2013, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 84-88 Conference Report: 1st International Workshop on Law and Ideology (Wroclaw, 29-30 May 2014)
by Mańko Rafał & Kauczor Wojciech & Zomerski Wojciech
June 2013, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-13 The Institutional Catholic Church in Poland on European Integration
by Machaj Łukasz & Białas-Zielińska Klaudyna - 14-27 Merger Clauses in Contracts Governed by Polish Law
by Strugała Radosław - 28-47 Regulatory Challenges of Airport Slot Allocation in the European Union
by Kociubiński Jakub - 48-58 EU Citizenship and EU Entities: New Perspectives for Citizens and Companies
by Guzewicz Agnieszka - 59-71 Economic Analysis of Legal Regulations Regarding Liability for Loss Resulting from a Dangerous Product
by Kuźmicka-Sulikowska Joanna - 72-89 The Normativity of The Principle of Mutual Trust Between EU Member States within the Emerging European Criminal Area
by Sulima Aleksandra - 90-103 Dynamic Economic Effects of EU Membership for Post Socialist Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
by Bilenko Yuriy - 104-118 Public Contracts by Negotiated Procedure in Cases of Urgency – A New Interpretation of the Legal Basis in Light of Experiences with Organization of the 2012 European Football Championships
by Horubski Krzysztof - 119-125 Effectiveness of EU Law and Policy on Vertical Restraints at Protecting Competition
by Raad Puya - 126-147 Forecasting Labour Productivity Growth in Norway for the Period 2012-2021 Using ARIMA Models
by Samavati Pirooz
December 2012, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-28 The theory of an ‘optimum currency area’
by Kundera Jarosław - 29-44 International trade measures as an alternative to sanctions serving human rights protection in external relations
by Ziemblicki Bartosz - 45-62 The exercise of religious freedom in educational institutions in the light of ecthr jurisprudence
by Valutytė Regina & Gailiūtė Dovilė - 63-79 Economic analysis of the principles of liability in tort in the backdrop of liability for compensation for damage occurring as a result of the activities of one entity to the goods of another entity
by Kuźmicka-Sulikowska Joanna - 80-94 The role of the polish financial supervision authority in the new european architecture of supervision over the financial market
by Fedorowicz Magdalena & Zalcewicz Anna - 95-110 The role of the financial supervision authority and the situation of the client on the financial services market with special emphasis on the banking services market
by Rutkowska–Tomaszewska Edyta - 111-128 Funded pensions - a remedy for an ageing society?
by Dybał Mariusz - 129-138 Determination of the relevant market as a criterion of assessment of concentration effects in the practice of antitrust authorities
by Kostecka-Jurczyk Daria - 139-146 Consumer protection in financial services – towards greater transparency with a key information document for packaged retail investment products
by Kozłowska Maja
June 2012, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-15 Selectivity criterion in state aid control
by Kociubiński Jakub - 16-27 The fight against unfair competition in Poland in the years 1918-1939
by Dolata Tomasz - 28-35 Development of the polak model
by Nowak Wioletta - 36-43 Internet trade and threat of the grey area
by Ćwiąkała-Małys Anna - 44-50 The end of ‘Berlusconism’?
by Cossiri Angela & Cosimo Giovanni Di - 51-60 Some reflections on the extraterritorial application of the european convention on human rights
by Budzianowska Dobrosława C. - 61-63 Report on the conference ‘develop, teach, reproduce – legal education models’
by Kopeć Emilia - 64-66 Second Wrocław-Kraków administrative law conference held
by Supernat Jerzy
December 2011, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-12 Direct taxation in the EU: the common corporate tax base as the next sub-step towards harmonization
by Herzig Norbert & Kuhr Johannes - 13-25 Is the United States supreme court an undemocratic institution? an outsider’s perspective
by Machaj Łukasz - 26-48 The protection of the accused in international criminal law according to the human rights law standard
by Kremens Karolina - 49-64 Services of general economic interest – towards a european concept of public services
by Kociubiński Jakub - 65-77 Selected principles of social welfare in the polish and german legal systems
by Sierpowska Iwona - 78-94 Schutz vor diskriminierungen in dem bereich der beschäftigung in dem polnischen und in dem deutschen recht im licht der europäischen richtlinien
by Nowakowska-Gancarz Justyna - 95-108 On cooperation of the universities of different countries with commercial enterprises and legal aspects of their joint innovative activities
by Anisimova Anna - 109-120 Legal aspects of the hydraulic fracturing method
by Duraj Marta - 121-129 Evolution of consumer protection law in the light of the proposal for a horizontal directive on consumer rights and rome i regulation
by Łuczak Anna - 130-131 Academic conference “is this the end of the theory of law?” September 21-24, 2011
by Schmidt Katarzyna - 132-132 Report from the XV historical-legal conference registered under no. 139/n conducted with the aid of funds for original research 2037/w/ihpp/10 and funds from the dean for part-time studies
by Przygodzki Jacek - 133-136 The scientific conference ‘the eminent lawyers of the university of Wroclaw’
by Szymaniec Piotr
June 2011, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-11 The implications of adopting the model of complete harmonization (a case study)
by Stefanicki Robert - 12-21 Relevant market in commercial aviation of the european union
by Kociubiński Jakub - 22-37 Globalisation and its impact on civil society: philosophical, legal and sociological aspects
by Duszka-Jakimko Hanna - 38-50 Symbolic communication as speech in united states supreme court jurisprudence
by Machaj Łukasz - 51-66 Some thoughts on the axiology and constitutionalization of the world trade organization
by Ziemblicki Bartosz - 67-76 Current rules of the deposit guarantee system in Poland
by Zawadzka Patrycja - 77-92 Polish credit institutions within the European Union: a cross-country survey
by Dybał Mariusz - 93-94 The competing jurisdictions of international courts and tribunals (Wrocław, 13-14 april 2011)
by Krzan Bartłomiej - 95-98 New research problems in the theory of public economic law – summary report from the conference (Wroclaw, 14-15 june 2010)
by Gola Jan & Więckowski Kamil