1992, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 702-708 Policies without people: On deciphering the operational implications of an nas report
by John D. Montgomery - 709-715 Income distribution over the business cycle: The 1980s were different
by Patricia Ruggles & Charles F. Stone - 716-720 The search for rational drug control, by Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992, 219 pp. Price: $24.95 cloth
by Philip J. Cook - 720-723 The rhetoric of reaction: Perversity, futility, jeopardy, by Albert 0. Hirschman. Cambridge and London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1991, 197 pp. Price: $10.95 paper
by John J. Dilulio - 723-726 The technology pork barrel, edited by Linda R. Cohen and Roger G. Noll. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1991, 400 pp. NPA
by Robert Atkinson - 726-728 Reforming products liability, by W. Kip Viscusi. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991, 270 pp. NPA
by John R. Lon - 728-731 The liability maze: The impact of liability law on safety and innovation, edited by Peter W. Huber and Robert E. Litan. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1991, 514 pp. NPA
by Sharon Tennyson - 732-734 Who will teach? policies that matter, by Richard J. Murnane, J. D. Singer, J. B. Willet, J. J. Kemple, and R. J. Olsen. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991, 185 pp. Price: $22.95 cloth
by Anita A. Summers - 734-737 Corporations, ethics, and the environment, edited by W. M. Hoffman, R. Frederick, and E. S. Petry, Jr. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1990, 330 pp. Price: $45.00 cloth
by William Ascher - 737-742 Affirmative action at work: Law, politics, and ethics, by Bron Raymond Taylor. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1991, 251 pp. Price: $29.95 cloth, $14.95 paper
by Stanley L. Engermon - 742-744 The future of banking, by James L. Pierce. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1991, 163 pp. Price: $25.00 cloth
by Lawrence J. White - 745-747 Understanding and managing public organizations, by Hal G. Rainey. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1991, 337 pp. Price: $34.95 cloth
by David P. McCaffrey
1992, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 363-372 Revisiting metropolitanism and fiscal disparities
by Alan K. Campbell - 373-396 The cost-effectiveness of methanol for reducing motor vehicle emissions and urban ozone
by Alan J. Krupnick & Margaret A. Walls - 397-418 An economic assessment of the social costs of highway salting and the efficiency of substituting a new deicing material
by Donald F. Vitaliano - 419-441 Financial support of children involved in special needs adoption: A policy evaluation
by Rosemary J. Avery & Daniel Mont - 442-475 Fair rules for siting a high-level nuclear waste repository
by Douglas Easterling - 476-476 Insights
by Paul R. Portney & Dorothy Robyn - 476-481 The Taiwan aerospace-mcdonnell douglas agreement: A modest expansion of the trend toward globalization in aerospace
by David C. Mowery - 482-486 The McDonnell douglas-Taiwan aerospace agreement: Selling off our birthright
by Clyde V. Prestowitz - 487-491 The trouble with universalistic solutions: Does one size really fit all?
by Edward Pauly - 492-496 Home health case: To regulate or not?
by Katherine Swartz - 497-505 Discursive democracy: Politics, policy science, and political science, by John S. Dryzek. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1990. 254 pp. Price: $39.50 cloth
by Janet Rothenberg Pack & John J. Dilulio - 505-513 The fifth branch: Science advisers as poficymakers, by Sheila Jasanoff. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990, 302 pp. Price: $27.95 cloth
by Aaron Wildavsky - 513-516 The opinion connection: Polling, politics, and the press, by Albert H. Cantril. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 1991, 285 pp. Price: $16.95 paper
by Robert M. Entman - 516-521 The commanders, by Bob Woodward. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991, 398 pp. NPA
by Walter Williams - 521-525 Harnessing science for environmental regulation, edited by John D. Graham. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1991, 256 pp. Price: $39.95 cloth
by Isadore Rosenthal - 525-528 Insuring national health cure: The Canadian experience, by Malcolm G. Taylor. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1991,254 pp. Price: $29.95 cloth, $12.95 paper
by Michael Gutowski - 526-528 Technology and the welfare state: The development of health care in Britain and America, by Stephen Uttley. Cambridge, MA: Unwin Hyman, 1991, 213 pp. NPA
by Michael Gutowski - 528-531 The economic future of American families: Income and wealth trends, by Frank Levy and Richard C. Michel. Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press, 1991, 148 pp. Price: $33.00 cloth, $6.00 paper
by Gary Burtless - 531-533 The capacity to budget, by Allen Schick. Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press, 1990, 225 pp. NPA
by James W. Fossett - 541-551 Teaching public administration, public management, and policy analysis: Convergence or divergence in the masters core
by Richard F. Elmore & Harvey Averch & Milan Dluhy
1992, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 177-177 Editor's notes
by Lee S. Friedman - 178-206 Adversary and cooperationist institutions for conflict resolution in public policymaking
by Steven Kelman - 207-234 The influence of the gramm-rudman-hollings act on federal budgetary outcomes, 1986-1989
by Sung Deuk Hahm & Mark S. Kamlet & David C. Mowery & Tsai-Tsu Su - 235-253 Growing inequality in black wages in the 1980s and the emergence of an African-American middle class
by Bennett Harrison & Lucy Gorham - 254-272 The intergenerational transmission of welfare participation: Facts and possible causes
by Peter Gottschalk - 273-287 Moving into and out of poor urban areas
by Edward Gramlich & Deborah Laren & Naomi Sealand - 288-309 American state governments as models for national science policy
by Irwin Feller - 310-310 Insights
by Paul R. Portney & Dorothy Robyn - 310-314 Finding universalistic solutions to particularistic problems: Bilingualism resolved through a second language requirement for elementary schools
by Aaron Wildavsky - 315-321 Baseball management and public management: The testable vs. the important
by Robert D. Behn - 322-326 Basketball and public management: Testing what's important
by Frederick W. Mayer - 327-329 The great fiscal experiment, edited by Rudolph G. Penner. Lanham, MD: Urban Institute Press, 1991, 218 pp. Price: $31.50 cloth, $14.75 paper
by Janet Rothenberg Pack & Alice M. Rivlin - 329-331 The closing door: Conservative policy and black opportunity, by Gary Orfield and Carole Ashkinaze. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991, 254 pp., NPA, cloth
by Charles Clotfelter - 332-334 After the rights revolution: Reconceiving the regulatory state, by Cass R. Sunstein. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990, 284 pp., NPA
by Michael A. Fitts - 334-337 The new medicine and the old ethics, by Albert R. Jonsen. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990, 176 pp. Price: $18.95 cloth
by Katherine Swartz - 337-338 Envisioning information, by Edward R. Tufte. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press, 1990, 126 pp. Price: $48.00 cloth
by Jane Morley & Dennis A. Yao - 338-341 Free market environmentalism, by Terry L. Anderson and Donald R. Leal. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1991, 192 pp. Price: $33.50 cloth
by Steven Rathgeb Smith - 348-357 Different stories, common themes: The role of the line manager in the public sector case literature
by Richard F. Elmore & Peter M. Arnold & Robert A. Leone
1992, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-20 Trade-offs implicit in child-support guidelines
by David Betson & Eirik Evenhouse & Siobhan Reilly & Eugene Smolensky - 21-41 Targeting housing assistance
by Jill Khadduri & Kathryn P. Nelson - 42-57 Controlling federal expenditures in the national school lunch program: The relationship between changes in household eligibility and federal policy
by Robert G. St. Pierre & Michael J. Puma - 58-75 Adapting the environmental impact statement process to inform decision makers
by Robin Gregory & Ralph Keeney & Detlof von Winterfeldt - 76-87 Nonprofit equity: A behavioral model and its policy implications
by Howard P. Tuckman & Cyril F. Chang - 88-115 Using old stuff in new ways: Innovation as a case of evolutionary tinkering
by Mary Bryna Sanger & Martin A. Levin - 116-116 Insights
by Paul R. Portney & Dorothy Robyn - 116-122 Why existence value should not be used in cost-benefit analysis
by Donald H. Rosenthal & Robert H. Nelson - 123-130 Why existence value should be used in cost-benefit analysis
by Raymond J. Kopp - 131-132 Trouble in happyville
by Paul R. Portney - 133-137 The environmental protection agency: Asking the wrong questions, by Marc K. Landy, Marc J. Roberts, and Stephen R. Thomas. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990, 309 pp. Price: $29.95 cloth
by Laurence E. Lynn - 137-141 Facing America's trash: What next for municipal solid waste? U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. OTA-0-424. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989
by Reid J. Lifset - 141-144 The democratic wish: Popular participation and the limits of American government, by James A. Morone. New York: Basic Books, 1990.402 pp. Price: $22.95 cloth
by Casey Blake - 144-147 Impossible jobs in public management, edited by Erwin C. Hargrove and John C. Glidewell. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 1990,213 pp. Price: $29.95 cloth, $14.95 paper
by J. Patrick Dobel - 147-153 Public administration: Challenges, choices, consequences, by Charles H. Levine, B. Guy Peters, and Frank J. Thompson. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresmanl Little, Brown Higher Education, 1990, 474 pp. Price: NPA cloth
by Hal G. Rainey - 153-156 Mismanaging America: The rise of the anti-analytic presidency, by Walter Williams. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1990. 179 pp. Price: $19.95 cloth
by Beryl A. Radin - 156-159 Institutions, institutional change and economic performance, by Douglass C. North. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991, 152 pp. Price: $32.50 cloth, $10.95 paper
by John R. Lott - 167-173 A case for including disability policy issues in public policy curricula
by Richard F. Elmore & Sara Watson & David Pfeiffer
1991, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 545-545 Editor's notes
by Lee S. Friedman - 546-567 Beware of econometricians bearing estimates: Policy analysis in a “unit root” world
by Menzie David Chinn - 568-587 Assessing the role of vocational rehabilitation in disability policy
by David H. Dean & Robert C. Dolan - 588-589 Research and policy: A symposium on the family support act of 1988
by Michael Wiseman - 590-602 The remarkable quango: Knowledge, politics, and walfare reform
by Peter L. Szanton - 603-615 When the witch doctors agree: The family support act and social science research
by Erica B. Baum - 616-632 Congress writes a law: Research and welfare reform
by Ron Haskins - 633-656 Research utilization in policymaking: A tale of two series (of social experiments)
by David H. Greenberg & Marvin B. Mandell - 657-666 Research and policy: An afterword for the symposium on the family support act of 1988
by Michael Wiseman - 667-670 JPAM's tenth year
by Lee S. Friedman - 671-675 The oligopoly paradox: Cellular telephones and a difficult regulatory problem carl danner
by Paul R. Portney & Dorothy Robyn & Carl Danner - 676-684 Avoiding regulatory gridlock in the acid rain program
by Douglas R. Bohi & Dallas Burtraw - 685-687 Pragmatic liberalism, by Charles W. Anderson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990, 220 pp., NPA cloth
by Janet Rothenberg - 687-695 Politics, markets, and America's schools, by John E. Chubb and Terry M. Moe. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1990, 336 pp. Price: $28.95 cloth, $10.95 paper
by Richard F. Elmore - 695-698 Drugs and crime, edited by Michael Tonry and James Q. Wilson. Volume 13 of Crime and Justice: A Review of Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990, 574 pp. Price: $39.95 cloth, $19.95 paper
by Philip J. Cook - 698-701 State intervention in medical care: Consequences for Britain, France, Sweden, and the United States, 1890-1970, by J. Rogers Hollingsworth, Jerald Hage, and Robert A. Hanneman. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1990, 266 pp
by Ronald Andersen - 701-703 Antitrust policy and interest group politics, by William F. Shugart III. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1990, 232 pp. Price: $45.00 cloth
by Almarin Phillips - 703-704 Regulation and deregulation of the motor carrier industry, edited by John R. Felton and Dale G. Anderson. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1989, 210 pp
by W. Bruce Allen - 704-707 The economic effects of surface freight deregulation by Clifford Winston, Thomas Corsi, Curtis Grimm, and Carol Evans. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1990, 96 pp. Price: $22.95 cloth
by W. Bruce Allen - 707-711 Cheating the government: The Economics of Evasion, by Frank A. Cowell. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990, 267 pp. Price: $19.95 cloth
by Tasneem Chipty - 711-712 Groups that work (and those that Don't): Creating Conditions for Effective Teamwork, edited by J. Richard Hackman. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass 1990, 512 pp. Price: $39.95 cloth
by David G. Mathiasen - 719-733 Learning from experience: Programs for executives and some implications for policy schools
by Richard F. Elmore & Jon Brock
1991, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 363-368 Introduction to symposium on the new politics of public policy
by R. Shep Melnick - 369-406 Adversarial legalism and American government
by Robert A. Kagan - 407-425 Evaluating congressional reform: Deregulation revisited
by Paul J. Quirk - 426-433 Symposium comment: On the new politics of public policy
by John W. Ellwood - 434-454 The impact of a gasoline tax on auto exhaust emissions
by J. Daniel Khazzoom - 455-468 Innovation in the public sector: Dilemmas in the use of Ad Hoc processes
by Thomas N. Gilmore & James Krantz - 469-473 Comment: Measuring the effects of growth controls
by Gerrit Knaap - 474-481 The effect of gasoline taxes on highway fatalities
by Paul R. Portney & J. Paul Leigh & James T. Wilkinson - 482-485 How to add junior tenure-track positions at no additional cost to the university
by Julian L. Simon - 486-489 The economic limits to modern politics, edited by John Dunn. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990, 226 pp. Price: $29.95 cloth
by Richard R. Nelson - 489-493 Privatization and the welfare state, edited by Sheila B. Kamerman and Alfred J. Kahn. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1989, 283 pp. Price: $39.50 cloth, $14.95 paper
by James M. Ferris - 493-496 Taming the bureaucracy: Muscles, Prayers, and Other Strategies, by William T. Gormley, Jr. Princeton, NJ; Princeton University Press, 1989, 256 pp. Price: $29.50 cloth
by Charles T. Goodsell - 496-500 A common destiny: Blacks and American Society, edited by Gerald David Jaynes and Robin M. Williams, Jr. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1989, 608 pp. Price: $35.00 cloth
by Eugene Smolensky - 500-504 Living with AIDS, edited by Stephen R. Graubard. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989, 463 pp. Price: $14.95 paper
by Anthony Pascal - 505-506 Organ transplantation policy: Issues and Prospects, edited by James F. Blumstein and Frank A. Sloan. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1989, 269 pp. Price: $29.50 cloth
by Aidon R. Vining - 506-511 Problem-oriented policing by herman goldstein. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1990, 206 pp. Price: $34.95
by John J. Dilulio - 511-514 Debates on evaluation, edited by Marvin C. Alkin. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1990, 302 pp. Price: $35.00 cloth, $16.95 paper
by Peter Deleon - 519-541 Formal models and government: Teaching to do
by Richard F. Elmore & Michael O'Hare
1991, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 167-180 Teaching, learning, and education for the public service
by Richard F. Elmore - 181-203 Economic growth and income equality since the 1982 recession
by Richard C. Michel - 204-221 Environmental dispute resolution and hazardous waste cleanups: A cautionary tale of policy implementation
by Robert T. Nakamura & Thomas W. Church & Phillip J. Cooper - 222-246 Domestic politics and the strategy of international trade
by Frederick W. Mayer - 247-262 A policy analysis of hospital waiting lists
by Steven Globerman - 263-285 Addressing public risks: Federal earthquake policy design
by Peter J. May - 286-295 Risk assessment and clean air policy
by Paul R. Portney & George M. Gray & John D. Graham - 296-303 Edifying presentation of risk estimates: Not as easy as it seems
by Adam M. Finkel - 304-309 What you don't know really won't hurt you
by Donald S. Kenkel - 310-312 Keeping a watchful eye: The Politics of Congressional Oversight by Joel D. Aberbach. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1990, 288 pp. Price: $28.95 cloth
by David R. Mayhew - 312-314 The president in the legislative Arena, by Jon R. Bond and Richard Fleisher. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 1990, 259 pp. Price: $47.00 cloth, $16.95 paper
by Nelson W. Polsby - 314-317 The development of American public policy: The Structure of Policy Restraint, by David B. Robertson and Dennis R. Judd, Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1989, 399 pp. Price: $11.10 paper
by David L Weimer - 317-321 Gambling and speculation: A Theory, a History, and a Future of Some Human Decisions, by Reuven Brenner with Gabrielle Brenner. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990, 286 pp. Price: $29.95 cloth
by William R. Eadington - 321-324 The bloc that failed: Soviet-East European Relations in Transition, by Charles Gati. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1990, 226 pp. Price: $27.50 cloth, $12.50 paper
by Frederic L. Pryor - 324-327 The politics of industrial recruitment: Japanese Automobile Investment and Economic Development in the American States, edited by Ernest J. Yanarella and William C. Green. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990, 221 pp. Price: $45.00 cloth
by Irwin Feller - 327-329 The impoverished superpower: Perestroika and the Soviet Military Burden, edited by Henry S. Rowen and Charles Wolf, Jr. San Francisco: ICS Press, 1990, 386 pp. Price: $29.95 cloth, $14.95 paper
by F. Gerard Adams - 329-331 A future of lousy jobs?: The Changing Structure of U.S. Wages, edited by Gary Burtless. Washington, DC: Brookings Books, 1990, 242 pp. Price: $29.95 cloth, $10.95 paper
by Stephen E. Baldwin - 331-334 Charitable giving and government policy: An Economic Analysis, by Jerald Schiff. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990, 163 pp. Price: $37.95 cloth
by Thomas A. Reiner - 343-359 Economists and public policy programs
by Richard F. Elmore & Lee S. Friedman
1991, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-23 Psychological obstacles to administrative responsibility: Lessons of the MOVE disaster
by Jack H. Nagel - 24-45 Applying for entitlements: Employers and the targeted jobs tax credit
by John H. Bishop & Suk Kang - 46-63 Enhancing citizen participation: Panel designs, perspectives, and policy formation
by Lyn Kathlene & John A. Martin - 64-77 State and local tax reform for the 1990s: Implications from Arizona
by Therese J. McGuire - 78-95 State regulations and the availability of child-care services
by William T. Gormley - 96-105 Comment: Does benefit cost analysis stand alone? rights and standing
by Richard O. Zerbe - 106-111 Costs, technology, and insurance in the health care sector
by Paul R. Portney & John A. Nyman - 112-116 A new case for vouchers
by Paul Gary Wyckoff - 117-118 Rules for rulers: The Politics of Advice, by Arnold J. Meltsner. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1990, 187 pp. Price: $24.95 cloth
by David L. Weimer - 119-121 Democratic politics and policy analysis, by Hank C. Jenkins-Smith. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks|Cole Publishing Co., 1989, 248 pp. Price: $19.25 paper
by Paul J. Quirk - 121-123 Selling hope, by Charles T. Clotfelter and Philip J. Cook. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989, 323 pp. Price: $29.50 cloth
by John L. Mikesell - 123-128 The political limits of environmental regulation: Tracking the Unicorn, by Bruce Yandle. New York: Quorum Books, 1989, 192 pp. Price: $39.95, cloth
by John A. Hird - 129-131 Rethinking employment policy, edited by D. Lee Bawden and Felicity Skidmore. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute Press, 1989. 267 pp. Price: $28.75 cloth, $14.75 paper
by Robert J. Flanagan - 131-134 Intergovernmental relations in the American administrative state: The Johnson Presidency, by David M. Welborn and Jesse Burkhead. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1989, 328 pp. Price: $40.00 cloth
by Bruce D. McDowell - 134-135 Economic decline and political change: Canada, Great Britain and the United States, edited by Harold D. Clarke, Marianne C. Stewart, and Gary Zuk. Pittsburgh, PA: Pittsburgh University Press, 1989, 290 pp. Price: $39.95 cloth
by James K. Galbraith - 135-139 Down and out in America: The Origins of Homelessness, by Peter H. Rossi. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989, 247 pp. Price: $19.95 cloth
by Ram A. Cnaan - 139-142 The medical triangle: Physicians, Politicians, and the Public, by Eli Ginzberg. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990, 303 pp. Price: $27.50, cloth
by Steven H. Chasin - 150-163 The tragedy of the common: A first case assighment for students of policy analysis
by Richard F. Elmore & David S. Sawicki
1990, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 455-483 Superfund expenditures and cleanup priorities: Distributive politics or the public interest?
by John A. Hird - 484-486 Introduction to symposium on managing local development
by Helen F. Ladd - 487-506 Turning around local economies: Managerial strategies and community assets
by Peter B. Doeringer & David G. Terkla - 507-531 Managing the development process: Community strategies in economic revitalization
by Ross Gittell - 532-535 Syposium comment: Improving economic development strategies
by Richard McGahey - 536-547 Comment: Judgments about who has standing in cost-benefit analysis
by Dale Whittington & Duncan Macrae - 548-550 Reply to whittington and macRae
by William N. Trumbull - 551-554 JPAM's ninth year
by Lee S. Friedman - 555-560 Reapportionment reconsidered
by Paul R. Portney & Deanna Marquart & Winston Harrington - 561-564 The net revenue effect of California's lottery
by Jon David Vasche - 565-568 Contiguous state lotteries: Substitutes or complements?
by Mark Edward Stover - 569-572 Changing the rules: Technological change, international competition, and regulation in communications, edited by Robert W. Crandall and Kenneth Flamm. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1989, 450 pp. Price: $32.95 cloth, $12.95 paper
by Janet Rothenberg Pack & Edward E. Zojac - 572-574 The economist as reformer: Reforming the FTC, 1981-1985, by James C. Miller, III. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute, 1989, 128 pp. Price: $14.75 cloth
by Almarin Phillips - 574-577 Marijuana: Costs of abuse, costs of control, by Mark A. R. Kleiman. Contributions in Criminology and Penology no. 22. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989
by John G. Haaga - 577-581 Paying for elections: The campaign finance thicket, by Larry J. Sabato. Winchester, MA: Unwin Hyman, 1989, 93 pp. Price: $18.95 cloth, $8.95 paper
by Michael C. Munger - 581-590 To promote the general welfare: Market processes vs. political transfers, by Richard E. Wagner. San Francisco: Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, 1989, 260 pp. Price $29.95 cloth, $12.95 paper
by Mark Alan Hughes - 590-592 America's new market geography: Nation, region and metropolis, edited by George Sternlieb and James W. Hughes. New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Urban and Regional Policy, Rutgers University, 1988, 371 pp. NPA cloth
by Michael I. Luger - 599-610 Structural metaphors and public management education
by Richard F. Elmore & Michael Barzelay & Linda Kaboolian
1990, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 307-338 Manging state government operations: Changing visions of staff agencies
by Michael Barzelay & Babak J. Armajani - 339-366 Organizing and managing radioactive waste disposal as an experiment
by Brian J. Cook & Jacque L. Emel & Roger E. Kasperson - 367-380 A critical overview of the evolutionary approach to air pollution abatement policy
by John Merrifield - 381-390 Discounting the benefits and costs of environmental regulations
by Jeffrey A. Kolb & Joel D. Scheraga - 391-399 Trade: With whom? for what? a citizens's guide to the trade debate
by Robert B. Reich - 400-404 Should workfare be mandatory? what research says
by Paul R. Portney & Lawrence M. Mead - 405-408 Rejoinder to mead
by Laurence E. Lynn - 409-415 Drive+: Promoting cleaner and more fuel efficient motor vehicles through a self-financing system of state sales tax incentives
by Leo Levenson & Deborah Gordon - 416-418 Regional and metropolitan growth and decline in the United States, by William H. Frey and Alden Speare, Jr. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1988, 586 pp. Price: $70.00 cloth
by Janet Rothenberg Pack & Anita A. Summers - 418-422 The two New Yorks: State-city relations in the changing federal system, edited by Gerald Benjamin and Charles Brecher. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1989, 557 pages. Price: $55.00 cloth
by Howard Chernick - 422-425 Housing issues of the 1990s, by Sara Rosenberry and Chester Hartman. New York: Praeger, 1989, 240 pp. Price: $55.00 cloth
by Susan M. Wachter - 425-430 Crucial decisions: Leadership in policymaking and crisis management, by Irving L. Janis. New York: The Free Press, 1989, 388 pp. Price: $27.95 cloth
by Walter Williams - 430-433 Social security policies in industrial countries: A comparative analysis, by Margaret S. Gordon. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989, 377 pp. Price: $49.50 cloth
by Patricia M. Danzon - 433-436 The private sector in state service delivery: Examples of innovative practices, by Joan W. Allen, K. S. Chi, K. A. Devlin, M. Fall, H. P. Hatry, and W. Masterman. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute, 1989,174 pp. Price: $24.50 cloth, $12.75 paper
by E. S. Savas - 436-439 Economics and institutions: A manifesto for a modem institutional economics, by Geoffrey M. Hodgson. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988, 365 pp. Price: $39.95 cloth
by M. Haim Erder - 439-441 Reporting social science in the national media, by Carol H. Weiss and Eleanor Singer. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1988,296 pp. Price: $29.95 cloth
by Barbara R. Williams - 449-452 Curriculum and case notes
by Richard F. Elmore
1990, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 145-145 Editor's notes
by Lee S. Friedman - 146-154 The policy research markets
by Eric A. Hanushek - 155-177 The effect of routine income withholding of child support collections
by Irwin Garfinkel & Marieka M. Klawitter - 178-200 Ideas and inducements in mental health policy
by Janet A. Weiss - 201-218 Who has standing in cost-benefit analysis?
by William N. Trumbull - 219-248 Innovation in public sector human services programs: The implications of innovation by “groping along”
by Olivia Golden - 249-249 Insights
by Paul R. Portney - 249-253 An ounce of prevention: Productive remedies for alcoholism
by John Mullahy & Jody L. Sindelor - 254-259 An earmarked fossil fuels to save the rain forests
by David L. Weimer - 260-265 Property rights to rent regulated apartments: A path towards decontrol
by Michael J. Wolkoff - 266-270 Advice and consent: The development of the policy sciences, by Peter deleon. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1989. 131 pp. Price $17.50 cloth
by Eugene Bardach - 270-273 Philosophical critiques of policy analysis: Lindblom, habemas, and the Great Society, by Lance deHaven-Smith. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press, 1988. 156 pp. Price: $16.00 cloth
by Robert Haveman - 273-276 Developing country debt and the world economy, edited by Jeffrey D. Sachs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989. 335 pp. Price: $50.00 cloth $16.95 paper
by Sidney Weintraub - 277-279 Employment futures: Reorganization, dislocation, and public policy, by Paul Osterman. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. 207 pp. Price: $24.95 cloth
by Stephen E. Baldwin - 280-282 Ethics, government and public policy: A reference guide, edited by James S. Bowman and Frederick A. Elliston. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988. 341 pp. Price: $55.00 cloth
by William T. Bluhm - 282-286 Property taxes and house values: The theory and estimation of intrajurisdictional property tax capitalization, by John Yinger, Howard S. Bloom, Axel Borsch-Supan, and Helen F. Ladd. Boston: Academic Press, 1988. 218 pp. Price: $49.95 cloth
by William A. Fischel - 286-292 The impact of technological change on employment and economic growth, edited by Richard M. Cyert and David C. Mowery. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1988. 534 pp. Price: $39.95 cloth
by Michael J. Feuer - 297-302 Curriculum and case notes
by Richard F. Elmore