2024, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-22 The New Normal? The European Union’s Temporary Frameworks for State Aid
by Kociubiński Jakub - 23-38 Implementation of EU Acts in the Czech Parliament: A Slow and Laborious Quest with an Uncertain Outcome
by Říha Michal - 23-38 Implementation of EU Acts in the Czech Parliament: A Slow and Laborious Quest with an Uncertain Outcome
by Říha Michal - 39-51 Gold-plating of EU Law in the Czech Republic Revisited
by Král Richard - 52-68 Pitfalls in Implementing the EU Whistleblower Directive
by Scheu Harald Christian - 69-94 Why Do So Few Preliminary Questions Come From Czechia?
by Kunertová Tereza - 95-122 The Development of Interim Measures Procedure in Cases Against Poland Before CJEU
by Cieśliński Aleksander - 123-140 Individual right to clean air including compensation for health damage – comment on JP v Ministre de la Transition écologique, C-61/21
by Bazylinska-Nagler Justyna - 141-156 Legal Trust and Social Development: Chosen Aspects of the Relationship
by Duszka-Jakimko Hanna Beata - 157-180 Selected issues regarding children’s rights in the war on terror with a particular focus on Syria
by Matusiak-Frącczak Magdalena
2023, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 1-18 Sharing Energy as Part of the Sharing Economy? New Developments in the EU Energy Transition: Legal Analysis
by Szyrski Mariusz - 19-28 The Implementation of EU Legislation on Energy Communities into Polish Law
by Lissoń Piotr - 29-42 The Possibility of Renewable Energy Development Through Prosumer Energy
by Przybylska Monika - 43-59 The Interests of Local Communities in the Transboundary Dimension: Considerations on the Dispute Regarding the Turów Lignite Mine
by Kusiak-Winter Renata - 60-81 The Impact of the Employee’s Personal Characteristics on the Abuse of Sickness Absence: Empirical Evidence From Poland
by Jurek Łukasz - 82-108 Polish Legislation and Health Policy against the Background of Achievement of the Assumptions and Objectives of the Measles Eradication Programme in the European Region
by Kubiak Rafał & Czechowicz Sebastian
2023, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-25 Rights of Nature? Shifting Patterns in Environmental Constitutionalism
by Jędrzejowska-Schiffauer Izabela & Schiffauer Peter - 26-43 The Progressive Recognition of the Fundamental Right to a Healthy Environment and the Role of the Courts in Ensuring Its Protection
by Spadaro Nadia Sima - 44-55 Sustainability and Constitutions: Constitutional Law and the Dilemma of the Future
by Groppi Tania - 56-78 The Possible Impact of Urgenda and the Klimabeschluss on Climate Litigation on the Example of the Petition Pending Before the Hungarian Constitutional Court
by Láncos Petra Lea - 79-97 Public Administration Functions in the Developing Hydrogen Market
by Pinkas Aleksandra - 98-109 The European Hydrogen Bank as an Element of Support for the EU Hydrogen Strategy
by Spasowska Hanna Małgorzata - 110-120 Decarbonisation of Road Transport as a Key Element for Achieving Climate Neutrality
by Mielczarek-Mikołajów Justyna - 121-130 Development of Electromobility in Poland as a Way to Reduce the Negative Impact of Land Transport on the Climate
by Kozłowska Małgorzata - 131-140 Change in the Jurisprudential Line Concerning the Location of Photovoltaic Installations on the Basis of Decisions on Development Conditions and Change in the Rules of Locating Photovoltaic Installations on the Basis of Local Plans
by Kruś Maciej - 141-153 Protection Against Energy Exclusion as a Social Welfare Task
by Cendrowicz Dominika - 154-179 The Energy Poverty in Poland and Polish Communes
by Puczko Aleksandra
2022, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-11 Effects of pandemic legislation on Insolvency Law in the Slovak Republic
by Maliar Martin - 12-28 Hungarian civil procedure law’s response to the Covid challenge
by Osztovits Andras - 29-52 The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Civil Proceedings in Poland
by Gołaczyński Jacek & Brylak Kamila - 53-71 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Civil Proceedings in Austria
by Nunner-Krautgasser Bettina & Königshofer Stefan - 72-99 The EU Accession to the Istanbul Convention: The Argument From the ‘common Accord’ Practice
by Kubacka Karolina Kaja - 100-121 Provisional Adoption of Draft Article 7 of the International Law Commission Articles on Immunity for Foreign Officials and Its Implications
by Pereira Fontoura Lucas Da Costa
December 2022, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-20 When Science Races: the Standard of Care and Medical Negligence in the Times of Covid-19
by Šolc Martin - 21-29 Medical Liability for Allocation of Scarce Healthcare Resources in the COVID-19 Pandemic: the Italian scenario
by Foglia Massimo - 30-53 What impacts the value of revenues from taxation of income of corporations? Evidence from European Union Member States
by Karpowicz Andrzej - 54-76 Selected Economic and Social Aspects Resulting from Online Education at the Higher Level
by Bartkowiak Anna & Marciniuk Agnieszka - 77-90 Criminal Liability for Forgery of Print in Polish Legislation
by Rybak-Karkosz Olivia
December 2021, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-30 Comments on Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the Protection of Persons Who Report Breaches of Union Law
by Clarindo dos Santos Jorgete Vitorino & Nemer Tania - 31-47 Practical Methods of Implementation for the Indispensable Mechanism of GDPR Compliance
by Bańka Michał & Soczyński Tomasz & Wasiak Dariusz - 48-68 Legal Mechanisms for Adapting Contracts to Changing Economic Conditions in Professional Dealings
by Szarszoń Karolina - 69-91 Kosovo Specialist Chambers As A New Hybrid Court In The International Judicary
by Stefańska Sonia - 92-100 Surveillance, Whistleblowing or Ignorance of the GDPR?
by Wasiak Dariusz & Narolski Jerzy & Soczyński Tomasz
December 2021, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-19 Internal Rate of Return on Investment in Higher Education in Europe
by Jablonowski Janusz - 20-46 The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on financing the purchase of residential real estate through a mortgage in Poland
by Sadowa Agnieszka - 47-62 The Importance of Trust at the Level of Public International Law: A Contribution to Theoretical Considerations
by Duszka-Jakimko Hanna - 63-88 The concept of institutionalised disintegration: towards a recognition of the EU institutions anew
by Żukowski Alan - 89-102 Impact of PSD2 on The Payment Services Market – General Objectives and Evidence from Polish and UK Legal Systems
by Sadowski Krystian
December 2020, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-16 Legal and Economic Aspects of Debt Securitisation with Involvement of Special Purpose Corporation
by Szydło Wojciech - 17-35 Machina Ex Machina Artificially Intelligent Systems as Inventors under Polish Legal Framework
by Bar Aleksandra - 36-47 Nature of Charge for Breach of Budgetary Discipline from Czech Perspective
by Sejkora Tomáš - 48-60 Features of the labour market in the context of European diversity
by Adam Chlebisz & Mateusz Mierzejewski - 61-71 Selected Sanctions in Polish Social Assistance Law
by Żołnierczyk Ewa - 72-92 Migration Law of the Commonwealth of Independent States
by Beliakova Katsiaryna - 93-111 Foreigners’ Rights in The Age of Pandemics – Migration Aspects
by Princ Marcin
December 2019, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-8 Smart Administration– Really? Why Not? Introduction
by Korczak Jerzy - 9-23 Smart Practices in Public Administration to End Homelessness: the Example of Scandinavian Countries
by Cendrowicz Dominika - 24-39 Smart City: From Concept To Implementation
by Chrisidu-Budnik Agnieszka & Przedańska Justyna - 40-52 Dimensions of Smart Administration
by Giełda Małgorzata - 53-70 Smart Integration
by Korczak Jerzy - 71-81 Frame Agreement For Cross-Border Cooperation Between Local Authorities
by Kusiak-Winter Renata - 82-93 Computerization of the Fiscal Administration as One of the Conditions of Smart Administration in Poland
by Pilarz Karina - 94-107 School and Education as a Part of Public Administration in the Perspective of a Smart Organisation – Selected Attributes
by Raszewska-Skałecka Renata - 108-126 How ‘smart’ is Public Administration in the Eyes of European Students? - Examining Behaviour Models in the Public Administration
by Stasz Marcin - 127-131 Summary Report on the Fourth Wroclaw Conference on Competitiveness and Sustainability: “Global Challenges, Innovative Approaches, and Civic Action”
by Bloemers Daniel W. & Jakubowski Sebastian
December 2019, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-25 The Role of Consumers’ Behaviour in Applying Green Marketing: An Economic Analysis of the Non-alcoholic Beverages Industry in Kosova
by Podvorica Ganimete & Ukaj Fatos - 26-45 An Analysis of Field Preferences of an Educational System
by Ćwiąkała-Małys Anna & Mościbrodzka Monika - 46-57 The Essentials of Georgia's Economic Transformation
by Iashvili Tsotne - 58-74 The Linkage Between Labour Standards and International Trade: How to Offset the Global Inequality?
by Tyc Aneta - 75-85 How To Deal With Unjust Laws: Justifiability Of Civil Disobedience
by Alakbarova Fatma - 86-101 Can the Internet Forget? – Rhe Eight to be Forgotten in the EU Law and its Actual Impact on the Internet. Comparison of the Approaches Towards the Notion and Assessment of its Effectiveness
by Gebuza Aleksandra - 102-109 The review by Nina N. Baranowska
by Baranowska Nina N.
December 2018, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-2 Introduction
by Krzan Bartłomiej - 3-7 Karol Wolfke (1915-2015)
by Kolasa Jan - 8-9 Professor Karol Wolfke - Homo Universitatis -
by Kornobis-Romanowska Dagmara - 10-11 Professor Karol Wolfke as an Academic Mentor
by Cieśliński Aleksander - 12-35 The Theoretical Problem of Sources of International Law
by Saganek Przemysław - 36-46 The Law-Making Function of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
by Uerpmann-Wittzack Robert - 47-58 Identification of Customary International Law in the Works of the United Nations International Law Commission
by Grabowska Genowefa - 59-71 Unilateral Acts of a State in the Process of Forming Customary International Law
by Kolasa Jan - 72-84 Certain Remarks on the Element of Will in Customary International Law: A Short Comment
by Kałduński Marcin - 85-96 Taking the Two-Elements Theory of International Customary Law Seriously – Problems with Double Counting
by Stępień Michał - 97-111 Customary International Law on the Use of Force
by Czapliński Władysław - 112-126 Some Remarks on the Relationship between the Jus ad Bellum Regulations under the UN Charter and Customary International Law – Why Does It Matter so Much?
by Kowalski Michał - 127-171 Custom in the Present International Law of the Sea
by Mik Cezary - 172-187 Preserving the Effectiveness of UNCLOS despite a Party’s Non-Appearance? Some Remarks on the Arctic Sunrise Arbitration (Netherlands V. Russia) in the Context of Human Rights Protection
by Balcerzak Michał - 188-203 Custom in International Economic Law
by Menkes Jerzy - 204-217 Some Reflections on Custom in International Economic Law
by Ziemblicki Bartosz - 218-232 Some Remarks on State Immunity and Professor Wolfke’s Concept of International Customary Law
by Wyrozumska Anna - 233-243 Taking Decisions on Customary International Law by the International Court of Justice in the Case Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy; Greece intervening), 2012
by Geiger Rudolf - 244-248 The Position of Customary International Law in the Polish Legal System in the Light of Article 9 of the Constitution of 1997
by Wójtowicz Krzysztof - 249-257 Responsibility in International Law: General Principle or Institution of Customary Law?
by Czaplińska Anna - 258-286 International Custom and the Experience of Nuremberg
by Basak Adam - 287-300 International Customary Law in the Jurisprudence of the ICTY and the ICTR
by Konderla Joanna - 301-318 The Position of the Great Powers in International Judiciary
by Krzan Bartłomiej - 319-330 Siege Warfare in the 21st Century from the Perspective of International Humanitarian Law
by Mikos-Skuza Elżbieta - 331-345 To Kill or Not to Kill - the Use of Force against Legitimate Targets in Armed Conflicts
by Grzebyk Patrycja - 346-359 The Foundations of the Polish Study of Law on Sustainable Development in Environmental Protection and for Keeping International and Domestic Peace and Security (Thoughts on the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Professor Karol Wolfke)
by Równy Kazimierz - 360-371 The Legal Force and Effectiveness of the Aarhus Convention in the Polish Legal System
by Masternak-Kubiak Małgorzata - 372-394 Environmental Compliance Control
by Fitzmaurice Malgosia - 395-404 Developments in the International Protection of the River Rhine
by Mielnik Barbara - 405-428 Effects of International Customary Law in the Legal Order of the European Union
by Kornobis-Romanowska Dagmara - 429-446 The Phenomenon of Mixed Agreements – between Public International and European Union Law
by Cieśliński Aleksander - 447-462 External Dimension of the European Union Environmental Policy- Selected Legal Issues
by Kalicka-Mikołajczyk Adriana - 463-478 Sources of Extradition Law in the Legal System of the European Union
by Brodowski Lidia
June 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-26 The Territory Paradox: the Basis of Statehood and International Norms as an Obstacle to the Protection of International Community Interests
by Carrillo-Santarelli Nicolás - 27-43 Free-Movement Rights of Third Country Nationals in the EU Internal Market
by Bazylińska-Nagler Justyna - 44-55 An Awkward Situation: Kosovo, the EU and EU Member States
by Stępień Michał - 56-66 Cooperation between the European Union and European Mini-States – Possible Scenarios for Future Closer and Enhanced Integration with the European Union
by Kalicka-Mikołajczyk Adriana - 67-91 Anatomy of Scale. The Migration Crisis in Europe from the Perspective of Refugee Law and Human Rights Law
by Kapelańska-Pręgowska Julia - 92-102 A New Member State in the EU Internal Security System – The Polish Perspective
by Menkes Jerzy - 103-105 Summary Report on the Third Wroclaw Symposium on Competitiveness and Sustainability: “Perspectives on Innovation Policy, Energy Security, and Civic Society in Transition” (Wroclaw, 9 June 2018)
by Bloemers Daniel W. & Jakubowski Sebastian
December 2018, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-13 At the Crossroads of Law and Ideology: The Ideology of Law as a Reflection of Social Ontology?
by Platsas Antonios E. - 14-23 Applying the 20.1 Sub-Clause of the Fidic Conditions of Contract under Standards of Polish Civil Law
by Jaworski Bartłomiej - 24-39 The Appointment and Dismissal Procedure of the Polish NCA in the Light of EU and International Independence Standards
by Małobęcka-Szwast Iga - 40-57 How, if at All, should the Law of Trademarks Adapt to the Rise of Sensory Marketing?
by Wołangiewicz Michał - 58-65 The Authentication of Information in Egovernment in Administrative Law in Poland
by Błażewski Maciej - 66-82 The Right of Access to Environmental Information in the Light of the Case C-673/13 P of 23 November 2016 — European Commission V Stichting Greenpeace Nederland
by Bazylińska-Nagler Justyna - 83-85 Conference Report: 2nd Annual Conference of the Central and Eastern European Network of Legal Scholars (Ceenels): “An Uneasy Legacy: Remnants of Socialist Legal and Political Thinking in Central and Eastern Europe”, Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Law and Administration, 7-8 January 2017
by Zomerski Wojciech - 86-92 “There are Still Courts in Wrocław!” A Meeting with Professor Andrzej Rzepliński at the University of Wrocław Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics (Professor Dudek Salon, 26 May 2017)
by Pyclik Krzysztof
June 2017, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-4 Current Research Problems in Administrative Studies in Poland and Germany
by Kusiak-Winter Renata - 5-19 The Evolution of Comparative Administrative Law Studies
by Kusiak-Winter Renata - 20-29 The Area and Aspects of Polish and German Studies on Public Administration
by Tabernacka Magdalena - 30-40 Selected Issues Concerning Public Tasks of the Communes in Poland and Germany
by Zyzda Barbara - 41-49 Administrative Specialist Staff in Saxony – Topical Challenges at the Example of the Meissen University of Applied Administrative Sciences
by Nolden Frank - 50-61 Human Resources in Public Administration – Current Challenges and Expectations (The Polish-Lower Silesian Perspective)
by Korczak Jerzy - 62-70 General Rights and Obligations in the German Social Security Law
by Thum Matthias - 71-84 Social Rights and Obligations: The Relationship Between Citizens and the Administration of Social Law in Poland
by Cendrowicz Dominika - 85-96 Fiscal Equalization Systems for European States – Possibilities and Restrictions for the Arrangements in Germany and Poland
by Jaenchen Isabelle - 97-108 The System for Equalization of Local Selfgovernment Units Revenue in Poland
by Pest Przemysław - 109-125 Taxation of the Public Sector in Germany – An Introduction
by Lang Fritz - 126-131 Taxation of the Public Sector in Poland
by Huchla Andrzej - 132-144 Entrepreneurs’ Obligations to Disclosure, Recording, Billing, and the Safe-Keeping of Bills with Regard to Vat
by Frotscher Pierre - 145-153 Information Asymmetries in the Communication Between Bureaucracy and Citizens
by Lubk Claudia - 154-165 The Agency Theory Approach to the Public Procurement System
by Chrisidu-Budnik Agnieszka & Przedańska Justyna
December 2016, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-3 Editorial: Central European Legal Culture Between Transition and Continuity
by Mańko Rafał - 4-28 Carving Out Central Europe as a Space of Legal Culture: A Way Out of Peripherality?
by Mańko Rafał & Škop Martin & Štěpáníková Markéta - 29-44 The Continuity of the Constitutions: The Examples of the Baltic States and Georgia
by Pleps Jānis - 45-61 Victimhood of the Nation as a Legally Protected Value in Transitional States – Poland as a Case Study
by Gliszczyńska-Grabias Aleksandra & Śledzińska-Simon Anna - 62-93 The Polish Constitutional Court And Political "Refolution" After 1989: Between the Continuity and Discontinuity of the Constitutional Narrative
by Kustra-Rogatka Aleksandra - 94-107 The Polish Constitutional Court from an Attitudinal and Institutional Perspective Before and After the Constitutional Crisis of 2015–2016
by Kobyliński Konrad - 108-120 Towards a Typology of Dimensions of the Continuity and Discontinuity of Law: The Perspective of Polish Private Law after the 1989 Transformation
by Mańko Rafał - 121-138 Union Solidarity in Eastern and Central Europe from the Example of Poland
by Bomba Katarzyna - 139-150 The Right to Petition in the Republic of Poland – New Challenges and new Solutions
by Wójcicka Ewa - 151-162 The Transformation of Administrative Law Through Legal Transfers: The Case of Government Agencies in Post-1989 Poland
by Bieś-Srokosz Paulina - 163-183 Marketisation of Universities and Legal Education in Poland: The Balance 25 Years After the Transformation
by Srokosz Jacek - 184-186 Conference Report: 3rd International Workshop on Law and Ideology on the “Rule of Law and the Politics of Conflict”, Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, 23–24 May 2016
by Mańko Rafał
June 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-44 Investor Protection in Times of Crisis of Financial Institutions in Spain in Light of EU Regulations
by Kozłowska Maja - 45-64 On the Right of Public Law Entities to Lodge a Constitutional Complaint in the Light of the Jurisprudence of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal
by Kłopocka-Jasińska Marta & Krzywoń Adam - 65-77 Specific Nature of the Status of a European Union Official Compared to National Officials
by Jaworski Bartłomiej - 78-90 Ecological Connectivity Protection According to the European Union and Polish Law
by Sobieraj Kamila & Zacharczuk Piotr - 91-109 The Tragedy of the Holocaust in Lithuania: from the Roots of the Identity to the Efforts Towards Reconciliation
by Gruodytė Edita & Adomaitytė Aurelija - 110-126 ICC Court Decision on Reparation for Victims of the Post-Election Violence: No Reparation without Conviction Prosecutor v. William Samoei Ruto and Joshua Arap Sang, Decision on the Request Regarding Reparations, 1 July 2016
by Musiał-Budnicka Joanna - 127-130 Summary Report on First Wroclaw Economic Policy Symposium “Competitiveness in the Global Knowledge Economy: Business Innovation, Policy, Infrastructure and Societal Dialogue” (Wrocław, 4 June 2016)
by Bloemers Daniel W. & Jakubowski Sebastian - 131-135 Report on the Series of Law Conferences “Iskra at School. The Individual in Society”
by Kuriata Agnieszka
December 2015, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-17 The Normative Dimension of the Conception of the Individual Presented in Opinions of Judge Antonio Augusto Cançado Trindade of the ICJ – Fundamental Elements
by Kozłowski Artur - 18-39 Towards a New Comprehensive Partnership - Economic and Trade Relations between the Gulf Cooperation Council and the European Union
by Kalicka-Mikołajczyk Adriana - 40-51 Going Online - is the World Ready to Replace Litigation with Online Dispute Resolution Mechanisms?
by Ziemblicki Bartosz - 52-69 EU Proposals to Reform the Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement System – a Critical Analysis of Selected Issues Addressed in the Concept Paper “Investment in TTIP and Beyond – the Path for Reform”
by Garnuszek Anita & Orzeł Aleksandra - 70-80 When Anointing Becomes Annoying: Remarks on the Polish Supreme Court’s Judgment of 20 September 2013 (II CSK 1/13)
by Brzozowski Wojciech
June 2015, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-4 Law and Ideology: Critical Explorations
by Mańko Rafał & Stambulski Michał - 5-23 Law’s Symbolic Power: Beyond the Marxist Conception of Ideology
by Dębska Hanna - 24-47 ‘Reality is for Those who Cannot Sustain the Dream’: Fantasies of Selfhood in Legal Texts
by Mańko Rafał - 48-60 The Critique of Ideological Legal Reason
by Stambulski Michał - 61-78 Ideology, Nationalism and Law: Legal Tools for an Ideological Machinery in Latvia
by Šulmane Dace - 79-94 Justice and Objectivity as Balancing Principles
by Rodak Lidia & Żak Piotr - 95-103 “Preferred Reading” of Legal Texts
by Škop Martin - 104-118 Is Hamlet Scandinavian Crime Fiction?
by Klusoňová Markéta - 119-127 Ideology in Modern Times: Three Ideological Lies Behind Universal Human Rights
by Zomerski Wojciech - 128-140 The Ordinance of 1667: Ideology of Modern Codification as a Political Tool of Louis XIV
by Klimaszewska Anna - 141-161 Psychological, Social, Cultural, Literary and Legal Dimensions of Memory
by Sadowski Mirosław Michał - 162-179 The Role of the Judiciary Within the Construction of Collective Memory. The Italian Transition
by Caroli Paolo
December 2014, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-12 Implementation of the Right to Privacy in the Lithuanian Law on Patients’ Rights
by Kutkauskienė Jelena - 13-25 Professional Rules for Attorneys as a Subject of Legal Education in Germany
by Kirchner Stefan - 26-40 Contemporary Strategic Innovations in the Indian Medical Industry – a Descriptive Approach to Problem
by Chrisidu-Budnik Agnieszka & Sus Aleksandra - 41-55 The Rate of Return to Investment in Educaton: A Case Study of Lithuania
by Potelienė Simona & Tamašauskienė Zita - 56-69 Online Behavioural Advertising and the Protection of Children’s Personal Data on the Internet
by Jaroszek Agata - 70-102 Mass Claims under ICSID
by Szczudlik Katarzyna Barbara - 103-108 Conference report: 1st International Conference of the Central European Network of Legal Scholars (CENELS) on “25 Years After the Transformation: Law and Legal Culture in Central and Eastern Europe. Between Continuity and Discontinuity”, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 16–17 April 2015
by Zomerski Wojciech - 109-115 Conference Report: 15th Conference of the International Association for Consumer Law (IACL), “Virtues and Consumer Law”, hosted by the Centre for the Study of European Contract Law (CSECL), University of Amsterdam, 29 June – 1 July 2015
by Mańko Rafał
June 2014, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-20 The Status of Equal Opportunities Ombudsman in the Republic of Lithuania: Selected Problematic Issues
by Žalėnienė Inga & Grigolovičienė Danguolė - 21-32 The Impact of Language on Building the Internal Market: The Consumer Transactions Perspective
by Filipowski Oskar - 33-45 The Polish Pension Reform of 2011
by Dybał Mariusz - 46-53 Making Changes in the Course of a European Project and Infringements of Community Law
by Szmyt Władysław - 54-60 The Meaning of ‘Environment’ in the German Legal Order
by Hoffmann Jan - 61-69 The Law’S Autonomy and a Practical Law-View. Preliminaries to Legal Discourse Analysis
by Pichlak Maciej - 70-81 Legal Status of the Honorary Consul
by Dela Mirosław - 82-86 Conference Report: International Conference "Child Facing Mediation" (Wrocław, 10 May 2013)
by Gholeh Magdalena Abu - 87-89 The Final Phaedra Conference - Enforcing Privacy: Lessons from Current Implementations and Perspectives for the Future (Cracow, 12 December 2014)
by Cendrowicz Dominika - 90-92 Conference Report: ‘Why Ttip? on its Rationale, Institutions and Substantive Consequences’ (Amsterdam, 17 February 2015)
by Mańko Rafał
2013, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-5 Introduction to the Special Issue Effective Governance as a New Formula for Public Accountability
by Śledzińska-Simon Anna & Jorna Frans - 6-20 The Right to Know: What, When and for How Long. Appraisal and Selection in the Information Age?
by Jeurgens Charles - 21-31 Enhancing Civic Activism Through the Re-Use of Public Information
by Jabłoński Mariusz - 32-45 Making Sense Behind the Lens: Closed Circuit Television and the Dutch Customs Office
by Arts Kees & Van Den Berg Steffie & Lodders Adinda & Wagenaar Pieter & De Wit Daniel - 46-54 Market-Based Mechanism in Public Service Delivery in Local Government in Poland – A Brief Overview
by Sześciło Dawid - 55-72 Urban Governance “Going Native”. European Experiences
by Jorna Frans - 73-75 Report on the Wrocław Seminar in Criminal Procedure "The Concept, Position and Significance of Truth in Criminal Procedure" (Wroclaw, 11 March 2013)
by Kremens Karolina - 76-78 Conference on the Developer Contract and Other Means of Purchasers’ Rights Protection (Wroclaw, 14 June 2013)
by Leśniak Marek - 79-83 International Conference ‘Public Finance and Financial Law in the Face of Challenges of the Financial Crisis’ (Wroclaw, 24-25 October 2013)
by Zawadzka Patrycja