0000, Issue 23
- y::id:1021 Dependence of strategic stability of the enterprise on competitiveness
by K. D. Busygin - y::id:1022 Regional career development centres for graduates in modern conditions
by N. G. Vishnevskaya - y::id:1023 Organizational and methodical features of financial control in Russia and abroad
by T. P. Voronchenko - y::id:1024 Strategy of innovative entrepreneurship: reasons of fixing as priority and concrete manifestations in modern conditions
by A. S. Genkin - y::id:1025 The problem of increase of competitiveness of economic entities with mutual insurance from sales of pure risks in Russia
by V. N. Dadkov - y::id:1026 Transboundary franchising agreement as an institute of international private law in Russia and Germany: concept and content
by E. A. Demicheva - y::id:1027 Methodical bases of investment strategies and portfolio management of modern industrial enterprises
by E. V. Dmitrieva - y::id:1028 The theory and practice of carrying out the marketing competition at the industrial enterprise of a chemical complex
by A. A. Zhdanov - y::id:1029 Problems of methodology of management of innovative development of the Ðœicroelectronic industry in no equilibrium conditions of economy
by V. V. Ilyuk - y::id:1030 Controlling system as instrument of management of economic stability of the enterprise
by I. V. Larionov - y::id:1031 Innovative activity of industrial enterprises: exogenous and endogenous factors
by N. V. Lyasnikov & N. T. Uspenskaja - y::id:1032 Mutual insurance in Russia: the current state and further development perspectives
by E. A. Majukhovskii - y::id:1033 System of an assessment of the personal activity efficiency of social establishments: features of development and deployment
by O. V. Nikonova - y::id:1034 Opportunities and instruments of strategic planning for the development of Russian football
by A. V. Orlov & A. V. Babakov - y::id:1035 Interaction with the insurer’s Internal audit department as a way to increase the effectiveness of the insurance supervision
by T. Y. Peshkova - y::id:1036 Sources of the ancient Russian mortgage right
by A. K. Piryakova - y::id:1037 Information in management of business structures
by O. B. Repkina - y::id:1038 Problems of development of non-credit banking products in Russia
by A. V. Rusavskaya & A. V. Dormidontov - y::id:1039 Methodology of an assessment of influence of the insurance mechanism on economic security of the industry of Russia
by N. P. Sakhirova - y::id:1040 Migration forecasting for European part of Russia according to neutral scenario of future using system dynamics
by A. V. Stepanov - y::id:1041 Tasks of sports marketing
by Yu. A. Sukhanovsky & A. A. Matsulenko - y::id:1042 Foreign experience of entrepreneurship infrastructural support
by U. G. Tribunskaya - y::id:1043 Elimination administrative barriers as a form of optimization of investment and business climate in the country (on the example of Italy)
by B. R. Shakirtkhanov - y::id:1044 Experimental confirmation of the cyclical concept of labor motivation in the financial sector activity
by S. A. Shapiro & A. B. Veshkurova & N. G. Vishnevskaya - y::id:1045 Formation of fixed assets commercial organizations operating according to Sharia
by Sh. A. Shovkhalov - y::id:1046 Improvement of standard-legal and methodical ensuring performance of the federal budget
by F. A. Shogenova - y::id:1047 Analysis of the marketing environment of the organization on the basis of the cognitive approach
by T. Y. Shpakova - y::id:1048 Efficiency control of economic policy of the organization
by T. V. Yalyalieva & T. G. Kolesnikova - y::id:1049 The open innovative environment: the directions and forms of its creation in the entrepreneurship
by M. A. Yakhjyaev & B. R. Shakirtkhanov
0000, Issue 22
- y::id:986 Formation of methodology of decision-making on a choice of strategy of development of the monogrocery region within cluster approach
by V. Y. Avtonova & O. V. Astafeva - y::id:987 Basis for improving the efficiency of production
by L. G. Bolshakova - y::id:988 To a question of the factors influencing efficiency of criminal and legal fight against crimes, breaking copyright
by A. V. Borisov - y::id:989 Strategy of modeling of anti-recessionary decisions on a basis risk - the focused approach
by I. V. Gladkov - y::id:990 Management of transaction entrepreneurial structures advertising services market
by I. M. Gurova - y::id:991 Management of innovative activity of industrial enterprises in the cognitive economy
by M. N. Dudin & N. V. Lyasnikov & N. A. Makashova - y::id:992 Model of the planning process under the conditions of anti-crisis management
by E. V. Emeljanova - y::id:993 Analysis of the tourism industry in the region of Caucasian Mineral Waters
by K. .. Klimov - y::id:994 Behaviour of students in the market of information services
by E. V. Kovalevskaya - y::id:995 To a question of self-taxation of citizens
by B. R. Krasnicky - y::id:996 The main aspects of trade and economic relations of the Russian Federation and the countries entering into Gulf Council Cooperation
by M. M. Kurbanov - y::id:997 Innovative potential as a basis for the development strategy of the business sector
by N. V. Lyasnikov & M. N. Dudin & S. Ju. Filina - y::id:998 Diversification of sales channels as a factor in the development of the life insurance market
by D. A. Maksimov - y::id:999 Formation of a new approach to the appraisal of development of the Russian innovative infrastructure
by D. R. Maksishko - y::id:1000 SME’s insurance through banking channel
by M. .. Manchurak - y::id:1001 The efficiency of construction terms insurance and commissioning of transport communications
by A. S. Millerman & O. A. Bondarenko - y::id:1002 Payment of insurance premiums to the pension fund in 2014
by O. V. Nikiforova - y::id:1003 The competitiveness of young professionals on the labour market: the criteria and factors
by A. G. Nikulin - y::id:1004 Risk-oriented direction of banking assets securitization development
by Yu. V. Rybina - y::id:1005 Oil resources and reserves in Russia. Issues and challenges
by M. M. Solovyev - y::id:1006 Capital flight to offshore and challenges of combating money «dirty» money in the modern global economy
by E. N. Soloviev & A. V. Vlasov - y::id:1007 The issues of enhancing the competitiveness of the entrepreneurial sector of Turkmenistan
by Y. M. Habyyev - y::id:1008 Problems of research methodology and risk optimization
by M. M. Khannanov - y::id:1009 Role and place of the Russianand foreign subsidiary banks in a domestic banking system
by D. K. Huseinova - y::id:1010 Behavioural aspects of business and its role in development of innovations
by B. R. Shakirtkhanov - y::id:1011 Interaction synergetrics domestic banks and insurance markets
by Z. F. Sharifianova - y::id:1012 Improvement of practice of identification and prevention of deliberate bankruptcy of the enterprises
by M. A. Yakhjyaev & I. V. Gladkov - y::id:1013 Possibilities of innovative development of the company in business model construction
by M. A. Yakhjyaev & B. R. Shakirtkhanov
0000, Issue 21
- y::id:944 Strategy of innovative projects management
by L. A. Ahmetov & I. A. Vorobiev - y::id:945 Problems and issues of the Russian insurance market in conjunction with reinsurance and economic security
by L. A. Akhmetov & R. S. Yusubov - y::id:946 Entreprenerial aspects of the educational activity
by A. V. Balabanova & A. Y. Shkarin - y::id:947 Influence of vertical integration on stability of the enterprise
by S. P. Baranenko & K. D. Busygin - y::id:948 Formation systems approach to the process of development strategy development and selection of effective solution
by S. P. Baranenko & R. S. Mansurov & E. S. Leshchenko - y::id:949 The modern concepts of increasing banks’ competitiveness
by E. S. Bakhmetyeva - y::id:950 The development of the Unobligatory Health Insurance as basic unit of the Russian public system of medical care modernization
by O. V. Boyko - y::id:951 Formation of information support of financial control in the budgetary organizations
by N. V. Borisova - y::id:952 Dependence of strategic stability of the enterprise on competitiveness
by K. D. Busygin - y::id:953 Development of a conceptual model of the system of tax security economic entity
by A. V. Vinogradova & I. A. Zhuzhgina - y::id:954 Evaluating the effectivenessof the implementation of the innovative project
by I. A. Vorobiev - y::id:955 State-private partnership as the difficult operational closed system
by N. V. Vysotskaia & I. V. Linev - y::id:956 Unity and Contradictions of Modern Interaction of State, Business and Society
by I. V. Ganja & R. A. Nabiyev - y::id:957 Role and place of crisis management in the modern to economy: theoretical aspect
by I. V. Gladkov - y::id:958 Prerequisites and possible results of building an efficient innovation system in the power industry of the Russian Federation
by V. A. Epifanov & D. A. Nazarenko - y::id:959 Improving the taxation system of forest resources on the basis principles of payment for forest use
by N. N. Kalashnikova - y::id:960 Analysis of competing media, as an essential element of management school sports
by N. V. Kandaurova - y::id:961 «Social order» as the mechanism of political positioning of big business
by A. V. Kapkina - y::id:962 Machine-tool construction in Russia: problems and prospects
by M. A. Kovalev - y::id:963 Neural networks in the banking business: study of the influence of exogenous factors
by E. G. Kontos - y::id:964 Regulation of business activity of the consumer market at municipal level
by A. S. Kuznecov - y::id:965 Role of innovations and technologies in development of entrepreneurial structures of production and industrial sector
by N. V. Lyasnikov & M. N. Dudin & O. M. Tolmachev - y::id:966 Life insurance: the economic essence, the history of and current trends
by D. A. Maksimov - y::id:967 Positioning the company in a competitive environment
by R. S. Mansurov & E. S. Leshchenko - y::id:968 Principles of cooperation of bank and insurance company in Russia
by M. V. Manchurak - y::id:969 The structure and the weighted average price of working capital
by M. A. Pertseva - y::id:970 Expert evaluation of physical culture teachers of professional competences of the director of the school
by N. I. Pronina - y::id:971 Assessment of systemic financial risks
by O. V. Savvina - y::id:972 Innovations and risk in entrepreneurship
by Y. V. Sakharnov - y::id:973 Management of investments in the conditions of state-private partnership
by A. U. Semenihin - y::id:974 Conceptual approaches to regulation of systemically important banks
by A. A. Semiryad - y::id:975 Problems to modernizations of the economy to Russia
by V. A. Serdyukov & E. V. Serdyukova - y::id:976 The role of oil in Russia’s economy
by M. M. Solovyev - y::id:977 Features of transactions of M&A of telecommunication branch
by A. A. Stroganova - y::id:978 Management of entrepreneurship of insurance agents and intrapreneurship in the insurance companies
by E. G. Suleymanov - y::id:979 Mechanism of formation of NPP emergency power systems based on fuel cells
by D. A. Tyukaev & A. A. Balyabina - y::id:980 The mechanism of functioning the municipal-industrial system for management of social development of a city
by V. A. Cvetkov - y::id:981 The reproductive role, functions and methods of organizing associations of insurers
by A. A. Tsyganov - y::id:982 Management of results of intellectual activity: economical and legal aspects
by A. Y. Shkarin - y::id:983 Globalization: Social essence and basic features
by M. .. Yuzhanin & N. .. Yuzhanina - y::id:984 Scientific and methodical approaches in realization of functions crisis management
by M. A. Yakhjyaev & I. V. Gladkov - y::id:985 Sources of revenues formation of the budget subnational level and their classification
by M. M. Yakhjyaev