March 2015, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 51-82 Financial Openness, Capital Flows and Risk Sharing in Africa
by John Bosco Nnyanzi - 83-106 The Role of Time Preferences in Explaining the Long-Term Pattern of International Trade
by Marian Leimbach & Lavinia Baumstark & Gunnar Luderer - 107-132 Using Stepping Stones to Enter Distant Export Markets
by Arjan Lejour & Harold Creusen - 133-153 Export Shares and Relative Export Affinities of Goods and Services of European OECD Countries, 2007
by Nadav Halevi - 155-172 Did the Agreement on Safeguards Nullify their Use?
by James C. Hartigan - 173-185 Export Expansion and Economic Growth in Tanzania
by Jai S. Mah
October 2014, Volume 14, Issue 03n04
- 287-343 Network Analysis of World Trade using the BACI-CEPII Dataset
by Luca De Benedictis & Silvia Nenci & Gianluca Santoni & Lucia Tajoli & Claudio Vicarelli - 345-371 Global Market Evaluation: A Longitudinal Efficiency Assessment Approach
by Gary H. Chao & Maxwell K. Hsu & David A. Haas - 373-397 Examining the “Balance of Payments Stages” Hypothesis
by Masanori Ono - 399-424 The Influence of Measures of Economic Freedom on FDI: A Comparison of Western Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa
by Mory Fodé Fofana - 425-434 Regionalism in Trade: An Overview of the Last Half-Century
by Michael Michaely - 435-451 Offshore Financial Centers in the Global Capital Network
by Simon M. Naitram - 453-465 Foreign Capital Inflow and Real Exchange Rate Appreciation in Developing Economies: Theory and Empirical Evidence
by Anindya Biswas & Biswajit Mandal & Nitesh Saha - 467-485 Trade Liberalization and Productivity Performance: Evidence from the Australian Passenger Motor Vehicle Industry
by Lionel Bopage & Kishor Sharma
June 2014, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 127-162 Foreign Investment, Institutional Quality, Public Expenditure, and Activity of Venture Capital Funds in Emerging Market Countries
by Hernán Herrera-Echeverri & Jerry Haar & Juan Benavides Estevez-Bretón - 163-188 At the Core of the International Financial System
by Valentina Feroldi & Edoardo Gaffeo - 189-214 The Role of Internet Use on International Trade: Evidence from Asian and Sub-Saharan African Enterprises
by Niru Yadav - 215-234 What Motivates China to Invest So Heavily in U.S. Treasury Securities?
by Radhames A. Lizardo & Mary H. Kelly - 235-248 China’s Real Capital Crisis
by Mark J. Purdy & Jing Qiu - 249-263 Common Trends and Common Cycles in Oil Price and Real Exchange Rate
by Hem C. Basnet & Puneet Vatsa & Subhash Sharma - 265-286 Targeted Trade-Related Policies and Manufacturing Firm Productivity in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Effect of Corruption
by Karlygash Dairabayeva & Elias Carayannis
April 2014, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-9 Do Remittances Attract Foreign Direct Investment? An Empirical Investigation
by Hem C. Basnet & Kamal P. Upadhyaya - 31-55 Assessing the Effect of the Consumer-Voter Sentiment on Tiebout-Like Migration: The EU 27 Case
by Christos Kallandranis & Socrates Karidis - 57-78 Trade Liberalization and Culture
by Steven Suranovic & Robert Winthrop - 79-88 An Empirical Analysis of the Aggregate Export Demand Function in Post-Liberalization India
by Takeshi Inoue - 89-112 Evolving Domestic Bond Markets and Financial Deepening in Asia
by Dilip K. Das - 113-125 When Do Currency Unions Increase Trade?
by Amr Sadek Hosny
December 2013, Volume 13, Issue 03n04
- 283-318 Inequalities in Firms’ Access to Credit in Latin America
by Harry Makler & Walter L. Ness & Adrian E. Tschoegl - 319-331 Openness to Import and Productivity
by Maria E. de Boyrie & Mordechai Kreinin - 333-358 Generality, State Neutrality and Unemployment in the OECD
by Almas Heshmati & Nils Karlson & Marcus Box - 359-370 The End of the “French Paradox”?
by André Fourçans - 371-390 Financial Liberalisation in Trinidad and Tobago
by Brian M. Francis & Kimberly Waithe - 391-416 Heterogeneity and Number of Export Destinations of Italian Firms: A Hurdle Negative Binomial Regression Approach
by Maria Rosaria Ferrante & Marco Novelli
June 2013, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 151-173 Can Price Dispersion Reveal Distance-Related Trade Costs? Evidence from the United States
by Michael A. Anderson & Kurt C. Schaefer & Stephen L. S. Smith - 175-202 The Implications of HO and IRS Theories in Bilateral Trade Flows within Sub-Saharan Africa
by Julie Lohi - 203-232 Do Political Institutions and Culture Jointly Matter for Financial Development? A Cross-Country Panel Investigation
by Deepraj Mukherjee & Nabamita Dutta - 233-250 Determinants of United States’ Vertical and Horizontal Intra-Industry Trade
by Michael William Thorpe & Nuno Carlos Leitão - 251-259 Shedding Light on the Recent U.S.–China Solar Dispute
by Don P. Clark - 261-280 Macroeconomic Shock Synchronization in the East African Community
by Albert Mafusire & Zuzana Brixiova
April 2013, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-24 Industrial and Agricultural Pollution Patterns
by Don P. Clark & Alejandro E. Dellachiesa - 25-46 Is Food Security a New Tariff? Explaining Changes in Sanitary and Phytosanitary Regulations by World Trade Organization Members
by Andrew G. Long & Justin J. Kastner & Raymond Kassatly - 47-62 Spatial Dependence of Technology Spillovers among Trading Partners
by Fadi Fawaz & Mashaallah Rahnama Moghadam - 63-88 Surmounting the Individual: Establishing a Common Currency in Asia – A Case Study of East Asian Economies
by Maryam Ishaq & Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman - 89-108 Pre-conditions for Inflation Targeting in an Emerging Economy: The Case of India
by Ankita Mishra - 109-128 Exchange Rate Pass-Through into Import Prices in Jordan
by Osama D. Sweidan - 129-150 The Globalization of the Australian Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Motor Vehicle Industries: Results in Line with Other Western Market Economies
by Andrew Marks
November 2012, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 1-12 The "Great Moderation" in a Dual Exchange Rate Regime
by Sven W. Arndt - 1-15 Globalization, Growth and Poverty
by Dominick Salvatore & Fred Campano - 1-19 The Optimal Timing of Compulsory Licensing: A Story of Thailand's Winter of Discontent
by Sheikh Shahnawaz - 1-20 Attitudes Toward Economic Globalization: Does Knowledge Matter?
by Nathaniel P.S. Cook & Robert L. Underwood - 1-25 Cultural Distance and Bilateral Trade
by Teresa L. Cyrus - 1-26 Does Demographic Change Affect the Current Account? A Reconsideration
by Michael Graff & Kam Ki Tang & Jie Zhang - 1-28 The Contribution of Chinese FDI to Africa's Pre Crisis Growth Surge
by John Whalley & Aaron Weisbrod - 1-44 Economic Development and Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases
by David A. Mayer-Foulkes & Claudia Pescetto-Villouta
August 2012, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 1-12 Impact of Globalization on Income Distribution Inequality in 60 Countries: Comments
by Pan-Long Tsai & Chao-Hsi Huang & Chih-Yuan Yang - 1-18 New Evidence on the Relationship Between Economic Freedom and Growth: A Panel Cointegration Analysis for The Case of OECD
by Ekrem Erdem & Can Tansel Tugcu - 1-21 Exchange-Rate Volatility and Industry Trade Between Japan and China
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Scott W. Hegerty & Jia Xu - 1-22 Financial Liberalization, Banking Crises and Economic Growth: The Case of South Mediterranean Countries
by Ousama Ben Salha & Tarek Bouazizi & Chaker Aloui - 1-22 Do Immigrant Students Succeed? Evidence from Italy and France
by Marina Murat - 1-23 Do Tax Havens Really Flourish?
by Luisa R. Blanco & Cynthia L. Rogers - 1-26 Impact of FDI Restrictions on Inward FDI in OECD Countries
by Madanmohan Ghosh & Peter Syntetos & Weimin Wang - 1-30 Does China Still Have a Labor Cost Advantage?
by Janet Ceglowski & Stephen S. Golub
April 2012, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-15 Stabilization Policy in an Economy with Two Exchange Rate Regimes
by Sven W. Arndt - 1-20 Learning by Exporting in Turkey: An Investigation for Existence and Channels
by Daniela Maggioni - 1-22 Have Migrants Bought a "Round Trip Ticket"? Determinants in Probability of Immigrants' Return in Spain
by Rafael de Arce & Ramon Mahia - 1-23 Trends of Trade Interdependence and Prolifiration of FTAs in Asia: 1980-2010
by Shintaro Hamanaka - 1-28 International Outsourcing and Wage Rigidity
by Daniel Horgos - 1-28 Product Quality, Trade, and Adjustment: The China-ASEAN Experience
by A KM Azhar & Rob J. Elliott & Junting Liu - 1-32 Choice or Mimetism in the Decision to Migrate? A European Illustration
by Thierry Warin & Andrew Blakely - 1-33 The Impact of Basel III on Emerging Economies
by Monal A. Abdel-Baki
March 2012, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-9 A Note on Teaching the Yuan-Dollar Market vis-a-vis China's Dollar Holdings
by Jannett Highfill & Raymond Wojcikewych - 1-13 The EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement: Making of a "Deep" Free Trade Agreement
by Dilip K. Das - 1-18 Impacts of the Exchange Rate and the Global Interest Rate on Real Output for Ten Selected Latin American Countries
by Yu Hsing - 1-20 Patents, Technology Adaptation, and Exports to Developing Countries
by Kristie Briggs - 1-21 International Stock Market Comovements: What Happened during the Financial Crisis?
by Roman Horvath & Petr Poldauf - 1-21 Negotiating the Trilemma: The Indian Experience
by Abhijit Sen Gupta & Ganesh Manjhi - 1-29 Trade Retaliation in a Monetary-Trade Model
by John Whalley & Jun Yu & Shunming Zhang - 1-36 Corruption: A View from the Persian Gulf
by Hossein Askari & Scheherazade S. Rehman & Noora Arfaa