0000, Issue 28
- y::id:1237 Innovative environment as a factor of the region’s competitiveness
by A. A. Okutin - y::id:1238 The media coverage of the role of social and economic factors in the management of migration processes
by A. I. Panshin - y::id:1239 Targets of performance audit in the structure of the state financial control
by M. N. Ponkratova - y::id:1240 Methodological questions of creation the budgeting system at the enterprise
by L. A. Reshetnyak & Yu. I. Zdorovets - y::id:1241 Creating innovation infrastructure of the Russian Federation on the basis of SPP
by A. N. Rodionov - y::id:1242 About prospects of self-regulation at the financial market
by A. V. Rubanovskaya - y::id:1243 Compliance control as a part of Product Approval and Implementation Policy (case study of Insurance Company «ORANTA» Ltd.)
by N. E. Savvina - y::id:1244 The concept of Decent work in the Russian economy: the social aspect
by E. K. Samrailova & S. A. Shapiro & E. V. Vashalomidze - y::id:1245 Creating of professional development system in medical devices sales field
by A. O. Sanaev - y::id:1246 The concepts evolution of capital and finance freedom movement in the Russian constitutional law
by A. S. Seytumerov - y::id:1247 The use of extra-budgetary education programmes for the purpose of increase of motivation of teachers of higher educational institutions
by M. S. Solovtsova & S. A. Shapiro - y::id:1248 Essence and concept of a neoinudstrialization
by S. V. Firsov - y::id:1249 The problems of inefficient use of budget funds
by S. V. Frumina - y::id:1250 The rights and duties of juvenile patients with their participation in certain types of medical activity
by G. M. Khamitova - y::id:1251 Analysis of effictiveness of Moscow Exchange infrastructure reforms in negative trends of financial market
by M. Y. Khrushch - y::id:1252 Tendencies of development of insurance in Russia in 2013-2014
by A. A. Tsyganov - y::id:1253 Improvement of production capacity of enterprise structures
by A. M. Chernopyatov - y::id:1254 Financing sources of infrastructure projects
by F. F. Sharipov & D. K. Maximov - y::id:1255 Innovations in crisis management at the regional level
by S. S. Shirokov & T. V. Kakatunova & V. G. Halin - y::id:1256 Inter-subjective influence in contemporary society: socio-psychological aspects
by M. .. Yuzhanin & N. S. Yuzhanina
0000, Issue 27
- y::id:1176 Form factors of consumer crediting - cash or a credit card?
by D. V. Agrba - y::id:1177 Controlling system in-house staff training
by P. .. Ananchenkova - y::id:1178 Realization of the Principles and Purposes of Banking Activity in the System of Financial Monitoring in Russia
by A. I. Andrianova - y::id:1179 Role of the internet banking in the modern banking system
by K. A. Babenko - y::id:1180 Methodological problems of marketin and social researches
by A. V. Balabanova & G. T. Zhuravlev - y::id:1181 The role of the state in the system of currency -financial export promotion
by E. A. Barinov - y::id:1182 Specifics procedures for the management of investment risk in the financing of innovative projects
by L. A. Bereznikova & S. M. Dli & V. Y. Nesterova - y::id:1183 Diagnostics of the innovative project implementation using fuzzy network hierarchical models
by O. V. Bulygina & J. V. Selyavsky & A. V. Oficerov - y::id:1184 Tendencies of development of the theory of controlling in system managements
by S. M. Bychkova & E. A. Zhidkova - y::id:1185 Strategic planning of business organizations as a tool for forming a stable high-performance production
by V. A. Vernikov - y::id:1186 Specificity of the refinancing of mortgage loans in Russia and conceptual approaches to them
by A. V. Vlasov - y::id:1187 IFRS financial statements of companies in the extractive industries as a basic tool of financial management
by V. E. Gladkova - y::id:1188 Cluster development priority development areas based logistics approach
by V. E. Gladkovaa & V. V. Zharikov - y::id:1189 Megasports events as an instrument for development adaptive (in focus of the XVIII Deaflympic winter games - 2015)
by E. A. Gureeva & T. A. Zaikina - y::id:1190 Resource for the sustainable development of enterprises of timber industry complex of Russia in the conditions of innovative economy
by A. Z. Gusov & A. V. Smirnov - y::id:1191 Socio-hygienic factors management of human resources of the industrial enterprise
by A. A. Gusova - y::id:1192 Specific features of management of innovation activity in regional research industry complexes
by M. I. Dli & A. E. Zaenchkovskiy - y::id:1193 Development of the state program and target strategy of investments and support of savings
by A. N. Dmitriev - y::id:1194 Financial tools of investment activity stimulation in modern conditions
by E. V. Dmitrieva - y::id:1195 Features of the organization of customs control after release of goods
by O. A. Dmitrieva & S. S. Ilyukhina - y::id:1196 Proposals to improve the regulatory measures in relation to systemically important financial institutions
by M. A. Zhurba - y::id:1197 Creative Economy of the region
by R. Sh. Zakirov - y::id:1198 Support of subjects of small and average business in the CIS countries (Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Belarus)
by E. A. Zolotova - y::id:1199 Comparative analysis of the market of banking services: analysis of competitive advantages
by E. A. Zolotova - y::id:1200 System of professional responsibility of auditors
by E. Yu. Itygilova - y::id:1201 The model of formation of intracorporate system of project risk management in electronics
by G. M. Kazanskiy - y::id:1202 The problems of entering the industry of Kyrgyzstan in economic space of the Customs Union
by CH. Z. Kaibyldaeva - y::id:1203 Separate aspects in realization of powers of the government (municipal) bodies in the sphere of implementation of financial control
by E. B. Krylova & M. V. Belyaeva - y::id:1204 The method of estimating the employment potential of migrant workers
by R. R. Kugushev - y::id:1205 Financial stimulation of investment processes in the Russian regions
by E. I. Kulikova & S. S. Dzusova - y::id:1206 Accounting problems of foreign nationals - migrant workers
by V. A. Lyannoi - y::id:1207 Professional training as an instrument of adaptation of labor migrants in the host country
by V. A. Lyannoi & A. I. Ponomareva - y::id:1208 Key directions of the state and municipal financial control in public finance
by M. N. Ponkratova - y::id:1209 Analysis and research of professional competencies model of sales managers
by A. O. Sanaev - y::id:1210 Development Strategy of Industrial Insurance in Russia: the rationale and the formation
by N. P. Sakhirova - y::id:1211 Structure of modern company innovation systems
by J. V. Selyavsky & A. M. Goncharov - y::id:1212 A model of innovation process of creating innovative high-tech products
by J. V. Selyavsky & A. V. Oficerov - y::id:1213 ECB refinancing rate influence on bank crediting and economic growth in Eurozone
by A. V. Skuratova - y::id:1214 Factors reputation of modern Russian high school and their influence on the formation of values of students
by M. S. Sokolova & M. A. Yefimova - y::id:1215 The billing system as a tool of organization and information support of innovation for energy conservation in the power sector
by A. V. Sychkov & A. A. Balyabina - y::id:1216 Ensuring the effectiveness of the enterprise on the basis of the development of human resources
by T. .. Timchenko & V. .. Tonkonog & P. .. Ananchenkova - y::id:1217 Selecting the layout structure of the transport and storage system of flexible automated manufacturing
by M. A. Khalikov - y::id:1218 Corporate social policy and the ways of its realization
by S. A. Shapiro - y::id:1219 The development of entrepreneurship in hotel business of Russia
by O. V. Shataeva & V. A. Nikityuk - y::id:1220 Analysis of ways of improvement of the diamond lapidary enterprise financial system
by D. A. Shutov - y::id:1221 Economic security of life support of citizens on the basis of an innovative corporate management system of housing and communal services
by V. M. Yakovlev & S. F. Vashchenko
0000, Issue 26
- y::id:1140 Features of reforming of the alcohol market in Russia
by I. O. Alimova - y::id:1141 Importance of venture business in development of production sector
by S. P. Baranenko & A. V. Busygina - y::id:1142 Application of fuzzy logic hierarchical network methods for risk assessment of industrial enterprise
by A. Y. Belozersky & O. V. Bulygina - y::id:1143 Problems and ways of development of economy of cooperation in the agricultural sector of the region
by S. V. Biryukova & O. A. Mirgorodskaya & G. A. Narozhnaya - y::id:1144 On the issue of self-regulation of the financial markets
by Yu. S. Bugaev & S. I. Rybakov - y::id:1145 Methodological principles of the organisation of investment process at the enterprises in the conditions of interfirm cooperation
by K. D. Busygin - y::id:1146 Conditions of a sustainable development of venture entrepreneurship
by A. V. Busygina - y::id:1147 Essence, features and prospects of strategic business development in Russia
by V. A. Vernikov - y::id:1148 Convergence of technologies in the conditions of the import substitution strategy as the imperative to overcome the industrial crisis in Russia
by N. V. Viderker & S. R. Yunusova - y::id:1149 Harmful computer programs in the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation
by V. V. Vorobyov - y::id:1150 Wages paradoxes: regional coefficient and inter-regional differentiation
by E. V. Gataullina - y::id:1151 New approaches to an assessment of efficiency of the industrial enterprises
by A. E. Gorokhova - y::id:1152 The theory of cycles in the modern world economy
by N. Yu. Denisov - y::id:1153 Personal savings of the population of Russia: dynamics, tendencies and prospects
by A. N. Dmitriev - y::id:1154 The mechanism of selection of innovative solutions tailored to assess the effectiveness of reserves
by S. V. Zakharov - y::id:1155 Logistic model of import of goods into the territory of the customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation
by S. S. Ilyukhina - y::id:1156 Specific features of management of IT-consulters innovative projects
by T. V. Kakatunova & E. I. Ivanova - y::id:1157 Modern features of selling of insurance services in bancassurance system
by S. A. Kalugina & M. K. Yurik - y::id:1158 Formation of motivational mechanisms in small businesses based on theory of generation
by S. G. Kamshilov - y::id:1160 On the issue of reasons for instituting criminal proceedings (The aspects of the new Criminal Procedure Code edition)
by I. V. Makeeva - y::id:1161 Problems and prospects of development of Private banking in Russia in modern conditions
by L. A. Mishina & A. V. Vlasov - y::id:1162 Criminal Liability for Slander and Article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
by R. S. Pelipenko - y::id:1163 Secondary education in Russia on the modern stage: state, problems, specific of management of middle general schools
by N. I. Pronina & N. V. Kandaurova - y::id:1164 The nature and evaluation of complex potential competitiveness of innovative business structures
by K. Y. Reshetov - y::id:1165 Improvement cross-country-sales as a condition of diversification of bank activity
by Yu. V. Saakova - y::id:1166 General Director OJSC «Rostov Optical and Mechanical Plant»
by Y. V. Savin & O. K. Platov - y::id:1167 The economy of Russia and legal support
by V. A. Serdyukov & V. B. Frolova - y::id:1168 Social competence as a factor in the effectiveness of management: socialization approach
by M. S. Sokolova - y::id:1169 Nature of the movement of the Russian stock market in 2011-2015
by S. I. Tarakanov - y::id:1170 Problems of getting financial resources small and middle entrepreneurship in modern conditions on the example of the city Nizhny Novgorod
by A. D. Tsikulev - y::id:1171 Interest rate policy of the Central Bank in the implementation of development-oriented credit relations and economic growth
by G. Y. Tsukova - y::id:1172 Methods of assessment activities and professional competences employees of administrative work
by S. A. Shapiro - y::id:1173 Regional insurance companies: ways of a survival
by Z. F. Sharifianova - y::id:1174 Conceptual modeling in insurance agricultural risks
by V. V. Shcherbakov - y::id:1175 The role of the insurance market in the system of socio-economic relations of the Russian Federation
by A. I. Yusupov
0000, Issue 25
- y::id:1094 Combating money laundering in the conditions of economic instability
by D. S. Ananikyan - y::id:1095 Research of strategic aspects of interaction of government bodies and enterprise structures for ensuring economic development of the region
by F. F. Anyurov - y::id:1096 Some questions of tax control quality improvement
by R. R. Arabov - y::id:1097 Development of algorithm of creation of multigroup of government bodies and enterprise structures
by L. A. Akhmetov & F. F. Anyurov - y::id:1098 Credit policy of Russia in the concept of economy of knowledge
by L. A. Ahmetov & A. I. Vinogradov - y::id:1099 Methodological approaches to assessing the sustainability of development programs for small and medium businesses
by A. N. Baydakov & S. V. Levushkina - y::id:1100 Development of methodological tools to build a portfolio of innovation dominant company on the basis of an evaluation of promising innovative semis
by A. V. Bandurin & E. Yu. Kamchatova - y::id:1101 Model of improvement of investment activity of the enterprises in the conditions of interfirm cooperation
by S. P. Baranenko & K. D. Busygin - y::id:1102 Definition of the purpose and problem of crisis management at the enterprises
by S. P. Baranenko & A. K. Busygin - y::id:1103 Approaches and methods of the formalization of risks in industrial and financial spheres in models of enterprise
by D. A. Bezukhov - y::id:1104 Construction of an optimal bonus plan with the piecewise-linear incentive function in the framework of multistage games with complete information
by G. A. Belyankin & E. N. Suetina - y::id:1105 Improving the system of personnel management - the basis of proper selection and implementation of the strategy of economic sustainability of the enterprise
by L. G. Bolshakova & M. M. Khannanov - y::id:1106 The scheme of a choice of priority target forms of renovation and modernisation of the enterprises
by K. D. Busygin - y::id:1107 Preventive management of crisis situations as the factor of maintenance of a sustainable development of the enterprises
by A. K. Busygin - y::id:1108 Modernization of system risk-management in commercial banks of Russia
by A. I. Vinogradov - y::id:1109 Specificity of the refinancing of mortgage loans in Russia and conceptual approaches to them
by A. V. Vlasov & L. A. Mishina - y::id:1110 Problems and perspectives of Russian financial control development in a globalization condition
by T. P. Voronchenko - y::id:1111 Strengthening of financial stability of the enterprises: Russian and foreign practice
by I. V. Gladkov - y::id:1112 Prospects of development of small business are in Russia
by L. G. Danilova - y::id:1113 Approbation of international experience in the Russian banking system: the preamble on the way to perfection
by R. N. Denikaeva & M. A. Ivanova & S. R. Yunusov - y::id:1114 Personal savings of the population of Russia: dynamics, tendencies and prospects
by A. N. Dmitriev - y::id:1115 Key success factors of the entrepreneurial structures in the conditions of innovative development
by M. N. Dudin & V. A. Vernikov - y::id:1116 To questions on profitable powers of local governments
by B. R. Krasnicky - y::id:1117 Prerequisites and consequences of modern financial policy of the Government of the Russian Federation
by S. A. Krutien - y::id:1118 Regional economic policy: status and challenges
by E. I. Kulikova - y::id:1119 Trends in the development of the Russian asset management industry
by E. I. Kulikova & B. B. Rubtsov - y::id:1120 The main problems and conditions between state authorities and municipal administrations in Russia and foreign countries
by A. V. Langinen - y::id:1121 Risk assessment of purpose-oriented program development of the region
by A. S. Millerman & O. F. Shahov & O. A. Bondarenko - y::id:1122 The main methodical approaches to the analysis of a financial condition of industrial corporations
by V. S. Michel - y::id:1123 Terms of optimization of financial support for the development of defense enterprises
by A. Z. Namitulina - y::id:1124 Investment deduction: the procedure for calculating and receiving
by O. V. Nikiforova - y::id:1125 Crisis management tool in the assessment of financial stability
by O. B. Repkina & D. O. Konovalova - y::id:1126 Formation of new credit products in the conditions of development of socially oriented approach
by Yu. V. Saakova - y::id:1127 Entrepreneurial universities and formation features of self-learning organizations in the Russian economy
by I. S. Salihova - y::id:1128 Customer-oriented approach as basis of increase of efficiency of administrative activity
by T. V. Saprykina - y::id:1129 Assessment of efficiency of government procurements in the conditions of the formed contract system in Russia
by M. V. Sedova - y::id:1130 Improvement of the mechanism of financial security of medical services in Russia
by E. V. Sinitsyna - y::id:1131 Real estate investment funds business analysis
by V. S. Smetanin - y::id:1132 Origin and development of special economic knowledge in world system of the criminal - a procedural law. Historical aspect
by K. V. Tishkin - y::id:1133 The impact of changes in tax rates and prices consolidated budget and production development
by V. V. Tyugay - y::id:1134 Improving the management of corporate culture on the educational services market
by E. M. Hrapovitskaya & V. N. Borobov - y::id:1135 The commercial Bank branches and their structure
by G. Y. Tsukova - y::id:1136 Reorganization of social security and development of human capital
by N. F. Chelukhina - y::id:1137 The concept of management of migration flows in the economy of the Russian Federation
by S. A. Shapiro - y::id:1138 The risks arising at execution and the termination of legal relationship in the field of town-planning activity
by A. I. Yakovleva - y::id:1139 Qualitative characteristics of the Russian insurance market
by A. N. Yampolsky
0000, Issue 24
- y::id:1050 Prospects of creation of the national card payment system in Russia and experience of Asian countries
by I. A. Aidrous & A. S. Filimonova - y::id:1051 Features of decision-making on multigroup creation in regional economy
by F. F. Anyurov - y::id:1052 Influence of tax mentality and tax morals on condition of system of tax control in the state
by R. R. Arabov - y::id:1053 Existing forms and features of a project financing in innovative activity
by L. A. Ahmetov & B. R. Shakirtkhanov - y::id:1054 Features predicting the level of food security of Russian regions in the light of the geopolitical changes
by V. S. Balabanov & M. N. Dudin & N. V. Ljasnikov - y::id:1055 Essence, contents and basic concepts of strategic stability of enterprise structures
by A. V. Balabanova & K. D. Busygin - y::id:1056 Role of interfirm cooperation in a sustainable development of the innovative industrial enterprises
by S. P. Baranenko & K. D. Busygin - y::id:1057 Theoretical approaches to classification of financial strategy of industrial corporations
by S. P. Baranenko & V. S. Michel - y::id:1058 Identification of institutional problems in the personal services sector
by E. V. Bardasova - y::id:1059 Analysis of the effectiveness of the small business support
by A. R. Bariev - y::id:1060 Modeling production function of enterprise in conditions of uncertainty and risk
by D. A. Bezukhov - y::id:1061 Methods of forming threshold value of risk’sin financial sector index
by D. A. Bezukhov & M. A. Khalikov - y::id:1062 Model of banking system functioning
by B. S. Boldin - y::id:1063 The Necessity of forming the adequate policyholders rights protection system in Russia
by Y. B. Borisova - y::id:1064 Development of guidelines to improve the sustainability of the territorial economy through diversification territorial production complex with a dominant industry
by I. S. Borisova - y::id:1065 The basic methodical positions and principles of the organization of interfirm cooperation
by K. D. Busygin - y::id:1066 Management of the financial stability of the enterprise
by A. K. Busigin - y::id:1067 Automation application when forming the consolidated financial statements of holding
by A. V. Busigina - y::id:1068 Forecast of balance of a manpower as way of management of an environment of a youth segment of labor market
by N. G. Vishnevskaya - y::id:1069 Improving land management mechanism cities to housing development (in the Tver region)
by A. V. Vlasov & O. I. Lebedeva - y::id:1070 Development of a conceptual model to improve the quality of product portfolio
by A. A. Demyanov - y::id:1071 Interdependence of internal savings, investments and economic growth
by A. N. Dmitriev - y::id:1072 Competitiveness of the enterprise: the main ways to increase and its evaluation
by M. N. Dudin & I. V. Vdovina - y::id:1073 Ways to optimize the structure of the financial resources of the enterprise: administrative aspect
by M. N. Dudin & N. V. Gryzunova & E. B. Shuvalova - y::id:1074 Financial management of the enterprise in the conditions of crisis: economical and legal aspect
by M. N. Dudin & E. E. Frolova - y::id:1075 Some questions in the application of tax regulations leasing
by R. V. Egorov & D. V. Ognev - y::id:1076 Methods and tools of financial recovery of companies in the real sector of the economy
by M. A. Ivanova & R. N. Denikaeva & I. V. Merkulova - y::id:1077 Formats of the enterprises of retail trade (on the example of X5 RETAIL GROUP N.V. )
by S. A. Kalugina & A. A. Makarov - y::id:1078 To questions on profitable powers of local governments
by B. R. Krasnicky - y::id:1079 Group unidentifiable intangible asset - goodwill
by N. A. Makashova - y::id:1080 Food security in the economic security of the national economy
by V. I. Menshchikova & A. M. Greshonkov & L. M. Abramova - y::id:1081 Conceptual (methodological) basis for the development of the Strategy of socio-economic development of the city
by F. K. Mirhadzhaev - y::id:1082 Approaches to concept definition «corporation»
by V. S. Michel - y::id:1083 Controlling of industrial product-service system
by S. S. Panteleev - y::id:1084 Management information systems as an effective instrument for the development of business structures
by A. V. Podsevatkin - y::id:1085 Conceptual bases of transformation of the organizational-economic mechanism of state management of housing and communal services in the region
by A. M. Pronina - y::id:1086 Financial stability in the system management of business structures
by O. B. Repkina - y::id:1087 Optimization of the national economy structure as a fulfilment of objectives of the strategic course of Russia
by E. A. Stepin - y::id:1088 The role of billing settlement system in the implementation of the lean production concept in the chain of production and consumption of electricity
by A. V. Sychkov - y::id:1089 Historical analysis of special economic zones in Russia
by I. R. Tazutdinov - y::id:1090 Methods of quality assessment services airport operations
by A. A. Fridlyand & V. K. Soluyanov - y::id:1091 Method of training neural networks for use in exchange robots based on intuitive analysis
by S. S. Khromov - y::id:1092 Economic prerequisites and conditions of creation of venture investment in the Russian Federation
by B. R. Shakirtkhanov - y::id:1093 Consumer behavior of the student’s parents of sports schools in field hockey as a matter of marketing analysis
by D. A. Shamin
0000, Issue 23
- y::id:1014 Approaches to the study of an industrial enterprise restructuring
by L. A. Akhmetov & O. V. Babich - y::id:1015 Food security: innovative aspect
by V. S. Balabanov & M. N. Dudin & N. V. Ljasnikov - y::id:1016 Innovations as the factor of growth and development of the industrial enterprises
by S. P. Baranenko & K. D. Busygin - y::id:1017 Banking systems of EU Member States
by E. A. Barinov - y::id:1018 Development of innovation management system as a way to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage organizations
by L. A. Bereznikova & S. M. Dli & V. Y. Nesterova - y::id:1019 Classification of progressive banking products in optimal ranges in order to create of banking product-transformer for increasing efficiency of banking activity
by E. V. Boganova - y::id:1020 The reasons and conditions of commission of the crimes breaking copyright and related rights
by A. V. Borisov