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-7 Exploring high school students’ attitudes towards digital game-based learning: A perspective from Indonesia
by Irwanto Irwanto & Ucu Cahyana & Ni Putu Sri Ayuni & Rudi Suhartono Wijayako - 8-16 The visual arts' role in the development of students' noosphere worldview
by Maira Nurke & Aziya Zhumabayeva & Lyazzat Adenova & Shaizada Baikenova & Kamilya Abilkalamova - 17-25 Developing an e-module to improve the seventh-grade student's bump pass skills in volleyball
by I Ketut Yoda & Indra Kasih & Taqi Ilra - 26-35 Subject-related communicative language competence: Exploring future information technology specialists' learning and teaching
by Aissulu Kaldarova & Tulebike Kulgildinova & Saule Berdenova & Gulnara Zakirova & Svetlana Zhanabayeva - 36-45 Examining the e-learning attitudes of Indonesian students during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Irwanto Irwanto & Ucu Cahyana & Ni Putu Sri Ayuni - 46-55 Investigation of pre-service TESOL teachers’ perceptions towards multimedia– based textbook development and usage
by Gulnur Smagulova & Galiya Sarzhanova & Svetlana Romanenko & Roza Bobesh & Saltanat Jangeldinova - 56-65 A needs analysis on the utilization of learning management systems as blended learning media in elementary school
by Melva Zainil & Yullys Helsa & Cicih Sutarsih & Sahrun Nisa & Sartono & Suparman - 66-76 CDIO-based teaching at universities: A case study for students majoring in electrical and electronic engineering technology, Vietnam
by Hoang Thi Hong & Tran Van Hung & Nguyen Quoc Vu & Dinh Thi Thanh Thao & Do The Hung - 77-89 Exploring key parameters influencing student performance in a blended learning environment using learning analytics
by Shabnam Ara S J & Tanuja R - 90-96 Comparative analysis of Generation Z's digital history literacy in history education majors on Java Island: A study of history digital literacy
by Dyah Kumalasari & Hieronymus Purwanta & Suranto Aw - 97-106 Impact of practice-centered learning on the development of students' professional identities: Learning outcomes
by Malika Knissarina & Aigul Syzdykbayeva & Yelena Agranovich & Gulmira Zhumaliyeva & Aigerim Baikulova - 107-112 The impact of differentiated learning materials on students’ understanding of nationalism and global diversity
by I Ketut Ngurah Ardiawan & I Wayan Lasmawan & Nyoman Dantes & Gede Rasben Dantes - 113-127 Biology teaching that develops the metacognitive aspect of learning: How to learn competence
by Irena Labak & Ivona Maruncek & Senka Blazetic - 128-134 Moving beyond the challenges of learning through technologies: The current status of ICT integration in South African schools
by Barutoa Ruth Mnisi & Thokozani Isaac Mtshali & Makgato Moses - 135-141 Using artificial intelligence for English language learning: Saudi EFL learners' opinions, attitudes and challenges
by Mohammad Jamshed & Iftikhar Alam & Sultan Al Sultan & Sameena Banu - 142-154 Pre-school children's literacy development in the Kazakh home learning environment
by Assel Zhakim - 155-165 Video-based microlearning and the impact on programming skills and technology acceptance
by Fehaid Lafi ALshammari - 166-173 Diagnostics of primary school teachers’ creative potential in Kazakhstan
by Assemgul Alsitova & Gulzhana Kuzembayeva & Makpal Zhazykova & Zhumagul Maydangalieva - 174-180 The relationship between perceived learning, academic performance and academic engagement in virtual education for university students
by Ricardo Navarro & Vanessa Vega & Hugo Bayona & Victor Bernal & Arlis Garcia - 181-192 Impact of social media on secondary schools’ youths within Edo North, Edo State, Nigeria: A psychological perspective
by Blessed Frederick Ngonso & Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor & Peter Eshioke Egielewa & Juliana Ngozi Ndunagu & Nana Kojo Yaah-Nyakko - 193-202 Exploring online teaching and learning challenges for the technical and vocational education and training lecturer
by Joseph Mesuwini & Sello Mokoena - 203-210 Digital library: Lecturers' perceptions of facilitating learning resources in the industrial era 4.0
by Rusi Rusmiati Aliyyah & Rasmitadila & Siti Pupu Fauziah & Widyasari & Arita Marini & Ruhimat - 211-218 Ability to organize experiential activities of teachers in primary schools
by Nguyen Thi Ngoc - 219-228 Rethinking teacher training from an inclusive and community dialogical perspective
by Elsa Gabriel Morgado & João Bartolomeu Rodrigues & Levi Leonido - 229-238 Perceptions of English foreign language university students towards the online freshman composition course
by Amal Mohammad Husein Alrishan
2023, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 605-615 Modelling in the scientific approach to teaching life and earth sciences: Views and practices of Moroccan teachers
by Sara Ifqiren & Sophia Bouzit & Ihsane Kouchou & Sabah Selmaoui - 616-626 Students' behavior and intention to use e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case of TAM through SEM analysis in Albania
by Elda Dollija & Marinela Teneqexhi & Servet Gura - 627-636 Impact of working while studying on university students’ academic performance in Egypt during the COVID-19 pandemic and transition to online learning
by Noha A Alaa El Dine & Menatalla Kaoud - 637-644 Peculiarities and causes of difficulties in learning educational material among schoolchildren and ways to overcome them
by Zarina Zhumanbayeva & Larissa Shkutina & Kuralay Kulmukanova & Kazyna Zhunussova & Bakhyt Rysbekova - 645-656 Outcome-based education in open and distance learning
by Marion Cresencio - 657-665 The impact of formative assessment techniques on students' self-assessment skills
by Ayakoz Turysbayeva & Aziya Zhumabayeva & Kalbike Yessenova & Tursynay Bainazarovа & Sharban Maigeldiyeva - 666-673 Gender differences in college students’ achievement in teaching English as a foreign language using inquiry-based learning
by Adieli Laoli & Ellyunus Waruwu & Ayler Berniah Ndraha & Dedi Irawan Zebua - 674-681 The context of school-based cyberbullying prevention in Vietnamese public schools: A cross-sectional study
by My-Hanh Mai & Thien-Vu Giang & Xuan-Dieu Dang & Duc-Hoi Dinh - 682-688 Teacher perceptions of inclusive education training: Implementation of an inclusive elementary school mentoring program based on collaborative partnership
by Rasmitadila & Megan Asri Humaira & Teguh Prasetyo & Hanrezi Dhania Hasnin & Reza Rachmadtullah - 689-701 The use and abuse of artificial intelligence-enabled machine translation in the EFL classroom: An exploratory study
by Wael Alharbi - 702-710 Realigning online teacher training modules to COVID-19: An evaluation of the online training module among pre-service and in-service teachers in Pakistan
by Laila Mohebi & Fatima AlMohsen & Alanood Alshamsi - 711-718 Construction of a literature map on collaborative virtual white boards
by Cinthya Lady Butron Revilla & Edith Gabriela Manchego Huaquipaco & Diana Lizeth Prado Arenas & Alexandra Milagros Perez Ramirez - 719-727 Ways of increasing students' self-organisation for self-study
by Sholpan Kolumbayeva & Elmira Aitenova & Assel Tanatova & Akkalam Zhekeyeva & Aliya Kosshygulova - 728-734 Communication activities of students with the social cultural environment during floods: A case study in Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam
by Hao Thi Nguyen & Nga Thi Quynh Vu & Huy-Hoang Tran & Hai Thanh Dao & Vinh Thuy Nguyen - 735-741 Impact of anti-corruption learning on perceptions of anomie among undergraduate students
by Akmaral Akhayeva & Botagul Altayevna Turgunbayeva - 742-752 Student motivation in learning and perceptions of online teachers
by Hava Sason & Rivka Blau & Egoza Wasserman - 753-760 Investigation of science process skills and computational thinking dispositions during the implementation of collaborative modeling-based learning in high school physics class
by Herwinarso & Elisabeth Pratidhina & Pramono Adam & Heru Kuswanto & Anggi Datiatur Rahmat - 761-767 Associations between resilience, technostress and reflective capacity in social pedagogy students: A structural equation modeling methodology
by Aigerim Baisarinova & Rymshash Toleubekova - 768-777 Impact of teachers’ self-efficacy on their work engagement: A case of Vietnam
by Van Dat Tran - 778-784 The utilization of metaverse technology applications based on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (Meta-STEM) to improve critical thinking skills
by Reza Rachmadtullah & Bramianto Setiawan & Andarmadi Jati Abdhi Wasesa & Jatu Wahyu Wicaksono & Rasmitadila - 785-792 Comparing the efficacy of two teaching strategies on students’ attitudes towards biology: A case in Ashanti Mampong municipality, Ghana
by Michael Adiyiah & Mutangana Dieudonne & Yaw Ameyaw - 793-799 Learning by doing: A teaching paradigm for active learning in Islamic high school
by Susanto & Ayu Desrani & Apri Wardana Ritonga & Ramli & Maesaroh Lubis & Nurdin - 800-808 In-action reflective teaching in Vietnam: A qualitative exploration of practices, influences and implications
by Pham Trut Thuy & Le Thanh Thao & Phuong Hoang Yen & Nguyen Anh Thi & Nguyen Huong Tra & Huynh Thi Anh Thu - 809-818 The benefits and challenges of the use of digital technology on clinical learning of undergraduate nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic: An integrative literature review
by Kholofelo Lorraine Matlhaba & Sisinyana Hannah Khunou - 819-828 Dynamic blend of ethnoscience and inquiry in a digital learning platform (e-learning) for empowering future science educators' critical thinking
by Saiful Prayogi & Sukainil Ahzan & Indriaturrahmi & Joni Rokhmat & Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati - 829-836 Psychological analysis of risk factors and protective factors under exam stress
by Bikadamova Anar Kuanganovna & Horst Konrad Reschke & Garber Alena & Moldakhmentova Zulkiya & Shalabayeva Laura Ismailbekovna - 837-844 Performance assessment: Improving metacognitive ability in mathematics learning
by Ni Made Sri Mertasari & Ni Luh Putu Pranena Sastri & Ida Bagus Nyoman Pascima - 845-854 The implications of stem training on the development of younger students' research abilities: An exploration of practices
by Maral Baimakhanbetova & Asel Stambekova & Aysegul Bayraktar & Sveta Sikhimbayeva & Ulbala Ibragimova - 855-867 Teachers’ readiness and usage of online teaching practices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An empirical investigation
by Shahid Husain & Mohammad Athar Ali & Mohd Afzal Saifi & Sufyan Habib & Mohammed Arshad Khan - 868-874 The impact of technology and pedagogical support on the development of social intelligence in adolescents
by Gulzhanar Arynova & Gulnar Uaisova & Aigul Zhumadullayeva & Sholpan Kalbergenova & Maryam Bekbaeva
2023, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 344-351 Effects of fire fight safety education when applied metaverse in Korea: Focusing on the construction industry
by Pil-Jae Moon & Ha-Sung Kong - 352-357 Exploring vocational students' satisfaction with online learning
by Yayah Rahyasih & Widia Murni Wijaya & Liah Siti Syarifah - 358-363 An outline of the professional quality of teachers who teach children with special needs
by Saddam Rateb Darawsheh & Intisar Khalil Khalil Asha & Radwan AbuSaif & Arwa Faisal Alhejoj & Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh - 364-370 Using learning games for fourth-grade students to teach Vietnamese lessons and teachers' perspectives on learning games
by Lan-Anh Thi Le & Quynh-Nga Thi Tran & Kim-Dung Thi Nguyen & Ha Thi Nguyet Xuan - 371-379 English teachers’ perception and attitudes of scaffolding method in teaching academic writing: An exploratory study at universities in Vietnam
by Nguyen Ban Mai & Ta Huu Hien & Nguyen Le Tuong Phuong - 380-388 Different domiciles in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Ahadin & Intan Safiah & Muhammad Yunus & I Kadek Suartama & Mohammad Solehudin & Wiwik Dwi Hastuti - 389-396 Exploring pre-service visual art teachers’ competitiveness through porter’s five forces model
by Nurgul Koshkinbayeva & Zaure Shagataeva & Almagul Utepova & Kunsulu Taukebayeva & Sulugul Kurmantayeva - 397-407 Gamification’s efficacy in enhancing students' HTML programming skills and academic achievement motivation
by Dhaifallah Saleh Alsuhaymi & Ohood Mohammed Alotaibi - 408-414 Addressing the quality of higher education among the pandemic in Nueva Ecija, Philippines through the establishment of the community e-learning resource center
by Rachael Reyes Moralde - 415-420 The effect of learner-generated digital materials on learners’ deep learning approach and self-efficacy
by Enas Mohammad Alwafi - 421-428 The influence of learning technology on the formation of research skills in primary school students: Action research
by Gulden Yespolova & Kholdarova Irodakhon & Baydjanov Bekzod & Bazarbekova Rabiga & Astambayeva Zhupat - 429-436 Teachers’ perception of the necessity of applying online applications for organizing teaching activities at high school in Vietnam
by Thang Van Le & Ha Le Nguyen & Hung Thanh Nguyen - 437-445 Strategies for integrating a web-based learning environment based on authentic learning in distance learning for elementary school students
by Abna Hidayati & Eldarni & Solfema & Ciptro Handrianto & Vevi Sunarti - 446-452 An examination of teacher collaboration in professional learning communities and collaborative teaching practices
by Yusra Jadallah Abed Khasawneh & Raghad Alsarayreh & Adnan Ahmad Al Ajlouni & Haitham Mustafa Eyadat & Mohammad Nayef Ayasrah & Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh - 453-462 An investigation of online teaching and lecturers' online teaching competence in Vietnam: A case study at universities of technology and education
by Duong Thi Kim Oanh & Ngo Anh Tuan & Pham Bach Duong & Nguyen Minh Triet & Truong Quang Phuc - 463-473 Analysis of the issues that emerged in the revision of the national social studies curriculum in South Korea: Text mining and semantic network analysis of the comments at the public hearing on YouTube
by Chul-Ki Cho & HyeSook Kim & Soyoung Lee - 474-480 Exploring the benefits of e-learning for life and earth sciences education in Moroccan high schools
by Sofia Rachad & Lahcen Oughdir - 481-488 Factors influencing the digital transformation skills of primary school teachers in the southern border province, Vietnam
by Nguyen Ngoc Trang & Nguyen Lan Phuong - 489-501 The process of developing professional capacity for teachers
by Van-Thong Ho & Van-Dat Tran & Van-De Nguyen & Trong-Nam Phan & Thanh-Hung Cao - 502-512 Proposing a process for training online teaching competence for lecturers at higher education institutions
by Diep Phuong Chi & Duong Thi Kim Oanh - 513-520 A comparative study of social media networks among higher education students
by Al Musawi Ali & Bylieva Daria & Osman Mohamed & Ahmad Abdulrahman & Al-Moqbali Asma - 521-529 Perceptions and reflections on online learning and implications for guidance and counseling
by Ardimen Ardimen & Gustina Gustina & Sasmi Nelwati & Adripen Adripen & Zainal Asril & Romi Fajar Tanjung - 530-538 A successful learning environment for biology teachers in higher education: Needs assessment
by Irena Labak & Senka Blazetic - 539-547 Pedagogical conditions for the development of cognitive independence in physical education lessons
by Dulat Kairgozhin & Gulzhana Kuzembayeva & Zhumagul Maydangalieva & Sayagul Bakhtiyarova & Gulbaram Mugauina - 548-556 Formation of professional competence for future social educators based on an integrated approach
by Meruyert Utegenova & Gulnar Sholpankulova & Zulfiya Shavaliyeva & Tatyana Zhmailo & Nurlan Yerepbayev - 557-568 Evaluation of STEM students' critical thinking in terms of cognitive style through problem-based distance learning
by Lubna & Suhirman & Saiful Prayogi - 569-577 Interdisciplinary education in the context of protection of water resources: A case study in Vietnam
by Tang Minh Dung & Nguyen Thi Nga & Lam Thien Thanh - 578-584 Integration of STEAM and ESD: Improving the understanding of fluid concepts and creativity
by Nur Khoiri & Fenny Roshayanti & Rezki Widarti - 585-594 Enhancing students' pedagogical potential with practice-oriented courses in teacher education universities
by Kalibek Ybyraimzhanov & Kulyay Zhaxylikova & Makhambetzhan Koishibaev & Alfiya Omurzakova & Gulsum Ayapbergenova - 595-604 Digital ethics in education: An examination of Omani information studies students’ ethical competencies during e-learning
by Ahmed Shehata & Mustafa Ali Khalaf & Khalfan Al-Hijji & Nour Eldin Osman
2023, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 86-98 Designing gamification for case and project-based online learning: A study in higher education
by I Kadek Suartama & Alexander Hamonangan Simamora & Ketut Susiani & Kadek Suranata & Muhammad Yunus & Gede Doddy Tisna MS - 99-110 Factors affecting the flipped classroom in the educational context of Vietnam
by Tran Thi Huong Xuan & Nguyen Bao Hoang Thanh & Nguyen Thi Nhi - 111-118 Deep learning for the detection of acquired and non-acquired skills in students' algorithmic assessments
by Floran Carvalho & Julien Henriet & Francoise Greffier & Marie-Laure Betbeder & Dana Leon-Henri - 119-124 Perceptions of teachers regarding the significance and level of implementation of sexual education content for ethnic minority students in Vietnam
by Sau Thi Ut Nguyen & Son Trong Nguyen - 125-131 The impact of folk games on primary school students
by Yernar Ospankulov & Aziya Zhumabayeva & Saniya Nurgaliyeva - 132-140 Implementation of mobile augmented reality on physics learning in junior high school students
by Anggi Datiatur Rahmat & Heru Kuswanto & Insih Wilujeng & Riki Perdana - 141-146 Investigating the elements influencing the psychological issues of reform school students
by Ha Thi Thu Le & Truong Vuong Vu & Long Thanh Phan & Hang Thi Thuy Vu - 147-153 The MUSIC model of motivation: Its utilization in the e-learning context and graduate students’ perceptions of its effectiveness
by Nader Said Shemy & Seray Tatli Dalioglu - 154-164 Perceptions of elementary school teachers towards the implementation of the independent curriculum during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Rusi Rusmiati Aliyyah & Rasmitadila & Gugun Gunadi & Astri Sutisnawati & Susan Febriantina - 165-174 Environmental attitudes of Chinese students in higher education institutions
by Xiaoyao Yue & Weichi Wanglee & Ying Yin & Yan Ye & Ting Cai - 175-186 The acceptance and effectiveness of digital learning technologies: A detailed empirical investigation in Islamic study classrooms
by Mazrur & Rodhatul Jennah & Abdul Mujib & Zulfa Jamalie - 187-193 Teachers’ role in online learning: Perspectives of prospective Indonesian EFL teachers
by Natalia Christiani & Novalita Fransisca Tungka & Romauli Nainggolan - 194-200 Investigating and implementing a student vocational education model for educational innovation
by Van-Thong Ho & Huy-Hoang Tran & Van-De Nguyen & Van-Trang Nguyen - 201-208 Comparing the effectiveness of online and onsite learning in English proficiency classes: Learners’ perspectives
by Luu Nguyen Quoc Hung & Tran Le Quoc Bao - 209-214 Learning loss: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the students’ psychosocial condition
by Wayan Maba & Ida Ayu Made Sri Widiastuti & Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra & I Kadek Suartama & Ni Luh Sukanadi - 215-222 Efficacy of school-based career guidance interventions: A review of recent research
by Nargiza Sharapova & Saule Zholdasbekova & Sholpan Arzymbetova & Omer Zaimoglu & Gulshat Bozshatayeva - 223-232 The preschool teachers' perspective of digital technology use in classrooms: A case study of North Maluku province, Indonesia
by Radjiman Ismail - 233-242 Uncovering the Filipino mothers’ experiences in teaching young children during uncertain times through reflexive thematic analysis
by Arvin Kim Arnilla & Juvy Mariano Casimero & Ersyl Tatoy Biray & Amelia Tersol Navejas & Perlita Rodaste Israel - 243-249 Activities of the practice teaching organization and vocational teaching facilities in collaboration between the vocational school and units employing
by Tuan Van Nguyen & Hung Thanh Nguyen & Chinh Danh Cao & Hang Thi Thuy Vu - 250-259 Reading comprehension intervention for students with autism spectrum disorder level 1 using the iPad graphic organizer app
by Asma N Alzahrani - 260-269 Assessment of future primary school teachers' development of creative competence: A case study
by Zhupat Astambayeva & Roza Kenzhetaeva & Zhanara Zhumash & Nagima Sagidoldа & Raushan Italmassova - 270-277 Implementation of school disaster risk reduction in coastal schools: Basis for a plan of action
by Marion Cresencio & Eduardo Yabut - 278-284 Fostering pre-service EFL teachers’ communicative competence through role-playing games
by Gulzhana Kuzembayeva & Assel Kuanyshbayeva & Zhumagul Maydangalieva & Diana Spulber - 285-293 Learning foreign languages online: A case of Chinese language learners in Ghana in the era of COVID -19
by Bright Nkrumah & Raymond Asamoah - 294-298 Development of a safety education program using simulator fire extinguishers in Korea: Focusing on elementary school students
by Deok-Jin Jang & Ha-Sung Kong - 299-306 The effectiveness of asynchronous online role-play on ESL learners’ willingness to communicate
by Noor Alhusna Madzlan & Noraini Zulkepli & Siti Shuhaida Shukor & Aireen Aina Bahari - 307-313 Evaluating model teacher education and training at Vietnam's universities of technology and education
by Chinh Danh Cao & Hang Thi Thuy Vu & Tuan Van Nguyen & Hung Thanh Nguyen & Thanh Thi Nguyen - 314-322 Development of an inquiry-based module with scientific equipment to facilitate primary school students learning the force concept
by Herwinarso & Jane Koswojo & Elisabeth Pratidhina - 323-335 The impact of integrated technology on students' logical thought in mathematics: A case study of Kazakhstan
by Shynar Ontuganova & Zhazira Zhumabayeva & Zhanar Abilkhairova & Aktoty Akzholova & Aziza Zhunusbekova - 336-343 Problem-based learning in the online flipped classroom: Its impact on statistical literacy skills
by Ichdar Domu & Kinzie Feliciano Pinontoan & Navel Oktaviandy Mangelep
2023, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-6 Influence of special learning technology on the effectiveness of pedagogical ethics formation in future teachers
by Bissembayeva Nagima & Nurgaliyeva Saniya & Yespolova Gulden & Zeinolla Saule & Satynskaya Aisulu & Makhmetova Nazigul - 7-18 Measuring the degree of satisfaction among preparatory year students regarding the virtual lessons and educational platforms in the universities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Nahed Abu-Zaid & Waed Al-Abweeny & Sadam Bani-AlDomi & Kawther Hassan & Afnan Hakami - 19-28 Enhancing the performance of educational systems using efficient opinion mining techniques
by Mohamed Hegazy Mohamed & Sayed Abdelgaber & Laila Abd-Ellatif - 29-35 The influence of a STEM-based digital classroom learning model and high-order thinking skills on the 21st-century skills of elementary school students in Indonesia
by Melva Zainil & Ary Kiswanto Kenedi & Rahmatina & Tin Indrawati & Ciptro Handrianto - 36-42 Data-driven decision making as a model to improve in primary education
by Athanatou Maria & Prendes Espinosa Maria Paz & Gutierrez Porlan Isabel - 43-50 Enhancing mathematical literacy ability through guided inquiry learning with augmented reality
by Heni Pujiastuti & Rudi Haryadi - 51-60 The integration of the self-concept-based Upanishad learning model in blended learning and its impact on character development and creative thinking skills
by I Wayan Suwendra & I Putu Suarnaya & I Wayan Widiana & Ni Luh Asli - 61-67 Development of outcomes-based instructional materials in professional teacher education courses for a flexible set-up
by Romarate Marilou Alciso & Aquino Anania Boo & Punongbayan Estelito Julongbayan & Quizon Gliceria Ramos & Balilla Leolanda Aclan & Ramos Noraida Porley - 68-79 Instructional methods in emergency online teaching: The case of a Latin American business school
by Edy Valcazar & Beatrice Avolio & Ma Belen Prados-Pena - 80-85 Challenges of e-learning adoption in South African public schools: Learners’ perspectives
by Silence Chomunorwa & Virimai Victor Mugobo
2022, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 216-223 Assessment of High School Students’ Learning and Development of Qualities and Competencies: A Case Study
by Tran Van Hung & Dang Ngoc Tuan & Ngo Tu Thanh - 224-232 Developing a Semantic Question Answering System for E-learning Environments using Linguistic Resources
by Maram Almotairi & Fethi Fkih - 233-239 Exploring Lecturers' Perspectives on Inclusive Elementary School Mentoring Programs based on University-School Collaborative Partnerships in Indonesia
by Rasmitadila & Megan Asri Humaira & Reza Rachmadtullah & Achmad Samsudin & Muhammad Nurtanto - 240-248 What’s on your Mind? Impact of Online Education on Students’ Mental Wellness
by Joseph A Villarama & John Paul E Santos & Joseph P Adsuara & Jorri Anne Amethyst R Antalan & Jordan F Gundran - 249-257 Creation of Innovative Teaching Spaces with Gamma Tutor: A Techno-Blended Model for Rural Mathematics Teaching
by Folake Modupe Adelabu & Jogymol Kalariparampil Alex & Abongile Ngwabe & Benjamin Tatira & Sakyiwaa Boateng - 258-268 Effectiveness of Digital Game Based Learning Strategy in Higher Educational Perspectives
by Khuda Bakhsh & Muhammad Hafeez & Shumaila Shahzad & Bushra Naureen & Muhammad Faisal Farid - 269-277 Impact of Differentiated Instruction on the Mathematical Thinking Processes of Gifted and Talented Students
by Mohd Hasrul Kamarulzaman & Mohd Fadzil Kamarudin & Mohd Saifun Aznin Mohd Sharif & Muhammad Zaim Esrati & Muhammad Zaim Esrati & Rorlinda Yusof - 278-287 Exploring the Influencing Factors and Validity of Formative Assessment in Online Learning
by Yan Liu & Hongfeng Zhang - 288-295 Quantifying the Higher Education Leadership Competency Framework for Talent Management in Malaysia
by Ismie Roha Mohamed Jais & Azian Mohmad Azman & Erlane K Ghani - 296-302 Attitudes toward Self-Disclosure on Facebook: A Review of Perception, Emotion and Behavior in University Students
by Truong Vuong Vu & Hat Thi Ha & Hue Thi Nguyen & Anh Thi Van Dam & Hang Thi Thuy Vu
2022, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 129-135 The Effectiveness of the Problem-Solving Strategy in Enhancing the Academic Achievement of Islamic Studies Students at a Saudi College
by Mona Taha Mohamad Omar - 136-146 Leveraging Student Engagement through MS Teams at an Open and Distance E-learning Institution
by Chaka Chaka & Tlatso Nkhobo & Mirriam Lephalala - 147-154 Combining Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning: Student Satisfaction with Online Learning using Learning Management Systems
by Siti Zuraidah Md Osman - 155-165 Antecedents of E-Learning Readiness and Student Satisfaction in Institutions of Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Eveline Siregar - 166-174 Teachers’ Knowledge of Hybrid Teaching Practiced during the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Effects on Student Achievement
by Hadi Rashed Al Ajmi