Authors in Computational Economics
This list attempts to categories authors by fields. The procedure is to look at all their papers announced in a NEP report. If 5 or more have appeared in a report, authors are considered to be working within that field. For authors whose first paper is less than 10 years old, having 25% of the papers announced in NEP be announced in this report is sufficient. Note that a paper may appear in several reports.Below are authors identified to be in the following field: NEP-CMP (Computational Economics). See the top institutions and authors in this field. ? signals authors with whom we have lost contact and are seeking a current email address.
E | ||
Effendi, Yuventus | Ellingsen, Jon | Estrades, Carmen |
Egging-Bratseth, Rudolf Gerardus | Emery-Xu, Nicholas | Evans, Richard William |
Eidam, Frederik | Estache, Antonio |
J | ||
Jacob, Daniel ? | Jara, H. Xavier | Jousten, Alain |
Jacquinot, Pascal | Jedrzejewski, Arkadiusz | Judd, Kenneth L. |
Janasek, Lukas | Jeong, Jikhan | |
Janssen, Aljoscha | Jones, Andrew Michael |
O | ||
O'Donoghue, Cathal | Olivieri, Sergio | Ortiz Gimenez, Victor |
Ohashi, Hiroshi | Oosterlee, Cornelis W. | Oyamada, Kazuhiko |
Oikonomikou, Leoni Eleni | Oparina, Ekaterina | |
Olden, Andreas | Orlandi, Marco Sr. |
Q | ||
Qiu, Han | Qiu, Yue | |
Qiu, Shi | Quirion, Philippe |
U | ||
Ullrich, Hannes |
Uluc, Arzu | Unver, Utku |
X | ||
Xiao, Tim | Xiu, Dacheng |
Y | ||
Yamazaki, Akio | Yasui, Shota | Yonezawa, Hidemichi |
Yang, Xiye | Yergeau, Gabriel | Yu, Jun |
Yang, Yucheng | Yildizoglu, Murat | Yusuf, Arief Anshory |
Z | ||
Zaccaria, Niccolo | Zhai, Fan | Zhang, ZhongXiang |
Zachlod-Jelec, Magdalena | Zhan, Qixin | Zheng, Maoyong |
Zelenyuk, Valentin | Zhang, Alan L. | Zhou, Wei-Xing |
Zelity, Balazs | Zhang, Weike ? | Zito, John |