2013, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 14-20 Market and hierarchy: What the structure of stock exchanges can tell us about the uncertainty in early financial markets
by Beyer, Jürgen & Müller, Robert - 21-26 Imitation and deviation: Decisions in financial markets under extreme uncertainty
by Kraemer, Klaus - 27-33 Can the immobile stop the mobile?
by Godechot, Olivier - 34-40 The infrastructure of financial markets: The case of statistical information
by Konadu, Magneta & Kalthoff, Herbert - 41-47 Questioning economists' notion of value: André Orléan interviewed by Rainer Diaz-Bone
by Orléan, André & Diaz-Bone, Rainer
2013, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 2-3 Note from the editor
by Diaz-Bone, Rainer - 4-9 On coordination: Stories and meaning making in markets
by Mützel, Sophie - 10-16 Dispositive, discourse and the economy: Conceptual reflections with regard to a sociology of competition
by Wetzel, Dietmar - 17-24 Days of revelation: Remarks about the share of collective symbols in the discursive construction of economic crisis
by Hartz, Ronald - 25-31 Spectral performativity: How economic expert discourse constructs economic worlds
by Maeße, Jens - 32-38 How the firm became consultable: Constructing governability in the field of management
by Schmidt-Wellenburg, Christian - 39-45 Justification, conventions, and institutions in economic fields
by Knoll, Lisa - 46-53 Discourse conventions in the construction of wine qualities in the wine market
by Diaz-Bone, Rainer - 54-60 Economics of convention as the socio-economic analysis of law: Christian Bessy interviewed by Rainer Diaz-Bone
by Bessy, Christian & Diaz-Bone, Rainer - 61-68 Contributing to a pragmatic institutionalism of economic law: Claude Didry interviewed by Rainer Diaz-Bone
by Didry, Claude & Diaz-Bone, Rainer
2012, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 2-3 Note from the editor
by Diaz-Bone, Rainer - 4-10 Law, economies and economics: New critical perspectives on normative and evaluative devices in action
by Thévenot, Laurent - 11-19 Labour law as social questioning: The contribution of the "Labour Conventions Approach" to a different history of socioeconomic institutions
by Didry, Claude - 20-30 Law, forms of organization and the market for legal services
by Bessy, Christian - 31-39 Conventions at work: On forensic accountant's intermediation
by Charrier, Emmanuel & Pélisse, Jérôme - 40-46 To move institutional analysis in the right direction: Olivier Favereau interviewed by Rainer Diaz-Bone
by Favereau, Olivier & Diaz-Bone, Rainer
2012, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 2-3 Note from the editor
by Radaev, Vadim - 4-26 The conceptual foundations of relationship marketing: Review and synthesis
by Sheth, Jagdish N. & Parvatiyar, Atul & Sinha, Mona - 27-33 New Economic Sociology and relationship marketing: Parallel development
by Kotelnikova, Zoya - 34-39 Interview with Professor Gary Hamilton
by Hamilton, Gary
2012, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 2-3 Note from the editor
by Radaev, Vadim - 4-12 Informal economy in Russia: A brief overview
by Barsukova, Svetlana & Radaev, Vadim - 13-20 How the law really works: The new sociology of law in Russia
by Dzmitryieva, Arina - 21-28 Commercialization of police and shadow economy: The Russian case
by Kosals, Leonid & Dubova, Anastasia - 29-36 Informal employment in Russia: Why is it so sustainable?
by Karabchuk, Tatiana - 37-45 Freelancers in Russia: Remote work patterns and e-markets
by Shevchuk, Andrey & Strebkov, Denis - 46-49 Rural Informal Economy in Post-Soviet Russia
by Nikulin, Alexander
2011, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 2-3 Note of the editor
by Radaev, Vadim - 4-11 Interview with John Nye
by Nye, John - 12-21 New Institutional Economics: A state-of-the-art review for economic sociologists
by Menyashev, Rinat & Natkhov, Timur & Polishchuk, Leonid & Syunyaev, Georgiy - 22-27 New Institutional Economics versus Economics of Conventions: The difference between bounded rationality and... bounded rationality
by Favereau, Olivier - 28-39 Petering out or flaming up? New Institutional Economics in East-Central Europe
by Kovács, János Mátyás
2011, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 2-4 Note from the editor
by Dodd, Nigel - 5-12 Money nutters
by Maurer, Bill - 13-18 Using the future in the present: Risk and surprise in financial markets
by Esposito, Elena - 19-25 For a love of false consciousness: Adam Smith on the social origins of scarcity
by Peebles, Gustav - 26-34 History in finance and fiction in history: The crisis of 2008 and the return of the past
by Samman, Amin - 35-37 Economic crisis and the politics of austerity in Ireland
by Hardiman, Niamh - 38-47 The European sovereign debt crisis: The Portuguese case
by Graça, João Carlos & Lopes, João Carlos & Marques, Rafael - 48-57 Living on borrowed money: On the social context and response of the current greek crisis
by Koniordos, Sokratis
2011, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 2-3 Note from the editor
by Dodd, Nigel - 4-10 The financial crisis and the end of all-purpose money
by Hart, Keith - 11-16 Economic governance in the eurozone: A new dawn?
by Young, Brigitte - 17-20 The Euro trouble and the global financial crisis
by Deutschmann, Christoph - 21-26 Should crisis-hit countries leave the eurozone?
by North, Peter - 27-43 The level of financial literacy of russians: Before and during the crisis of 2008-2009
by Kuzina, Olga
2010, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 2-3 Note from the editor
by Dodd, Nigel - 4-9 Credit rating agencies and the global financial crisis
by Sinclair, Timothy J. - 10-17 Amartya Sen's "The idea of justice" and financial regulation
by Mügge, Daniel - 18-27 Analyzing expectations sociologically: Elements of a formal sociology of the financial markets
by Langenohl, Andreas - 28-41 Have the media made the greek crisis worse? An inquiry into the credit crisis of the state
by Juko, Sonja - 42-48 Transfer union or common bond? On the moral economy of the eurozone
by Dodd, Nigel & Lenhard, Johannes - 49-57 Analysis of power relations of banks in contemporary society
by Zieliński, Aleksander Miłosz & Wetzel, Dietmar J. - 58-67 Not so "Mickey Mouse": Lessons in the nature of modern money from complementary monetary innovations
by Ryan-Collins, Josh - 68-72 Grassroots innovations for sustainable development: A new research agenda
by Seyfang, Gill & Smith, Adrian & Longhurst, Noel
2010, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Milicet, Nicolas & Naulin, Sidonie & Steiner, Philippe - 3-9 A grammar of performance
by Jany-Catrice, Florence - 10-24 Unemployment, a social construction: Institutional programs, experiences and meanings in a comparative perspective
by Araujo Guimarães, Nadya & Demazière, Didier & Hirata, Helen & Sugita, Kurumi - 25-32 The solidarity economy: A plural theoretical framework
by Laville, Jean-Louis - 33-42 The "Social construction of the market" in a transitional economy: The sugar industry in China in the context of globalization
by Augustin-Jean, Louis - 43-53 Solidarity and social networks: Economic sociology of international migration and the Brazilian case
by Braga Martes, Ana Cristina & Fazito, Dimitri - 54-65 Issues of Chinese economic sociology
by Roulleau-Berger, Laurence - 66-68 Interview with Marion Fourcade
by Fourcade, Marion
2010, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Milicet, Nicolas & Naulin, Sidonie & Steiner, Philippe - 3-9 Economic and agrofood studies in brazil: Combining social networks, convention and social movement approaches
by Wilkinson, John - 10-15 For a Brazilian sociology of finance
by Grün, Roberto - 16-23 Innovation and the development agenda
by Arbix, Glauco - 24-30 Social movements and NGOs in the construction of new market mechanisms
by Abramovay, Ricardo & de Almeida Voivodic, Maurizio & Cardoso, Fatima Cristina & Conroy, Michael E. - 31-38 Southern cities: Locomotives or wagons of national development
by Comin, Alvaro & Vasconcelos Oliveira, Maria Carolina - 39-43 Heterodox reflections on the financial crisis
by Mutti, Antonio - 44-47 The revue française de socio-economie: Reconnecting with the social science project
by Jany-Catrice, Florence & Sobel, Richard - 48-52 Response to "Neil Fligstein answers questions on the present financial crisis"
by Zimmermann, Kenneth R. - 53-54 Response to Kenneth Zimmerman
by Fligstein, Neil
2009, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Steiner, Philippe - 3-7 A market for human cadavers in all but name?
by Anteby, Michel - 8-16 The tyranny and the terror of the gift: Sacrificial violence and the gift of life
by Scheper-Hughes, Nancy - 17-23 Honestly embracing markets in human organs for transplantation
by Cherry, Mark J. - 24-33 Between gift and commodity: Blood products in France
by Chauveau, Sophie - 34-40 Investors and efficient markets: The everyday imaginaries of investment management
by Ortiz, Horacio - 41-44 Neil Fligstein answers questions on the present financial crisis
by Fligstein, Neil
2009, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Mennicken, Andrea - 3-7 Law in economy and society: Introductory comments
by Swedberg, Richard & Ford, Laura - 8-13 The economy of legal practice as a symbolic market: Legal value as the product of social capital, universal knowlegde, and state authority
by Garth, Bryant G. & Dezalay, Yves - 14-19 Semantic legal ordering: Property and its social effects
by Ford, Laura - 20-25 The legal constitution of market society: Probing the economic sociology of law
by Frerichs, Sabine - 26-28 Intersections between economic sociology and law: Interview with Gunther Teubner
by Teubner, Gunther - 29-33 Economic sociology in France: Interview with Philippe Steiner
by Steiner, Philippe
2009, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Mennicken, Andrea - 3-5 Opportunity out of crisis: Economic sociology and the analysis of risk, regulation and security
by Power, Michael - 6-10 More heat than light: On the regulation of international finance
by Vestergaard, Jakob - 11-16 Towards an economic sociology of the subprime crisis?
by Kessler, Oliver - 17-21 Imagining catastrophe: Scenario planning and the striving for epistemic security
by Tellmann, Ute - 22-26 Social security and financial professionalism in "Neo-Liberalism": Perspectives for economic sociology
by Langenohl, Andreas - 27-32 A conversation with Richard Sennett
by Sennett, Richard
2008, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Mennicken, Andrea - 3-7 Accounting for economic sociology
by Mennicken, Andrea & Miller, Peter & Samiolo, Rita - 8-11 Talking numbers: Governing immaterial labour
by Vormbusch, Uwe - 12-15 Accounting at the heart of the performativity of economics
by Chiapello, Eve - 16-20 Global or local? Travelling management accounting ideas
by Becker, Albrecht - 21-28 A conversation with Anthony Hopwood
by Hopwood, Anthony G.
2008, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Aspers, Patrik - 3-16 Economic sociology discovering economic geography
by Aspers, Patrik & Kohl, Sebastian & Power, Dominic - 17-24 A conversation with Gernot Grabher
by Grabher, Gernot - 25-26 A comment on economics and sociology
by Moss, Laurence
2008, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Aspers, Patrik - 3-4 Comment on economic anthropology: Chris Hann reflects on the anthropology theme of the newsletter's last issue
by Hann, Chris - 5-15 An economic sociological look at economics
by Aspers, Patrik & Kohl, Sebastian & Roine, Jesper & Wichardt, Philipp - 16-23 Robert Salais answers five questions about economic sociology: Economics of convention - its origins, contributions and transdisciplinary perspectives: Robert Salais interviewed by Rainer Diaz-Bone
by Salais, Robert & Diaz-Bone, Rainer
2007, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Aspers, Patrik - 3-10 An economic sociological look at economic anthropology
by Aspers, Patrik & Darr, Asaf & Kohl, Sebastian - 11-16 Keith Hart answers eleven questions about economic anthropology
by Hart, Keith
2007, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 2-3 Note from the editor
by Bandelj, Nina - 4-10 Economic sociology and the sociology of finance: Four distinctions, two developments, one field?
by Knorr Cetina, Karin - 11-18 The role of bi-level social networks in building mass consumer finance markets in Russia
by Guseva, Alya - 19-25 Capital and Community: Findings from the American Investment Craze of the 1990s
by Harrington, Brooke - 26-32 In trusts we trust: Pension funds between social protection and financial speculation
by Montagne, Sabine - 33-40 Technology and boundary-marking in financial markets
by Preda, Alex - 41-45 Viviana Zelizer answers ten questions about economic sociology
by Zelizer, Viviana
2007, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Bandelj, Nina - 3-9 Capitalist diversity in Eastern Europe
by Bohle, Dorothee & Greskovits, Béla - 10-17 Does neoliberalism work? Comparing economic and sociological explanations of postcommunist performance
by King, Lawrence P. - 18-24 Dress for success? Entrepreneurial careers in the Romanian garment industry
by Surubaru, Alina - 25-26 Networks and institutions in the economic transformation of post-socialism: Harriman Institute project, Columbia University
by Stark, David & Schoenman, Roger - 27-30 A note on Max Weber's unfinished theory of economy and society
by Baecker, Dirk - 31-35 Vadim Radaev answers ten questions about economic sociology
by Radaev, Vadim
2006, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 2-3 Note from the editor
by Bandelj, Nina - 4-11 The study of Nordic varieties of capitalism: A plea for contextual generalization through comparative specification
by Mjøset, Lars - 12-17 How social interaction matters for work practices in western and eastern Europe
by Kahancová, Marta - 18-22 Global garment markets in chains
by Aspers, Patrik - 23-27 Creating markets, leaving legacies: The origins and operations of stock exchanges in Fiji, Ghana, and Iceland
by Larson, Erik - 28-29 Understanding the household division of labour in a comparative perspective
by Treas, Judith & Drobniéc, Sonja - 30-35 Circuits in economic life
by Zelizer, Viviana - 36-40 Laurent Thévenot answers ten questions about economic sociology
by Thévenot, Laurent
2006, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Velthuis, Olav - 3-7 Is economic sociology "ready" for globalization?
by Tonkiss, Fran - 8-16 Migrant transnationalism: Two-way flows, changing institutions and community development between Ghana and the Netherlands
by Mazzucato, Valentina - 17-22 Globalizing restricted and segmented markets: Challenges to theory and values in economic sociology
by Light, Donald W. - 23-28 Getting the FCC auctions straight: A reply to Nik-Khah
by Guala, Francesco - 29-33 New artistic engagements with the capital markets
by Beunza, Daniel - 34-39 Jens Beckert answers ten questions about economic sociology
by Beckert, Jens
2006, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Velthuis, Olav - 3-6 Why is the past also the present and future of economic sociology? On method, evidence, and topic
by Carruthers, Bruce G. - 7-14 Eliminating the "social" from "Sozialökonomik"
by Bond, Niall - 15-21 What the FCC auctions can tell us about the performativity thesis
by Nik-Khah, Edward - 22-25 Frank Trentmann answers ten questions about economic sociology
by Trentmann, Frank
2005, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Velthuis, Olav - 3-17 Taking stock: Toward a historical sociology of financial regimes
by Heilbron, Johan - 18-25 Overcoming space and social distance: Institutionalization of the mass travel market in Japan
by Chiavacci, David - 26-35 John A. Hobson as an economic sociologist
by Seabrooke, Leonard - 36-43 An old idea of "human economy" and the new global finance capitalism
by Mikl-Horke, Gertraude - 44-46 Carlo Trigilia answers ten questions about economic sociology
by Trigilia, Carlo
2005, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Velthuis, Olav - 3-13 Reply to Michel Callon
by Miller, Daniel - 14-18 Richard Swedberg answers ten questions about economic sociology
by Swedberg, Richard - 19-28 Resocialising and repoliticising financial markets: Contours of social studies of finance
by de Goede, Marieke - 29-30 Read and recommended: Recent literature in economic sociology
by Levin, Peter
2005, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Velthuis, Olav - 3-20 Why virtualism paves the way to political impotence: A reply to Daniel Miller's critique of "The laws of the market"
by Callon, Michel - 21-24 Ten things you always wanted to know about economic sociology
by Knorr, Karin & Answers, Cetina - 25-30 Incorporating emotions into economic sociology: An analytic typology
by Berezin, Mabel - 31-32 Read and recommended: Recent literature in economic sociology
by Swedberg, Richard - 33-39 Performativity, neoclassical theory and economic sociology
by Aspers, Patrik
2004, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 2-3 Note from the editor
by Velthuis, Olav - 4-12 The economics of ethics: Lotteries and state funding
by Reith, Gerda - 13-19 The resiliency of systemic trust
by Mutti, Antonio - 20-23 On a new major work on Durkheim and economic sociology: An interview with Philippe Steiner
by Swedberg, Richard
2004, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-1 Note from the editor
by Aspers, Patrik - 2-9 Laurent Thévenot and the french convention school: A short introduction
by Jagd, Søren - 10-16 The french convention school and the coordination of economic action: Laurent Thévenot interviewed by Søren Jagd at the EHESS Paris
by Thévenot, Laurent & Jagd, Søren - 17-27 Exchaning meanings on the market for contemporary art
by Velthuis, Olav - 28-39 The modern gift institution in industrial districts
by Sjöstrand, Glenn
2004, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-1 Note from the editor
by Aspers, Patrik - 2-17 On the present state of economic sociology (1990s)
by Swedberg, Richard - 18-28 The nature of money
by Ingham, Geoffrey
2003, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-1 Note from the editor
by Aspers, Patrik - 3-16 The market in the state and the state in the market
by Gustavsson, Martin - 17-27 Economic sociology in Turkey: A historic overview
by Baloglu, Filiz
2003, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 2-17 Myths of the market
by Fligstein, Neil
2003, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-2 Note from the editor
by Lebaron, Frédéric - 2-6 Bourdieu's advocacy of the concept of interest and its role in economic sociology
by Swedberg, Richard - 6-9 Bourdieu: Gary Becker's critic
by Convert, Bernard - 9-17 Class analysis and cultural analysis in Bourdieu
by Weininger, Elliot B. - 17-30 "Le patronat norvégien": State vs. Market? Capital Structures, Oppositions and Political Position Taking in the Norwegian Field of Power
by Hjellbrekke, Johs. & Korsnes, Olav - 30-38 Economic sociology and the sociology of economics: What is sociological about the sociology of economics? Some recent developments
by Fourcade-Gourinchas, Marion
2002, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-2 Towards an economic sociology of economics? Note from the editor
by Lebaron, Frédéric - 3-16 Economists as policy entrepreneurs and the rise of neoliberal ideas in Switzerland during the 1990s
by Mach, André - 17-23 British "agencies of enlightenment"? Some remarks on the recent historiography of economic thought and policy
by Vincent, Julien
2002, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-2 Note from the editors
by Beckert, Jens & Zorn, Dirk - 3-16 Collective action problems in monitoring managers the Enron case as a systemic problem
by Gourevitch, Peter - 17-27 Bringing calculation back in: Sociological studies in accounting
by Mennicken, Andrea - 28-39 Figures, writing and calculation thoughts on the representation of economic practices
by Kalthoff, Herbert - 40-46 Rating agencies setting a standard for global financial markets
by Kerwer, Dieter - 47-52 Law and economy: The need for a sociological approach
by Swedberg, Richard