January 2019, Volume 05, Issue 01
- 1-29 Assessing Action Situation Networks: A Configurational Perspective on Water and Energy Governance in Irrigation Systems
by Christian Kimmich & Sergio Villamayor Tomas - 1-32 Applying Interconnected Game Theory to Analyze Transboundary Waters: A Case Study of the Kura–Araks Basin
by Marianna Khachaturyan & Karina Schoengold - 1-34 Spatial Groundwater Management: A Dynamic Game Framework and Application to California
by Louis Sears & David Lim & C.-Y. Cynthia Lin Lawell
October 2018, Volume 04, Issue 04
- 1-3 Participation for Effective Environmental Governance: Evidence from the European Water Framework Directive Implementation
by Timothy Moss - 1-3 Water Stewardship and Business Value
by William Becker - 1-7 Editorial — Volume 4 Issue 4 (October 2018)
by Ariel Dinar - 1-17 Policy Note: Invited Opinion Interview with Stephen Littlechild: Origins of UK Utility Regulation and Applications to Water (Part 2)
by Dale Whittington - 1-27 Charges for Water and Access: What Explains the Differences Among West Virginian Municipalities?
by Elham Erfanian & Alan R. Collins - 1-38 An Economic Assessment of the Southern Atlantic Coastal Region’s Stormwater Management Practices
by James Wesley Burnett & Christopher Mothorpe - 1-38 Urban Trees and Water Use in Arid Climates: Insights from an Integrated Bioeconomic-Health Model
by Benjamin A. Jones & John Fleck - 1-40 Understanding Falling Municipal Water Demand in a Small City Dependent on the Declining Ogallala Aquifer: Case Study of Clovis, New Mexico
by Michael O'Donnell & Robert P. Berrens
July 2018, Volume 04, Issue 03
- 1-3 Book Review: "The Water Problem: Climate Change and Water Policy in the United States"
by Mani Rouhi Rad - 1-4 Book Review: "The West Without Water: What Past Floods, Droughts, and Other Climate Clues Tell Us About Tomorrow"
by Richard Bernknopf - 1-11 Editorial: The Institutional Economics of Water
by Rathinasamy Maria Saleth - 1-13 Policy Note: "Water Markets as Adaptation to Climate Change in the Western United States"
by Gary D. Libecap - 1-21 Physical Transfer of Water Versus Virtual Water Trade: Economic and Policy Considerations
by M. Dinesh Kumar - 1-21 The Economics of Agricultural Groundwater Management Institutions: The Case of California
by Louis Sears & David Lim & C.-Y. Cynthia Lin Lawell - 1-27 Democratic Local Institutions for Sustainable Management and Use of Minor Irrigation Systems: Experience of Pani Panchayats in Odisha, India
by Bhagirath Behera & Pulak Mishra - 1-28 Impacts Assessments without True Baselines: Assessing the Relative Effects of Training on the Performance of Water User Associations in Southern Tajikistan
by Soumya Balasubramanya & Joseph P. G. Price & Theodore M. Horbulyk - 1-30 The Role of Homogeneity and Heterogeneity Among Resource Users on Water Governance: Lessons Learnt from an Economic Field Experiment on Irrigation in Uzbekistan
by Robert Roßner & Dimitrios Zikos - 1-30 The Rise and Fall of the French Agences de l’Eau: From German-Type Subsidiarität to State Control
by Bernard O. Barraqué & Patrick Laigneau & Rosa Maria Formiga-Johnsson - 1-32 Does Water Governance Matter?
by Daniel W. Bromley & Glen Anderson - 1-36 Water Civilization: The Evolution of the Dutch Drinking Water Sector
by David Zetland & Bene Colenbrander - 1-41 Lessons from Applying Market-Based Incentives in Watershed Management
by Edwin Muchapondwa & Jesper Stage & Eric Mungatana & Pushpam Kumar
April 2018, Volume 04, Issue 02
- 1-3 Book Review: "Water 4.0: The Past, Present, and Future of the World’s Most Vital Resource"
by Katherine K. Grooms - 1-4 Book Review: "Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in Agriculture"
by Jing Liu - 1-8 Editorial: Special Issue on Economics of Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
by Francesc Hernández-Sancho - 1-10 Policy Note: "Addressing Trade-offs to Promote Safely Managed Wastewater in Developing Countries"
by Manzoor Qadir - 1-15 Environmental Benefit of Improving Wastewater Quality: A Shadow Prices Approach for Sensitive Areas
by A. Bellver-Domingo & F. Hernández-Sancho - 1-22 Decentralized Wastewater Systems in Bengaluru, India: Success or Failure?
by Pradeep Kuttuva & Sharachchandra Lele & Gara Villalba Mendez - 1-26 Valuing Treated Wastewater and Reuse: Preliminary Implications From a Meta-Analysis
by Madjid Bouzit & Sukanya Das & Lise Cary - 1-28 Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in a Developing Country Context: Evidence at the Firm Level from Ecuador
by Oscar Zapata
January 2018, Volume 04, Issue 01
- 1-3 Book Review: “Finnish Water Services: Experiences in Global Perspective”
by David Sauri - 1-7 Editorial: “Economics at a River Basin Scale”
by Carlos Mario Gómez Gómez - 1-8 Policy Nook: “New Skills Needed for 21st Century Water Management”
by Celeste Cantu - 1-25 Impact of Climate Variability Including Drought on the Residual Value of Irrigation Water Across the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia
by M. E. Qureshi & M. D. Ahmad & S. M. Whitten & A. Reeson & M. Kirby - 1-27 Benefits of Coordinated Water Resource System Planning in the Cauca-Magdalena River Basin
by Livia Rasche & Uwe A. Schneider & Martha Bolívar Lobato & Ruth Sos Del Diego & Tobias Stacke - 1-30 Estimating the Marginal Social Value of Agriculturally Driven Nitrate Concentrations in an Aquifer: A Combined Theoretical-Applied Approach
by Cyril Bourgeois & Pierre-Alain Jayet & Florence Habets & Pascal Viennot - 1-31 Managing Water Scarcity at a River Basin Scale with Economic Instruments
by Carlos Mario Gómez Gómez & C. D. Pérez-Blanco & David Adamson & Adam Loch - 1-38 Economic Impacts of Irrigation-Constrained Agriculture in the Lower Po Basin
by C. D. Pérez-Blanco & E. E. Koks & E. Calliari & J. Mysiak
October 2017, Volume 03, Issue 04
- 1-4 Book Review: "Introduction to Water in California"
by Alvar Escriva-Bou - 1-16 Policy Nook: "Invited Opinion Interview with Stephen Littlechild: Origins of UK Utility Regulation and Applications to Water (Part 1)"
by Dale Whittington - 1-19 Effect of Forest Cover on Water Treatment Costs
by Travis Warziniack & Chi Ho Sham & Robert Morgan & Yasha Feferholtz - 1-20 Ramsey Pricing for Cost Recovery Applied to Reservoir Infrastructure in Andalucía (Spain)
by Teresa Sanchez-Martinez & Noelina Rodriguez-Ferrero - 1-27 A Scenario-Based Framework for Assessing the Economic Impacts of Potential Droughts
by Jaume Freire-González & Christopher A. Decker & Jim W. Hall - 1-31 The National Rural Drinking Water Security Pilot Project in India: A Cost–Benefit Analysis
by David Weis & Guy Hutton & Manish Kumar
July 2017, Volume 03, Issue 03
- 1-3 Book Review: "Let There Be Water: Israel’s Solution for a Water-Starved World"
by David Katz - 1-8 Policy Nook: "When Scarcity Ends, Policy Reform Loses Steam: Comments on Australian Water Reform and Political Backsliding"
by Lin Crase - 1-16 Design and Early Implementation of the Murray–Darling Basin Plan
by Jo Kneebone & Belinda Wilson - 1-17 An Impossible Prescription: Why Science Cannot Determine Environmental Water Requirements for a Healthy Murray-Darling Basin
by Samantha J. Capon & Timothy R. Capon - 1-18 Editorial — Water Reform and Planning in the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia
by R. Quentin Grafton - 1-19 An Economic Framework for Sharing Water Within a River Catchment
by R. J. Farquharson & J. W. Freebairn & J. A. Webb & M. J. Stewardson & T. Ramilan - 1-20 Arguing the Case to Include a Wider Range of Stakeholders in the Murray–Darling Basin Policy Process
by Daniel Connell - 1-21 Risks, Uncertainty and Climate Confusion in the Murray–Darling Basin Reforms
by Jason Alexandra - 1-35 Reviewing the Treatment of Uncertainty in Hydro-economic Modeling of the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia
by Claire Settre & Jeff Connor & Sarah Ann Wheeler
April 2017, Volume 03, Issue 02
- 1-4 Book Review: “Water in Plain Sight: Hope for a Thirsty World”
by Jordi Honey-Rosés - 1-6 Editorial — The Economics of Aquatic Ecosystems: An Introduction to the Special Issue
by Edward B. Barbier - 1-11 Policy Nook: “Economic Incentives for Water Quality Protection”
by James Shortle - 1-26 Cultural and Recreational Values for Environmental Flows in Mexico's Colorado River Delta
by Ashley Kerna & Bonnie Colby & Francisco Zamora - 1-26 Valuing Coastal Natural Capital in a Bioeconomic Framework
by Craig A. Bond - 1-27 The Role of Fisheries in Optimal Eutrophication Management
by Antti Iho & Heini Ahtiainen & Janne Artell & Outi Heikinheimo & Pirkko Kauppila & Anna-Kaisa Kosenius & Marita Laukkanen & Marko Lindroos & Soile Oinonen & Kimmo Ollikka & Katja Parkkila & Yulia Pavlova & Heikki Peltonen & Eija Pouta & Laura Uusitalo - 1-28 Protecting and Restoring Aquatic Ecosystems in Multiple Stressor Environments
by Ram Ranjan & James Shortle - 1-29 Disease Risk and Market Structure in Salmon Aquaculture
by Carolyn Fischer & Atle G. Guttormsen & Martin D. Smith - 1-29 Valuing a Logging Externality: Loss of the Water Purification Service of Temperate Coastal Rainforests
by Duncan Knowler & Ashley Page & Andrew Cooper & H. Andres Araujo - 1-39 Nutrient Pollution: A Wicked Challenge for Economic Instruments
by James Shortle & Richard D. Horan
January 2017, Volume 03, Issue 01
- 1-4 Book Review: “Thirst for Power: Energy, Water, and Human Survival”
by Casey J. Wichman - 1-11 Policy Nook: “Federal Funding for Flood Risk Reduction in the US: Pre- or Post-Disaster?”
by Carolyn Kousky & Leonard Shabman - 1-22 Estimation of Short and Long Run Derived Irrigation Water Demands and Elasticities
by Levan Elbakidze & Brett Schiller & R. Garth Taylor - 1-30 A Dynamic Regional Model of Irrigated Perennial Crop Production
by Bradley Franklin & Keith C. Knapp & Kurt A. Schwabe - 1-30 The Analysis of Transaction Costs in Water Policy Implementation in South Africa: Trends, Determinants and Economic Implications
by Georgina W. Njiraini & Djiby Racine Thiam & Anthea Coggan - 1-34 Linking Forest to Faucets in a Distant Municipal Area: Public Support for Forest Restoration and Water Security in Albuquerque, New Mexico
by Dadhi Adhikari & Jennifer A. Thacher & Janie M. Chermak & Robert P. Berrens
December 2016, Volume 02, Issue 04
- 1-3 Book Review: “Water is for Fighting Over, and Other Myths about Water in the West”
by Jay Lund - 1-4 Book Review: “Water Resource Economics: The Analysis of Scarcity, Policy and Projects (Second Edition)”
by Linh Pham - 1-8 Editorial — Special Issue on Economy-Wide Models of Water Development and Management
by Jonas Luckmann - 1-9 Policy Nook: “Expanding Water Modeling to Serve Real Policy Needs”
by Joachim von Braun - 1-23 Growth, Water Resilience, and Sustainability: A DSGE Model Applied to South Africa
by Chuan-Zhong Li & Ranjula Bali Swain - 1-27 Economy-Wide Analysis of Alternative Water Management Policies: A Comparative Analysis for Morocco and Tunisia
by Mohamed A. Chemingui & Chokri Thabet - 1-28 Water Scarcity and Irrigation Efficiency in Egypt
by Rehab Osman & Emanuele Ferrari & Scott McDonald - 1-28 Projecting Basin-Scale Distributed Irrigation and Domestic Water Demands and Values: A Generic Method for Large-Scale Modeling
by Noémie Neverre & Patrice Dumas - 1-30 Analyzing Future Water Scarcity in Computable General Equilibrium Models
by Jing Liu & Thomas Hertel & Farzad Taheripour - 1-37 The Economic Role of Water in FYR Macedonia: An Input–Output Analysis and Implications for the Western Balkan Countries
by Jordan Hristov & Aleksandra Martinovska-Stojcheska & Yves Surry - 1-39 The Cost of Covering Costs: A Nationwide Model for Water Pricing
by A. Reznik & E. Feinerman & I. Finkelshtain & I. Kan & F. Fisher & A. Huber-Lee & B. Joyce
September 2016, Volume 02, Issue 03
- 1-4 Book Review: “Golden Rules: The Origins of California Water Law in the Gold Rush”
by Kristiana Hansen - 1-6 Editorial: “Agricultural Water and Groundwater Management: An Introduction to the Special Issue”
by Susanne M. Scheierling - 1-14 Policy Nook: “Policy Challenges Facing Agricultural Water Use: An International Look”
by Frank A. Ward - 1-18 A Framework for Assessing the Effect of Irrigation Improvements: Economic Rivalry, Irrigation Abstraction, and Partition to Fates
by Bryce A. Contor & R. Garth Taylor - 1-22 The Impact of Irrigation Capital Subsidies on Common-Pool Groundwater Use and Depletion: Results for Western Kansas
by Nicolas E. Quintana Ashwell & Jeffrey M. Peterson - 1-23 Spatial Dynamic Optimization of Groundwater Use with Ecological Standards for Instream Flow
by Cameron Speir & Jae Han & Nicholas Brozović - 1-30 Evaluating a Water Conservation Response to Climate Change in the Lower Boise River Basin
by Robert D. Schmidt & R. Garth Taylor - 1-32 Factors that Influence the Rate and Intensity of Adoption of Improved Irrigation Technologies in Alberta, Canada
by Jinxia Wang & Henning Bjornlund & K. K. Klein & Lijuan Zhang & Wencui Zhang - 1-33 Improving Groundwater Management for Indian Agriculture: Assessing Tradeoffs Across Policy Instruments
by Siwa Msangi & Sarah Ann Cline - 1-33 Water Productivity in Agriculture: Looking for Water in the Agricultural Productivity and Efficiency Literature
by Susanne Scheierling & David O. Treguer & James F. Booker
June 2016, Volume 02, Issue 02
- 1-4 Book Review: “Chasing Water — A Guide for Moving from Scarcity to Sustainability”
by Eric C. Edwards - 1-5 Book Review: “Handbook of Water Economics”
by Cloé Garnache - 1-13 Policy Note: “Ancient Instincts — Implications for Water Policy in the 21st Century”
by Dale Whittington - 1-20 Salinity Pollution Control in the Presence of Farm Heterogeneity — An Empirical Analysis
by Encarna Esteban & José Albiac - 1-21 Water Markets and Storage — Substitutes or Complements for Drought Risk Mitigation?
by Jonathan Yoder & Micheal Brady & Joseph Cook - 1-22 Improving Allocative Efficiency of Scarce Water in Southern Alberta
by Md Kamar Ali - 1-25 Technology Adoption Under Variable Weather Conditions — The Case of Rain Water Harvesting in Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya
by Daniel Kyalo Willy & Arnim Kuhn - 1-28 China’s Inter-Regional Trade of Virtual Water — A Multi-Regional Input–Output Table Based Analysis
by Xueting Zhao & Randall W. Jackson
March 2016, Volume 02, Issue 01
- 1-3 Water Allocation in Rivers under Pressure: Water Trading, Transaction Costs and Transboundary Governance in the Western US and Australia
by Reed Watson - 1-6 Editorial — Special Issue on Economics of Salinity Impacts and Management
by Iddo Kan - 1-8 Policy Note: Reversing Salt-Induced Land Degradation Requires Integrated Measures
by Manzoor Qadir - 1-21 Drinking Water Salinity and Infant Mortality in Coastal Bangladesh
by Susmita Dasgupta & Mainul Huq & David Wheeler - 1-22 Economic Impacts of Water Scarcity Under Diverse Water Salinities
by Zvi Baum & Ruslana Rachel Palatnik & Iddo Kan & Mickey Rapaport-Rom - 1-24 Economics of Salinity Effects from Irrigated Cotton: An Efficiency Analysis
by M. A. Samad Azad & Tihomir Ancev - 1-25 Combining Physical and Behavioral Response to Salinity
by Duncan MacEwan & Richard Howitt & Josué Medellín-Azuara - 1-26 The Impact of Water and Soil Salinity on Water Market Trading in the Southern Murray–Darling Basin
by Juliane Haensch & Sarah Ann Wheeler & Alec Zuo & Henning Bjornlund
December 2015, Volume 01, Issue 04
- 1-4 Routledge Handbook of Water Economics and Institutions
by Karina Schoengold - 1-6 Water Markets for the 21st Century: What Have We Learned?
by Gary D. Libecap - 1-7 Policy Note: "Doubling the Value of Water in the American West"
by Mike Young - 1-21 Water Quality, Household Perceptions and Averting Behavior: Evidence from Nicaragua
by William F. Vásquez & Pallab Mozumder & Dina Franceschi - 1-22 Reallocating Water: An Application of Sequential Sharing Rules to Cyprus
by Erik Ansink & Carmen Marchiori - 1-25 Welfare Effects of Water Pricing in Germany
by Christopher Müller - 1-30 Developing a User-Based Decision-Aid Framework for Water Storage Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopia
by Stefanos Xenarios & Heracles Polatidis & Matthew McCartney & Attila Nemes - 1-34 Invention and Diffusion of Water Supply and Water Efficiency Technologies: Insights from a Global Patent Dataset
by Declan Conway & Antoine Dechezleprêtre & Ivan Haščič & Nick Johnstone
2015, Volume 01, Issue 03
- 1-4 Book Review: "The Politics of River Basin Organizations: Coalitions, Institutional Design Choices and Consequences"
by Tanya Heikkila - 1-4 Book Review: "The Water Economy of Israel"
by Nir Becker - 1-7 Policy Nook: "Climate Change and Water: What Can Economics Tell Us?"
by Claudia Ringler & Menaal Ebrahim - 1-8 Editorial — The Economics of Climate Change and Water: An Introduction to the Special Issue
by David Zilberman - 1-20 Water Markets, Environmental Flows, and Adaptation to Climate Change
by Tiho Ancev - 1-21 Climate Change, Soil Salinity and Road Maintenance Costs in Coastal Bangladesh
by Susmita Dasgupta & Md. Moqbul Hossain & Mainul Huq & David Wheeler - 1-23 More Water Please, It's Getting Hot! The Effect of Climate on Residential Water Demand
by Oscar Zapata - 1-26 Mix of First- and Second-Generation Biofuels to Meet Multiple Environmental Objectives: Implications for Policy at a Watershed Scale
by Mashor Housh & Madhu Khanna & Ximing Cai - 1-26 On the Social Cost of Water-Related Disasters
by Per-Olov Johansson & Bengt Kriström - 1-31 Irrigator and Environmental Water Management Adaptation to Climate Change and Water Reallocation in the Murray–Darling Basin
by Mac Kirby & Jeff Connor & Mobin-ud Din Ahmad & Lei Gao & Mohammed Mainuddin - 1-31 Groundwater and Economic Dynamics, Shadow Rents and Shadow Prices: The Punjab
by Rodney B. W. Smith & Harumi Nelson & Terry L. Roe - 1-35 Selecting an Efficient Adaptation Level to Uncertain Water Scarcity by Coupling Hydrological Modeling and Economic Valuation
by Roger Guiu & Laurent Pouget & Montserrat Termes
2015, Volume 01, Issue 02
- 1-4 Book Review: Investing in Water for a Green Economy: Services, Infrastructure, Policies and Management
by Anita M. Chaudhry - 1-4 Book Review: Living with Water Scarcity
by Daniel A. Brent - 1-9 Policy Note: Changing Directions in California Water Policy: The Role of Public Policy Analysis
by Timothy Quinn - 1-15 Biological Oxygen Demand and Economic Growth: An Empirical Investigation
by Prathibha Joshi & Kris Aaron Beck - 1-21 Household Adoption of Water Conservation and Resilience Under Drought: The Case of Oklahoma City
by Tracy A. Boyer & Patrick Kanza & Monika Ghimire & Justin Q. Moss - 1-27 Effects of Water Supply on Labor Demand and Agricultural Production in California's San Joaquin Valley
by Cameron Speir & Aaron Mamula & Daniel Ladd - 1-31 Do Institutional Programs Aimed at Groundwater Augmentation Affect Crop Choice Decisions under Groundwater Irrigation? Empirical Evidence from Andhra Pradesh, India
by Deepa Pradhan & Ram Ranjan
2015, Volume 01, Issue 01
- 1-3 Editor's Foreword to the Inaugural Issue of Water Economics and Policy
by Ariel Dinar - 1-4 Book Review: "Federal Rivers: Managing Waters in Multilayered Political Systems" Edited by Dustin E. Garrick, George R.M. Anderson, Daniel Connell and Jamie Pittock
by Linda Fernandez - 1-4 Book Review: "Determining the Economic Value of Water: Concepts and Methods" By Robert A. Young and John B. Loomis
by K. William Easter - 1-9 Policy Note: "Water and Agriculture: Are We Ready for 2050?"
by Uma Lele & Herve Plusquellec & Richard Reidinger - 1-15 Comparing the Relative Efficiency of Irrigation Unions in Antalya, Turkey: A Data Envelopment Analysis
by Betul Sayin & Ibrahim Yilmaz - 1-19 Payments for Watershed Services as Adaptation to Climate Change: Upstream Conservation and Downstream Aquifer Management
by James Roumasset & Christopher A. Wada - 1-24 Farmers' Willingness to Pay for Improved Irrigation Water — A Case Study of Malaprabha Irrigation Project in Karnataka, India
by Durba Biswas & L. Venkatachalam - 1-28 Water Demand by Unconnected Urban Households in Rwanda
by Claudine Uwera & Jesper Stage - 1-30 System-Wide Implications of Changing Water Availability and Agricultural Productivity in the Mediterranean Economies
by Roberto Roson & Martina Sartori