- 2006 Children's socio-emotional skills: Is there a quantity-quality trade-off?
by Simon Briole & Hélène Le Forner & Anthony Lepinteur - 2005 Sweet child of mine: Parental income, child health and inequality
by Nicolas Berman & Lorenzo Rotunno & Roberta Ziparo - 2004 Religion, Politics, and Judicial Independence: Theory and Evidence
by Sultan Mehmood & Avner Seror - 2003 Optimal location of economic activity and population density: The role of the social welfare function
by Raouf Boucekkine & Giorgio Fabbri & Salvatore Federico & Fausto Gozzi - 2002 A theory of heterogeneous city growth
by Christian Ghiglino & Kazuo Nishimura & Alain Venditti - 2001 Lie of the Weak: Inconsistent Corporate Social Responsibility Activities of Chinese Zombie Firms
by Shaozhen Han & Guoming Li & Michel Lubrano & Zhou Xun - 1938 Investment Sensitivity to Inter-enterprises Payment Deadlines
by Aissata Boubacar Moumouni - 1937 Gender, information and the efficiency of household production decisions: An experiment in rural Togo
by Marie Christine Apedo-Amah & Habiba Djebbari & Roberta Ziparo - 1936 Peer Effects in Networks: a Survey
by Yann Bramoullé & Habiba Djebbari & Bernard Fortin - 1858 Child Labor and Schooling Decisions among Self-Help Groups Members in Rural India
by Jean-Marie Baland & Timothée Demont & Rohini Somanathan - 1857 A community based program promotes sanitation
by María Laura Alzúa & Habiba Djebbari & Amy J. Pickering
- 1935 Managing a common-pool resource with no stock externality: The case of artesian aquifers
by Hubert Stahn & Agnes Tomini - 1934 Looking for the "Best and Brightest": Hiring difficulties and high-skilled foreign workers
by Morgan Raux - 1933 Instruments of Debtstruction: Public Debt Management and Networks during the Interwar Period
by Nicolas End & Marina Marinkov & Fedor Miryugin - 1932 Quantitative Easing and the Term Premium as a Monetary Policy Instrument
by Etienne Vaccaro-Grange - 1931 A Theory of Cultural Revivals
by Murat Iyigun & Jared Rubin & Avner Seror - 1930 Bread and Social Justice: Measurement of Social Welfare and Inequalities Using Anthropometrics
by Mohammad Abu-Zaineh & Ramses H. Abul Naga - 1929 Public finance sustainability in Europe: a behavioral model
by Gilles Dufrénot & Carolina Ulloa Suarez - 1928 Age At Parents' Separation And Children Achievement: Evidence From France Using A Sibling Approach
by Hélène Le Forner - 1927 Particularism, dominant minorities and institutional change
by Raouf Boucekkine & Rodolphe Desbordes & Paolo Melindi-Ghidi - 1926 A spatiotemporal framework for the analytical study of optimal growth under transboundary pollution
by Raouf Boucekkine & Giorgio Fabbri & Salvatore Federico & Fausto Gozzi - 1925 Pollution in a globalized world: Are debt transfers among countries a solution?
by Marion Davin & Mouez Fodha & Thomas Seegmuller - 1924 Human Development, Social Interactions, and Identity Formation
by Avner Seror - 1923 Contribution to a Public Good under Subjective Uncertainty
by Anwesha Banerjee & Nicolas Gravel - 1922 Evaluating Education Systems
by Nicolas Gravel & Edward Levavasseur & Patrick Moyes - 1921 Is the preference of the majority representative?
by Mihir Bhattacharya & Nicolas Gravel - 1920 Linear Quantile Regression and Endogeneity Correction
by Christophe Muller - 1919 Production Network and International Fiscal Spillovers
by Michael B. Devereux & Karine Gente & Changhua Yu - 1918 Transitory and Permanent Shocks in the Global Market for Crude Oil
by Nooman Rebei & Rashid Sbia - 1917 How Do Agro-Pastoral Policies Affect the Dietary Intake of Agro-Pastoralists? Evidence from Niger
by Christophe Muller & Nouréini Sayouti - 1916 Étude de la démographie française du XIXe siècle à partir de données collaboratives de généalogie
by Arthur Charpentier & Ewen Gallic - 1915 Weather Shocks
by Ewen Gallic & Gauthier Vermandel - 1914 The Effect of Aspirations on Inequality: Evidence from the German Reunification using Bayesian Growth Incidence Curves
by Edwin Fourrier-Nicolai & Michel Lubrano - 1913 Does International Financial Integration Increase the Standard of Living in Africa? A Frontier Approach
by Gilles Dufrénot & Kimiko Sugimoto - 1912 Potential Growth and Natural Yield Curve in Japan
by Gilles Dufrénot & Meryem Rhouzlane & Etienne Vaccaro-Grange - 1911 Age Discontinuity and Nonemployment Benefit Policy Evaluation through the Lens of Job Search Theory
by Bruno Decreuse & Guillaume Wilemme - 1910 French GPs’ Willingness to Delegate Tasks: May Financial Incentives Balance Risk Aversion?
by Jean-Baptiste Simon Combes & Alain Paraponaris & Yann Videau - 1909 Haggling on Values: Towards Consensus or Trouble
by Victorien Barbet & Noé Guiraud & Vincent Laperrière & Juliette Rouchier - 1908 Risky Working Conditions: An Immigrant Trap or an Income Effect?
by Eva Moreno-Galbis - 1907 “Whatever it Takes” to Change Belief: Evidence from Twitter
by Michael Stiefel & Rémi Vivès - 1906 Social Divisiveness and Conflicts: Grievances Matter!
by Raouf Boucekkine & Rodolphe Desbordes & Paolo Melindi-Ghidi - 1905 “If You Were Me”: Proxy Respondents’ Biases in Population Health Surveys
by Bérengère Davin & Xavier Joutard & Alain Paraponaris - 1903 Social Shock Sharing and Stochastic Dominance
by Christophe Muller - 1902 Distributed Optimal Control Models in Environmental Economics: A Review
by Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron & Raouf Boucekkine & Vladimir Veliov - 1901 Top Income Tax Evasion and Redistribution Preferences: Evidence from the Panama Papers
by Laila Ait Bihi Ouali
- 1856 Communication and Commitment with Constraints
by Raghul S Venkatesh - 1855 On Information Aggregation in International Alliances
by Raghul S Venkatesh - 1853 Local Linear Dependence Measure for Functionally Correlated Variables
by Loann D. Desboulets & Costin Protopopescu - 1852 A Review on Variable Selection in Regression Analysis
by Loann D. Desboulets - 1850 Federal Minimum Wage Hikes Do Reduce Teenage Employment
by Stephen Bazen & Vêlayoudom Marimoutou - 1849 Ricœur, Rawls and the Aporia of the Just
by Feriel Kandil - 1848 Trade Policy and Market Power: Firm-level Evidence
by Alan Asprilla & Nicolas Berman & Olivier Cadot & Melise Jaud - 1847 Financial Constraints, Institutions, and Foreign Ownership
by Ron Alquist & Nicolas Berman & Rahul Mukherjee & Linda L. Tesar - 1846 Demand Learning and Firm Dynamics: Evidence from Exporters
by Nicolas Berman & Vincent Rebeyrol & Vincent Vicard - 1845 Asymptotics of Cholesky GARCH Models and Time-Varying Conditional Betas
by Serge Darolles & Christian Francq & Sébastien Laurent - 1844 Generating Univariate Fractional Integration within a Large VAR(1)
by Guillaume Chevillon & Alain Hecq & Sébastien Laurent - 1843 Volatility Estimation and Jump Detection for drift-diffusion Processes
by Sébastien Laurent & Shuping Shi - 1842 Complementary Monopolies with Asymmetric Information
by Didier Laussel & Joana Resende - 1841 Threshold Regressions for the Resource Curse
by Nicolas Clootens & Djamel Kirat - 1840 Is the Output Growth Rate in NIPA a Welfare Measure?
by Jorge Duran & Omar Licandro - 1839 Technology, Market Structure and the Gains from Trade
by Giammario Impullitti & Omar Licandro & Pontus Rendahl - 1838 Altruism and Risk Sharing in Networks
by Renaud Bourlès & Yann Bramoullé & Eduardo Perez-Richet - 1837 Diffusion Centrality: Foundations and Extensions
by Yann Bramoullé & Garance Genicot - 1836 The Wall’s Impact in the Occupied West Bank: A Bayesian Approach to Poverty Dynamics Using Repeated Cross-Sections
by Tareq Sadeq & Michel Lubrano - 1835 GCC Sovereign Wealth Funds: Why do they Take Control?
by Jeanne Amar & Jean-François Carpantier & Christelle Lecourt - 1834 Reforms and the Real Exchange Rate: The Role of Pricing-to-Market
by Lise Patureau & Céline Poilly - 1833 Immigrants' Wage Performance in a Routine Biased Technological Change Era: France 1994-2012
by Catherine Laffineur & Eva Moreno Galbis & Jeremy Tanguy & Ahmed Tritah - 1832 Network Matching Efficiency along the Economic Cycle: Direct and Indirect Ties
by Arnaud Herault & Eva Moreno Galbis & Francois-Charles Wolff - 1831 Non-Balanced Endogenous Growth and Structural Change: When Romer Meets Kaldor and Kuznets
by Christian Ghiglino & Kazuo Nishimura & Alain Venditti - 1830 Competitive Equilibrium Cycles for Small Discounting in Discrete-Time Two-Sector Optimal Growth Models
by Alain Venditti - 1829 Time-varying Consumption Tax, Productive Government Spending, and Aggregate Instability
by Mauro Bambi & Alain Venditti - 1828 A Note on Balanced-Budget Income Taxes and Aggregate (In)Stability in Multi-Sector Economies
by Nicolas Abad & Alain Venditti - 1823 Physicians’ Incentives to Adopt Personalized Medicine: Experimental Evidence
by David Bardey & Samuel Kembou Nzale & Bruno Ventelou - 1822 Wage Satisfaction and Wage History: How the Present Shapes the Past
by Alberto Prati - 1821 Bubble on Real Estate: The Role of Altruism and Fiscal Policy
by Lise Clain-Chamosset-Yvrard & Thomas Seegmuller - 1820 Managing Competition on a Two-Sided Platform
by Paul Belleflamme & Martin Peitz - 1819 Inclusive Cognitive Hierarchy in Collective Decisions
by Yukio Koriyama & Ali Ozkes - 1818 Secular Stagnation: New Challenges for the Industrialized Countries in the 21st Century
by Gilles Dufrenot & Meryem Rhouzlane - 1817 Transborder Ethnic Kin and Local Prosperity: Evidence from Night-Time Light Intensity in Africa
by Christophe Muller & Pierre Pecher - 1816 Male Reproductive Health, Fairness and Optimal Policies
by Johanna Etner & Natacha Raffin & Thomas Seegmuller - 1815 Pollution and Growth: The Role of Pension on the Efficiency of Health and Environmental Policies
by Armel Ngami & Thomas Seegmuller - 1814 International Credit Markets and Global Business Cycles
by Patrick A. Pintus & Yi Wen & Xiaochuan Xing - 1813 Geographic Environmental Kuznets Curves: The Optimal Growth Linear-Quadratic Case
by Raouf Boucekkine & Giorgio Fabbri & Salvatore Federico & Fausto Gozzi - 1812 Group Targeting under Networked Synergies
by Mohamed Belhaj & Frédéric Deroïan - 1811 Business Training and Loan Repayment: Theory and Evidence from Microcredit in France
by Renaud Bourlès & Anastasia Cozarenco & Dominique Henriet & Xavier Joutard - 1810 Stochastic Petropolitics: The Dynamics of Institutions in Resource-Dependent Economies
by Raouf Boucekkine & Fabien Prieur & Chrysovalantis Vasilakis & Benteng Zou - 1809 Exchange Rate Policy and External Vulnerabilities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Nominal, Real or Mixed Targeting?
by Fadia Al Hajj & Gilles Dufrenot & Benjamin Keddad - 1808 Household Fuel Use in Rural China
by Christophe Muller & Huijie Yan - 1807 Proximités et Solidarités : de l’État-Providence aux Communs Sociaux
by Jacques Garnier & Jean-Benoît Zimmermann - 1806 Inside the Engine Room of Digital Platforms: Reviews, Ratings, and Recommendations
by Paul Belleflamme & Martin Peitz - 1805 Mean Growth and Stochastic Stability in Endogenous Growth Models
by Raouf Boucekkine & Patrick A. Pintus & Benteng Zou - 1804 Targeting the Key Player: An Incentive-Based Approach
by Mohamed Belhaj & Frédéric Deroïan - 1803 Tying the Politicians’ Hands: The Optimal Limits to Representative Democracy
by Didier Laussel - 1802 Optimal Cash Transfers with Distribution Regressions: An Application to Egypt at the Dawn of the XXIst Century
by Christophe Muller - 1801 The Causal Effect of Infrastructure Investments on Income Inequality: Evidence from US States
by Emma Hooper & Sanjay Peters & Patrick A. Pintus
- 1851 Co-movements in Market Prices and Fundamentals: A Semiparametric Multivariate GARCH Approach
by Loann D. Desboulets - 1827 On Sunspot Fluctuations in Variable Capacity Utilization Models
by Frédéric Dufourt & Alain Venditti & Rémi Vives - 1744 Why Are Inflation Forecasts Sticky? Theory and Application to France and Germany
by Frédérique Bec & Raouf Boucekkine & Caroline Jardet - 1743 Measuring Influence in Science: Standing on the Shoulders of Which Giants?
by Antonin Macé - 1742 Optimal Voting Rules under Participation Constraints
by Antonin Macé & Rafael Treibich - 1741 Biodiversity, Shapely Value and Phylogenetic Trees: Some Remarks
by Hubert Stahn - 1740 Income Distribution by Age Group and Productive Bubbles
by Xavier Raurich & Thomas Seegmuller - 1739 Fertility Regulation Behavior: Sequential Decisions in Tunisia
by Olfa Frini & Christophe Muller - 1738 Application of the Ecosystem Service Concept to a Local-Scale: The Cases of Coralligenous Habitats in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea
by Laure Thierry de Ville d'Avray & Dominique Ami & Anne Chenuil & Romain David & Jean-Pierre Féral - 1737 Regulation and Altruism
by Izabela Jelovac & Samuel Kembou Nzale - 1736 Procedural versus Opportunity-Wise Equal Treatment of Alternatives: Neutrality Revisited
by Ali Ihsan Ozkes & M. Remzi Sanver - 1735 The Corridor’s Width as a Monetary Policy Tool
by Guillaume A. Khayat - 1734 Generalized Measures of Polarization in Preferences
by Burak Can & Ali Ihsan Ozkes & Ton Storcken - 1733 A Cost-Benefit Approach for Prioritizing Invasive Species
by Pierre Courtois & Charles Figuières & Chloe Mulier & Joakim Weill - 1732 The Impact of a Rise in the Real Estate Transfer Taxes on the French Housing Market
by Guillaume Bérard & Alain Trannoy - 1731 Optimal Population Growth as an Endogenous Discounting Problem: The Ramsey Case
by Raouf Boucekkine & Blanca Martínez & José Ramón Ruiz-Tamarit - 1730 A Note on Risk Sharing versus Instability in International Financial Integration: When Obstfeld Meets Stiglitz
by Raouf Boucekkine & Benteng Zou - 1729 Choice with Time
by João V. Ferreira & Nicolas Gravel - 1728 Promotion through Connections: Favors or Information?
by Yann Bramoullé & Kenan Huremovic - 1727 Generalized Glass Ceilings in the United States – A Stochastic Metafrontier Approach
by Khalid Maman Waziri - 1726 Growth and Bubbles: The Interplay between Productive Investment and the Cost of Rearing Children
by Xavier Raurich & Thomas Seegmuller - 1725 Trade Integration and the Polarisation of Eco-Labelling Strategies
by Vera Danilina - 1724 Arranged Marriages under Transferable Utilities
by Pauline Morault - 1723 Optimal Taxation to Correct Job Mismatching
by Guillaume Wilemme - 1721 The Role of Inbound Tourist Flows in Promoting Exports
by Zouheir El-Sahli - 1720 The Sources of Segregation
by Florent Dubois - 1719 Decomposing Well-being Measures in South Africa: The Contribution of Residential Segregation to Income Distribution
by Florent Dubois & Christophe Muller - 1718 Segregation and the Perception of the Minority
by Florent Dubois & Christophe Muller - 1717 Do Misperceptions about Demand Matter? Theory and Evidence
by Kenza Benhima & Céline Poilly - 1716 A Robust Test of Exogeneity Based on Quantile Regressions
by Tae-Hwan Kim & Christophe Muller - 1715 Ethnic Horizontal Inequity in Indonesia
by Christophe Muller - 1714 Sun, Regulation and Local Social Networks
by Antoine Bonleu - 1713 Price Discrimination and Dispersion under Asymmetric Profiling of Consumers
by Paul Belleflamme & Wing Man Wynne Lam & Wouter Vergote - 1712 Voluntary Management of Fisheries under an Uncertain Background Legislative Threat
by Anne-Sarah Chiambretto & Hubert Stahn - 1711 The Love for Children Hypothesis and the Multiplicity of Fertility Rates
by Paolo Melindi Ghidi & Thomas Seegmuller - 1710 Bayesian Inference for TIP curves: An Application to Child Poverty in Germany
by Edwin Fourrier-Nicolai & Michel Lubrano - 1709 The Value of Biodiversity as an Insurance Device
by Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron & Giorgio Fabbri & Katheline Schubert - 1708 Condorcet Jury Theorem and Cognitive Hierarchies: Theory and Experiments
by Yukio Koriyama & Ali Ihsan Ozkes - 1707 Directed Search with Phantom Vacancies
by James Albrecht & Bruno Decreuse & Susan Vroman - 1706 Informal Risk-Sharing Cooperatives: The Effect of Learning and Other-Regarding Preferences
by Victorien Barbet & Renaud Bourlès & Juliette Rouchier - 1705 What Motivates French Pork: Political Career Concerns or Private Connections?
by Brice Fabre & Marc Sangnier - 1704 HJB Equations in Infinite Dimension and Optimal Control of Stochastic Evolution Equations via Generalized Fukushima Decomposition
by Giorgio Fabbri & Francesco Russo - 1703 Hammond’s Equity Principle and the Measurement of Ordinal Inequalities
by Nicolas Gravel & Brice Magdalou & Patrick Moyes - 1702 Equality among Unequals
by Mathieu Faure & Nicolas Gravel - 1701 Entrepreneurial Motivation and Business Performance: Evidence from a French Microfinance Institution
by Renaud Bourlès & Anastasia Cozarenco
- 1824 Introduction to International Financial Markets and Banking Systems Crises
by Raouf Boucekkine & Kazuo Nishimura & Alain Venditti - 1722 Working and Women’s Empowerment in the Egyptian Household: The Type of Work and Location Matter
by Clémentine Sadania - 1644 Scrambled Questions Penalty in Multiple Choice Tests: New Evidence from French Undergraduate Students
by Morgan Raux & Marc Sangnier & Tanguy Van Ypersele - 1643 Absolute Qualified Majoritarianism: How Does the Threshold Matter?
by Ali Ihsan Ozkes & M. Remzi Sanver - 1642 Education Politics, Schooling Choice and Public School Quality: The Impact of Income Polarisation
by Majda Benzidia & Michel Lubrano & Paolo Melindi-Ghidi - 1641 Optimal Economic Growth Through Capital Accumulation in a Spatially Heterogeneous Environment
by Raouf Boucekkine & Giorgio Fabbri & Salvatore Federico - 1640 Is it Better to Work When We Are Older? An Empirical Comparison Between France and Great Britain
by Kadija Charni - 1639 The Tree that Hides the Forest: A Note on Revealed Preference
by João V. Ferreira - 1638 Israel's Open-Secret Trade
by Lorenzo Rotunno & Pierre-Louis Vézina - 1637 Implementation of the Lindahl Correspondance via Simple Indirect Mechanisms
by Hassan Benchekroun & Charles Figuières & Mabel Tidball - 1636 Job Protection, Housing Market Regulation and the Youth
by Antoine Bonleu & Bruno Decreuse & Tanguy Van Ypersele - 1635 Political Connections and Insider Trading
by Thomas Bourveau & Renaud Coulomb & Marc Sangnier - 1634 Wage Inequality and Skill Supplies in a Globalised World
by Lorenzo Rotunno & Adrian Wood - 1633 Production Networks
by Kenan Huremovic & Fernando Vega-Redondo - 1632 Employment, Hours and the Welfare Effects of Intra-Firm Bargaining
by Maarten Dossche & Vivien Lewis & Céline Poilly - 1631 La Visibilité comme Ressource dans la Gouvernance des Circuits Courts : Une Approche Institutionnaliste de l'Évaluation pour l'Observatoire des Circuits Courts de PACA
by Noé Guiraud & Juliette Rouchier - 1630 Non-Existence of Optimal Programs in Continuous Time
by Giorgio Fabbri & Silvia Faggian & Giuseppe Freni - 1629 Inequality, Educational Choice and Public School Quality in Income Mixing Communities
by Paolo Melindi-Ghidi - 1628 A Bayesian Look at American Academic Wages: The Case of Michigan State University
by Majda Benzidia & Michel Lubrano - 1627 Power-Law Distribution in the Debt-to-Fiscal Revenue Ratio: Empirical Evidence and a Theoretical Model
by Gilles Dufrénot & Anne-Charlotte Paret Onorato - 1626 Violence against Rich Ethnic Minorities: A Theory of Instrumental Scapegoating
by Yann Bramoullé & Pauline Morault - 1625 "The Falling Sperm Counts Story": A Limit to Growth?
by Johanna Etner & Natacha Raffin & Thomas Seegmuller - 1624 Viable Nash Equilibria in the Problem of Common Pollution
by Noël Bonneuil & Raouf Boucekkine - 1623 On the Number of Social Reforms in MENA Economies
by Christophe Muller & Klarizze Anne Martin Puzon - 1622 Heterogeneous Entrepreneurs, Government Quality and Optimal Industrial Policy
by Michele Di Maio & Giorgio Fabbri & Vincenzo Lombardo - 1621 Statistical Statistical Discrimination in a Search Equilibrium Model: Racial Wage and Employment Disparities in the US
by Bruno Decreuse & Linas Tarasonis - 1620 The Changing Nature of Gender Selection into Employment: Europe over the Great Recession
by Juan J. Dolado & Cecilia Garcia-Peñalosa & Linas Tarasonis - 1619 Is the Distribution of Cardiovascular Risks Really Improving? A Robust Analysis for France
by Fatiha Bennia & Nicolas Gravel - 1618 The Value of Network Information: Assortative Mixing Makes the Difference
by Mohamed Belhaj & Frédéric Deroïan - 1617 Liquidity Trap and Stability of Taylor Rules
by Antoine Le Riche & Francesco Magris & Antoine Parent - 1616 Infinite Dimensional Weak Dirichlet Processes and Convolution Type Processes
by Giorgio Fabbri & Francesco Russo - 1615 Inefficient Lock-in with Sophisticated and Myopic Players
by Aidas Masiliunas - 1614 Conditional Expected Utility Criteria for Decision Making under Ignorance or Objective Ambiguity
by Nicolas Gravel & Thierry Marchant & Arunava Sen - 1613 Household Fuel Use in Developing Countries: Review of Theory and Evidence
by Christophe Muller & Huijie Yan - 1612 Democracy for Polarized Committees: The Tale of Blotto's Lieutenants
by Alessandra Casella & Jean-François Laslier & Antonin Macé - 1611 Currency Diversification of Banks: A Spontaneous Buffer Against Financial Losses
by Justine Pedrono - 1610 Banks' Capital Structure and US Dollar Diversification of Assets: Does Reduction in Systemic Risk Offset Agency Costs?
by Justine Pedrono & Aurélien Violon - 1609 Overcoming Coordination Failure in a Critical Mass Game: Strategic Motives and Action Disclosure
by Aidas Masiliunas - 1608 Variable Markups in the Long-Run: A Generalization of Preferences in Growth Models
by Raouf Boucekkine & Hélène Latzer & Mathieu Parenti - 1607 Sunspot Fluctuations in Two-Sector Models with Variable Income Effects
by Frédéric Dufourt & Kazuo Nishimura & Carine Nourry & Alain Venditti - 1606 Growth and Public Debt: What Are the Relevant Tradeoffs?
by Kazuo Nishimura & Carine Nourry & Thomas Seegmuller & Alain Venditti - 1605 The Wild West is Wild: The Homicide Resource Curse
by Mathieu Couttenier & Pauline Grosjean & Marc Sangnier - 1604 Protectionism and the Education-Fertility Trade-off in Late 19th Century France
by Vincent Bignon & Cecilia Garcia-Peñalosa - 1603 L’Observatoire Régional des Circuits Courts : Un Dispositif de Coordination pour une Gouvernance Alimentaire Régionale
by Noé Guiraud & Juliette Rouchier - 1602 The French Pension Reforms and their Impact on Unemployed Older Workers
by Kadija Charni - 1601 Multidimensional Poverty in Seychelles
by Christophe Muller & Asha Kannan & Roland Alcindor
- 1825 Introduction to Financial Frictions and Debt Constraints
by Raouf Boucekkine & Kazuo Nishimura & Alain Venditti - 1552 Time Scarcity and the Market for News
by Larbi Alaoui & Fabrizio Germano - 1551 Bounded Rationality and Correlated Equilibria
by Fabrizio Germano & Peio Zuazo-Garin - 1550 Technological Progress, Employment and the Lifetime of Capital
by Raouf Boucekkine & Natali Hritonenko & Yuri Yatsenko - 1549 Optimal Taxation Rule Reversal in the Presence of Gentle Polluters and Greedy Cleaners
by Damien Sans - 1548 The Integration of Energy, Environment and Health Policies in China: A Review
by Huijie Yan - 1547 Manufacturing Doubt
by Yann Bramoullé & Caroline Orset - 1546 "Your Money or Your Life !" The Influence of Injury and Fine Expectations on Helmet Adoption among Motorcyclists in Delhi
by Carole Treibich - 1545 Voluntary Provision of Public Knowledge Goods: Group-Based Social Preferences and Coalition Formation
by Tom Dedeurwaerdere & Paolo Melindi-Ghidi & Willem Sas - 1544 Voting with Evaluations: When Should We Sum? What Should We Sum?
by Antonin Macé - 1543 Bank Leverage: Does Currency Diversification Really Matter?
by Justine Pedrono & Aurélien Violon - 1542 On the Interplay Between Speculative Bubbles and Productive Investment
by Xavier Raurich & Thomas Seegmuller