0000, Issue 35
- y::id:78 Main directions of the Euroasian integration
by T. K. Kamchybekov & A. K. Azhekbarov - y::id:79 State regional policy as an object of scientific research. The importance of regional policy for the Russian Federation
by M. A. Kartasheva - y::id:80 Development of the favorable enterprise environment in Russian Federation
by A. V. Kasyanov - y::id:81 Problems and prospects of financing diversified development of single-industry towns on the example of the city Naberezhnye Chelny
by O. E. Kovrizhnykh & I. K. Safin - y::id:82 Combating money laundering by preventing doubtful operations on withdrawal of cash
by I. A. Krestovskii - y::id:83 The development of youth entrepreneurship in Krasnodar region
by O. A. Martirosyan - y::id:84 Information support of the system of internal control of the credit institution
by S. A. Masterova - y::id:85 The state and the ways of scientific and applied risk-diagnostic’s base’s development
by A. M. Medvedeva & A. V. Palbin - y::id:86 Educational support social entrepreneurship
by M. A. Petrova - y::id:87 Consolidated taxation: an economic-legal support
by F. S. Rastegaeva & T. N. Shashkova - y::id:88 Coase-Stiglera’s theorem (economic theory of the property rights)
by S. S. Repin - y::id:89 Comarative analysis of the development of small enterpreneurship in the European Union and Russia
by L. F. Sultanova - y::id:90 Development of the evaluation function of internal audit
by N. V. Timofeeva - y::id:91 Remote training in regional educational space in the process of preparing students of different areas and specialties
by V. V. Tonkonog & P. I. Ananchenkova - y::id:92 Accounting procedures: a different view of the organization’s methodology
by E. Yu. Fedotovskaya - y::id:93 Problems of depreciation and accounting depreciation of fixed assets in budgetary institutions of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
by V. N. Chernish - y::id:94 Models of strategic planning of production and investment activities of the vertically integrated holding
by U. M. Shabalina
0000, Issue 34
- y::id:28 Evolution of theory of system cycles of capital accumulation
by A. V. Avramenko - y::id:29 Dispariti of prices in the agrarian economy of Russia
by N. R. Amirova & L. V. Sargina - y::id:30 Stimulation of the enterprise structures which are carrying out research and development
by L. A. Akhmetov & A. O. Ryzhkov - y::id:31 Development of the business environment in the Russian Federation
by L. A. Akhmetov & A. M. Chernopyatov - y::id:32 The main risks of Islamic banks in the modern financial system
by S. Yu. Babenkova - y::id:33 Institutional investors in the EU financial markets
by E. A. Barinov - y::id:34 An effective system of material incentives for pedagogical workers of professional education
by E. I. Velmisova - y::id:35 Evaluation of the effectiveness of accounting systems and internal controls of inventory organizations
by T. V. Voronchenko & A. A. Guberman - y::id:36 Comparative analysis and evaluation methods of depreciation of fixed assets for the purposes of accounting and taxation
by T. V. Voronchenko & N. V. Rybkina - y::id:37 The relevance of project finance in the current Russian economy
by V. E. Gladkova & A. A. Sysoeva & E. I. Abdyukova - y::id:38 The econometric model of evaluation and selection of priority strategies of reducing risks of the total loan portfolio of commercial banks
by M. A. Gorskij & E. A. Zakrevskaya - y::id:39 The main directions of state regulation of a small and middle entrepreneurship in the modern economy
by A. Z. Gusov & A. A. Baitursunov - y::id:40 Cluster approach as basis of increase in the international competitiveness of national economy
by A. Z. Gusov & I. A. Guli - y::id:41 The problems of innovations realization in industrial enterprises of the Kyrgyz Republic
by T. T. Dzhaparov - y::id:42 Interrelation of wages and turnover of medical personnel on the example of the State Medical Institution of Health of the Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan
by D. R. Zakirova - y::id:43 New mechanisms in the socio-labour relationships regulation system
by R. V. Kalyakulin - y::id:44 The role of a national payment service provider in case of implementation budget and tax and monetary policy
by S. V. Krivoruchko - y::id:45 About enterprise credit in the innovation economy
by Yu. V. Kuzminykh & T. V. Shmulevich - y::id:46 Innovative approaches to production management of industrial enterprise on the example of JSC MMZ «VPERED»
by M. V. Manshin & G. V. Tikhonov - y::id:47 Approaches to improving the effectiveness of risk-management of business entities
by A. V. Palbin - y::id:48 The reasons interfering visit of paid sports and improving lessons by potential clients
by P. V. Pasechnik - y::id:49 The role of entrepreneurship in economic development of the region
by A. D. Petrova & V. M. Mineeva & G. H. Aznabaeva & E. R. Kalimullina - y::id:50 The system of deposit insurance, as well as its influence on the formation of public confidence in commercial banks of the Russian Federation
by I. V. Platonov - y::id:51 Applying the algorithm of bee colonies at regional management of innovation projects
by A. N. Rudometkin - y::id:52 Effective contract of the employee of higher education institution as the instrument of activization of innovative activities
by Z. A. Sadykova - y::id:53 The stimulation of innovation activity as mechanism in the space enterprise
by A. V. Saprykina & M. S. Nikitin - y::id:54 Features of the tax policy of Russia in modern conditions
by I. S. Sokolov - y::id:55 Structuring assessments of the workplace
by O. V. Khafizova - y::id:56 Increase in financial availability in Vietnam on the basis of the principles of retail payment services development
by Chan Shon Tung - y::id:57 Benchmarking as a modern effective tool for developing the economic and financial potential of electric grid companies
by A. E. Chicherov - y::id:58 Risk indicators of operational and financial areas Hof the enterprises integrated group
by U. M. Shabalina - y::id:59 An analysis of the health system modernization processes in Russia and the results of their impact on the quality of medical services
by Yu. Yu. Shvets - y::id:60 Economic and legal aspects of the individual enterprise essence
by A. Y. Shkarin
0000, Issue 33
- y::id:3 Hydrogen economy and the prospects of its development
by A. A. Balyabina & A. A. Morozov - y::id:4 Problems of the organization electrical power market of the Central Asia
by E. T. Alisherov - y::id:5 Cluster analysis of marketing communication
by A. V. Balabanova & G. T. Zhuravlev - y::id:6 Financial terms of contracts: settlements, credits, guarantees
by E. A. Barinov - y::id:7 Improving public subsidy of passenger transport long-distance rail transport in Russia
by M. Yu. Belyakova & D. V. Agafonov - y::id:8 Process of strategic management by innovative projects
by K. R. Bibarsov - y::id:9 Value of Strategic Planning to Ensure the Sustainability of the Business Structures of Education and Science: Experience and Problems
by A. A. Galushkin - y::id:10 Modern approaches to improving the quality and competitiveness of engineering products through innovation
by V. E. Gladkova & V. V. Zharikov & R. V. Zharikov - y::id:11 Russian education in the field of commerce: aspects of formation
by S. A. Kalugina & A. A. Makarov & T. P. Lebedeva - y::id:12 Importance of cluster policy at the present stage for the intensification of entrepreneurship in the regions
by A. V. Kasyanov - y::id:13 The institutional traps and externalities of the neo-industrial import substitution
by K. A. Kolotov - y::id:14 Assessment of the development of the mortgage market in the regions of Russia
by E. O. Kuznetsova - y::id:15 Functional-observation and oversight properties of control of stability of development of the banking cluster financial system of the subject federation
by A. V. Milenkov - y::id:16 Scientific-theoretical aspects of small entreprenership in the conditions of crisis and globalization
by A. Y. Mortaza - y::id:17 Problems of system of training for the tourist industry in Russia
by E. R. Orlova & E. N. Koshkina & M. V. Koshkin - y::id:18 The theoretical understanding of risk-management business structure: terms and essence
by A. V. Palbin - y::id:19 The bankruptcy of a private investor in a project of public-private partnership
by F. S. Rastegaeva - y::id:20 Achievement of a stationary disbalance of the Russian economy as strategy of its strong growth
by V. V. Rebrova & V. Y. Krasnikovsky - y::id:21 Strategic analysis of freestone market in Russia
by S. A. Sidorova - y::id:22 Personnel involvement in development of strategy
by O. V. Suschitskiy - y::id:23 Features of development of the competition in the sphere services of physical culture and sport
by N. V. Filonenko & N. A. Ushakova - y::id:24 Multistage optimization of a non-institutional investor’s assents portfolio
by M. A. Khalikov & D. A. Maksimov - y::id:25 Operational monitoring of the labor market based on econometric modeling
by E. V. Chekanova - y::id:26 On the analytical aspects of diagnosis of the crisis state enterprises-participants of foreign economic activity
by T. V. Shmulevich & Yu. V. Kuzminykh - y::id:27 Role and the place of the state credit and financial institutes in support of small and medium entrepreneurship
by M. A. Yakhjyaev & A. Y. Mortaza
0000, Issue 32
- y::id:1340 Economical legal basis of program budgeting and its implementation in system of compulsory medical insurance
by G. A. Antonova & E. E. Zorina - y::id:1341 IPO, as a new way to raise investments in Russian sports organizations
by A. D. Askarov & U. A. Sukhanovskiy - y::id:1342 Psychophysiological factor accountin in the development of intelligent systems for pipeline transportation dispatching
by V. N. Akhmetova - y::id:1343 Sovereign funds on financial markets
by E. A. Barinov - y::id:1344 Research of types of financial risks of activities of the Russian companies
by I. M. Vankovich - y::id:1345 Prototyping is part of a marketing diversification on the market today
by V. E. Gladkova & V. V. Zharikov & K. V. Gorodnichev - y::id:1346 Promotion of healthy lifestyle and its impact on the socio-economic condition of the country and regions
by N. Y. Goncharova & A. S. Zadvorny - y::id:1347 The role of converged technologies in life-time wellbeing establishing in neo-industrial economy
by E. U. Dotsenko & O. V. Zhironkina & F. V. Agafonov & A. E. Genin - y::id:1348 Problems of interaction and identification from concerned parties in innovative projects
by V. V. Ilyuk - y::id:1349 Russian foreign trade Ensuring security: the role of the state and business
by S. V. Kaymanakov - y::id:1350 The use of the apparatus of growing pyramidal networks to assess the innovation potential of chemical companies at different stages of a crisis situation
by T. V. Kakatunova & S. S. Shirokov & E. Y. Chicherova - y::id:1351 The influence of external factors on production systems in the conditions of a recession
by S. G. Kamshilov - y::id:1352 Ways to increase the efficiency of budget for the general education
by E. B. Krylova & V. A. Gnevasheva & M. V. Belyaeva - y::id:1353 Specifics of state control in the financial and the social sphere
by E. I. Kuznetsova - y::id:1354 The analysis of system of medical support of preparation of a sports allowance in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
by P. I. Lidov & Yu. A. Sukhanovsky & E. L. Redkin - y::id:1355 The role of the compliance function in the internal control system of credit institutions
by S. A. Masterova - y::id:1356 The interdependence of innovation and investment potential of the regions
by E. F. Nikitskaya & M. A. Valishvili - y::id:1357 Resources organizations social service: how to improve the quality of management
by O. V. Nikonova - y::id:1358 Analysis of approaches to the essence of the competitiveness of employees of organizations
by O. V. Olennikova - y::id:1359 Approaches to the evaluation of the quality of life of population
by L. A. Panfil - y::id:1360 Modern solution of the problem of cost
by S. S. Repin - y::id:1361 Prediction of stock price is an important and challenging problem for studying financial markets
by V. M. Rusakov - y::id:1362 The main development trends of consumer market in Russia
by L. V. Sargina - y::id:1363 Conflicts of sports science with the practice of Physical Culture and Sports
by N. V. Filonenko - y::id:1364 Problematic aspects of the examination of the quality of care
by Yu. Yu. Shvets
0000, Issue 31
- y::id:1312 Improving the efficiency of management decision-making in the small business as an anti-crisis measure for the development of the national economy
by M. V. Antonov - y::id:1313 Islamic finance in modern political aspect
by Yu. S. Babenkova - y::id:1314 The formation of industrial restructuring strategy at the regional level
by O. V. Babich - y::id:1315 Cloud technology the management: opportunities and challenges
by O. V. Babich & A. V. Ivanchuk - y::id:1316 Innovation in professional education: development of remote resources for the development of professional competencies
by S. A. Bazhenova & V. V. Tonkonog - y::id:1317 Main directions of providing population of Russia with the food
by V. E. Gladkova & R. V. Zharikov & E. S. Zhangaliyeva - y::id:1318 Trading house. Prospects of application of these forms of management in modern market conditions
by V. E. Gladkova & V. V. Zharikov & M. S. Filatova - y::id:1319 The development of the cluster of wooden construction as the direction of the innovative strategy of the Russian timber industry complex
by A. Z. Gusov & A. V. Smirnov - y::id:1320 The factors influencing financial stability of public service establishments of the population
by N. V. Zhuravleva - y::id:1321 Evaluating the effectiveness of the provision of services for social protection disabled children
by E. R. Kalimullina - y::id:1322 Dynamics of gross domestic product and an assessment of its structure in the context of economic security of the state
by Y. P. Kulik - y::id:1323 Strategic analysis of influence of external and internal factors on stability of the banking sector of a financial system
by A. V. Milenkov - y::id:1324 Human capital as a factor of development of modern Russian economy
by O. M. Mikhaleva & I. A. Matyushkina - y::id:1325 The development of an action plan on restructuring of accounts payable repair enterprise
by O. A. Nikitina & T. M. Slobodyanik & Yu. M. Melikhova - y::id:1326 Temporal competence of personality as a success factor in entrepreneurship and other professional activities
by D. S. Portnova - y::id:1327 Development of the mechanism of the state control in the financial and budget sphere
by A. V. Rusavskaya & T. P. Voronchenko - y::id:1328 The economic value used to stimulate the development of enterprise structures in the R & D system mechanisms
by A. O. Ryzhkov - y::id:1329 The development of methods of analysis of balance sheet liquidity and company’s solvency
by S. A. Sidorova - y::id:1330 Use of neural networks for improvement of the trade systems based on the technical analysis
by E. A. Skryabin - y::id:1331 Features of formation of efficiency of innovative infrastructure of the region
by O. V. Smorudova & D. G. Fedotenkov - y::id:1332 Criteria and indicators of company’s sustainability in the pharmacy
by M. G. Sukhorukova - y::id:1333 Biggest world insurance companies and their international activities
by A. A. Khabarov - y::id:1334 Trends in the development of entrepreneurship in the sphere of banking services
by R. M. Khakimov - y::id:1335 Egypt and Russia: how to anticipate the restoration of cooperation in tourism
by V. V. Khozhempo & Salim Muhammad Salah El Din - y::id:1336 Educational services and features of functioning of the educational Russian Federation system in the conditions of upgrade
by O. V. Shatayeva & E. N. Akimova - y::id:1337 Features of inflation and methods of minimization of inflationary tendencies in Russia
by O. V. Shatayeva & O. T. Shipkova & V. A. Nikityuk - y::id:1338 Economic and legal aspects of the individual enterprise essence
by A. Y. Shkarin - y::id:1339 Economic and legal essence of the business contract
by N. A. Shkarina
0000, Issue 30
- y::id:1286 Optimization of number of banks in Russia
by L. A. Akhmetov - y::id:1287 About need of change of ideology, contents and purpose of economic forecasts
by R. N. Botavina - y::id:1288 Regulation of activities of credit institutions in the current crisis
by V. E. Gladkova & T. V. Gvelesiani - y::id:1289 Russian features of health care reform in the current socio-economic conditions
by A. B. Zudin & I. P. Kovaleva - y::id:1290 Peculiarities of formation of modern systems of remuneration on the basis of grading
by L. N. Ivanova-Shvets - y::id:1291 The management and operation of systems of physical education in the secondary schools of foreign countries
by N. V. Kandaurova & I. V. Kulkova - y::id:1292 Internal functional control in the management of economic actors
by E. A. Kasyuk - y::id:1293 Method of assessment of the competition’s level among fitness clubs on the local market
by E. V. Krasnov - y::id:1294 The development of mobileand Internet-based payment services as factors offinancial accessibility improvement
by S. V. Kryvoruchko & Tung Tchan Son - y::id:1295 Corruption in the system of threats to economic security
by E. I. Kuznetsova & E. V. Borisova - y::id:1296 Criteria for selection in the portfolio of trading systems
by K. E. Ladygin & V. A. Galanov - y::id:1297 Investment and innovative priorities of economic development of Jordan as small open economy
by O. B. Marashdekh - y::id:1298 Methodological approaches to the management of industrial enterprises
by L. S. Mityuchenko & B. V. Kosolapov - y::id:1299 The state ecological expertise: the concept, the location, the value of SER in the system of expert activity of public authorities to prevent negative impact on the environment
by D. M. Mishukov - y::id:1300 Salary of pedagogical employees of the organizations of secondary professional education as main component of marketing of personnel
by U. A. Nazarova & E. I. Velmisova - y::id:1301 Socio-economic aspects of migration in Russia
by E. F. Nikitskaya & S. V. Grabchuk - y::id:1302 Sustainable development of the municipality in the economic crisis
by E. F. Nikitskaya & D. A. Shpilev - y::id:1303 The current state and prospects of evaluating effectiveness of local budgets
by E. S. Nikulshina - y::id:1304 Modeling of the system of continuing professional education on the regional and Federal levels
by O. N. Petrova - y::id:1305 The impact of marketing resources for initiation of children and the safety of troops in the paid sections Taekwondo
by E. M. Pozharskaya & N. V. Kandaurova - y::id:1306 Material and immaterial factors of increase of efficiency of use of work of staff
by A. S. Stupak & F. M. Safin - y::id:1307 Market access in Russia for foreign investors: advantages and disadvantages
by M. G. Sukhorukova - y::id:1308 About the state of the Russian market of innovations
by S. I. Tarakanov - y::id:1309 Financial strategy holdings
by V. B. Frolova & A. R. Sargsyan - y::id:1310 The impact of sanctions on the economic security of corporations of the raw type
by S. D. Chernov - y::id:1311 The mechanism of use of innovations in crisis management
by S. S. Shirokov
0000, Issue 29
- y::id:1257 Modern trends in the management and increasing the competitiveness of industrial cluster associations in Russia
by L. A. Akhmetov & D. V. Skvirya - y::id:1258 Islamic insurance: the tool of anticrisis managment?
by S. Yu. Babenkova - y::id:1259 Market research of behavior of information consumers
by A. V. Balabanova & G. T. Zhuravlev - y::id:1260 The Derivatives market
by E. A. Barinov - y::id:1261 Analysis of the impact of technical equipment contractors for the risks of commissioning of objects of transport infrastructure
by O. .. Bondarenko - y::id:1262 About the search of partners for strategic alliance
by N. V. Vysotskaya & A. O. Kolodko - y::id:1263 Dynamic model of optimum control of a credit portfolio of commercial bank with additional criterion of liquidity of temporary structure of assets and liabilities
by M. A. Gadzhiagayev & M. A. Halikov - y::id:1264 Improving information exchange in the system of combating legalization of criminal proceeds and financing of terrorism
by S. S. Gamonenko - y::id:1265 Social Credit: promising direction of further reforming of the Russian pension system
by P. P. Goncharov - y::id:1266 Strategy of increase of competitiveness of the Russian automotive industry
by A. Z. Gusov & S. V. Buravov - y::id:1267 Conceptual foundations of business analysis in the controlling system
by E. A. Zhidkova - y::id:1268 Risk estimate and management of insurance companies: the role of underwriter and surveyor in loss control
by S. G. Zhuravin & I. S. Kuznetsova & M. M. Surovtsov - y::id:1269 Conceptual issues of internal financial control in corporations
by N. V. Zhuravleva & T. E. Karmanova & E. N. Podshivalova - y::id:1270 The Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation: the transformation and implementation issues
by K. N. Zasipkin - y::id:1271 Insurance and quality of life: the interconnection and interdependence
by O. E. Ivanenko - y::id:1272 Accounting policy as a tool of management of financial results
by O. E. Kovrizhnykh & O. V. Mingaleeva - y::id:1273 Models of pawnshop business in the world practice
by S. V. Kryvoruchko - y::id:1274 Strategy as a tool for promoting competitive advantages of the bank
by E. I. Kuznetsova & V. R. Nazirov & A. V. Rusavskaya - y::id:1275 Theoretical and metodological approaches to economic zoning of Russia in the conditions of innovative development
by E. F. Nikitskaya & M. S. Astapenko & T. P. Oslopova - y::id:1276 Intelligent Enterprise: concept, development trends in the theory and practice of human resource management
by A. M. Pronina - y::id:1277 Methodical aspects of planning costs in management accounting and analysis
by N. V. Puchkova - y::id:1278 The principles of banking supervision from Basel I to Basel III
by Yu. A. Sakovich - y::id:1279 The effectiveness of marketing management of the internal labour market
by A. S. Sarkisyan - y::id:1280 Problems of creation and functioning clusters associations
by D. V. Skvirya - y::id:1281 Improving human resource management system through the formation of professional communicative competence
by S. A. Sukhenko - y::id:1282 Pharmaceutical industry analysis: problems and prospects for the development
by M. G. Sukhorukova - y::id:1283 Development of the business environment in the provision of housing and communal services
by E. Y. Fedotovskaya - y::id:1284 Human capital as internal factor of business financial risk
by N. F. Chelukhina - y::id:1285 The main trends in attracting investments in the development of the territories of the Russian Federation
by F. F. Sharipov & R. S. Ravilova
0000, Issue 28
- y::id:1222 Branch demand in an orientation of entrepreneurship activity
by V. S. Balabanov & A. M. Chernopyatov - y::id:1223 Conceptual fundamentals of formation and development of consumer societies
by A. P. Breslavets & S. N. Zolotaryov - y::id:1224 Insurance brokers and self-regulation
by Yu. S. Bugaev - y::id:1225 Organizational - economic mechanism of increase of competitiveness of domestic food products: a regional perspective
by V. E. Gladkova & V. R. Zharikov & E. S. Zhangalieva - y::id:1226 Improving financial incentives of investment activity and innovative development of the municipalities
by I. A. Gorbacheva - y::id:1227 The content and internal control functions in order to create internal control systems of insurance companies
by N. .. Zhuravleva & N. .. Kuzovleva - y::id:1228 Improving the interaction efficiency of investment project participants through joint activities
by O. E. Kovrizhnykh - y::id:1229 Problems expanding the powers of the prosecutor in the criminal procedure and operatively-search activity
by I. I. Kolomoyets - y::id:1230 Analysis of international practice of wholesale distribution centers formation and development
by O. V. Kotova - y::id:1231 The portfolio of trading systems as a means of diversification in the securities market
by K. .. Ladygin - y::id:1232 Features of formation of a gender management model in the regional aspect
by L. A. Leto - y::id:1233 Features of the debt policy of the Russian Federation
by S. V. Marchenko & V. V. Pogosyan & Zh. I. Golubina - y::id:1234 Mergers and acquisitions of insurers in the context of globalization: the identification of trends
by V. S. Musorenkov - y::id:1235 Factors of economic growth in the medium-term indicative plans
by N. A. Nevskaya - y::id:1236 Concept of organizational and financial provision of sustainable development of territorial entities in the innovation economy
by E. F. Nikitskaya & M. A. Valishvili