- SP IV 2020-103r Business authority in global governance: Beyond public and private
by Mende, Janne
- SP IV 2021-101 Managing regime complexity: Introducing the interface conflicts 1.0 dataset
by Fuß, Julia & Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian & Saravia, Andrés & Zürn, Michael
- SP IV 2020-104 Orders, purposes, and tasks: How do states act in international security organizations?
by Cupać, Jelena - SP IV 2020-103 Business authority in global governance: Beyond public and private
by Mende, Janne - SP IV 2020-102 China's new multilateral institutions: A framework and research agenda
by Stephen, Matthew D. - SP IV 2020-101 To fight or to vote: Sovereignty referendums as strategies in conflicts over self-determination
by Kelle, Friederike Luise & Sienknecht, Mitja
- SP IV 2019-101 La gran dama: Science patronage, the rockefeller foundation, and the Mexican social sciences in the 1940s
by Morcillo Laiz, Álvaro
- SP IV 2018-105 Preserving the epistemic authority of science in world politics
by Haas, Peter M. - SP IV 2018-104 Small planet in the vastness of space: Globalization and the proliferation of UFOs, aliens, and extraterrestrial threats to humanity
by Boli, John - SP IV 2018-103 Overlapping spheres of authority and interface conflicts in the global order: Introducing a DFG research group
by Zürn, Michael & Faude, Benjamin & Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian - SP IV 2018-102 Transnationalizing democracy properly: Principles and rules for granting consociated citizens voting rights and partisan representation in the parliaments of nation states
by Blatter, Joachim - SP IV 2018-101 The governor's dilemma: Competence versus control in indirect governance
by Abbott, Kenneth W. & Genschel, Philipp & Snidal, Duncan & Zangl, Bernhard
- SP IV 2017-102 Close interaction, incompatible regimes, contentious challenges: The transnational movement to protect privacy
by Tarrow, Sidney - SP IV 2017-101 Politicization, party politics and military missions deployment votes in France, Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom
by Wagner, Wolfgang & Herranz-Surrallés, Anna & Kaarbo, Juliet & Ostermann, Falk
- SP IV 2016-110 Intellectual property rights and health: The constraints of WHO authority and the rise of global health governance as an element of contestation
by Hein, Wolfgang - SP IV 2016-109 Europe and European studies in crisis: Inter-disciplinary and intra-disciplinary schisms in legal and political science
by Joerges, Christian & Kreuder-Sonnen, Christian - SP IV 2016-108 Global power shifts and the future of democracy: An evolutionary approach, with special attention to China
by Owen, John M.
- SP IV 2014-107 Contested World Orders: Rising powers, non-state actors, and the politics of authority beyond the nation-state
by Stephen, Matthew D. & Zürn, Michael - SP IV 2014-106 Regional governance: The evolution of a new institutional form
by Goertz, Gary & Powers, Kathy - SP IV 2014-105 The conditional effects of international human rights institutions
by Dai, Xinyuan - SP IV 2014-104 Mechanisms, process and the study of international institutions
by Checkel, Jeffrey T. - SP IV 2014-103 Governing global risks: The evolution of policy capacity in the financial sector
by Pauly, Louis W. - SP IV 2014-102 The political sociology of cosmopolitanism and communitarianism: Representative claims analysis
by de Wilde, Pieter & Koopmans, Ruud & Zürn, Michael - SP IV 2014-101 The democratic output legitimacy of international organizations
by Steffek, Jens
- SP IV 2010-303 Internationale Organisationen und der Schutz fundamentaler Rechte von Individuen: Skizze eines Forschungsprojekts
by Heupel, Monika & Zürn, Michael - SP IV 2010-302 Problem perception and public expectations in international institutions: Evidence from a German representative survey
by Ecker-Ehrhardt, Matthias - SP IV 2010-301 Transnational attention, domestic agenda-setting and international agreement: Modeling necessary and sufficient conditions for media-driven humanitarian interventions
[Transnationale Aufmerksamkeit, nationales Agenda-Setting und Internationales Abkommen: Eine Modellierung der notwendigen und hinreichenden Bedingungen für medien-getriebene, humanitäre Interventionen]
by Junk, Julian & Blatter, Joachim
- SP IV 2008-307 WHO says competition is healthy: How civil society can change IGOs
[Die WHO sagt: Wettbewerb ist gesund. Wie Zivilgesellschaft IGOs verändern kann]
by Viola, Lora Anne - SP IV 2008-306 Politicization and institutional (non-) change in international taxation
[Politisierung und institutioneller (Nicht-)Wandel des internationalen Steuerregimes]
by Rixen, Thomas - SP IV 2008-305 The politicization of international security institutions: The UN security council and NGOs
[Die Politisierung internationaler Sicherheitsinstitutionen: Der UN-Sicherheitsrat und NGOs]
by Binder, Martin - SP IV 2008-304 Global social and civil entrepreneurs: An answer to the poor performance of global governance
[Global agierende “social entrepreneurs” und “civil entrepreneurs” - eine gesellschaftliche Antwort auf die schwache Leistung der Staatenwelt?]
by Stein, Tine - SP IV 2008-303 Klimaschutzpolitik: Warum ist Deutschland ein Vorreiter im internationalen Vergleich? Zur Rolle von Handlungskapazitäten und Pfadabhängigkeit
[Climate Protection Policy: Why is Germany, by international comparison, a frontrunner? On the role of capacities for action and path dependency]
by Weidner, Helmut - SP IV 2008-302 The institutional design of international double taxation avoidance
[Das Design der internationalen Institutionen zur Vermeidung von Doppelbesteuerung]
by Rixen, Thomas - SP IV 2008-301 Normative power and EU arms transfer policy: A theoretical critique and empirical test
[Normative Macht und die EU-Waffenlieferungspolitik: Eine theoretische Kritik und ein empirischer Test]
by Erickson, Jennifer L.
- SP IV 2007-308 Tensions in liberalism: The troubled path to liberal world order
[Spannungen im Liberalismus: Der steinige Weg zu einer liberalen Weltordnung]
by Sørensen, Georg - SP IV 2007-307 The selective enforcement of human rights? The international response to violent humanitarian crises and gross violations of human rights in the Post-Cold-War era
[Die selektive Bearbeitung von humanitären Krisen und massiven Menschenrechtsverletzungen: Eine systematische Bestandsaufnahme]
by Binder, Martin - SP IV 2007-306 Welfare state formation in the enlarged European union – Patterns of reform in the post-communist new member states
[Die Entwicklung von Wohlfahrtsstaaten in der erweiterten Europäischen Union – Reformen in den neuen post-sozialistischen Mitgliedsstaaten]
by Offe, Claus & Fuchs, Susanne - SP IV 2007-305 Making normative meaning accountable in international politics
by Wiener, Antje - SP IV 2007-304 Ein Trend zu transnationaler Solidarität? Die Entwicklung des Spendenaufkommens in der Not- und Entwicklungshilfe
[Transnational Solidarity in the Face of Humanitarian Crises: Trends in Voluntary Giving in Germany]
by Radtke, Katrin - SP IV 2007-303 Neue Autoritäten? Ein kommunikationstheoretischer Blick auf die Deutungsmacht inter- und transnationaler Akteure in der Darfurkrise
[New Authorities? A Communication-Theoretical View of the Symbolic Power of International and Transnational Actors in the Dafur Crisis]
by Ecker-Ehrhardt, Matthias - SP IV 2007-302 Weltgesellschaft und Modernisierung: Eine Skizze der Dynamik des Formwandels des Systems internationaler Beziehungen
[World Society and Modernization: A Brief Outline of the Dynamics of Change in International Relations]
by Fuchs, Susanne - SP IV 2007-301 Coordination in United Nations peacebuilding: A theory-guided approach
[Koordination in VN-Friedensmissionen: Eine theoriegeleitete Herangehensweise]
by Herrhausen, Anna
- SP IV 2006-301 Politische Ordnungsbildung wider Willen: Ein Forschungsprogramm zu transnationalen Konflikten und Institutionen
by Zürn, Michael & Binder, Martin & Ecker-Ehrhardt, Matthias & Radtke, Katrin