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Bruno Cabrillac

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First Name:Bruno
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Last Name:Cabrillac
RePEc Short-ID:pca1448
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Banque de France

Paris, France
RePEc:edi:bdfgvfr (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

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Working papers

  1. Cabrillac, Bruno & Al-Haschimi, Alexander & Babecká Kucharčuková, Oxana & Borin, Alessandro & Bussière, Matthieu & Cezar, Raphael & Derviz, Alexis & Dimitropoulou, Dimitra & Ferrara, Laurent & Gächter, 2016. "Understanding the weakness in global trade - What is the new normal?," Occasional Paper Series 178, European Central Bank.
  2. J. Acalin & B. Cabrillac & G. Dufrénot & L. Jacolin & S. Diop, 2015. "Financial integration and growth correlation in Sub-Saharan Africa," Working papers 561, Banque de France.


  1. Matthieu Bussière & Bruno Cabrillac & Françoise Drumetz & Véronique Genre & Rémy Lecat & Baptiste Meunier, 2018. "The role of international organisations in the monitoring and coordination of structural reforms [Le rôle des instances internationales dans le suivi et la coordination des réformes structurelles]," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 220.
  2. Cabrillac, B. & Gauvin, L. & Gossé, L., 2016. "Les obligations indexées sur le PIB : quels bénéfices pour les émetteurs, les investisseurs et la stabilité financière internationale ?," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 208, pages 5-20.
  3. B. Cabrillac & L. Gauvin & J.-L. Gossé, 2016. "GDP-indexed bonds: what are the benefits for issuing countries, investors and international financial stability?," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 44, pages 6-19, Winter.
  4. Bruno Cabrillac & Marie-Hélène Ferrer, 2016. "Les marchés de dette obligataire en devise locale en Amérique latine," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(4), pages 243-263.
  5. Cabrillac, B. & Haincourt, S. & Rivaud, S., 2015. "Séminaire G20 sur les méthodes d’évaluation de l’impact macroéconomique des réformes structurelles (Banque de France, 1er juin 2015)," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 201, pages 67-75.
  6. B. Cabrillac. & S. Haincourt. & S. Rivaud., 2015. "G20 Seminar on assessing the impact of structural reforms (Banque de France, 1 June 2015)," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 39, pages 49-60, Autumn.
  7. Bruno Cabrillac & Lionel Zinsou, 2014. "Introduction," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(4), pages 9-16.
  8. Bruno Cabrillac & Emmanuel Rocher, 2013. "Les perspectives des unions monétaires africaines," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(2), pages 99-125.
  9. Bruno Cabrillac & Pierre Jaillet, 2011. "Coordination internationale et sortie de crise : quel rôle pour le G20 ?," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(3), pages 237-256.
  10. Cabrillac, B. & Rocher, E., 2009. "Les marchés de titres de la dette publique dans les pays africains en développement : évolution récente et principaux défis," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 176, pages 33-45.
  11. Cabrillac, B. & Rocher, E., 2009. "Government debt markets in African developing countries: recent developments and main challenges," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 15, pages 5-25, Autumn.
  12. Bruno Cabrillac & Jean-Patrick Yanitch, 2004. "Les marchés financiers chinois," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 77(4), pages 275-297.
  13. Bruno Cabrillac, 2004. "Où va l’économie chinoise ?," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 77(4), pages 23-42.
  14. Bruno Cabrillac, 1988. "Les échanges d'invisibles du secteur industriel," Revue d'Économie Industrielle, Programme National Persée, vol. 45(1), pages 22-43.
  15. Patrick Artus & Bruno Cabrillac, 1987. "Les échanges de services des pays industriels," Revue Française d'Économie, Programme National Persée, vol. 2(1), pages 48-72.


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Working papers

  1. Cabrillac, Bruno & Al-Haschimi, Alexander & Babecká Kucharčuková, Oxana & Borin, Alessandro & Bussière, Matthieu & Cezar, Raphael & Derviz, Alexis & Dimitropoulou, Dimitra & Ferrara, Laurent & Gächter, 2016. "Understanding the weakness in global trade - What is the new normal?," Occasional Paper Series 178, European Central Bank.

    Cited by:

    1. Campos, Rodolfo G. & Estefania-Flores, Julia & Furceri, Davide & Timini, Jacopo, 2023. "Geopolitical fragmentation and trade," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 51(4), pages 1289-1315.
    2. Guillaume Gaulier & Aude Sztulman & Deniz Ünal, 2019. "Are global value chains receding? The jury is still out. Key findings from the analysis of deflated world trade in parts and components," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) hal-02315466, HAL.
    3. Lutz Kilian & Xiaoqing Zhou, 2017. "Modeling Fluctuations in the Global Demand for Commodities," CESifo Working Paper Series 6749, CESifo.
    4. R. Cezar, 2016. "France’s pharmaceutical industry in global value chains," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 44, pages 52-63, Winter.
    5. E. Buttin, 2016. "Green bonds: a solution for financing the energy transition or a simple buzzword?," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 44, pages 20-27, Winter.
    6. William F. Lincoln & Andrew H. McCallum & Michael Siemer, 2019. "The Great Recession and a Missing Generation of Exporters," IMF Economic Review, Palgrave Macmillan;International Monetary Fund, vol. 67(4), pages 703-745, December.
    7. Rougès, D. & Strauss-Kahn, M.-O., 2017. "Sondage 2016 sur les Français et l’économie : comportements, préoccupations et attentes," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 209, pages 15-23.
    8. Xuefeng Qian & Zhao Liu & Ying Pan, 2017. "China's Trade Slowdown: Cyclical or Structural?," China & World Economy, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, vol. 25(6), pages 65-83, November.
    9. Gunnella, Vanessa & Al-Haschimi, Alexander & Benkovskis, Konstantins & Chiacchio, Francesco & de Soyres, François & Di Lupidio, Benedetta & Fidora, Michael & Franco-Bedoya, Sebastian & Frohm, Erik & G, 2019. "The impact of global value chains on the euro area economy," Occasional Paper Series 221, European Central Bank.
    10. Bureau, B. & Bürker, M. & Libert, T., 2017. "La situation des entreprises en France en 2015," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 209, pages 39-55.
    11. Jan Hagemejer & Aleksandra Hałka & Jacek Kotłowski, 2020. "Global value chains and exchange rate pass-through: the role of non-linearities," NBP Working Papers 324, Narodowy Bank Polski.
    12. C. Mazet-Sonilhac & J.-S. Mésonnier, 2016. "The cost of equity for large non-financial companies in the euro area: an estimation over the last decade," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 44, pages 28-39, Winter.
    13. Gächter, Martin & Gkrintzalis, Ioannis, 2017. "The finance–trade nexus revisited: Is the global trade slowdown also a financial story?," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 158(C), pages 21-25.
    14. A. Boileau & L. Carlino & A. S. Lafon, 2016. "In the first half of 2016, the main French groups increased their profitability," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 44, pages 40-51, Winter.
    15. B. Cabrillac & L. Gauvin & J.-L. Gossé, 2016. "GDP-indexed bonds: what are the benefits for issuing countries, investors and international financial stability?," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 44, pages 6-19, Winter.
    16. Humbertclaude, S. & Monteil, F., 2017. "Le patrimoine économique national en 2015 : un modeste rebond," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 209, pages 5-14.
    17. Cezar, R., 2017. "L’industrie pharmaceutique française dans les chaînes de valeur mondiales," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 209, pages 57-69.
    18. Sondermann, David & Consolo, Agostino & Gunnella, Vanessa & Koester, Gerrit & Lambrias, Kyriacos & Lopez-Garcia, Paloma & Nerlich, Carolin & Petroulakis, Filippos & Saiz, Lorena & Serafini, Roberta, 2019. "Economic structures 20 years into the euro," Occasional Paper Series 224, European Central Bank.
    19. Boileau, A. & Chavy-Martin, A.-C., 2017. "Les délais de paiement sont stables en 2015," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 209, pages 25-38.

  2. J. Acalin & B. Cabrillac & G. Dufrénot & L. Jacolin & S. Diop, 2015. "Financial integration and growth correlation in Sub-Saharan Africa," Working papers 561, Banque de France.

    Cited by:

    1. Zouri, Stéphane, 2020. "Business cycles, bilateral trade and financial integration: Evidence from Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)," International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 163(C), pages 25-43.


  1. B. Cabrillac & L. Gauvin & J.-L. Gossé, 2016. "GDP-indexed bonds: what are the benefits for issuing countries, investors and international financial stability?," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 44, pages 6-19, Winter.

    Cited by:

    1. Nicolas Carnot & Stéphanie Pamies Sumner, 2017. "GDP-linked Bonds: Some Simulations on EU Countries," European Economy - Discussion Papers 073, Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), European Commission.
    2. Yongo Kwon, 2019. "Nominal GDP growth indexed bonds: Business Cycle and Welfare Effects within the Framework of New Keynesian DSGE model," National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) Discussion Papers 504, National Institute of Economic and Social Research.
    3. Kalamov, Zarko Y. & Zimmermann, Karl J., 2023. "GDP-linked bonds and economic growth," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 137(C).
    4. Jean-Marc Fournier & Jakob Lehr, 2018. "Issuing GDP-linked bonds: Supply and demand can match," OECD Economics Department Working Papers 1500, OECD Publishing.

  2. Bruno Cabrillac & Emmanuel Rocher, 2013. "Les perspectives des unions monétaires africaines," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(2), pages 99-125.

    Cited by:

    1. Souleymane Ndao & Nikolay Nenovsky, 2020. "External Dependence of the African Franc CFA zone. Empirical Investigations on Money Supply Process," Post-Print hal-03830129, HAL.
    2. Vigninou GAMMADIGBE & Ismaël ISSIFOU & Sampawende J.-A. TAPSOBA & Daouda SEMBENE, 2018. "Convergence et divergence budgétaire en Afrique : le rôle des Communautés économiques régionales et des Unions économiques et monétaires," Working Papers P217, FERDI.
    3. Seydou Coulibaly, 2021. "COVID‐19 policy responses, inflation and spillover effects in the West African Economic and Monetary Union," African Development Review, African Development Bank, vol. 33(S1), pages 139-151, April.
    4. Daouda SEMBENE & Vigninou GAMMADIGBE & Ismaël ISSIFOU & Sampawende J.-A. TAPSOBA, 2018. "Fiscal Convergence in Africa: What Role for Regional Economic Communities?," Working Papers P233, FERDI.
    5. Mr. Alexei P Kireyev, 2015. "How to Improve the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in the West African Economic and Monetary Union," IMF Working Papers 2015/099, International Monetary Fund.
    6. Souleymane Ndao & Nikolay Nenovsky & Kiril Tochkov, 2019. "Does monetary integration lead to income convergence in Africa? a study of the CFA monetary area," Portuguese Economic Journal, Springer;Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestao, vol. 18(2), pages 67-85, June.

  3. Bruno Cabrillac & Pierre Jaillet, 2011. "Coordination internationale et sortie de crise : quel rôle pour le G20 ?," Revue d'économie financière, Association d'économie financière, vol. 0(3), pages 237-256.

    Cited by:

    1. Brender,Anton & Pisani, Florence & Gagna, Emile, 2012. "The Sovereign Debt Crisis: Placing a curb on growth," CEPS Papers 6951, Centre for European Policy Studies.

  4. Cabrillac, B. & Rocher, E., 2009. "Les marchés de titres de la dette publique dans les pays africains en développement : évolution récente et principaux défis," Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 176, pages 33-45.

    Cited by:

    1. Marin Ferry & Marc Raffinot, 2018. "Curse or Blessing? Has the impact of debt relief lived up to expectations? A review of the effects of the multilateral debt relief initiatives for low-income countries," Working Papers DT/2018/12, DIAL (Développement, Institutions et Mondialisation).
    2. Maxime TERRIEUX & Benoît Jonveaux & Marin Ferry (Université Gustave Eiffel, DIAL), 2021. "Debt sustainability in Africa: state of play and future challenges," Working Paper 5b1b8e30-4a94-42f3-9e4b-9, Agence française de développement.
    3. Maxime TERRIEUX & Benoît Jonveaux & Marin Ferry (Université Gustave Eiffel, DIAL), 2021. "La soutenabilité des dettes en Afrique : état des lieux et enjeux futurs," Working Paper 5b1b8e30-4a94-42f3-9e4b-9, Agence française de développement.
    4. Mbengue, Mohamed Lamine & Paget-Blanc, Eric, 2017. "The fixed income securities market in the West African Economic and Monetary zone: Are credit spread abnormally low?," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 41(C), pages 235-238.
    5. Sèna Kimm Gnangnon, 2012. "Does Structural Economic Vulnerability Matter for Public Indebtedness in Developing Countries?," CERDI Working papers halshs-00749469, HAL.
    6. Chauvin, S. & Golitin, V., 2010. "Borrowing requirements and external debt sustainability of Sub-Saharan African countries," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 17, pages 47-77, Spring.
    7. Sena Kimm GNANGNON, 2012. "Does Structural Economic Vulnerability Matter for Public Indebtedness in Developing Countries?," Working Papers 201236, CERDI.
    8. Sèna Kimm Gnangnon, 2012. "Does Structural Economic Vulnerability Matter for Public Indebtedness in Developing Countries?," Working Papers halshs-00749469, HAL.

  5. Cabrillac, B. & Rocher, E., 2009. "Government debt markets in African developing countries: recent developments and main challenges," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 15, pages 5-25, Autumn.

    Cited by:

    1. Mame Astou Diouf & Mr. Francois Boutin-Dufresne, 2012. "Financing Growth in the WAEMU Through the Regional Securities Market: Past Successes and Current Challenges," IMF Working Papers 2012/249, International Monetary Fund.
    2. International Monetary Fund, 2016. "Central African Economic and Monetary Community: Selected Issues," IMF Staff Country Reports 2016/290, International Monetary Fund.

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