July 2000, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 435-446 A multilevel modelling approach to analysis of patient costs under managed care
by Kathleen Carey - 447-461 Competition and dental services
by Jostein Grytten & Rune Sørensen
June 2000, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 277-294 Hospital response to DRG refinements: the impact of multiple reimbursement incentives on inpatient length of stay
by Boyd H. Gilman - 295-317 Willingness to pay for improved respiratory and cardiovascular health: a multiple‐format, stated‐preference approach
by F. Reed Johnson & Melissa Ruby Banzhaf & William H. Desvousges - 319-326 Mother's willingness to pay for her own and her child's health: a contingent valuation study in Taiwan
by Jin‐Tan Liu & James K. Hammitt & Jung‐Der Wang & Jin‐Long Liu - 327-335 Fieller's method and net health benefits
by Daniel F. Heitjan - 337-351 Evidence‐based medicine and health economics: a case study of end stage renal disease
by Luke Vale & Cam Donaldson & Conal Daly & Marion Campbell & June Cody & Adrian Grant & Izhar Khan & Paul Lawrence & Shiela Wallace & Alison Macleod - 353-365 Discrete time representation of the formula for calculating DALYs
by Elamin H. Elbasha
April 2000, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 183-190 Health economics: an evolving paradigm
by Alan Maynard & Panos Kanavos - 191-198 Centre‐specific or average unit costs in multi‐centre studies? Some theory and simulation
by M. Raikou & A. Briggs & A. Gray & A. McGuire - 199-210 The effect of capitation on GPs' referral decisions
by Tor Iversen & Hilde Lurås - 211-226 Can cost shifting continue in a price competitive environment?
by Jack Zwanziger & Glenn A. Melnick & Anil Bamezai - 227-234 Power and sample assessments for tests of hypotheses on cost‐effectiveness ratios
by Joseph C. Gardiner & Marianne Huebner & James Jetton & Cathy J. Bradley - 235-251 Development of WHO guidelines on generalized cost‐effectiveness analysis
by Christopher J.L. Murray & David B. Evans & Arnab Acharya & Rob M.P.M. Baltussen - 253-255 Uncertainty aversion: a reply to the paper by Andersson and Lyttkens
by Adam Oliver - 257-259 Uncertainty aversion—a reply to Oliver
by Fredrik Andersson & Carl Hampus Lyttkens - 261-263 Uncertainty aversion: a discussion of critical issues in health economics
by Peter P. Wakker - 267-270 The veil of experience: do consumers prefer what they know best?
by G. Salkeld & M. Ryan & L. Short
March 2000, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 89-93 A nice challenge for health economics
by John Hutton & Alan Maynard - 95-107 Enhancing performance in health care: a theoretical perspective on agency and the role of information
by Maria Goddard & Russell Mannion & Peter Smith - 109-126 Sensitivity and perspective in the valuation of health status: whose values count?
by G. Ardine De Wit & Jan J.V. Busschbach & Frank Th. De Charro - 127-136 Societal value, the person trade‐off, and the dilemma of whose values to measure for cost‐effectiveness analysis
by Peter A. Ubel & Jeff Richardson & Paul Menzel - 137-148 Public preferences for the allocation of donor liver grafts for transplantation
by Julie Ratcliffe - 149-158 Establishing health state valuations for disease specific states: an example from heart disease
by J. Kirsch & A. McGuire - 159-170 The impact of clean indoor‐air laws and cigarette smuggling on demand for cigarettes: an empirical model
by Ayda A. Yurekli & Ping Zhang - 171-175 Negative and zero time preference for health
by Marjon M. Van Der Pol & John A. Cairns - 177-180 Are QALYs an appropriate measure for valuing morbidity in acute diseases?
by Mohan V. Bala & Gary A. Zarkin
January 2000, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-7 Managed care in the United States: a dilemma for evidence‐based policy?
by Ray Robinson - 9-18 The relationship between marijuana initiation and dropping out of high school
by Jeremy W. Bray & Gary A. Zarkin & Chris Ringwalt & Junfeng Qi - 19-35 Policy analysis of the use of hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b‐, Streptococcus pneumoniae‐conjugate and rotavirus vaccines in national immunization schedules
by Mark A. Miller & Laura McCann - 37-46 Measuring productivity loss days in asthma patients
by Wendy J. Ungar & Peter C. Coyte & The Pharmacy Medication Monitoring Program Advisory Board - 47-55 Are preferences over health states complete?
by Alan Shiell & Janelle Seymour & Penelope Hawe & Sue Cameron - 57-68 QALYs and ageism: philosophical theories and age weighting
by Aki Tsuchiya - 69-82 Progress and directions in refining the Global Burden of Disease approach: a response to Williams
by Christopher J.L. Murray & Alan D. Lopez - 83-86 Comments on the response by Murray and Lopez
by Alan Williams
December 1999, Volume 8, Issue 8
- 653-660 Carrots and sticks—the fall and fall of private health insurance in Australia
by Jane Hall & Richard De Abreu Lourenco & Rosalie Viney - 661-683 Parental use of alcohol and children's behavioural health: a household production analysis
by Alison Snow Jones & Deborah J. Miller & David S. Salkever - 685-699 The role of a pre‐scored multi‐attribute health classification measure in validating condition‐specific health state descriptions
by Karen Gerard & Katharine Johnston & Jackie Brown - 701-707 Health state after treatment: a reason for discrimination?
by Jose‐Maria Abellan‐Perpiñan & Jose‐Luis Pinto‐Prades - 709-720 Long‐term contracts in the NHS: a solution in search of a problem?
by Diane Dawson & Maria Goddard - 721-733 Demand inducement as cheap talk
by Paul Calcott - 735-736 The ethical QALY. Ethical issues in healthcare resource allocations by Andrew Edgar, Sam Salek, Darren Shickle and David Cohen. Euromed Communications, Haslemere, UK, 1998. No. of pages: 168. ISBN 1‐8‐99015‐213. The allocation of health care resources. An ethical evaluation of the ‘QALY’ approach by John McKie, Jeff Richardson, Peter Singer and Helga Kuhse. Medico Legal Series, Ashgate, Dartmouth, 1998. No. of pages: 151. ISBN 1‐85521‐9530
by Alan Williams
November 1999, Volume 8, Issue 7
- 563-578 Community rating and choice between traditional health insurance and managed care
by Mathias Kifmann - 579-598 Duplicate coverage and demand for health care. The case of Catalonia
by Ángel Marcos Vera‐Hernández - 599-612 The impact of generic goods in the pharmaceutical industry
by Jorge Mestre Ferrándiz - 613-625 Health care and economic well‐being: estimating equivalence scales for public health care utilization
by Jan Klavus - 627-639 Health care spending as determinants of health outcomes
by Pierre‐Yves Crémieux & Pierre Ouellette & Caroline Pilon - 641-651 The impact of teaching status on average costs in Spanish hospitals
by Guillem López‐Casasnovas & Marc Saez
September 1999, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 485-496 Ageing of population and health care expenditure: a red herring?
by Peter Zweifel & Stefan Felder & Markus Meiers - 497-508 Competition and supplier‐induced demand in a health care system with fixed fees
by Rune J. Sørensen & Jostein Grytten - 509-520 On measuring the hospital cost/quality trade‐off
by Kathleen Carey & James F. Burgess - 521-530 A comparison of hospital scale effects in short‐run and long‐run cost functions
by Vassilis H. Aletras - 531-540 Costs of screening for colorectal cancer: An Australian programme
by Jeff Gow - 541-545 A comparison of patient and social tariff values derived from the time trade‐off method
by Niklas Zethraeus & Magnus Johannesson - 547-552 Inferring capitation rates from aggregate health plans’ costs
by Amir Shmueli - 553-553 The Health Care Marketplace by Warren Greenberg. Springer‐Verlag, New York, 1998. No. of pages 170. ISBN 0‐387‐98457‐7
by Ciaran O'Neill - 554-554 Krankenhaus‐Report ’97: Aktuelle Beitrage, Trends und Statistiken edited by M. Arnold and D. Paffrath. Fischer, Stuttgart, 1997. ISBN 3‐437‐21248‐6
by Florian Hollenbach - 555-555 Arznei‐Verordungs‐Report ’97: Aktuelle Daten, Kosten, Trends und Kommentare edited by Ulrich Schwabe. Fischer, Stuttgart, 1997. ISBN 3‐437‐21091‐2
by Florian Hollenbach - 556-556 Community Care in England and France: Reforms and the Improvement of Equity and Efficiency by Bleddyn Davies, Jose Fernandez and Robin Saunders. Ashgate Arena, Aldershot 1998. ISBN 1‐840‐14584‐6
by Ken Wright - 557-557 Cost–Outcome Methods for Mental Health by William A. Hargreaves, Martha Shumway, Tei‐Wei Hu and Brian Cuffel, Academic Press, New York, 1998. ISBN 0‐123‐25155‐9
by Martin Knapp - 558-559 Screening. British Medical Bulletin, Vol. 54, No. 4 edited by C. Peckham and C. Dezateux. Royal Society of Medicine Press, 1998. ISBN 1‐853‐15345‐1
by Miranda Mugford - 560-560 Learning from the NHS internal market. A review of the evidence edited by Julian Le Grand, Nicholas May and Jo‐Ann Mulligan. King's Fund Publishing, 1998. No. of pages: 145. ISBN 1‐857‐17215‐9. £17.95
by Charles Normand - 561-561 Errata
by Andrew Willan - 562-562 Errata
by Erik Nord
August 1999, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 367-368 Guest editors’ introduction
by Andrew Jones & Owen O'Donnell - 369-378 Preferences for equity in health behind a veil of ignorance
by Fredrik Andersson & Carl Hampus Lyttkens - 379-389 Gender, heroin consumption and economic behaviour
by Anne Line Bretteville‐Jensen - 391-402 A model for the Dutch pharmaceutical market
by Erik Canton & Ed Westerhout - 403-414 HMO selection and Medicare costs: Bayesian MCMC estimation of a robust panel data tobit model with survival
by Barton H. Hamilton - 415-428 Women's participation in rural credit programmes in Bangladesh and their demand for formal health care: is there a positive impact?1
by Priya Nanda - 429-440 Non‐ and semi‐parametric estimation of age and time heterogeneity in repeated cross‐sections: an application to self‐reported morbidity and general practitioner utilization1
by David Parkin & Nigel Rice & Matthew Sutton - 441-458 Health and mortality of the elderly: the grade of membership method, classification and determination
by France Portrait & Maarten Lindeboom & Dorly Deeg - 459-472 Sensitivity of elasticity estimates for OECD health care spending: analysis of a dynamic heterogeneous data field
by Jennifer Roberts
June 1999, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 281-282 Inequalities in health: an introductory editorial
by Alan Maynard - 283-288 Income inequality in the UK
by A.B. Atkinson - 289-296 ‘Our healthier nation’?
by Paul Contoyannis & Martin Forster - 297-299 Commentary on the Acheson Report
by Alan Williams - 301-308 The 39 steps: the mystery of health inequalities in the UK
by Stephen Birch - 309-321 The effects of economic reform on health insurance and the financial burden for urban workers in China
by Teh‐Wei Hu & Michael Ong & Zi‐Hua Lin & Elizabeth Li - 323-333 Estimating uncertainty ranges for costs by the bootstrap procedure combined with probabilistic sensitivity analysis
by Joanne Lord & Maxwell A. Asante - 335-343 Addressing the inequity of capitation by variable soft contracts
by Amir Shmueli & Jacob Glazer - 345-353 The appropriate uses of qualitative methods in health economics
by Joanna Coast - 355-362 Do you sincerely want to be rich?
by Uwe Reinhardt - 363-364 Health economics of dementia by A. Wimo, B. Jönsson, G. Karlsson and B. Winblad. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1998. No. of pages: 576. ISBN 0‐471‐98376‐4
by Alan Stewart - 364-364 Health, health care and health economics: perspectives on distribution edited by M.L. Barer, T.E. Getzen and G.L. Stoddart. Wiley, Chichester, 1998. No. of pages: 551. ISBN 0‐471‐97879‐5
by Owen O'Donnell - 365-365 Pharmaceutical price regulation: national policies versus global interests by Patricia M. Danzon. The American Enterprise Institute Press, Washington, DC, 1997. No. of pages: 107. ISBN 0‐8447‐3982‐0
by Panos Kanavos
May 1999, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 187-189 Redefining the analytical approach to pharmacoeconomics
by Bryan R. Luce & Karl Claxton - 191-201 Bayesian estimation of cost‐effectiveness ratios from clinical trials
by Daniel F. Heitjan & Alan J. Moskowitz & William Whang - 203-211 Sample size and power issues in estimating incremental cost‐effectiveness ratios from clinical trials data
by Andrew R. Willan & Bernie J. O'Brien - 213-219 At what price significance? The effect of price estimates on statistical inference in economic evaluation
by Brian E. Rittenhouse & Brian Dulisse & Aaron A. Stinnett - 221-232 Will the real elasticity of substitution ‘in Norwegian dentistry’ please stand up?
by Albert A. Okunade - 233-243 Price competition and hospital cost growth in the United States (1989–1994)
by Anil Bamezai & Jack Zwanziger & Glenn A. Melnick & Joyce M. Mann - 245-255 Annuitizing the human capital investment costs of health service professionals
by Ann Netten & Jane Knight - 257-261 A Bayesian approach to stochastic cost‐effectiveness analysis
by Andrew H. Briggs - 263-268 A Bayesian approach to sensitivity analysis
by James C. Felli & Gordon B. Hazen - 269-274 Bayesian approaches to the value of information: implications for the regulation of new pharmaceuticals
by Karl Claxton - 275-276 Markets and health care: a comparative analysis edited by W. Ranadae. Longman, Harlow, 1998. No. of pages: 223. ISBN 0 582 28985 8
by Gwyn Bevan - 276-276 Making sense of the new NHS White Paper by Mark Baker. Radcliffe Medical Press: Abingdon, Oxon, 1998. No. of pages: 143. ISBN 1‐85775‐239‐2
by Paul Plant - 279-279 IHEA 2nd World Conference: Private and Public Choices in Health and Health Care, 6–9 June 1999, World Trade Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands
by Frans Rutten - 280-280 Eighth European Workshop on Econometrics and Health Economics; 9–11 September 1998; University of Catania, Italy
by Andrew Jones
March 1999, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 93-101 Medical negligence and the NHS: an economic analysis
by Adrian Towse & Patricia Danzon - 103-116 Modelling the EuroQol data: a comparison of discrete choice conjoint and conditional preference modelling
by Zafar Hakim & Dev S. Pathak - 117-126 The weighting exercise for the Swedish version of the EuroQol
by Stefan Björk & Anna Norinder - 127-136 Policy‐induced changes in Maori mortality patterns in the New Zealand economic reform period
by Malcolm C. Brown - 137-150 Varying health care provider objectives and cost‐shifting: the case of retail pharmacy in the US
by John M. Brooks & Bernard Sorofman & William Doucette - 151-164 Internal markets and health care efficiency: a multiple‐output stochastic frontier analysis
by U.‐G. Gerdtham & M. Löthgren & M. Tambour & C. Rehnberg - 165-169 Health knowledge and smoking among South African women
by Andrew M. Jones & Joses M. Kirigia - 171-174 Ratio‐based and net benefit‐based approaches to health care resource allocation: proofs of optimality and equivalence
by Eugene M. Laska & Morris Meisner & Carole Siegel & Aaron A. Stinnett - 175-176 Health economics has lost its way—or why David Kernick is (partly) right
by Ruth Mcdonald - 177-177 US and UK health economics: a reply to Joe Newhouse's paper
by Paul Dolan - 179-180 Response to Paul Dolan
by Joseph P. Newhouse - 181-182 The economics of health reconsidered by Thomas Rice. Health Administration Press, Chicago, 1998. No. of pages: 195. ISBN 1‐5679‐073‐5
by Gavin Mooney - 182-183 Being reasonable about the economics of health. Selected assays by Alan Williams edited by A.J. Culyer and A.K. Maynard, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham. No. of pages: 371. ISBN 1 85898 648 6
by Jack Dowie - 183-185 Office of Health Economics publications from 1997 and 1998. Office of Health Economics, 12 Whitehall, London SW1A 2DY, UK
by Cam Donaldson - 185-185 Dictionary of evidence‐based medicine by Alain Li Wan Po. Radcliffe Medical Press, Oxford, 1998. No. of pages: 165. ISBN 1 85775 305 4
by Nick Freemantle
February 1999, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-8 Calculating the global burden of disease: time for a strategic reappraisal?
by Alan Williams - 9-24 It'll only hurt a second? Microeconomic determinants of who gets flu shots
by John Mullahy - 25-39 Incorporating societal concerns for fairness in numerical valuations of health programmes
by Erik Nord & Jose Luis Pinto & Jeff Richardson & Paul Menzel & Peter Ubel - 41-51 A checklist for judging preference‐based measures of health related quality of life: Learning from psychometrics
by John Brazier & Mark Deverill - 53-64 The economic consequences of reorganizing hospital services in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
by Andrew Street & Jane Haycock - 65-73 Priority care for employees: A blessing in disguise?
by W.B.F. Brouwer & F.T. Schut - 75-79 Response‐ordering effects: a methodological issue in conjoint analysis
by Shelley Farrar & Mandy Ryan - 81-86 The continuum‐of‐addiction: cigarette smoking in relation to price among Americans aged 15–29
by Jeffrey E. Harris & Sandra W. Chan - 87-88 Purchasing population health. Paying for results by David A. Kindig. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1997. No. of pages: 194. ISBN: 0‐472 10893‐X
by Nick Black - 88-89 Casemix for all edited by H. Sanderson, P. Anthony and L. Mountney. Radcliffe Medical Press, 1998. ISBN: 185775 217 1
by Anne Ludbrook - 89-90 Nuffield Occasional Papers: Health Economics Series. Series Editor, Alan Maynard, The Nuffield Trust, London, 1998
by John Appleby
August 1998, Volume 7, Issue S1
- 1-2 Editors' foreword
by Alan Maynard & Cam Donaldson - 3-8 Primeval health economics in Britain: A personal retrospect of the pre‐HESG period
by Alan Williams - 9-45 From private club to professional network: An economic history of the Health Economists' Study Group, 1972–1997
by Bronwyn Croxson - 47-61 The impact of health economics on health policy in England, and the impact of health policy on health economics, 1972–1997
by Jeremy Hurst - 63-78 Where are we now in British health economics?
by Mark Blaug - 79-92 US and UK health economics: Two disciplines separated by a common language?
by Joseph P. Newhouse
December 1998, Volume 7, Issue 8
- 659-670 The role of government in health insurance markets with adverse selection
by Roger Feldman & Carlos Escribano & Laura Pellisé - 671-687 Insurance effects on US medical spending (1960–1993)
by Edgar A. Peden & Mark S. Freeland - 689-699 Drinking patterns within households: the estimation and interpretation of individual and group variables
by Nigel Rice & Matthew Sutton - 701-710 Estimation of a multiproduct cost function for physically frail older people
by Paul McNamee & Barbara A. Gregson & Ken Wright & Debbie Buck & Claire H. Bamford & John Bond - 711-722 General practitioners' referral thresholds and choices of referral destination: an experimental study
by Stephen C. Earwicker & David K. Whynes - 723-740 Confidence intervals or surfaces? Uncertainty on the cost‐effectiveness plane
by Andrew Briggs & Paul Fenn - 741-742 Letter to the editors
by Michael T. Halpern & Michael Mckenna & John Hutton
November 1998, Volume 7, Issue 7
- 565-568 Medicine, economics, ethics and the NHS: a clash of cultures?
by Alan Williams - 569-579 Paying patients to comply: an economic analysis
by Antonio Giuffrida & Hugh Gravelle - 581-594 Discounting costs and effects: a reconsideration
by Ben A. Van Hout - 595-603 Magnetic resonance imaging for the investigation of knee injuries: an investigation of preferences
by Stirling Bryan & Martin Buxton & Robert Sheldon & Alison Grant - 605-619 An investment appraisal approach to clinical trial design
by Martin E. Backhouse - 621-628 On the measurement of the nation's equity adjusted health
by Lars Lindholm & Måns Rosén - 629-638 Resource costing for multinational neurologic clinical trials: methods and results
by Kevin Schulman & Jennifer Burke & Michael Drummond & Linda Davies & Per Carlsson & Jans Gruger & Anthony Harris & Carlo Lucioni & Ramon Gisbert & Ted Llana & Eric Tom & Bernard Bloom & Richard Willke & Henry Glick - 639-653 The impact of ownership type on nursing home outcomes
by William D. Spector & Thomas M. Selden & Joel W. Cohen - 655-656 Rachel Rosser
by Paul Kind - 657-657 Towards the equitably efficient and transparently decidable use of public funds in the deep blue millennium—a view from the front line
by D.P. Kernick
September 1998, Volume 7, Issue 6
- 481-493 Estimating country‐specific cost‐effectiveness from multinational clinical trials
by Richard J. Willke & Henry A. Glick & Daniel Polsky & Kevin Schulman - 495-508 More physicians: improved availability or induced demand?
by Fredrik Carlsen & Jostein Grytten - 509-531 Price elasticities of demand for curative health care with control for sample selectivity on endogenous illness: an analysis for Sri Lanka
by John S. Akin & David K. Guilkey & Paul L. Hutchinson & Michael T. McIntosh - 533-544 The black box of health care expenditure growth determinants
by Pedro Pita Barros - 545-549 Referral rates and waiting lists: some empirical evidence
by J.A. Goddard & M. Tavakoli - 551-556 Economic evaluation in schistosomiasis: valuation of health states preferences: a research note
by Joses Muthuri Kirigia - 557-559 Choice of hospital: comments on ‘global budgets and excess demand for hospital care’
by N. Kalant - 561-562 Book Review: The economic aspects of biotechnologies related to human health. Part 1: Biotechnology and medical innovations: socio‐economic assessments of the technology, the potential and the products by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, 1997. No. of pages: 265. OECD/GD(97)205
by David Hailey - 562-562 Book Review: OHE compendium of health statistics. OHE, 12 Whitehall, London SW1A 2DY, 1997
by Alan Maynard - 562-563 Book Review: Quality of life assessments in clinical trials: methods and practice by M.J. Staquet, R.D. Hays AND P.M. Fayers. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998. No. of pages: 360. ISBN 0 192 62785 6
by Paul Donlan
August 1998, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 379-380 Guest editors' introduction
by Andrew Jones & Owen O'Donnell - 381-399 Early health‐related behaviours and their impact on later life chances: evidence from the US
by Simon M. Burgess & Carol Propper - 401-414 Participation, heterogeneity and dynamics in tobacco consumption: evidence from cohort data
by Sergi Jiménez‐Martín & José M. Labeaga & Angel López - 415-427 Measuring hospital cost efficiency with panel data models
by Miika Linna - 429-437 Unobserved heterogeneity and censoring in the demand for health care
by Angel López‐Nicolás - 439-453 Controlling for the endogeneity of peer substance use on adolescent alcohol and tobacco use
by Edward C. Norton & Richard C. Lindrooth & Susan T. Ennett - 455-463 The efficient organization of blood donation
by Marjon M. Van Der Pol & John A. Cairns - 465-480 Risk adjustment and the trade‐off between efficiency and risk selection: an application of the theory of fair compensation
by Erik Schokkaert & Geert Dhaene & Carine Van De Voorde
June 1998, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 281-289 Private sector health reform in South Africa
by Alexander Marius Van Den Heever - 291-305 An econometric study of costs of teaching and research in Finnish hospitals
by Miika Linna & Unto Häkkinen & Eero Linnakko - 307-312 Using the person trade‐off approach to examine differences between individual and social values
by Paul Dolan & Colin Green - 313-326 Health care contingent valuation studies: a review and classification of the literature
by Alan Diener & Bernie O'Brien & Amiram Gafni - 327-335 Sample size calculation in economic evaluations
by Maiwenn J. Al & Ben A. Van Hout & Bowine C. Michel & Frans F.H. Rutten - 337-346 Financing health services in Poland: new evidence on private expenditures
by Mukesh Chawla & Peter Berman & Dorota Kawiorska - 347-361 Substitution of physicians and other providers in outpatient mental health care
by Partha Deb & Ann M. Holmes - 363-371 Cost efficiency, factor interchange, and technical progress in US specialized hospital pharmacies
by Albert A. Okunade & Chutima Suraratdecha - 373-378 Methodological issues in the application of conjoint analysis in health care
by Mandy Ryan & Emma McIntosh & Phil Shackley
May 1998, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 187-197 Competition in the NHS internal market: an overview of its effects on hospital prices and costs
by Carol Propper & Neil Söderlund - 199-219 Volume responses to medicare payment reductions with multiple payers: a test of the McGuire–Pauly model
by Ming Tai‐Seale & Thomas H. Rice & Sally C. Stearns - 221-227 Use of economic evaluation guidelines: 2 years' experience in Canada
by Jean‐François Baladi & Devidas Menon & Nicolaas Otten - 229-245 Drug use, drug abuse, and labour market outcomes
by Thomas C. Buchmueller & Samuel H. Zuvekas - 247-261 Effects of selective contracting on hospital efficiency, costs and accessibility
by Lee Rivers Mobley - 263-277 Technical efficiency in the clinical management of critically ill patients
by Jaume Puig‐Junoy - 279-279 Book review: Statistical issues in drug development by Stephen Senn. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1997. No. of pages: 423. ISBN: 0 471 97488 9
by Sean Mcguigan - 280-280 Book review: non‐Random reflections on health services research edited by Alan Maynard and Iain Chalmers. BMJ Publishing Group, London, 1997. No. of pages: 303. ISBN: 0‐7279‐1151‐1
by Charles Normand
March 1998, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 93-103 Towards the equitably efficient and transparently decidable use of public funds in the deep blue millennium
by Jack Dowie - 105-119 From competition to co‐operation: new economic relationships in the National Health Service
by Maria Goddard & Russell Mannion - 121-127 Discounting life‐years: whither time preference?
by Dorte Gyrd‐Hansen & Jes Søgaard - 129-142 The cost‐effectiveness of preference‐based treatment allocation: the case of hysterectomy versus endometrial resection in the treatment of menorrhagia
by Mark Sculpher - 143-147 Bootstrap confidence intervals for cost‐effectiveness ratios: some simulation results
by Magnus Tambour & Niklas Zethraeus - 161-162 Introduction to the special issue on competition and antitrust policy in health care markets
by Deborah Haas‐Wilson & Martin Gaynor - 163-166 Health economics research and antitrust enforcement
by Louis Silvia & Robert F. Leibenluft - 167-170 Emerging issues in the antitrust definition of healthcare markets
by David Dranove & William D. White - 171-174 HMO mergers and medicare: the antitrust issues
by Roger Feldman & Ruth S. Given - 175-178 Exclusive contracts between hospitals and physicians: the antitrust issues
by H.E. Frech, III & Kenneth L. Danger - 179-182 Physician networks and their implications for competition in health care markets
by Deborah Haas‐Wilson & Martin Gaynor - 183-183 An introduction to Health Economics for Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union by S. Witter and T. Ensor
by Anne Mills
February 1998, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-7 Editorial: Some reflections on cost‐effectiveness analysis
by Magnus Johannesson & David Meltzer - 9-20 Colorectal cancer screening: efficiency and effectiveness
by Dorte Gyrd‐Hansen & Jes Søggard & Ole Kronborg